
newz2000mhall119: if you still need me, give another ping14:38
mhall119newz2000: another ping18:00
newz2000hey mhall11918:00
mhall119just a quick question18:00
mhall119ubuntu.com's header and footer use a static width, but the ubuntu-website template puts their backgrounds at 100%18:01
mhall119was there a reason for the difference?18:01
newz2000I guess they just wanted it to. :-/18:01
newz2000They felt it would be more versatile18:01
mhall119ok, who is "they"?18:01
newz2000(in this channel)18:02
mhall119do you know if it was a concious decision to deviate from the main website, or just a difference that nobody noticed or cared to fix?18:02
newz2000yes, I believe it was a conscious decision18:05
newz2000There was a fare amount of discussion on it18:06
mhall119ok, then I won't change it back ;)20:21
mhall119daker: ^^^ read above20:21
dakerwhat about the .15 release ?20:22
mhall119daker: it's waiting on the sysadmins to deploy20:31
dakeroh cool20:31
mhall119the width changes weren't implemented in either loco-directory or light-django-theme, so I'll just discard them20:31
dakeri am working on a new version :D20:32
mhall119of what?20:32
dakermhall119, TOP SECRET20:36
mhall119oooh, I can't wait21:58
dakernewz2000, ping22:03
dakercan we get u.c internalized ?22:04
newz2000daker: not high on the priority list22:04
newz2000daker: why do you ask?22:04
dakernewz2000, just a question22:05
newz2000it's a lot of work.22:06
dakerwhat do you mean by a lot of work ?22:06
dakerlot of work in internalization or localization ?22:07
newz2000the l10n is the part that takes a lot of work22:07
newz2000drupal will do the i18n22:07
dakerah oki22:07

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