
Pendulummaco: ping14:43
Pendulumpleia2: ping14:45
macoPendulum: pong15:12
Pendulumcan I PM you?15:12
Pendulummaco: ^^15:12
macoPendulum: yep always15:13
* Pendulum giggles15:38
MarkDudeWell at least it was not a password being typed in. That is the worst when you see somebody do that15:41
czajkowskijono: aloha there15:43
jonohey czajkowski15:44
* nigelb laughs a bit about jono's oops :D16:49
rwwmaybe "#boycottnovell" /is/ his password16:52
jononot my pass :)16:53
* pleia2 was still asleeping17:25
Pendulumpleia2: I know, but I wanted to make sure you knew I was looking for you17:26
Pendulumcan I PM you?17:26
pleia2any time17:27
rwwnickserv info needs an optional PM policy field17:28
Pendulumrww: that would be awesome!17:31
Pendulummost people I know in non-ubuntu channels don't care if they get PMed (I don't care if people PM me without asking, for the record), but within Ubuntu it seems to be quite a mix17:31
macoPendulum: its different between friends ;-)17:32
Pendulummaco: even that can get complicated :-)17:32
rwwalthough now that I think of it, nickserv allows you to add arbitrary metadata fields, so people could just start using them ;)17:32
Pendulumbut I generally mean anyone can PM me. If they troll me in PM, I can ignore them and generally that means they go away17:33
nigelbrww: I like that idea.17:33
nigelbPendulum: Its about being polite I think.17:33
nigelbThere are people who's PM windows are always open on my irssi.  I don't ask.  I just PM them.17:33
rwwand yeah, I may be overthinking something that's more about politeness than policy17:33
Pendulumnigelb: like me :P17:33
nigelbPendulum: yep :)17:34
maconigelb: yep same here17:34
pleia2the problem in -women channels is that they are notorious for being trolled by people who PM lots of members and women silently leave without reporting it, which is sad17:35
macoi tend to go with permission being permanent-until-revoked17:35
Pendulumyeah, that's why I'm careful to ask people who generally hang out in -women channels17:35
nigelbmaco: yeah, you're window is one of the numbers I end up learning ;)17:35
macoso if youve had permission to PM me once a year ago...meh go ahead17:35
nigelbmaco: that's what I do, but depends on the person too.17:36
Pendulummaco: good to know :P17:36
macothough if its been that long, might want to remind me who you are!17:36
rwwmy only open pm windows are with bots right now :S17:36
maconigelb: i gathered that, given how often you PM me17:36
nigelbmaco: you're not so bad either :p17:37
Pendulumnigelb: let me guess the list of PM windows you know are for those who will be after you if you don't make it to UDS + maco + me17:37
rwwI should probably sort out UDS travel plans, huh17:38
nigelbPendulum: well, the list of people who'll be after me is perfect.17:38
nigelbyou and maco fall into that list I believe.17:38
maconigelb: i have made no threats of violence17:38
nigelbmaco: No threats.  But thats more fearful.17:39
MarkDudeI will hard time you also nigelb - possibly mocking something about you :D17:39
Pendulumnigelb: I won't be after you the way Mike & Chris are. Just give you a hard time :P17:39
* MarkDude is more than likely going, if the location is figured out17:39
nigelbPendulum: Yes, psycological kick.  Worst part, you don't even need to fly down here for that.17:39
* nigelb figures maco would do the same.17:39
rwwMarkDude: Orlando17:39
MarkDudescratch that, I am not going I guess17:40
nigelbwait, we're on the logged channel.17:40
MarkDudeMaybe could have if I had say, idk 6 months to plan17:40
PendulumI really hope I can go, but it'll depend on whether I get sponsorship and if not what my money situation is like17:40
MarkDudeWhat is the deal with waiting till the last momnet to announce?17:41
rwwwhat's the deal with sponsorship? did applications get decided already and I missed it, or are they upcoming?17:41
Pendulumrww: application isn't out yet17:41
macoMarkDude: hard to announce before you plan?17:41
rwwPendulum: oh, good17:41
pleia2rww: technically they haven't made "The Official Announcement" about UDS17:41
pleia2we don't know the venue or anything17:42
nigelbrww: we'll all be talking about it then.17:42
rwwpleia2: true17:42
* MarkDude knows of other projects that plan events *six months* in advance :(17:42
nigelbpleia2: well, I think we do.  But I'm not so sure if I was supposed to find out.17:42
nigelbMarkDude: thats going to happen.  According to jorge, they will now revisit old venues so they can plan better.17:42
PendulumMarkDude: because it's only been recently that they've started planning release cycles more than 6 months in advance so they haven't been able to really make plans of where more than 6 months in advance17:42
rwwMarkDude, pleia2: maybe we should just all drive there. LoCo roadtrip! If we don't hate each other by the end of it, it'd be a bonding exercise17:43
pleia2nigelb: well, *I* don't17:43
* MarkDude apologizes. 17:43
* MarkDude & flannel in a car. It would be a *buddy movie*17:43
PendulumMarkDude: don't. it's a common issue people have. I've complained about it. I only found out the reasoning during conversations at UDS-M17:43
MarkDudetotally awesome17:43
pleia2unfortunately I am helping plan an OLPC-SF event sat and sunday before, I can't swing getting to orlandy for monday17:43
pleia2orlando too17:44
* MarkDude finds it BS. Does not feel the need to vent here in UW tho :)17:44
nigelbMarkDude: think about people like me.17:44
nigelbWe need to get sponsorship and get visa too17:44
pleia2I don't know the reason either, but it makes it very difficult for me too17:45
rwwMarkDude: could put you, Flannel, and grantbow in the back of my van for 2,815 miles. You *might* get everything figured out given that much time.17:45
Pendulumit makes it difficult for everyone17:45
macoMarkDude: claire told me at UDS Barcelona that one reason is that its hard to find places capable of holding it, now that UDS is reguarly > 300 people17:45
MarkDudenigelb, I feel you17:45
macoit used to be 20 people17:45
MarkDuderww, we need some tequila & foam baseball bats also17:45
czajkowskialso to alternate it so folks dont always have to travel 20 +hrs is nice17:45
pleia2rww: hahaha17:46
czajkowskiso some times it's a long haul and others it's a 3-4 hr flight17:46
czajkowskiI can understand peoples frustration, but try adn see it from an organisers point, it's damn hard to fit over 300 people into one venue for a week and oragnise flights accomodation, meals trasport for it all17:47
nigelbI wish there was a UDS in Asia.17:47
MarkDuderww - dont forget that Chris & Courtney would travel also. They could join the chorus with pleia2 "cant we all just get along17:47
PendulumI think part of the idea with Robbie mapping out the release cycles not just for Maverick, but for the next few cycles after that is hopefully they'll know real dates earlier17:47
czajkowskiPendulum: aye17:47
nigelbAnywhere.  Dubai.  Singapore.  Muscat.  Malaysia.17:47
Pendulumbefore this release cycles have pretty much been mapped out one at a time and not early enough17:47
czajkowskinigelb: also cost may amount to more to fly in the people there, dont forget to take that into account17:47
* MarkDude ponders filing a *bug* on planning times17:48
Pendulumnigelb: yeah, people in Asia definitely get the short end of the stick with the travel bit17:48
nigelbczajkowski: how is that going to cost more?17:48
czajkowskinigelb: flying say 6 people from those areas to say EU or USA is one amount, flying 300 people there is another matter17:48
nigelbAt least the veneues are going to be cheaper.17:48
maconigelb: there was one in australia a few years ago...but that was back when it was 20 people17:48
nigelbmaco: also before it was called UDS17:48
nigelbIt was some Ubuntu Down Under17:48
czajkowskinigelb: I'm pricing flights atm to NZ, for next year over €300017:48
nigelbczajkowski: but NZ ain't Asia.17:48
nigelbNZ and Aus expensive I agree.17:49
macoczajkowski: 3000 euro?!17:49
czajkowskinigelb: I'm just giving you an example as for a flight to fly fro EU to that area17:49
nigelbMiddle East and/or Singapore or Malasia is different.17:49
czajkowskimaco: yes!17:49
macoflights from US to AU are $100017:49
macosame as US to UK17:49
czajkowskimaco: I should look at that combo as I can get a flight for USA for about €60017:49
nigelbczajkowski: The places I said arn't in *that* area.17:50
Pendulummaco: we're a lot closer to Australia than Ireland/UK are17:50
czajkowskinigelb: sigh this conversations happens every single 6 months wiht someone17:50
czajkowskiit will never suit everyone17:50
macowe need TARDISes17:50
Pendulumnigelb: I suspect it's concerns about *more* people needing visas and security concerns (I'm fairly certain the US has a "security warning" for just about anywhere in Asia)17:51
nigelbPendulum: haha17:51
PendulumI'm serious17:51
nigelbI thought Singapore was famous layover destination.17:52
Pendulumdifference between layover and final destination17:52
nigelbIts only a week layover :p17:52
Pendulumand Americans tend to want to stay away from Singapore because of the strict laws17:52
PendulumI don't think they're necessarily right with the warnings, but I'm fairly certain they exist17:52
nigelbAre you confusing Malaysia with Singapore?17:53
nigelbor am I :/17:53
* nigelb consults wiki17:53
Pendulumnigelb: no, two differenct statements about 2 different things17:53
Pendulumthe "right about warnings" one was follow-up on my mention of US security BS, and not necessarily applicable to singapore17:54
MarkDudeEither way nigelb I hope you can make it to UDS18:10
nigelbMarkDude: I hope I don't get kicked.18:14
rwwpeople can't actually kick you if you never go to UDS :318:14
rwwunless someone perfected Violence Over IP and didn't tell me18:14
nigelbrww: LOL18:15
nigelbDidn't know you had RSS feeds from the devs18:15
czajkowskithrottling over IP works wonders18:16
nigelbAlso, I think most employees who get paid tot take calls would agree that VIOP is expanded as violence over IP18:16
AlanBellnot sure that "violence ftw" is the ideal U-W policy18:19
czajkowskiAlanBell: I never said ftw :)18:20
AlanBellhugs ftw18:47
rww... oops, I forgot /say18:47
rww/ctcp AlanBell HUG18:47
Pendulumpleia2: you can haz interview :-)19:08
czajkowskiI haz itchy nose19:09
pleia2Pendulum: thank you!19:09
nigelbStorm coming!19:09
Pendulumpleia2: thank maco!19:09
pleia2thanks maco! :)19:09
PendulumI may have sleep soon19:09
* AlanBell ponders whether to remind Pendulum of something, or let her sleep19:11
* AlanBell decides sleep19:11
PendulumAlanBell: I know, I know. I'd just like a brain back first :P19:12
czajkowskibrains come in useful19:12
czajkowskihttp://twitgoo.com/1h4exg bed time reading tonight!19:13
Pendulumczajkowski: is that what you tweeted earlier?19:13
czajkowskiproblem is while I read it I start thinking about projects I'm working on and how I can tweek them, not a good idea when I need to sleep19:14

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