
Chipacamkarnicki: the couch is distributed, but each database is localized. If half the contacts are gone, they've been deleted02:26
Chipacaor, we have a bug :)02:26
mkarnickiChipaca: I see.02:26
mkarnickiI hope that guy didn't loose his contacts.02:27
Chipacayou and him both :)02:28
mkarnickihehe ;)02:35
satansamaelhätte da eine Frage08:24
satansamaelIch kann meine Kontakte aus Evolution nicht mit UbuntuOne synchronisieren08:24
satansamaelmit meinem IPhone hat es einwandfrei gefunzt08:24
satansamaelkann mir jemand helfen08:25
ymlI have added a copied a big folder (~30GB) into my "Ubuntu One" folder  and the synchronisation is slow or blocked. Is there a way to see what is going on ?09:34
ymlOn the applet and for the last day I have a message saying updating "5 of 13748 files ..."09:42
WalterNwhen I went to add an album ($7.77) to cart, and went to checkout... I'm stuck hanging with this message10:59
WalterNConnecting you to the Ubuntu One Music Store...10:59
mandelWalterN, has anyone get back to you about that?11:00
WalterNI did that not long ago11:01
mandelWalterN, the connecting issue11:01
mandelWalterN, ah, ok, lets ping the smart guy :P11:01
mandelrye, ping11:01
ryeWalterN, has checkout been completed?11:02
WalterNrye: no11:02
WalterNno creditcard info has been given11:02
WalterNfirst time to ever use it11:02
sakibur name?11:02
WalterNWalter? heh11:03
ryesakib, ?11:03
sakibu from11:03
ryesakib, this is the support channel for Ubuntu One, are you trying to notify us about some kind of service issue/outage ?11:04
sakibi just trying it for first time11:04
WalterNrye: do I need to set up the creditcard stuff later? never used this before, not sure how its supposed to behave11:05
ryeWalterN, just a moment, checking...11:05
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WalterNrye: what are you checking?11:13
WalterNI need to go to bed :/11:13
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ryeWalterN, it looks like the page is not properly reloaded, could you please restart rhythmbox and try accessing the store again?11:13
WalterNreadding Salvatore Accardo to checkout11:15
WalterNclicking checkout11:15
WalterNah, now it wants creditcard11:15
WalterNwhats the switch number?11:18
WalterNissue number11:18
WalterNoh, thats the phone number?11:18
WalterNrye ^^11:19
WalterN4 chars only11:20
WalterNlast 4 of creditcard?11:20
WalterNleft it blank, and it seems happy11:21
ryeissue number is for "Switch/maestro" cards only11:21
mandelWalterN, the issue number is something used in switch, uk thing :P11:21
ryewell, they are no longer called "Switch", only "Maestro"11:21
WalterNoh, ok, not something I have to worry about then11:22
WalterNsome websites like the phone number on the back of the card, guess it helps things along... was a bit confused11:22
ymlThe FAQ mention that syncing a folder with a large number of files can be long11:34
ymldoes anyone have an idea of how long it should take to sync 14000 files ?11:34
ymlI have copied this folder yesterday and it seems that nothing is happening11:35
ryeyml, what ubuntu version are you running?11:38
ymlrye: this is happening on 9.1011:38
ryeyml, could you please check in the wen interface that the folders are being created?11:39
ymlrye: how can I do this ?11:40
ryeyml, *web interface - https://one.ubuntu.com/files/11:40
ymlrye: 16h5min ago11:41
ymlthe this is the when the root folder have been created11:41
ymlI can also this the directory structure11:42
ymlbut so far I can't see any file11:42
ryeyml, at first all folders are created and only after thw shole structure is recreated the files will start uploading11:43
ymlso it is normal that uploading 30 GB take several days ?11:44
ryeyml, the bottleneck currently is in the number of files, not their file size.11:47
WalterNrye: does Ubuntu make any money from the music transactions?12:15
WalterNor, conical rather12:15
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aquariusWalterN, yes, we do12:29
WalterNaquarius: is there a percentage that is skimmed off?12:30
aquariusI don't know the details myself, but it's along those lines.12:31
WalterNwell, I will probably be buying more classical music from Ubuntu one store, nice service, and classical tends to be cheap :)12:33
duanedesignmorning all12:35
mkarnickimorning duanedesign !12:35
WalterNI would like to add that searching for classical only stuff sucks...12:55
ryesatansamael, hi!13:12
satansamaelcool einer hat geantwortet13:13
satansamaelich hätte da eine Frage13:13
satansamaelhabe bereits in den o.g. faq geschaut aber keine antwort gefunden13:14
satansamaelund zwar13:14
satansamaelich versuche mein evolution mit ubuntu one zu synchroniesieren13:14
satansamaelich habe den eindruck dass es nicht funzt13:15
satansamaelmit meinem IPhone hat es super gefunzt13:15
satansamaelkann mir da jemand helfen13:15
satansamaelich würde gerne die kontakte die mein iphone übertragen hat mit evolution abgleichen13:16
ryesatansamael, Übersetzt mit Google Translate. Synchronisation mit Evolution ist vorübergehend deaktiviert. - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status#Contacts13:16
satansamaeldas ging aber schnell13:17
satansamaelalso ich muss nur noch warten bis diese funktion aktiviert wird13:17
satansamaelnoch mal danke13:17
ryesatansamael, Die Synchronisation mit dem Handy funktioniert prima, und Kontakte werden auf dem Server gespeichert, aber sie sind nicht auf Ihre lokale Installation CouchDB repliziert.13:19
mkarnickirye: would use use google translate to provide support in chinese, too :D? (hahah, impressive!)13:23
* mkarnicki is really impressed how rye does his best :)13:23
ryemkarnicki, no, since i can't read chinese, i have some really basic knowledge of german, so at least i can notice when translation tells something completely different13:26
mkarnickirye: :) yea. I learned some german too, but I really liked that it you didn't mind helping out in german :)13:26
satansamaeldas ist richtig13:26
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helowill there ever be a web media player to let us play our media in-browser, or even in a frontend via streaming?14:16
beunohelo, it's on our roadmap, yes. Don't quite have dates for you yet, but will soon.14:18
helogood plan :)14:24
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blendmaster1024what is with ubuntu one? the web download interface is completely offline!19:41
mkarnickiblendmaster1024: I just downloaded a file from WebUI to verify that.19:47
mkarnickiblendmaster1024: I'm not sure what problem are you facing. Try reopening the browser, or clearing cache maybe?19:48
blendmaster1024it says "service temporarily unavailable"19:48
mkarnickiblendmaster1024: one.ubuntu.com ?19:48
mkarnickiblendmaster1024: I'm have no idea how this is possible. I just successfully reopened one.ubuntu.com19:49
blendmaster1024one.ubuntu.com works19:49
blendmaster1024files.one.ubuntu.com does not19:49
mkarnickiblendmaster1024: https://one.ubuntu.com/files/ works for me19:50
ryefiles.one.ubuntu.com = updown19:58
ryeblendmaster1024, confirming, updown service times out19:59
blendmaster1024does it?19:59
blendmaster1024it's been a few minutes since I tried19:59
blendmaster1024lemme try again19:59
blendmaster1024http://ubuntuone.com/p/CBC/ <<< this should be one of my published files20:00
blendmaster1024instead, it's giving me an apache error20:00
blendmaster1024#503 - service temporarily unavailable20:00
duanedesignwhat does updown do exactly?20:11
beunoduanedesign, serve files  :)20:11
ryeduanedesign, updown is in charge of file uploads and downloads for the web ui, it is not required for file syncing but public files are not available now (those that were not cached by the proxy)20:12
duanedesignbeuno: rye thank you.  had read about it in the past, just never knew what it was :)20:15
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blendmaster1024I thought you meant it was a site checker20:22
blendmaster1024I happen to be on a windows machine right now, so I can't just use the file syncing20:23
beunowe're working in getting it back up20:23
beunoshouldn't be long20:23
blendmaster1024any timeframe?20:23
beuno10-15, I hope not more than that20:24
beunoblendmaster1024, should be back up20:33
blendmaster1024yep, sweet. thanks!20:34
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dylanmann1Hey there.  Read through what I could on the wiki and checked the status but having problems connecting my machine to account.21:22
duanedesignhello dylanmann121:24
dylanmann1Hey there.  Just figured it out.21:25
duanedesigndylanmann1: so your ok?21:25
dylanmann1I'm good.  Thanks though.21:26
dylanmann1Have a good day.  Bye.21:26
duanedesignthat was an easy fix :)21:28
* ajmitch wishes all problems were that simple21:32
ryeok, i am EODing, after spending quite a lot of time trying to make IE happy about our updown files. If the branch is accepted IE users will be happier, bye!21:56
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