
ToStItOsDoes anybody know about cellular broadband00:31
ToStItOsDoes anyone know about usbmodeswitch01:19
ToStItOsI don't know how to configure01:22
highvoltageToStItOs: if you're on any recent version of xubuntu, you really shouldn't need it02:09
ToStItOsWell I have a Franklin U210 data usb modem and when I plug it in it doesn't recognize02:49
=== tuvok302Lappy is now known as tuvok302
danklesmanwhat is the default archive manager used in xubuntu?04:36
_chris_moin all :)08:19
danboidHow do I change default window manager that gdm auto-logs into under lucid? gdmsetup is broke and I've hadf no luck with .xsession or 'sudo update-alternatives --config x-window-manager'14:50
ablomendanboid, did you try /usr/share/xsessions/default.desktop ? (not sure there is one in lucid though..)14:54
danboidablomen, No- that folder exists under lucid but there is no default.desktop in there atm. Need to find out what it should contain now then..14:57
Sysirm -rf ~/.cache/sessions/*14:58
Sysiwindowmanager --replace and save session at logout14:58
danboidSysi, I've got a .cache but theres no sessions subfolder and I'm not sure fluxbox supports 'save session at logout'?15:00
Sysiidk about fluxbox i'm xfce user15:01
crazygirso I recently upgraded from 9.X --> 10.4, and graphic performance now sucks.. X is eating up one available core - 100%15:46
crazygirhow do you turn down the video requirements in xfce/xubuntu?15:46
Sysiwhat graphics card15:53
crazygirI haven't changed hardware.. I upgraded xubuntu16:02
crazygirit's a std onboard graphics16:02
crazygirchanging the theme did not help16:03
Sysilspci | grep VGA16:03
skit-lasseis there some nice software for xubuntu, which allows me to configure my gravis gamepad pro?16:03
skit-lassemy gamepad is not USB16:03
crazygir00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)16:09
Sysithey used not to work with 9.* ..interesting16:10
ablomenskit-lasse, maybe something in this thread might work? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33845716:11
crazygirworked fine16:12
crazygirnot so happy now16:12
crazygirSysi: do you have any thoughts/insight on how I should resolve this?16:16
crazygirit's difficult to get work done :P16:16
Sysido you have noacpi or something in boot options?16:19
crazygirwhere would I check.. I haven't changed anything..16:21
Sysi/boot/grub/menu.lst or /etc/default/grub.conf16:24
crazygirenable or disable it?16:29
crazygirSysi: ^16:33
Sysiwell you only can do either to change current situation16:38
crazygirSysi: nope.. I don't have acpi mentioned anywhere in /boot/grub16:55
crazygir(I haven't changed any of this..)16:55
Sysiso it should not be about those17:10
staar2why is it when i load some linux based game it crashes ? something wrong with graphic drivers ?17:49
Sysiwhat graphics card, what games17:50
=== xubuntu is now known as CS_GLaDOS
CS_GLaDOSI can't get Software Centre working17:52
CS_GLaDOSand the apt-get for flash doesn't work wither17:52
Sysiwhat version of ubuntu, any error messages?17:53
CS_GLaDOSxubuntu 10.04 installed today17:53
staar2Geforce 7950GT and using drivers 173.14.22 NVIDIA , i tried the Regnum online and Wurm online different types of games17:53
CS_GLaDOSI've a sceenshot of terminal17:53
staar2one uses java and other should be c++/c game compiled17:53
Sysiyou can just tru again and pastebin17:53
CS_GLaDOSme or staar2?17:54
Sysistaar2: start in terminal and see if it gives errors :p17:54
staar2ok ill try17:55
CS_GLaDOSjust uploading now17:55
Sysineed a basic knowledge about terminal though17:56
CS_GLaDOSbe right back, i have to get the phone17:56
staar2ok no errors to terminal just crashed and quit17:57
staar2last log write [09/08/2010 19:56:24] [Mesh::reset_renderable][mesh.cpp(1913)] Resetting renderable Pc syrtis humano mujer mago andnothing more17:58
CS_GLaDOSI am back18:01
CS_GLaDOSDo you know what the problem is?18:04
Sysiwell, no18:21
Sysiwhat does apt say?18:21
CS_GLaDOSoh i see18:21
CS_GLaDOSapt on its own18:22
CS_GLaDOSis currently not installed18:22
Sysilike 'sudo apt-get update'18:22
CS_GLaDOSoh, sorry18:23
crazygirSysi: any other thoughts?18:23
CS_GLaDOSIt's downloading various updates18:23
CS_GLaDOSit's just done18:24
Sysicrazygir: not very much.. ubuntu wiki has some stuff about 8-series intel working bad with 10.0418:24
crazygirk, I'll check it out.. thatnks18:25
SysiCS_GLaDOS: well, it should work then18:25
CS_GLaDOSsoftware-center spews the same error18:25
crazygirSysi: this is actually the 4 series18:25
CS_GLaDOSAm I better off reinstalling Xubuntu?18:26
SysiCS_GLaDOS: 'gksudo software-center'18:26
CS_GLaDOSI'll try it18:26
Sysiif that's name of it on cli18:26
Sysii don't have it installed18:27
CS_GLaDOSSAme error18:27
CS_GLaDOSit is software-center18:27
Sysidoes synaptic work?18:27
CS_GLaDOSI checked by using dir18:28
CS_GLaDOSI'll see18:28
CS_GLaDOSit appears to be18:28
CS_GLaDOSshould I just use that instead?18:29
Sysiapt-get --purge reinstall software-center18:29
CS_GLaDOSE: Invalid Operation reinstall18:30
Sysihow without '--'18:31
CS_GLaDOSe: could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: permission denied)18:32
CS_GLaDOSwill do18:32
CS_GLaDOSsame error18:33
CS_GLaDOSthe other error18:33
CS_GLaDOSthe first error changed to 11: res temp unavail18:33
CS_GLaDOS2d is: e: unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?18:34
Sysiyou can't use two packetmanagers at same time18:35
CS_GLaDOSits doign it18:35
CS_GLaDOSe: couldn't find package reinstall18:35
Sysijust don't use purge18:36
CS_GLaDOSE: invalid operation reinstall18:38
Sysisounds bad18:39
Sysihave you installed updates?18:39
CS_GLaDOSthrough apt-get?18:39
Sysiin any way18:39
CS_GLaDOSsudo apt-get install update18:40
CS_GLaDOSi did18:40
Sysiapt-get safe-upgrade18:40
CS_GLaDOSE: Invalid operation safe-upgrade18:41
Sysireinstall xubuntu18:41
CS_GLaDOSthought so, haha18:42
CS_GLaDOSit doesn't take too long18:42
Sysithat's totally borked18:42
CS_GLaDOSis that why I couldnt do sudo apt-get install flashplugin0nonfree18:43
CS_GLaDOSor install the restriced extras like MP3 support18:43
Sysivery propably18:43
CS_GLaDOSWell I'll give it a go and i;ll report back if it works or not18:44
Sysitry yet 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'18:44
CS_GLaDOSoh, right let me start the laptop again then18:44
CS_GLaDOScause i was restarting to reinstall18:44
Sysiyou can just reinstall18:44
Sysidoesn't actually matter for me18:45
Sysibut, wubi?18:45
Sysiwindows ubuntu installer, can cause weird problems18:46
CS_GLaDOSit was from CD18:46
CS_GLaDOSOh right18:46
CS_GLaDOSthanks for the help18:46
Sysicheck that cd, there's option in menu18:46
Sysiwhen you boot18:46
CS_GLaDOSWill do18:46
CS_GLaDOSinfactr I'll just reburn18:47
jimisrvroxhey guys im having a problem mounting my mp3 player and hoping that I do not have to format the drive...unfortunately gparted shows that there is currently no filesystem on there but there is music on there..and I tried to reset the permissions to allow any user to mount the drive but am still getting error that root can only mount the drive...19:44
Sysionly root can do mounting19:45
Sysibut it can be done so that normal user can write there19:46
jimisrvroxSysi: did su root and I still get the...19:47
jimisrvroxsudo mount gives me mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1 and dmesg gives me VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev sdb1.19:47
Sysiwhat fs should it be?19:47
Sysii guess fat3219:48
jimisrvroxI dont think upgrading to 10.04 would reset permissions...I think one day i was messing with the machine after reading about permissions stuff in a book and I figured out last night that I needed to go into the storage device thing and try to reset the permissions..19:48
jimisrvroxwell im guessing it could use NTFS so that if the kiddo wants to connect it to a Windows box for tagging that it wouldnt have any problems...but it already has music on it that I dont want to end up erasing due to formatting..19:49
Sysimount -t ntfs19:49
jimisrvroxhrm tried the mount -t command and it tells me the device doesnt have NTFS..19:53
Sysiit's broken or not ntfs19:53
jimisrvroxit ends up being fat3219:53
jimisrvroxI wished I could remember all these damn commands! Ive been reading a linux security book but I think its more of you have to do it over and over again and then it becomes second nature19:54
Sysican you mount it with thunar?19:54
jimisrvroxnope..that keeps giving me mount: wrong fs blah balh19:55
Sysithere's some way to mount it with root but as normal user so it becomes rw for both19:56
jimisrvroxSysi: I ended up mounting it..ran mount -t vfat and then ran mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt20:00
Sysiit work20:00
jimisrvroxSysi: I think what my problem is is that in fstab sdb1 was showing up as ext3 and its really vfat so I figure just go in and edit fstab to vfat instead of ext320:02
Sysiyour mp3-player shouldn't be in fstab20:03
Sysiadd # in front of that line20:04
jimisrvroxwell it is only because I told it to load on boot-up20:05
Sysihow you want20:05
jimisrvroxso all id have to do like you said is comment it out but wouldnt I also have to change the pref in storage device manager?20:05
Sysiyou can change type also in fstab20:06
jimisrvroxok Sysi it worked out good...so it was all because Linux wasnt seeing the device as ext3 when the device was formatted vfat..20:17
Sysiyou told linux it's ext3 in fstab20:18
jimisrvroxI mustive earlier...20:18
jimisrvroxSysi: what do you think of Win7? Do you still use Windows?20:21
Sysi"still :)"20:21
Sysinot really20:21
jimisrvroxheh its on the try not to basis eh20:21
Sysi(i did use win for long time)20:22
jimisrvroxhow long have you used Linux?20:24
CS_GLaDOSI've been using win7 since the beta days :D I tried Linux a long time ago - my hardware had no drivrs and it was a KDE distro and the buttons were massive.20:25
CS_GLaDOSas I've seen today it's much improved since then20:25
Sysifew years20:25
Sysimaybe three20:25
Sysii hated xp so much i've gone for anything20:26
Sysi7 is ok, i just don't have reason to something expensive/illegal and not-very-userfriendly20:26
CS_GLaDOSThe only reason I'm back into Linux is that my T20's fans don't spin under Windows20:28
CS_GLaDOSOkay, we're into Xubuntu, and hopefully it won't be b0rked this time20:30
jimisrvroxim alright with 7 but I love my Linux :)20:30
CS_GLaDOSI'm talking to you form 720:30
jimisrvroxurgh I hate this f'n phillips mp3 player!20:31
CS_GLaDOSUK Zune master race here20:31
jimisrvroxlets see...14 songs and only 4 show up on the damn player..wtf is up with that?!?20:32
jimisrvroxand then for tagging I havent been able to find a *nix program that will tag the songs correctly to display on the player but WMP will do just fine...I just HATE anything Windoze..20:32
Sysibroken filesystem? :)20:33
TheSheepjimisrvrox: ex falso works pretty well for me20:33
CS_GLaDOSAfter reinstalling20:33
CS_GLaDOSsame error20:33
CS_GLaDOSi'll have to re download the iso20:33
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:34
jimisrvroxCS_GLaDOS: ive had that before...20:34
jimisrvroxso i understand the pain :)20:34
TheSheepchecking md5 is faster than redownloading20:34
TheSheepalso, if you use torrent, it can download only the broken bits20:34
Sysitorrents don't corrupt easily20:34
CS_GLaDOSHmm, I HTTP'd it20:35
=== likemindead is now known as [mccracken]
jimisrvroxTheSheep: you think I could have all tracks showing up through ex falso? I cant understand why theyre not showing up already because I use grip to rip/encode and I had another album that ripped just fine to the player...but this one seems to be on the sh**tter20:36
TheSheepjimisrvrox: not sure, the problem may be with the filesystem not tags20:36
TheSheepjimisrvrox: or something else entirely20:37
TheSheepjimisrvrox: make sure there no non-ascii characters or spaces in the filenames20:37
jimisrvroxok so after tracks 1-4 ex falso picked those up but after that...nada20:41
jimisrvroxand thats on my linux box not on the player20:42
CS_GLaDOSWhat's the difference between alternate and desktop versions of xubuntu?20:44
jimisrvroxCS_GLaDOS: alternate is text-only install and usually offers more options...and desktop is gui-based20:45
CS_GLaDOSI see20:47
CS_GLaDOSI'll keep it on the desktop.20:47
CS_GLaDOSI little bit of light entertainment for nerds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QkyfGJgcwQ20:48
sabotSo I installed xubuntu on my toshiba nb205 netbook, and the boot time is VERY long20:49
sabotat least 5 minutes. It hangs at a blank screen with just the flashing _ character20:49
sabotIs there a fix for this?20:49
Sysimore/howto http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=764878420:53
CS_GLaDOSI just ran update21:07
CS_GLaDOSoh never mind21:07
CS_GLaDOSthe screensaver crashed21:07
jimisrvroxhey Sysi you gonna be around for a while?21:15
Sysipropably, but here are other people too21:16
jimisrvroxI gotta run an errand but I wanna talk to you some more when I get back...21:16
CS_GLaDOS#wow, my laptop has a light21:19
CS_GLaDOSSoftware Centre starts :D21:34
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
owen1is livecd works on macbookpro? i try and i see black screen22:01
CS_GLaDOSI doubt it would work on MBP22:09
Sysiit should22:09
Sysidepending on actual model22:09
CS_GLaDOSI couldnt get PPCLinux to work on my Mac Pro G422:09
CS_GLaDOSanyway OS X is good enough22:10
CS_GLaDOSanyway, why do you want to?22:10
CS_GLaDOSOS X is basically a shiny shell for BSD22:10
Sysiit's if-you-like-it gui for something that maybe has been basen partly on something that has been open source22:10
owen1i use it on my 5.1 version and want to help a friend with the same model22:11
CS_GLaDOSHave you tried another DVD22:13
CS_GLaDOScheck the MD5 of the ISO you downloaded22:13
owen1CS_GLaDOS: i tried a few CDS..  i'll try ubuntu instead of xubuntu22:14
owen1the issue is i see the menu. i choose the first option, and it's doing something, turn black and never give sign of life.22:16
owen1i can try to switch to different ttyl maybe22:16
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
jimisrvrox_Sysi: hey man you around?22:59
Sysigoing to bed soon23:00
jimisrvrox_oh damn ok...23:00
jimisrvrox_so did you have anybody that taught you how to use linux or did you just do a bunch of reading and make your own way?23:01
Sysii've just used it, read manuals and asked in irc23:02
Sysimy friend has explained some stuff maybe23:02
CS_GLaDOSas I said, after applying a load more updates, Software Center started working23:03
CS_GLaDOSthanks for the halp23:03
jimisrvrox_Sysi: well my thing is I started reading the Linux Security book and got through 12 chapters of stuff but I dont remember much of anything!23:15
jimisrvrox_so for me I think its more of a matter of doing things instead of just merely reading about them23:15
Sysimost of people learn best by doing23:15
bittinHello, anyone know if peppermint got an irc channel?23:37
knomebittin, is that some kind of candy?23:40
bittintheir website says its #PeppermintOS but thats empty :(23:40
bittinknome: nope some kinda new linux distro23:41
knomei'm sure that's the one, if it's empty...23:41
bittinthinking about installling that distro on my netbook23:45

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