
macoapachelogger: hehe00:18
macoplasma-netbook is crashing on my netbook for my user but not for a new user. grr. and my .kde/share/config/plasma-netbook* are stock so BOO00:19
macoby which i mean i deleted them this morning and they were regenerated00:20
* maco waits for dbg symbols to download at 12Kbps00:23
* Riddell starts the 4.5 uploading/copying00:41
* claydoh|werk thinks of way to pimp jo Muon to the world, but really should be werking........00:48
ScottKNice feedback on the web site.00:52
ScottKmaco: Was this an upgrade from Karmic?00:52
ScottKplasmoidviewer-appletsrc is a problem on karmic upgrades00:55
QuintasanRiddell: great, release is tomorr...today?00:56
Riddellsometime after the next sunrise00:57
Quintasanapachelogger: http://whatthecommit.com/01:00
macoScottK: yes it is01:03
macoScottK: ive had one working boot post-upgrade, but the last 2 have been crashy faily for plasma-netbook (desktop is fine) on my uer01:03
ScottKmaco: rm ~/.kde/share/config/plasm*01:08
ScottKThen restart your session.01:08
|dantti|rickspencer3: in what language the ubiquity installer is written in?02:01
|dantti|Riddell: ^^02:01
rickspencer3|dantti|, it's Python, I suppose02:02
Riddellhe's right, PyKDE02:02
Riddelltalking to d-i through some magic02:03
* maco likes PyKDE02:03
|dantti|I'd like to fix some stuff but I guess I should focus on kpk then...02:04
Riddellubiquity needs more than a fix currently, it needs large parts rewritten to match the new gnome frontend02:05
RiddellI'll probably have to start on it after the 4.5 release02:05
|dantti|If you port it to cpp I'll be glad to help out :P02:06
macoRiddell:  can i code well enough in python to help?02:08
Riddellmaco: only one way to find out02:09
macoim just not sure about time :(02:09
macoRiddell: when does it need to be done?02:09
Riddelltoot sweet02:10
macoRiddell: toot sweet? youve been watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?  what does that have to do with "when does it need to be done?"??02:50
Riddellit's French02:51
macoRiddell: je ne parles pas francais02:52
* maco waits for aurélien to come slap me for misspelling something in there02:52
ScottKRiddell: No new tarball for kde4libs?04:31
ScottKNCommander: In case you were wondering, kdebindings is still broken on armel with the revised tarballs: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53397178/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-armel.kdebindings_4:4.5.0b-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz04:32
ScottKmaco: Is there a DC area KDE 4.5 release party?04:34
macoScottK: not that anyone's told me about04:39
macoScottK: however novalug is having a linuxpicnic on saturday and it seems the dc loco and dc debian group are now aware of this fact so.... seems a good thing to tack on?04:39
ScottKOK.  Thanks.  I'll be busy on Saturday, so no opinion.04:40
ScottKThat and you can't be the KDE spokeperson unless your plasma quits crashing.04:41
macohaha i do have 3 laptops running kubuntu, ya know :P04:43
macothough one of them is promised to slackware soonish. when i figure out how to pxe boot wirelessly...04:43
maco(in practice i think this means crossover capable to another laptop because i dont have a router)04:44
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
* maco waits for dbg package to finish downloading (has been 5hr)04:52
macoweee finally submitting crash report05:34
Optimus55Hey i'm wondering if anyone can push me in the right direction. I'm a developer and I looking to improve graphic rendering in kubuntu to make it smoother. Should I be looking more into xorg and xserver or is plasma rendering what i should focus on instead? 07:14
LonghornGT_Can anybody tell me who is kde maintainer on kubuntu?08:13
macoLonghornGT_: there's no such thing08:13
macowe dont have maintainers08:13
maco10-15 people work as a team to package each release08:13
LonghornGT_OK, If I want to help u?08:14
macoi think 4.5 is packaged now, but if you know how to package the Kubuntu Ninjas could likely use help with the next kde release08:15
macowell with 4.5.1 and whatnot really08:15
macobut i dont think the europeans are up yet08:15
maco(i'm a past-bedtime american)08:16
LonghornGT_OK, how to get 4.5 FINAL in lucid?08:16
macofrom a PPA08:16
macoat the moment its there08:16
macoit should be kubuntu-ppa/backports soon i think08:16
macodo you know about ubuntu's stable release update policy?08:17
maco!sru | LonghornGT_, this is why 4.5 wont be in the main repo for lucid08:17
ubottuLonghornGT_, this is why 4.5 wont be in the main repo for lucid: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates08:17
LonghornGT_u know guys I have an issue with ubiquity kde installer08:19
LonghornGT_it's slow AS HELL08:19
LonghornGT_Even on fast, really fast machines!08:20
macoits python?08:21
macobut it needs a redo in 10.10 to match the new one in ubuntu. Riddell said he's going to look at it, and umm well we'll see if my PyKDE skills are up to helping him08:21
LonghornGT_I have some concepts forinstaller08:22
LonghornGT_for installer08:22
macoa bit late for 10.10, but if you can make mockups or write it up detailed-like for discussion regarding 11.04...?08:25
\shthe installer is just still a frontend to the backend written by cjwatson, right?08:25
maco\sh: yes08:25
maco\sh: but the gui is being overhauled to match ubuntu's ubiquity gui08:26
maco\sh: good morning :)08:26
\shmaco: good morning to you too :) 08:26
maco\sh: its actually very late at night here ;-)08:26
LonghornGT_Wait I'll find it in my archive08:27
valoriemaco, don't you have work in the morning?08:27
macovalorie: yes08:27
macovalorie: im going to be tired again *sigh*08:27
\shmaco: company just starting to roll here..I came 2 hours earlier :(08:27
valoriego to bed!08:27
valoriesleep, perchance to dream08:27
LonghornGT_Here is the archive: http://www.filesovermiles.com/9092807baf4448d48d7f3391f06593cf08:28
LonghornGT_Have a look08:28
LonghornGT_Oh noes08:30
LonghornGT_Man who is seeding it is onoffline08:30
\sh.oO(I wonder if the installer will be faster, when its written in c++ with python embed calls under the hood to take advantage of the backend) 08:30
Nightrosemaco: if you're doing a release party kinda thing please add it to the wiki page08:44
macoNightrose: officially, we're not... no kde party has been organised. theres a "hey its summer, linux geeks get together" linux picnic happening which i imagine may have a few kde users present....but i dont know08:45
Nightrosemaco: the same was done for other parties08:45
valorie2 or more KDEers get together and do cheers!08:45
Nightrosejust add it08:45
valorierah, rah, KDE!08:46
macook. in the morning, after i look up the details of the picnic08:46
valorietoo bad I don't have any KDE stickers for my lappy08:46
valoriethere is a Linuxchix meeting tomorrow.....err, this evening08:46
apacheloggergood morning kubuntu09:14
apacheloggermaco: now, unless apport retrace did weid things I do not understand the crash appears to be in qca/qssl/ssl/crypto/libc :O09:17
apacheloggerit happens in the socket shutdown09:18
apacheloggerthat is random :S09:18
apacheloggerRiddell: ping09:20
agateauRiddell: ping09:40
CIA-99[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100810085619-tmqsmvbkqzvhssoa * src/share/ (ShareDialog.cpp ShareDialog.h) ctor++09:58
CIA-99[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100810085516-zm1kblv9d8m3x9js * src/share/ (ContactSelector.cpp ContactSelector.h ShareDialog.cpp) * documentation++ * function naming fix (getAddresses() -> addresses())09:58
CIA-99[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100810090716-rb7aigv6s8pkyke1 * src/share/ShareDialog.h documentation++10:07
Riddellagateau: pong10:11
Riddellapachelogger: pong10:11
apacheloggerRiddell: I tried u1-kde in a fresh 10.10 vbox and it worked pretty well, except for the crash of ubuntu-sso-qt that maco got too10:12
Riddellapachelogger: and magically overnight my files got synced so it's working here too10:14
apacheloggerRiddell: I'll ask for alpha testing today then10:14
apacheloggeronce I fixed that ubuntu-sso crash10:14
agateauRiddell: what's the state of the soundmenu patch in Amarok?10:20
Riddellagateau: it was added but seems to have been accidently dropped10:23
Riddellmaybe it wasn't put into bzr so it didn't get inluded in the next puload10:23
agateauRiddell: ok, can you add it back?10:23
Riddellyes, will do10:23
ulyssesapachelogger: with ubuntuone-kde alpha, the translation will open too?10:24
agateauRiddell: great10:25
* Riddell starts copying over 4.5 to backports PPA10:34
jussiRiddell: awesome!10:40
* apachelogger is wondering why a signal emission causes a random crash long after the signal was emitted11:09
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
apacheloggerubuntu-sso-client is the broken \o/11:17
Riddellshurly shome mishtake11:18
apacheloggerthe packaging is sort of not working at all11:19
apacheloggerdoesnt create dist-packages stuff11:20
apacheloggerneither does it have all deps listed11:20
Riddellthat's not unusual for packages from them11:22
apacheloggerDepends: python (<< 2.7), python (>= 2.6), python-support (>= 0.90.0)                                                                                          11:23
apacheloggerlet me correct myself ... it does have no deps listed11:23
Riddellthat's not unusual for packages from them11:23
apacheloggerdoes update-apt-xapi have to eat that much RAM Oo11:38
apacheloggerRiddell: didn't we change back to konqueror?11:38
apacheloggermy install from yesterday still starts rekonq11:38
Riddellapachelogger: actually nobody made that change, and since rekonq has now stopped randomly crashing I have no desire for it11:42
apacheloggerah, ok11:42
apacheloggerRiddell, maco: I think that crash in ubuntu-sso-qt might have been caused by glib or something ... cannot reproduce it anymore after todays upgrades...11:55
apacheloggerthere it is11:58
apacheloggerapparently it only happens in combination with the syncdaemon :O11:58
Riddell** testers needed for 4.5.0 in lucid11:58
jussiRiddell: it isnt in the beta repo? 12:01
Riddelljussi: well no, it's not a beta12:05
Riddelljussi: are you able to test it?12:05
jussiRiddell: Im installing it now :D12:05
Riddelljussi: where from?12:05
apachelogger5 minutes into rekonq and crash :/12:06
jussiRiddell: has the full release not built/been copied over? 12:08
jussiGet:3 http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu/ lucid/main libqt4-dbg 4:4.7.0~beta2-0ubuntu3~lucid1~ppa412:08
markus____hi! i also try to update to 4.5.0 from 4.5rc2 (kubuntu beta repo). most packages are blocked.12:08
jussimarkus____: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports12:09
jussiRiddell: or is Qt still a beta?12:10
markus____jussi: yes, i try to use  ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports12:10
* jussi is all confuzzled12:10
markus____oh, qt seems not to be blocked. i try that first12:11
Riddelljussi: yes qt 4.7 is not yet released12:12
apacheloggernow I cannot reproduce the crash -.-12:12
apacheloggerthis is one silly issue right there12:12
Riddellmarkus____: what are you using to upgrade?12:12
markus____it says 266 packages blocked or so.12:13
markus____synaptic or apt-get tries to remove kde, koffice and so on12:13
sheytanhey guys12:14
sheytansame here12:14
Riddellmarkus____: can you pastebin the output of sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  ?12:14
sheytanblocked packages :D12:14
markus____Ridell: hmm, seemed that libqt4-webkit-dev blocks the qt update. i removed it. now, kpackagekit is updating qt412:16
sheytanRiddell take a look ;) http://pastebin.com/AG5yv7eC12:17
markus____Ridell: after that, i'll give you an update12:17
apacheloggerRiddell: the X stuff I was talking about yesterday: http://imgur.com/9m5UU http://imgur.com/0c0VO12:17
jussicripes, good thing you guys mentioned it... I didnt read properly :/ same here. 12:18
yoann21Riddel: with the aptitude output, it seems to be kdelibs which isn't uploaded12:19
Riddellapachelogger: yeah, known issue, KDM seems to timeout on the live CD12:19
apacheloggerRiddell: that is not the CD, but an install :S12:19
Riddellyoann21 may have cracked it12:20
sheytani upgraded to 4.5 on maveric12:22
sheytanand i have big stuff :D12:22
sheytanshot on the way12:22
shadeslayerRiddell: yep kdepim is still in ninja12:22
shadeslayeri still have to backport it to lucid... will do that tommorow 12:23
apacheloggerRiddell: so why is that dialog GTK?12:24
Riddellshadeslayer: ah, great12:25
Riddellapachelogger: because nobody has ported it to use kdialog :(12:25
shadeslayerand then one of these days ill actually get my head around that patch in kdepim and fix it12:25
apacheloggerRiddell: do you happen to know where that stuff is?12:26
shadeslayeranyone know http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001400985381 ??12:26
yofelapachelogger: failsave X is in x11-common12:26
Riddellapachelogger: /etc/gdm/failsafeXServer12:26
Riddellapachelogger: although I don't know if kdialog supports all the options used by zenity there12:26
apacheloggerwhat this world needs is less scripting :P12:27
markus____Riddell: seems there are some more packages missing, other than kdelibs. e.g. libplasma312:29
shadeslayerheh... i have half of kde waiting to be updated... :P12:34
shadeslayerand X as well12:34
shadeslayeronly good thing is that my download speed is 10x right now...12:35
Riddellmarkus____: still being published12:35
markus____Riddell: i'll wait. thanks a lot for your work.12:36
shadeslayerRiddell: btw the builders are chroots/pbuilders or VM's ?12:37
Riddellshadeslayer: what builders?12:37
shadeslayerLP buildd12:37
apacheloggerRiddell: how would you check for KDE in failsafe?12:37
Riddellapachelogger: I don't think you can reliable, you just check if kdialog is installed and use it if it is12:38
shadeslayerRiddell: btw kdenetwork isnt picking up libortp12:39
Riddellshadeslayer: you haven't committed any changes to kdenetwork12:40
shadeslayeryes i know, the changes are local12:40
shadeslayeri was testing it out in a cowbuilder and it didnt pick up libortp 12:40
* shadeslayer gives apachelogger kookie12:41
Riddellok kde4libs should be in the PPA now12:47
Riddellmarkus____: please try update and dist-upgrading12:47
markus____Ridell: I'm already on it! thanks12:47
jussiRiddell: ahh, so now its only: libqt4-webkit-dev that will be removed.12:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: should ubuntu one kde now work?12:51
Riddelljussi: that's fine to go12:51
jussiexcellent :)12:51
shadeslayerhmm.. stuck at connecting to cloud :(12:52
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^12:54
markus____Riddell: same for me as for nerdy_kid. smooth install, loggin out/in12:55
apacheloggershadeslayer: get some dbg output12:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: ubuntu-sso says nothing and look http://pastebin.com/XU3qDucw12:57
apacheloggeroh right12:58
apacheloggerubuntu-sso needs special compile switch to get qDebug working12:58
shadeslayerinstalling dbg symbols as well 13:00
ulyssesoh my god, 161 package to upgrade13:00
shadeslayerulysses: yeah :D13:00
shadeslayermost of kde* i believe..13:00
shadeslayeralso known as " Upstream messed up tarballs "13:00
ulyssesshadeslayer: yes, 4.5.0-0ubuntu1 to 4.5.0b-0ubuntu213:01
ulyssesis this the final KDE 4.5 release?13:01
shadeslayerRiddell: http://pastebin.com/kKLY35Q813:01
shadeslayerincase you missed it13:01
apacheloggerRiddell: kdialog can only be sized using X' -geometry which also requires placement relative to a screenedge -.-13:02
shadeslayerulysses: hold off on upgrading id say13:03
shadeslayerwe need new kdebase :(13:03
Riddellshadeslayer: I put that fix in last night13:04
shadeslayerah ok good to know.... i was looking at kdebase instead of runtime :S13:05
shadeslayerulysses: upgrades ftw :D13:05
markus____Riddell: upgrade successfully finished.13:09
shadeslayerany ideas why kdenetwork isnt picking up libortp13:11
Riddellshadeslayer: the version in bzr doesn't build-dep on libortp13:12
shadeslayeryes i know, but i made it build dep on my machine and now cmake output says it doesnt find libortp13:12
Riddellbuild-dep of what?13:14
shadeslayerhold on :P13:14
sheytanlooks like everytime there's  a problem with packages for kde build the first time :D13:15
sheytanstuff needs fixes :D13:15
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter
shadeslayerRiddell: http://pastebin.com/VQhRyizK13:15
shadeslayerline 2013:15
Riddellshould be fine13:16
shadeslayerit isnt :(13:16
Riddellif it's not being picked up maybe that's an issue with the new 3.3.2 version13:16
shadeslayerRiddell: http://pastebin.com/2QavMTjd13:16
markus____oh no, rekonq loses scrollbars when opening a new tab13:18
shadeslayerRiddell: err... libraries have extensions .a or .so ?13:19
markus____and hp-systray messes up the system tray ..13:19
shadeslayerbecause if its .a .... were in trouble13:19
Riddellshadeslayer: .a is static libraries, .so dynamic libraries13:20
shadeslayerstill doesnt explain why kdenetwork isnt picking up ortp13:22
shadeslayerRiddell: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53329691/linphone_3.3.2-2_amd64.build 13:23
ulyssesshadeslayer: Muon upgrades just now:D13:23
shadeslayerok.. if libktorrent is in main, why doesnt kdenetwork dep on it ? :13:27
sheytanapachelogger you're workin on muon, right? :)13:27
shadeslayersheytan: that would be jte13:28
sheytanhere's not here13:28
shadeslayerapachelogger is currently working on getting ubuntu-one kde to actually work on maverick13:28
sheytanwhen i remove kpk and install muon, will i have updates notifications etc?13:28
shadeslayertbh those notifications freak me out13:29
shadeslayerand they refuse to go away :(13:29
apacheloggersheytan: no13:30
ulyssesMuon doesn't use notifications this time13:30
sheytanthis sucks. bad tranlsation for kpk kcm breaks my systesettings layout13:30
ulyssesyesterday my Kickoff became english, now its hungarian again, wtf?13:31
shadeslayerulysses: cache issue?13:31
ulysseshowever it was better in English in some place…13:31
Riddell-- Found libortp: /usr/lib/libortp.so13:31
Riddellshadeslayer: works fine here13:32
shadeslayerill go nuts ...13:32
* jussi hugs bdrung13:32
bdrungjussi: why?13:32
bdrunghi, a kubuntu developer here having time for looking at one sponsor request?13:32
shadeslayerRiddell: thats with my control file ?13:32
Riddellshadeslayer: no with bzr one13:34
Riddellbdrung: what's needed?13:34
Riddellshadeslayer: weird, your pastebin includes "--   found ortp, version 0.16.3" but then it says it's not found further down13:34
bdrungRiddell: bug #61461013:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 614610 in konversation (Ubuntu) "Merge konversation 1.3.1-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61461013:34
bdrungsome kubuntu user should sponsor it (and not me)13:35
jussiI have a question, why is konversation still in main? we dont include it as default, do we?13:36
jussi(Im probably missing something obvious, but yeah)13:36
shadeslayerRiddell: what do you suggest? upload as such to ppa and see what happens? :P13:37
nigelbjussi: main is not what is in CD13:39
nigelbmain is what is supported by Canonical.13:39
nigelb(thats the answer I got when I asked for something else)13:39
Riddelljussi: it's on the dvd13:44
Riddellshadeslayer: purge and reinstall anything linphone related?13:44
* Trouble scrubs Riddell13:46
shadeslayerRiddell: err.. its a clean cowbuilder13:51
shadeslayernothing apart from standard packages :(13:52
Riddelllet me try in a pbuilder13:53
Riddellbut first, drum roll needed please...13:53
* shadeslayer gets out his vuvuzvela 13:54
* ulysses takes his friend's drum13:55
shadeslayerRiddell: ssup with the ruckus we are about to create? :P13:57
Riddellta da kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4513:58
shadeslayerawesome :D13:58
shadeslayerRiddell: apparently there are many people showing off ubuntu in malls and i dont know about it 0_o14:01
ulyssesnow I have to translate the announcements14:02
shadeslayerand the mall is like... 15 mins away :P14:03
Riddellshadeslayer: go and show them Kubuntu!14:05
shadeslayeri know! :P14:06
shadeslayerill keep track of this stuff from now on ... 14:06
apacheloggerRiddell: kdialog porting finished, now I just need to think about how to add kdm to the mix14:07
shadeslayerlulz Waiting for Riddell to finish his ritual shower so we can release !KDE ☛ SC 4.5.0 !TMI ☛14:08
apachelogger"The Linux Mint 9 KDE desktop contains the blue Isadora background, which helps differentiate from the blander looking Kubuntu that it is based on. "14:12
apacheloggerI am not sure at contributor to which project I should be more insulted now14:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: you just read my mind14:12
shadeslayerimho we should provide a better wallpaper14:12
shadeslayeror make kde ship a better one 14:13
shadeslayerpeople are not going to be happy with this http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=ODQ5MA14:14
apacheloggerwhat is wrong with the KDE wallpaper?14:14
apacheloggerdid you see what mint distributes?14:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: its pretty bad imo14:15
apacheloggerI could make a better one using a random gimp filter on some random 2 colored image14:15
shadeslayerhavent seen mint14:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://linuxmint.com/pictures/screenshots/isadora/kde/isadora.png14:16
shadeslayerwell.... not that good too... id rather have blue curls as my default wallpaper14:16
ulyssesshadeslayer: like the Emotion wallpaper in KDE?14:17
shadeslayerulysses: thats my second choice :p14:17
JontheEchidnawe actually had Emotion as default in 8.04 for a little bit14:17
JontheEchidnabut people complained14:17
shadeslayerulysses: http://imgur.com/8iwif14:19
shadeslayeri have both of them as my desktop wallpapers :P14:19
shadeslayerRiddell: err.. what changes did you make to get it to find ortp?14:21
shadeslayerand which bzr revision ?14:21
Riddellshadeslayer: nothing, I just installed libortp-dev locally14:21
shadeslayeroh i see14:22
apacheloggerrekonq crash #214:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: down from 20 :P14:23
apachelogger2 crashes in less than a day are 2 too many14:24
apacheloggerRiddell: kdm does not support defining Xorg config via argument :S14:32
apacheloggeroh dear, I have 3 GiB of mail ^^14:33
Riddellseems ryan has moved to Kubuntu for his KDE reviews http://arstechnica.com/open-source/reviews/2010/08/hands-on-kde-45-launches-with-tiling-new-notifications.ars14:46
\shapachelogger: kdm 4:4.5.0b-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1 <- 4.5.0b?14:48
shadeslayerok gtg.. bye people14:48
apachelogger\sh: new tarball14:48
\shapachelogger: so it's the right version of kde sc 4.5.0 from kubuntu backports ppa14:49
apachelogger\sh: should be, Riddell knows more 14:49
debfxapachelogger: do your rekonq crashes look like this: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=245078 ?14:49
ubottuKDE bug 245078 in general "rekonq crashes on several sites with javascript enabled" [Crash,Resolved: fixed]14:49
Riddell\sh: yes14:49
\shRiddell: thx :) well done :) just installing14:50
apacheloggerdebfx: haven't looked at them yet14:53
apacheloggerbko just died14:56
apacheloggeroh dear14:56
apacheloggerdebfx: no14:57
apacheloggerif I had to guess I would say both were caused by flash14:57
apacheloggerdefenitely not in javascript though14:59
* ScottK should have stayed up later last night and finished fixing kdegraphics while he had the chance.15:00
RiddellScottK: it's fixed n'est pas?15:08
ScottKRiddell: It is.  That's why I should have finished fixing it last night, so I'd have done it and not you.15:08
apacheloggerbash is scary15:18
ScottKRiddell: I'd really appreciate it if you would squeeze clamav and wesnoth backports (approved) for Karmic/Lucid onto your archive admin work list for today.15:18
RiddellScottK: numbers?15:21
ScottKBug #615411 for clamav15:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 615411 in lucid-backports "Please backport clamav_0.96.1+dfsg-3ubuntu5 to Lucid, Karmic, Jaunty, Hardy, and Dapper" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61541115:22
ScottKBug #600100 for wesnoth1.815:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 600100 in lucid-backports "Please backport wesnoth-1.8 (1:1.8.3-1/universe)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60010015:22
ScottKRiddell: ^^15:23
\shhmmm...why does kmail still needing gpg-agent for signing?15:27
Riddellwhy shouldn't it?15:29
=== |dantti| is now known as dantti_note
\shRiddell: because it's not started by default when kde session starts up15:31
\sheventually tweaking /etc/X11/Xsession.options 15:31
\shbut that would byte someone with GNOMEs seahorse afaik15:31
Riddellthis is why we need those kolabsys guys to actually turn up and check these things15:32
ScottK\sh: To the extent it's a problem for Seahorse, it's a Seahorse bug.15:34
\shScottK: yes...but somehow seahorse is started during gnome session start, and not via Xsession.{d,options}...only ssh agent is started during X11 session start...I wonder what would be a sane default for kde...starting gpg-agent during kde session startup or globally via Xsession.options15:38
apacheloggerright then15:38
apacheloggerrekonq also likes to lock up on me15:38
apacheloggerI am unable to work15:38
ScottK\sh: gpg-agent isn't at all KDE specific.  It would be odd for it to behave differently in KDE versus non-KDE sessions.15:40
ScottKThe fact that Gnome reinvented the wheel and doesn't use standard tools doesn't change that.15:40
apacheloggerhalp? http://paste.ubuntu.com/475968/15:42
\shScottK: there is no discussion about reinventing the wheel..fact is: gpg-agent is not started up during X11 or KDE session startup. User has to manually enable it somehow through "not really well" documented configs ... therefore, having gpg-agent starting while kde starts up or system wide (which bytes dual desktop users)15:42
ScottK\sh: It is started if Seahorse isn't installed.15:43
ScottKIIRC Seahorse mangles the gpg-agent config somehow to work around it's own brokenness.15:43
ScottKIt certainly starts on any system I've got.15:43
maconot anymore115:43
macoremember? i wrote a patch for seahorse so on first-run itd put the proper skeleton file in that says "use-agent" rather than a blank one15:44
ScottKI remember that.15:44
\shScottK: seahorse is installed, but it's not started...so kde starts without anything alike 15:44
ScottKRight, but if Seahorse isn't installed, does gpg-agent start?15:45
macothough if your ~/.gnupg/ is older than 2009, yeah, you still have a mangled (ie blank) one15:45
\shhmmm...you mean s/# use-agent/use-agent/ in gpg.conf will help?15:46
maco\sh: yep15:46
\shwhen my gpg.conf is older then < 200915:46
macoi dont have seahorse on this laptop but i do have my gpg.conf from my other laptops where i have "use-agent" in there, and kmail can decrypt emails fine15:47
\shmaco: well, but use-agent in gpg.conf doesn't tell anything to actually start the agent...15:47
ScottK\sh: You do need that though.15:47
\shand having gnome + kde on this box, I don't see seahorse when running kde, but I don't see gpg-agent, too15:48
macoseahorse ships an incompatible agent called seahorse-agent15:48
macoif you dont have use-agent, seahorse-agent will still try to start, and kdepim cant speak whatever language seahorse-agent does15:48
Quintasanteeesting upgrade15:48
maco(at least, thats how things seemed to work when i was debugging this in early 2009)15:48
\shmaco: give me a sec...I'll relogin :)15:49
Quintasanborks on kdebase-runtime15:49
Quintasanoh wait15:50
Quintasanbuilds are not finished yet?15:50
QuintasanRiddell: can't we get higher priority?15:51
RiddellI'd rather soyuz just fixed the issue where arch all packages cause hassle for unbuilt versions on !i38615:54
ScottKRiddell: Do you know who works on kopete?15:55
ScottKIt'd be nice to get Bug 614627 fixed.15:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 614627 in kdenetwork (Ubuntu) "Kopete configuration window unusable with Plasma Netbook/Air Netbook" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61462715:55
RiddellScottK: no, I've lost track of who the kopete upstream is, I suspect it's quite quiet as an upstream currently15:57
ScottKMaybe agateau could have a look at it for us?15:57
ScottKRiddell: Thanks for the backports.15:57
alleeFWIW: file confict in 4.4.5 -> 4.5 upgrade: libqt4-help could not be installed because: qt_help_cs.pm (?) was also in another pkg.  #$%@ konsole history is too short, can remember the other pkgs15:57
agateauScottK: what do you want me to look at?15:58
ScottKIf \sh returns, would someone tell him that gpg-agent should be started by /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90gpg-agent15:58
ScottKagateau: Bug 61462715:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 614627 in kdenetwork (Ubuntu) "Kopete configuration window unusable with Plasma Netbook/Air Netbook" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61462715:58
* apachelogger curses bash for being stupid regarding string escapes and starts hacking16:00
Quintasanapachelogger: you are not the only one :/16:02
\shmaco: works16:08
\shmaco: thx for the heads up :)16:09
shtylmanupgrade to 4.5 didn't go so well :)16:11
\shRiddell and all people who were working on 4.5.0 packages: well done people...it works like a charm :)16:12
agateauScottK: is it possible for you to reduce the size of the window, or is it already at the minimum possible size?16:14
Riddellbdrung: patch: **** malformed patch at line 1928: diff -Nru konversation-1.3.1/debian/rules konversation-1.3.1/debian/rules16:14
ScottKagateau: There's no way to minimize it.16:14
QuintasanScottK: isnt it possible to enforce size with KWin rules?16:15
ScottKQuintasan: Yes, but it appears kopete is not paying attention.16:16
ScottKThat may well be the actual bug.16:16
agateauScottK: that's weird because on my box it does not show this tall16:16
ScottKagateau: I maximized it to try to get more space, but it didn't work either way.16:17
QuintasanScottK: it is possible to enforce size16:17
Riddellbdrung: did it by hand, uploaded16:17
ScottKI need to run.16:18
agateauScottK: judging from the window title icon, it is not maximized16:18
Quintasanagateau: http://imagebin.ca/view/YNyLLPDT.html16:18
Quintasanenforcing wont help16:18
Quintasanthis is how it looks after enforce16:18
ScottKagateau: I need to go to a $WORK meeting, so maybe we can chat about it later.  I'm very interested in getting this fixed, but have to go.16:19
agateauScottK: ok16:19
shtylmandolphin: Depends: libsoprano4 (>= 2.5.0+dfsg.1) but 2.4.2+dfsg.1-0ubuntu1.1 is installed.16:19
shtylmanany one else run into this trying to install 4.5?16:19
shtylmanin lucid that is16:19
QuintasanRiddell: Do you know how can we add default rules for KWin?16:20
agateauQuintasan: that's a very small size, minimum size for a kde dialog is 800x60016:20
shtylmanfor some reason libsoprano4 wasn't being upgraded by default16:20
Quintasanagateau: well, after enforcing to a smaller size it works16:20
Quintasandunno why it is full-screened in ScottKs netbook16:20
RiddellQuintasan: default rules?16:20
QuintasanRiddell: like enforcing size of a window16:21
RiddellQuintasan: why would you want to?16:21
* agateau think we should get rid of the page title16:21
QuintasanRiddell: just curious, we do it in k-d-s, right?16:22
Riddellshtylman: have you added the backports PPA?16:22
RiddellQuintasan: no, we did for one release and it was a mistake16:22
Quintasanoh, okay16:22
ScottKmaco: http://obso1337.org/2010/kde-4-5-released/16:23
Riddellpirates!  why didn't I get to go to pirates?16:23
QuintasanRiddell: I think next release party should be @ Ninjaz16:24
shtylmanRiddell: yea16:25
Riddellshtylman: and what happens if you apt-get install libsoprano4 ?16:26
shtylmanI got that installed16:26
shtylmanand got further in the install16:26
shtylmannow I get: 16:26
shtylmanThe following packages have unmet dependencies:16:26
shtylman  kdebase-runtime: Depends: kdebase-runtime-data (>= 4:4.5.0b-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa2) but 4:4.5.0b-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1 is installed16:26
rbelemhey agateau 16:26
shtylmanwhich is ... strange...16:26
agateauhi rbelem16:27
rbelemagateau, do you think it is ok to have the ksambashareprivate as singleton?16:27
Riddellshtylman: kdebase-runtime-data is still compiling, you'll need to wait 30 minutes16:28
shtylmanto me they look like the same version...16:28
shtylmanRiddell: sadness16:28
shtylmanthen technically people can't upgrade right?16:28
agateaurbelem: my question would rather be, why do you need it to be a singleton?16:28
shtylmancause runtime data is an important component, no?16:28
Riddellshtylman: not on amd64 at the moment (it's a temporary thing caused by making a small fix, sigh)16:28
shtylmanprobly best to make a note on the site or something16:29
shtylmanlest users try16:29
rbelemagateau, because we will have lots of instance of ksambasharedata, and some method are used by ksambashare and ksambasharedata16:30
agateaurbelem: Isn't KSambaShare already a singleton?16:30
rbelembut i could not use the private methods on the ksambasharedata16:31
rbelemagateau, maybe i should split ksambashareprivate in two?16:32
agateaurbelem: I think it would not be too difficult to access the private methods16:33
agateaurbelem: just make KSambaShareData a friend of KSambaShare and use its d pointer16:34
rbelemagateau, that could work nice :-)16:35
rbelemagateau, but it will not be a little bit ugly?16:36
rbelemor  not?16:36
agateaurbelem: KSambaShare and KSambaShareData are supposed to work together so I am not shocked by this16:36
rbelemcool :-)16:36
agateaurbelem: but you may want to check whether the KSambaSharePrivate methods you want to call from KSambaShareData could not simply be moved to KSambaShareData16:37
agateaurbelem: are they used by KSambaShare as well? if not, just move them16:37
rbelemagateau, how about the add and remove methods on ksambashare? there is one method save on ksambasharedata that does almost the same16:38
rbelemagateau, there are some methods that are used just by ksambasharedata, but they use common methods16:40
agateaurbelem: I don't have the code handy just right now, I guess it's up to you to use what feels the more convenient16:40
rbelemagateau, cool :-)16:41
agateaurbelem: but accessing the private instance through the d pointer is not a problem, and is better IMHO than making KSambaSharePrivate a singleton16:41
rbelemok :-)16:41
rbelemagateau, should i replace all d_ptr by Q_D?16:42
rbelemor is it ok to be as it is today?16:42
agateaurbelem: I don't think there is a strong policy on this16:43
agateaurbelem: the rest of kdelibs is not consistent on that point16:43
rbelemagateau, what would you use? :-)16:44
rbelemagateau, you are my master :-) I will do what you say I should do16:46
macoRiddell: you didnt get to go to Piratz because the metro stuff was all closed, remember? Also, ScottK's daughter hates Piratz Tavern due to the skeleton on the wall16:48
apacheloggerrekonq crash #316:49
macoapachelogger: are you hoping to discover what lim --> \infty  means?16:50
apacheloggersomething like that ^^16:51
agateaurbelem: not sure I want to be the master of anyone. Both works well, if your code is consistent with one way, just carry on16:54
rbelemagateau, :-D16:54
bdrungRiddell: thanks. what was the reason for not applying cleanly?16:58
bdrungRiddell: next time please don't forgot to unsubscribe ubuntu-sponsors16:59
rbelemhi Riddell17:15
rbelemRiddell, i'm thinking about fork the startkde script for plasma-mobile17:16
rbelemRiddell, and add it to the kubuntu-mobile-default-settings17:17
howlymowlyhi guys...  short question:  I am about to install KDE 4.5  .. but when I do "sudo aptie update" sudo aptitude upgrade"  i get all the packages from the ppa but they are beeing "kept back" by the update manager...17:21
howlymowlyany idea?17:21
DarthFroghowlymowly: This is not the place to ask such questions.  Ask(as you did) in #kubuntu.17:22
=== rbelem is now known as rbelem-afk
Riddellbdrung: I don't know why it didn't apply17:24
Riddellbdrung: there shouldn't be a need to unsubscribe ubuntu-sponsors since the bug is closed17:24
debfxrekonq is still crashy17:33
debfxwhat ahppended to the daily builds?17:33
bdrungRiddell: it's described in the docs and having the team removed makes the sponsor script faster17:33
Riddellbdrung: then the script can jolly well unsubscribe them if it needs it :)17:36
bdrungRiddell: it makes searching for SRU bugs easier17:37
bdrung(= searching for bugs that are fixed)17:39
QuintasanDarthFrog: why on earth this is not the right place?17:43
Quintasanhowlymowly: this might be because some KDE builds were not finished (and not pubished) yet when I last tried, you will have to try again later17:44
Quintasanhowlymowly: well, now it is fine17:44
howlymowlyQuintasan: its about doing a "full-upgrade" instead of just an "upgrade" i just found out...17:47
Quintasanhowlymowly: sudo aptitude17:49
Quintasanpress 'u'17:49
Quintasanor wait17:49
howlymowlyQuintasan: yes, "sudo aptitude full-upgrade"17:49
Quintasanhowlymowly: can you please try doing upgrade via KPackageKit?17:50
dantti_noteRiddell: the backports source has always lucid as archive string?17:50
howlymowlyQuintasan: too late i guess :(17:50
howlymowlybut I tried with KpackageKit before and that did not work because of the reasons mentioned earlier17:50
dantti_noteRiddell: I'm trying to fix it to emit these backport stuff as enhancement (rather than bug fixes as it's now) ORIGIN: LP-PPA-kubuntu-ppa-backports - ARQUIVE: lucid17:51
dantti_notethe python apt logic was to see if ARQUIVE ends with backports17:52
dantti_notebut it's actually the origin that ends with17:52
howlymowlyQuintasan: did you change something in the repository in the last 10 min or so? because if nothing has changed in the last 15min I can assure you: upgrade to kde 4.5 via kpackagekit does not work...17:53
howlymowlyalright poeple... my upgrade to kde 4.5 is done I am off now, trying out the new features :)17:55
Riddelldantti_note: it uses the current distro release, for 10.04 that's lucid, for 10.10 maverick17:56
dantti_noteRiddell: right so the best thing is to see if ORIGIN ends with backports right?17:57
shadeslayeruh oh17:57
shadeslayerRiddell: FF is in 2 days? :O17:57
Riddellshadeslayer: wibble17:57
Riddelldantti_note: yes17:57
* shadeslayer faints...17:58
* shadeslayer hits kdenetwork in hope that it will detect ortp17:58
Riddelldantti_note: that's our backports PPA of course, there's also the ubuntu backports repository17:58
shadeslayerok Quintasan you up?17:59
dantti_noteRiddell: do you know if their ORIGIN ends with backports too?17:59
Riddelldantti_note: how would I know?  sources line is   deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-backports main restricted universe multiverse18:00
dantti_notek, I'll just add a generic case then18:01
Riddellshtylman: how's your 4.5 update going?18:01
shtylmanRiddell: finally back up and running18:04
shtylmanfor some reason kmail doesn't pull in its dependencies18:04
shtylmanI had to install some libs manually18:04
shtylmanand when I tried to install kubuntu-desktop.. it ididn't want to install kdebase-workspace-bin18:05
shtylmanso some manual install was needed18:05
Riddellwhy didn't it want to install kdebase-workspace-bin ?18:06
shtylmanno idea18:07
shtylmanbut I could manually install it just fine18:08
shtylmanand the kmail thing was weird18:08
shtylmancause I had kmail installed18:08
Quintasanshtylman: yes18:08
shtylmanbut couldn't run it cause runtime libs were missing18:08
Quintasanshtylman: meant for shadeslayer :P18:08
shadeslayerQuintasan: ok, see im introducing libortp as a build dep of kdenetwork to get google voice chat support18:09
QuintasanIs it in main?18:09
shadeslayerbut in cmake output it doesnt say that way, the lib is detected, but cmake complains about not finding it18:09
shadeslayerQuintasan: it will be, when Riddell uses his powers :D18:10
Quintasanfist of all18:10
shadeslayeralready MIR'd18:10
Quintasanis the version newer than required?18:10
shadeslayerQuintasan: yes18:10
shadeslayerbug 59517318:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 595173 in linphone (Ubuntu) "[MIR] linphone" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59517318:10
shadeslayeri syncd the package from debian 18:10
Quintasanand what exacly cmake says?18:11
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://pastebin.com/2QavMTjd18:11
shadeslayerthats from cowbuilder18:11
shadeslayerline 1619 first18:12
Quintasan-- Not building Google Talk libjingle support18:12
shadeslayerQuintasan: yes, but see 161918:13
shadeslayer--   found ortp, version 0.16.318:13
shadeslayeri know.. i call it freaky18:14
Quintasanshadeslayer: ask in #kopete18:17
Quintasanit might be a problem with CMake rules18:17
Quintasanshadeslayer: read CMake rules and check what it needs to enable libjingle18:18
Quintasanif it doesnt need anything else then bug upstream18:18
shadeslayerQuintasan: macro_log_feature(LIBORTP_FOUND "libortp" "oRTP provides an API to send rtp packets" "http://www.linphone.org/index.php/eng/code_review/ortp" FALSE "0.13" "Needed to build Jingle support, Google Talk libjingle audio call support and voice clips in WLM.") << hmm18:19
shadeslayerQuintasan: also whats wrong with  bug 603831 ??18:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603831 in fprint-demo (Ubuntu) "Please Merge fprint-demo from debian" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60383118:20
Quintasanthat would be the line18:21
Quintasanshadeslayer: do as he told you, generate another diff18:22
Quintasanhe probably wants to check if the changes are really kept to minimum18:22
shadeslayerthe current debian version _is_ -418:22
shadeslayerohh.... you mean...18:22
shadeslayerQuintasan: the diff is b/w ubuntu old and ubuntu new18:22
shadeslayerand he wants diff b/w ubuntu new and debian new18:23
Quintasanwell, what I said still applies18:23
Quintasanroll out the damn launchpad faster18:24
shadeslayerQuintasan: help me fix kdenetwork first18:25
shadeslayeralso.. Riddell said that when he compiled it worked18:25
Quintasanuse pbuilder then18:25
shadeslayerQuintasan: i did use cowbuilder18:26
Quintasanput the debian dir somewhere18:26
Quintasanand gimmie the link to source18:26
shadeslayerok hold on18:26
* Quintasan is too lazy to open a browser18:26
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/kdenetwork_4.5.0b-0ubuntu2.debian.tar.gz18:28
QuintasanI demand source tarball too18:28
Quintasanwhy the hell shift+esc is bind to restart X?18:30
shadeslayerQuintasan: just : pull-lp-source kdenetwork18:33
Quintasanthat is new to me18:33
=== rbelem-afk is now known as rbelem
shadeslayerQuintasan: we also have pull-debian-source :P18:39
* Quintasan never botherd looking at dev-scripts18:39
QuintasanI have considered them useless after seeing kubuntu-dev-scripts :P18:39
dantti_noteon the package list header should it be 232 Selected Updates or Updates Selected http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-plasma-desktopig1502?18:43
shadeslayerQuintasan: #kopete is dead18:47
shadeslayerwhat does your testing tell18:47
* shadeslayer pokes Quintasan with kubuntu stick of doom18:51
shadeslayerbecause im going to sleep in 10 mins18:52
Quintasanmy testing builds18:53
Quintasanlet me look18:53
Quintasanshadeslayer: are you on kde-packagers ml?18:54
Quintasandid you have to file a bugreport? :O18:55
shadeslayeryeah :P18:55
shadeslayeri know... quite lol18:55
Quintasangimmie the bug report18:56
Quintasanshadeslayer: I will do a copypasta18:56
Quintasanmy internets are slow today18:56
shadeslayercopypasta... new pasta?18:57
shadeslayerlemme search18:57
Quintasanctrl+c and ctrl+v18:57
shadeslayeruh.. i might not have it18:57
Quintasanshadeslayer:enter ur bugzilla account18:57
Quintasanand click on My Bugs18:58
shadeslayeryeah im going there18:58
shadeslayerhmm no  bugs there :/18:59
shadeslayerrelated to my request18:59
shadeslayerQuintasan: just file a request saying that you work with kubuntu to package kde19:01
Quintasanmonitoring pbuilder for now19:02
Quintasannot detected here19:02
Quintasanshadeslayer: ^^ jingle not being built :/19:03
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^19:03
shadeslayerim going to sleep :|19:03
yofelhm, does sorting by 'status' or 'requested' in the list after pressing full upgrade work for anyone? here it sorts alphabetically no matter what column I sort by19:06
yofelin muon19:06
shtylmanRiddell: no new kdevelop?19:29
shtylmanI can't install kdevelop cause it wants to downgrade packages19:29
Riddellshtylman: from the PPA?19:56
RiddellI've not checked kdevelop, it probably depends on some kdebase library which has changed19:56
shtylmanRiddell: yea... sadness :(19:57
Riddelljust needs someone to backport 4.0.1, probably no changes needed19:58
* Riddell looks around for idle souls19:59
* neversfelde hides20:01
neversfeldeRiddell: backport from Maverick?20:01
Riddellneversfelde: from maverick to kubuntu-ppa/backports20:01
neversfeldek, I'll have a look, but I have a netbook available only, so it might take some time20:02
Riddellneversfelde: do you want access to my backroom computer?20:02
neversfeldeRiddell: do you know how to sign packages remotely?20:03
Riddellnot off hand but I seem to remember it's pretty easy20:05
neversfeldeI think sould be no problem to do it here20:05
=== ulysses is now known as ulysses_away
Riddellman debsign will know20:05
neversfeldeRiddell: I'll check it for the next time20:06
=== ulysses_away is now known as ulysses
shtylmanRiddell: also... libsoprano-dev has dependency issues20:07
shtylmancause it depends on a specific version of libsoprano4 that is less than the one available/installed20:07
Riddellshtylman: installs fine here20:08
Riddellall version 2.5.0+dfsg.1-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa120:08
shtylmankdelibs5-dev: Depends: libsoprano-dev (>= 2.4.64+dfsg.1) but it is not going to be installed20:09
shtylmanRiddell: I don't see a libsoprano-dev version 2.520:12
shtylmanis this another amd64 thing?20:12
sheytanWhy after upgrade to 4.5, windows run as root look so ugly?20:15
sheytanthey're not oxygen20:15
sheytanany hack for that? ;)20:15
sheytanhey guys. I upgraded to 4.5, and i still have that 'lost and found' stuff in systemsettings20:19
sheytanin maveric aplha 3 it was fine20:19
debfxsheytan: what modules are in lost and found?20:21
sheytandebfx just a second20:21
sheytandebfx all the kpk stuff, touch pad, other notifications, usermanagement, gtk appearance and k3b setup20:22
sheytanthis was fine with maveric alpha 320:22
neversfeldesame for me on Lucid, don't know if it is a problem with 10.1020:25
sheytanit's not, i tested :D20:25
sheytanplease fix, and reupload sysemsettings20:25
sheytanand all that stuff :D20:25
fldc_runt qtconfig as root and set it to oxygen :)20:28
fldc_gui style that is :D20:29
debfxsheytan: well it works for me (tm)20:34
sheytandebfx  are you on lucid?20:34
debfxno, maverick20:35
sheytandebfx it's broken on lucid :P20:35
sheytanas i said, on maveric it works fine20:35
sheytanfldc_ ok, thanks ;)20:35
debfxjust upgrade to maverick ;)20:35
sheytandebfx, it's an alpha :P20:35
sheytanfix the package :P20:36
debfxcan't we just rename "lost and found" to something that doesn't make it sound like it's a bug? :p20:38
sheytandebfx i don't think so. each kcm should go where it belongs to20:43
debfxsheytan: alright, if you insist :D20:47
sheytanmake it the same as it is in maveric ;)20:47
debfxsheytan: do you have installed k3b from lucid-backports?21:32
sheytandebfx nope21:40
debfxsheytan: you might want to do that, it's supposed to be more stable (final release) and contains the kcm category fix21:49
Blizzzupdate on lucid to kde 4.5 wants to remove kdebase-workspace, kdebase-workspace-bin, kdevelop, kubuntu-desktop, libqt4-assistand and libqt4-phonon. doesn,t sound too good, does it? someone wants/needs any further info?22:02
yofelsounds like bug 615902 - kdebase-workspace is FTBFS on amd6422:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 615902 in Kubuntu PPA "Upgrade to KDE SC 4.5 blocked" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61590222:10
yofelRiddell: ^22:10
Blizzzyeah, looks similar22:11
QuintasanRiddell: thanks for blessing :D22:33
RiddellQuintasan: use your power wisely :)22:34
debfxQuintasan has super cow power?22:38
_Groo_hi/2 all22:39
_Groo_any dev alive?22:39
Riddelland kicking22:39
_Groo_kdebase-workspace-bin and others are broken in the backports22:39
_Groo_kdebase-workspace-bin: Depends: kdebase-workspace-data (= 4:4.5.0b-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1) but 4:4.5.0b-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa2 is to be installed22:39
_Groo_still in the process of package building? or just passed through QA?22:40
_Groo_and btw, HI Riddell :d22:40
debfx_Groo_: kdebase-workspace isn't built yet on amd6422:41
Riddelldamn slow buildds22:41
_Groo_debfx: ah ok :) that explains it22:41
RiddellNCommander: if you could bump https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports/+build/1912708 that would make people happy22:42
_Groo_ok, i just wanted to check, ill update tomorrow22:42
_Groo_also i need to purge beta backports before updating? cause if i do, it would be better to state that in the kubuntu announcement22:42
NCommanderRiddell: done22:42
_Groo_Riddell: no? as in, dont have to?22:43
debfxRiddell: if you have some time to sponsor: I packaged the new colibri release http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/colibri_0.2.1-0ubuntu1.dsc22:44
Riddell_Groo_: correct, you don't have to purge anything22:45
Riddelldebfx: there's a new colibri release?22:45
_Groo_Riddell: k, btw im gonna use qt git from today since beta 2 has a few nasty bugs22:46
_Groo_Riddell: maybe you guys could reconsider and use a more current qt from git?22:47
_Groo_also anyone knows if this release fixes the k3b settings bug?22:48
debfxRiddell: yeah, a few days ago22:48
_Groo_just open k3b 2.0.x and click settings.. in rc2 it crashed k3b imediatly22:48
_Groo_ive sent the report and the k3b dev told me it was an issue with kdelibs, so could anyone confirm (which already updated) if k3b is showing the settings, or still crashing?22:49
debfx_Groo_: nope, still crashes22:49
_Groo_debfx: ooooh great.. gonna bug the dev again22:49
debfx_Groo_: is there a bug report to track the issue?22:50
_Groo_debfx: yeah there is, i opened it, and im bugging mmalek in the k3b channel 22:53
_Groo_debfx: he wants to fix it in kdelibs.. which i agree.. but till then, no k3b settings :P22:54
debfx_Groo_: what's the bug number?22:54
_Groo_debfx: let me see , just a sec22:55
_Groo_238819 22:58
_Groo_bug 238819 22:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238819 in firefox-3.0 (Ubuntu) "starting screen" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23881922:58
_Groo_in bugs.kde.org22:58
Riddellanyone able to confirm this? https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24726223:02
ubottuKDE bug 247262 in general "kdm_config[1995]: Invalid boolean value 'tru' at /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc:469" [Normal,Resolved: downstream]23:02
Riddellgrep AllowConsole /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc23:02
yofelkde bug 23881923:03
ubottuKDE bug 238819 in kdeui "k3b crashes during opening the Window for Settings - Configure k3b" [Crash,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23881923:03
yofel$ grep AllowConsole /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc23:04
yofelkdm 4:4.5.0b-0ubuntu123:04
_Groo_debfx: k mmalek told me hes gonna update to 4.5 in the next days (he uses arch linux) and hes gonna track and fix it in kdelibs... meanwhile23:04
_Groo_debfx: i asked him to update the patch in the bug report, so i and others can compile k3b from svn while we wait for a proper fix23:04
debfxRiddell: AllowConsole isn't in my kdmrc, I have used the kcm to change settings though23:06
Riddelldebfx: do you know how aurelien solved the alternative dbus providers issue?23:07
Riddellin colibri?23:07
Riddelldebfx: uploaded23:07
debfxRiddell: colibri doesn't provide the dbus service file anymore but autostarts if enabled in the kcm23:13
Riddelldebfx: oh aye23:22

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