
James147poyntz: what version of kde?00:00
poyntzJames147: 4.4.200:02
James147poyntz: you might want to try upgrading to kde 4.4.5 (add the ppa: "ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa")00:03
sithlord48poyntz, if your upgrading via the ppa use the command (with out ' ) 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'00:06
sithlord48poyntz: it will save you some headace on package replacement00:06
joe___hello everybody, I have Kubuntu 10.4 64-bit and when I use adobe flash plugin 32-bit with the wrapper for firefox the webcam doesn't work00:52
joe___is there a way to fix it? I once had the native 64-bit plugin beta, but now I cannot find it anymore00:52
joe___so the question is: is there a way to fix the flash plugin 32-bit with the 64-bit wrapper so that the webcam will work? if not, where I can find the native 64-bit flash plugin, please?00:57
James147joe___: just install "flashplugin-installer" it should get the right version01:03
joe___James147: I did it and if I go in firefox I can see that I have the npwrapper one.. problem is: webcam doesn't work and I don't know why01:04
joe___James147: I guessed that maybe it's because the webcam driver is 64-bit and the flash player is 32-bit, but it can be another problem, too01:06
phoenix__hello everyone03:05
phoenix__i am trying to update from 10.04 to 10.10 rc3, when i use the command "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" i get an error "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:03:09
phoenix__E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks"03:10
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+103:16
MakuseruIm having some problems with using hdmi out on my hp g60(Nvidia 8200M). The nvidia settings thing sees the tv that i have the hdmi cable plugged up to, it even knows the correct resolution. But the tv just says "no signal". The computer also acts like there is a second screen on it, if i move the mouse to the right (where the second screen would be) the mouse keeps going for a long distance like there actually is a screen there.03:21
MakuseruAnyone know how i can get this working?03:21
phoenix__well_laid_lawn: phoenix@matrix:~$ sudo do-release-upgrade -d -c03:31
phoenix__Checking for a new ubuntu release03:31
phoenix__New release 'maverick' available.03:31
phoenix__Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.03:31
FloodBotK1phoenix__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:32
well_laid_lawnphoenix__: you need to   /j #ubuntu+1   for that03:32
phoenix__well_laid_lawn: no response there03:37
well_laid_lawnphoenix__: it's quiet most everywhere now and sorry but I haven't tried 10.10 yet03:38
well_laid_lawnmaybe someone else has...03:38
phoenix__well_laid_lawn: ok. ca you tell me at what time more people are active in this channel.03:40
well_laid_lawnphoenix__: +12hrs maybe03:40
phoenix__well_laid_lawn: in american time?03:40
well_laid_lawnpho +12hrs hours anytime - here it is 1pm03:41
well_laid_lawnphoenix__:  +12hrs hours anytime - here it is 1pm03:41
phoenix__well_laid_lawn: ok. thank you.03:42
well_laid_lawnnp :]03:42
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Shdwdrgnhi folks.  I run kde3 with packages from launchpad, but since upgrading to lucid last week, I've not been able to fix kde-guidance-kde3.  Any ideas?03:43
James147Shdwdrgn: kde3 isnt supported here anymore... I am not sure where is the best place to get that support03:55
Shdwdrgnhmm bummer03:56
ShdwdrgnI can't figure out what the problem is... that package is listed as active and installed, but when I try to reinstall, I get the error "I wasn't able to locate file for the kde-guidance-kde3 package"03:57
ShdwdrgnI can't get to my monitor&display settings (which I think is because of this package) and of course the only match google finds is from 200504:00
well_laid_lawntry in konsole   ls /var/cache/apt/archives | grep kde-guidance-kde304:01
well_laid_lawnsounds like the package was removed04:01
Shdwdrgnnothing returned04:02
Shdwdrgnremoved?  I thought if it were removed, I wouldn't get a reply to 'aptitude show' ?04:02
well_laid_lawntry an update - it isn't stored in /var/cache/apt/archives04:03
ShdwdrgnI just did one before you posted that command04:04
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scarecrafthallo ich hab ein problem. Meine internetseiten bauen sich erst nach so 30sek-1min auf. Also es passiert erst garnichts und schwup dann sind sie ganz normal da. Ich dachte erst an DNS oder sowas aber hab net rausgefunden wo ich das einstellen kann . Ein anderer Browser zeigt die selben symtome06:26
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.06:26
scarecrafti have a problem.When i want to surf to a Internetside its first idle for 30sec-1min . I guess its a DNS problem but i cannot find out where i can configure the dns. another browser (opera) have the same problems. can anybody help me please ?06:28
pushkaraj<pushkaraj> Hi, is it leagual if I copy my window's fonts in kubuntu's installation and use it?06:31
wilberthello all i have an intel graphics card 915 wanting to install mesa06:31
pushkarajI have leagal copy of windows06:31
wilbertdo i need to uninstall i other video driver06:31
macopushkaraj: i think so, yes06:31
wilbertand then install mesa?06:31
DarthFrogpushkaraj: You want a legal opinion?  You need to ask a lawyer.06:31
macooh yeah, im not a lawyer ;-)06:32
pushkarajDarthFrog: hmm you are correct06:32
macothere are *some* fonts microsoft allows to be freely redistributed i think06:32
macobut i dont know which exactly. theyre the ones in msttcorefonts06:32
DarthFrogthere is a ttf-mscorefonts-installer package.06:33
wilberthey anyone know?06:34
Optimus55hey is there a kubuntu developer channel or is this the only one?06:38
well_laid_lawnOptimus55: there is #kubuntu-devel as well06:41
well_laid_lawn https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat06:41
well_laid_lawnwilbert: don't uninstall anything afaik06:48
well_laid_lawnafaik= As Far As I Know06:49
wilbertok ok06:49
wilbertok thank you06:49
well_laid_lawnnp :]06:49
=== RaNdY is now known as darkchild
=== darkchild is now known as RaNdY
phoenix__is there a lightweight image viewer, that starts instantly07:45
alkethi, how to install flash in Kubuntu Lucid x64 ?07:45
jussialket: just the normal way, install flashplugin-installer07:45
alketjussi: but it will install the x32 one07:46
jussiphoenix__: what have you been using previously?07:46
jussialket: the 64 bit flash has been discontinued for now by adobe...07:46
phoenix__jussi: gwenview takes 3 sec to load07:47
jussiphoenix__: tried display?07:47
jussiits in imagemagick iirc07:48
phoenix__jussi: display?07:48
phoenix__jussi: is that a gtk one?07:49
jussiIm not sure, but its _really_ fast to start.07:49
jussiphoenix__: its a cli tool though, but it does start a graphical type interface.07:50
alketwhere is synpatic in kubuntu ?07:51
alketor Ubuntu Software Center ?07:51
phoenix__jussi: any other qt based07:51
macoalket: the software installer program on kubuntu is called KPackageKit07:51
jussiphoenix__: what exactly are you trying to acheive?07:54
phoenix__jussi: speed.but i dont like gtk07:55
jussiphoenix__: is it just image previewing quickly? or more ?07:55
jussiie. dolphin has good image preivews built in..07:55
phoenix__jussi: just image viewing07:55
well_laid_lawnthere's xzgv which is light07:58
phoenix__hello well_laid_lawn08:00
phoenix__well_laid_lawn: i am reading about xzgv08:01
alketI am 3 years user of Ubuntu and I have to admit that Kubuntu is much much more powerfull and easy to use except for KPackageKit it could be replaced with synpatic and Ubuntu Software Center08:02
well_laid_lawnphoenix__: from a terminal I use xzgv -v /path08:02
macoalket: except those arent Qt/KDE apps ;-)08:02
macoalket: but yes, KPK is well-known as needing some love08:02
phoenix__well_laid_lawn: is that a terminal based one08:02
well_laid_lawnphoenix__: no - it is just how I start it to get the zoom (-z) option08:03
phoenix__well_laid_lawn: ok08:03
alketI dual boot with Ubuntu and Kubuntu why Kubuntu is listed with name Ubuntu in grub ?08:05
phoenix__well_laid_lawn: is very fast08:06
well_laid_lawnphoenix__: I like it :]08:07
phoenix__well_laid_lawn: nice app08:07
phoenix__well_laid_lawn: i downloaded and tried kubuntu 10.1008:07
LonghornGT_Oh hai there!08:08
well_laid_lawnphoenix__: looks good?08:08
LonghornGT_I got a problem08:08
phoenix__well_laid_lawn: i am already using kde 4.5 rc2, i dont see any difference. there is a bug in kopete.08:09
LonghornGT_I installed kde 4.4.80 from kde experimental repo08:09
well_laid_lawnphoenix__: well done to only have one bug :]08:09
phoenix__well_laid_lawn: or may be a bug in notification area08:09
LonghornGT_And now I can't see screen08:09
LonghornGT_I mean, when I login, screen is black08:10
LonghornGT_No plasma desktop08:10
phoenix__well_laid_lawn: 10.10 rc3 is only of bugfixes08:10
LonghornGT_And no kicker08:10
phoenix__LonghornGT_: are you using ati cards08:10
LonghornGT_No, nvidia08:10
LonghornGT_I can see cursor, I can move it08:11
LonghornGT_But no desktop08:11
phoenix__can you start the task manager08:11
LonghornGT_Who's kde maintainer in kubuntu?08:11
well_laid_lawnI think you have to rename .kde08:11
LonghornGT_I want to kontact him08:11
phoenix__ha ha ha08:12
well_laid_lawnthere's #kubuntu-devel08:12
macoLonghornGT_: ubuntu does team maintainership. its not individuals... each time there's a release, about 10 people hurry and try to package it all up08:13
macobut nobody's in charge of a single specific package that nobody else touches08:13
filbert_kde use sys resource too much... Is that true?08:13
LonghornGT_I mean, kubuntu kde is so... unstable08:13
LonghornGT_I want that KDE was as good as in Arch08:14
LonghornGT_Or mandriva08:14
filbert_some say gnome is much much far better than kde....08:15
LonghornGT_But I like KDE08:15
LonghornGT_Gnome is boring08:15
LonghornGT_KDE is not08:15
filbert_but if you are an admin... this will be an issue....08:16
LonghornGT_lol, i'm not admin08:16
LonghornGT_I'm gamer and designer08:17
filbert_than better stick with kde than....08:17
filbert_i like kde too actually....08:18
phoenix__is there a parental control soft for kubuntu08:32
phi__hi all08:34
phi__i got a problem with kde: since last week the system sensors for cpu and network are missing, so none of my monitors shows any graph about my cpu performance.....08:36
phi__Anybody heard of this or a similar problem?08:36
phi__Is this due to a kde update?08:36
phi__any hint would be appreciated ;-)08:36
phoenix__phi__: what is your kubuntu version08:38
=== gary_ is now known as Guest8757
phi__im always updating to the official version - 10.04 with last patches08:38
phoenix__phi__: you mean you are missing the cpu and network widgets?08:39
Guest8757can someone tell me how to make shortcut for konsole or chrome08:39
Guest8757menu editor didn't work08:40
phi__phoenix__: no there seems to something wrong with the underlying sensors, since none of the monitors shows any graph... i tried ksysguard and some widgets08:40
jussiphoenix__: you are after web filtering?08:41
jussi!info dansguardian | phoenix__08:41
ubottuphoenix__: dansguardian (source: dansguardian): Web content filtering. In component universe, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 472 kB, installed size 2356 kB08:41
phoenix__jussi: ya, thats it08:41
phoenix__jussi: i will try that now08:41
jussiphoenix__: the other option is to use opendns to fileter stuff08:42
jussiGuest8757: where do you want the shortcut?08:43
phoenix__jussi: i tried opendns it slows up browsing08:43
Guest8757chrome desktop icon08:43
LonghornGT_What's the codename of KDE SC 4.5?08:43
jussiGuest8757: you hae it in your menu, right?08:44
jussiGuest8757: drag and drop should work...08:44
jussiLonghornGT_: no idea, try asking in #kde08:44
LonghornGT_I asked08:44
LonghornGT_No answer yet08:44
Guest8757i kown in that way,I wanna make shortcut for chrome ,just like ctrl+shift+A to launch chrome08:45
jussiright, Im off, see you all.08:45
Guest8757in kubuntu 9.04 ,in menu editor can set application's shortcut ,but in 10.04 it doesn't work08:46
phoenix__jussi: bye08:47
phoenix__LonghornGT_: 4.5 rc3 ->candy08:48
LonghornGT_And 4.5 RTM?08:48
snikkerhi, when I copy files to ntfs partition the "mount.ntfs-3g" command, use 100% cpu. it's a normal thing?09:05
well_laid_lawnsnikker: here ntfs-3g uses a lot of resources too09:07
LonghornGT_bug 1230909:09
snikkerwell_laid_lawn: ok, so it's not only on my system...09:09
well_laid_lawnsnikker: if it wasn't going at 100% then it would be going slower09:10
well_laid_lawnan obvious statement but...09:11
snikkerwell_laid_lawn: i hope they this problem can be solved in the next release09:16
well_laid_lawnsnikker: it's been this way for a while - ntfs is not open source09:17
snikkerwell_laid_lawn: :(09:19
tasslehoffI need to get libmpfr.so.4 on my 10.04 system. Any ideas how I can get that?09:20
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test999 /msg NickServ identify pass09:23
test999 /msg NickServ identify pass09:23
well_laid_lawnit's not in a lucid package tasslehoff09:24
well_laid_lawn!find libmpfr.so09:24
ubottuFile libmpfr.so found in libmpfr-dev, libmpfr1ldbl09:24
test999 /msg NickServ identify09:24
well_laid_lawn!find libmpfr.so.409:24
ubottuPackage/file libmpfr.so.4 does not exist in lucid09:24
tasslehoffwell_laid_lawn: that's my conclusion so far as well.09:24
well_laid_lawntasslehoff: seems it is a 64bit app and there is only an rpm fot it atm09:26
well_laid_lawnfor it even09:26
tasslehoffwell_laid_lawn: ack09:27
test999how to login IN IRC?09:28
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)09:29
test999I registreg in channel...  how to login?09:29
test999how to login in IRC??????????????????09:33
FloodBotK1test999: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:34
test999how to login in IRC??????????????????09:34
test999how to login in IRC??????????????????09:35
test999ANYBODY IS NO DEAD?????????09:35
tasslehoff!find libgmp.so09:35
ubottuFile libgmp.so found in ia32-libs, lib32gmp3, lib32gmp3-dev, libgmp3-dev, libgmp3c2 (and 2 others)09:35
tasslehoff!find libgmp.so.1009:35
ubottuPackage/file libgmp.so.10 does not exist in lucid09:35
test999how to login in IRC??????????????????09:36
ikoniatest999: you're logged in09:37
ikoniatest999: stop spamming/asking09:38
xampartis it possible to have onboard video + seperate video card used at the same time?09:38
ikoniaxampart: that will depend on your bios and video cards09:38
ikoniaxampart: if you bios allows onboard to function at the same time09:38
xampartikonia: i enabled the onboard already from bios09:38
ikoniaxampart: and if the video cards will be compatible together using techniques such as xinerama or twinview09:38
ikoniaxampart: that doesn't mean the board supports both enabled09:38
xampartikonia: that's why i'm here09:39
ikoniaxampart: and that's why I'm explaining it to you09:39
xampartthis is my lspci http://pastebin.com/MrUvTXxT09:41
ikoniathat just shows devices in the board09:41
ikoniaxampart: from that I can see you won't be able to use twin view09:42
xampartwhy is that09:42
ikoniaxampart: so your only option would be xinerama, which won't allow 3d alleceration on the two cards due to the closed source drivers not supporting it09:42
ikoniaxampart: twinview only allows 1 nvidia card with 2 ports, not 2 cards09:42
=== gary_ is now known as Guest37261
Guest37261how to disable printer applet ?09:43
xamparttwo cards? i have only one nvs290 + the onboard09:44
ikoniaxampart: that's two cards, the onboard is a card09:44
xampartikonia: i use this machine only to browse, so would the "no 3d acceleration" be a problem in that case09:46
ikoniaxampart: things like compiz, the cube, things like that reawlly09:46
=== test999 is now known as test888
=== petr_ is now known as test999
test999how to recower password?09:59
test999"/msg NickServ identify pass"09:59
test999I do not remember password10:00
test999I can say my email and login10:00
jussitest999: join #freenode10:09
test999jussi yes I have joined10:09
jussitest999: ask there, they can help you10:10
test999jussi  yes I am helped10:10
=== ubuntu_ is now known as mychmg
test999"/msg NickServ identify pass"       FREENODE sent ME on email following message "/msg NickServ SETPASS test999 passoldddd passwordnew"     and I recower it10:12
gvandeweyerhi, I know i'm in the wrong place but perhaps someone might have the answer: Is RAM backwards compatible as long as they fit in the same slot? I have an old machine with DDR PC3200 (166Mhz - 200Mhz) ram that is suffering instability and I'm thinking it is the RAM. However, local stores only have DDR 400Mhz and higher available.  will this work?11:11
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phoenix__what is debin junior config11:32
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Guest48287Hi room11:36
=== jtheuer_ is now known as jtheuer
Riddell** testers needed for 4.5.0 in lucid11:58
jlaamanen_o/ count me in11:59
SteBoHi! I'm trying to upgrade 10.04 LTS to KDE SC 4.5 via kubuntu-backports-ppa. but there are a lot of conflicts.12:05
SteBoIs it completely uploaded yet?12:05
SteBoSaw the announcement on kubuntu.org and wanted to upgrade then.12:05
RiddellSteBo: how are you upgrading?12:06
SteBoI tried both KPackeKit and aptitude dist-upgrade12:06
SteBodeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu lucid main is in the sources.list.d12:07
SteBofor package libkdecore5 I only see version 4:4.4.92a-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa2 in the repository12:08
SteBowhen I do apt-cache show libkdecore512:09
dcorbin_workWhat's the right way to see if a particular package is installed?12:10
jussidcorbin_work: apt-cache policy <package>12:11
jussiSteBo: I suppose you ran "apt-get update"12:11
SteBojussi: sure12:12
SteBoRiddell: any ideas?12:13
RiddellSteBo: can you pastebin the output of  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?12:17
SteBoRiddell: ok, one moment12:17
SteBoRiddell: http://pastebin.com/tiJyhLMF12:20
EDinNY Just upgraded and I now not in the "sudoers" file!12:22
EDinNYany easy fix besides rebooting with an install disk and writing it by hand?12:23
RiddellSteBo: please wait two minutes12:25
SteBoRiddell: ok12:26
nerdy_kidhaving some dependancy trouble trying to upgrade to kde 4.5; synaptic wants to remove half my kde install.  has 4.5 hit the ppa fully?12:37
SteBonerdy_kid: I have a similar problem. Riddell wanted to get back to me here in the channel in a few minutes.12:39
nerdy_kidSteBo ah ok.  ill stick around too then :)12:39
Riddellnerdy_kid: not yet, please stand by12:39
SteBoRiddell, nerdy_kid: looks good here now :)12:44
SteBojust did another apt-get update and everything looks fine.12:44
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RiddellSteBo: great, let me know how it goes after the install12:47
nerdy_kidRiddell you guys rock :D12:48
Riddellnerdy_kid: let me know how it goes12:48
SteBoRiddell: all packages upgraded fine. I will logout and login again now.12:49
SteBoRiddell: everything's fine. I'm now using KDE SC 4.5 final :) Anything more I could test for you?12:54
RiddellSteBo: great12:56
RiddellSteBo: just try out some applications and plasma widgets12:56
jlaamanengoing to reboot as well, fingers crossed12:58
SteBoRiddel: fish and smb-kio-slaves, kate, dolphin, konsole, kontact (korganizer, kmail, akregator), kopete, konqueror, kile, amarok and all my plasma applets work fine. I used KDE 4,5 RC2 before and the desktop works as before.13:02
=== jt|away is now known as jtheuer
jlaamanenSteBo: wrong, it works much smoother ;)13:03
SteBojlaamanen: yes, this one Dolphin-hang-bug seems to be gone now :)13:04
jlaamanenmemory consumption is definitely smaller13:04
jlaamanen290 MB13:05
SteBojlaamanen: How do you measure this?13:05
jlaamanenfree -m13:05
jlaamanen             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached13:05
jlaamanenMem:          1968        826       1142          0         55        49813:05
jlaamanen-/+ buffers/cache:        272       169513:05
jlaamanenSwap:         1929          0       192913:05
FloodBotK1jlaamanen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:05
SteBoused 826? not 290..?13:06
SteBoah, it's 290 less than before right after login for you, right?13:07
jlaamaneni'm alwasy looking the used amount on the second row, second column13:07
jlaamanenwhich is consumption without buffers and cache13:08
jlaamanendesktop feels a lot more responsive than with RC213:08
SteBojlaamanen: I think you misinterpret the values reported by the free command. see man free. the second row is a subset of the used memory IMHO.13:10
jlaamanenSteBo: yeah, it doesn't memory used for cache+buffers, but afaik cache can be considered as unused memory13:15
SteBojlaamanen: yes, cache will be freed as soon as programs need the memory to run.13:17
jlaamanennevertheless, it's less than with RC213:18
SteBocu, thank you for your held!13:20
nerdy_kidRiddell everys good here, amarok gave me a seg fault the first time i tried starting but besides that everything seems to be going fine.13:21
heyson-aliceHello, the new version of KDE, will it come to the package managers today?13:24
phoenix__hello everyone13:27
phoenix__i am having problem with nvidia drivers. i just now upgraded to 10.10 rc313:28
jussiphoenix__: 10.10 help in #ubuntu+113:29
bdrunghi, a kubuntu developer here having time for looking at one sponsor request?13:30
phoenix__hello jussi, i am in failsafe mode. is there a way to increse the display resolution13:30
jussiphoenix__: 10.10 help in #ubuntu+1 please ;)13:31
phoenix__jussi: ok13:31
jussibdrung: #kubuntu-devel is likely what you are after.13:31
bdrungjussi: ups. you are right. i joint the wrong channel.13:32
James147phoenix__: also, 10.10 is NOT RC3, its alpha 313:32
heyson-alicesvt__: Sveriges television?13:35
BluesKajHiyas all13:38
heyson-aliceHiyas you13:39
=== root is now known as Guest77930
nerdy_kidi cant get speech-dispatcher to work, all the logs are empty :(  any ideas?13:48
nerdy_kid(it is actually running, it just does absolutly nothing)13:49
jlaamanen4.5.0 can't install network-manager-kde13:51
enderw99where is 4.5.0 released?13:52
=== jtheuer is now known as jt|away
jlaamanenenderw99: it's in backports ppa13:52
Riddelljlaamanen: I'll fix that13:57
BluesKajRiddell, I lost kubuntu-workspace and several other key kde's including ketwork manager as well , I had to rescue my install in gnome,14:00
* BluesKaj keeps gnome as a backup desktop in case I get brave or foolish with experimental stuff14:02
okapi14hi all, are you guys having problem on updating Kubuntu today?14:08
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 10.04 LTS: http://kubuntu.org/news/10.04-lts-release | KDE SC 4.4: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4.3 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guideines | Maverick/10.10 support in #ubuntu+1
nerdy_kidokapi14 yeah riddell has been working on it14:11
Riddelljlaamanen: try an update then installing etwork-manager-kde14:18
jlaamanenRiddell: sure14:19
Riddellokapi14: what problems are you having?14:19
jlaamanenRiddell: works now14:20
Riddelljlaamanen: yay, let me know if you have any other issues14:20
RiddellBluesKaj: are you able to reinstall kubuntu-desktop now ?14:21
=== jt|away is now known as jtheuer
BluesKajRiddell, yes I deleted the kde 4.5 deb from the sources.list and updated and installed kubuntu-desktop14:23
lelamalhi, I'm trying to upgrade to KDE 4.5, but it keeps complaining about some errors, seemingly due to the names: kdebase-workspace-dbg_4%3a4.5.0b-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1_i386.deb14:23
lelamalcould it be the colon rendered here with 4%3a?14:24
Riddelllelamal: please pastebin your upgrade command and output14:24
blip-hi all, anyone know when/if KDE 4.5 is in PPA for Kubuntu 10.4 ?14:24
jlaamanenblip-: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4514:25
lelamalRiddell: ok, I've never done that, where should I paste it? I remember there's a webpage...14:25
Riddelllelamal: pastebin.com14:25
lelamalRiddell: ok, here it is: http://pastebin.com/eaUQcAyb14:28
lelamalam I correct in thinking it's because of it that most packages are held back?14:29
Riddelllhmm, fooey14:29
Riddelllelamal: please try this and pastebin the output14:30
Riddellsudo dpkg --install --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-runtime-data_4%3a4.5.0b-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1_all.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-workspace-dbg_4%3a4.5.0b-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1_i386.deb14:30
okapi14how to know the version of installed KDE?14:30
jlaamanenkde4-config -v14:31
cba123I installed mplayerthumbs and can't get previews to work.  I went to preferences, and enabled mplayerthumbs but I don't see previews, any ideas?14:31
Riddellokapi14: Help -> About KDE in any app14:31
okapi14Riddell, thanks. Mine seems to be finally installed...14:32
Riddellokapi14: 4.5 ?14:33
lelamalRiddell: ok, here it is: http://pastebin.com/6sAuNJEZ14:33
nerdy_kidthere is still the "lost and found" section to systemsettings; i thought that was going to be fixed?14:33
okapi14Riddell, yep this is what I have "Platform version 4.5.00 (KDE 4.5.0)"14:34
Riddelllelamal: ok now finish it off with  sudo apt-get -f install14:34
lelamalRiddell: ok, I did that, and thanks, no more errors when I try to upgrade. But those 171 packages are still held back. I hoped that would unblock them...14:37
Riddelllelamal: which packages?14:38
lelamalRiddell: those at the bottom: http://pastebin.com/Kz609x8e14:39
lelamalI'm kinda stuck14:39
Riddelllelamal: what happens if you apt-get install dolphin14:40
markus____Riddell: Now, I tried to update my laptop from 4.4.5. some packages are to be removed (e.g. digikam, libtqt4-phonon). it seems to me that libqt4-phonon and libqt4-assistant are not up to date?14:42
lelamalRiddell: should I say yes? http://pastebin.com/rT39mLVU14:42
Riddelllelamal: yes14:42
Riddelllibqt4-assistant is the problem there, it's gone away14:43
markus____ah, ok14:43
lelamalRiddell: ok, many thanks for your assistance! =)14:43
heyson-aliceKDE 4.5, when is it in the package manager?14:44
James147heyson-alice: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4514:46
KukuNuttopic should be updated to reflect the 4.514:49
okapi14Riddel, where is libmarble4? Yes, some application has been removed like digikam....14:51
okapi14Riddell, why KDE-FULL package still kept back?14:55
ramanK1Hi there14:57
ramanK1How can I install the KDE-netbook 4.5 on kubuntu lucid?14:57
Riddellokapi14: digikam copied, will appear in a minute14:57
cba123I think it's funny that the day after I decide to reinstall KDE, they release 4.514:58
cba123nvm, seems like it is just the "development platform"14:59
James147cba123: no, they relaesed kde 4.5 fully ^^14:59
ramanK1Can you tell me how can I install kde-netbook 4.5 on my lucid?14:59
Riddellcba123: what gives you that idea?15:00
James147ramanK1: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-45   assuming you already have the netbook version15:00
James147http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.5/ ^^ they mention dev platform first ?15:00
ramanK1James147: I added the backport repositories but I don't know what to do next15:01
James147ramanK1: update15:01
ramanK1James147: apt-get update?15:01
RiddellramanK1: dist-upgrade, install plasma-netbook, select it in System Settings15:01
Riddellunder Plasma Workspaces I think15:01
James147sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:01
cba123Riddell, http://www.kde.org/ first link says Development platform, not the standard desktop environment.15:01
James147sorry ^sudo apt-get update  should be the first one15:01
Riddellcba123: "Applications and Plasma Workspaces" too15:02
Riddellclearly this new branding has some bedding down to do15:02
cba123Riddell, That, and kde.org's banner says "Experience Freedom 4.4"15:03
ramanK1James147: wow , it wants to upgrade the all things , is there any way that I upgrade just the plasma-netbook?15:03
cba123Riddell, Not doubting you, just saying that is what I saw first.15:03
Riddellcba123: damn, well caught15:03
James147ramanK1: not without upgrading all of kde15:03
Riddell(on the banner)15:03
ramanK1James147: hmm , thanks15:03
ramanK1Riddell: thanks15:03
okapi14Riddell, why KDE-FULL package still kept back?15:04
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cba123Riddell, Where do I find 4.5 to install?  Did apt-get update, then upgrade, and didn't get anything.15:06
Riddellcba123: see http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4515:06
Riddellokapi14: dunno, checking15:06
Riddellokapi14: kde-full installing fine here, what issue do you get?15:09
okapi14Riddell: on install of digikam, this is the error from synaptic " Depends:libmarble4 but is not going to be installed" on install of the libmarble4, lot of applications will be removed..15:10
Riddellokapi14: sorry digikam is still working through the publisher, should be done in a minute or two15:11
okapi14Riddel: from apt-get upgrade all I get "the following packages ave been kept back: KDE-FULL"15:12
=== jadi is now known as Jadi19
Jadi19how can I upgrade to kde 4.5?15:18
James147Jadi19: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-45  ^^15:19
Jadi19thank you James :)15:19
BluesKajall I can say is , good luck with 4.5 . definitely still a challenge IMO15:24
James147how did your upgrade go BluesKaj?15:25
Riddellokapi14: digikam should be in now15:26
BluesKajit didn't James147..kde disappeared altogether ..I should have realized when kubuntu-workspace was being deleted :)15:26
James147:) good idea to watch for packages being removed15:27
RiddellBluesKaj: you were the first to try it, in the hours since there's been plenty of addition to the PPA15:27
BluesKajRiddell, I appreciate that , but I think I'll wait for a few days15:28
* BluesKaj dons the hat of caution for a while15:29
reagleI `add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports` but I only see 30M of updates? But the announce says that's the right repo to add...? http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4515:33
BluesKajJames147, I keep gnome desktop as a backup ..it's not a purist approach but it works and I do use some gtk apps anyway.15:33
reagleoh, I see, the other packages "have been kept back"15:33
* reagle runs apt-get dist-upgrade15:34
James147BluesKaj: I would just use aptitude in a virtual terminal :) since thats probally what I would end up running anyway in gnome15:34
BluesKajJames147, I occasionally switch to gnome if I'm puzzled about a question regarding ubuntu apps15:35
reagleuh-oh: Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/libqt4-help_4%3a4.7.0~beta2-0ubuntu3~lucid1~ppa4_amd64.deb15:37
okapi14Riddell, thanks for help but this is sucks... I get away from WINDOWS to avoid loosing data or application and I have to face it here again!15:37
James147okapi14: thats always a risk when updaging so close ot a release15:39
James147okapi14: if you want to avoid such problems wait a week after a release to upgrade15:39
Riddellreagle: please pastebin the output with the error15:41
Riddellokapi14: what's the problem?15:41
reagleRiddell: my system is a little messed up now, can't Konq, I think it related to a conflict with a dependency in autokey-qt, but not sure.15:42
reagleRiddell: here is where I am now: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/248465/15:43
okapi14Riddell: KDE-Full still kept back and digikam not available (or can not be re-install without removing the update) and can not connect my Iphone anymore..15:43
reaglekdebase-runtime: Depends: kdebase-runtime-data (>= 4:4.5.0b-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa2) but 4:4.5.0b-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1 is to be installed15:43
Riddellreagle: are you on amd64?15:44
Riddellreagle: fooey looks like you'll need to wait an hour for the necessary package to compile15:44
reagle... so it refuses to install kdebase-runtime and installing plasma-scriptengine-javascript threatens to remove a ton of packages15:45
reagleah, too quick on the draw I was15:45
Riddellokapi14: pastebin  apt-cache policy digikam15:46
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 10.04 LTS: http://kubuntu.org/news/10.04-lts-release | KDE SC 4.5: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-45 [amd64 still in process, report issues to Riddell] | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guideines | Maverick/10.10 support in #ubuntu+1
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lelamalhi, I've just upgraded to KDE 4.5, but after login screen I get only a black screen. Now writing from a different computer. How can I fix this?15:55
rethuswhats on today... i have 3 security updates, 22 regular updates and 141 blocked updates in kpackageKit.15:56
lelamalAll I can do is stare at the pointer, or ctrl+alt+f# to reach a terminal15:56
rethusis that a bug on my machine, or did someone have such much updates too?15:56
okapi14Riddell:here is what I get after apt-cache digikam policy "digikam:15:56
okapi14  Installed: (none)15:56
okapi14  Candidate: 2:1.3.0-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa215:56
okapi14  Version table:15:56
okapi14     2:1.3.0-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa2 015:56
okapi14        500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu/ lucid/main Packages15:56
FloodBotK1okapi14: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:56
rethus okapi14: use pastebin.com15:56
Riddellreagle: 4.5 just got released15:57
Riddellrethus rather ^^15:57
rethusahh, k. i afraid there was a bug on my machine :D15:58
rethusok, thatn lets get it...15:58
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okapi14Riddell: to who I have to pastebin15:59
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Riddellokapi14: pastebin  apt-get install digikam16:00
James147lelamal: on the black screen can you get krunner up? (alt+F2)16:00
lelamalRiddell: nope16:01
lelamalI can control just the pointer16:01
okapi14Riddell: Done16:01
lelamalJames147: sorry, I got the wrong name16:01
Riddelllelamal: can you do  alt-f2  konsole ?16:02
Riddellokapi14: what's the URL?16:02
okapi14riddell: http://pastebin.com/aErrVKpr16:02
Riddell16:00 < Riddell> okapi14: pastebin  apt-get install digikam16:02
lelamalRiddell: no, I can't, alt+f2 dosn't respond16:03
lelamalJames147 and Riddell: but I can reach a virtual terminal with ctrl+alt+f# if that can help16:04
Riddelllelamal: try this from a linux command line   echo -e "[Compositing]\nEnabled=false" > ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc16:06
lelamalRiddell: ok, did that16:08
Riddelllelamal: then log in16:09
Riddellkillall ksmserver  might be an easy way to force it to log out16:09
joe___hello everybody, I would like you opinion on something, plese16:09
joe___I am about to set again umask as I used to have on another distro before... I want that only users with ID >= 1000 will have a umask of 002, so that the group permission is always writable16:10
lelamalRiddell: ksmserver: no process found16:10
lelamalshould I just reboot?16:10
joe___then I set the default group for users >= 1000 as "user", for all of them, and then I set the home permissions to rwx------16:11
joe___this way, every user has got its own "privacy" inside their home, but the moment they want to share a file with other people, then can just copy it to a shared area16:11
joe___do you see any downside in this configuration, please?16:11
joe___root, as every user below ID 1000, will still have a default umask of 02216:12
Riddelllelamal: yes16:13
lelamalRiddell: I rebooted in the meantime. Basically, now, after letting me enter my suername/password, it keeps showing the blue background16:13
lelamalbut doens't show the fading things (sorry, don't know what they're called) before showing the desktop (which is never shown, in fact)16:14
lelamalbasically, I'm stuck here, but with the native colour instead of a black screen16:15
okapi14Riddell:did I send the wrong information?16:15
joe___lelamal, Riddell: I didn't follow from the beginning, but maybe deleting KDE settings (~/.kde) would help, what do you think?16:16
James147joe___: not just yet...16:16
Riddelllelamal: don't delete settings but trying with a newly created user is an option16:17
joe___James147: ok, you're the expers :)16:17
joe___Riddell: you've got a point there16:17
James147^^ what Riddell said is the better option for testing a clean home director16:17
James147allot less distructive16:17
joe___James147: yes, it is right16:18
lelamalRiddell: ok, how should I go about it from the virtual terminal, please?16:20
Riddelllelamal: sudo adduser16:21
joe___lelamal: you can use the "adduser" command16:21
lelamalRiddell: with the new user I'm back to the black screen16:25
lelamalI can hear the HD stops working when the black screen appears16:26
James147lelamal: try "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade" see if anything was missed16:26
lelamalI mean, it stops loading things, so I don't expect it to show the desktop16:26
lelamalJames147: ok16:26
lelamalI only get errors, I guess it's not connected until it loads the desktop?16:28
James147lelamal: wireless or wired?16:28
lelamalJames147: wireless16:28
lelamalJames147: what do you mean?16:29
James147lelamal: is it possible to get a wired connection, makes things easier (dont know how to connect to a wireless form commandline )16:29
lelamalsorry, no, never had a cable, and the modem is two rooms away16:30
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lelamalJames147: but in the end of the update process, I made sure no packages were left, for what it's worth16:31
James147lelamal: you reran the update?16:32
lelamalJames147: I gave the command again, and it showed 0 packages available16:32
lelamalJames147: just to double-check, I even ran kpackagekit, go figure!16:33
James147lelamal: ^^ was anything removed by the upgrade?16:35
lelamalyes, things were removed, things were upgraded, things were installed16:36
James147lelamal: you know what was removed?16:36
James147(anything that sounded importnat)?16:36
lelamalJames147: they were around 200 packages, coming and going, I didn't take notice of them16:37
lelamalJames147: it's not realistic, I guess, to check every single package coming and going16:37
lelamalJames147: are you hinting at something? did anything happen users should have been aware of?16:38
James147lelamal: i tend to use aptitude which pauses to show you whats being installed/upgraded/removed... thourght apt-get did that as well...16:38
James147but cant remember16:38
James147lelamal: more like taking shots in the dark... not really sure whats wrong16:39
lelamalJames147: did you upgrade today?16:39
James147lelamal: yesterday...16:40
lelamalJames147: I mean, did you notice anything it was trying to uninstall, and which shouldn't have?16:40
lelamalJames147: if the process is the same for everyone, then I shouldn't be alone in this... just sayign16:40
James147lelamal: no, but sometimes there is a conflict from some reason... you upgraded at a time where some things where still being done as far as I am aware16:41
lelamalJames147: oh, I see. I wasn't aware of that... I thought packages were available, so it was safe to upgrade...16:42
James147lelamal: generally its best to wait till the end of the day :)16:42
lelamalyou will understand, however, that if kubuntu website (and KDE?) say software is available, users trust them that it's safe =)16:44
lelamalanyway, this still leaves me with a unusable desktop, so I would still love to solve this issue, please16:46
reagleyea, kdebase-runtime on amd64 still isn't installable.16:51
marcosrorizhow do I create a widget like a panel, but that I can place anywhere?16:54
James147panel isnt a widget... and I am not entirely sure what you are asking (a development question or something specific?)16:56
macoJames147: im pretty sure the panel itself is a plasmoid16:56
macosome sort of floating containment is what it sounds like marcosroriz wants16:56
James147maco: it is?16:56
macoJames147: it gets configured in plasma-desktop-appletsrc16:58
marcosrorizsomething like the folder widget but only for icons ()16:58
macomarcosroriz: oh do you just want something that can hold launchers?16:58
marcosrorizbut that I can place anywhere16:58
James147quick launch springs to mind ^^16:58
macowhich is the same thing as the one on the panel... you can just drag it onto the desktop16:58
macoor... hmm maybe recent versions of kubuntu dotn put it on the panel by default16:59
James147^^ can get it from right click > addwidgets  either way16:59
lelamalRiddell: sorry to be a nuysance, but I really don't know how to get my computer back to working. do you have any other suggestion? adding another user only regress to the black screen situation.17:00
marcosrorizthanks :D17:00
marcosrorizIt's this one (quicks launch)!17:00
marcosrorizthanks gusy17:00
marcosroriz:D \o/17:00
reaglehah, kdebase-runtime on amd64 is finally available!17:11
howlymowlyhi guys...  short question:  I am about to install KDE 4.5  .. but when I do "sudo aptie update" sudo aptitude upgrade"  i get all the packages from the ppa but they are beeing "kept back" by the update manager...17:20
howlymowlyany idea?17:20
howlymowly*sudo aptitude17:20
James147howlymowly: "sudo aptitude full-upgrade" work?17:21
Riddellhowlymowly: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:24
Riddelllelamal: I fear you will have to remove kdelibs5, disable the PPA and reinstall kubuntu-desktop17:25
lelamalRiddell: why do you fear? is this bad? if not, can you guide me through this, please?17:27
howlymowlyJames147: hold on.. I'll try...17:28
James147lelamal:  first you need to connect to the network...17:28
howlymowlyRiddell: but I do not want to upgrade my distro...  just kde 4.4 to kde4.5 with kubutnu 10.0417:28
James147howlymowly: I believe that apt-get dist-upgrade and aptitude full-upgrade are equlivent17:29
lelamalJames147: ok, I remember you don't know how to do that, I was trying to see if Riddel could help17:29
James147howlymowly: apt-get dist-upgrade wont upgrade you to a newer distrbution version17:29
DarthFroghowlymowly: dist-upgrade does a full updating of your current installation, it does not upgrade you to the next version.17:30
DarthFroghowlymowly: You'd have to use "update-manager-kde -u" to do that.17:30
lelamalRiddell: I rebooted from the livecd, maybe this may help?17:31
James147lelamal: that would :) you can chroot into the system and update it like that17:31
Riddellhowlymowly: dist-upgrade is unrelated to upgrading distribution versions17:32
howlymowlykk.. thx guys..  seems like it worked...17:32
lelamalJames147: ok, sorry I don't know how to chroot, could you please write the command?17:32
James147lelamal: (looking for a good howto)17:32
howlymowlyi just hope now, that kde 4.5 works as flawless as kde 4.4 now ^^17:32
lelamalJames147: sure thanks17:32
DarthFroghowlymowly: So do we all. :-)17:33
howlymowlyI was just wondering, because when I upgraded my kde in earlier versions of kubuntu i never had to do a "full-upgrade"17:33
howlymowlyor "distro-upgrade"17:33
James147howlymowly: eairlyer versions you had to change the sources.list manually and upgrade with dist-upgrade... but it wont upgrade your distro version by its self17:34
howlymowlywhiuuu...   a new kde version on my computer is almost like christmas ^^ jeez... i have finally become a geek i guess ^^17:36
James147lelamal: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover%20Grub%202%20via%20LiveCD  << should  work if you stop ebfore you edit grub :) (ie after the sudo chroot /mnt command)17:37
James147lelamal: let me know when you are in chroot17:39
lelamalJames147: many thanks, I was looking for something myself but failed, now I try17:39
pinclusDoes anyone knows what is status of kdepim in KDE 4.5?17:40
howlymowlypinclus: I am just upgrading :)  but i think I read somewhere that the new pim will not be included in the upgrade yet, because the upgrade was about stability and not new features17:42
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James147lelamal: hows it going?17:45
lelamalwell, this is one of those days... anyway, i had to find a way to export the network password (I'm on gnome here), on a USB key, then fucked up something, and had to reboot the livecd, I'll soon start working on that, sorry17:48
BluesKajlelamal, using the 'f' word isn't necessary here17:52
lelamalBluesKaj: sorry, I didn't notice writing it17:52
BluesKajlelamal, ok17:53
lelamalBluesKaj: did you have problems updating today?17:54
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BluesKajlelamal, yesterday ..it didn't go well, had to restore my old kde using ghome/cli17:54
BluesKajerr gnome17:55
staar2where i can remove in kubuntu all the effects ?17:55
lelamalBluesKaj: I remember reading you while upgrading, and thinking, oh well, let's hope it doesn't end up like that17:56
BluesKajold kde being 4.4.5, lelamal17:56
lelamalJames147: I'm done with that procedure17:56
BluesKajstaar2, desktop effects are in systenm settings/desktop17:57
James147lelamal: first you need to remove the backports ppa, can be done by deleteing or renaming it in "/etc/apt/sources.list.d"17:58
staar2BluesKaj: ty i didnt find that :D17:58
Eniakdoes anybody know why everytime a push Crtl+L , the Locked Screen turns into white and i can't see anything18:00
Eniaki've got kubuntu 10 with Nvidia 256.44 driver18:00
lelamalJames147: ok, done that18:04
James147then run "sudo aptitude update" and then "sudo aptitude reinstall kubuntu-desktop"18:04
* James147 hopes thats all you need to do :D 18:04
Eniakwow, only for that bug?18:05
James147Eniak: those commands are for lelamal not you sorry18:05
lelamalJames147: 1 sec, I'm copying the result on pastebin18:07
olskolircI'm on Jaunty using firefox 3.6.8 and it keeps crashing.  When I restart firefox I get this error: Firefox is already running, but is not responding.  To open a new window, you must close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system.18:07
joe___When I try to configure network connections from system settings, I cannot set "System connection" on a new connection. I guess this is because it doesn't ask me for my password and I am not privileged enough.. is there a workaround to fix this, please?18:08
lelamalJames147: http://pastebin.com/ewe2mQBu18:08
Eniak_Shere's a screenshot of my problem, http://a.imageshack.us/img530/6176/screenshothl.png18:08
joe___I don't know, maybe a kdesudo something... to start the network settings with appropriate privileges?18:08
lelamalJames147: this was also to check if my connection was actually working18:08
reagleusing 4.5... a bunch of my keyboard shortcuts got nuked (e.g., krunner), the systray mono icons look weird since not everything is mono, ...18:09
reaglealso, can't launch kmail18:09
reaglekmail: error while loading shared libraries: libkontactinterface.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory18:09
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joe___I really would like to set a static IP address to my desktop and I think that removing network manager is not an option...18:09
olskolircHow do I get firefox 3.6.8 to stop making me kill the pid before I can use it again on Jaunty please?18:09
vinnie_anyone know where the forced disk check history is kept18:09
DarthFrogjoe___: Can you do it at the router?  That's how I do it and it works well.18:10
joe___DarthFrog: unfortunately not. I cannot find anything in the DHPC settings to always give a certain IP to a certain mac address18:10
reaglekmail needs libakonadi-contact4  libkontactinterface418:11
joe___DarthFrog: but maybe if you explain to me how you do it in your router, I can find something similar for mine18:11
DarthFrogjoe___: What router are you using?  Can it be flashed with DD-WRT?18:11
DarthFrogjoe___:  You can also set a static IP with knetworkmanager.18:11
joe___DarthFrog: I don't understand what "flashed with DD-WRT" mean... I am using a US robotics router18:12
joe___DarthFrog: but the problem with knetworkmanager is that I cannot set a system connection, I can only do it per user, and I don't like it18:12
DarthFrogjoe___:  Then you can do it via /etc/network/interfaces.18:13
joe___DarthFrog: oh... and it will still work with network manager?18:13
DarthFrogjoe___: Probably not.18:13
joe___DarthFrog: that's the point. If only that stupid "System connection" checkbox would be enabled in network settings in KDE... that would be the thing I want to do18:14
DarthFrogjoe___: But if you do it via the interfaces file, you don't need network manager.18:14
joe___DarthFrog: I'd like to keep network manager, so if in the future I would like to configure different networks it would be easier18:15
joe___DarthFrog: but ok, I guess you are right, I can just disable network manager and configure /etc/network/interfaces18:15
joe___DarthFrog: it just gets me angry, because I see this working with network manager on GNOME18:16
DarthFrogjoe___: To do what you really want to do, you should do it at the router.   Have a look at http://www.dd-wrt.com18:16
James147lelamal: only think i can find that might help is http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3732782&postcount=218:17
joe___DarthFrog: I agree with you that the router solution is the better one, if applicable. Thanks, I bookmarked the page18:17
joe___I will see it later, I am out for dinner... thanks a lot, DarthFrog18:18
lelamalJames147: if I give the next command (aptitude install kubuntu-desktop) it responds somehow: http://pastebin.com/NZ7hF5L0 should I say yes?18:21
BluesKajjoe___, you can configure other networks by adding the IPs in hosts.allow , for ex : ALL:192.168.X.XX/25418:22
James147lelamal:  need to fix the first command first :)18:22
DarthFrogBluesKaj: ????   What does tcpwrappers have to do with it?18:23
James147lelamal: ^^ you tryed the above fix ?18:23
DarthFrogBluesKaj: You're talking horseshoes and hand grenades. :-)18:23
BluesKaj /etc/hosts.allow18:23
lelamalJames147: not yet, I am now18:23
BluesKajhosts being the other networks in a wan18:24
DarthFrogBluesKaj: hosts.allow and hosts.deny are the config files for tcpwrappers, part of your system security.18:24
DarthFrogBluesKaj: They give or deny permission for other hosts to connect to your system.  SSH, for example, uses those files.18:25
BluesKajDarthFrog,, maybe so but it also "sees" and recognizes other IPs on the networks and18:25
BluesKajallows connections that werepreviously ignored18:26
DarthFrogBluesKaj: So how does that allow the setting of a static IP address, which is what Joe__ was asking?18:27
lelamalJames147: I already have a line that says: >> localhost. Should I add that anyway. And, sorry to be stupid, what is exactly a "hostname"? the name of the connection?18:28
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.18:29
lelamalDarthFrog: it's telling me that hostname must be the same in both files, but not what it is18:30
DarthFrogThe hostname is the name of your computer.  If it includes the network domain name, it is a FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name).18:30
James147lelamal: replace the line ^^18:30
lelamalJames147: ok18:30
James147lelamal: but rather then "yourhostname" at the end replace it with your actual host name18:30
* James147 wonders if that should be the host name of the live enviroment or the chroot...18:31
DarthFroglelamal: To find out your hostname, give the command "hostname" at a Konsole terminal session.18:31
DarthFrogJames147: If he's chroot'ed, it should be the chroot name.  Whatever "hostname" tells him.18:32
James147DarthFrog: :)18:32
DarthFrogJames147: If he's properly chroot'ed, the hostname is in /etc/hostname.18:32
lelamalDarthFrog: yes, in fact it's ubuntu18:33
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James147lelamal: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7960338&postcount=3  << might have been a better one to follow...18:34
taxi download some files mp3 and the shows me 1. �� �'������- ����.mp3 , how i can rename that files to play?18:35
James147lelamal: might want to restart the chroot following that one18:35
James147(crtl+d to close the chroot or start a new terminal)18:35
DarthFrogJames147: That's an excellent post.  Would be nice if it could be put into ubottu.18:35
lelamalJames147: I've tried the hostname change but still the same errors, now Iill take a look at the new link18:35
James147lelamal: sorry for the round about-ness not use to chrooting with networking :S18:36
lelamalJames147: it's ok, sorry for keeping you here for so long, and thanks for the patience... :)18:37
* James147 has nothing better to do...18:37
DarthFrogIt seems that both James147 and I haven't yet found that ftp site from which we download a life. :-)18:38
James147DarthFrog: :D18:38
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taxi try to rename but it says that files doesn't exist and also i cano't delete them18:42
James147tax: whats the file called?18:42
taxi don't know , my region is greece so maybe ubuntu can't see that fonts18:43
taxi try through terminal , and show that mp3 files like that 123/1233/4566/7766.mp318:44
DarthFrogtax: it's the slashes that are causing the problem.  Double them.  i.e. // instead of /18:44
taxi am newbie , what do you mean ?18:46
lelamalJames147: ok, I managed to update, but when I tell it to reinstall it tells me it's not currently installed, so it won't be reinstalled18:47
MamarokDarthFrog: try ssh instead, that might work ;)18:47
DarthFrogtax: In Unix (Ubuntu is a type of Unix), the forward slash is used in the same way that a backslash is used in the DOS/Windows world.  That is, it separates directories (or folders) in a path.18:47
DarthFrogMamarok: ???18:47
MamarokDarthFrog: you said you were looking for the ftp site to download a life :)18:48
James147lelamal: what happens if you install iut?18:48
James147^^ or try to18:48
DarthFrogtax:  You can also enclose the problem file names in quotes instead.18:48
James147^^ or use wildcards (* and ?) for characters you cant type18:49
DarthFrogMamarok: I see.  :-)  So just where is that "Ponce de Leon"ic site? :-))18:49
James147(? for a single character * for any number of characters)18:50
lelamalJames147: http://pastebin.com/HVAgQk9Z18:50
DarthFrogtax:   "123/1233/4566/7766.mp3"  or '123/1233/4566/7766.mp3'  should get around the problem. i.e. put quote marks around the file name.18:50
James147^^ wonder why its trying to remove network-manager-kde ... o well, you can try it and  just install that again after18:51
James147o wait18:52
lelamalJames147: ok18:52
DarthFrogtax: Enclosing a file name within quotes escapes the special characters from the command interpreter.  Single quotes are stronger than double quotes.18:52
BluesKajtoo bad joe__ left...had a good tutorial for static IP in /etc/network/interfaces18:52
BluesKajor have18:53
DarthFrogBluesKaj: Where is it?18:53
James147DarthFrog: dose that work for /  i thought that would still mean a path...18:53
DarthFrogJames147: You might need the singe quote escape for /.  But // should work, also.18:53
Freddy2hmm no kde 4.5 in backports for x86_64? is that true? (according to the topic)18:54
BluesKajDarthFrog, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html18:54
DarthFrogFreddy2: 4.5 will be released shortly.   I'm running it now on x86_64.18:54
Freddy2i mean according to synaptic if i try to mark the packages to update it has to remove a lot, and install many other packages.. quite strange18:55
James147Freddy2: I would wait abit before trying to upgrade a 64bit18:55
James147lelamal: uninstall network-manager first then try to install kubuntu-desktop18:56
DarthFrogBluesKaj: That's pretty good.  He should have told how to identify which network interface to use.  That won't work for wlan0, for instance.18:56
BluesKajDarthFrog, did you upgrade to 4.5 yesterday or more recently?18:56
DarthFrogBluesKaj: Yesterday.  It's the presumtive final release.18:57
DarthFrogBluesKaj: But I did a dist-upgrade today.18:57
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Freddy2ok, i'll wait :) thx18:58
bobyis there kubuntu 10.04.1 available?19:03
lelamalJames147: ok, I did that, and I had some broken packages, I gave sudo aptitude install -f, and after that, I reran the upgrade, and this is where I am: http://pastebin.com/WRPvtV7T19:03
James147lelamal: answer yes to that19:06
James147bottiger: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/  are all the current released versions19:08
lelamalJames147: do you think that a taking a home backup now, and integrating into a full backup I did 10 days ago would be a cleaner solution? I've kept saying yes to that many times already: http://pastebin.com/CenUnYUz19:09
bottigerJames147: ok?19:10
James147bottiger: sorry tab fail19:10
bottigerJames147: np19:11
BluesKajDarthFrog, there is awifi wlan0 tutorial for network/interfaces on nixCraft , but I can't seem to find it :(19:11
James147lelamal: that would work... but we are getting somewhere now, would be a shame to just give up :p19:12
lelamalJames147: I didn't seem to go any further...19:13
James147lelamal: if you want to restore a backup you can, but atm all you need to do is keep removing kde packages untill kubuntu-desktop install properly :)19:14
James147kdebase-workspace-data ebing the next one :)19:14
James147and -bin ^^19:14
lelamalJames147: if you look at the last pastebin you will see where I'm stuck.19:16
lelamalJames147: basically, I keep repeating the same command, and keep receiving the same output19:16
bobykubuntu 10.04.1 is it available?19:17
James147lelamal: "sudo aptitude remove kdebase-workspace-data kdebase-workspace-bin kde-window-manager kdebase-workspace"  then install kubuntu-desktop again..19:18
lelamalJames147: ok19:18
James147lelamal: ^^ and remove anything that wants to remove, installing kubuntu-desktop should reinstall everything needed by the system (at least for kde)19:19
James147boby: : http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ are all the current released versions19:20
bobyok I know that19:20
bobybut 10.04.1 was schudeled for 8.8.201019:21
PiciIts scheduled for the 12th iirc.19:21
bobyI see it now19:22
bobyit is moved19:22
lelamalJames147: ok, it seems it did its job ;)19:22
bobyhow to upgrade to kde 4.5?19:22
James147boby: see topic19:23
James147lelamal: see :) getting there slowly19:23
lelamalJames147: yes :)19:24
bobyamd 64 still in progress?19:24
James147boby: as far as I know19:24
bobyi have amd6419:24
James147boby: then I suggest waiting for a bit before upgrading19:24
lelamalJames147: so, basically what I should do now is just reboot?19:27
James147lelamal:  install finished without error?19:28
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James147lelamal: ^^ if so just do a quick check to make sure network-manager and network-manager-kde where installed :)19:28
James147lelamal:  and install them if you need to, then you should be good for a reboot19:29
lelamalJames147: yes, they both are... rebooting now19:30
* James147 also reboots19:31
BluesKajI was thinking of attempting another kde 4.5 upgrade , but the deb url Riddell gave me yesterday is unreachable without a username and pw.19:31
DarthFrogBluesKaj: I didn't need to login.19:32
lelamalJames147: it seems everything is back to normal. sure, desktop activities, wallpapers etc are gone, but I couldn't be that demanding :)19:35
lelamalJames147: seriously man, thank you SO much for bearing with me, and solve this thng for me, it was really appreciated! =)19:36
toomai_CHhello all19:36
James147lelamal: no problem :)19:36
James147lelamal: you ready gona wait a bit before upgrading then?19:37
James147^^ trying to upgrade again19:37
toomai_CHanyone else used the backports to get KDE 4.5.0? My Kmail is acting up, it cant find libkontactinterface.so.4 therefore it doesnt start...the package libkdepim5 is installed...anyone else got that problem?19:37
lelamalJames147: =) heh, no way! I'll let the dust settle a bit, now... I've learnt my lesson! Have a good evening/day, and thanks again!19:38
toomai_CHsorry, libkdepim419:38
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BluesKajDarthFrog, ok got a url ?19:40
skaftihi can someone help me speed up my computer19:47
skaftijust installed kubuntu, the computer is insanely slow grrr19:48
skaftislowed down after i upgraded Hardy H19:48
DarthFrogskafti: Run "top" or "htop" at the command line, see which processes are consuming excessive resources.19:49
James147skafti: upgraded to what?19:49
skaftif*** takes like 15min to swicht between windows19:51
toomai_CHooookay, just solved the problem myself...sorry...:)19:51
DarthFrogskafti: Kill firefox, if it's running.19:51
skaftijames  first i upgraded hardy and then came another upgrade for lucid19:52
skaftionly thing thats running now is quassel19:52
toomai_CHanother questions: anyone tried to add google calendar and contacts to Kontact?? it keeps sayint (in calendar) I used the invalid password (I really have typed it correctly!) in KDE 4.5.0 (and in KDE 4.4.5)19:52
skaftiits like having windows xp on 385 machine19:53
James147skafti: try disabling the desktop effects19:53
skaftidunn that19:53
toomai_CHso I guess no one is using google here...or android...;)19:55
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James147tomdavidson: I do :) but not kontact :S19:57
James147although last I tryed i was able to set up a sync with my google acount19:57
* James147 goes off to try again19:57
tomdavidsonhi James147: reminding me what your talking about :)19:58
scheuriJames147: well, I installed the akonadi plugin for googledata...and it allows me to create a "calendar" and contacts...but it keep saying to me that I entered a invalid password19:58
tomdavidsonahh you ment toomai_CH:19:58
James147tomdavidson: dam tab complete :S19:58
scheuritomdavidson: sorry, I changed my nick, so James147 matched yours19:58
James147sorry ^^19:58
tomdavidsonya but it s great becuase this sounds like a prob i have too19:58
scheuriJames147 and tomdavidson: I am sorry for changing nick19:59
scheuritomdavidson: really? oh well...that is good and bad...meaning I am not the only one, but it does not work...;)19:59
James147scheuri: I take it you already ahve akonadi-kde-resource-googledata installed?20:01
tomdavidsonscheuri: it been awhile since i tried, but i shelfed it to see if the next update when kontact made the switch helped out20:02
scheuriJames147: yes, I have...but I will check again20:02
tomdavidsoni prob dont have any input, but will observe just to make sure :)20:03
scheuritomdavidson: well, I was trying at 4.4.2 (original lucid), then 4.4.5 and now 4.5.0 to no avail20:03
scheuriJames147: yes, it is installed...20:03
scheuriJames147: and I can choose (in contact and calendar) the google source20:04
James147scheuri: dose it give an error, just tryed it and it seems to have worked20:04
scheuriJames147: really??? aarrr...well, no error...it just accepts my entry, however, when I check back it says "invalid password"20:05
scheuriJames147: I actually changed the passwort to a really simple one...;)20:05
James147scheuri: are you using your full email in the username field?20:06
James147(because I dident)20:06
scheuriJames147: no, I dont...20:06
scheuriJames147: only the stuff in fron of the @20:06
scheuriJames147: as it says when entering the username/pw20:06
James147yeah.. it now says ready here :s20:06
scheuriJames147: hmmm....let me check if I find the config file for that20:07
scheuriJames147: there isnt a way to restart akonadi, is there?20:08
James147although, its not appearing in kontact20:08
James147i think there ius20:08
James147scheuri: you can vida "Akonadi server configureation" (found it via alt+f2)20:09
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scheuriJames147: uhmm...I am using Gnome at the moment (only using kmail and kontact)20:10
scheuriJames147: found the system settings from KDE, however, akonadi is not listed20:11
skafticompletly froze20:12
James147scheuri: wasnt in system settings...20:12
gnomefreakwhat is akonadi?20:12
skaftiThere are broken dependecies on your system. Please use an advanced package manage e.g. Synaptic or aptitude to resolve this situation.There are broken dependecies on your system. Please use an advanced package manage e.g. Synaptic or aptitude to resolve this situation.20:12
macognomefreak: data server20:13
gnomefreakmaco: thanks20:13
macoso far holds contact stuff and i think file indexy stuff. new version of kmail would use it too but isnt stable enough to be shipped in 10.10 yet20:13
James147gnomefreak: akonadi is the kde resource magment... thing... it handels calendars/contacts and other pim data so that multiple applications can use the same data20:13
scheurignomefreak: well, actually it is supposed to...;)20:14
scheuriJames147: ah nooooo...now kontact is not starting up...kmail does however20:15
scheuriJames147: sorry, the process had to be...killed -920:16
scheuriJames147: aaahhahahahah...it says ready now20:17
scheuriJames147: I had to use a mysql command to (likely) make the DB for akonadi20:17
scheuriJames147: it says ready...but I cant see my stuff...;)...guess the same as with you20:17
skaftido i have to install htop ?20:18
scheuriJames147: a pity....thought I could finally get my android smartphone - web - desktop to work with contacts and calendar20:18
James147ooo, got my contacts20:19
scheuriJames147: thing is...with evolution it does not work either...20:19
James147cant get the calendar to show up though20:20
scheurime neither...syncing does not help either20:20
scheurihow did you make the contacts show up? did they just show up=20:20
James147scheuri: are you able to get the contacts to show up20:20
scheuriJames147: no, they dont...I just see one address book and that is the local one20:21
James147went to the contacts page, deleted all teh resources from there, rightclicked the address books panel and add address book...20:21
scheuriJames147: it appears it does not even add google contacts as address book20:22
James147added a google contacts resource and then ticked the address book20:22
scheuriJames147: with ressources you mean the address books, right?20:22
MrUnagii am on the live cd trying to create an hfs+ partition with gparted but it is greyed out, any ideas?20:23
scheuriJames147: ah, back to square one...it says "invalid password" again20:23
James147scheuri: :S mine hasnt done that yet20:23
scheuriJames147: *sighs*....20:24
James147scheuri: are there any funny characters in the password?20:24
scheuriJames147: guess that seems to be a lost battle...20:24
scheuriJames147: no, not at all...its a very simple one...20:24
scheuriJames147: I wish there were, so I would have had an idea where to start looking...;)20:25
James147scheuri: not sure what to do then sorry20:25
scheuriJames147: thanks a lot for your help though...at least I am not the only one with that problem20:25
James147scheuri: actually, do you send mail as *@gmail.com or *@googlemail.com?20:26
scheuriJames147: @gmail.com20:26
James147scheuri: wonder what happens if you change that to googlemail.com  (what mine is atm)20:27
mkristahi everyone, I upgraded KDE to 4.5 and after the install I log in and just get default blue screen with nutten there , no menu's anything, I tryed to do a aptitude install kubuntu-desktop but it wants to downgrade . even renamed my .kde but didnt help . can anybody help thank's20:27
James147mkrista: 64 bit?20:28
James147mkrista: yeah... they havnt finished that yet20:28
James147mkrista:  need to wait while then upgrade again20:28
scheuriJames147: after restarting akonadi it says "ready" for me...I guess there is a lot to do here20:28
James147^^ install kubuntu-desktop again i mean20:28
mkristaok thanks20:29
scheuriJames147: didnt know that...I am on 64bit as well...;)...well then...I just wait and update once in a while to make sure20:29
scheurithanks a lot20:29
mkristaguess I'll take the downgrade20:30
James147mkrista: I would remove the ppa before you try a downgrade...20:30
mkristacrap I didnt think about that20:33
mkristahi everyone, I upgraded KDE to 4.5 and after the install I log in and just get default blue screen with nutten there , no menu's anything, I tryed to do a aptitude install kubuntu-desktop but it wants to downgrade . even renamed my .kde but didnt help . can anybody help thank's;020:33
BluesKajhmm, kde update to 4.5 worked but the theme looks like something from edgy or thereabouts , and the lost and found in system settings has 30 settings :)20:40
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James147BluesKaj: :S well that aint right20:42
BluesKajJames147, it's holding together so far , so I'll go along for now and wait for more fixes in the ppa20:46
* BluesKaj wonders if Riddell's kde4.5 ppa has a verifiable public key , it's not a biggie tho :)20:56
James147BluesKaj: why not switch to the offical ones now?20:57
BluesKajofficial ones ? got a url or key , James147 ?21:00
James147BluesKaj: the backports one in topic21:00
BluesKajoops :)21:00
James147BluesKaj: although not yet if your on a 64bit21:01
AndreS__Stupid question: According to http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-45 I can upgrade to KDE 4.5 by adding ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports to my sources. I did that, but no KDE 4.5 upgrade appears. I use Kubuntu 10.0421:01
BluesKaj32bit here21:01
AndreS__Ah... Problably problem is that I am on 64 bits. Sorry for the noise!21:02
James147AndreS__: run "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade"   I would advise agienst it for now if you ahve a 64bit computer21:02
James147^^ run the 64bit version of kubuntu at least21:02
AndreS__james147: thanks, I'll hang on for a little longer then.21:03
AndreS__Pitty the announcement doesn't mention the difference.21:03
* James147 wonders why his 64bit upgraded without an issue :S21:03
James147AndreS__: yeah... not sure why the 64bit is taking so long21:03
mweijtsactual 64bit update Kubuntu breaks KDE, can't start KDE anymore21:05
AndreS__That it takes a bit longer if fine, that the announcement doesn't mention that the 64 bits version isn't complete yet is less fine. It made me seek help to figure out what's going on...21:05
AndreS__I guess I will just wait until it appears in my updates.21:05
DarthFrogWoo hoo!!  System Settings in KDE 4.5 allows enabling Ctl-Alt-Backspace. :-)21:06
* James147 dosnt mind the new shortcut for that ^^21:07
contrastGreets, everyone... I just started to update to KDE 4.5 and saw a reasonably lengthy list of packages will be removed (http://pastebin.ca/1914663). Should I be safe to upgrade, or is there a problem?21:09
James147contrast: 64bit?21:10
contrastNope, 32.21:10
contrastJames147: You've already upgraded w/o issue?21:10
James147did it yesterday...21:11
James147contrast: dont remove those packages :S21:11
James147contrast: do you get the same if you run "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade"?21:11
contrastActually looks a bit worse (e.g., kde-window-manager will be removed). Want to see the output?21:13
James147nah, just dont do it :)21:13
James147... didnt think the 32bit ones had that issue21:13
contrastHrmm... Well, I've been looking forward to 4.5 for a good while. Any idea how I might fix this?21:13
contrastI'm considering putting Maverick on my laptop to see if it's ready for my desktop yet, if that's what I have to do to get 4.5.21:14
maco4.5 is in ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports21:15
macoyou have to use sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:15
contrastmaco: I know. See above. :)21:15
macoaptitude isnt resolving properly for this21:15
contrastI always use apt-get du21:15
James147contrast: they broke xorg just yesterday on maverick, dont think its ready jsut yet for production use21:15
contrast::throws temper tantrum::21:16
contrastI want my shiny new KDE nooooow21:16
mkristame 221:16
macocontrast: oh that list of packages is fine21:17
macocontrast: note that there are "new packages" that are the same names as those *4 packages that are being removed, except they're *4a21:17
* James147 rereads the list21:17
macocontrast: and those others in the remove list are cases of old metapackages being renamed21:17
contrastmaco: What about kde-window-manager being held back?21:18
contrastShould it be upgradable once the other ones get upgraded, I guess?21:18
macocontrast: that just means that one's not being upgraded. there's something still building i think, so makes sense21:18
contrastAhh... That's comforting then.21:19
BluesKajJames147, added the backports ppa to the sources.list , does it replace vorian-launchpad repos ?21:19
macocontrast: i had the same freakout a week ago when i upgraded to RC ;-)21:20
contrastmaco: You missed KTorrent. There's no replacement for that.21:20
macohmm dunno about that one. aptitude why-not ktorrent ?21:21
James147BluesKaj: I think so :) I removed the ppa we where given yesterday and everything is fine21:21
contrastUnable to find a reason21:22
contrastapt-cache policy shows the newer version as the candidate21:22
contrastI'm going ahead and doing it on the laptop. If it breaks, no biggie. Thanks for the help, guys. You'll probably see me back in here later. Peace out.21:23
gorgonzolahello all! i need help, kde doesn't start after upgrading to 4.5 from 4.5 rc2 halp?22:03
pvandewyngaerdeis that on lucid or maverick ?22:03
gorgonzolaand it's not user related, a clean user has the same problem. ie, the screen does not show the progress box after login, then it goes black and shows the cursor, but plasma stays that way :S22:04
gorgonzolais there a way of enabling a more verbose logging to kdm.log?22:05
RoeyI can play sound when I'm out of X, but once I have KDE running I can't seem to play sound at all... what gives??  I tried fuser -v /dev/snd/* and see that either timidity or knotify4 has those files open22:08
MakuseruIm having problems with the HDMI out on my HP G60. It has an Nvidia 8200M and im using Ubuntu 10.04. The Nvidia settings sees the tv, i can configure it and everything, it even acts like its there, if i move the mouse to the right (where the tv would be) the pointer goes off the screen like there actually is a monitor there. But the tv just says "no input" the nvidia settings also says "screens: 1" even though it shows both22:09
Makuseruscreens as being avaliable. Why is this happening? How can i fix it?22:09
James147gorgonzola: are you on 64bit?22:10
gorgonzolaok, now i'm pissed. I don't know where do i have to got to complain about kubuntu-backports, but the KDE sc 4.5 packaging is seriously borked.22:13
gorgonzolakdebase-workspace-bin depends on kdebase-workspace-data blablabla.1, but the one in the repos is .2 wtf?22:14
mweijtsgorgonzola:  KDE is here also complete damaged i cant select KDE from login screen22:14
gorgonzolamweitjs, sounds like a diff issu, but i wouldn't know as i don't have any other DE... only thing i know, is that i'm missing all kdebase-workspace pkgs.22:15
gorgonzolamweijts, are you trying to use the new KDE 4.5? beacause until today's updgrade, everything worked fine here...22:16
gorgonzolaJames147: YES, sorry, didn't see your message. Is there a known problem on amd64?22:16
James147gorgonzola: read topic ^^22:17
mweijtsyes i update 2 hrs ago and after that it complete messed uo on amd6422:17
RoeyI can play sound when I'm out of X, but once I have KDE running I can't seem to play sound at all... what gives??  I tried fuser -v /dev/snd/* and see that either timidity or knotify4 has those files open22:17
gorgonzolaJames147: oh. i see.22:17
gorgonzolaJames147: guess i'll have to wait for the builds to finish. thanks.22:18
gorgonzolamweijts: we got the same problem. I guess packages for 64bit are not yet all built...22:18
mweijtskdebase-workspace-bin: Depends: kdebase-workspace-data (= 4:4.5.0b-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1) but 4:4.5.0b-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa2 is to be installed22:19
mweijtsE: Broken packages22:19
gorgonzolamweijts: yes, as James said, the topic mentions that amd64 packages are "still in process"22:20
gorgonzolamweijts: we'll have to wait until they finish building. It's easier than trying to rollbak the update :S22:20
thechrisDoes anyone know how to install libstdc++.so.5?22:21
mweijtsJames147: amd64 still in progress, why the put all other packages on the ppa when dependency's brakes everything ?22:22
James147mweijts: ask Riddell22:22
mweijtsJames147:  i"ll wait until they finish the building, still have gnome/XFCE on this machine22:24
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 10.04 LTS: http://kubuntu.org/news/10.04-lts-release | KDE SC 4.5: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-45 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guideines | Maverick/10.10 support in #ubuntu+1
Riddellamd64 should be fine now22:25
Riddellmweijts: ^^22:25
Roeyhey Jonathan!22:25
Riddellhi Roey baby22:25
Roeygot a quick question about22:25
Roeythe sound context:22:25
RoeyI can play sound when I'm out of X, but once I have KDE running I can't seem to play sound at all... what gives??  I tried fuser -v /dev/snd/* and see that either timidity or knotify4 has those files open22:25
FloodBotK1Roey: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:26
debfxthechris: I can point you to a package in around half an hour22:32
phant0ml0rdhi. is the place to ask about problems due ot upgrading to KDE4.5 from the PPA ?22:37
James147phant0ml0rd: what problems?22:37
phant0ml0rdI just upgraded to KDE 4.5 and I cant install kdevelop, due to the package depending on a library that got renamed in 4.522:38
James147Riddell: ^^22:39
Roeyhmm.  Can anyone help me with that sound issue above?22:39
phant0ml0rdthe package that got renamed was called libprocessui4 but got renamed to libprocessui4a, but the dependency was not changed for kdevelop22:39
Riddellhmm, seems amd64 is actually not done yet :(22:40
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 10.04 LTS: http://kubuntu.org/news/10.04-lts-release | KDE SC 4.5: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-45 [amd64 still in progress] | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guideines | Maverick/10.10 support in #ubuntu+1
parsaسلام کسی هست؟22:40
maco!ar | parsa22:40
ubottuparsa: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe22:40
ubottuFor the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية22:40
RiddellRoey: are you using 10.04?22:41
Riddellphant0ml0rd: yes I'm afraid kdevelop is still being packaged22:41
* maco gives Riddell a Super Duper Helper gold star22:42
parsawath is better messenger for yahoo?22:42
RoeyRiddell:  yes22:42
phant0ml0rdridell:ah ok, i guess vim for now then :) ... thanks22:42
mofuxhi, after upgrading to 4.5 kdm ist not listing KDE as session anymore... what can i do to get it back?22:42
mofuxcan only start gnome now22:42
RoeyRiddell:  er, lucid actually22:42
mofux4.5 is installed correctly i think22:42
macoRiddell: 10.04 == lucid22:43
RiddellRoey: do you have pulseaudio running?22:43
RoeyI did 'ps aux | grep pulse' but found nothing22:43
Roey(had suspected this)22:43
Riddellmofux: do you have  /usr/share/xsessions/kde.desktop ?22:43
mofuxRiddell: ys22:43
Riddellmofux: do you have /usr/bin/startkde ?22:44
mofuxRiddell: nope22:44
Riddellmofux: there's the rub22:45
mofuxRiddell: start_embedded, start-pulseaudio-x11, startx22:45
Roeyhola maco :)22:46
macoRoey: does it work if you use pulse?22:46
mofuxRiddell: is there a package i can reinstall to get this fixed?22:46
Roeymaco:  I'm not sure it's running.  What's pulseadio's process name?22:46
Riddellmofux: make sure kdebase-workspace-bin  and preferably kubuntu-desktop are installed22:46
macoRiddell: oops! sorry about the lucid thing to you. tab fail :P22:46
macoRoey: should just be pulseaudio i think22:46
macoRoey: run start-pulseaudio-x1122:46
Roeymaco:  and I can't even play music with mpg123 at a tty while X/KDE is operating!22:46
macoRoey: mmmm you're making me wonder about a possibility of a bug in ConsoleKit22:47
bedheadfredoy, "amd64 still in progress" i wish i had seen that about 15 minutes ago22:47
macobut then im not even sure whether CK handles sound switching between X & TTY without pulse22:47
mofuxRiddell: unmet dependencies for kdebase-workspace-bin22:48
bedheadfredmofux, yeah me too22:48
Roeymaco:  I installed the pulseaudio package.  Now I don't hear /any/ sound (it worked ont he headphones jack but not from the digital coax output)22:48
mofuxkdebase-workspace-data (= 4:4.5.0b-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1) but 4:4.5.0b-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa2 is to be installed22:48
macodigital coax... do you mean spdif?22:49
RoeyI can play sound fine before I get into X (with mpg123)22:49
macodid it work at any point in the past?22:49
macoor is this your first time trying spdif?22:49
macoand what changed between then and now?22:50
maconew kde or new kernel or ... ?22:50
Roeyoh, new kernel definitely22:50
macotry old kenel22:50
macoif spdif isnt working and regular sound is, that sounds like you hit a regression in a sound driver22:50
Roeywhat is it about X that makes spdif stop working though?22:50
macohmm? oh spdif works in tty?22:50
Roeyagain:  without X running, mpg123 plays on the spdif fine22:50
bedheadfredis there an ETA for the amd64 repo?22:51
* maco pouts22:51
Roeywhen X runs, I can't play it at all (except for the headphone jack)22:51
Riddellmofux: are you on amd64?22:51
mofuxRiddell: yes, i think so22:52
Riddellmm, sorry about that, it's still compiling22:52
Riddellwait 40 minutes22:52
bedheadfred"still compiling"? I've heard that one before: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/compiling.png22:55
mamefanStarting recenly (sometime after updating to lucic) tab-autocomplete completely locks my konsole for about 30 seconds (but only once).  Can anyone help?22:56
macoRoey: what happens if you run "sudo alsa force-reload" ?22:56
RoeyI mean I have no difference trying mpg12322:58
Roeysame thing:  I hear nothing22:58
Roeymaco:  only that now after installing the pulseadio pacakge I hear nothing from the headphone jack when I do 'mpg123'22:59
macoRoey: mm ok. well you can remove it again then. though possibly if you went to sound settings and put it at the top of the list instead of the default bottom (which just plain doesnt work) itd make sound23:00
BluesKajRoey, is pcm turned up in alsamixer?23:02
RoeyBluesKaj:  yes23:03
RoeyI removed pulseaudio, killed the pulseaudio process and now I have sound.23:04
RoeyBluesKaj, maco: thanks!23:04
macoRoey: what about spdif?23:04
Roey(interesting that I had to install pulseaudio then apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio to hear sound)23:04
raven24what's with kdevelop and ktorrent? they got uninstalled during the update to kde 4.5 packages... is that still in progress or was that a mistake somewhere?23:04
Roeyyes, that works finally23:04
macoraven24: amd64?23:05
chjhi, is «kooka» dead? i can't find it in the repositories any more; however i'm still at karmic (9.10)23:05
macoRoey: that was probably the alsa force-reload then23:05
macochj: its only in dapper and hardy23:05
Roeymaco:  question is, will I have to do this upon every reboot??23:06
chjmaco: thanks! what scanner software is kde standard now, then?23:06
macoraven24: well kdevelop isnt done building23:06
macochj: gwenview has scanning built in23:06
raven24maco: ah thanks for the info23:06
BluesKajRoey, you may have a situation which is common with some soundcards , no simultaneous analog and digtal output , you choose one or the other as default23:06
Roeybut that worked fine before23:06
macoRoey: force-reload simulates what happens on reboot, so you shouldnt23:06
chjmaco: thanks :-)23:07
chjfound it, got it working23:07
chjmany thanks, again :-)23:07
Roeymaco:  ah, gotcha23:08
Roeybecause I had tried rebooting before as well.23:08
mamefanStarting recenly (sometime after updating to lucic) tab-autocomplete completely locks my konsole for about 30 seconds (but only once). Can anyone help?23:17
Roeymaco:  oh hey23:18
Roeyanother coupla questions23:18
RoeyI click on a window and it disappears (this is when I have compositing enabled).  I click alt-leftclick and it reappears.  What gives?23:19
Roeyit's an artifact but it's soooo annoying23:19
Roeyalso, I have to quintuple-click Pidgin windows quickly or otherwise they don't receive focus.23:19
Roeymaco:  what gives with that, too23:19
macoRoey: dunno. artifacts seem common in kde though :(  less common now than a year ago but...23:20
Roeyyou know what I'm referring to?23:20
RoeyI have it on my other box at work too (iwth a different processor and graphics card)23:20
macoim used to pop up notifications not disappearing when they go away23:20
Roeywhy does kde do this?!?!23:21
macobut my main laptops use xmonad not kwin so no idea on the pidgin thing23:21
macoi would say "bug in qt" if i had to guess23:21
Roeywhat is so good about xmonad that you use that instead of kwin?23:21
Roeymaco:  aye23:21
macoi like tiling. kwin just finally got tiling, and it only has one tiling algorithm which isnt the one im used to23:21
Roeyhmm.  I'm using the 4.4.5 ppa and I don't see any tiling in the context menus23:22
macoreleased toda23:22
RoeyI know23:23
RoeyI'm running it23:23
mofuxRiddell: can i check the build status somewhere?23:25
Riddellmofux: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports/+build/191270823:26
mofuxwow, that was fast, thanks Riddell23:26
hellslingerdoes anyone ever get any strange behavior of GTK apps in KDE like mouse clicks getting "stuck" and accidentally dragging things on a single click? anyone know how to fix that?23:29
DarthFrogHmm, krunner no longer seems to do unit conversions (degrees C to F) in 4.5.23:40
=== wnstn is now known as junglist
James147DarthFrog: is the plugin still enabled?23:46
DarthFrogJames147: All the plugins are enabled.  I don't know which specific one did unit conversions.23:47
James147the uinoit convert one23:49
James147DarthFrog: is it not there?23:50
DarthFrogI guess it hasn't made it to 4.5 yet.23:50

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