
nigelbwgrant: you had something to find all the members belonging to a team including subteams? (I think it was you)03:38
lifelessnigelb: +participation ?03:38
nigelblifeless: I find a list of people.. does participation do that? I thought I had to write a script for it03:39
lifelessnigelb: or /participants03:39
* nigelb hugs lifeless 03:41
nigelbwow, that is rocking.  I didn't know you could just fetch json :)03:41
lifelessits LP apis03:41
lifelessthe api client does the same thing03:41
nigelbI always wrote a script for that sorta thingie03:41
nigelblooks like things can be faster :)03:42
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lifelessby a script, do you mean using launchpadlib ?03:42
lifelessif so, well this is the same thing , its just done by hand :)03:42
nigelbyeah, launchpadlib03:42
micahgnigelb: short list, only 176 people03:56
nigelbmicahg: for interview.  Its a big list :)04:00
micahgnigelb: indeed, I thought there were more for some reason04:00
micahgI think it's amazing04:00
nigelblifeless: LP shows 176 members, but the json only has 49 :(04:01
micahgthat's not right04:01
nigelbmicahg: the fact that we're running on 176 people? ;)04:01
micahgnigelb: yep04:01
lifelesshmm, it may be using a slightly different view04:02
nigelbmicahg: oh yes, it is :)04:02
lifelessI'd need to check the source ;)04:02
lifelessnigelb: does it list sub-teams perhaps ?04:02
nigelblet me check04:02
nigelblifeless: gah, only first 50 I think04:03
lifelessnigelb: oh right, its paginated - pass in a batch size or offset (or use lplib:P)04:04
micahgnigelb: I think it's only one subteam deep04:04
nigelbmicahg: thats okay for ubuntu-dev04:04
nigelblifeless: how do I pass batch size?04:04
micahgnigelb: yes04:04
lifelessnigelb: I don't know offhand; use launchpadlib :)04:05
nigelbRight.  GAH!04:05
lifelessnigelb: you don't like lplib ?04:05
nigelbI do, but its work time so I get to do this only in the evening now04:06
nigelblifeless: I wonder if I can write a php script that would keep fetching the json and generate the data dynamically04:06
lifelessnigelb: what are you doing ?04:07
nigelbGenerating names, date of membership and date of expiration for all ubuntu devs so I can use it for behindthecircle.org (rebranded from behind MOTU)04:07
ajmitchsounds worrying :)04:08
lifelessnigelb: is there a PHP REST client ?04:08
lifelessyou could just do it on-demand ;)04:08
nigelbyeah, thats the plan04:09
nigelbyes, there is a rest client04:09
nigelb(or I think there is)04:09
nigelbajmitch: hahaha04:09
nigelblifeless: can ya poke me if you find how to process the json?04:10
nigelb(i.e. get the next 50)04:10
ajmitchlifeless: sorry, I got /participants to timeout04:12
ajmitchI added ?ws.size=150 to the URL :)04:12
lifelessajmitch: yes, its a terrible performer and will be until after the release - I have a fix, but its likely to cause some.. grief04:13
ajmitchnigelb: I *think* that's the parameter for batch sieze, anyway04:13
ajmitchlifeless: yes, I've been reading the discussions on the list about that04:14
lifelessthere is also ws.offset, I think04:14
ajmitchI think ws.start is what works as well04:14
ajmitchprobably need to test to see which is right04:14
lifeless\o/ do it 1 at a time, make it work hard04:15
ajmitchamazingly, I'm finding this from doctests :)04:15
nigelblifeless: lol, one at a time would loop nicely ;)04:18
ajmitchiterate over all 176 on every page load, that'd make it seem nice & fast04:19
nigelbrun a cron job to save the data every week04:19
nigelband then use the stored data.04:19
ajmitchwhy do you want to list everyone?04:20
nigelbajmitch: so I can mark who's new, who's not, who's been interviewed, who's not and we catch people like you :p04:20
* nigelb marks ajmitch next in line.04:20
ajmitchno, you need to interview active developers04:21
* nigelb was thinking this list + the qa list of people with changelog entries in a cycle would make a good data source.04:21
ajmitchthis list won't change often, so caching it is probably a good idea04:23
ajmitchespecially given how slow /participants can be right now04:23
nigelbhm, yeah04:26
nigelbI got it right!04:27
nigelbpaginated and got the big list04:27
nigelbI'll just manually redo this on every 1st I guess04:27
ajmitchyou could schedule it to run after each DMB meeting04:28
nigelbthat's possible too.04:28
nigelbIf I run it everyday, lifeless will block my ip from querying LP :p04:28
nigelbajmitch: ok, Now I see your name, musta got it right.04:32
ajmitchas you can see, I'll expire soon if I miss the email that LP will send me04:35
ajmitchsicne I'm an indirect member of ~ubuntu-dev, what info does it give for start/end date?04:36
cerosare the ppa builders currently down?04:48
cerosi got an error stating gpgv (gnupg) wasn't installed04:48
lifelessceros: did it say where it wasn't installed ?04:50
lifelessor some context? [no, ppas are not known-to-be-down]04:50
cerosat the start when it checks if Release file is signed04:51
cerosi placed the packages back in queue to build so the logs are gone04:51
cerosthis is the third time i'm trying again04:51
lifelesswgrant: ^ StevenK: ^ ideas?04:52
micahgdon't rebuild next time and post the log link :-/04:55
wgrantceros: That's possibly actually not the relevant error. But when a log is next available (or if you can retrieve one from a failure email), give us a link.05:45
loolHey, I'm trying to copy a source package from a PPA of mine from the maverick pocket to the lucid one, and I get an error message telling me "    * qemu-maemo 0.0~20100711+677985a-0ubuntu1~dooz3 in maverick (same version already has published binaries in the destination archive)06:25
loolthe actual error is "The following source cannot be copied:"06:25
loolI don't quite understand the limitation06:25
loolI deleted the lucid package which was there before the copy, but still no dice06:26
cody-somervillelool, you need to copy the source and binary when copying to a different series in the same PPA06:27
loolHmm right this makes sense06:27
loolProblem is that I have maverick binaries, and wouldn't want to copy them over to lucid06:28
loolI guess "lesson learnt"  :-)06:28
ShapeShifter499HI! :D06:57
ShapeShifter499I think I'm going to start over with a fresh ubuntu install....06:57
ShapeShifter499what do about my GPG key I used with my Launchpad account?06:57
lifelesswell you should keep it06:58
ShapeShifter499sorry PGP06:58
lifelessmake a back up of it06:58
lifeless#ubuntu is probably a better place to ask for advice about doing that, or google for it06:58
ShapeShifter499they seem to be ignoring me there D:06:59
mrooney1anyone around with launchpadlib experience by chance?07:15
mrooney1specifically I am calling "transitionToStatus" on a task returned from calling searchTasks on a milestone, and it seems this used to work07:16
mrooney1but now I just get: AttributeError: 'Entry' object has no attribute 'transitionToStatus'07:17
lifelessmrooney1: thats in beta but not 1.007:18
lifelesscompare 1.0 to beta and devel07:18
lifelessdevel is what you should use for stuff that is able to track changes we make, 1.0 for things that are being shipped to users or other cannot-change-easily situations07:19
wgrantmrooney1: Just set .status now.07:20
mrooney1oh okay, if I have to keep updating it I will lose the benefit of automation as I ran it every 6 months :) so sounds like I want 1.007:20
mrooney1okay, I recall in beta that didn't actually persist, but maybe I was doing it wrong?07:20
mrooney1do I need to call save on any of the objects then?07:20
wgrantYou need to call lp_save() to commit attribute changes.07:20
mrooney1okay thanks! so if I am changing these in a loop, do I just call that once on each object in the loop on the same object?07:21
mrooney1excellent, let me give it a whirl07:22
mrooney1amazing, all good, thanks!07:24
mrooney1the milestone cache is hiding that it actually worked but I can see that it did clicking through07:24
lifelessmrooney1: are you setting the same status for everything returned from the collection ?07:27
lifelessmrooney1: if so, please file a bug - we don't want 500 API calls for that sort of thing, and neither do you :)07:27
mrooney1mrooney1: yeah, it is a release script, so it takes all Fix Committed and makes them Fix Released07:27
mrooney1then creates a release from the milestone, uploads the stuff, et cetera!07:28
mrooney1lifeless: the bug would be that there should be a way to batch change a status? or batch save?07:28
lifelessmrooney1: there should be a way to express what you're doing more gracefully.07:29
lifelessmrooney1: I do not want to think implementation at this stage.07:29
mrooney1haha okay, I am just trying to figure out what about my situation I should file a bug report for07:29
mrooney1I shall make one and send you a link for approval :)07:30
lifelessthat you're having to do many API calls to achieve this07:30
mrooney1lifeless: looks like https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/341687 is exactly to the precise point of my issue07:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 341687 in Launchpad Registry "Convert bugs from "Fix Committed" to "Fix Released" when a milestone is released (affected: 11, heat: 51)" [Low,Triaged]07:37
lifelessmrooney1: thats a web UI bug07:38
lifelessmrooney1: I agree that with it fixed you wouldn't need a script07:38
lifelesshaving the ability to do it as a script is valuable too07:38
mrooney1oh I was reading it wrong I see07:38
mrooney1I was interpreting that as meaning it would also apply to releasing a milestone from the API07:38
lifelessalso you might like to contribute your script to lptools07:39
lifelesswhich has a release-milestone script07:39
lifelesswhich could benefit from a flag07:39
mrooney1oh nice, I wasn't aware of that!07:39
mrooney1lifeless: here is what I ended up rolling: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mrooney/%2Bjunk/ezpkg/annotate/head:/release.py , checking out lptools now07:42
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ceroslifeless: problem i had earlier, was actually a dependency problem09:50
cerosthe gnupg not install message i got was actually a warning09:51
cerosso all my fault09:51
cerosthanks for your help anyway, nite09:51
ppearseIs there a known problem with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/binutils/+filebug? I keep getting "Timeout error" (Error ID: OOPS-1683E551)10:02
jpdsppearse: Looks like the problem at bug #608037.10:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 608037 in Launchpad Answers "timeouts in Question:+edit (affected: 1, heat: 8)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60803710:06
wgrantppearse: I fixed that in trunk few days ago. It should be released on Thursday.10:12
ppearsewgrant:Great - I'm OK now on this one.11:03
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mok0Why can't I create a bzr branch under my new project? I11:36
mok0I've done it before11:36
mok0I can11:36
bilalakhtarmok0: What exactly is the problem?11:37
mok0I keep getting a branch under ~mok011:37
mok0I want it under lp:ssm11:37
bilalakhtarmok0: YOu want to create a branch under a team?11:37
bilalakhtarmok0: yes11:37
bilalakhtarmok0: I got it11:37
bilalakhtarmok0: You first need to create it under your own name, like11:38
bilalakhtarmok0: Then set that branch as the focus of development11:38
bilalakhtarmok0: then you can push/branch using lp:PROJECTNAME11:38
mok0Ah that's what I want :-)11:38
mok0Not obvious from the UI11:39
mok0bilalakhtar: thanks11:40
bilalakhtarmok0: You are welcome11:40
czajkowskimrevell: Good morning12:02
mrevellhello czajkowski12:02
czajkowskimrevell: time for  a quick pm ?12:02
mrevellsure czajkowski, always12:03
czajkowskimrevell: lovely jubbly :)12:03
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bilalakhtarmok0: You got what you wanted?12:59
mok0bilalakhtar: yes I did, thanks12:59
bilalakhtarmok0: You're welcome12:59
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pc_magasI need to upload a simple programm that  made14:34
pc_magasbut theprogramm that launchpad syas to upload it need a .vhangfes file14:34
pc_magasHow I will create this one?14:35
jelmerpc_magas: it will be generated when you build a debian source package14:36
pc_magasHow I will build it?14:36
pc_magasWhat is requested to build it source or the binary from compilation14:37
jelmerpc_magas: You can only upload Debian source packages, not tarballs. See the Ubuntu packaging guide for details: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide14:38
jelmerpc_magas: You need to upload a source package (as described on the Launchpad PPA help page, https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA?action=show&redirect=PPA)14:38
pc_magasIs pgpg key requested?14:39
jelmerpc_magas: Yes, you'll need to sign the changes with your PGP key registered on Launchpad.14:42
pc_magasneed and ssh server to have on it what if I install from scratch a new Ubuntu version14:43
pc_magasDo i need to backup the keys?14:44
maxbYes you should preserve your ssh and PGP keys when reinstalling your OS14:47
pc_magasIf I create a code In ubuntu 9.10 and I  install from scratch Ubuntu 10.04 the ssh and pgp willk be lost14:51
pc_magasOr can I back up them?14:51
pc_magasIn any automated programm that I Insert a tarball and I get a .deb file?14:56
pc_magasI thing a pbuiler  might be helpfuul for me]14:57
=== mars changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: mars | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
pc_magasI seen that with pbuiler I can build packages from source15:13
pc_magasbut the launchpad wants pgp15:13
pc_magaspgp is installed in local computer I mean the computer that I use to build the package?15:16
jelmerabentley: Hi15:36
abentleyjelmer, hi.15:36
jelmerabentley: Is there any way to see all my work-in-progress MPs?15:36
abentleyjelmer, yes, your +merges URL can be used to see that.15:36
jelmerabentley: Ah, I missed the Status filter there - thanks!15:37
abentleyjelmer, np15:37
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pc_magasHi it is nessasary to have ssh server for the ssh key?\15:57
marspc_magas, you may want to hop over to the #ubuntu-packaging channel - they can point you in the right direction15:59
* mars afk for a bit15:59
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allquixoticHi, I am trying to set up a buildbot on launchpad with its own account, but I'm not getting the confirmation email from noreply@launchpad.net. I've waited about half an hour now and tried one resend. The address I'm sending to can receive mail from other sources.19:44
allquixoticI can confirm that the email isn't even hitting my mail server because nothing shows up in maillog.19:46
marsallquixotic, you are waiting for an account confirmation mail?  What mail host did you send it to?19:46
marsallquixotic, ok, what account is the buildbot user using?19:47
allquixoticmars: My own server, mail.tiyukquellmalz.org :) It's just a typical dovecot based setup. /var/log/maillog logs all relay traffic.19:47
pc_magas<allquixotic> you use your own mail server or webmail19:51
allquixoticpc_magas: I use my own mail server. I'm trying to set up a buildbot for a project I run. The buildbot expects to have access to emails via a maildir. Easiest way to do that is to set up my own mail server. I already had one set up for other purposes so I reused it :)19:52
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