
RealEyeshow does one uninstall desktop drapes?00:16
stlsaintRealEyes: drapes?00:16
RealEyesand screenlets00:17
RealEyesthese are two programs i'd like to uninstall00:17
stlsaintsudo aptitude purge screenlets00:19
ZeRoDeAtH50435anyone know where I can find a good hardening guide for ubuntu server02:21
AzurusGot a little problem I need some help with. Anyone avalabile?03:47
ubot2Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:48
AzurusWell Im not used to this rule, so take it easy on me alright.03:48
pleia2no problem :)03:48
AzurusI often have to ask people just to know if someone is going to even listen so Im not wasting my damn time03:49
pleia2(lots of people do it, which is why there is an !ask command ;))03:49
AzurusIts better for me to know if there is someone who is going to put the effort forward instead of just jerk there dick off and not even try when they know they can do it.03:49
pleia2no need to swear, we'll help you if we can, different folks have different expertise and we don't know if we can help until you ask03:50
AzurusI dont think I swore at all.03:50
AzurusAnyhow, I had a power outage in my area and I was using my laptop with Ubuntu 10.04 on it. I was watching videos from the laptop on my PS3 through the Playstation Media Server. Now after the power came back on, I cannot see my PMS, but I can see others in the house.03:53
pleia2I don't own a PS3 and have no experience with PMS, but do any other machines in the house have PMS? Can they see the PS3?03:55
AzurusDont know, the roomies wont tell me, and Im sorry if Im swearing, but saying it pisses me the fuck off just gets the point across better.03:56
IdleOneAzurus: Please stop swearing03:56
pleia2it really doesn't help, please stop :(03:56
IdleOneyou are making my screen all red and it hurts my eyes03:56
IdleOnethat is what :)03:57
pleia2seeing if you can replicate the problem is the first step to debugging where the problem is, perhaps you can find a way to get your roomies to help you?03:57
AzurusAnd your a sensetive prick who cant take the fact that people do swear and its greaking your little world of that. Grow a backbone IdleOne, its a tough world out there. And I said all this without swearing.03:58
seidosAzurus, someone could say the same to you, that you're a sensitive prick that can't stand *not* swearing.  Why not just not swear and listen to people who are trying to help you?03:59
IdleOneAzurus: Channel and Ubuntu community policy is that we all speak respectfully to each other. Which means no swearing.04:00
IdleOneNow I don't know what your issue is but I know I don't feel like helping you because of your lack of respect for our community.04:00
AzurusNo one has provided a lick of helpful information. I cant recreate a power outage. Besides that would agrivate the roomies if I try doing that, so no. No one has tryed to help with anything helpful here.04:01
IdleOneNow that aside, please tell us again what is going on and maybe I can help04:01
IdleOneor someone else can04:02
seidosAzurus, do you know how to use the "ping" command?04:02
AzurusI have respect for those who deserve it. If you ant take the use of a word for the emphasis its being used for and not over reacting on what the word if catigorised, you dont deserve that respect. I can talk to my friends comfortably like this and I respect them. So get over it and realise people might just  talk differently, doesnt mean there an asshole or that they are disrespectful. Learn the many different ways of how to04:03
Azurusspeak insead of taking your prozium and leading what you call a civile life.04:03
IdleOneWell I tried.04:03
AzurusAnd no, I dont think anyone has told me how to ping a PS304:04
collinpAzurus: Knock it off, now.04:04
AzurusI dont even think a PS3 will respond to a Ping anyhow.04:04
seidosAzurus, does the PS3 care what you think?04:05
AzurusSeems not.04:05
seidosAzurus, we will do our best to help you, but there is no guarantee we will be able to help you.  And we can only help you if you follow the rules, for obvious reasons.04:06
AzurusYou set rules to make your little comfortable padded world. Sorry for breaking the glass house you live in, but I talk how I want because that is who I am, you dont like it, dont deal with it, just dont force your world on me. I dont live in it and I dont force you to live in mine, so Ill take myself somewhere else since your sorry of an excuse of not knowing is being backed up by a SHITTY rule of "No Swearing" in an area whe04:09
Azurusre talk is what keeps things alive. So buck up and get real here. The world sucks.04:09
IdleOneSo what was his problem?04:11
IdleOnedid he ever tell us?04:11
pleia2yeah, power outage and his playstation software couldn't see the ps3 anymore04:11
seidoshe couldn't connect to his PMS, supposed it means "Playstation Media Server"04:11
IdleOneI see.04:11
IdleOnewell he should get a open source console player04:12
IdleOnethere's an idea04:12
=== Mohan_chml is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
Cakesterthis looks right to me06:09
CakesterHello I am working on getting a mentor. But the current step says I should make a Wiki. That sounds fun, but I don't see an option to in my user prefs06:10
Cakesteri am not even sure if i should edit the user prefs06:11
Cakesterit seems tied to the main site06:11
tenachCakester, I think that it means doing something like http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Tenach - only replace Tenach with Cakester.  Create your page and off you go :D06:15
tenachYou can use mine or anybody elses as a reference for making yours. :)06:16
Cakesteri am gonna be up late tonight06:17
Cakesteror today..06:17
Cakesteror whtaever :)06:17
tenachif you need more help, feel free to ask :)06:20
Cakestertenach, i think i might of added my page in your category07:26
Cakesteri don't understand how this happened07:26
tenachCakester, where is it?07:26
Cakesteroh i think mayb the links are just arranged based on what i last clicked on07:27
Cakesterso maybe it is ok07:27
Cakesterit is07:30
tenachCakester, where is your page located?07:30
Cakesteri feel a bit awkward saying my name07:30
Cakesteryeah i think i just got confused how it was showing all the past links i clicked on next to each other07:32
Cakesteri thought it was associating me with you somehow07:32
tenachAh, okay. :D07:35
tenachWelcome to Ubuntu, Cakester :D07:38
Cakestertyvm. :)07:39
CakesterMaverick will be coming out 4 days before my birthday07:40
Cakesterearly birthday present07:40
tenachThat's pretty neat :D  My birthday doesn't come around any application releases, sadly.07:41
Cakesteri use to wish my birthday was nearer to halloween07:43
tenachI use to wish mine was on a different day until I was old enough to understand that more often than not, my birthday would land on many people's pay day. XD07:49
tenachMy parents were smarter. They put all of it into savings for me ;D07:50
tenachWell, I consider it smart now, not so fair then.07:51
Cakesteri hope canonical pays for my CS degree ;_)07:55
Cakesterand then my CS degree pays for my game development health costs07:58
tenachIf only it worked that easily.07:59
tenachSo, you are interested in programming?08:05
Cakesteryes sir08:06
tenachGood deal08:06
tenachGot your eyes on a language?08:06
Cakesterlearning NASM08:06
tenachYou're crazy :D08:06
Cakesteri thought so. but there is documentation08:07
Cakesterback in the day, they didn't even have it this good08:07
Cakesteri want to be a game developer and for game hacking, knowing asm is a most for RE08:09
CakesterReverse Engineering08:13
tenachAhh, right.08:13
CakesterAttaching a debugger to a running application reveals the ASM behind it alll08:14
Cakesterthen through lots of tracing and breakpointing some things can be figured out08:14
Cakestermaking a game in asm..08:20
Cakesterpure asm..08:21
Cakesteror making a game's libraries in asm08:21
Cakesterrest in cpp08:21
ikoniaCakester: please see the topic of this channel08:21
Cakesteri did nothing wrong. i was having a chat with tenach... but yes i can go08:22
ikoniano-one said go08:22
duanedesignmorning all11:48
IAmNotThatGuyhey hobgoblin13:55
IAmNotThatGuyhobgoblin: sorry I slept yesterday13:55
IAmNotThatGuy<hobgoblin> maybe Mohan_chml is able to14:00
hobgoblinnot sure if they got help or not - but I couldn't do anything about a possible win error nor would I unless I knew the answer of the top of my head14:01
IAmNotThatGuyhobgoblin: I think win MBR is not getting detected by grub14:05
IAmNotThatGuyMost of the people are getting this trouble14:05
hobgoblinwell there was some error showing in the bottscript thingy - http://paste.ubuntu.com/475557/  sda114:07
hobgoblinand some people - not most ;)14:07
IAmNotThatGuymount: unknown filesystem type ''14:07
IAmNotThatGuywhat was that!!14:07
hobgoblinthat I think is what I think is wrong - but I'm not into searching for win errors14:08
IAmNotThatGuyhmmm k!!14:08
=== serfus is now known as Guest21406
joekjsHi, I'm new to ubuntu, right now using 9.10. Trying out Miro TV, can't play you tube videos. Tried to install adobe flash player thru Ubuntu Software centre, but it will stop halfway. Hep pls.14:31
joekjserror msg: failed to download package file, check your internet connection. Any idea what the problem is?14:33
ShahramCan someone please tell me what are the pros and cons in comparing Ubuntu and Kubuntu?14:49
Silver_Fox_Hi :)14:51
shredder12Shahram: I personally really like Kubuntu, it provides you with a great interface and it might be an easier for a windows user to switch to KDE14:51
shredder12hey Silver_Fox_14:51
shredder12Shahram: but it needs more resources than Gnome, so i switched back to gnome14:52
ShahramI have already installed Ubuntu, I had some problems, I installed KDE and its colors were better, gnome's colors were depressing for me (I have depression) but I don't know how the actual programs compare14:53
shredder12Shahram: actually, you can run gnome-apps in kde. It might have a little overhead but things work fine AFAIK14:53
ShahramWhen you say it needs more resources what does that mean, and what is AFAIK14:54
shredder12Shahram: more resources means more RAM/CPU to support the cool KDE affects and AFAIK=As far as i know14:55
ShahramOk, is there a way that one could import windows themes and desktop wallpapers etc14:56
shredder12Shahram: I have 1GB RAM and I run a lot of applications at the same time, so things got slowed down. If your system has a better config then go for it14:56
=== shpongle is now known as serfus
duanedesignShahram: on Ubuntu you can change the themes, icons and colors under System > Preferences > Appearance14:56
hobgoblinShahram:have you looked at gnome-look - there are many different themes - and you can change the colours as you ant to14:57
hobgoblinlol - snap :)14:57
shredder12hi duanedesign14:57
shredder12hi hobgoblin14:57
ShahramYes I have seen the themes, they are mostly dark, I need a light of light white, blue and green colors14:57
duanedesignShahram: there are a bunch of themes at gnomelook.org14:58
duanedesignthis one is supposed to mimic windows vista14:58
ShahramOk, I'll look, is there a way to uninstall desktops that I have installed14:59
hobgoblinhttp://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/VistaBut?content=32227 too14:59
hobgoblinShahram: if you want to remove the kde one from gnome http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome15:00
hobgoblinbut if you actually deliberately installed any kde apps then you will need to reinstall them15:00
Shahramwould it be the same for xfce?15:00
hobgoblinthere is a command on the same page to remove xfce15:01
duanedesignShahram: System > Preferences > Appearance. Click on a theme and click the 'Customize..' button and you can change most themes colors.15:01
hobgoblinShahram: there are other pages in the same place to get to pure kde and pure xfce as wll15:01
ShahramOk, thank you both. In gnome the firewall does not start automatically, but in KDE it starts, why is this?15:02
hobgoblinno idea15:04
ShahramMay be I have experimentally installed so many things they have caused problems15:04
Shahram I have downloaded themes from the web but they don't show in in the thems how can I bring them in the sys\pref\appearance15:05
hobgoblinalways possible - I know when I first started I was often reinstalling15:05
hobgoblinopen the appearances dialogue as above and just drag the tar file onto the dialogue generally15:06
hobgoblinsome though might need other ways - open the archive and see if it says anything15:06
hobgoblinthough I would be wary of just downloading something - that is the windows way of things15:07
ShahramOK thank you -  I have to go and try your tips - I think you are right I should be more careful - thank you for your time - bye for now15:08
bobo123anyone who know a program that can print pdf-files so it is possible to skip the document margins to make the text as big as possible when printing two pages per paper?15:14
bobo123Is is possible to print the pages I want from evince to a file, and then pipe that file through some program that cuts away the borders and then to something that prints two pages per page?15:24
ShahramHi, I was here 20 minutes ago, in removing removed the Xfce destop I used the command in http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome for Xbuntu, just for experince it also removed the Kubuntu desktop and returned to gnome only.15:39
hobgoblinmight have removed kubuntu-desktop - but did it remove all the kde apps and libraries15:40
Shahramyes it did15:40
ShahramIts OK - its experience15:40
ShahramNow I have a question, icons of some programs that have been removed remain in the applications menu - how does one remove them15:41
hobgoblinit's not an experience - if runnin the command from that page has removed all of the kde stuff then it is a problem15:42
ShahramWell, that is what it has done, but I am so new that I don't understand the problem15:43
hobgoblinShahram: just to make me feel better - run the remove kubuntu command from that page please - paste it into the terminal - enter and your password then please give me the last line after it has chugged away - if it is really doing it then we need to look a bit closer15:44
Shahrami'll do it now15:44
ShahramThis is what it is giving; should I say Y?: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 100 to remove and 0 not upgraded. After this operation, 390MB disk space will be freed. Do you want to continue [Y/n]?15:47
hobgoblinoh ok - so it didn't remove kde then - if you want to remove kde then the answer is Y15:47
ShahramBut it has removed it because in the login page it doesn't show the KDE login and in additions its applications whose names for example started with K are not there15:49
hobgoblinShahram: if it says it is removing 100 packages from that list then you didn't remove them all15:50
hobgoblinyou might possibly have removed kdm which is the login part15:51
ShahramIf I remember correctly it gave a figure of over 950 MB being removed with the previous command - so if the packages are there maybe they were partly removed , because I did read as it progressed, that it was removing programs and libraries with that name15:52
bobo123I want to print some pages of a pdf-file but want the text to be as big as possible, that is: remove as much margin as possible. is it possible (without having to install tex/latex)?15:53
bobo123I want to print two pages per page (because there a too many pages to waste paper on), so I want the margins to be as thin as possible (ideally just 1mm between the two pages on the same paper, and 7mm at the paper border) so the text isn't so small15:53
hobgoblinShahram: not sure what is going on then without seeing the bash history15:54
Shahramhow can I give you the bash history15:55
Shahramincidently it also removed things like Mozilla thunderbird and various plugins that I saw but don't remember which now (possibly like pdf plugins)15:56
hobgoblinclose the terminal and open it again cat .bash_history - then copy and paste that to paste.ubuntu.com - chuck a name in the box - paste and then give me the url15:56
hobgoblintbird is not in a default ubuntu install15:57
ShahramI know I had installed it as extra15:57
hobgoblinanything you installed as extra you might need to reinstall15:58
hobgoblinbobo123: you;re not being ignored - but if no-one knows the answer ...15:59
bobo123hobgoblin: ok I try ask another day, hopefully someone is here that knows tomorrow :-)16:00
hobgoblinI'm not saying go  :)16:00
ShahramThe is the paste URL: "Paste from history 2010-08-10 remove at Tue, 10 Aug 2010 10:00:40 +0100"16:01
hobgoblinthen do it again - that's not right :)16:02
Shahram"Paste from history 2010-08-10 remove"16:02
hobgoblinShahram: it should end up with something like paste.ubuntu.com/funnytextandnumbers16:04
Shahramsorry, real novice: http://paste.ubuntu.com/475982/16:04
hobgoblinwelcome :D16:04
hobgoblinShahram: there looks nothing  untoward there - but I think you might have got a bit confused - installing kubuntu-desktop here get's 200 or so packages16:14
ShahramOk - As long as you know what happened , its ok with me, I'll continue and reinstall the programs16:15
ShahramJust how can I remove the icons of applications that are not working now16:15
=== zz_severity1 is now known as severity1
hobgoblinShahram: you can disable them in the menu - right click the menu at the top - edit menu - then disable as you wish - not sure why you still have icons16:17
ShahramOK . but disable doesn't remove, like in windows you can remove shortcuts that aren't linked to anything anymore16:18
hobgoblinI can;t remember where they are stored and I'm running out of time16:20
ShahramThank you very much for your time, I'll follow your advice - bye for now16:21
makaoi'm trying to install the subversion python bindings (SWIG) from source.  compiles just fine, the 'make check-swig-py' check passes fine, but it fails on 'make install-swig-py' with the following error:19:17
makao/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsvn_client-119:18
makaocollect2: ld returned 1 exit status19:18
makaolibtool: install: error: relink `libsvn_swig_py-1.la' with the above command before installing it19:18
makaodoes anyone have any idea what's going on?  i can't find much about it on google.19:18
geirhamakao: Hm. Is libsvn-dev installed?19:37
makaogeirha: nope, it appears not.  hopefully that fixes it19:38
* geirha crosses fingers19:39
makaoyesir, that did it!  thanks a lot19:42
makaois there some magic trick for knowing what dependencies are required before installing something?19:43
makaoi have problems like this often19:43
makaoi figured i was missing some svn developer libraries, but i had no idea what to tell it to install19:44
geirhaWell, if it says it is missing 'foo' or 'libfoo', the first thing you should do is look for packages named <something>foo<something>-dev. In this case, for svn, aptitude search 'svn.*-dev'19:46
geirhaAnother approach is to use apt-file (not installed by default).  apt-file search svn_client-1  # searches for packages that installs files that has svn_client-1 somewhere in their name.19:48
geirhaThose same searches can also be done at packages.ubuntu.com19:48
makaowow, i wish i had known that sooner19:49
makaowould have saved me countless hours, haha19:49
makaothanks a lot, problem solved19:49
geirhawohoo :)19:51
bobo123is it possible to have java installed as a user? that is java runtime system is not installed by root?20:47
bobo123(so the user have the java interpreter etc in her home directory)20:49
bobo123how do I do to let a user (without su) install a package in her home directory, (not for the whole system) ?21:13
phillwbobo123: have a look at http://www.java.com/en/download/help/linux_install.xml, I think that's what you are looking to do?21:25
bobo123ok thanks I look there21:25
=== starcraft is now known as evilstarcraft
phillwbobo123: from what I breifly read, just ensure it is extracted to the user's /home directory and it should be fine.21:27
=== evilstarcraft is now known as starcraft
=== paultag is now known as info
=== info is now known as paultag
paultagLong story22:13
zkriessehey paultag can I  get som #chuckle info?22:13
paultagzkriesse: hum?22:13
paultagI did /nick info and not /ns info22:14
zkriesseI'm kidding dude...a joke that you didn't get22:14
zkriesseEh but anyway...how goes it paultag ?22:16
paultagzkriesse: crappy, and yourself?22:16
zkriesseEh house/dog sitting for my grandparents22:17
zkriesseSo that's why I must use webchat..22:17
zkriesseYeah they're on a week trip to Michigan to buy a house/go camping....22:17
zkriesseJus me an dah dawg22:18
* phillw waves at zkriesse hope the house sitting is going well, and you've not had the Sheriff out too often about the all night parties22:18
zkriesseheya phillw22:19
=== ShadowChild is now known as lukjad
=== Guest94675 is now known as compiledkernel
kosaidpohello guys23:40
kosaidpoim wonderin why when i type this  find ~ -name savage -type d -o -type f -ok rm {} \; i  get some non machin result23:40
kosaidpouhmm some class is on here ???23:41
kosaidpomeetin ?23:41
geirhaBecause that's equivalent to find ~ \( -name savage -type d \) -o \( -type f -ok rm {} \; \)    i.e. it wants to delete all files23:57
kosaidpogeirha: ohh so what if i want to delete only the file savage ?23:58
geirhafind ~ -name savage \( -type d -o -type f \) -ok rm {} \;  is probably what you want, though keep in mind you rm won't remove directories unless you supply the -r option.23:58
geirhaOh, only files named savage? then what's with the -type d ?23:58
kosaidpoifcat iwanna target the  d type23:59
kosaidpowhere i shud add the r option23:59
kosaidpoinfact iwanna ....23:59

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