
darranhi all00:00
darrancan someone mark https://bugs.launchpad.net/gedit/+bug/615506 as triaged please?00:01
ubot2Ubuntu bug 615506 in gedit (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Underscore must be a part of the word (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]00:01
yofeldarran: which importance?00:05
darranwishlist or low00:06
=== darran is now known as drizzle
yofelwell, decide and give me a reason00:08
drizzleit is marked as an enhancement in gnome00:08
drizzleand it is not part of the product design00:09
drizzlei was able to use find with underscores00:09
yofelok, agreed00:11
drizzlethe gnome bug hasnt been touched before00:12
drizzleand it was logged in 200700:12
micahgdrizzle: enhancements in most open source projects are at the mercy of the developers fancy00:12
drizzlei understand00:13
drizzleeven in private industry00:13
drizzledepending on management and developer clout00:13
yofeldrizzle: done00:13
jfi_if I hit the volumn keys on my keyboard => it works00:29
jfi_if I left click the volume indicator, then hit the volumn keys on my keyboard => does not work00:29
jfi_it is expected?00:29
yofelbtw, for those that followed the Debian BTS session in -classroom a while ago and aren't in #debian-ubuntu - a small follow up from Rhonda http://rhonda.deb.at/blog/debian/on-BTS-usage.html00:35
jfi_An easy one to confirm if someone has volume keys on the keyboard: bug 61562201:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 615622 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "Cannot change sound volume with keyboard while sound indicator is open (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61562201:22
Cakesterhi friends01:36
drosenbehi, you're here01:38
Cakesteroh hello.01:38
Cakesterwere you expecting me01:38
drosenbewhat were you expecting exactly?  :p01:38
micahg!test | Cakester01:38
ubot2Cakester: please see above01:38
* micahg stops abusing the bot now01:39
Cakesterok it works01:39
Cakesterso um01:39
CakesterI wrote a tutorial on getting NASM to compile within Code::Blocks.01:39
drosenbewould you be TimothyTimbers?01:41
Cakesteryeah why01:43
drosenbejust curious, found your tutorial01:43
Cakesternot bad01:43
Cakesteryou are good at the google01:43
drosenbeit's because i'm a h4x0r01:44
Cakestermy user title says that too01:44
Cakesteralthough more l33t01:44
drosenbei actually read it straight from your interwebs01:45
drosenbei popped the firewall and dropped in a logic bomb01:45
Cakesteri can use push and pop01:46
drosenbethat's crazy talk01:46
Cakesterit amazed me that this is legal mov [eax], ebx01:46
Cakesterbecause i thought the [   ] could only be on the right01:46
Cakesterfor like the past years01:47
Cakesterso sad01:47
drosenbethat would be rather limiting, don't you think?01:47
Cakesteryeah. was pain in the ass01:47
drosenbefor example, it might be convenient to:01:47
drosenbemov [Cakester], eBEERx01:48
drosenbehaha, the beer register01:48
drosenbemoving it to Cakestar's address01:48
Cakesterthese ads on facebook say these girls want a boyfriend01:49
drosenbei wonder if people know that i'm just goofing off or if they think i'm always this weird01:49
macothat has nothing to do with debugging01:49
drosenbebeer?  for some people, beer has everything to do with debugging01:50
Cakestermaco, i need to debug my web browser, or these ads will just keep mysteriously showing up01:50
macodrosenbe: no, Cakester's thing aobut girls has nothing to do with fixing bugs01:50
drosenbestricty on topic, i see01:50
Cakester<Cakester> maco, i need to debug my web browser, or these ads will just keep mysteriously showing up'01:50
macoadblock plus?01:50
Cakesterdoes that play well with NS?01:51
Cakesterdrosenbe, i think i have seen maco before. not in the bug channel01:52
Cakestermaco, do you need help with a bug?01:53
macoive been in this channel 24/7 for about a year01:54
macoim not triaging right now though01:54
Cakestermaco, that is ageist. sorry01:54
Cakesterwhat is triaging01:54
IdleOneCakester: Please stop harassing maco in every channel you find her in.01:54
drosenbeoh lord01:54
CakesterAre we here to take care of bugs or what?01:54
Cakesterhere let me take the initiative01:55
IdleOneCakester: this behavior is not going to help you get unbanned in those channels you have been banned in.01:55
macoCakester: if you dont know what bug triaging is, why are you here?01:55
CakesterI never said that me being banned was a bug01:55
Cakestermaco: to learn.01:55
drosenbehey, that's actually a pretty good reason01:56
drosenbei'm surprised01:56
macoCakester: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad01:56
Cakesteri have a bug to report now :(01:59
Cakestergpg --fingerprint did not give me a code01:59
drosenbeyou should probably file it in launchpad01:59
Cakesteris this ping the code?02:00
drosenbethat's not a sentence.02:00
hggdhno. This was me02:00
jfi_mov bed, [jfi_] // bye02:02
Cakesterhold plz02:03
Cakesterdoes it normally take over 5 minutes to generate a OpenPNP key02:04
macodo stuff on your box02:04
macoit needs activity to get enough entropy to generate a key02:04
Cakesteroh hey!02:06
Cakesteri think it went through02:06
* hggdh is still unsure what this has to do with triaging02:06
Cakesterthis won't steal my social security number will it02:08
Cakesterok sweet02:08
Cakesterdid it say i need to wait 10 minutes02:09
Cakesterdoes it hurt to try earlier?02:10
Cakesterdoh yes02:11
Cakesteri can't decrypt that02:16
Cakesteri can barely code an obfuscater02:16
Cakestergosh darn yahoo can't do it for me02:17
hggdhCakester: please stay on topic02:19
Cakesterpop password?02:30
Cakesteri need to pay to have pop too work02:35
Cakesterwhy do none the mail clients i need to get the PGP to be read work02:42
micahgCakester: you try thunderbird?02:53
Cakesteri tried evolution and thunderbird. it looks like because i am using a yahoo email, i need to buy the yahoo mail plus02:57
Cakesterto use the pop02:57
Cakesterso i can use the pgp decryptor on a message02:57
micahgCakester: yes, or switch to another provider :)02:57
micahgaol, gmail02:57
Cakesteris it worth buying the pop02:57
Cakestermy yahoo email is tied to most my ubuntu accounts02:57
Cakesterlike the shop02:57
micahgthat's your call, I use aol, gmail, and my own domain for stuff, mostly my own domain02:58
Cakesterwell i want to be well known by one email name02:58
Cakesterso aol lets me use it for free?02:59
Cakestersuper cool!03:00
Cakesternow i just need it to send the pgp thing to my aol now :(03:01
micahgCakester: huh?03:01
micahgyou set up GPG locally and use IMAP03:01
Cakesteroo i know i cna forward it from my yahoo03:04
Cakesterwoo hoo03:06
Cakesteri signed the code of conduct03:12
Cakesterdo i get a hip hip hooray?03:13
IdleOneCan someone tell me what package provides the fdisk command? man fdisk says util-linux-ng but apt-cache policy util-linux-ng returns unable to locate package03:38
bazhangCakester, was there a question related to that? please see the topic as support is in #ubuntu not here03:42
IdleOnebazhang: Cakester was responding to a question I posed just before you entered03:43
bazhangIdleOne, I see, thanks03:43
IdleOneI don't see how a fedora link is relevant to my question though03:43
Cakesterdid you try the root?03:43
IdleOnethr root?03:44
Cakesteranomie, says run fdisk as root03:44
Cakesterhe is a linux guru it says03:44
IdleOneI know how to run it, I am looking for the package that provides it03:44
IdleOneReason I am asking is because if you run: fdisk -l  it simply returns to a prompt. It should respond with "Permission denied, run as root" or something to that effect.03:47
IdleOneI wanted to report a bug but without knowing what package....03:47
micahgIdleOne: util-linux03:50
IdleOnemicahg: thank you. I didn't think of narrowing my search03:50
micahgIdleOne: try apt-file next time03:51
micahgIdleOne: or dpkg -S03:51
IdleOnewell look at that03:51
Cakesterwelcome to ubuntu-bugs04:22
Cakesterhow may i help you04:22
bazhangCakester, no need for that04:22
CakesterIs it a bug if I can edit a byte of a variable declared in the .data section at runtime?05:11
Cakesterthe .bss section I thought was for that purpose05:12
Cakestermy 72 hour ban should be lifted pretty soon05:13
CakesterHey sorry to bother.. but I can't find out where I create my wiki at06:07
Cakesterfor describing my interests and skills06:07
Cakesterit is one of the steps to requesting a mentor06:07
CakesterI found the user prefs page06:07
bazhangCakester, this is certainly not the channel for that06:07
Cakesteri know, but is there a channel for that?06:08
Cakesterthat i can go t o06:08
Cakesteroh i found the list of channels06:09
rwwCakester: people are split between https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirstnameLastname and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Somenickname in my experience06:12
rww(I don't know that there is a right channel for that, so I figured I'd just answer ;P)06:12
Cakesteroh wow. so i can literally start an empty page06:13
Cakesterpretty cool06:13
Cakesterothers won't be able to edit my page will they06:14
Cakesteronly trusted people right?06:14
rwwanyone with a Launchpad account that isn't blocked from editing can edit any wiki.ubuntu.com page, as far as I know06:14
thekorngood morning08:11
Cakesterand welcome to ubuntu-bugs08:13
Cakesterwhere the bugs are the.. buggiest if bugs at all!08:13
Cakesteror maybe not idk08:13
ikoniaCakester: if you don't know - don't speak in the channel08:18
Cakesteri am going to walk away as this appears to be some form of aggression08:19
thekornohhhhhh ;)08:19
njinhello here https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/390289 i assign to gnome-power-manager, add stock comment of bug without package assigned, request if reproducible in lucid, right ?08:45
ubot2Ubuntu bug 390289 in ubuntu (and 1 other project) "do not start without power supply (affects: 1) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Incomplete]08:45
njinrequest of apport-collect08:45
thekornnjin: let me read the bug09:03
thekornnjin: I've seen this bug before, let me search for the master bugreport09:04
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
thekornnjin: the user seems to be affected by bug 27224709:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 272247 in linux (Mandriva) (and 6 other projects) "System freezes during boot, unless I hold a key down (affects: 41) (dups: 17) (heat: 314)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27224709:05
thekornnjin: so mark your bug as a duplicate of this bug, and point the reporter to the workaround09:06
thekornwhich is mentioned in the description of the master bug09:06
njinthekorn: have you same minut for me ?09:06
thekornnjin: sure09:07
njinthekorn: thanks, haw can i found duplicates ?09:07
thekornnjin: good question. launchpad has some search functionality, so you can search for strings etc.09:08
thekornnjin: bu IMHO google is much more powerful09:08
njinthe korn, i've noted that you found this much fast09:09
thekornnjin: just because I knew that there was such a bug09:09
thekornbecause I've read about it somewhere before09:09
thekornand I knew that it was related to the HP hardware of the user09:10
njinah, ok thanks for explain09:10
thekornand fortunatly it is on the first page of09:11
njinthekorn: :-)09:11
thekornnjin: there is also another "tool" which helps us to find duplicates, it's the bug patterns for apport09:12
njinthekorn: i don't know it09:13
thekornso if you think there is a certain pattern in some bugreports which is pointing to the same issue, you can write such pattern to find duplicates09:13
thekornnjin: but it's a more advanced feature, and won't work in case of this bug09:14
njinok, then is better for me go on with little syeps ;-)09:14
thekorngreat! - thanks for helping09:15
njinthekorn: thanks09:16
thekornnjin: now you need to follow the steps I described above and mark 390289 as duplicate of the other one ;)09:17
thekornif not, I can do it for you09:17
njinno, i'm busy with my wife questionsssss 8ton of question), i do it, thanks09:18
thekorngreat, take your time09:19
njinthekorn: done, thanks for the help09:22
ppearseIs there a known problem with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/binutils/+filebug? I keep getting "Timeout error" (Error ID: OOPS-1683E551)09:59
thekornppearse: people in #launchpad might be of better help, they can tell you exactly what's going wrong10:01
ppearsethekorn: Thanks - will try10:01
yofel_njin: btw, a useful feature of google is to be able to only search a specific site like searching for 'site:launchpad.net ubuntu battery freeze on boot' will only show results from launchpad10:18
njinhello this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/390295 is a duplicate of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/+bug/293642 but is expired, what i have to do ?10:39
ubot2Ubuntu bug 390295 in ubuntu "laptop function keys makes gnome hang (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Incomplete]10:40
njinreopen the exipired and mark 390295 as duplicate  asking if someone can reproduce the issue on Lucid ?10:41
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
baptistemmhi there11:35
baptistemmdid I post enought information in bug 615509 for the SRU11:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 615509 in collectd (Ubuntu) "curl based plugins are unable to check local files (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61550911:35
yofelbaptistemm: it says the fix is in 4.9, so 4.10.1 in maverick is fixed?11:37
baptistemmit should11:37
yofelbaptistemm: also, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure11:37
baptistemmI don't use maverick on my server, but the error disappeared after I patched collectd11:38
baptistemmso I did11:38
yofelbaptistemm: ok, then please set the bug to Fix Released as  it's fixed in maverick and nominate the bug for lucid11:39
yofelyou might need to put up a 'TEST CASE:' part with reproduce instructions in the descriptions for the SRU verification11:39
baptistemmyofel: actually the bug is not fixed yep in 4.1011:46
baptistemmbut will be in next release11:46
baptistemmperhaps I should report to debien BTS as we push from there11:47
njinyofel: can you take a look at my post up 11:39 - 11:41 thanks11:48
yofeleeeek, misread my apt-cache output. it's not fixed in maverick yet as that has the same version in lucid, sorry -.-11:48
yofel*as in lucid11:48
yofeldebian has 4.1011:49
jibelbaptistemm, that's a *huge* patch for a sru. Is all of this needed ? the git commit is only a 1 line change.11:50
yofelnjin: hm.. from what I see those seem to be duplicates, but we need someone to add the information bryce asked to get the other bug out of the expired state11:52
yofelI don't know enough about X bugs to give you more advice, maybe ask in #ubuntu-x11:52
kangaroooheelp after updates 14h ago cant start comp. logo loads then comp stops thinking.13:01
dholbachpedro_, nigelb: how's the hug day organisation coming on?13:12
dholbachpedro_, nigelb: I blogged about it - do we need more publicity?13:12
pedro_dholbach, i'm going to put some bugs on the page now13:12
pedro_dholbach, ~50 of each sounds fine?13:13
pedro_we have lot of bugs and don't want to scare people :-P13:13
pedro_we can always put a link with 'click here for more'13:13
pedro_dholbach, i need to post on the QA blog btw and on identi.ca, twitter13:14
dholbachnigelb: ^ do you have an opinion?13:14
* dholbach hugs pedro_13:14
* pedro_ hugs dholbach back13:14
nigelbpedro_: 50 will do great :)13:24
nigelbsorry, /me was away.13:24
pedro_nigelb, ok i'm getting the lists now ;-)13:27
nigelbdholbach: we could use more.  I'll blog tonight.13:31
devildanteguys, is it normal that the gnome-power-manager indicator doesn't have an icon?13:38
nigelbdevildante: maybe.  User can set it be not shown I think.13:40
* nigelb checks just in case13:40
nigelbYep, user can set.13:40
devildanteno, I mean, the indicator is there, but without a battery icon13:41
pedro_dholbach, nigelb do you guys have any progress graph we could add to the hug day page?13:53
pedro_dholbach, nigelb there's a javascript one on the ReviewGuide but i don't think that's going to work on the wiki...13:54
dholbachpedro_: bdmurray has a few13:54
pedro_ok so in the graphs directory ;-)13:54
pedro_looking into those13:54
pedro_awesome ;-)13:57
kermiacvish: I can't attend the meeting as my timezone bites haha.... I sent you an email regarding the progress of nisshh & gorilla14:09
njinpedro_: are you around ?14:12
pedro_njin, hello, yes14:14
pedro_hello fabio!14:14
fabiohello pedro_14:14
njinpedro_: i've marked this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/390295 as duplicate of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/+bug/293642 expired ad reopened, but i think tho assign at ....input-kbd, in the latest post there's something regarding steps to reproduce but probably in the same laptop14:21
ubot2Ubuntu bug 390295 in ubuntu "laptop function keys makes gnome hang (dup-of: 293642)" [Undecided,Incomplete]14:21
ubot2Ubuntu bug 293642 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu) "[Intrepid - Karmic] Fn-key locks up computer (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 36)" [Undecided,Incomplete]14:21
njinfabio: i'm fabio too14:22
njinfabio: i'm from como14:23
njinpedro_: i forget the greetings, sorry .14:27
bretzel In any situations where fsck must be started ( even for re-mount cycle value reached - thus very normal check) -- at boot time, fsck terminate and lets the system ( init process ) to wait for fsck status that never returns to the init execution. putting the boot process to hang state14:33
bretzel I have to reboot into a linux live, manually fsck my file system and then reboot to Ubuntu normally14:35
bretzelHappens to ALL ubuntu derivated distribs14:35
bretzelIt leads to SERIOUS confusion14:36
PiciOn what version of Ubuntu have you tested this situation?14:36
bretzelvery annoying for me -- but for newbies, can leads to total confusion and leads them to think they've lost their file system14:37
bretzelVersion: since 9.1014:37
bretzelrunning 10.0414:37
bretzelI cannot report the data since it is in boot time and must reboot -- previous msg data lost14:38
bretzeltested: Mint 8, Kubuntu 9.10+, Studio ...etc14:39
hggdhbretzel: I cannot repeat. Every so often I get the usual 'x has been mounted Y times, fsck-ing', and no problems -- boot keeps on as usual14:42
bretzelho! and sometime on normal re-mount cycle, fsck is correct I said 'sometime', but for any other reasons ( unclean umount) , fsck always fails at bootime14:42
bretzelI have "filesystem inconsistency error" on every partitions  and then boot process hangs - keyboard does not work so "cold reset" is necessary14:44
bretzelI agree if you don't have the situation, you cannot see the prob. but It happens all the time for me14:45
hggdhbretzel: we will nee the logs, really. If you have another box, you could set a network console14:45
hggdhto capture the boot log14:45
bretzelthat would be very hard because as you know, fsck is started very early at boot time - no network level  process  started yet14:46
hggdhbretzel: why do you get so many fscks being run?14:49
bretzel/var/log/kernel* : no traces last log.2.gz stops august 114:49
bretzeldont' ask me why fsck starts... I cannot tell you14:50
bretzelmight be Win7 ... ( dual boot often switching between ) thus affecting only mount-cycles14:51
hggdhyou access the Linux FSs via Win?14:54
hggdhthe only reason for fsck (apart from the usual mount count/time triggers popping) is the FS was not cleanly closed14:55
bretzelsorry was afk14:58
bretzelno! no ext access from Win14:58
bretzeland last  unclean umount was months ago nothing to do with this installation14:59
bretzelthere is no ext4fs drivers in windows14:59
bretzelNow that I am calm :-) seems I have to live with this strange behaviour for my computer. It is ok for me but I hope that situation does not raises for newbies...15:02
hggdhbretzel: I have not heard of anything like this. I really would like you to open a bug on it (a priori, assign to linux) -- run 'ubuntu-bug linux'15:07
hggdhand explain what is going on there15:07
bretzelplease, read page 2 also...15:08
bretzelseems old but one reports having same behaviour on 9.1015:09
bretzelwow! and bunch of messages dated from january 2010 .... it is a sign ...15:11
bretzelsome ones thought it was modem-manager - but later we read that it has nothing to do with modem-man ... the common situation is " file systems not mounted and system hangs" obviously, if fsck stops and do not resturns clean, init Mother process wait for ever ...15:16
bretzelI am telling you that it happens only in Ubuntu out of my other distribs tests ( Fedora, OpenSuSE, Arch, Sabayon )15:17
bretzelokay, I have to go -- And Ubuntu still IS the distrib all star! vannot live without it... tried all other linux distribs I could and Ubuntu always returns first for me :-)15:19
devildantebretzel: seconded :)15:20
devildantebretzel: although arch comes as a close second :p15:20
vishkermiac: neat thanks!15:20
bretzeldevildante: after hours of configs ...:-)15:20
bretzelciao and thank for your time. ( just leaving this channel I have C++ heavy load of CODING to do ;_)15:21
vishdevildante: whats the status of your addons branch?15:28
devildantevish: still awaiting review15:28
vishdevildante: merged?  [just noticed your update manager got merged ;)]15:28
vishah cool..15:28
devildantevish: [thank you :)]15:29
devildantevish: I'll bug mpt now for this addons branch15:29
vishtoo bad we cant subscribe to merges :s15:29
devildantereport a bug, importance wishlist :p15:30
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
pedro_dholbach, nigelb may you folks have a look to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100812 and see if everything is ok ?16:33
pedro_I've added some bug lists16:33
devildantepedro_: neat! :)16:33
pedro_hello devildante!16:34
dholbachholy cow16:34
devildantehi pedro_16:34
dholbachthat's going to keep them busy for a bit :-P16:34
* dholbach hugs pedro_16:34
* devildante hugs dholbach and pedro_16:34
dholbachhey devildante16:34
* dholbach hugs devildante too16:34
devildantedholbach: hi :)16:34
* pedro_ hugs dholbach and devildante back16:34
dholbachI'm looking forward to that hug day -it'll be great16:35
dholbachnigelb: what about that training session?16:36
devildantedholbach: is there a training session?16:36
dholbachdevildante: that's what we're discussing right now :)16:36
devildantedholbach: what is it about?16:36
dholbachfor the next hug day on thursday16:37
dholbachabout patch review and forwarding them16:37
devildanteokay, okay, okay16:37
devildanteI might learn something from this :)16:37
drizzle1i all16:38
drizzle1hi all16:38
drizzle1how is everyone?16:38
devildantedrizzle1: all is fine :)16:38
pedro_nigelb, dholbach anything else to add : http://paste.ubuntu.com/476005/ ?16:45
pedro_nigelb, dholbach that's the announcement so i can send it to the ML and Planet, more input is always welcome ;-)16:45
dholbachpedro_: awesome!16:46
dholbachI like it16:46
devildanteseconded :)16:47
devildantebut line 1 and 10 should read: "Thursday 12th August 2010"16:47
devildantenot 10th16:47
pedro_oh right, good catch devildante , thanks!16:47
devildantenp :)16:48
pedro_same on the title :-/16:48
pedro_ok fixed, time to make some buzz16:48
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
devildantepedro_: bug 613012 has been fixed, why is it included in the list?16:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 613012 in empathy (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Remove "Ubuntu servers" from irc channel list (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61301216:56
pedro_devildante, launchpad fault? ;-)16:56
devildantepedro_: what? (not sure if I understood that)16:57
pedro_devildante, i'm just grabbing the list from what launchpad returns me, if there's something that shouldn't be there that might be a launchpad issue16:57
pedro_devildante, feel free to remove the bug or mark it as green16:58
devildantepedro_: okay16:58
devildantepedro_: remove ;-)17:02
pedro_devildante, thanks, in which list was it?17:02
devildantepedro_: patch tag17:02
pedro_devildante, i've a huge list so maybe i can add an extra one17:02
pedro_devildante, ok thank you!17:02
devildantepedro_: np :)17:02
devildantepedro_: I'll see if I can stop other fixed bugs17:03
nigelbpedro_: It rocks.  Sorry.  Lost power.17:03
pedro_devildante, cool, just let me know how many were removed  so we can replace those ;-)17:04
pedro_devildante, thanks for checking !17:04
devildantepedro_: okay, np :)17:04
pedro_nigelb, cool, I've just sent the announcement no it's tiime to make some noise :-)17:04
devildantepedro_: Bug #614388 is "fix committed"17:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 614388 in sugar-0.88 (Ubuntu) "Sugar emulator should start in fullscreen mode (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61438817:05
devildantepedro_: but it seems the original reporter is the one to mark the bug as commited17:06
devildanteshould I tell him?17:06
pedro_devildante, yes please17:07
pedro_it needs to be reviewed anyways17:07
Laibschbdrung, dholbach: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scim-bridge/+bug/338217/comments/2817:10
ubot2Ubuntu bug 338217 in scim-bridge (Ubuntu) "scim-bridge crashed with SIGSEGV in scim::Module::unload() - fixed by "rm -Rf ~/.scim/" (affects: 66) (dups: 212) (heat: 1747)" [Medium,Confirmed]17:11
dholbachLaibsch: what about it?17:11
* Laibsch still recommends to at least document the problem instead of doing nothing17:11
Laibschdholbach: you and bdrung said upstream is alive17:11
Laibschthe Debian maintainer orphaned the package about a week ago17:11
Laibschbecause "upstream is dea"17:11
dholbachwhere did I say that?17:12
Laibschcomment 2417:12
dholbachif you want to get the solution integrated, go ahead and do it17:12
dholbachI'm not going to stop you17:12
LaibschI can't17:12
LaibschI don't have upload rights17:12
LaibschI provided the patch17:12
LaibschI kindly ask again to have it sponsored17:12
dholbachsubscribe ubuntu-sponsors to the bug17:13
LaibschI'm sure I did that in the past17:13
Laibschand the patch was rejected17:13
Laibschyou guys might as well just have taken my word as Debian maintainer of the scim package and part of upstream team ;-)17:14
devildantepedro_: bug 611024 is marked "Fix Released" for all packages except for one who is not affected by the patch17:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 611024 in xmms2 (Ubuntu) (and 13 other projects) "Rebuild for libmpcdec3 → libmpcdec6 transition (affects: 7) (heat: 40)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61102417:16
devildanteit's in the "patch tag" category17:17
pedro_devildante, well it seems there's no patch for that package yet17:18
devildanteshould I remove it?17:19
pedro_devildante, or mark it green since you reviewed the bug17:19
pedro_hello DrKenobi17:19
devildantepedro_: okay17:20
DrKenobihello pedro_17:21
* charlie-tca is glad to see pedro_ is back. It has been a long ...17:22
pedro_thank you charlie-tca! it's nice to be back ;-)17:25
pedro_btw folks Bugsquad meeting is in ~35 minutes17:26
holsteinhggdh: ping17:26
devildantepedro_: bug 610300 seems to have been fixed in lucid. should I add a "patch-accepted-upstream" tag?17:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 610300 in likewise-open (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "package likewise-open failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (affects: 39) (dups: 4) (heat: 524)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61030017:27
pedro_nigelb,  ^17:27
* nigelb checks17:28
nigelbdevildante: patch from upstream?17:29
nigelb(if so, go ahead.  you're right)17:29
hggdhholstein: pong17:31
holsteinhggdh: in case i need to miss the meeting17:31
holsteini just wanted to check in17:31
devildantenigelb: no, it's a patch on launchpad17:32
nigelbdevildante: In that case, you need to forward it upstream.17:32
* holstein will check the logs17:32
devildantenigelb: no, it seems it's an Ubuntu specific issue that has already been fixed17:33
hggdhholstein: yes. I am sorry I had not been able to contact you before, been quite busy. But let's get together17:33
holsteinhggdh: i would like to make some time to work with you17:33
devildantenigelb: by that same patch17:33
holsteinhggdh: cool17:33
holsteinsame here17:33
holsteinas long as we havent forgotten each other :)17:33
hggdhholstein: certainly. Right now I am going for lunch, but I will be back in 30 min17:33
nigelbdevildante: oh, Ubuntu specific stuff can be off our radar.  Just ut patch-accepted :)17:33
hggdhthen we can start17:33
holsteinjust ping me whenever you got some time17:33
hggdhholstein: will do17:34
holsteini might be out for the afternoon myself17:34
devildantenigelb: okay (what does ut stand for?)17:34
holsteinbut i'll look for you17:34
nigelbdevildante: s/ut/put :D17:34
devildantenigelb: okay :p17:34
nigelbdevildante: it stands for "Nigel spells very badly"17:34
hggdhholstein: I am online every week day, and some weekends. Ping me whenever you are available17:34
nigelbholstein: don't believe him.  He's online 24/7.  I think he's a bot ;)17:35
vishnigelb: nah , he has been a bad bot ;p , recently he often tends to be offline ;)17:36
nigelbvish: gah, bad network!17:36
devildantenigelb: patch of bug 608747 seems to have been uploaded into universe, but there is still some disagreements. Since there is no other patch to treat, should I put this in green in the list?17:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 608747 in goplay (Ubuntu) "Please merge goplay 0.4-1 (universe) from debian (unstable) (affects: 1) (heat: 227)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60874717:41
nigelbdevildante: merge requests are immediately off.  unsubscribe team and subscribe sponsors.17:50
nigelbbut this one, needs patch-needs work tag17:52
devildantenigelb: done :)17:52
* nigelb ^ 5 devildante :)17:53
vishdevildante: you need to remove the :"patch" tag too..17:53
devildantevish: okay17:53
devildantevish: done :)17:53
vishdevildante: neat! ... now nigelb can ^5 you ;)17:54
* nigelb hi5's vish instead :)17:55
baptistemmhmmm, collection3 is unable to graph a couple of rrd where collectd2html can17:55
* micahg will miss the meeting unfortunately17:56
pedro_Hello folks, who is here for the BugSquad Meeting ?18:00
njinhello, i'm18:01
devildantepedro_: I'm here :)18:01
elopioI'm here :)18:01
njinsorry pedro_ but my wife has a troble with the car battery18:01
pedro_kamusin, hggdh, vish , devildante, charlie-tca  ?18:02
njinand i've to run18:02
devildantekamusin said he can't attend18:02
pedro_njin,  no worries ;-)18:02
devildantebut he will send an e-mail for the mentorship status18:02
pedro_devildante, ok thanks!18:02
pedro_let's start18:02
pedro_first of all don't tell to hggdh our secret18:02
devildantewhat secret? :p18:03
pedro_the agenda for the meeting can be found here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Meeting18:03
pedro_so far it looks like18:03
pedro_* Mentorship program update from Mentors18:03
pedro_* Open Discussions.18:03
pedro_ok who many mentors and students we have this time?18:03
devildantestudent here :)18:04
KE1HAstudent here as well18:04
pedro_I'm mentoring a couple of folks18:04
njinhalf student here18:04
SpamapSOh I'm here for the meeting too.. just a little bit late. ;)18:04
vishkermiac couldnt attend so he mailed me an update : http://paste.ubuntu.com/476035/18:04
elopiostudent here18:04
SpamapSI'll be a student forever, but I have no official mentor. ;)18:05
pedro_vish, awesome, thanks!18:05
pedro_thanks kermiac for sent the update :-)18:05
pedro_I've mentoring elopio and njin both are doing an extraordinary work and we're catching up since I was away a couple of weeks18:06
pedro_but so far they're rock solid18:06
njinhmm thanks18:07
pedro_does anybody else want to share updates regarding the students?18:07
elopiowell, I've made some mistakes, but pedro_ is a great teacher :)18:07
pedro_or any student want to share their experience?18:07
* pedro_ hugs elopio and njin18:07
devildantekamusin: is an excellent mentor :)18:07
njinhugs too18:07
* njin 18:07
pedro_does anybody is having issues with their mentor or student ?18:08
pedro_like mentor/student is not answering their emails/messages/ etc18:08
KE1HAJust getting started w/Bugs, but have rcv'd good e-mail FB on a few, need to get a mentor though.18:08
hggdhpedro_: I will find another secret...18:08
pedro_KE1HA, awesome, could you add your name (if not already) on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors/Students so we can assign you a mentor?18:09
pedro_hggdh, jo jo jo !18:09
devildantepedro_: can you pm me so you tell me that secret? :p18:09
KE1HAwill do.18:09
pedro_hggdh, any updates regarding your students?18:09
vishnigelb too^18:09
pedro_devildante, don't tell anybody!18:10
devildantepedro_: np :)18:10
nigelbI was assigned 2 new students.  Just sent out mails today.18:10
pedro_especially to hggdh18:10
hggdhI have not contacted them (except for holstein, that contacted me today). I will get on with it, my fault18:11
pedro_hggdh, no worries, it's being a busy weeks ;-)18:11
hggdhpedro_: now devildante is also in? >:-]18:11
vishpedro_: i'v cleaned up most of the backlog and idle students , and most of the students have been assigned a mentor..18:11
pedro_hggdh, oh the whole Bugsquad :-P18:11
pedro_https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors <- that's the table vish is referring18:12
pedro_it looks *amazing*18:12
pedro_thanks a lot vish!18:12
hggdhyou just wait, alliagor, one day this pond will dry out...18:12
pedro_alright we need an action item to ping the other mentors18:12
* njin have two arguments that want to propose.18:12
devildantepedro_: action item?18:12
pedro_I'll take that so they can share the updates with us on the mailing list18:12
vishpedro_: if you have heard anything from maco , iirc we need an update from her , else everything is upto date...? heard back anything?18:13
pedro_vish, i'll make sure to ping the remaining mentors by email18:13
hggdhvish: maco is usually on during evening US time. I can ask her this evening18:13
macoi have nothing to update18:13
pedro_Ok, anything else regarding Mentors/Students ?18:14
pedro_otherwise we can move to the next item18:15
devildantepedro_: I still don't know what is an action item :p18:15
pedro_devildante, something that needs to be done which is usually assigned to a person18:16
devildantepedro_: okay, thx :)18:16
pedro_Ok let's move18:16
pedro_* Open Discussions18:16
pedro_As you probably know already we're having a Bug day for the Operation Cleansweep next Thursday!18:17
pedro_this is a great chance to learn how the Patch review workflow works18:17
pedro_nigelb, around ?18:18
pedro_The page for the bug day is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2010081218:18
pedro_as you can see there, devildante already started to work on it ;-)18:18
pedro_great work devildante!18:18
* elopio is looking forward to learn about that18:18
SpamapSpedro_: Where is the page for the patch review workflow?18:18
devildantepedro_: :)18:18
SpamapSah found the link on that page18:19
pedro_but there's a *lot* of bugs waiting to be triaged so if you have some time please consider in joining us that day or the previous like devildante18:19
pedro_SpamapS, exactly that one ;-)18:19
pedro_also if you can, please blog about it, send some announcement on identi.ca, twitter, facebook, etc18:20
pedro_the more help we could have the better ;-)18:20
SpamapSSeems like (at least for server team packages) the bug rate has gone up quite a bit in the last 2 weeks.18:20
SpamapSI normally only triage on Fridays but I've been triaging at least one bug every week day to try and help the team keep up, and we still had 16 untriaged this morning. :-/18:20
pedro_hggdh, ^18:21
pedro_looks like he's not around18:22
pedro_SpamapS, could you talk with hggdh to see if we (Bugsquad) can coordinate something to help you guys there?18:23
simarHi all ... I have been mentored by sense and he has done the mentoring very well n I'm now in bug control team .. So for all this good I want to thank sense for that.. unfortunately he's not here but still .. :))18:23
pedro_great news simar! thanks for sharing18:23
SpamapSpedro_: I'll bring it up in the server team meeting, which is in ~40 minutes18:23
pedro_awesome SpamapS ;-)18:23
pedro_alright folks anything else ?18:23
vishhggdh, pedro_: one concern I have, is the list of mentors here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors , an active *willing* mentor list?  looks like its not all of the mentors are really available right now, and we should probably get an update on mentors first before assigning students..18:23
simarpedro_: :)18:24
pedro_vish, let's ping them to see if they're available or not18:25
simarvish: Can I mentor someone else or should I wait for some time. I think if I can help someone, I will feel good :)18:25
pedro_vish, probably hggdh wants to send the email asking that ;-)18:25
pedro_simar, if you're in bugcontrol you can mentor :-)18:26
vishpedro_: heh , yeah , hggdh can be scary and persuasive ;)18:26
pedro_simar, no need to wait , feel free to add your name to the list :-)18:26
pedro_vish, +118:26
vishsimar: add yourself with time available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors18:27
simarpedro_: vish  yeah!!! I like it :)18:27
simarpedro_: vish I will just do that ..18:27
ashamsso, how can I get some Mentor to teach me?18:27
SpamapSbtw, we use this to track our triaging backlog (credit: ttx)  http://webnumbr.com/ubuntu-server-daily-triage18:28
vishashams: have you applied to the mentorship team?18:28
SpamapSmight be useful to produce some more for the bug squad in general.18:28
drew212ddecator: hey, are you around man?18:29
vishashams: you can read about how to do that and the requirements here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors18:29
pedro_ashams, check the "How to request a mentor" part on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors18:29
vishpedro_: looks like drew212 is looking to become a mentor too? ;)18:29
charlie-tcahmm, late again18:29
ashamspedro_, and vish : thank you18:29
drew212vish: i am? lol, i wouldn't mind, but i feel very underqualified...18:30
pedro_Ok folks anything else ? Otherwise i'd suggest we adjourn the meeting?18:30
devildantemvo: ping18:30
vishdrew212: if you are in bug control , you can be a mentor ;)18:30
pedro_going once...18:30
KE1HAI ahve one, but cant wait until after is someone can stick around fer a moment.18:30
devildantejust kidding :p18:31
yofelnothing here (was stuck in traffic :/)18:31
drew212vish: didn't know that, but i just made it in a couple of weeks ago, and i feel like there is so much to learn =P18:31
pedro_Ok Let's adjourn, thanks everybody !18:31
* njin leaving for a little, baby's crying18:31
* elopio hugs the squad18:32
vishdrew212: there is always something to learn ;) btw , ddecator is busy atm18:32
pedro_the next meeting is on Tuesday 07 September18:32
* devildante hugs everyone18:32
devildantethx pedro :)18:32
* pedro_ hugs the bugsquad18:32
pedro_thanks folks18:32
drew212vish: too true.18:32
pedro_alright now time to eat!18:32
* pedro_ -> lunch18:32
vishthanks pedro_ .18:32
KE1HACan we do questions now ?18:33
vishKE1HA: sure18:33
KE1HAIs there a place where I can find the frequency of failure (Bugs) on a given hardware type? In particular, WiFI card types as I'm seeing "allot" of the same questions coming up in the Ubuntu channel about the same ones.18:33
vishdrew212: so just add yourself with time available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors18:34
vishKE1HA: pass.. i'm not sure , wait for pedro_ or hggdh or charlie-tca to answer that..18:36
* vish for a moment it felt like a game show.. PASS! ;p18:37
charlie-tcaI do things the hard way. I would search launchpad bugs for the specific card.18:37
KE1HAvish, ok. The reason I ask is, there's Wiki pages covering how to install allot of them, but shouldn't that be rolled into each major release, and if so, how do we count the repeat failure?18:37
simarvish: pedro_ Added myself to Mentors list :)18:37
hggdhKE1HA: no, not yet. We are considering something like that, but it is still along way from being available18:38
hggdhKE1HA: *then* we should be able to pinpoint bugs to specific hardware18:38
charlie-tcaKE1HA: I go to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/, click Advanced, checkmark all types, put in the card name/number and hit search at the bottom18:38
KE1HAhggdh, rr ok. TNX was trying to work out hot to try and tackle so many of the same type of issues.18:38
KE1HAcharlie-tca, tnx, will have a read of that.18:39
hggdhKE1HA: the problem is much more complex that that, though: consider just the CPU chip: you have different dies, different revisions, different problems18:39
charlie-tcaIt is a bit of work to sort out after that, but at least it gives all the bugs referring to that hardware18:39
hggdhBIOS can be updated or not; each machine have a (potentially) different BIOS18:40
hggdhand so on18:40
KE1HAhggdh, rr and firmware version, yeah, I can see its rough that one, but the end-users really get annoyed about it.18:40
charlie-tcawhich is why it appears to be so many with the exact same issue, but they really are not18:40
vishsimar: neat!18:41
simarvish: Thanks.18:41
* njin hugs the bugsquad and go to cook18:43
vishdevildante: the easiest way to do reviews is find a package you are familiar with and just clean out all the patches ;)18:44
KE1HAcharlie-tca, that's really nifty.18:44
vishlike how you just poked for the patch for u-m18:44
charlie-tcaGlad it helped18:44
devildantevish: should I put patches in a branch and propose it for merging?18:45
KE1HAI pulled up my favorite one: bcm43xx :-)18:45
vishdevildante: would probably be even better , group the patches and make branches18:45
vishdevildante: ofcourse , giving credit to the submitter ;)18:46
devildantevish: np with that :)18:46
simarvish: I hope I can add myself to this list also for touchpad area ..https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/AdoptPackage18:46
vishsimar: sure , you can!18:47
charlie-tcasimar: please!18:47
simarvish: charlie-tca :)18:47
charlie-tcaIt is good to have someone knowledgeable in that18:47
yofeldevildante: if the application's upstream is a launchpad project then yes please do a merge, if not, just attach the patch to an upstream bug report18:48
vishsimar: plus the X swat has always been looking for help.. they would be very happy ;)18:48
simarcharlie-tca: I am pretty sure now of my expertise in touchpad area. atleast for triaging purposes.18:48
vishyofel: yeah , he was looking at an update manager bug , help merge ;)18:49
yofelah, right :)18:49
devildanteyofel: thank you :)18:50
simarvish: I will like of I could help them, probably by working on xorg. as I see it in Packages that should really be adopted.18:50
vishyofel: there are a few bugs with patches , instead of pinging mv-o for each bug , it would be easier for him to review a group at once.. and devildante has recently done a bit of work on u-m too18:51
yofelI know, I did a few merges in the past, launchpad has it's good points18:52
devildanteyofel: I would rather say lp is awesome :-))18:53
yofelno, not awesome, too many bugs :/18:53
devildanteyofel: once you select a group of bugs, it *is* awesome :)18:54
drew212if a bug is marked for expiration, should i invalidate it when asking for new information, or just keep it marked as incomplete? see bug 55381418:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 553814 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Bookmarks aint working (affects: 1) (heat: 28)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55381418:55
yofeldevildante: no, I meant too many bugs in the launchpad code, my newest annoyance: bug 61512318:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 615123 in malone "Oops on production when opening +choose-affected-product (affects: 3) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61512318:55
yofeldrew212: looking18:56
drew212yofel: thanks18:56
charlie-tcaReporter attempted the suggested fix already18:56
devildanteyofel: not to mention timeout errors :p18:56
yofeldevildante: I have long stopped paying attention to them, except if it's so bad that I need to file bugs by mail...18:57
yofeldrew212: you should ask the reporter for more information about the issue, ask micahg for help when he's here, he belongs to the mozillateam18:58
yofelhm, did I mention that the launchpads email interface is nice? :P18:58
yofelyou can even set the 'expired' status that way18:59
drew212i was just curious if i should set the status to invalid since it has been so long since there has been activity on the bug, but i the plan was to use the "vague" stock response.19:00
charlie-tcadrew212: since the reporter responded to the first request to try something different, it is not their fault there has been no activity.19:03
charlie-tcasometimes, they are just waiting to find out what else to try or information to supply19:04
micahgdrew212: WRT flash crash bugs, this is a new feature for users, they're not used to seeing a note saying flash crashed in the browser, so they might think it's a bug when it's actually a feature, just FYI19:14
njinpedro_: around?19:32
njinpedro_: around ?19:56
pedro_njin, yes, i'm around now19:56
pedro_was having lunch ;-)19:57
njinpedro_: can we start ?19:57
temp15893So, I just ran update-manager on ubuntu netbook 10.10 and now when I log in mutter starts but unity and metacity do not. What package short I report this as a bug for? Also,  Anyone know how I can get a normal session to start?21:14
jfi_metacity --replace ?21:15
temp15893I've done that but things are still acting a little funny. Whenever I change windows the entire screen flashes. I'm imagining that some program is supposed to launch metacity mutter and unity when I start my session but it's not doing it. I'd also imagine that i should file a bug report for that program.21:19
charlie-tcatemp15893: if you are using Maverick, there are more updates pending that might fix that21:20
jfi_maybe you should try first with a new account or the guest account? just to check that it is a config issue21:21
om26ertemp15893, I have the same problem.. and I am waiting for mutter to build too ;)21:22
temp15893Yeah, I tried running update manager again but theres nothing yet. I might try the guest account idea. Should I usually assume with major issues like this in maverick that someone knows about it and try updating in in a few hours. Bug reports not usually necessary for this kind of thing?21:24
charlie-tcaUsually wait about 24 hours to file, anyway. That gives the developers time to fix it.21:26
charlie-tca(development versions only)21:26
temp15893Makes sense. Thanks.21:28
drizzle1can someone mark the following bugs as wishlist23:11
ubot2Ubuntu bug 615876 in tomboy (Ubuntu) "Add Ubuntu One note to Tomboy fresh install (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]23:12
ubot2Ubuntu bug 615874 in evolution (Ubuntu) "Add Ubuntu One email to Evolution fresh install (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]23:12
devildanteguys, how can one forward patches to Debian?23:12
micahgdevildante: submittodebian or reportbug23:12
yofeldevildante: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian/Bugs23:13
devildantemicahg, yofel: thank you :)23:15
yofelhm, the page should mention https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training/Logs/2010-07-22 somewhere I think23:16
yofelshould I add a link at the bottom?23:16
devildanteyofel: Should I forward patch of bug 615563 to debian or patch the package in ubuntu first?23:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 615563 in vifm (Ubuntu) "Vifm pause doesn't work when not using screen mode (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61556323:31
yofelgive me a second23:31
yofeldevildante: first forward it to debian, then make a debdiff for maverick as I'm not sure if it will be fixed in debian soon enough for maverick23:38
devildanteyofel: how do I do a debdiff? simply run debdiff in source folder?23:39
yofeldevildante: er, no. forward the patch to debian (make sure that you're adding the patch tag and you should add the usertags too) and then ping me again23:40
* yofel goes back to fighting python23:40
devildanteyofel: okay23:40
yofelI usually use reportbug to forward patches, works fine23:41
devildanteyofel: should I use submittodebian?23:41
yofelmaco: how does that work? and isn't that for things that are already in the archive?23:41
devildanteyofel: submittodebian really simplifies things23:42
micahgthe problem with submittodebian is it takes the whole Ubuntu diff at once IIRC23:42
macoits a wrapper for reportbug to attach a patch to an existing debian bug23:42
macoand file a new one if one doesnt exist yet, i think23:43
macomicahg: it should open in an editor for you to edit it down to just what you want to send23:43
yofelhm, guess I'll try it next time23:43
devildanteseconded, it does open an editor for me to discard changes23:43
macowhich you *should* do.  a DD was complaining at debconf about a motu forwarding a patch that included bits of the debian changes that had been backported and so woulnt apply because some bits were already there23:43
=== grold1 is now known as grold
yofelheh, can imagine that23:44
devildantewhoopsie, submittodebian sent an e-mail to the debian BTS and ... to the hostname (which is devildante@devildante-laptop, obviously not my real address)23:51
devildantewhat should I do?23:51
yofelas I never used it I'm not sure how that happened, maybe you don't have $DEBEMAIL set and the changelog email was your hostname?23:58

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