
doctormonhandler: How easy would it be to convince you to update your workflow?00:05
nhandlerdoctormo: The issue is, it isn't just me. If you ask around, I am sure you will find many teams using Google Calendars for LoCo events. It is also used by the Fridge and Classroom and a few other places in the community.00:06
paultago/ <-- LoCoHiO uses it00:07
paultagwe have to duplicate work for the LD00:07
paultagit would be nice to pull from the feed on the update00:07
* czajkowski loves Google calendars 00:09
doctormonhandler: We don't have the source code for google calendars though, so we can't go about changing it to suite the externalities we have.00:19
doctormonhandler: I know everyone's gotten tied to google calendars, but how can we make the loco directory workflow replace it.00:19
paultagdoctormo: you don't have to00:19
doctormofor you, for everyone.00:19
paultagdoctormo: just use the ical interface00:19
doctormopaultag: Wut?00:19
paultagdoctormo: read from it on the update routine ( it's in there ), and log changes against the teams, like it does for Launchpad00:19
paultagdoctormo: this will also let people use whatever for their calander software, and let it remain open for other tools00:20
doctormopaultag: Evolution doesn't produce ical feeds readable from the outside world.00:20
paultagdoctormo: what does evolution have to do with this?00:20
doctormopaultag: And you've still not sewn up the incompatibilities.00:20
paultagdoctormo: all google calanders have three types of feeds you can read globally, pick one and interface it :)00:21
doctormoThat's not good enough paultag00:21
paultagdoctormo: launchpad has one, I think it is :)00:21
paultagdoctormo: google it00:21
paultagdoctormo: there's xml, ical and html00:21
doctormopaultag: If you don't link it didn't happen.00:21
paultagdoctormo: well i'm lazy and don't have a wm up00:22
paultagdoctormo: so I can't copy paste from another term00:22
doctormoI don't know why everyone's teaching me to suck eggs, I know exactly what google calendars provides, I've been using it for MA LoCo for years and testing with it.00:22
paultagdoctormo: well let us interface with it :)00:22
paultagdoctormo: the ical spec is already in teh code, dholbach wrote some bindings for it iirc00:23
paultagdoctormo: just add it to manage / update00:23
doctormopaultag: You know where the code base is, I'm not in the mood right now. Rather put out to be honest.00:23
paultagdoctormo: I'm just saying, don't shrug off features because you're put out about it00:23
paultagdoctormo: just say you don't wana :)00:23
doctormopaultag: I'm not put out by the features, just your presentation.00:26
doctormoAlthough I'm also looking forward to seeing how this magic is to be achieved. Since structurally ical is a subset of the loco event fields.00:28
akgranerpaultag, taking a break for a few I'll see if you are around in a little while to talk ubucon stuff00:55
paultagakgraner: sure thing00:55
paultagnigelb: that kinda looks like a dude rasing one hand and pointing with the other01:19
paultagnigelb: as if to say "YOU."01:19
nigelbpaultag: ok, in that case it was not #fail01:19
nigelbpaultag: also, did you see http://behindthecircle.org/?01:19
duanedesigno? or the pirate waving hello01:19
paultagnigelb: nope01:19
paultagdoctormo: haha01:19
paultagnigelb: woo looks good :)01:20
duanedesignnigelb: neat link nigelb01:20
doctormopaultag: huh?01:20
nigelbFTR, LucidFox rocks!01:20
duanedesignthe ubuntu stats are good news. The declining linux stats are not01:20
duanedesignnigelb: ^^01:21
paultagdoctormo: oh not you01:21
paultagduanedesign: haha to you01:21
paultagdoctormo: tab fail01:21
doctormoduanedesign: He's laughing at you, not with you ;-)01:22
* duanedesign is just happy to get attention01:23
nigelbpaultag: you have a problem.  A council member is out for attention! BT is dommed!01:23
paultagOh noe!01:24
* duanedesign rubs hands together feindeshly01:24
paultagnigelb: http://i379.photobucket.com/albums/oo239/bethtopaz53/2074682040.jpg01:24
duanedesign fiendishly  *01:24
nigelbpaultag: isn't that a bit um non-family friendly? ;)01:25
paultagmy mum sent that to me when I was a kid01:26
duanedesignnigelb: that is a good site? tecdrivein01:26
nigelbduanedesign: dunno.  got there from a dent.01:26
duanedesignman identi.ca got hit with a ton of spam01:30
duanedesigngood. looks like they got it stopped01:31
nhandlernigelb: I like the new theme01:53
nigelbnhandler: maia's work :)02:50
paultagmaco: did you get a chance to take a look at my package?02:53
macopaultag: no. im at a hacker thing with ... im getting 15Kbps wireless speeds right now. a single packages is 47% downloaded, after 3 hours... so no, i havent managed to dget your source package yet02:54
paultagmaco: OK02:54
paultagmaco: thanks :)02:54
pleia2yay, apology \o/03:19
nigelbwho? what? where?03:19
pleia2I believe he's sincere03:20
nigelbgah, paultag left.  He would have been amused about http://twitter.com/humphreybc/status/2075287189503:24
nigelbduanedesign: ^ ;)03:24
duanedesignnigelb: lol03:25
doctormonigelb: What did he say exactly?03:50
doctormoNever mind I'm reading it. both palm and hand are getting sore.03:55
nigelbdoctormo: haha04:00
doctormoWow that was some article, I'm glad I've only ever posted 90 of those.04:16
nigelbout of the 900000 you've ever posted?04:17
duanedesignnot dure what that smiley meant in that context04:20
akgranerwow it's holding hands and singing Kumbaya around the Ubuntu Campfire the last 10 days - Greg, Mark on LinuxCon, Mark on Old Wounds and now Benjamin.... :-)  smores anyone???04:21
doctormonigelb: Well, 540ish.04:21
doctormonigelb: It's gone down since I stopped posting on Sundays04:22
nigelbdoctormo: since you started posting *only* when you were sober :p04:22
doctormoakgraner: What's this about LinuxCon?04:22
duanedesignnigelb: haha04:22
nigelbmark applogied about a sexist comment at linuxcon.04:22
doctormonigelb: You don't want me posting sober, I start talking about comrades and taking the means of production to the people.04:23
akgranerdoctormo it's in the comments of the tribalism post04:23
akgraneryou can also read about it in today's UWN04:23
doctormoAh right, only because LinuxCon starts tomorrow, thought there might have been news.04:23
duanedesigndoctormo: i am intrigued by your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter04:23
akgranerdoctormo, linuxcon 200904:23
doctormoI actually read that apology at the time.04:23
nigelbduanedesign: hahaha04:23
doctormoduanedesign: It's in a new blog called "News from Ipswitch"04:24
doctormoOK that may be too high brow: http://books.google.com/books?id=93OxYSzOFCsC&pg=PA240&lpg=PA240&dq=%22News+from+Ipswitch%22&source=bl&ots=UfOWk-7eP4&sig=DiRhbq_wOVFh1zcnyMfJHtMSEcE&hl=en&ei=dsZgTOfeI4a0lQfO0s2nCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CBkQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=%22News%20from%20Ipswitch%22&f=false04:25
IdleOnewow long link04:28
doctormosorry, damn google books, should have used a short link site but i don't know any.04:28
IdleOnedoctormo: no worries, tinyurl.com04:30
* nigelb ^ 5 IdleOne :)04:34
=== jono is now known as Guest31218
doctormoThat's odd, why is Guest31218 a jono?05:19
nigelbdoctormo: because he didn't identify.05:39
=== jono is now known as Guest85505
dpmgood morning everyone07:48
jono_hey dpm :)07:51
dpmmorning jono_ :)07:52
dholbachgood morning07:58
dpmheya dholbach07:59
aragood morning all07:59
dpmmorning ara07:59
dholbachheya dpm08:00
dholbachhey ara08:00
jono_ok bed for me08:05
jono_today was a long day08:05
AlanBello/ jono_08:06
jono_night all!08:06
=== ara_ is now known as ara
nigelbdholbach: did you see behindthecircle.org?08:44
nigelbmorning all!08:45
dholbachyep, saw it - EXCELLENT08:45
dholbachnigelb: I think you can use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Interviews as a good basis for who was interviewed and who wasn't :)08:45
dpmhi all, does anyone know how (or if it is possible) to clean up spam in the archives of a mailman list? That's an ubuntu.com list from a translation team, so I might have to ask IS, but in the meantime, any advice will be welcome :)08:55
dholbachdpm: I wouldn't know how to do it08:59
dpmno worries, thanks dholbach09:00
vishnom nom! anyone have any idea what maverick+1 is gonna be called?09:00
* vish needs to tag a few bugs as "for later"09:00
dholbachvish: isn't there a later milestone?09:01
dholbachvish: if not use "ubuntu+1" or "later"? :)09:01
vishdholbach: hmm ,  yeah ,thanks :)  or roxanne! ;p09:02
vishnot sure why "roxanne" got stuck in my head though o.009:02
dholbachI can't explain either :-P09:02
dholbachnigelb: how's the hug day organisation coming on?09:13
dholbachnigelb: shall I pencil you in for a training session on thursday? :)09:19
dholbachalso can you all go and blog about Ubuntu Global Jam and talk to teams about it? :)09:22
dholbachara: what about the Berlin jam? :-P09:23
aradholbach, the what?? :P09:23
dholbachUbuntu Global Jam - Berlin edition! :)09:24
aradholbach, I know, I know, where is it going to be?09:24
dholbachara: just asking the guys in #ubuntu-berlin if the c-base will be available (I guess so)09:25
dholbachseems we can still pick (Sunday or Saturday)09:28
=== randa_ is now known as randa
dholbachhola randa09:37
randahi daniel09:37
dholbachara: do you have a preference wrt sat/sun? sunday might be better for folks who need to get stuff on sat09:37
aradholbach, I don't have any special preference09:39
* dpm goes for a short break09:42
popeyYO YO YO!09:44
* dholbach hugs dpm ara and popey09:44
* ara hugs dholbach, dpm and popey09:44
nigelbdholbach: wait, you and ara are in Berlin? Oh, I thought ara was in Spain.09:49
aranigelb, I moved about two months ago09:49
nigelbpopey: Carla's Schroeder's article comes to mind every time we hug... "kumbaya-or-else"09:49
nigelbara: oh, good :)09:49
nigelbdholbach: I need to first query LP for the list of all the members of ~ubuntu-dev09:50
nigelbAlso, Lucidfox is awesome :) She did the entire thing in like 2 hours :)09:50
dholbachnigelb: that shouldn't take very long to query :)09:52
nigelbdholbach: it has to query down to subteams too.10:13
AlanBellnigelb: want the code to do that?10:13
* nigelb hugs AlanBell 10:17
nigelbI was putting off writing that script for tonight.10:17
nigelbYou saved me from a night of python hacking.10:17
AlanBelloh good, nice when stuff is useful10:17
nigelbAlso, you can query api directory to get json values10:21
nigelbpain to process it correctly though.10:21
nigelb(directly = put https://api.edge.launchpad.net/beta/~ubuntu-dev/participants in browser)10:22
AlanBellyeah, but lplib sorts out oauth authentication if you need it10:23
nigelbAlanBell: lol @ comments in the script10:25
nigelb"for now just writing out in dirty old CSV format"10:25
dholbachnigelb: [a.name for a in launchpad.people["ubuntu-dev"].participants]10:27
dholbachnigelb: that should be all10:27
dholbachah ok, you got it already10:28
AlanBellthe main feature of that script is figuring out the earliest date someone became a member of a group when they are members and indirect members via multiple routes10:32
AlanBellmight be overkill (and overly slow) for just a list of names10:33
* dholbach → lunch break, move office10:34
nigelbAlanBell: Not for that list.  There are too many complex relationships in there.10:52
paultagI read that last night on lwn11:15
vishpaultag: not from jono..11:16
paultagOh wait, that's not jono11:16
paultagvish: he left out a huge quote11:17
paultagvish: While GNOME Shell is pushed by Red Hat everybody was invited to contribute and there is also a community of people not working for Red Hat that is heavily contributing to the Shell.11:17
paultagvish: Jono totally said the same thing about or diversions11:18
jussipopey: ping11:30
jussipopey: please pm me when you have a min11:30
czajkowskinice to wake up to a nice email in my inbox Stefano Zacchiroli  is coming to Dublin and giving a talk on Debian and it's derivites11:42
jussihi czajkowski11:42
nigelbczajkowski: oh, nice :)12:17
nigelbczajkowski: He's a great guy.  I've talked with him a coupla times on IRC :)12:17
czajkowskiit's for my ossbarcamp12:19
aradholbach, testing and upgrade ugj documents reviewed and updated12:22
* dholbach hugs ara12:38
dholbachara: muchas gracias12:38
aradholbach, de nada12:56
dholbachjcastro: give Jill a big hug13:41
akgranerok I have to share - now someone thinks that OMG should be included in the glossary terms...14:50
akgranerhere is a comment that that got added today14:51
akgranerAm I stupid? Unable to find out what OMG! means (in OMG! ubuntu). Nothing even in the glossary terms14:51
czajkowskino comment - any comment would not be polite14:51
akgranerpaultag, do  you have a few minutes we can talk UbuCon14:51
paultagakgraner: over IRC or jabber, I can't skype -- at work :(14:52
paultagakgraner: but yeah, I have a few hours, or if you want to skype, can it wait until tn?14:52
akgranerpaultag, ahhh ok - wanna wait til this evening then14:52
paultagakgraner: sure thing :)14:52
akgranerawesome just ping me laters14:52
akgranerkim0, did you get your email with the interview questions?14:53
akgranerScottL, I have your picture and I am formatting the interview now14:53
akgranerczajkowski, do you have a few mins for a call?14:53
kim0akgraner: Yep .. when should I send you the answers14:53
kim0akgraner: would Thursday be ok ?14:54
akgranerkim0, if you can get them to my by Thursday night that would be great so I can post on my Ubuntu User Blog on Friday that would be great14:54
kim0sounds great14:54
akgraner:-)  awesome!14:54
czajkowskiakgraner: see pm14:54
akgranerczajkowski, roger that!14:55
paultagdholbach: have a second?15:03
dholbachpaultag: yes15:06
paultagdholbach: So, I've been doing a lot of work getting fluxbox nice and pretty, and it's finally shaping up pretty well ( all in Debian ). I even put the debian theme in another .tar.gz, and created a second one for Ubuntu. I really want to try and help Ubuntu get rid of the Debian branding on Fluxbox, but I'm pushing against a brick wall15:07
paultagdholbach: no one wants to review my changes, and no one wants to help me with this, and I'm fine staying upstream, I just want to get the debian logo out of Ubuntu ( since I'm already there ). What should I do?15:07
dholbachpaultag: I have no idea what you're trying to do and tried to do15:08
paultagdholbach: since I'm already putting together uploads for Debian, I want to also put together uploads for Ubuntu ( to get rid of the Debian theme that's still in Debian ). I've asked about 3 people for reviews, and in #ubuntu-motu ( again this morning ) and gone one partial review15:09
dholbachpaultag: if you have it in Debian, ask for a sync in Ubuntu15:09
dholbachpaultag: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess15:09
paultagdholbach: that's what everyone keeps saying, but if we sync then it still has the Debian theme and that makes what i'm talking about useless15:09
paultagdholbach: I mean, if we want to keep the Debian theme, I'll just go on my way, but I'm offering to help keep it up to date and themed15:10
dholbachis there no way to have one source package for both?15:10
paultagdholbach: I don't want the Ubuntu artwork etc in the debian repos, and I'd hate to see debian stuff in the Ubuntu repo ( although that does not matter as much )15:10
dholbachcheck the exitstatus of 'dpkg-vendor --derives-from Ubuntu'15:10
dholbachpaultag: we rebuild the package in Ubuntu anyway, so it just needs to be part of the source package15:11
paultagdholbach: yes, but then it uses up space in the debian repos, and the debian people tend to not like this15:11
dholbachthat's just not true15:11
dholbachchecking "dpkg-vendor --derives-from Ubuntu" is the one clean way to do it and have a package that works for everyone15:12
dholbachpaultag: how much space are we talking about?15:12
dholbachpaultag: or you could introduce a separate theme package15:12
dholbachpaultag: and Depends: …, fluxbox-theme-debian | fluxbox-theme-ubuntu   or something15:13
paultagdholbach: a png's worth, really. Can't do another theme, the default theme is compiled into flux15:13
dholbacha .png really doesn't matter15:13
paultagdholbach: debian folks love pointing out mistakes, are you *sure* this is OK by the books?15:13
dholbachit's how I'd do it15:14
paultagthanks dholbach.15:14
dholbach"dpkg-vendor --derives-from" was particularly designed for having source packages in sync15:14
dholbachand not requiring distro specific hacks15:14
paultagdholbach: on an unrelated note, trying to get a review out of the MOTU team is like yelling at a brick wall :(15:15
dholbachpaultag: where did you put it up for review?15:15
paultagdholbach: I asked in ubuntu-motu a few times15:15
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess should always work, or ask in #ubuntu-devel or for that specific case in #debian-ubuntu (on OFTC)15:16
paultagthanks dholbach15:16
vish...  https://twitter.com/hbons/statuses/2079121829215:27
vishcan others see that or is that locked^ ?15:30
AlanBellThis person has protected their tweets.15:31
vishyeah , expected that..15:31
vish"don't like the tribal thinking of Bacon saying gnome-shell is a "RedHat project""15:32
vish ^.^15:32
AlanBelltime for a big floss community group hug I think15:32
AlanBellit is a lot easier to write articles that divide and disillusion than it is to write articles that unite and inspire15:34
vishhehe , hbons can say that since he is from intel, and still has a lot of say in -shell designs  ;)15:35
=== jono is now known as Guest47605
kim0Guest47605: u lost ur name15:52
nigelbpaultag: unlike debian, no one is an expert on ubuntu.  Hence the trouble.16:03
nigelbAlso most people tend to use gnome or kde, fluxbox...um.. I don't know of many people using16:03
paultagnigelb: It's fine. I'm not working with the MOTU any longer, I'll just do my work upstream16:04
paultagnigelb: I'll just have it check vendor and do that16:05
dholbachjust because nobody replied you are "not working with the MOTU any longer"???16:06
dholbachI mean I can see why you'd be frustrated16:06
paultagdholbach: No no, not that I hate you guys, it's just I'll stay upstream16:07
paultagdholbach: although it is frustrating, and if I could not get much of a response then I can't imagine the new hacker could, you know?16:07
dholbachfor example to get a sync into Ubuntu, you'll need a MOTU to approve until until you have upload rights16:07
paultagdholbach: I don't think I'll be going for upload rights. I'll just file for syncs, and hope they get through, if not it's fine. I'll just support it upstream and leave it to you guys16:08
dholbachI totally understand how waiting sucks and I'm working very hard to get more people to do sponsoring and all the rest of it16:08
paultagdholbach: I want to help, but it's very very hard to get into a place where you can help16:08
paultagdholbach: I'll just stick upstream until things are calm down here16:08
dholbachcalm down?16:08
paultagdholbach: it's before FF everyone's busy16:09
dholbachpeople are always busy16:09
dholbachdid you try to get something sponsored into Ubuntu? did that work?16:09
paultagdholbach: No, I have not. I've always tried to do work up in Debian to avoid having package conflicts16:09
dholbachin any case that's a good way to get code reviewed and included in Ubuntu16:10
dholbachor you could have mailed one of the mailing lists16:11
dholbachubuntu-motu-mentors@lists.u.c for example16:11
paultagdholbach: it's a very very minor change. I don't want to cause issues over such a small package, and such a minor change16:11
paultagdholbach: I was just trying to get stuff in order for 10.1016:11
dholbachand that's totally fine16:12
dholbach"things suck in ubuntu, my fixes might get in or not get in" is just not acceptable16:12
dholbachat least not for me16:12
dholbachI just tried to point out where you could've gotten help in other places16:12
paultagdholbach: no, it's cool. Don't worry about it, I'm over-reacting.16:13
dholbachpaultag: please let me know how things go with the improvement you want to get in16:13
dholbachI'm sure we can make things better somewhere16:13
paultagdholbach: I will. It'll be upstream soonish, I'll see if I can make it in time for 10.10, not sure since I have to rewrite some of the build system, not that that's a big deal or anything16:14
dholbachI'll cross my fingers for you16:14
paultagthanks :)16:14
Guest47605alrighty, sorry for the delay dpm16:14
Guest47605logging in now16:14
dpmok, all set Guest4760516:15
nigelbhighvoltage: meow16:27
highvoltage                _16:37
highvoltage                \`*-.16:37
highvoltage                 )  _`-.16:37
highvoltage                .  : `. .  ... "Have you meowed today" ...16:37
highvoltage                : _   '  \16:37
highvoltage                ; *` _.   `*-._16:37
highvoltage                `-.-'          `-.16:37
highvoltage                  ;       `       `.16:37
highvoltage                  :.       .        \16:37
highvoltage                  . \  .   :   .-'   .16:37
highvoltage                  '  `+.;  ;  '      :16:37
highvoltage                  :  '  |    ;       ;-.16:37
highvoltage                  ; '   : :`-:     _.`* ;16:37
highvoltage               .*' /  .*' ; .*`- +'  `*'16:37
highvoltage               `*-*   `*-*  `*-*'16:37
* highvoltage goes out for lunch16:37
czajkowskifeckin' cats16:39
czajkowskithere is no awww where cats are concerned mr. popey16:46
=== jono is now known as Guest27874
nigelbhighvoltage: woo! pretty cat :)17:03
* nigelb wonders what czajkowski has with cats.17:03
dholbachok my friends - calling it a day over here17:09
dholbachhave a good one and see you tomorrow!17:09
scott-workdholbach: re: xwax - you might also ask at #opensourcemusicians, great variety of people there17:11
nigelbwho's used oholh with ubuntu? i.e. added ubuntu contributions...17:11
dholbachscott-work: ask what exactly?17:12
scott-workdholbach: weren't you having trouble with xwax drifting out of sync ?17:13
dholbachscott-work: it might be a kernel problem, so I'll try out a few and let abogani know which one it was17:13
dholbachscott-work: but thanks for the tip - I'll let you know too what I find out17:15
scott-workdholbach: good deal...sorry for the non sequitar17:16
dholbachno worries17:19
dholbachhave a great day17:19
* nigelb hugs paultag :)17:31
* paultag hugs nigelb 17:31
paultagnigelb: sorry again :(17:31
paultagI was really out of line17:31
nigelbNah, no issues.  Someday when I do something like that, I'd like you to talk to me too :)17:31
paultagyou bet I would :)17:31
paultagback to writing this rendering engine that I don't want to it PHP :/17:33
paultagsomeone shoot me17:33
paultagin *17:33
* nigelb suggests rails or django17:35
paultagnigelb: it's for BC, and they have not adopted python yet :/17:36
nigelbpaultag: BC?17:36
paultagnigelb: I am using php-gd to write a rendering engine for the datacenter nodes17:37
paultagnigelb: boston college17:37
nigelbNo wonder you're having a crappy day.17:37
paultagnigelb: that's not the half of it17:37
* nigelb hugs paultag again :)17:38
paultagAnywho, this engine does color gradiants + alpha layers for temp maping over a static image17:38
paultagthanks nigelb :P17:38
paultagbut php does not have a gradiant binding for gd, or even one that does a radial gradiant to transparent17:39
paultagso I have to write my own, wich means it was time to dig up graphics 101 notes17:39
nigelbpaultag: ewwwwwwww17:40
paultagnigelb: it gets so much worse17:40
paultagOh great17:40
paultagand pbuilder just failed my flux compile cstdlib:119: error: '::malloc' has not been declared, huzzah!17:41
nigelbI just talked to a friend.17:41
nigelbShe's an engineer. She's going to write embedded code.17:41
nigelbGuess the OS ;)17:41
paultagnigelb: debian?17:41
paultagnigelb: I used to do that, I did a ton with debian + arm17:42
paultagnigelb: oh noes!17:42
nigelbshe's learning to write gcc :)17:42
nigelb(she was totally surprisd I heard of linux :/ )17:42
paultagnigelb: write gcc or gcc c ?17:43
nigelbpaultag: gcc c!17:43
paultagnigelb: you never know! one day ibuclaw though it was a good day to rewrite gdc, and now he maintains the whole thing17:43
nigelbyeah, I remember saying I was bored in #ubuntu-motu.  Now I lead reviewers team.17:44
paultagOh joy, it's because my script was outputing junk to the cflags17:45
paultagtoday is going great!17:45
czajkowskiI see we have a new release manager18:40
czajkowskiKate Stewart18:40
Technovikingdpm: ping18:42
dpmhey Technoviking, thanks for your reply on my e-mail today18:42
=== jono is now known as Guest70629
Technovikingdpm: no problem, I will see if I can get the rest of the FC to respond. also I set your forums name to dpm, someone had it, but it looked like a spammer account that was 4 year inactive.18:52
dpmTechnoviking, awesome, thanks a lot18:52
* dpm goes and supplants a spammer18:52
akgranerjono_,  less than 6 weeks to App Dev Week if I looked at my calendar correctly - you wanna go ahead and start talking about?19:54
akgranerlet me know what you want me to do for it and I'll get started19:56
jono_akgraner, will do, otp now19:59
czajkowski#/win 4219:59
akgranerjono_, roger that!20:00
Technovikingjono_: one of my Android weild co woker asked me if you knew if Art of Community was going to be availible in a .apk format soon from O'Reilly?21:05
=== paultag is now known as info
=== info is now known as paultag
akgranerhey paul22:31
akgranerautotab fail grrrr22:31
akgranerhey paultag!  let me know when you want to yak and I'll grab headphones22:31
paultagakgraner: sure! It'll be a few, recovering from a melt-down :(22:38
paultagakgraner: I'll be ready in a few, just need to make sure the stuff is stable22:38
akgranerpaultag, okie dokie :-)22:38
czajkowskiwaiting on a skype call22:38
czajkowskiwhich may or may not happen tonight22:39
paultagakgraner: gah, I don't want to keep you waiting -- work is hammering on me and I'm also trying to roll up a release for debian, is there any chance we can postpone this? ( or do it over email ), I'd really hate to give you my 10%, and that's all I have now :(22:40
paultagakgraner: it might be a while, some server issues :/22:40
czajkowskiakgraner: wanna skype me instead22:41
czajkowskiI'm way more fun than paultag22:41
paultagOh pfft!22:41
akgranerpaultag, no worries when ever...22:41
paultagakgraner: have time in the morning?22:41
akgranerczajkowski, sure let me get my headset...22:41
czajkowskipaultag: hah :p22:41
paultagakgraner: I can do it like 10 AM in the morning22:41
paultagakgraner: if that works for you22:41
akgranerpaultag, I will have time in the am  - from 5am to 730am then from 830am -till noonish22:41
akgraner10am works great from me22:41
paultagakgraner: killer, we'll do that then22:42
paultagakgraner: sorry about putting you out, it'22:42
paultagit's just I did not expect issues :(22:42
akgranerpaultag, no worries22:43
* paultag hugs akgraner 22:43
paultagakgraner: thanks!22:43
czajkowskiakgraner: are you gone to buy a headset!22:46
akgranerhehe no - I am ready now :-P22:46
czajkowskiring ring22:47
jono_czajkowski, blogged the global jam23:30
jono_who else is lined up to blog it?23:30
cjohnstonjono_: I can do one.. Do you want it on a certain day?23:51
nhandlerjono_: I can do it if it is after next Thursday23:59

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