
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
RAOFGood mornang.00:19
TheMusoHey RAOF. I see xorg stuff has gone up overnight.00:20
RAOFYup.  Everything should even remain installable!00:21
RAOFAlthough gdm seems to have decided to mess up.  I don't _think_ that's the fault of X, though :)00:22
RAOFIf you're feeling left out on the sponsoring front, I'm sure I can push a mesa upload your way ;)00:22
TheMusoRAOF: Happy to take care of it for you. I am just not going to upgrade for a day or so till the dust settles.00:26
micahgaganice: is the goal to release with all the clipboard fixes?03:09
TheMusoRAOF: I am around now if you need that mesa upload taken care of.04:41
RAOFThat would be shiny.04:41
TheMusoYay for emergency power work on the apartment build.04:41
RAOFIt's just finishing its test-build.04:41
RAOFI hope that was accompanied by huge sparks, flames, etc?04:42
RAOFAlthough, obviously, not flames touching anything interesting.04:42
TheMusoNo, wasn't that bad.04:43
RAOFOk.  Mesa's ready.04:48
RAOFIf you could also sponsor openchrome, apm, and xorg that'd be ace.04:49
TheMusoRAOF: sure04:51
RAOFThen when the -chips sync request gets processed everyone's X should have settled down.04:52
TheMusoRAOF: do they have to go up in any specific order?04:55
RAOFNot really, no.04:56
RAOFThere are no build time dependency relations here.04:56
* TheMuso does a build test fora ll.04:58
TheMusoall even04:59
TheMusoRAOF: uploading all packages.06:29
RAOFTheMuso: Bonza.  Thanks.06:29
pittiGood morning07:20
RAOFpitti: Good morning!07:22
didrocksgood morning07:25
RAOFAnd a fine morning to you, too07:30
didrockshey RAOF, how are you? Breaking X? )07:30
didrocks(caps lock for the win!)07:31
RAOFdidrocks:  I dunno - run a dist-upgrade and see? :P07:31
didrocksRAOF: hum, nvidia driver? I won't be the first to try ;)07:32
RAOFHeh.  Well, tselliot's going to upload a new nvidia driver soon, which will make that work for you.07:32
RAOFIncidentaly, is gdm letting you login today? :)07:34
pittiRAOF: any major breakage reports yet?07:34
pittiRAOF: btw, thanks for the prior warning on the list07:34
pitticertainly avoids some damage07:34
RAOFEverything's not quite installable yet; xserver-xorg-video-apm needs to build & publish, and xserver-xorg-video-chips needs to get sync'd.07:35
RAOFHm.  Thinking of which… :)07:35
didrocksRAOF: didn't upgrade from yesterday, don't know :)07:36
RAOFbug #61549607:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 615496 in xserver-xorg-video-chips (Ubuntu) "Sync xserver-xorg-video-chips 1:1.2.3-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61549607:36
pittiRAOF: want me to sync?07:36
RAOFpitti: Thanks, yeah.07:36
pittiRAOF: done07:38
bob_RAOF, is -chips required?  It was uninstalled when I dist-upgraded this morning07:44
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RAOFrobert_ancell: It's only required if you've got one of those cards.07:45
RAOFWhich you almost certainly don't have; nor do you likely have whatever obscure silicon is driven by xserver-xorg-video-apm.07:45
robert_ancellI hoped so :), I thought -chips may have been the video card chip db or something07:45
robert_ancellhoray! Finally got GTK3 to compile07:46
RAOFNo, that's a big switch-case on PCIID in the Xserver.07:46
robert_ancellRAOF, sounds pretty07:46
didrocksrobert_ancell: awesome! congrats :)07:47
RAOFIt's not an unreasonable way of dealing with it.  Although reading from, you know, a _text file_ might be nice once in a while.07:47
* TheMuso remembers seeing a chips video card/chip in a notebook from the late 90s, never seen one since.07:47
TheMusoRAOF: that switch case sounds... messy.07:47
robert_ancelldidrocks, which means that I can compile the latest gnome-shell (in theory).  I've been following the dependency trail today07:48
RAOFTheMuso: It's really not that bad.  It's quite a comprehensible part of X :)07:49
robert_ancelldidrocks, does mutter use gir?07:49
didrocksrobert_ancell: we have a gir package for mutter, yes07:50
TheMusoRAOF: Are you saying that the rest of X is not so comprehensible? :)07:50
didrocksrobert_ancell: heh, good news :)07:50
pittirobert_ancell: ah, so the plan is to get it into maverick, but not install by default?07:51
robert_ancelldidrocks, but are they actively used by anything except gnome-shell?   I've got the gobject-introspection 0.9 upgrade working on my box, but there will be some brokenness if you upgrade before all the packages are rebuilt.  Trying to get the right selection of packages tested07:51
RAOFTheMuso: Far be it for me to suggest that a huge, single-threaded event loop dispatching out to thousands of source files with a bunch of interestingly referenced global variables is less that totally clear!07:52
robert_ancellpitti, the current version we have is very old and we don't have the latest dependencies to run the new one07:52
TheMusoRAOF: heh ok07:52
didrocksrobert_ancell: no, only GS is using it AFAIK07:52
robert_ancellpitti, but I'd like to get all the platform updated earlier rather than later so we don'07:52
robert_ancellt have the pain later when more apps use the new features07:52
pittirobert_ancell: well, that would be great; I'd love to have the gtk3 stack available, so that we can build/test the latest upstream trunk stuff07:52
pittirobert_ancell: thank!07:53
robert_ancellso, do you guys want me to upload gobject-introspection now and have you guys deal with any potential pain during the day or upload it my tomorrow morning?07:53
didrocksI won't have the time to deal with that today personnaly, better to get it ready and see if seb128 has some free slots07:54
robert_ancelldidrocks, yeah, waiting for him.07:54
robert_ancellis there anything special about how atk is stored in bzr?  I try to clone lp:~ubuntu-desktop/atk/ubuntu but it doesn't want to work08:04
TheMusorobert_ancell: no08:07
TheMusorobert_ancell: just the atk1.0 source package is all you need.08:07
robert_ancellTheMuso, can you pull lp:~ubuntu-desktop/atk/ubuntu?08:13
robert_ancellI get "location is a repository"08:14
TheMusonot a branch08:15
robert_ancellTheMuso, oh, bizzare, now it shows up on code.lp.net - it did work the first time but gave me a big warning about incompatible branches08:17
robert_ancellcrazy lp08:18
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robert_ancellslomo, hey, I've got gobject-introspection 0.9 working on my system, what has Debian got planned about upgrading?08:23
slomorobert_ancell: could go into experimental i guess08:24
slomorobert_ancell: at least if there won't be any new typelib/gir changes08:24
robert_ancellslomo, the problem seems to be you need everything running the same introspection version.  Don't know if they'll break it again.  The good news is things fail quite gracefully and the only apps I found that were affected were python-gobject ones08:26
slomorobert_ancell: and all the gir1.0-X packages have to be renamed to gir1.1-X, yes08:27
robert_ancellslomo, but the .gir files still install into /usr/share/gir-1.0 so you can't run them both at once08:28
slomorobert_ancell: so they changed the version in incompatible ways but kept the old directory? that's bad...08:30
slomoor did only the typelib ABI change?08:30
robert_ancellslomo, I'm assuming the typelib api changed, but I haven't found a definite description of what changed/what the side-effects are.  But definitely no files have changed names/locations08:32
didrocksslomo: hey, do you think you will will have some time to merge libgee .symbols file despite the freeze? I think it's pretty dummy to get a divergence just for that.08:34
slomodidrocks: i'll do it with next upload but it's not really important imho... all symbols currently have the same version anyway08:35
slomoif new symbols are introduced later it will be important08:35
didrocksslomo: right, just to know if you think it will do it for squeeze or not08:36
didrocksthanks :)08:36
didrockssalut seb12808:36
seb128lut didrocks08:36
robert_ancellseb128, hey, want to upgrade to gobject-introspection 0.9?08:41
seb128hey robert_ancell08:42
seb128robert_ancell, not sure if we should do that or just stop doing any gir work08:42
seb128robert_ancell, did you read the upstream discussion? they are not speaking about making gir only python3 and gtk3 now08:42
seb128or rather considering doing that08:43
robert_ancellseb128, ?08:43
robert_ancellseb128, they like to make our lives hard...08:43
seb128read recent "GNOME 3.0 in March 2011" on d-d-l08:44
robert_ancellseb128, hmm, I have 0.9 working here - the value of us upgrading means we don't have so many problems with newer packages expecting it.  And we can get gnome-shell to work08:44
seb128walters wrote that he wants the supported combinaison to be gtk2,python2,pygtk08:44
seb128or python3,gtk3,gir08:44
robert_ancellseb128, well, introspection is more than just GTK and Python08:45
seb128we don't have anything using the introspection yet I think08:45
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robert_ancellseb128, if they go that way then we make python-gobject stop using it and nothing is using it08:45
seb128but yeah, we can as well have an updated platform08:45
seb128does that change the abi version?08:46
seb128upload if you want, I can handle the rebuilds for it today08:46
robert_ancellseb128, I think it does - things don't work unless all their dependencies are upgraded (but fail gracefully if they aren't)08:47
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seb128can you upload your gir update?08:48
seb128I will handle rebuilds08:48
robert_ancellseb128, ok, thanks08:48
robert_ancellseb128, I can compile GTK3 now :)08:49
seb128you are working on gtk3 then? ;-)08:49
seb128I though it was not worth spending efforts on yet08:50
robert_ancellseb128, didrocks asked me to look at gnome-shell, which then needed GTK3, so I had a quick look.  And that needs gobject-introspection 0.9 and I keep hitting packages that require it so I thought it was time to knock one of the roadblocks out!08:50
didrocks(gnome-shell is currently broken for two reasons, one being the new mutter)08:51
seb128didrocks, since when do you assign task to others?08:51
didrocksseb128: I didn't assign task, I just asked if robert_ancell had the time to have a look :-)08:51
seb128well debian did manage to update it using introspection 0.608:51
seb128we should just sync with then and keep our ld_library_path change08:51
didrocksseb128: btw, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for libmoz.js doesn't work last time I tried (last week)08:52
robert_ancellseb128, oh, I didn't notice that08:52
didrocksthere is a bug report about it08:52
seb128didrocks, we might just need a rebuild for a new xulrunner version08:52
seb128robert_ancell, did you check the debian pkg-gnome gtk3 package to start your work?08:54
robert_ancellseb128, no08:54
seb128slomo worked a bit on it there I think08:55
slomorobert_ancell: sjoerd wanted to work on it too08:55
slomorobert_ancell: missing right now is: a) dpkg-divert for the update-iconcache script, b) updated copyright file (have fun...), c) some changes for the .install files and d) updated symbols files08:56
slomothen it should be ready08:56
robert_ancellb) we need to kill those copyright files... they are so stupid08:56
robert_ancellslomo, did they come from debian legal?08:57
robert_ancellseb128, what is the svn http link?08:58
slomoi don't know :)08:58
slomomaybe you can autogenerate it in the case of gtk with licensecheck and some script to convert the output08:58
mvogood morning kiwinote08:58
kiwinotehi mvo08:59
slomorobert_ancell: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/experimental/gtk+3.008:59
robert_ancellslomo, they seem like a legal nightmare - they're probably all wrong and it seems like a bad idea for us to state the license of a project08:59
mvokiwinote: thanks for merging my stuff, there is a bit more to come08:59
robert_ancellslomo, thanks08:59
kiwinotemvo: sure, thanks for all the changes08:59
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robert_ancellseb128, ok, all uploaded09:00
mptmvo, kiwinote, now that apt: is integrated into USC, is the apturl package removed from the Ubuntu seed?09:00
seb128robert_ancell, thanks09:00
seb128robert_ancell, speaking of copyright files, you could perhaps give a try asking why we need those on some distro list09:00
robert_ancellseb128, I figure we'll just bump version numbers on the other packages once gobject-introspection 0.9 is in the builders09:01
seb128robert_ancell, right, I need to check if the abi change in which case we need to rename the gir09:01
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mvompt: its not merged yet09:01
robert_ancellseb128, there's no point as the files haven't changed names so you can't run both in parallel09:01
seb128robert_ancell, I will handle it during my day no worry09:01
seb128mvo, hey09:01
mvompt: once there, gdebi and apturl can go09:01
mvohey seb12809:01
seb128robert_ancell, well the binary name comes from the typelib dirname09:02
mptmvo, oh, so bug 426215 shouldn't be marked fixed then?09:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 426215 in software-center (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "apt:package-name isn't handled by the Store when appropriate (affects: 4) (heat: 22)" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42621509:02
seb128robert_ancell, I though they bumped the abi to 1.109:02
seb128robert_ancell, if they didn't easier for us ;-)09:02
robert_ancellseb128, but everything still installs into gir-1.009:02
seb128ok so they didn't09:03
mvompt: well, fix commited is correct, just not yet in trunk09:03
robert_ancellI think they just went "1.0 was more of a beta, just update everything to 1.1"09:03
seb128robert_ancell, ok09:03
seb128robert_ancell, I will just do rebuilds or take the opportunity of the upload to push some other changes09:03
robert_ancellseb128, but the thing is because nothing is really using it there aren't too many issues with doing a big upgrade.  The only broken thing I had was meld breaking between updating gobject-introspection and python-gobject.09:04
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robert_ancellpitti, hey, any update on moving to the latest udev?09:05
seb128robert_ancell, it's a Keybuk's task09:05
seb128he said at the sprint he would do it once he figures why the update breaks things09:05
pittirobert_ancell: I don't know more, sorry; haven't seen Keybuk in IRC for a while09:06
robert_ancellpitti, np, thought you might have some inside info :)09:06
pittiI'd love to see it updated, too09:06
seb128I'm wondering what's going on with Keybuk09:07
seb128I've not seen him really active this cycle09:08
seb128I'm wondering if he's working offline on write next upstart or what09:08
robert_ancellseb128, he's working on upstart right?09:08
seb128robert_ancell, that's my guess09:08
mvokiwinote: just commited a small modification, please let me know and rename "_error_details" to a more appropriate name (if needed :)09:10
kiwinotemvo: looking09:12
kiwinotemvo: we need to distinguish between the PKG_STATE_UNKNOWN and PKG_STATE_ERROR because we a different layout for each case: if the package can not be found, then we hide the pkgstatusbar/description/appinfotable/screenshot, if the package does exist then we need to show these elements09:18
kiwinotemvo: I think that the pkgstate is the best place to distinguish between the two cases, but if you have a better place, feel free to change it ;)09:18
mvokiwinote: aha, ok. I was confused because I thought that STATE unknown means a unkown state, not a unkown package09:18
mvokiwinote: maybe we can rename it into PKG_STATE_NOT_FOUND or _UNAVAILALBE or somesuch?09:19
kiwinotemvo: yep, sounds a good idea09:19
mvokiwinote: yeah, the states are the right way09:19
mvokiwinote: cool09:19
kiwinotemvo: while you're editing the branch, can you add 'if self._doc:' to the relevant places in the screenshot and thumbnail properties? thanks09:21
kiwinotemvo: thanks09:24
mvokiwinote: ok, updated09:31
kiwinotemvo: thanks, something broke with hiding the right page elements, so I'll just have a look why09:35
mvokiwinote: hm, if that is the case, let me add a regression test for it (what element is it, screenshot)?09:38
kiwinotemvo: just execute 'python software-center app'09:39
mvokiwinote: I added a test for this in r944, its currently failing and just tests the screenshot. if you could add the other elements to the test that would rock. you can run it by "(cd test; python test_gui.py SCTestGUI.test_show_unavailable"09:42
kiwinotemvo: will do, thanks09:43
mvokiwinote: its not superquick unfortuantely because it waits until the pkgcache is read. you can speed it up by setting the Dir::state::lists line to uncommented09:43
mvokiwinote: great, thanks. I will stop working on the branch for now, just let me know when I can merge back :)09:43
kiwinotemvo: yep ;)09:43
ronocbl8: I just upgraded banshee to 1.7.3-2ubuntu209:47
ronocbl8: still no mpris or sound menu registration ?09:48
seb128update-manager used to be able to estimate downloads, that was great ;-)09:51
mvoseb128: *lalala*09:56
seb128mvo, ;-)09:56
mvoseb128: its a bit odd, required_download is currently 1.498e-31609:58
mvoseb128: that is a bit small09:58
seb128or you got very efficient ;-)09:58
mvoheh :) my downloader can download fractions of a bit!10:00
gesermvo: are you working on quantum teleportation to transfer packages? :)10:02
mvoheh :) I keep saying "its important to have goals!"10:03
mptmvo, kiwinote: Will the apturl + gdebi stuff be merged into trunk by Feature Freeze?10:05
mvoseb128: should be fixed10:07
seb128mvo, you rock10:07
mvompt: we are working to make this happen10:07
mvothanks seb128 :)10:07
kiwinotemvo: all the error handling should be working again in rev94410:11
kiwinotemvo: one bit of apturl functionality that got lost in the merges is replacing '$kernel' with the kernel version. Did you want this in a different place, or can it go back in the init of Application()?10:17
mvokiwinote: it does not feel quite right there, but I can not think of a better place. there are two subsitutions (see the apturl parser). the other one is $distro iirc. it would be great to support both and if you could add a test for that into test/test_database.py10:19
slomoalf__: your cairo patch doesn't add any new symbols?10:37
slomoalf__: and what about new headers? maybe a libcairo-perf-utils-dev would be needed?10:37
mptmvo, can I remove all those lucid blueprint links from the USC spec now?10:38
alf__slomo: hi! the headers were already shipped in libcairo2-dev.10:38
popeydo we install/enable popcon by default now that the installer no longer has an option to enable it?10:38
slomoalf__: they are? cairo-script-interpreter.h?10:39
alf__slomo: yes10:40
slomoalf__: no new headers? ok...10:40
mvompt: yes10:41
alf__slomo: there is a libcairo-script-interpreter2.symbols for the symbols.10:43
slomoyes, saw it :)10:43
slomook, i'll take that patch, thanks :)10:44
slomoi'll upload it when next cairo release is there... should be soon10:44
alf__slomo: and the auxiliary libraries shipped in cairo-perf-utils are used only for LD_PRELOADing, so it didn't make much sense to have symbols for them10:45
seb128I will sync the next cairo from debian when it's uploaded10:46
slomoseb128: it has to go through NEW ;)10:46
seb128well I will take the vcs version and upload it if NEW takes a while ;-)10:46
alf__slomo, seb128: thanks a lot both!10:47
alf__slomo: which version of the patch are you going to use?10:54
slomoalf__: the latest10:56
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kiwinotemvo: I pushed some fixes a little while ago, the tests are also added now11:10
devildanteeveryone: is there any news about windicators?11:11
devildante(sorry if it's not the right channel)11:11
mptmvo, sorry, where in the code do I find the XML file that does the categorization of packages?11:33
kiwinotempt: /data/software-center.menu.in11:34
mptah, thanks kiwinote11:34
rickspencer3hey seb128 thanks for sending the team meeting reminder11:44
seb128hey rickspencer311:44
pittibonjour rickspencer311:44
seb128rickspencer3, you are supposed to be on holidays, not on IRC ;-)11:44
rickspencer3well ...11:44
asacpitti: is the workitem tracker thing from linaro still running on your host?11:44
rickspencer3I have some work I need to do11:45
asacpitti: jamie is gone this week and i somehow lost a spec from my tracker :(11:45
rickspencer3I'll ask for my holidays back :)11:45
seb128I was planning to lead the meeting so feel free to not count that as something you need to do today11:45
rickspencer3thanks seb12811:45
rickspencer3I may take you up on that11:45
asacpitti: so i wonder if you still can see whats going on ... its https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/arm-m-telephony-stack and its owned by tom gall who is member of https://edge.launchpad.net/~arm-user-platforms ... but the spec doesnt show up here:11:45
pittiasac: no, it has run on people.c.c. for ages11:46
asacpitti: right. so i can see errors on my own?11:46
asace.g. where to look?11:47
pittihm, at least it's here: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/all.html#tom-gall11:48
asachmm. so something is wrong with the beta milestone?11:48
* asac looks again11:48
asacWork Items (ubuntu-10.10-beta):11:49
asacthat looks ok to me11:49
pittiasac: you shold have gotten a mail on syntax errors, so that shold be ok11:49
asaci am not sure i would get those mails. i think jamie pulled them over11:49
pittiasac: the WI tracker keeps timing out these days since SpammapS added his "per-user reports of doom"11:49
pittiasac: was this targetted/added only recently perhaps?11:50
asacpitti: tom gall is new to the team and he got the assignment for the spec just before beta11:50
asacerr alpha311:50
* asac tries to find out who spammaps is11:51
asacoh spam filter? ... i dont understand. is sending out emails blocking?11:51
pittiasac: Clint Byrum11:52
pittihe submitted the per-user branch11:52
asaci assume someone is working on fixing it?11:53
pittiI pinged him on IRC, but didn't get a response yet11:54
* ogra seems to see double graphs on http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-mobile.html11:54
ogralike several are layered on top of each other11:54
asacogra: you are a multi-team ;)11:54
* pitti sets it to update only every 2 hours11:55
asacok ... i will check in a couple of hours11:55
asacthx a bunch11:55
ograasac, heh11:55
pittiasac: in the meantime, you could download the sqlite and check if it's any better there11:56
pittiperhaps something is not right with the recursive membership detection11:56
pittihm, that shouldn't apply here, though11:57
pittiTom has one WI here: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/arm-ubuntu.html11:57
asaci am betting on the time out atm. lets see12:00
vishseb128: hi , i mailed you a list of the papercuts i was mentioning earlier.12:11
vish [just mentioning that it doesnt get lost in all your bug mail :D  ]12:12
seb128vish, hey, ok12:13
seb128hey nessita12:14
seb128seems unity doesn't start after today updates on my mini config12:14
seb128GNOME still works and running unity under GNOME seems to work12:15
seb128but selecting the UNE session leads to a background and a cursor12:15
didrocksseb128: today's update involving an unity component?12:16
seb128I don't think so12:16
didrockshey nessita12:16
seb128the new xorg stack and introspection12:16
didrocksI still don't have the new xork stack (yeah, nvidia card… always the latest one to get the full transition done :))12:17
seb128I'm on intel12:20
didrocksseb128: I unfortunately can't have a look right now (in a long build), but I'll try without the new xorg stack first12:29
seb128didrocks, don't bother, let's see if somebody else get the issue12:30
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pittididrocks: oh, does nouveau lag behind the ABI transition? or the proprietary one?13:07
* pitti wonders whether nouveau got 3D capabilities in maverick13:08
didrockspitti: proprietary ones… I still don't have 3D with nouveau in maverick with my chipset at least13:08
Chipacamvo: was the email from alecu enough for your needs?13:42
mvoChipaca: I have not started playing with the code, but the mail looks pretty good and complete13:46
Chipacamvo: ok, great. You know where to find us if you need us :)13:47
Chipacamvo: the branches that are missing should be landed in a few more minutes13:47
mvoChipaca: great, I hope to find time to play with it today, when will trunk hit the archive (the version in the archive seems to be a bit older)13:48
nessitaChipaca, mvo: alecu's branch already landed and mine is just one review short, but that's being solved right now :-)13:48
mvonessita: nice13:49
Chipacamvo: I believe we'll have packages today; tomorrow if something breaks and we need to delay13:49
mvoChipaca: excellent13:49
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Sarvattdidrocks: 3D for nouveau is in the libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental package14:22
didrocksSarvatt: thanks for the info. I can't afford breaking my 3D right now, but I'll give it a shot14:23
Sarvattif you can't wait and need it nvidia-common that works with the new X is in the ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates PPA14:24
SarvattI take that back, the upload didnt go through this morning14:25
Sarvattnow its uploading :D the 256.44 one in there just needed a no change rebuild14:27
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glatzorhuhu mvo15:13
mvohey glatzor!15:32
mptdidrocks, what's the status of the USC OneConf stuff?15:55
didrocksmpt: the package is in universe. Apparently, U1 people get issues with desktopcouch syncing15:56
mptI don't see a branch from you on https://code.launchpad.net/software-center15:56
didrocksmpt: it's a separate package (as it's a plugin)15:56
mptoh, because it's a plug-in?15:56
didrocksmpt: lp:oneconf15:56
didrocksor just install oneconf package :)15:56
didrocksmpt: but as desktopcouch as sync issues… :/15:56
mptDoes this mean it's time for me to upgrade to Maverick?15:57
didrocksmpt: not sure if you want to upgrade because of that. Technically, you only need the new USC and the latest update-notifier15:57
mptIf it wasn't a plug-in, I'd think there should be a new "Share" menu containing the OneConf items plus the existing "Copy Web Link"15:58
didrockscan still be easy to hook-up as a placeholder15:59
mptyes, but it would look silly as a placeholder :-)16:00
mptwith only one item in it16:00
didrocksright :-)16:00
didrocksmpt: in any case, aquarius told me he will have a look at the sync side, apart from that, all seem to work well, if I can get some input from you, I'm sure there is a lot of design sync to fix (in a timely fashion for maverick, without the double gtktreeview for instance ;))16:02
mptdouble gtktreeview?16:03
didrocksmpt: the one on the spec, where you have multiple nodes (don't know how to word it better): one for "additional packages", another one for "removed packages" and so on…16:04
mptOh, the branches16:04
didrocksthe only missing item feature-wise is the show/hide technical items, there is apprently bug in USC, I didn't have the time to get a proper look at it16:05
aquariusdidrocks, just to keep you in the loop, we're working on it16:06
didrocksaquarius: great! Are you still on holidays and connected on IRC, btw? :)16:07
aquariusno. I am now working and connected on irc. Don't tell the boss I was working while on holiday :)16:07
didrocksheh :)16:08
vishronoc: hi , your thoughts on Bug #594396 ?16:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 594396 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) ""Sound Effects" should not be the default tab in Sound Preferences (affects: 2) (heat: 75)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59439616:27
ronochi vish, I would tend to agree16:28
ronocvish: I think though we will need to visit this sound preferences dialogue thoroughly in cycles to come16:28
ronocalso the sound preferences options leave alot to the imagination16:29
vishronoc: yeah , prefs isnt really complete , for the time being i think we can switch the tab?  could you comment on the bug?16:30
seb128ronoc is not really the right one to comment on distro changes16:30
seb128he's dx upstream for indicator-sound16:30
seb128not doing ubuntu packaging work or gnome-media upstream16:30
vishseb128: only the menu for the sound indicator needs a change there16:30
ronocI know David Bensimon is looking into all this area vish16:31
seb128how is the indicator needing a change there?16:31
jpdskomputes: ↑16:31
vishronoc: neat!16:31
seb128seems to me that the default tab should be changed in the capplet16:32
vishseb128: instead of the first tab the applications tab is brought up , similar to how the backgrounds tab is brought up from the desktop16:32
seb128not only when opened from the indicator16:32
ronocseb128: yes I think that is what Vish is suggesting16:32
seb128ie the sound effect one should probably moved to the end16:32
seb128ronoc, no, he's suggesting that the sound indicator does a --tab=something16:32
ronocseb128: okay sorry either way I think the default tab should not be the sound effect tab16:33
seb128or rather --page=16:33
seb128ronoc, right, same here16:33
seb128I just think the right way to fix it is to move the sound effects tab to the end16:33
ronocseb128: agreed, there are other ways to pull up the gnome-media-preferences which user may use16:34
vishseb128: when a user is selecting the sound preferences it is different in different contexts , from a sound menu its more for other applications control , but from System> Prefs its for sound control16:34
vishdevice , etc..16:35
seb128do you think anybody open the mixer to change effects?16:35
seb128that seems not the best default in any case to me16:35
vishseb128: effects is a poor first tab , but that would be a different bug , IMO16:36
seb128what should be the default tab?16:36
seb128well could be16:36
seb128depends on what should be the default when no option16:36
seb128and what default you suggest for the indicator call16:37
vishseb128: not sure i understand the Q ..16:38
seb128well, what should be the default tab16:38
seb128when opened from the menu16:38
seb128when opened from the indicator16:38
vishapplications tab from the sound menu16:39
seb128is that really useful?16:39
seb128it says "no application doing or recording sound" there16:39
vishtry running a couple of applications and open up the tab..16:39
vishfrom a sound menu you can see the running app , to control RB/banshee volume or reduce any other volume , you can just jump to that tab and choose the levels we want..16:41
seb128hum, k16:42
seb128I know how the tab work ;-)16:43
seb128I just point that it can be a weird default if you don't play sound16:43
vishhehe , i jsut just giving the user story :D16:43
vish*was jsut16:43
seb128I use that menu most of the time to switch to sound to an another device for making calls etc16:43
vish"input" might be another contender , but that is less frequently used[unless you are constantly recording something] other than that there is a lot more sound can provide16:44
vishsound prefs*16:44
komputesvish ronoc: had not seen Bug #594396 until today17:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 594396 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) ""Sound Effects" should not be the default tab in Sound Preferences (affects: 2) (heat: 73)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59439617:09
=== KenEdwards is now known as KenEdwards-lunch
pittiseb128: did you hear any feedback about bug 553759 ?17:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 553759 in gnome-keyring (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 4 other projects) "ubuntuone-preferences crashed with NoSuchKeyringError in __init__() (affects: 32) (dups: 9) (heat: 175)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55375917:29
pittiseb128: that was the one with breaking in French or so?17:30
pittiI'd like to move it to -updates, but so far we got zero feedback17:30
seb128pitti, no, but I can try to get some17:30
seb128hum, meeting time17:30
didrockshey o/17:31
seb128chrisccoulson, didrocks, kenvandine, Riddell, pitti: hey17:31
seb128it's meeting time17:32
* kenvandine waves17:32
pittiseb128: cheers17:32
rodrigo_any idea what '/usr/share/gir-1.0/DBus-1.0.gir: Incompatible version 1.0 (supported: 1.1)' means?17:32
rickspencer3hi seb12817:32
seb128rodrigo_, it means the gir has not been rebuilt yet for gobject-introspection 0.917:32
rodrigo_a too new gobject-introspection?17:32
seb128hey rickspencer317:32
seb128rodrigo_, I'm in the process of doing those rebuilds17:33
kenvandinehey rickspencer3!17:33
rickspencer3hey kenvandine17:33
seb128so we had one action item17:33
seb128[ACTION] chrisccoulson to check chromium rdepends and to figure what implication promoting it would have for security and contributors17:33
seb128chrisccoulson, ^ did you do that?17:33
rodrigo_seb128, ah, so what do I do with my package (http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53433406/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.ubuntuone-client_1.3.7-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz), will it get rebuilt, or do I need to submit a change so that it gets rebuilt?17:33
rodrigo_oh, sorry, meeting time17:33
chrisccoulsonyeah, i raised a MIR for gyp17:33
chrisccoulsonwhich is needed to build chromium17:33
seb128rodrigo_, I will retry it later on17:34
rodrigo_seb128, ok17:34
seb128chrisccoulson, that's the only thing in universe it uses?17:34
chrisccoulsonfor the contributor side, people who are currently contributing will need to apply for PPU permissions once it's in main17:34
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, it looks like that's the only thing in universe17:34
chrisccoulsonthere's already a MIR for chromium opened by persia some time ago17:35
chrisccoulsonbut it's not complete yet17:35
chrisccoulsonand the security team had quite a few objections17:35
chrisccoulsonbug 522645 FYI17:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 522645 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "[MIR] chromium-browser (affects: 1) (heat: 31)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52264517:36
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, thanks17:37
seb128seems a tricky one to support17:37
chrisccoulsonfor the maintenance side of things, i've been told they are going to be pushing out major versions every 6 weeks17:37
chrisccoulsonwhich is crazy17:37
seb128do you think there is a way we could make the security team happy?17:37
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure. as long as we can do all the maintenance, then that will probably be ok17:37
seb128we need to get somebody on board for it17:38
chrisccoulsonyeah :)17:38
seb128I will check with rickspencer3 later on17:38
seb128thanks chrisccoulson17:38
seb128let's get moving17:38
seb128kenvandine, hey, partner update?17:39
kenvandinesingle signon client will be landing in maverick this week.17:39
kenvandinei think software-center is depending on that17:39
kenvandineInclude a default message in evolution, explaining how to effectively use UbuntuOne LP: #61587417:39
kenvandineInclude a default note in Tomboy explaining tomboy note syncing with UbuntuOne LP: #61587617:39
kenvandineInclude a default bookmark in firefox for a UbuntuOne landing page LP: #61588917:39
kenvandinechrisccoulson, i think you already did the bookmark, thx!17:40
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, yeah, that's done already17:40
seb128kenvandine, is there any way those new bugs could be handled in a langpack friendly way?17:40
kenvandinehummm... does tomboy and evolution already do that?17:41
Riddellubuntu-sso-client seems to lack any dependencies besides python, bit suspicious that17:41
seb128kenvandine, the default email is not using gettext, it ships static copies for each locale in the source17:41
seb128kenvandine, so it means we would need a source upload for each translation change17:41
seb128which I'm not sure I want to ack17:41
kenvandineok, i will talk to them about that17:41
kenvandinerodrigo_, ^^ FYI17:42
kenvandinemoving onto DX17:42
kenvandinesome appmenu related stuff coming this week, hopefully including the Desktop menu17:42
vishkomputes: hey17:42
kenvandineindicator-sound: mpris2 stuff, which we need to raise rhythbox from the indicator17:43
rodrigo_kenvandine, hmm, ok17:43
kenvandineso we can drop the appindicator patch from rb17:43
kenvandinealso some indicator-me related ido widget tweaks17:43
seb128kenvandine, didn't the unity team said they want to keep it for the launchers?17:43
kenvandinefor quicklists17:44
kenvandinedavidbarth said he didn't know if we did or not17:44
kenvandinei think the plan for now is to drop it17:44
kenvandineso we don't get the extra icon in the indicator17:44
kenvandinethe quicklists for rb isn't a must have, afaik17:44
kenvandineit was more of a "we have this for free" thing17:45
seb128does the "raise from rb" still depends on rb changes to support mpris2?17:45
kenvandinemaybe, we kind of need that17:45
kenvandinebut they haven't decided on the spec yet17:45
seb128is somebody working on it?17:45
seb128or do we cross finger that upstream will do it?17:45
kenvandineronoc and some upstreams17:45
kenvandineif we don't get mpris2 in rb, we need to wedge in some hacks somehow to raise the window17:46
kenvandinempris2 will mean banshee and vlc though17:46
kenvandineso that is good17:46
seb128would be better if our default player was working correctly ;-)17:46
jcastrothe default player will be working on UNE. :D17:46
ronockenvandine, yep i know, apparently mirsal is finalizing spec now17:46
* seb128 slaps jcastro17:47
kenvandineronoc, thx17:47
kenvandinethat is all i have17:47
seb128kenvandine, thanks17:47
didrockskenvandine, seb128, rodrigo_ : FYI, the only way we found with dpm about the initial u1 email localization for evolution is a wiki page and call for translators… which isn't really flexible :/17:47
Riddellcan you fix ubuntu-sso-client17:47
rodrigo_didrocks, right17:48
seb128what is broken about it?17:48
Riddell17:41 < Riddell> ubuntu-sso-client seems to lack any dependencies besides python, bit suspicious that17:48
kenvandineRiddell, missing deps?17:48
kenvandinerodrigo_, ^^17:48
rodrigo_Riddell, nessita is doing a new package today, so I'll let her know about it17:48
rodrigo_what deps are missing?17:48
RiddellI don't know, I've never used it17:48
seb128thanks kenvandine17:49
seb128Riddell, kubuntu update?17:49
kenvandinerodrigo_, make sure it works on kubuntu :-D17:49
Riddell - KDE SC 4.5.0 got delayed due to too many bugs, just released this afternoon, packages all in the archive17:49
Riddell - Alpha 3 out and in reasonable alpha shape17:49
Riddell - New ubiquity branch scares me, lots of Kubuntu work going to have to go into porting those changes over now17:49
seb128do the ubiquite changes break the kubuntu installer?17:51
seb128or it's just catching up on design changes to do?17:51
Riddellyes it looks like it's broken, although I was a bit scared to try it on my installed system, I need to set up virtualbox and look closer17:51
Riddellso I expect that'll keep me busy17:52
Riddell - KDE SC 4.5.0 got delayed due to too many bugs, just released this afternoon, packages all in the archive17:52
Riddell - Alpha 3 out and in reasonable alpha shape17:52
Riddelloh, doh17:52
Riddellalso some DX updates due, amarok mpris and dbusmenu patch update to Qt17:52
seb128did you get the amarok mpris support in maverick yet?17:52
Riddellwe did but then it disappeared, I probably forgot to put it into the bzr archive, I'll fix that shortly17:53
seb128ok, thanks17:53
seb128that will make ronoc happy ;-)17:53
seb128questions for Riddell?17:54
ronocRiddell, excellent thx17:54
seb128thanks Riddell17:55
seb128didrocks, hey17:55
ronocRiddell, I think agateau might have some time next week to see if he can upgrade your mpris support to work with mpris217:55
seb128didrocks, news in the UNE world? ;-)17:55
didrocksof course :-)17:55
didrocksNew unity release this week, not a lot of new features, but more on transitions:17:55
didrocksnotably, we got new mutter and clutter, with added love of battery power saving and rendering optimization.17:56
didrocksThis release is brought to you with the new zeitgeist, making extensions possible. Note than now the FTS (Full Text Search) is a separate package (zeitgeist-fts-extension) and no more a patch but a new package.17:56
didrocksFor that package, the MIR is done (bug #614327), and I just wait for the package to be promoted to main to make both unity places depend on it. Until then, the search is semi-broken in unity ATM.17:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 614327 in zeitgeist-extensions (Ubuntu) "[MIR] zeitgeist-extensions (affects: 1) (heat: 1632)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61432717:57
seb128asac, ^ can we get that mir reviewed?17:57
didrocks(should be straightforward, it's a small python script)17:58
asachmm. zeitgeist i remember17:58
asacdidnt we approve that already?17:58
asacoh extension17:58
didrocksasac: yeah, this was a distro-patch on zeitgeist first, and the new version can get proper extension support17:58
didrocksasac: so, you likely already had a look at that code, it's just now that it's separate :)17:58
seb128questions for didrocks?17:59
seb128didrocks, btw you will probably need a rebuild in the unity stack for the gobject introspection update tomorrow17:59
seb128it wants to remove it locally when I remove libgirepository1.0-018:00
didrocksseb128: can we rather want on thursday's update?18:00
seb128didrocks, as you want, I'm just saying that those changes have been uploaded18:00
seb128it should just be a rebuild18:00
seb128didrocks, I will see if I can just do it18:00
didrockswell, I'll have a look on what is dep on it (most of it IIRC), and see if I can get some time for that18:01
didrocksseb128: should be easy, I'll try to keep tomorrow morning for that18:01
seb128didrocks, thanks18:02
seb128no question about UNE?18:02
didrocksyw :)18:02
seb128so let's move on18:02
seb128no software-center update this week due to holidays18:02
seb128so release status18:03
seb128we got past alpha3 now18:03
seb128everybody got his workitems on http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-desktop-team-ubuntu-10.10-beta.html in shape right?18:03
seb128the feature freeze is in 2 days18:03
seb128if you have things which are late let me know18:03
seb128it's time to get changes in18:04
seb128is anybody late on features?18:05
seb128didrocks, ideally banshee by default should land this week in UNE18:05
seb128didrocks, not sure if you plan to get oneconf in by default?18:05
didrocksyeah, so two WI closed, just before FF :)18:05
didrocksseb128: yeah, but that can wait after FF, right?18:06
seb128kenvandine, I think the empathy change should land this week as well18:06
* kenvandine whistles innocently18:06
kenvandineyeah, i really hope so :)18:06
didrocksseb128: I would prefer having a working desktopcouch to get people testing it. I can only say "work for me ©" :)18:06
seb128didrocks, well, seems those are feature to me18:06
seb128that's a valid point18:06
seb128ok, let's say it's blocked on u118:06
didrocksseb128: we can already get it into main, I can write the MIR tomorrow18:07
seb128didrocks, would be nice, thanks18:07
didrocksok, will do that, thanks :)18:07
seb128ok, that's about it from me I think18:07
seb128does anybody has any extra item?18:07
chrisccoulsonis everyone getting to UDS on the sunday, or do we get accomodation if we arrive on saturday?18:08
chrisccoulsoni could check the wiki ;)18:08
seb128chrisccoulson, just write the days you are there18:08
pittichrisccoulson: arriving on Saturday is quite common18:08
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks18:08
seb128chrisccoulson, you will get accomodation on saturday18:08
pittichrisccoulson: just say that you arrive on Sat18:08
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, the saturday flights for me are significantly cheaper ;)18:08
seb128it's often less expensive to get flights over a weekend and people like to get over jetlag18:09
pittichrisccoulson: same here; silly "saturday night" rule18:09
pittibtw, does anyone here go to Plumber's the week afterwards?18:09
pittiI will18:09
seb128I don't18:09
seb128but I need to check if there is a dxsprint before UDS18:09
seb128they were speaking about doing it in London around release time rather18:09
pittiwell, I guess I'm the u{dev,disks,power} etc. guy here18:09
didrockspitti: yeah, I think you are the only one who should get there here :)18:10
pittiKeybuk will as well18:10
seb128oh, while I think about it18:11
seb128 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/DesktopTestingProgram18:11
seb128^ new desktop testing program, they have a team and a mailing list18:11
seb128if some of you feel like joining to help replying to the issues tester find18:11
didrocksI had already a look at all the testcases, sounds great :)18:11
seb128that should not be a lot of work18:11
seb128but just when there is a testing round replying to questions on whether things are known issue18:12
seb128or where to report them etc18:12
seb128I think that's it for this week18:13
seb128thanks everybody18:13
seb128didrocks, indeed ;-)18:13
didrocksthanks everybody :)18:13
chrisccoulsongood timing, my laptop has just decided to stop working ;)18:14
seb128let's go back to fixing introspection18:14
didrocksseb128: I have OOo 3.2.1 final building there (for still some time I guess), if all goes well and I don't find any issue installing it, should I dput it directly to maverick or in a ppa first?18:14
seb128didrocks, I would say maverick18:14
seb128it's still early in the cycle and I doubt you will get lot of testing in a ppa18:14
didrocksseb128: ok, thanks :)18:14
pittioh, didrocks maintains OO.o now? nice18:14
seb128pitti, ...18:14
seb128pitti, I'm not sure he will like this joke ;-)18:15
chrisccoulsoni'd like to do something like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/DesktopTestingProgram for mozilla updates18:15
seb128but he nicely stepped up to do the update which was pending for a while18:15
pittididrocks: anyway, thanks a lot for getting that update. .1 is much awaited18:15
seb128so everybody pay him a beer at next uds18:15
didrocksseb128, pitti : after two days of cleaning the package, I'm not sure as well :)18:15
* pitti hugs didrocks18:15
* didrocks hugs pitti back18:15
* seb128 hugs didrocks18:15
* didrocks hugs seb128 as well ;)18:15
pittiseb128: JFYI, I'm on vac tomorrow (train ride); mobile etc. is operational, just in case18:16
seb128pitti, ok thanks18:16
didrockspitti: have a safe travel!18:16
seb128pedro_, could you get bug #553759 tested?18:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 553759 in gnome-keyring (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 4 other projects) "ubuntuone-preferences crashed with NoSuchKeyringError in __init__() (affects: 32) (dups: 9) (heat: 175)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55375918:36
Chipacamvo: any news re USC?18:38
devildantemvo: can you look at bug 601127?18:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 601127 in update-manager (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "don't hide treeview and notebook when some package is avialable but not installabel (affects: 1) (heat: 96)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60112718:42
kenvandinedidrocks, i suppose introspection problems is what is breaking unity?18:42
devildantemvo: it seems to have a simple patch that applies well to update-manager18:42
didrockskenvandine: yeah, we discuss that in the meeting18:42
didrockskenvandine: depends on which kinds of break, of course :)18:42
devildantemvo: and should resolve the bug without any regressions18:42
seb128kenvandine, can you try if a mutter rebuild fix it?18:43
seb128didrocks, the meeting breakage was a different one18:43
didrocksseb128: it was try to "remove", right?18:43
kenvandinei can try18:44
didrockswhich breakage do you think about that mutter rebuild will fix?18:45
kenvandineseb128, fails to build18:46
seb128didrocks, kenvandine: robert_ancell screwed18:46
kenvandine/usr/share/gir-1.0/Gdk-2.0.gir: Incompatible version 1.0 (supported: 1.1)18:46
kenvandinemake[5]: *** [Meta-2.31.gir] Error 118:46
seb128he didn't rename libgirepository1.0-0 to libgirepository1.0-118:47
seb128but the soname changes18:47
seb128so I had to make libgirepository1.0-1 conflicts with libgirepository1.0-0 now18:47
didrocksargh, so still linked to the gir changed18:47
seb128well the gir binaries don't use the lib directly18:48
seb128only the interpreter needs a rebuild18:48
didrocksso, if you fix this, no need for rebuild on our side (for the breakage at least, not the transition)18:49
seb128kenvandine, you need to upgrade your gir1.0-gdk...18:49
seb128I'm rebuilding those in other18:49
seb128didrocks, well gir don't need rebuilds18:49
kenvandineok, i'll do that locally to for testing18:49
seb128kenvandine, it's built on launchpad, you can grab the deb18:50
seb128didrocks, libmutter depends on libgirepository1.0-018:50
seb128didrocks, so I guess it uses the api directly18:50
seb128didrocks, that's why I suggested rebuilding it18:50
didrocksseb128: and as the package wasn't renamed on the soname bump, we have an ABI breakage, right?18:51
seb128didrocks, yes18:51
didrocksok, understood :)18:51
seb128kenvandine, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/gdk-pixbuf/2.21.6-2ubuntu518:51
seb128didrocks, well a rebuild might be enough18:51
kenvandinegot it, already rebuilding mutter18:52
didrocksseb128: let's hope that. I'll give it a try tomorrow morning. Have to get dinner now before my family becomes angry :) (and in any case, with OOo building, my laptop is almost unuseful)18:52
seb128didrocks, can you do a no change upload from mutter if you have the source with a build-dep on current? libgirepository1.0-dev18:53
seb128it's 0.9.3-0ubuntu218:53
seb128didrocks, ok18:53
didrocksseb128: sure can do that, don't you want me to test it localy first?18:53
seb128let's wait to see how kenvandine's rebuild goes18:53
kenvandineactually i don't have the right version of libgirepository1.0-dev18:54
* kenvandine goes to get that18:54
seb128kenvandine, rebuild on 0.9.3-0ubuntu1 should work locally18:55
seb128kenvandine, but you might miss some other gir rebuilds18:55
seb128chain of depends need to be rebuilt in other18:55
seb128other -> order18:55
didrockswell, clutter too needs rebuild18:56
seb128didrocks, right, I'm doing it locally now18:56
didrocksso, I have to dep mutter on that version of clutter :)18:56
seb128I got blocked because it needed json-glib to rebuild18:57
didrockshum, ok, that's a fun game…18:57
seb128well I've uploaded that one18:58
seb128now clutter builds18:58
mvodevildante: looks good, will merge that18:58
didrocksok, so, I need to dep on the right lib* for everything on mutter18:58
mvoChipaca: not yet :/18:58
devildantemvo: wait, I will group some patches into a branch18:59
seb128didrocks, or just upload and we will give a retry later on18:59
didrocksseb128: ok, I'm just depending on the right libgirepository1.0-dev and clutter (-0ubuntu3 right?) at least18:59
mvodevildante: cool, even better18:59
kenvandineseb128, i had the same build failure with 0.9.3-0ubuntu118:59
seb128didrocks, >> 0ubuntu319:00
seb128didrocks, or >= 0ubuntu419:00
seb128kenvandine, error?19:00
didrocksseb128: yeah :)19:00
kenvandinemv $pwd/Meta-2.31.gir.tmp2 $pwd/Meta-2.31.gir19:00
kenvandine/usr/share/gir-1.0/Gdk-2.0.gir: Incompatible version 1.0 (supported: 1.1)19:00
kenvandinerebuilding with 0ubuntu219:01
kenvandinesame error19:01
seb128kenvandine, dpkg -l | grep gir | grep gdk19:01
* kenvandine updated the libs that go with it, but doubt that will help19:03
seb128you need the -dev19:03
seb128it has the typelib19:03
kenvandineah... yeah19:03
kenvandineso that should help :)19:03
seb128the other way around19:03
seb128it has the .gir19:03
didrocksuploaded and branch pushed. I'll really go for dinner now, I'm staying connected if you need me after that :)19:03
kenvandinenope... same error19:04
seb128kenvandine, with the -dev?19:04
seb128very weird19:04
kenvandineibgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev                   2.21.6-2ubuntu519:04
kenvandinelet me try to rebuild libgwibber, it should fail too19:04
* micahg wanted to ask you about that package seb12819:05
seb128I need to run for dinner19:05
micahgthe .la file is required to build gnome-chemistry-utils19:05
kenvandinelater seb128, enjoy19:05
seb128micahg, grep for gdk_pixbuf in the *.la installed19:05
seb128the ones mentionning gdk-pixbuf should be rebuilt to drop that one19:05
seb128kenvandine, thanks19:06
micahgseb128: got it, thanks :)19:06
chrisccoulsoni just had to drop a la file from librest to get tracker to build19:08
kenvandineseb128, the version number needs to be bumped in all the .gir files19:19
* kenvandine doesn't know why rebuilding doesn't bump the version19:19
kenvandine<repository version="1.0"19:20
kenvandinebumping that to 1.1 makes it get to the next one19:20
* kenvandine is a huge pile of bustedness19:20
kenvandineoh... it isn't gdk-pixbuf now... it is Gdk19:25
kenvandineso a rebuild does fix it :)19:25
dobeydid something change recently with gobject introspection stuff in maverick?19:27
kenvandinedobey, yes... today...19:29
seb128dobey, read backlog19:29
kenvandinelots of brokeness19:29
seb128kenvandine, did you have to do source changes?19:29
kenvandineseb128, so gir-repository and gtk need rebuilding too19:29
seb128kenvandine, gtk is already rebuilding19:29
seb128kenvandine, gir-repository is waiting on webkit and some others19:29
dobeyah ok19:29
seb128kenvandine, how did you fix it?19:29
kenvandinemy system's deps are all screwed up right now... so i can't build locally19:30
kenvandinei didn't really, just tweak the version in the gir file and other things seem to work19:30
kenvandineso everything with a repository version of 1.0 seems busted19:30
dobeyfun times19:30
seb128dobey, well gir rdepends are small19:31
seb128it's going to be sorted in a few hours19:31
dobeyseb128: yeah. someone was asking me to look at the FTBFS for ubuntuone-client, so i just wanted to check whether it was us or not :)19:31
dobeyseb128: thanks19:31
seb128kenvandine, I don't get it19:35
seb128kenvandine, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53433744/libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev_2.21.6-2ubuntu5_amd64.deb19:35
seb128has version="1.119:35
kenvandinethat one is fine19:35
seb128well you said it's not before19:35
kenvandinethe next failure was Gdk-2.019:35
kenvandinenot GdkPixbuf19:35
seb128oh, gdk19:35
seb128yeah, so you need to wait on the gtk rebuild19:36
kenvandineand gir-repository too19:36
* kenvandine is downgrading stuff to a state where he can work on telepathy-indicator again :)19:36
pedro_seb128, yes, looking at it now19:36
seb128pedro_, thanks19:37
chrisccoulsondoes everyone else have the issue with GDM not showing a user list in maverick?19:44
seb128chrisccoulson, no19:45
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i just did an update and got no users listed in GDM. when i restarted GDM, i got a user list back, but it thought i was already logged in ;)19:46
chrisccoulsoni'll try and debug it after dinner and figure out why :19:46
seb128chrisccoulson, right, seems to be a race19:46
seb128there is a bug open about it19:46
seb128I get it sometimes as well19:46
seb128I've just pinged upstream about it in case they have a clue19:46
seb128thanks for the reminder19:46
seb128the bug has a warning about no valid shell19:46
chrisccoulsonyw ;)19:47
seb128could be a race something in the user loading19:47
pittigood night everyone19:56
highvoltagegood night pitti20:05
didrocksseb128: did you upload clutter? I don't see it in -changes20:06
seb128didrocks, no, I was waiting on json-glib to be published20:07
seb128it will fail otherwise20:07
seb128didrocks, I've done it now since the previous publisher is done, let's see how it goes20:08
didrocksseb128: oh ok, no explicit build-dep on the -dev package? Well, that's true that bumping everything is a mess :/20:08
didrocksgreat ;)20:08
seb128didrocks, yeah, I'm not a fan of artificial build-depends just to depwait20:09
didrocksseb128: sounds right, at least, mutter will build when it should, but yeah, it's really artificial and not according to configure.ac20:10
didrockscan I help in any way on that tonight? (otherwise, I will go see my family :))20:11
seb128didrocks, no, you should see your familly, stop working ;-)20:11
didrocksseb128: for once, I will follow your piece of advice then :-)20:11
didrockshave a good evening everyone!20:11
seb128'night didrocks20:12
didrocksthanks, you too seb12820:12
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vishseb128: Bug #615793 is in gnome-bluetooth or ..?20:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 615793 in hundredpapercuts (and 1 other project) "For each file received over bluetooth, a dialog is opened and must be dismissed (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61579320:30
seb128I guess it is yes20:30
vishseb128: thanks.20:31
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=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
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chrisccoulsonmicahg - are we using the right branding for the FF4.0 dailies? i just downloaded a mozilla nightly, and they use the minefield branding22:19
chrisccoulsonwrong channel ;)22:19
=== alecu_ is now known as alecu
TheMusoGood morning.23:30
RAOFGah.  Stupid gdm bug.23:56

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