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SpamapShrm, fakeroot needs a "--deactivate" mode for bits of a package build where it breaks stuf00:06
ebroderfakeroot breaks stuff?00:07
ebroderErr, you know, besides the obvious, I guess :-P00:07
ebroderI've never seen it break a package build, though00:07
SpamapSIt makes it very difficult to run things like automated tests as a non-root user.00:08
SpamapShave to unset LD_PRELOAD ..00:08
ebroderWhy aren't you running them in the build stage?00:08
SpamapSI am00:08
ebroderThe build stage isn't run under fakeroot, only the binary stage is00:08
SpamapSNot with pbuilder and debuild00:09
ebroderUh, definitely with debuild00:09
SpamapSactually I should say I'm only testing w/ bzr-buildpackage00:09
SpamapSwhich runs debuild00:09
ebroderIt does `debian/rules build`, then `fakeroot debian/rules binary`00:09
SpamapSor, I think it runs debuild00:09
SpamapSyeah, it runs debuild00:11
TheMusoSpamapS: Use sbuild, which doesn't use fakeroot for the build stage.00:16
ebroderUh, guys, unless something's changed in Maverick debuild *definitely* doesn't use fakeroot for the build stage00:17
Laneyit shouldn't do00:18
Laneyper debian policy, builds must not require root00:18
ebroderLaney: Right, that's why we have fakeroot, but I'm saying that even fakeroot doesn't get used for the *build* stage, just the *binary* stage00:18
SpamapSI'm aware of the policy, but what there is no plicy on, is whether you can drop root privileges and how to do it.00:19
Laneyno, if your build requires fakeroot then it's broken00:20
Laneyit's quite deliberate: " 5. It calls debian/rules build followed by fakeroot debian/rules binary-target (unless a source-only build has been requested with -S)"00:20
wgrantAnd if your build requires an absence of fakeroot, it's also probably broken.00:20
ebroderSpamapS: Can you post a build log somewhere?00:20
ebroderSpamapS: I stand by my insistance that if you run your tests during the *build* (not *binary*) stage, you should be running unprivileged00:21
SpamapSThats the shell code I've used that always ends up with a non-root user, but it seems pretty *lame*00:21
SpamapSebroder: sure..00:23
ionNot commenting on the rest of it, but $0 $* should be replaced with "$0" "$@"00:23
SpamapSion: I always confused that part of shell scripting. Can you ellaborate why?00:24
ionSay, $2 is "foo bar". $2 without quotes, as well as $*, would expand it to foo bar which means the two parameters "foo" "bar". "$2" would work, and "$@" has a special meaning of expanding to "$1" "$2" "$3" etc. (up to the number of arguments).00:25
SpamapScool thanks. :)00:26
SpamapSOk I have to run, if you guys want to critique the branch, lp:~clint-fewbar/ubuntu/maverick/libdbi-drivers/merge-upstream-release-0.8.3-100:27
SpamapSthe tests are run at the end of the build: step00:27
SpamapSand in a few minutes, there should be a build log here https://launchpad.net/~clint-fewbar/+archive/fixes/+build/191166300:28
ebroderNo, you've got your dependencies backwards00:29
ebroder*install* is the step that depends on test00:29
ebroderSo test will get run when install gets run when binary-{indep,arch} gets run under fakeroot00:29
SpamapSOh I just put them in as part of the build step00:29
ionspamaps: sh -c 'foo() { printf "%s, " $*; printf "\n"; printf "%s, " "$@"; printf "\n"; }; foo bar "value with spaces" "/bin/l[ns]"'00:30
ebroderSpamapS: You probably want line 38 to be "test: build-stamp" and line 30 to be "build: build-stamp test"00:30
SpamapSwell I'll be damned. ;)00:31
ebroderAll that "test: build" says is that build has to be done before test. It doesn't say anything about when test happens00:32
SpamapSheh, for some reason I thought I had just thrown it in at the end of build:00:32
SpamapSebroder: sweeeet it works without the fakeroot hack00:33
ebroderAlso, you probably want a test-stamp target that actually touches a test-stamp file or something like that00:33
SpamapSI was thinking of throwing all the test output into a test.log00:33
ebroder(Otherwise if you depend on test in the install target, it can't tell that test has already been run because the test target doesn't output anything)00:33
SpamapSand putting that in the doc dir00:33
SpamapSebroder: thanks for the close look... I think it works now...00:39
* SpamapS waits for starbucks' slow connection to push so he can hit the road00:40
stanley_robertsohi all03:13
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hallynI'm trying to follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure for bug 595438, but when i hit 'nominate for release' all i see for options is 'Trunk'04:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 595438 in KVM "KVM segmentation fault, using SCSI+writeback and linux 2.4 guest" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59543804:26
hallynis this a consequence of the freeze?04:26
hallynor am i doing somethign stupid?04:26
ebroderhallyn: That bug is filed against upstream QEMU/KVM/qemu-kvm, not Ubuntu04:27
micahghallyn: no, you have to be on the ubuntu task to nominate04:27
micahgand there isn't one04:27
hallynoh, so i should hit 'also affects distribution'?04:28
ebroderhallyn: Correct04:28
hallyncool, thanks!04:28
ebroderHmm...any ~ubuntu-sponsors admins around who could add me?04:33
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pittiGood morning07:21
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dholbachgood morning07:58
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El_Presidentei want to trace a bug that is maybe in the lucid kernel but not in the karmic, is there a way to do a bisect?10:03
diwicEl_Presidente, you can also try a mainline kernel10:09
diwicEl_Presidente, I'll answer in bug #57214610:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 572146 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "crackling sound from microphone with 2.6.32-21 kernel" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57214610:10
diwicEl_Presidente, you've got an answer, thanks for helping out and your willingness to spend time on resolving this issue10:15
El_Presidentediwic, i already tried a mainline kernel a month ago or so, now i remember the link10:17
El_Presidentebut same error10:18
diwicEl_Presidente, right. Happy bisecting then :-)10:18
El_Presidentewell my problem is where is the "good" one10:19
diwicEl_Presidente, it should be the commit with the 2.6.31 tag10:19
El_Presidentei mean where shall i set the git bisect good10:19
El_Presidenteah ok10:20
El_Presidentei downloaded the git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-lucid.git there is also a 2.6.31 in?10:20
diwicEl_Presidente, hmm, I don't know, I'm suggesting you do the bisecting on the mainline/upstream kernel10:22
diwicEl_Presidente, it's easy to find out though, just run "git tag"10:22
smbpitti, Hi just wanted to let you know (probably the obvious as you might have already seen) that we uploaded an update to Lucid kernel which should get accepted into proposed as soon as you can do, given the pending 10.04.110:25
diwicEl_Presidente, so it has the v2.6.31.6 tag which should be okay as "good"10:25
diwicEl_Presidente, and the v.2.6.32 as "bad"10:26
diwicor something10:26
pittismb: right, thanks; I'll go through the SRU queue as soon as we have good lucid.1 images10:38
smbpitti, Ok. Thanks a lot10:39
mvowgrant: hey! I vaguely remember you had some interesst in providing changelogs for PPAs so that u-m can display them. is my memory correct?10:40
cnddholbach, do you know if a per-package uploader automatically becomes an ubuntu member?11:03
cndor does one have to go through the ubuntu membership process as well/11:04
tumbleweedcnd: automatic11:04
tumbleweedcnd: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers11:05
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cndtumbleweed, ahh, thanks11:15
cndnow, how do I get the membership privileges that I should have as a ppu :)?11:16
cndis it just a matter of getting onto the right teams in launchpad11:16
Laneyyou need to be in ~ubuntu-dev11:23
apwcnd, you probabally need to approach whoever implemented your addition as a PPU and ask them about it11:24
apwthey likely missed a step11:24
LucidFoxhttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/canonical-census <-- erm, what is this?11:35
LucidFoxJust found it on Slashdot11:35
mr_pouitit sends a ping to canonical apparently11:35
LucidFoxpitti, is it going to be used on some kind of OEM installations?11:35
mr_pouitit's for oem systems11:35
LucidFoxseeing how it's in partner, I presume it's not in the default install11:36
mr_pouit(juts looking at the package description)11:36
LucidFoxI think it's better to send Slashdot a message clarifying the use of the package, otherwise people are going to think that Canonical is playing Big Brother with Ubuntu users without their consent11:37
LucidFoxthe wording of the article, in particular, is making it sound like it's going to be used by default11:37
pittiLucidFox: yes, it's only in the partner repo, and it doesn't do anything for normal Ubuntnu installs right now11:39
pittiLucidFox: just sent a comment to the slashdot article11:39
LucidFox"right now"? That doesn't sound assuring11:39
pittiLucidFox: well, who knows; this hasn't been discussed with the community at all yet11:39
pittiat some point we as a community might want it, too11:40
pittibut so far it's only for OEM installations as an opt-in11:40
gordfor what its worth, the original article mentions that its for oem installs several times, its just that the slashdot article chooses to.. omit that from the summery it has11:40
LucidFoxgord> For drama, presumably11:41
pittialso, it doesn't send all the DMI information11:41
LucidFoxWhat I find amusing is how they apparently analyzed network traffic generated by the package instead of looking at its source code to see what it does11:41
pitti"Previously there haven't been such Ubuntu tracking measures attempted by Canonical"11:41
pittinothing that woudl be a valid metric anyway :)11:41
pittiyou can always do wild guesses based on how many CDs you ship, how many machines fetch apt indexes, etc., but none of those are reliable11:42
gordi like picking numbers out of a hat myself, seems as valid as the rest11:42
pittiLucidFox: right, because it's such a complicated shell script :)11:43
bilalakhtargood morning pitti11:44
pittihello bilalakhtar, how are you?11:45
loolmvo: Hey, wanted to check whether you saw https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/613211 it seems a recent regression12:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 613211 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt-ftparchive fails to rename Packages.gz files" [Undecided,New]12:51
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bdrungpsurbhi: ping13:18
mvolool: checking13:22
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mvolool: that should be fixed soon14:18
mvolool: juliank commited a fix to bzr (thanks!)14:19
loolmvo: awesome, thankjs14:19
Keybukah, MeegoCon ;-)14:25
sladenPidgin Engrish is da futer14:26
pittihello Keybuk, how are you?14:26
Keybukpitti: I'm a whole boat of meh - how are you?14:26
* pitti ponders what that means14:26
pittiKeybuk: quite fine, wrestling with xfce again :)14:27
Keybukah, xfce :p14:27
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pittiKeybuk: btw, are there any news on udev? or is the latest version still unbootable?14:31
pittiKeybuk: in the latter case, would you mind updating the upstream bzr import? I might do some testing tomorrow in the train14:31
KeybukI've been effectively away for a while at conferences and such14:31
Keybukso haven't had a chance to look into it14:31
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* dholbach hugs mvo14:44
KeybukThe following packages will be REMOVED:15:00
Keybuk  libsyncdaemon-1.0-1* libubuntuone-1.0-1* python-ubuntuone*15:00
Keybuk  rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store* ubuntuone-client* ubuntuone-client-gnome*15:00
Keybukmuahahah! BE GONE!15:00
Keybukmy machine kept blacking out15:01
Keybukguess what was doing it ;-)15:02
pittiKeybuk: you accidentally clicked the ridiculously large "sync me" button in nautilus in your video directory? :-)15:03
Keybukpitti: no, I think I _started_ nautilus once15:04
Keybukwhich apparently means I want ubuntuone running at all times, and randomly going into fits15:04
ograpitti, nah, he clicked the hidded "buy all" button in the music store ;)15:04
ograRB is still busy sending his credit card details ;)15:04
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quadrisproehya guys! any archive admin around?15:13
kklimondapitti: is canonical-census planned for all new Ubuntu installations or is it stricte OEM stuff?15:16
pittiquadrispro: might be better to just state what you need :)15:16
pittikklimonda: it hasn't been discussed with the community at all; it's not on the plan for maverick15:17
pittikklimonda: for now this is an opt-in for OEM installs15:17
quadrispropitti, right, I push'd font-manager to maverick's NEW, it's a sync from Debian unstable15:17
nxvlcjwatson: ping15:17
nxvlcjwatson: i didn't noticed and just got expired from MOTU, as in today15:18
pittiquadrispro: the package was synced by an archive admin?15:18
nxvlcjwatson: can you please re-activate me or do i need to present myself again15:18
quadrispropitti, no, it wasn't, I uploaded it by hand (syncpackage + dput)15:18
pittinxvl: (CC: cjwatson): I put you back into MOTU15:19
quadrisproScottK, I'm here, getting some help from pitti :)15:19
quadrisprothank you anyway15:20
pittiok, it's in Debian now, accepted15:20
nxvlpitti: thanks15:20
quadrispropitti, many thanks!15:20
mdzpitti: I declined the calendar invite for TB; I guess nobody checks that :-)15:27
pittimdz: too much high-tech15:28
asacjdong: ping15:33
asacjdong: can you please add a sticky note to the ubuntuzilla forums that says in big bold letters that "ubuntuzilla is officially discouraged by ubuntu devs" ?15:33
asacchrisccoulson: ^^15:33
asacjdong: i sent this guy a few mails to better work with us a few years back and never go anything back and now i found that he refers to our forums as his official support  forum, which explains why other ubuntu users always think thats a good way to go15:34
asacjdong: or can you sent him a mail to use the sourceforge forums as his "official" support forums maybe?15:35
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ricotzstgraber, hello15:50
superm1pitti, slangasek: still seeing constant hash sum mismatches on daily isos for mythbuntu now that the livefs problem is fixed.  could you help move it to a different time, maybe a few minutes off to stop conflicting with the job causing that?  http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/mythbuntu/maverick/daily-live-20100810.log15:51
superm1cjwatson, i was just looking at the daily for une and didn't see any support for booting in EFI, are you going to be tracking this still for after FF instead?  also, what about worries for inclusion of grub-efi and efibootmgr in the appropriate places on the disk?15:59
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SpamapSmathiaz_: hey, have you had a chance to read the rest of the rubygems proposal?16:23
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mathiazjames_w: hi!16:29
james_whi mathiaz16:29
mathiazjames_w: could you kick off an import of openldap in lucid-updates?16:29
mathiazjames_w: a security update has been published and I need to update the SRU16:30
james_wmathiaz: started, but no guarantee it will work16:33
mathiazjames_w: great - thanks for trying out!16:34
kirklandgeser: howdy :-)16:49
geserHi kirkland16:49
kirklandgeser: would you mind reviewing https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kirkland/ubuntu-dev-tools/612267/+merge/32216 ?16:49
kirklandgeser: looks like you're the gatekeeper of ubuntu-dev-tools :-)16:49
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tumbleweedkirkland: all ubuntu devs can commit to it. There's also python's errno library, btw16:55
kirklandtumbleweed: understood16:55
tumbleweedkirkland: although I assume you knew the first bit :)16:55
kirklandtumbleweed: aware of both16:56
geserkirkland: "./errno: 21: gcc: not found" and then it hangs (I guess grep is waiting on input)16:56
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kirklandtumbleweed: the python library doesn't quite get us all 3 (error name, error number, and error description), though, as far as I'm aware16:56
kirklandgeser: oh, hmm, i figured gcc would be pulled by ubuntu-dev-tools16:56
tumbleweedyeah you can only get the descriptions via the os library16:56
geserlet me check16:57
kirklandtumbleweed: right;  i just tried something in C as well -- same limitation16:57
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geserkirkland: hmm, u-d-t depends on dpkg-dev which recommends build-essential which depends on gcc. I guess that is good enough.16:59
kirklandgeser: alternatively, headers="/usr/include/asm-generic/errno*.h"16:59
kirklandgeser: could do that if gcc is not found17:00
kirklandgeser: the gcc hack from kees is "smarter" though17:00
geserI guess the chances to have the header file but not gcc are small17:01
Laneycjwatson: Shouldn't ubuntu-cli-mono-dev be a member of ubuntu-dev?17:03
Laney(or other DMB person I guess)17:03
kirklandgeser: i just pushed r698, which fails over to errno*h17:03
Laneyis it via DMB?17:03
pittisuperm1: I moved it from 10:19 to 10:29 now; let me know if that helps17:05
kirklandgeser: would like to do the commit/push/upload, or may I?17:06
geserkirkland: when I try the examples, I get the whole header file? I'm doing something wrong?17:07
geserkirkland: and you can commit/push/merge17:07
kirklandgeser: let me check17:07
kirklandgeser: fixed in r699 (copy-n-paste fail)17:08
geserkirkland: and please add the the script to the list of those with GPL3+ at the end of debian/copyright17:08
kirklandgeser: done17:09
pittimathiaz: can you please merge the openldap SRU with -security and reupload? I'll fast-process it17:10
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james_wmathiaz: done17:18
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mathiazpitti: working on it right now17:26
pittimathiaz: cheers17:26
mathiazpitti: I'm building the source package17:39
mathiazpitti: I'm building with nocheck to avoid running the test suite (it takes > 2 hours)17:40
mathiazpitti: once I've tested in builds correctly I'll uploaded to -proposed17:40
pittimathiaz: ok, should be fine; the patch was already tested, after all, and it's just changing maintainer scripts, right?17:40
pittimathiaz: thanks; please ping me after you uploaded, then I'll review/accept right away17:40
mathiazpitti: and I'll verify the package once it's been accepted and built and available in -proposed17:40
mathiazpitti: correct17:40
mathiazpitti: same patch as the one already accepted in -proposed last week17:41
mathiazpitti: and that I verified yesterday17:41
superm1thanks pitti, that's 10:29 GMT right?17:42
pittisuperm1: British time, i. e. BST right now (GMT+1)17:44
superm1okay, thanks17:44
mathiazpitti: openldap_2.4.21-0ubuntu5.3_source.changes uploaded to LP17:48
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pittiScottK: any chance you can test bug 569879?17:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 569879 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Lucid) "Non-admin user logout fails on Lucid" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56987917:56
pittimathiaz: accepted, should build soon (just checked the queues)17:57
mathiazpitti: great thanks!17:57
mathiazpitti: it should take a couple of hours to build17:57
RiddellScottK: python2.7 in main?18:06
superm1Riddell, ScottK is python 2.7 going to be by default superceding 2.6 for maverick?  i know certainly there are some problems with python-mysqldb and 2.718:07
pittihm, two days before FF?18:08
Riddellsuperm1: I'm pretty sure not18:08
superm1phew :)18:09
pittiholy sh..; I mistyped (autofingers) and looked at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu18:11
pitti"1  → 100  of 197216 results"18:11
pittinow I know why launchpadlibrarian piles up TB after TB :)18:11
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slangasekpitti: are these newly-accepted lucid SRUs all orthogonal to 10.04.1 (because they're not seeded)?18:33
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ScottKpitti: I've tested it on the one machine I still have access to that had the problem before I uploaded it.  I believe it to be safe.18:50
ScottKRiddell: yes.18:50
ScottKsuperm1: It will be an additional supported version, not default.18:50
RiddellScottK: why?  don't we only want one version in main at any time?18:50
ScottKRiddell: It'll be needed in build depends.18:51
ScottKWe only want one runtime on the CDs, but we need all supported versions in Main.18:51
ScottKRiddell: Same (ish) reason python3.1 is in Main.18:51
Riddellmm, right18:53
ScottKbarry has promised to make it wonderful, so I'm not worried.18:54
Riddellhe's good like that18:55
RiddellScottK: well I think I put them into universe and it won't let me change it just now, remind me to look at it again in a bit if I don't remember18:58
ScottKI'll be offline most of the rest of the day, so probably tomorrow.18:58
pittislangasek: right; well, openldap is, but that's on the .1 list19:27
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pittislangasek: but we already had that in v-done, but a security update came in between; so we can waive the 7 days there19:27
pittislangasek: I cleaned up the other bugs, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-10.04.1 looks quite reasonable now19:28
pittislangasek: seb128 agreed that he can test bug 553759 (affects French)19:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553759 in gnome-keyring (Ubuntu Lucid) "ubuntuone-preferences crashed with NoSuchKeyringError in __init__()" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55375919:28
pittiScottK: ok, thanks; does that machine have the actual lucid-proposed package, or a local build?19:28
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slangasekpitti: indeed - thanks for that!20:01
hrwslangasek: hi20:01
slangasekhrw: hi there20:01
hrwslangasek: how things go?20:02
slangasekhrw: ok :)20:02
pittislangasek: I'll be on vac tomorrow, so perhaps you could move openldap to -updates once mathiaz finishes testing (if it's urgent; otherwise I'll do it on Thu)20:02
slangasekpitti: yes, I'll have a look at it20:02
* hrw loves 1000 chars long gcc invocations...20:02
hrwslangasek: I be offline on friday - us visa meeting in embassy20:03
slangasekhrw: ok20:03
hrwslangasek: this week my binutils/eglibc/gcc changes may finally be merged - I have a discuss/review of them tomorrow with doko20:05
hrwslangasek: so at least debian/sid will have nearly everything in place (as debian/linux kernel package needs 2 patches from ubuntu one - but thats beyond my blueprint for now)20:06
slangasekhrw: have you had a chance to test whether my multiarch patches to gcc merge cleanly with yours?20:09
hrwsorry, forgot about those20:09
freepitti: hey, since the 10.04.1 release has apparently been delayed, smoser and I were wondering if it would be possible to accept landscape-client in -proposed as freeze exception or something, as otherwise things would delay even further on our side20:10
hrwslangasek: today I had to rewrite my patchset due to recent changes20:10
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mathiazRiddell: hi21:45
mathiazRiddell: could you promote libdbi to main?21:45
mathiazRiddell: see bug 60855221:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608552 in libdbi (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libdbi" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60855221:45
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 589103 in libutempter (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libutempter" [Undecided,Fix committed]21:56
dupondjewhen is this going to change ?!21:56
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RiddellScottK: python2.7 binaries in main now22:36
Riddelldupondje: promoted, next time subscribe ubuntu-archive22:37
micahgRiddell: MIR approver apparently forgot22:39
SpamapSsomething terribly wrong with that server right now. :(22:42
SpamapSRiddell: is that process documented somewhere btw?22:42
SpamapSRiddell: the MIR process I follow just says "its your responsibility to add the package to a seed or make it a dependency of a package already in main"22:43
RiddellSpamapS: yes that would be another way of doing it, then hoping an archive admin is looking at the component mismatches output (which I usually don't)22:45
SpamapSI always thought it felt a bit.. magical22:46
SpamapSlike.. and then the archive administrator fairy comes in the middle of the night, takes your package, and leaves a shiny quarter!22:46
dupondjethx Riddell22:46
SpamapShttp://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/moin.html#2010-02-22 01:26:04.34563222:47
SpamapSAnybody have any ideas what would cause those errors?22:47
dupondjeI tought the MIR approver did the correct work :) seems he was a bit asleep :p22:47
SpamapSI'm trying to get moin merged.. I think they changed the source format of the package22:47
RiddellSpamapS: other way round works better, you have to pay us a quarter :)22:48
ebroderRiddell: Wait, we can get packages in main for a quarter?22:48
Riddellonly with a valid approved MIR22:50
Riddellbribing the MIR people probably costs a lot more22:50
mathiazRoAkSoAx: hi!22:51
mathiazRoAkSoAx: what's the state of drbd in maverick?22:51
geserRiddell: shouldn't be a problem with those million $ from africa offered in emails :)22:52
SpamapSjames_w: are you around by chance? I'm having some issues merging moin ... http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/moin.html#2010-02-22 01:26:04.34563222:56
SpamapSmathiaz: is there any way to manually merge using the UDD methods if the debian import part is broken?22:56
SpamapSmathiaz: I tried branching the debian portion, importing the debian package manually, and then using merge-package, but I get this:22:57
SpamapSclint@ubuntu:~/pkg/moin/bzr/maverick$ bzr merge-package ../debian22:57
SpamapSbzr: ERROR: No such tag: upstream-1.9.322:57
SpamapSso I assume there's some more magic that the importer does. :-P22:57
mathiazSpamapS: hm - right22:57
mathiazSpamapS: I guess that what's missing here is merge-upstream22:57
SpamapSmathiaz: ah, the importer actually treates the two differently? (that would be awesome btw ;)22:59
dupondjegrold1: you there ?23:00
dupondjeyou can eventually make a new revision of xterm23:02
dupondjewithout the libutempter change ... :)23:02
dupondjeits now in main ;)23:02
grold1dupondje, sorry, don't understood about libutempter23:06
dupondjeits you that did the xterm merge :)23:06
dupondjewell there you have a delta that removes libutempter dependency right ?23:09
grold1yes, becouse it was removed in previous ubuntu23:09
dupondjeyou can leave that out now ... as libutempter is now in main, so no reason anymore for the delta23:10
grold1thanks for the notice23:11
RoAkSoAxmathiaz: I prepared a new upstream release (8.3.8) which ttx uploaded, right after I requested jjohansen to please enable the kernel module, since DRBD is now in mainline kernel23:14
RoAkSoAxmathiaz: and as far as my tests go, it's working as it should. I'll likely to be preparing a backport for Lucid in the next few days23:14
mathiazRoAkSoAx: so the drbd8-source doesn't exist/is not needed anymore in maverick?23:16
RoAkSoAxmathiaz: Nope not anymore. However I didn't drop the changes in the new package to be able to backport. I just commented them out!23:21
=== grold1 is now known as grold

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