
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj
cody-somervillej1mc, :)03:06
j1mccody-somerville: howdy03:10
cody-somervillej1mc, I hope things are well with you. :)03:10
j1mcyeah - things are good.  how about for you?03:11
cody-somervilledoing well, thanks. :)03:12
j1mcpasi just helped me update my blog over the weekend03:13
cody-somervillej1mc, awesome. :)03:13
j1mcof course, it looks like pasi did it.  : )03:15
cody-somervillelooks nice :)03:17
j1mccody-somerville: what are you working on these days?03:21
cody-somervillemostly oem-services stuff03:21
cody-somervilleand live-helper and django03:21
j1mcwhat is live-helper?03:22
cody-somervillej1mc, its used to build live systems04:37
j1mc:)  I looked it up.  :)04:39
j1mcsounds neat, though.04:39
j1mcjani monoses came onto this channel and the gnome docs channel the other day04:39
j1mche's putting together an ubuntu derivative that uses chromium, so he wanted to see if there was a webkit based version of yelp in ubuntu04:40
j1mcthis would allow him to remove the xulrunner deps...04:40
j1mci know that there's a build in a branch of git, but he was hoping there was a ppa.04:40
j1mcwe chatted for a bit04:40
cody-somervillecool :)04:48
mdkej1mc: there must be a deb package around somewhere because at an early stage in the previous cycle the webkit version of yelp was being used in Ubuntu (I believe it came from debian)07:42
mdkej1mc: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/yelp07:43
j1mcmdke: thanks  :)13:37
=== j1mc is now known as j1mc_
=== sonicbadger is now known as ChrisWoollard
=== starcraft is now known as evilstarcraft
=== evilstarcraft is now known as starcraft
=== ShadowChild is now known as lukjad

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