
alexcabreraflaccid: Sorry, I got booted before when you were responding to my question. By "reject" I mean that when trying to access my site over HTTP I immediately get a cannot connect error. Nothing in my nginx or apache logs, it's kind of the same thing as when you try to ssh into your instance without having added your WAN IP to your instance's security group03:06
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
flaccidalexcabrera: show me what happens when you telnet the port from remote03:14
alexcabreraflaccid: http://pastebin.org/46365103:15
alexcabrerashouldn't it echo something back?03:16
flaccidalexcabrera: not without sending a header03:24
flaccidthat url works fine for me03:24
alexcabreraflaccid: wtf, really?03:25
alexcabrerawhat do you seE?03:25
alexcabreraerr see03:25
flaccidits a 404, server sig is Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) Server at twinpinesmall.policus.com Port 8003:25
alexcabrerathanks, that helps tracks things down03:27
=== flaccid_ is now known as flaccid
=== flaccid_ is now known as flaccid

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