
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj
* jenkins 's inspiration for logos has gone :(00:07
ChrisWoollard_If anybody is available to have a look at bugs there are a few that need work.00:27
jenkinsnight all00:37
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Fedora
=== Fedora is now known as Guest67079
=== Guest67079 is now known as Mandriva
=== Mandriva is now known as sebsebseb3
thorwilgood morning!07:58
* humphreybc is writing up the UMP post now09:34
jenkinscould you slip in about people coming up with quickshot logo ideas?09:35
humphreybcsure thing09:35
jenkinsthanks c:)09:35
jenkins* :)09:35
jenkinsnever seen that one before09:35
vishhumphreybc: nice follow up! not easy writing those :)09:36
jenkinswe have two ideas now http://imagebin.org/108932 thanks to c7p's idea and http://imagebin.org/108933 my idea. Any thoughts anyone?10:01
jenkinsobviously they are very rough mock ups I am not a desginer10:04
humphreybcshould hit the planet within the hour10:11
thorwiljenkins: well, there's still http://www.foopics.com/showfull/29e05de6df064b8ab12593f31414ba6d10:12
jenkinsthanks thorwil I did not know where that had gone. I like the stack of screenshots10:14
thorwilheh, so i'm busy being myself10:15
humphreybcman i hate blogger10:25
humphreybcno offence, but all of those logo ideas are terrible10:29
ChrisWoollardNice mug shot10:33
ChrisWoollardThat is a nice post. Well done.10:36
jenkinshumphreybc: none taken, they are the ones we have so far :)10:46
jenkinsthey are all mock ups rather than actual logos10:47
bilalakhtarhumphreybc: hey11:01
bilalakhtarhumphreybc: on your OMG! post, you mentioned tumbleweed11:02
humphreybcdo you have some to spread around?11:02
bilalakhtaryou meant that?11:02
bilalakhtarI thought11:02
bilalakhtartumbleweed -> stefano rivera11:02
bilalakhtarjust try11:02
bilalakhtar /whois tumbleweed11:02
humphreybcno tumbleweed is that thing that bale of hay that blows around on western movies and cartoons11:03
popeybilalakhtar: http://tumbleweed.popey.com/11:04
popeyfor when someone cracks a joke that absolutely nobody finds funny11:05
humphreybcpopey: how many of these do you have?11:05
popeyoften accompanied by a bell ringing in the distance11:05
popeytoo many :)11:05
bilalakhtarpopey: Thanks for creating the subdomain11:08
popeyits existed for a while11:10
popey4 years in fact11:11
b1ackcr0whi - im having trouble getting a touchscreen to work11:52
b1ackcr0wi've had it working before, but it's gone fail again :(11:53
b1ackcr0wim using lucid (mint9 - but the gubbins is the same under the hood)11:53
b1ackcr0wtried so far...11:54
b1ackcr0winstall evtouch driver - installed, no worky11:54
trijntjeb1ackcr0w, those questions should be asked in #ubuntu11:54
b1ackcr0wsugar - thought i was in ubuntu-uk11:55
trijntjeb1ackcr0w, no problem ;)11:57
ChrisWoollard_Does anybody know how images are positioned in latex?14:10
ChrisWoollard_I have noticed that the position of images in the tex files does not reflect exactly where they are actually displayed14:12
dakerChrisWoollard_, u should ask godbyk14:24
ChrisWoollard_I will, but i don't think he is around14:24
dakerChrisWoollard_, i am not able to answer you question :s14:25
godbykChrisWoollard: The short answer is that LaTeX will put the images wherever it thinks they fit best given certain constraints.18:03
ChrisWoollardOk. Hmmm. That could make things interesting.18:18
ChrisWoollardHow would it know that?18:18
ChrisWoollardSounds like after i have put the kids to bed i should commit my changes and show you what it has done.18:20
godbykIt has its ways.  And they're not always sensible. :-)18:25
=== sonicbadger is now known as ChrisWoollard
jenkinshey Muscovy you wanted to help with more editing etc22:07
MuscovySOrry, gotta run!22:14
ChrisWoollardgodbyk: can you have a look at page 53 (browsing the web). It appears that some text looks weird and also the homepage screenshot is in the wrong place. I cannot work out how to fix it.22:35
godbykChrisWoollard: Sure, I'll take a look.22:48
ChrisWoollardYou are wonderful..... again (or still)22:48
godbykChrisWoollard: I'm guessint a margin note has been placed on top of the caption.22:51
ChrisWoollardhow can you do that?22:51
ChrisWoollardI thought it placed things sequentially22:52
godbykwell the margin note and caption don't know about each other.  and so latex is happy to place the text there.22:52
c7pnight all22:54
ChrisWoollardcan you fix it, because I don't know how. I am interested in learning how you do it though.22:54
ChrisWoollardnight c7p22:54
godbykChrisWoollard: Yeah, I'm looking into it here.22:56
ChrisWoollardI like this Latex stuff, but it does seem to be complicated at times.22:56
godbykYeah, it can be complicated occasionally.22:58
ChrisWoollardis it in ubuntu-manual.cls where you define custom latex tags?22:59
ChrisWoollardwas \screenshot a regular latex option or is it something you defined.23:00
godbykIt's something that I defined.23:00
godbykIt's a shortcut for (effectively): \begin{figure} \includegraphics[scale=blah]{filename.png}\caption{Caption goes here...}\label{ss:labelname} \end{figure}23:01
godbykIt's actually a bit more complicated than that (since we're using a modified figure environment), but that's the gist of it.23:02
ChrisWoollardwhat does the ss: bit mean? or what does it relate to?23:03
godbykIt's just a prefix for the label name.23:03
godbykI typically use sec: for sections, ch: for chapters, fig: for figures, tab: for tables, etc.23:04
godbykSo ss: for screenshots.23:04
godbykJust to avoid name clashes.23:04
ChrisWoollardok, that makes sense23:04
OmegaGood day.23:05
godbykHello, Omega.23:06
OmegaWho's the head honcho around these parts, if I may ask?23:07
ChrisWoollardhumphreybc is in charge23:08
godbykOmega: Depends on what you're looking for. :)23:08
OmegaWell, I have a few ideas, of how to make Ubuntu Manual easier to find.23:09
godbykCool.  Fire away!23:09
jenkinshello Omega23:10
OmegaIf Ubuntu adds a sort of 'Welcome to Ubuntu' dialog that pops up after a fresh install, and it has Ubuntu Manual under a 'Usage Guide' or similar title, where the user may easily access it.23:10
OmegaLinux Mint has that sort of thing.23:11
godbykDo you know if Ubuntu is planning to add such a dialog?23:12
OmegaAlso, I'll probably be helping with Ubuntu Manual (I am already learning LaTeX (For my maths thesis)).23:12
godbykChrisWoollard: Pull the latest code and see if that looks better.23:12
OmegaI do not sir.23:12
jenkinsOmega: I like the idea the problem lies with the project not being official23:12
ChrisWoollardwill do23:12
godbykChrisWoollard: Could you also look at around-desktop/around-desktop.tex? There's some merge markers in there (>>>> and the like)23:13
jenkinsOmega:  we look forward to the help23:13
jenkinsthere is the nice factoid23:13
jenkins!manual | Omega23:13
ChrisWoollardwhat do the merge marks23:14
jenkinswell there would be if manualbot had not died :(23:14
OmegaI'm not sure how your current LaTeX setup is, but, I use Gummi, it's the closest thing to a WYSIWYG LaTeX editor out there (which I heard you guys were interested in)23:14
ChrisWoollardwhat do you want me to ddo this them?23:14
OmegaOh, and I also program in Python.23:14
godbykChrisWoollard: It's when someone pulled or committed code and bzr merged the changes because it couldn't resolve all of them.  The expectation is that whoever merged the code should've sorted it out.23:15
ChrisWoollardoops, wrong window23:15
godbykChrisWoollard: So the markers should which bits of code are from the original file, which are from the new file, etc.23:15
jenkinsOmega:  we have looked at gummi I don't know if it handles the custom commands we use23:15
jenkinsOmega: python that could be useful23:15
OmegaWhat sort of custom commands are in use by the project?23:15
ChrisWoollardSo you want me to read it and fix it where appropriate23:16
OmegaI'm also fluent in Dutch (if you guys are translating to Dutch).23:16
ChrisWoollardI can do that23:16
godbykChrisWoollard: Basically, you'll have to look at both versions of the text, figure out which one to keep.23:16
jenkinsOmega:  \screenshot is the only one I can think off of the top of my head, we do need help with dutch iirc23:16
Omegajenkins: What does said command do?23:16
godbykOmega: It's basically a shortcut for inserting a figure.23:17
ChrisWoollardJij spreakt Nederlands.23:17
OmegaLess broken than that though :P.23:17
ChrisWoollardWaar komt jij?23:17
godbykOmega: There are a number of other custom commands we use, too.  Usually for semantic markup of GUI elements and the like.23:17
jenkinso yea all those as well23:18
* jenkins remembers now23:18
godbykjenkins: And whatever random stuff I tossed in and have forgotten about. ;-)23:18
jenkins\menu{Applications \then sound and video \then banshee}23:18
jenkinsthat creates  Applications > sound and video > banshee23:19
Omegagodbyk: You can use custom commands in Gummi, there's even a dialog to add images.23:19
OmegaYeah, I think it'll work in Gummi.23:19
ChrisWoollardThat reminds me23:19
jenkinsthat also reminded me of somethinf23:20
ChrisWoollardI have spotted a couple of times where you have \application{Application} \then{Something}23:21
ChrisWoollardthat Application is bold bu Something isn't23:21
godbykChrisWoollard: That's odd.  If Application is a menu item, then it should be \menu{Application\then Something}23:21
godbykExample: Click \menu{XChat\then Quit} to exit \application{XChat}.23:22
ChrisWoollardThat sounds like I found a bug23:22
jenkinsflan_: as a VERY long term quickshot goal what about doing a plugin type feature so that projects can add custom functions to suit their needs. As always I have no clue how to do it :P23:22
ChrisWoollardI think it was also in browsing the web23:22
jenkinsChrisWoollard: probably someone who made some edits and was not familiar with it23:23
* jenkins installs gummi23:23
OmegaIt's extremely useful.23:23
godbykChrisWoollard: Looks like it: To start Firefox, click \menu{Applications}\then{Internet}\then{Firefox Web Browser}.23:23
Omegajenkins: ppa:gummi/gummi23:24
OmegaIf you want to keep up to date.23:24
jenkinsOmega: how do i get gummi to recognise custom commands ?23:26
ChrisWoollardgodbyk: I think the firefox screenshot is now in the network manager section23:29
godbykwell, it's just at the top of the "Browsing the web" page.23:30
godbykEverywhere else I tried putting it collided with margin notes.23:30
godbyk(people kinda went nuts with the margin notes.)23:31
ChrisWoollarddelete some then23:32
godbykChrisWoollard: we can take another look at that screenshot again when the editing is finished and the text has settled down some.23:32
Omegajenkins: In what way?23:32
godbyk(if more text is added/removed, then the image may float someplace else).23:32
jenkinsOmega: so that it will build it in the preview pane23:33
ChrisWoollardgood point23:34
Omega\newcommand{\link}[2] % \link{url here}{text here}23:34
Omega{\href{#1}{\textcolor{blue}{\underline{#2}}}\footnote{\nolinkurl{#1}}} % keep on one line to prevent weird spacing23:34
jenkinsok I see how that works but our stuff is in about 20-30 different files so that would need to be specified at the start of each one for gummi to work. At least thats how I understand it23:36
OmegaI have to leave now guys.23:37
godbykjenkins: I assume you'd have to open main.tex and compile that.23:37
jenkinscya Omega23:37
jenkinsgodbyk:  i will try23:37
jenkinsif i open main.tex I get two pages an this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/476161/ . building it with make is fine23:41
godbykit's apparently not finding the files it needs to include.23:43
godbykbsaically it needs to think of the directory containing main.tex as the current working directory.23:43
jenkinsmeh I am not bothered just thought i would check it out again23:45

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