
gesersomeone got an idea why my firefox doesn't want to load the CSS and JS for http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/index.html?00:16
Laneygeser: do you have adblock?00:17
LaneyI had to whitelist that site00:17
Laneybdrung pointed this out to me. Didn't investigatge *why* though.00:17
gesermatches on "/sponsoring/*"00:18
ajmitchheh, of course..00:18
micahgdoes abp block all content external from the page by default?00:19
* micahg has no idea then :)00:19
ajmitchbut this one hits one of its patterns00:19
ajmitchas geser said, /sponsoring/*00:19
geserI should probably propose dholbach to "fix" the location as adblock is a common extension00:19
geserI'm that used to adblock that I didn't think of it blocking wanted content00:22
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zookoFolks, over in #tahoe-lafs we're discussing when to release Tahoe-LAFS v1.8.0.07:23
zookoWe were planning to do so Wednesday in the hopes of getting into Maverick, but it doesn't seem like we've got anyone who can do the work up upgrading Tahoe-LAFS in Ubuntu in that timeframe,07:24
zookoso we'll probably delay the release of Tahoe-LAFS v1.8.0 by a week or so.07:24
macoyou need to file for a Feature Freeze Exception if you want to break freeze07:24
maco(i'll be doing the same for my project)07:25
zookoWhat project is that?07:25
macowrote an app to teach sign language07:25
zookoDang, it would still be good to have Tahoe-LAFS v1.7.1, which is already07:25
macoits called gally07:25
zookoMy wife was starting a project to do that.07:26
macoi have one last thing to do for KDE integration before release07:26
zookoIt would still be good to have Tahoe-LAFS v1.7.1, which is already long since released, in Maverick.07:26
zookoInstead of Tahoe-LAFS v1.6.1.07:26
macois it not in debian?07:27
zookoNo. Is that a problem? People keep asking that.07:27
macoif it was in unstable, i would just request a sync, but nevermind07:27
macoyou DO get more users if you have it in debian07:27
zookoI see.07:27
zookoI want it to be in Debian.07:28
zookoBut the Maverick deadline is coming up, so I'm focussing more of my energy on Ubuntu. :-)07:28
zookoWell I have to hit the sack. I'm glad I discovered gally.07:28
macozooko: does your wife sign?07:29
macozooko: if so, have her join #gally  -- could use more folks working on lessons07:29
zookoWe both know a little ASL, which we learned originally to teach our babies.07:29
zookoAll hearing, just enjoy ASL.07:29
zookoGood night!07:29
macogood night07:29
zookoHelp me with Tahoe-LAFS if you can. :-)07:29
LucidFoxASL? Aetas Sexus Locus? ;)07:33
StevenKAmerican Sign Language07:34
dholbachgood morning07:58
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AnAntjdstrand: ping10:35
AnAntjdstrand: I am trying to sync debhelper 8, the problem is that dh_apparmor manpage does not get built10:37
AnAntjdstrand: I found that the reason is that dh_apparmor must be executable, which is something I cannot represent in the debdiff10:39
AnAntah, fixed it10:39
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RhondaScottK: Did my karmic test for wesnoth-1.8 (bug #600100)11:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 600100 in lucid-backports "Please backport wesnoth-1.8 (1:1.8.3-1/universe)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60010011:51
=== Guest54696 is now known as Zic
paultagHey MOTU. I'm Ubuntu-izing a package of mine in Debian. I put the "XSBC-Original-Maintainer" field in the control file, and lintain is whining about it. Any ideas why?13:49
AnAntpaultag: why are you putting the XSBC-Original-Maintainer for ?13:50
paultagAnAnt: I have diversions in place, I maintain Fluxbox and I did a theme for Ubuntu. I want to do a debdiff for you guys so we don't have to have Debian branding ( as awesome as my theme there is )13:51
AnAntHello, I logged in REVU, yet I don't see a button or so to advocate an upload, does it require privileges other than MOTU ?13:51
AnAntoh, you are preparing a Debian package for Ubuntu13:52
paultagAnAnt: yeah, I'm an uploader in Debian on Flux, and I want to make it nice for you guys.13:52
paultagsince I'm @ubuntu and everything, y'know.13:52
AnAntwell, just sync it then13:52
paultagAnAnt: then it has Debian branding.13:53
AnAntor there are Ubuntu-specific changes ?13:53
paultagAnAnt: yes, the Ubuntu theme13:53
tumbleweedAnAnt: you need a revu admin to give you advocation righ13:53
paultagAnAnt: none of this really has to do with my lintian warning, though13:54
paultagAnAnt: do you know why lintian would complain about that tag?13:54
AnAntpaultag: are you sure you got maverick in the changelog ?13:55
paultagAnAnt: yes13:55
paultagAnAnt: AnAnt and XSBC-Original-Maintainer has been in since dapper series13:55
paultagI'd think it would be in Lucid13:55
AnAntpaultag: I am using lintian 2.4.3, and I don't get warnings about XSBC-Original-Maintainer13:57
paultagLet me get you my warning:13:57
paultagW: fluxbox source: unknown-field-in-dsc original-maintainer13:57
paultaglet me pastebin the control file13:58
paultagAnAnt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/475913/13:58
AnAntpaultag: why remove uploaders field ?14:00
paultagAnAnt: I did not want to to get confused -- uploaders in Debian != uploaders in Ubuntu, I thought14:01
paultagAnAnt: after all, I'm changing maintainer, so I thought Uploaders might change as well14:01
AnAntUbuntu doesn't make use of the field14:01
paultagAnAnt: so it's safe to leave uploaders intact?14:01
paultagAnAnt: my control file now looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/475915/14:02
AnAntpaultag: I just ran lintian, and I don't get the warning14:02
AnAntpaultag: probably you are using an old version of lintian14:03
paultagLintian v2.3.4ubuntu214:03
paultagSo is it safe to ignore the warnings? ( does everything look OK ) ?14:04
AnAntwell, I dunno why you changed the build-deps, is that an Ubuntu specific requirement ?14:04
paultagAnAnt: I just changed them upstream as well14:04
AnAntah, ok14:05
paultagAnAnt: old libtool, I need to reconf before build14:05
AnAntI was comparing with the one currently in Debian14:05
paultagAnAnt: yeah the dfsg release is junk right now14:05
paultagAnAnt: I just repackaged and am going to re-upload as soon as this is stable14:05
AnAnttumbleweed: so who's a REVU admin ?14:06
paultagthanks for the help AnAnt :)14:06
AnAntno problem14:06
AnAntnhandler: ping ^14:06
AnAntjpds: ping ^14:07
paultagAnAnt: he's out right now, getting ready for some stuff later on today :)14:07
paultag( nhandler )14:07
zookoOkay, we release Tahoe-LAFS v1.8.0 release candidate 2. http://tahoe-lafs.org/pipermail/tahoe-dev/2010-August/004950.html14:09
ScottKRhonda: Approved.14:28
RhondaSweet, thanks!14:32
paultagCould I convince someone to review a package for me? I'm looking to get my changes for Ubuntu done in time for 10.1014:37
paultagWell if anyone cares to donate some time, the dsc is in my ppa. dget https://launchpad.net/~paultag/+archive/staging/+files/fluxbox_1.1.1+git20100806-1~ppa2.dsc . I'd really appreciate a review.14:45
jacobmorning all15:13
quadrisprohi ScottK! are you around15:14
AnAntpaultag: the revision should be -0ubuntu115:14
jacobif anyone's got some time, I'd appreciate reviews on http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/jobservice & http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/jobs-admin. both are gsoc projects and just need one more review. would like to get this finished up today, if at all possible. :)15:15
paultagAnAnt: it's ok. dholbach just helped me, I'm just going to change it upstream15:15
paultagAnAnt: thanks, though15:15
paultagjacob: good luck buddy :)15:17
ScottKquadrispro: Sort of.15:17
zookoCould anyone help me upgrade Tahoe-LAFS in Ubuntu to the latest stable release?15:20
AnAntjacob: there is a quilt patch, is it intended ?15:21
AnAntjacob: in jobservice15:21
warp10ScottK: quadrispro will be back soon. He was pinging you about a package in NEW, font-manager. Mind taking a look at it?15:21
ScottKwarp10: It's already done (on #debian-devel)15:21
quadrisprowarp10, ACCEPTED by pitti, thank you anyway :)15:21
ScottKerr debian/ubuntu15:21
* warp10 nods15:21
jacobAnAnt: both patches in jobservice & jobs-admin are a result of the manpage generation when setup.py is run, and are automatically stripped when built. wasn't sure how to remove them from the source before the source packages were built.15:22
AnAntjacob: remove it in a clean target15:23
jacobAnAnt: ok, will give it a shot15:23
AnAntjacob: override_dh_clean for example15:23
jacobAnAnt: that seems to have fixed it. however, that leaves jobs-admin.debhelper.log in the source diff, is that ok?15:29
jacob(contains dh_auto_clean)15:29
AnAntjacob: you override dh_clean ?15:29
AnAntjacob: I think you forgot to run dh_clean in the override itself15:30
jacobAnAnt: override_dh_clean:15:30
jacobrm -f jobs-admin.115:30
jacobAnAnt: ah. :)15:30
AnAntjacob: also, dh_clean accepts arguments15:30
AnAntie. dh_clean jobs-admin.115:30
AnAntso it would be a one-liner15:31
jacobAnAnt: ah, that fixes it. preparing another upload now15:34
jacobAnAnt: re-uploaded, only change is the rules file and the lack of patches now (in both)15:36
AnAntjacob: for the override you'll need to depend on debhelper >= 7.0.50~15:39
jacobAnAnt: fixed in both & uploaded15:42
AnAntI: jobservice: package-contains-empty-directory usr/share/jobservice/sls/15:42
AnAntI'm not sure if this is important15:43
jacobAnAnt: that's intentional: it's intended for service maintainers to drop in SLS XML files there, but we don't ship any in it by default15:43
jacobdefaults are shipped in usr/share/jobservice/default15:43
AnAntin this case, either add a lintian-override , or you can create the empty folder in postinst15:49
AnAntjacob: I: jobs-admin: capitalization-error-in-description dbus D-Bus15:58
jacobAnAnt: fixed those two up -- working on the last notice on jobservice (doc-base)16:01
AnAntjacob: ok16:01
jacobAnAnt: fixed both up & reuploaded. hopefully that's the last of the lintian issues :D16:12
dupondjethe merges page is still down :( damn16:19
AnAntdupondje: try using Debian's PTS page16:20
AnAntdupondje: you'll find an Ubuntu patch at the bottom, that would help16:20
dupondjeI miss the overview :)16:21
dupondjethe patches itself are still availible on the mom also :)16:21
AnAntjacob: ok, advocated16:22
jacobAnAnt: thank you very much :)16:23
AnAntjacob: thank you for the good work16:23
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stalcupAnAnt: did you upload jacob's packages?  If not I'll do so now16:35
AnAntstalcup: no, I didn't16:35
jacobstalcup: thanks :) (for the earlier review as well)16:39
stalcupno, thank you for your contributions :)16:40
stalcupjacob: now maybe you can bribe Riddell to take a peek at your packages and maybe accept them16:42
jacobstalcup: hah, I'm sure it'll all happen in due time16:42
jacobno offense to motu, but this is the difficult step ;)16:43
stalcupthat's because no one looks at REVU anymore16:43
stalcupit's frustrating16:43
SEJeffstalcup, Well what is the preferred method?16:43
jacobheh :/16:43
stalcupI should encourage you to submit your package into debian as well16:43
stalcupSEJeff: I look at review - however I was on an 8 moth hiatus16:44
Laneythe preffered method is Debian16:44
jacobstalcup: I plan on it, just was a little rushed at the moment as this is the last GSoC week and I'm out of town for a few days starting tomorrow16:44
SEJeffMakes sense16:44
stalcupLaney: I see nothing wrong with accepting a package in Ubuntu first as long as it goes to Mentors16:45
stalcupbut you know that Mentors can be just as long a process16:45
LaneyThat there's nothing wrong with it doesn't make it preferred16:45
stalcupLaney: There are people (like me) who only have time to worry about one distro16:46
stalcupI have upload right in ubuntu - and have to scramble for someone in debian16:46
stalcupit's a no-brainer for me16:46
jacobtrue. I'm a little more lost when it comes to submitting to debian honestly: once you submit a package, it seems you need to know someone for an upload. otherwise it just sits as an open but report forever16:46
LaneyI think it's sad that you think like that16:46
stalcupin jacob's case, he is the upstream16:47
Laneyyou should find a packaging team which is close to your area16:47
stalcupwhat do you mean Laney?16:47
stalcupI have a few packages in debian, and have long since given up on finding sponsors16:48
LaneyI mean that I haven't had a problem with getting sponsored as I maintain stuff in a packaging team16:48
stalcupah, good point16:48
Laneyyou should mail the derivatives frontdesk if you're having trouble16:48
stalcupmaybe I'll do that, like I said ealier, I've been on an 8 month hiatus16:49
stalcupI know that one of my packages was adopted, which is fine16:49
Laibschdoes "debsnap scim-qtimm" work for anyone here?17:21
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jimmy__i have beem trying to install limewire for 2 days now but the installer keeps giving me this error message..... Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: sun-java6-jre|icedtea-java7-jre|sun-java6-jdk|icedtea-java7-jdk17:23
jimmy__i just recently switched 2 ubuntu from linux ... i like it but am very unsure about how 2 use it...could someon please help17:23
jimmy__ubunut from windows***17:24
micahgjimmy__: you should probably go to #ubuntu for support, but try enabling the partner archive17:25
jimmy__i have been to ubuntu and read thru the support files... i do not understand... i dont kno how to use terminals or nething....and wat is partnert archive???17:26
micahgjimmy__: let's switch to PM17:27
jimmy__private message17:27
lfaraoneIs there a way to set someting in a package where (at run time) debug logging is enabled if we're currently in a development release?17:35
micahglfaraone: add a wrapper?17:35
lfaraonemicahg: I mean, is there a variable IS_DEVELOPMENT_RELEASE or something? :)17:36
micahglfaraone: oh :), hmm, check if apport is enabled?17:37
lfaraonemicahg: I was considering doing "status apport" and grepping for "start", but I don't think that'd work if we have localization, right?17:43
micahglfaraone: you can check /etc/default/apport to see if enabled=117:43
lfaraonemicahg: but the user might have "sudo service apport start force_start=1"'d it this time.17:43
micahglfaraone: right, that means apport was forcibly enabled and not the default17:44
lfaraonemicahg: yeah. ideally, we'd like to have logging on that time too.17:44
* micahg leaves apport enabled all the time though17:44
jacoblfaraone: `cat /etc/lsb-release | grep development` ?17:50
Laneynot cat | grep noooooooooooooo17:50
jacobwell you could parse it manually for "development" then... :P17:51
micahgoh, if it's in there, then source the file and check the proper variable17:51
jacobah, that works as well17:51
lfaraonemy naive guess is "status apport | grep start/running"17:52
Laneyyou mean lsb_release -d, yeah?17:52
lfaraonebut I'm not sure if that will work the way I want on other locales.17:53
LaneyLANG=C lsb_release -d -s17:53
* RainCT doesn't think lsb_release is localized17:56
* sebner waves at RainCT :)17:57
RainCTlfaraone: it takes the info from /etc/lsb-release17:58
RainCTHey sebner, how are you?17:58
sebnerRainCT: fine and you? =)17:59
lfaraoneRainCT: yeah, but, more accurately, I want to enable debugging even if apport is enabled outside a devel release.17:59
RainCTAh. Well just check wherever it is that apport is enabled/disabled18:00
RainCTsebner: fine, at work.. :)18:01
sebnerRainCT: at that time? O_o18:01
RainCTsebner: Yeah, I'm to lazy to get up in the morning so I'm coming here at 17h :P18:02
shadeslayerany advice on bug 603831 ?18:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603831 in fprint-demo (Ubuntu) "Please Merge fprint-demo from debian" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60383118:16
shadeslayeri think everything is alright..18:16
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=== rbelem-afk is now known as rbelem
jsomershi, I'm trying to build a .deb package, but it fails on a --build option. http://pastebin.com/x4JRYbax Can I disable that, or am I missing an option. Googling for the --build line returns no results, so it's a bit problematic19:55
james_wjsomers: please pastebin your debian/rules19:58
jsomersjames_w: http://pastebin.com/NBdq2h0w20:01
james_wjsomers: don't call dh_auto_configure, call ./configure with the options that you want20:03
james_wjsomers: dh_auto_configure is trying to give you helpful defaults20:03
jsomersjames_w: thanks!20:05
Rhondahmm. too lazy now that I know requestsync to do it manually.  %-/20:06
zookoOh good someone on #tahoe-lafs volunteered to upgrade Tahoe-LAFS in Ubuntu before the Maverick Feature Freeze.20:25
zookoThen they said I should "remind them tomorrow".20:25
zookoSo we'll see if they actually do it. :-)20:25
pindongaHi, could anyone please review the django-configglue package? It's a django application that allows it to use the latest configglue code to define settings in a more robust way. We are trying to get it into maverick hopefully. Thanks21:18
zookoOh, good, rockstar will look at it. There is hope!21:48
zookoHi AnAnt!21:55
AnAntwassup ?21:56
zookoFinally found a hero to package Tahoe-LAFS.21:59
ajmitchgood, glad that someone has some time :)22:00
AnAntzooko: ah, you're an upstream22:01
ajmitchrockstar will still need to pass it by a sponsor, I think22:04
ajmitchwhich is easier than convincing someone to do all the work :)22:04
zookoajmitch: okay. Now looking for a sponsor. :-)22:04
zookoOne of the many awesome things about the new version of Tahoe-LAFS is that it can act as an SFTP server, which means Nautilus can browser your secure distributed filesystem automatically.22:05
ari-tczewhello, I'm looking for sponsor this one: bug 61504822:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 615048 in nautilus-image-converter (Ubuntu) "Merge nautilus-image-converter 0.3.0-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61504822:25
nhandlerangelabad: Still need me?22:49
nhandlererr, ignore that angelabad22:49
angelabadnhandler, ok :-D22:49
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