
=== pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu
DanaGError: [Exception... "'JavaScript component does not have a method named: "asyncOnChannelRedirect"' when calling method: [nsIChannelEventSink::asyncOnChannelRedirect]"  nsresult: "0x80570030 (NS_ERROR_XPC_JSOBJECT_HAS_NO_FUNCTION_NAMED)"  location: "<unknown>"  data: no]03:20
DanaGHappens even with all extensions disabled... but doesn't happen in safe mode.03:21
micahgDanaG: where?03:21
DanaGOn any site that is a 302 "found", or such.03:21
DanaGhttp://phoronix.com shows:03:21
DanaG Moved Permanently The document has moved here.03:21
micahgyou must have a bad addon/extension installed03:22
micahgin 4.0 or 3.6.9?03:22
DanaGHappens even with all extensions disabled!~03:22
micahgtry a new profile03:22
DanaGDOesn't happen in safe-mode, though.03:22
DanaGWeird... removing prefs.js fixed it.03:29
DanaGOkay, it must be one extension... I removed prefs.js and then disabled all extensions, and it's un-broken...03:38
DanaGWow, it's Adblock Plus doing it!03:39
DanaGI never would've guessed that.03:39
ubot2www.mozdev.org bug 23092 in Core "Mozilla's Bug 546606 - Make redirect API async breaks Adblock Plus 1.3a.20100726" [Major,New]03:45
DanaGARGH! The same profile that works fine on ext4, is broken on ntfs!03:48
DanaGno, wait, now it's broken on ext4, too.03:51
DanaGAh, it's LastPass breaking it now.03:55
DanaG... and ubufox.03:56
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
bdrungchrisccoulson: ping13:38
chrisccoulsonhi bdrung13:39
bdrungchrisccoulson: i saw that xul-ext-moz-gnome-pm entered the archive. the name xul-ext-moz-gnome-pm is ugly13:39
chrisccoulsoni'm open to suggestions for a better name ;)13:40
bdrungchrisccoulson: first -moz- should be dropped (that's why we have xul-ext)13:40
bdrungchrisccoulson: what does pm stand for?13:40
chrisccoulsonpower management13:40
bdrungi am unsure if xul-ext-gnome-power-management is better than xul-ext-gnome-pm13:41
bdrungbut -moz- has to go13:42
chrisccoulsonfeel free to change it13:42
bdrungchrisccoulson: do you mind changing from cdbs to dh 7?13:43
chrisccoulsonno, i don't mind13:43
bdrungk, then i will do these two things13:43
bdrungany plans for getting it into debian?13:44
bdrungchrisccoulson: do we have a branch for ubufox?13:46
chrisccoulsonbdrung, i'm not sure about ubufox13:46
bdrungchrisccoulson: i have to update the maintainer for moz-gnome-pm13:49
bdrungchrisccoulson: moz-gnome-pm 0.1.1-0ubuntu2 uploaded13:59
chrisccoulsonbdrung, thanks13:59
bdrungchrisccoulson: any plans for getting it into debian?13:59
chrisccoulsonbdrung - not yet. are they using FF3.6 yet? it doesn't work with FF3.5...14:00
bdrungchrisccoulson: FF3.5 for squeeze, FF3.6 will be uploaded to unstable after the release14:01
bdrungchrisccoulson: FF 3.6 is in experimental14:01
chrisccoulsonah, ok14:01
bdrungchrisccoulson: so you can bring it into experimental and sync it from there14:02
chrisccoulsonyeah, i could do14:02
bdrungchrisccoulson: probably only one change is required: change the description from Firefox to Iceweasel/Firefox14:03
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's ok14:04
chrisccoulsonasac - you there?15:04
asacchrisccoulson: ?15:04
chrisccoulsonhi asac :)15:04
chrisccoulsondid you see any of the scrollback from yesterday?15:05
asaci have bad connection today, so dont assume i can read anything15:05
chrisccoulsonah, ok. 1 second15:05
chrisccoulsonasac - it might be best to just look at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/08/09/%23ubuntu-mozillateam.txt rather than me copying in the conversation15:07
chrisccoulson(talking about what to do with TB2.0.0.x)15:07
asacwhat time?15:07
chrisccoulsonasac - 17:2915:07
asactbird 2 to 3 update feels crazy ... not without reviewing all bugs filed after lucid at least15:08
asaci assumed backports for issues that affect mailnews/ and leaving alone js etc.15:08
chrisccoulsonasac - i think the issue is that we don't have access to that information15:09
asacto what information?15:09
chrisccoulsonasac - [17:38] <jdstrand> but to backport, we need someone to have full access to the security bugs, like asac did15:09
asaci can CC you on all bugs you need15:09
asacyou can spot the MFSAs that are close and i can CC you on the bugs15:10
asacalso we can ask tsk to CC you maybe if a security issue is raised15:10
chrisccoulsonyeah, i don't mind doing that then15:10
asacso for now i would suggest to go through all MFSAs published for the tbird release15:11
asacgive me urls to bugs you want to be CCed on15:11
asaconce you post a few backports we can probably get you access to the bugs15:11
chrisccoulsonasac - ok, thanks15:13
asacchrisccoulson: MagicFab has questions about tbird 3.1 in lucid ;)15:18
chrisccoulsonhi MagicFab15:19
MagicFabhi chrisccoulson15:20
MagicFabwow tx for the intro asac :)15:20
MagicFabJust two "quickies"... I am wondering if it's worth using ubuntuzilla to have a 3.1 TB in Ubuntu or if it's best to "wait" for an official backport - much like what's happened with FF15:20
chrisccoulsonMagicFab, i'd wait for the official backport, which is going to happen quite soon15:21
MagicFaband second question, will there ever be official 64-bits ? I can't see a reason not to - I am just curious as I get requests for it (and personally use it)15:21
chrisccoulsonand i would advise against using ubuntuzilla - they're currently the cause of a lot of bug reports in ubuntu for breaking our firefox package ;)15:21
MagicFabchrisccoulson, I know, unfortunately it's the easiest way to *try* TB 3.1.15:22
chrisccoulsonMagicFab, the version we ship is built for the proper architectures already, so we have 64-bit version15:22
MagicFabthe other options is installing a nightly via the PPA and freezing it (or at least no updating every day)15:22
chrisccoulsonwe're looking to upgrade lucid users to TB3.1.3, which is currently scheduled for 7th september15:23
chrisccoulsonbut, i'd expect us to actually stage the update in the security PPA some time before that (maybe within the next week or so)15:23
MagicFabah! those dates make this conversation very limited in time :)15:24
chrisccoulsonmicahg is currently working on the TB3.1 update, which will be in maverick fairly soon. he's already testing it on lucid, so the time between it going in to maverick and appearing in the security PPA is likely to be quite small15:24
MagicFabI just don't see 64-bit builds (other than community) for 3.1 in Linux right now. Where should I look ?15:25
bdrungasac, chrisccoulson: will you sponsor bug #123713 or can i take this one?15:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 123713 in ubufox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "package description needs rewrite [ubufox] (affects: 3) (dups: 4) (heat: 44)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12371315:25
chrisccoulsonyeah, there aren't any "official" mozilla distributed 64-bit builds15:25
asacbdrung: i dont care about package description ;) ... if there is a good package description thats fine to push forward15:26
chrisccoulsonyeah, i was waiting until we had something more substantial to upload ;)15:26
chrisccoulsonalthough, i don't suppose it matters with ubufox, with it being quite small15:27
bdrungasac, chrisccoulson: i want to do the rename to xul-ext-ubufox15:27
asacgo ahead15:28
asacand push to debian ;) ... lol15:28
bdrungasac: you have to sponsor the debian upload :P15:28
asacoh ... hmm. i think we can skip that ;)15:28
chrisccoulsonon the topic of ubuntuzilla, asac, is there anything i should do when we have lots of users installing third-party packages that are breaking our ubuntu installs?15:28
asacdefox ;)15:28
chrisccoulsonit seems that ubuntuzilla is popular, but they do crazy things like dpkg-divert /usr/bin/firefox, which breaks our maintainer scripts15:29
bdrungwhat's ubuntuzilla?15:29
asacchrisccoulson: not sure what we can do. we have to make a blog post that shows up first on google if you search for ubnutuzilla15:29
chrisccoulsonand is a frequent cause of bug reports :/15:29
asacthat tells them to not use ubuntuzilla.... ubuntuzilla is a pita since i started to work on this15:29
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, i'm finding it to be a pita too ;)15:30
asacwe could package firefox 32-bit for amd64 to remove some of its traction15:30
chrisccoulsonmulti-arch :)15:30
asaci even sent the author a mail asking him to stop doing ubuntuzilla ... but he didnt like that15:30
chrisccoulsonoh, i was going to ask you if you'd already tried to make contact with them15:30
chrisccoulsonperhaps i shouldn't send him an e-mail then ;)15:30
bdrungchrisccoulson: isn't there a ppa that could be used instead?15:31
chrisccoulsonbdrung, yeah, the firefox and thunderbird stable PPA's15:31
asacchrisccoulson: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=25115:31
chrisccoulsonthey're basically re-distributing the mozilla binaries in a deb package, but they trample on our install15:31
asacwe should put a sticky note there15:31
* MagicFab reads the backlog15:31
asacthat ubuntu devs discourage use of ubuntuzilla15:32
asacwe can also add an aport hook that prevents filing bugs if ubuntuzilla is anywhere detected15:32
chrisccoulsonyeah, that might be the way to do it15:32
asacso the sourceforge page refers to ubuntu forums as their official support forums15:32
asacwe have to get in contact with him and tell him that he must not do that15:33
asaclet me ping jdong15:33
MagicFabchrisccoulson, asac I initially relied on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ThunderbirdNewVersion - if ubuntuzilla is "not good" it should be clear on those two resources15:33
MagicFabasac, +1 on the apport hook (or else).15:34
bdrungasac: can i discard ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubufox/ubuntu and can we use lp:ubuntu/ubufox instead?15:42
asacbdrung: sure. i dont care about the packaging branch. if you have powers, mark it as abandoned15:44
asac(not delete to be nice)15:44
MagicFabchrisccoulson, asac so if I understand this correctly sometime during the next 2-3 weeks ppa:mozillateam/thunderbird-stable will have 3.1 ?15:45
MagicFaband using that would also let anyone file bugs appropriately15:45
chrisccoulsonMagicFab, yeah. and hopefully, but sept 7th, all lucid users will get it as a security update too15:46
bdrungasac: i have the power15:46
asacabandoned or superseded i think doesnt matter15:46
asacchoose whatever you think is more suitable15:46
asacbdrung: but you keep the source package ubufox?15:47
chrisccoulsoni should read my messages before i press return ;)15:47
bdrungasac: yes, just renaming the binary one15:47
bdrungasac: is superseded an option?15:48
asacbdrung: not sure ... go to edit branch and check ;)15:50
asacwhatever is there that makes this branch go away from active list without deleting it entirely is fine15:50
ejathi .. all .. just wondering how do i put firefox bookmark in livecd? is it in places.sqlite ?16:34
micahgMagicFab: the daily PPA has 3.1 as thunderbird-3.116:48
chrisccoulsonejat - no16:50
chrisccoulsonyou can add it to /etc/firefox/profile/bookmarks.html16:50
MagicFabmicahg, I know - but I'd rather not use dailies16:51
chrisccoulsonmicahg - did you see the discussion earlier about tb2.0 ?16:52
micahgMagicFab: ok, well, I'll send out a notice to the mozilla team list as soon as it's in maverick16:52
micahgchrisccoulson: yeah, you want to try to do the backports?16:52
MagicFabI'll keep an eye on it16:53
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, i think so. there are other issues with updating to 3.1, such as, what we do with sunbird....16:53
micahgchrisccoulson: ugh, last sunbird release was on 1.9.1 branch16:54
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, so, presumably we'd have to drop it if we wanted lightning to carry on working woudn't we?16:56
micahgchrisccoulson: re 3.1.2 upgrade, so the 3rd solution in aptitude had it right, but what to I do to make sure regular users can get it w/out isssue, just run update-manager and see if the proper upgrades are presented?16:57
chrisccoulsonyeah, you should test it in update-manager normally16:57
chrisccoulsonalthough, if apt-get upgrade doesn't go smoothly, then it's likely that update-manager will offer a partial upgrade16:57
chrisccoulsoni can take a look if there are still upgrade issues though16:58
micahgchrisccoulson: BTW, FF 4.0 daily amd64 broke due to one of the rules changes yesterday17:04
chrisccoulsonoh, i'll take a look17:04
micahgso it's weird since update-manager doesn't show the upgrade, just for tb-locales17:04
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i'll have to do a local build of firefox and have a look at it when it fails, that change should have worked :/17:07
micahgugh, poulsbo driver now broken with new cairo too :-(17:17
chrisccoulsonmicahg - you're using poulsbo?17:26
micahgchrisccoulson: no, that bug you commented on earlier17:26
chrisccoulsonmicahg - that's in lucid though isn't it?17:26
micahgchrisccoulson: system cairo's really biting us this tiem around17:26
micahgyeah, idk about maverick17:26
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i found the issue with lp:firefox19:05
chrisccoulsonsilly mistake ;)19:05
micahgchrisccoulson: k19:05
chrisccoulsoni noticed too that instantbird specifies the Gecko version too tightly in application.ini19:06
micahgchrisccoulson: k, we should patch that ten19:06
chrisccoulson(although, I suppose I should update) ;)19:06
micahgchrisccoulson: yeah, I pushed 0.2 to maverick19:06
chrisccoulsoncool, i'm just updating now, so i'll get that in a few minutes19:07
chrisccoulsoni've not updated for over a week :/19:07
micahgchrisccoulson: fennec should have a similar patch, I can add it later if you want19:07
chrisccoulsonyeah, sure. thanks :)19:08
gnomefreakany chance our enigmail works with tb31?20:52
micahggnomefreak: no, but it will when 3.1 is uploaded to maverick :)21:03
gnomefreakmicahg: thanks21:04
chrisccoulsonasac - did jdong get back to you at all?21:43
micahgchrisccoulson: yeah, I think it's wrong, but I"m not sure why, maybe the branding locations changed?22:20
chrisccoulsonmicahg - the logic is reversed in debian/rules22:20
micahgthe home page for me points to the developer preview22:20
chrisccoulsonit selects "unofficial" if the version number contains "~b", and if not, it selects "nightly" if it contains "~hg"22:21
chrisccoulsonbut i think the checks should be the other way around (ie, check for "~hg" first and then for "~b")22:21
micahgchrisccoulson: yes22:21
chrisccoulsoni can change that if you like22:22
micahgchrisccoulson: please22:22
bdrungchrisccoulson, asac: around?22:41
chrisccoulsonhi bdrung22:41
bdrungchrisccoulson: which one do you prefer: https://code.launchpad.net/~lfaraone/ubufox/lp123713/+merge/21729 or https://code.launchpad.net/~vish/ubuntu/maverick/ubufox/bug123713/+merge/3187222:42
chrisccoulsonbdrung, the second one22:42
chrisccoulsonvish had already shown me the first and i suggested that the short description didn't entirely make sense22:43
bdrungvish: around?22:52
vishbdrung: hey22:52
bdrungvish: i am not 100% happy about your description update for ubufox.22:53
bdrungvish: the long description should use full sentences IIRC.22:53
* micahg also thinks Ubuntu Start should be Ubuntu Start Page22:54
vishbdrung: not really.22:54
micahgdo we really add ask.com?22:54
vishbdrung: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter/PackageDescriptions22:55
BUGabundolibnss3-tools not available ?22:55
bdrungvish: i don't see it23:01
micahgBUGabundo: should be23:02
BUGabundomicahg: maverick?23:03
micahgBUGabundo: yeah23:03
BUGabundoThe following packages have unmet dependencies:23:03
BUGabundo gir1.0-glib-2.0 : Depends: libgirepository1.0-1 (>= 0.9.3-0ubuntu2) but it is not going to be installed23:03
BUGabundoE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).23:03
vishbdrung: repetitive use of the package name or saying This package needs to be avoided..23:03
vish"this package"23:03
micahgBUGabundo: that stuff was rebuilt today I think23:03
bdrungvish: can you make a full sentence without using "this package"?23:05
* micahg had miro rebuild break on amd64 due to all the other rebuilds, but will look into it later23:06
vishbdrung: why cant we?23:07
bdrungvish: ?23:08
vishbdrung: hmm , i dint really understand your Question then.. :)23:08
bdrungvish: can you rephrase the long description to use full sentences (with avoiding "this package")?23:09
vishbdrung: it is not really needed, pls read : https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc/2010-July/015027.html23:13
vishbdrung: esp the last two paras of that mail23:14
bdrungvish: hm, ok23:16
bdrungvish: should i add micahg's suggestion: "Set homepage to Ubuntu Start" -> "Set homepage to Ubuntu Start Page"?23:17
vishbdrung: yup, sounds good to me23:17
vishbdrung: ro do we call that "Ubuntu start"23:18
* vish checks23:18
micahgvish: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-start-page23:19
vishbdrung:  ^ its ubuntu start page23:20
vishmicahg: thanks :)23:20
bdrungchanged that23:22
* micahg wonders if we should have a mozillateam packaging branch for ubufox23:23
bdrungmicahg: no. https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubufox/ubuntu23:23
micahgbdrung: I know about that, I just subscribed, but we have packaging branches for the rest of the products23:24
micahgbdrung: no, that's the one you abandoned :)23:24
bdrungmicahg: i think we should get rid of them and rely on lp:ubuntu/<package>23:26
chrisccoulsonyeah, for the extensions, we should just use the autoimported branches23:26
chrisccoulsoni already did that for bindwood too23:26
micahgchrisccoulson: enigmail too?23:26
chrisccoulsonmicahg - do we just manage the packaging in bzr, or the whole source?23:26
micahgchrisccoulson: just packaging23:26
micahglp: ubuntu/foo is everything23:27
bdrunglp:ubuntu/<package> contains everything23:27
chrisccoulsonmicahg - it's up to you then :) if it was full source, i'd say just switch to lp:ubuntu/enigmail23:27
chrisccoulsonbut if it's just packaging, then that's also a workflow change too23:27
micahgchrisccoulson: well, I guess it depends if we're going to be merging from Debian or not since we get everything from the Debian merge23:28
bdrungmicahg: all mozilla extensions should be synced from debian23:29
bdrungif syncing isn't possible, we need to tune mozilla-devscripts23:29
micahgbdrung: well, we're about to jump ahead of Debian with enigmail23:29
micahgbdrung: BTW, can I join pkg-mozext?23:29
bdrungmicahg: then maintain it in debian23:30
bdrungmicahg: yes, you are greatly welcome in pkg-mozext23:30
micahgbdrung: I have to find out if it works w/TB 3.0 still23:30
micahgbdrung: I'd be happy to if asac is willing to hand it off to pkg-mozext :)23:31
bdrungchrisccoulson, asac: all ubufox branches marked as abandoned and linked to lp:ubuntu/<series>/ubufox23:32
chrisccoulsonbdrung, thanks23:52
bdrungchrisccoulson: yw23:53

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