
chemical-deathdid anyone get a remote control of haupauge dvb-t ministick working under 10.04?00:19
MildewHi all. I'm trying to set up my Dvico MCE remote. I have found loads of info (some of it conflicting it seems) but I've not found a simple definitive How-To on getting it working. MythTV is running well, I just wish to have the remote working. Thanks!09:01
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Mildewlooks like ive fixed my issues thanks anyway.13:33
ZinnSorry I don't know about wofie19:47
rhpot1991I think wolfie is dead :(19:49
atrusis there any recommended way to use mythtv/mythbuntu with pulseaudio currently?20:13
hadsatrus: Seems to be pretty bung.21:53
atrushads: what?21:53
hadsI'd say no from my experience but that's not with any authority.21:53
* rhpot1991 dislikes pulseaudio greatly21:55
hadsI don't mind it. It sucks trying to deal with myth though. The main issue with it is that you can't really run myth on a desktop installation sucessfully.21:57
rhpot1991hads: I have a 50% crapshoot of being able to listen to music on my laptop each boot with it22:00
rhpot1991this with the daemon tweaked to run at a very high priority22:00
rhpot1991I get a weird skipped around of audio, where it will play a segment skip back to it and replay it then skip back to real time, and it does that randomly22:01
hadsrhpot1991: That's interesting, the reason I don tmind it is I've never had any issues with it, apart from trying to make myth and desktop play nice together on a friends system.22:08
rhpot1991hads: ya I'm not sure why, might just not play well with this hardware, but if I use alsa instead its fine (but then I lose my fancy buttons and such)22:33
atrusso... pulseaudio.22:36
atrusmythtv seems to work fine if it outputs alsa, and pulseaudio's alsa emulation catches it.22:36
atrusbut mythtv keeps suspending pulseaudio, so... crap.22:36
rhpot1991atrus: google, there are ways of making it works22:37
rhpot1991IIRC you need to enable a flag for pulse22:37
atrusEXPERIMENTALLY_ALLOW_PULSEAUDIO used to work, but they took that out.22:37
atrusrhpot1991: i'm assuming that's what you're referring to?22:38
rhpot1991I think so22:38
rhpot1991atrus: #mythtv-users might be a better place to ask22:38
atrusyeah, i tried that.22:38
atruseverybody there just says pulseaudio is worthless and pointless, and tells me to remove it. but that's not an option. (shrug)22:39
atrusi think the answer is that i have to find a different PVR.22:39
tgm4883atrus, did you try the experimental pulseaudio setting for mythtv22:45
atrusor something else?22:55
hadsYou can use the sound device Pulseaudio:default or something22:56
hadsWorks well for some, not for others.22:56
tgm4883atrus, yea that one23:11
atrus<atrus> EXPERIMENTALLY_ALLOW_PULSEAUDIO used to work, but they took that out.23:12
atrushads: that one's worse. big lag, and it keeps resetting the volume to maximum. :/23:12
hadsatrus: Yeah, tried that on a friends box, didn't work their either23:13
hadsAs I said, I don't believe there is a way of making myth and a lucid desktop co-exist currently.23:13
hadsFIne if it's a dedicated desktop or dedicated mythbox, but not both.23:14
atrusif i could just disable the pa-suspend, everything would be fine.23:16
atrusindeed, if i run it, and let it suspend on mythtv startup, and then restart pulseaudio to undo the suspension, it's perfect.23:17
atruswith the "ALSA:pulse" output configured, or the "ALSA:default" if default is set up to go to pulseaudio.23:17

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