
highvoltageI didn't deserve the credit!00:10
akgranerhighvoltage, yes you did you wrote summaries....00:50
akgranerThanks everyone...  here are the links to the working docs00:51
akgranerwiki - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue20600:51
akgranergoogledoc - https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AdKZelXU8Y2LZGNrcHRkYmhfODlkODNxNnRnZA&hl=en00:51
akgranerietherpad with outline  - http://ietherpad.com/UWN00:52
akgranerand ideas itherpad for people to just add links and or summaries too  - http://ietherpad.com/UWN-Ideas00:52
akgranernUboon2Age, had a great way to add summaries and links to the idea ietherpad00:54
akgranerI'll start adding links in the am to the various sections00:54
akgranerGood Morning!  How is everyone?15:08
KE1HAGM GM GM, ur the first one I'e seen in hours :-)15:11
akgranerKE1HA, how are you?  Are you wanting to help with UWN?15:13
akgranerI don't recognize your IRC nick is why I ask.  We are always looking for people to help out. :-)15:14
akgranerKE1HA, there isn't a ton of chatter in here unless we are talking about the newsletter, or the Fridge or a story someone is working on posting15:17
akgranerwe also hold our monthly meetings in here (which reminds me I need to post the minutes from our last one), as well as training for the Fridge and UWN - Please let me know if there is something we can help ya with....15:18
akgranergotta take my daughter to work - then stop by the mall - bbiab...  I have two interviews I'll be posting later - I'll space them out by a couple of hours15:19
akgranerKE1HA, hey I just brought up my email - thanks for joining the team  - sorry I didn't see it early :-/15:21
akgranerwhen I get back let me know what you are interested in and we can go from there :-)  Thanks again!15:22
KE1HAakgraner,  No worries,s I've got so many channels open is insane :-)15:33

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