
Cakestermaco, please unban. what hoober did is nothing compared to how my dad just went00:00
PiciCakester: What channel are you asking about?00:00
Cakester#ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic00:01
PiciCakester: Do you recall why you were banned from those channels?00:04
Cakesteryes, and i don't want it to happen again. i had a terrible day today. someone treated me in real life as bad and maybe worse depending on your perspective00:05
bazhangalso in -women00:06
IdleOnefor that ban he will have to go to -irc00:06
elkyThe -women one isn't being lifted until we see evidence of a drastic improvement in behaviour00:07
bazhangit's only been 48 hrs afaict00:07
IdleOneas far as I am concerned, I won't remove the ban in #ubuntu. I don't believe you understand how disgusting and inappropriate your behavior was.00:13
TELL0_someone here know how to run two instances of AWN at the same time?00:15
IdleOneTELL0_: this is not a support channel00:15
TELL0_where can I go?00:16
macoCakester: i have placed no bans on you that i know of00:17
IdleOneTELL0_: you can try #awn00:17
TELL0_thank u00:17
PiciTELL0_: You were forwarded here due to your behavior in #ubuntu.00:18
TELL0_I came here by my own way00:18
PiciTELL0_: This is #ubuntu-ops, not #ubuntu00:19
TELL0_I though here I could find some help... I'm new using XChat, dont know how it work...00:19
PiciTELL0_: We forced a redirection from #ubuntu to #ubuntu-ops due to your behavior the last time you left #ubuntu.00:20
PiciPerhaps this will ring a bell: "2010-08-06T16:54:08 <KernelCrash23> I came here for help and I got nothing. Stupid geeks... FUCK THAT!!!"00:20
TELL0_sorry about that... was a bad day and nobody help me00:21
TELL0_I was just getting sarcasm from people00:22
PiciTELL0_: May I ask you to review the IRC Guidelines listed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines before I remove the banforward?00:25
TELL0_done... I'm sorry about the last time00:31
TELL0_I'm not like that00:31
PiciTELL0_: one moment.00:31
PiciTELL0_: Okay, you're all set.00:32
TELL0_thank you Pici. I'm new here and starting usin IRC00:33
PiciTELL0_: Just keep our guidelines in mind and you should be fine.00:33
TELL0_I didn't meant doing that, but I was looking for help and I was getting sarcasm from people that "know"00:34
TELL0_I'll keep guidelines in mine from now on00:34
TELL0_thank you00:34
bazhangCakester, you recall why you were banned? did you wish to resolve this? if not then please don't idle here00:37
Cakesterbazhang, i am sorry i was discussing the incident i had today with my parents00:42
Cakesterbazhang, i was banned for being a vulgar loose canon (cannon?)00:43
Cakesteris this volunteer work00:56
Cakestercan i become an OP. as you all seem to have your hands full00:56
Cakesterand doing nothing :`(00:56
CakesterIdleOne, you come here often?00:57
Cakesterjayne is herE? Hey Jayne00:59
Cakesterthis is the guy from #windows that one night. i talked about a girl i met on diablo 100:59
Cakesteryou gave me help00:59
Seeker`Cakester: I'm not familiar with what happened, so I cannot remove the ban01:14
Seeker`but based on the statements made earlier by other ops, I suggest that you leave this channel for at least another 24 hours01:14
Seeker`Cakester: and then speak with the op that banned you01:15
Cakesterwhat no way01:16
Cakesteranother 2401:16
Cakesterthat would be like 4 days01:16
Cakesterwhich is not 72 hours01:16
Seeker`bazhang said it was only 48 hours01:17
Seeker`and that was about an hour ago01:17
Seeker`48+1 != 7201:17
Cakesterthis morning01:20
Cakesterat 1am01:20
Seeker`-23:07:39- :bazhang+: it's only been 48 hrs afaict01:20
Cakesteri had 48 hours done01:20
Cakesterso at 1am01:20
Cakesteri am 72 ?01:20
Seeker`that was 1 hour 10 mins ago01:20
Cakesterhe/she is wrong. it has been 2 days for sure01:21
Cakesterand now it is 8:22 pm01:21
Cakesteri am  close to my 3 days i thought01:21
Seeker`IdleOne and Flannel set the bans, as far as I'm concerned, they are the ones that need to remove them01:21
CakesterIdleOne, stop being a idle and exit your python IDLE01:22
Seeker`Flannel is afk, and has been for a long time01:22
Seeker`IdleOne has been away for over an hour01:23
Seeker`Like I said, I suggest you leave this channel for now01:23
Seeker`Have fun with that one, whoever wakes up next01:28
macoughhh cakester is in -bugs now01:51
elkySeeker`, Oh I won't be having fun. He clearly has no intention to be sensible, so I have no intention of enabling him to be not-sensible in more places than is really necessary.01:54
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 467 bans)02:00
androidrocks135what does it take to get banned over here?02:21
bazhangseems to be just trolling in -bugs03:43
elkyOur decision is made for us.03:49
IdleOnehe will be back here in about 2 hours looking to have his bans removed03:52
IdleOneI have sen to reason to remove the ban.03:52
bazhangno reason I guess you mean03:55
IdleOneseen NO reason03:56
androidrocks135What does it take to get banned?04:23
bazhangthat is an odd question04:23
androidrocks135I'm interested.04:24
IdleOneandroidrocks135: the langfauge you used in #ubuntu is a good example04:24
androidrocks135awesome.  I might try that now.04:24
IdleOneI banned him for swearing after giving him a !language and !attitude04:25
IdleOneguess he finds it amusing to come here and ask how to get banned04:25
bazhangnot sure how he could 'try it' then04:25
IdleOneme either04:26
IdleOneI thought he meant he was going to try in this channe;04:26
magn3tsHello. I feel that this needs to be placed in a factoid or somewhere that is easy for people to find, particularly when googling. This was very frustrating and I can't really come to understand how this information didn't exist in a more easily consumable form until now, considering that ubuntu ships this as a user usable feature: http://cole.mickens.us/2010/08/09/manual-data-recovery-with-ecryptfs-and-ubuntu/04:37
IdleOnemagn3ts: I suggest creating a page at help.ubuntu.com and then resubmitting as a factoid to ubottu04:45
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 469 bans)05:11
Cakesterthis is hoober, 72 hours have past, yes?05:14
Cakesterfor sure05:14
CakesterDo you need my Fingerprint or Key type/ID05:21
IdleOnefor what purpose?05:22
CakesterI also signed the code of conduct05:22
IdleOneWhat made you decide to sign the code of conduct?05:22
CakesterIn school we had Code of Conducts. When read the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, I couldn't help but to agree05:23
IdleOneCakester: Could you tell me exactly why you were banned in #ubuntu?05:24
CakesterI found it! https://launchpad.net/~bryan-r5905:25
IdleOneCakester: Could you tell me exactly why you were banned in #ubuntu?05:26
CakesterIdleOne, my name was Hoober. I was banned for extreme vulgarity and being a loose canon (cannon?)05:26
IdleOneYou posted a link to a picture of a naked man and at the bottom of the picture was your nickname ( Hoober)05:27
CakesterI did not do that05:27
IdleOneyou clearly knew that it was not appropriate because you had been banned in #ubuntu-women for the same reason.05:28
CakesterNo sir. That was another man05:28
CakesterHe had a similar host I believe, but they should not be exactly the same05:28
IdleOneCakester: it was either you or someone you asked to do it for you.05:28
CakesterI was in communication with some people in another IRC, when I wanted to talk to them about the situation I got into, they only made it worse and i am sorry05:29
IdleOneCakester: Do you understand what Signing the code of conduct means?05:30
CakesterYes I agreed to the terms in the text file I downloaded05:30
IdleOneI understand that you agreed to the terms and signed it but I would like you to tell me in your own words what it means05:31
CakesterThe stuff between the '''   '''05:31
CakesterIt means resolve situations respectfully, work as a team, know when to be humble?05:32
IdleOneDo you believe the your behavior in the past 4 days is compliant to the code of conduct?05:33
CakesterI don't see how signing the code of conduct could not help me be a better developer05:33
Cakesterok um05:33
Cakesterwell I do not want to repeat the behavior that took place over the past 4 days again.. ever05:33
CakesterThe law is written there in the code of conduct, one does not simply lose his principles after agreeing to that05:34
IdleOneWhat I am trying to get to is that in the past 4 days you managed to be banned in 3 Ubuntu irc channels, you harassed at least one person on irc that I know of, by following the person into more then one channel and specifically targeting her with questions and by sending pm's.05:35
IdleOneyou also did not take the advice of several ops in this channel and wait the full 72 hours as requested before coming back here05:36
CakesterHonestly, I ran into Maco more because she was in most of the channels05:36
bazhanghard to believe05:37
Cakesteri must be an hour or two away05:37
IdleOneI think it is commendable that you signed the code of conduct and I hope that you take it serious. At this time I don't feel that is enough to remove the ban in #ubuntu.05:37
IdleOneCakester: before you leave...05:38
IdleOneI would like to see you prove to us that you have changed your ways.05:39
Cakesterok accomplishments? I wrote a tutorial last night05:40
IdleOneWe all make mistakes, hopefully you will learn from this and become a productive member of the community05:40
IdleOneRight now I can't remove the ban. Sorry.05:40
Cakesterok that leaves me more time to do work than chat then05:41
IdleOneThat is a good way to look at it.05:41
IdleOneAs for the ban in #ubuntu-offtopic you will have to speak with Flannel when he is online/active05:42
CakesterIn this channel Flannel will handle it?05:42
IdleOneCakester: Can you please part this channel now.05:45
Cakesteri must go eat programmer food now.05:45
IdleOnehmm <Cakester> i must be an hour or two away   <-- what does that mean ?05:47
bazhangfrom 72 hours05:48
bazhangas far as I'm concerned, coming back a few hours later and starting the stalking anew reset that05:48
IdleOneI don't think I will be removing the ban anytime soon. His behavior was more then just unacceptable it was creepy and scary05:49
bazhangin the extreme05:50
IdleOneI will have to talk about it with my mentor05:50
bazhangsigning a coc after the fact won't magically erase that; afaict he wants to use it just to continue05:50
bazhangnever saw any actual support issue type statements from him05:51
IdleOnethat is the feeling I get also05:51
bazhangie before he was banned05:51
bazhangadvice in where to redirect cakester for help creating a wiki with his 'interests and skills' ? he's asking in -bugs06:09
FlannelSeeker`: I haven't been AFK for that long07:13
CakesterMy friends list says Flannel is online07:34
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 469 bans)07:39
ikoniaCakester: let me cut to the chase for you as you're not getting it08:15
Cakesteroh hello08:16
Cakesterare you Flannel08:16
ikoniaCakester: youre bahviour constantly talking about job interviews, what your did did, and random comments is of no interest or relevance to the ubuntu channels, until you can control yourself you will not be unbanned from the ubuntu channels08:16
ikoniano I'm not flannel.08:16
Cakesterikonia, i had this workedo ut08:16
ikoniaCakester you had what worked out ?08:16
CakesterI talked to an OP that said he likes my changes, but i need to try harder to show my behavior better08:17
ikoniano you didn't08:17
Cakesterunrelated, i have to talk to Flannel08:17
ikoniaCakester: he is not active at this time,08:17
ikoniaplease leave the chanel and wait for him to be active,08:17
IdleOnehmm seems he takes only the bits and peaces of conversations08:21
IdleOnedrops the parts that don't suit the situation08:21
ikoniabecause he's trolling08:21
ikoniacouncil - why do we have #ubuntu-beginners-team as "another" offtopic channel08:22
ikoniacan someone with ops in #ubuntu-server please remove and now ban Ongavezyr it's balzac again trolling09:26
ubottuikonia called the ops in #ubuntu-server ()09:37
ikoniawhy is -server never staffed09:39
jpdsikonia: He's speaking German to you.10:03
ikoniaI'm ignoring him10:04
ikoniafed up with the lack of staffing10:04
ubottuThe operation succeeded.10:24
ikoniatopyli: can you please assist in #ubuntu-server10:46
topylii'm there now10:47
topylisaw him asking for you10:47
ikoniacan you please remove / ban Ongavezyr10:47
ikoniahe's a serial troll, enough is enough10:47
ikoniafor gods sake, he's calling me a "bad jew brother"10:51
ikoniawhat point is someone going to step in10:51
ikoniatopyli: please change that to a ban10:51
ikoniathe guy is in BT 20+ times10:51
ikoniahe was kicked from -server yesterday10:52
topyliit is a ban10:52
ikoniathank you10:52
ikoniajust saw, thank you10:52
jpdsHmm; British Telecom.10:53
ikoniajpds: problems ?10:53
topyliperhaps there really aren't enough ops on -server10:53
topyli(i'm never there so i don't have a feel)10:54
ikoniatopyli: agreed, I've submitted a request to the LP group10:54
ikonianow getting abuse in pm, just ignoring it10:58
bazhangola bruder then etc etc10:58
ikoniapenguin fucker11:01
ikoniayou must die11:01
=== gord_ is now known as gord
knomevery creative.11:07
r3c4llhi everybody13:27
r3c4llsomeone can test manually about DCCExploit?13:28
ikoniahave you done the test in #ubuntu-read-topic ?13:28
r3c4lli do the second fix (change the port in my xchat to 8001)13:28
ikoniacan you please join and try now13:29
r3c4lli do the test me but it dosen't work13:29
ikoniaplease do it now13:29
r3c4llok i'll13:29
r3c4llikonia, not work :(13:31
ikoniar3c4ll: you've not typed "test me" in the cahnnel13:31
ikoniachannel even13:31
PiciYes he did./13:32
ikoniawhy can't I see that ?13:32
PiciIts +mk13:32
Picier, +mz13:32
ikoniaahh, I've just opped, thank you13:32
ikoniathanks Pici13:32
Picir3c4ll: What IRC client are you using?13:32
ikoniahello fujisan13:37
ikoniahow can we help today ?13:38
fujisani was wondering how come i can't enter ubuntu-uk13:38
ikoniayou may want to ask in #ubuntu-irc as that's the channel that controls #ubuntu-uk13:38
fujisanok ty13:39
Piciikonia: fyi, I gave you +O in -read-topic.13:45
ikoniasaw it, thanks13:45
PiciOh, right, forgot.13:46
Picijussi: Please get rid of that ^15:18
PiciWe can leave that, it was zewb.17:05
jpdsPici: Get rid of/leave it, please make up your mind.17:06
ikoniathat's getting really annoying now17:40
Seeker`Flannel: -00:22:37- [freenode] ~s~  away     : I'm detatched.  Leave a message, I'll get back to you.18:56
Seeker`-00:22:37- [freenode] ~s~  idle     : 0 days 17 hours 4 mins 16 secs signon: Mon Aug  2 11:43:00 201018:56
Seeker`-00:22:37- [freenode] ~s~  account  : Flannel18:56
Seeker`-00:22:37- [freenode] ~s~ End of WHOIS18:56
* popey wonders if irc could do with some kind of reward system that the bots kept a track of. whereby someone who has been helped can !thank <nick> and that gets recorded19:05
popeyor not?19:05
macopopey: supybot has a karma plugin19:06
knomeirc could not do that, people could.19:06
popeyokay, pedantry aside, people could do with... etc what i said before19:06
highvoltagepeople still use supybot!?19:06
highvoltageI guess supybot -> ibit migration isn't working yet19:07
popeywhen you look at things like the forums, launchpad answers and that new stackexchange site, they all thrive to some degree on reward19:07
popeybut irc helpers tend to go very much unnoticed19:07
popeywell, noticed by some, but not visibly19:07
IdleOnepopey: if those !thanks could some how be counted as karma and added to LP19:07
macoi thought the "thanks" plugin was removed on the forums19:07
popeymaco: there are other things too to measure contributions19:08
macomany of the plugins were disabled because the server's been on last-legs for a year or two now19:08
popeynot just the thank button19:08
knomepopey, what would be even more kewl, was if that all those rewards could be combined, and the total karma would appear on LP19:08
popeyyeah, that too would be neat19:08
IdleOneknome +1 and ^519:08
macoIdleOne: do you hear an echo?19:08
IdleOnemaco: I do but I thought it was just me19:08
IdleOneI think it would be best if the whole !thankyou system was invisible19:10
IdleOneto avoid spam in the channels and tampering19:10
popeyits also hard for newbs to even know this existed19:10
popeyand people would game it with "Don't forget to !thank me! :D :D :D :D"19:11
PiciSounds annoying already.19:11
IdleOnepopey: that is why I suggest it to be invisible, bot could look for thank you $nick and record it quietly19:11
* popey wonders if this could somehow be automated19:12
popeygrabbing karma from launchpad, forum stats, stackexchange (etc), logs from #ubuntu...19:12
IdleOnedon't forget shapado19:13
Seeker`how can you tell the difference between someoe being useful and someone attempting to be useful but accidentally wiping all of someones data?19:14
Seeker`(based on log scanning(19:14
IdleOnethe helpee is the one who gives the thanks19:14
IdleOnebot wouldn't be looking for help given/received only the thanks19:15
IdleOneif thank you = do nothing  if thank you very much = do nothing  if thank you Seeker` = +1_karma19:16
* popey just grepped for > thank in #ubuntu19:17
popeystill chugging away19:17
popeyalan@bishop:~$ grep -i  "> thank" irclogs/freenode/#ubuntu.log | wc -l19:17
IdleOneif thank you Seeker` you killed my system = +10_karma :P19:17
PiciLjL had written something a long time ago to graph thanks $user instances.19:17
popeymaybe I should put a spec/blueprint together and we could talk about this at an irc council meeting and maybe uds?19:35
popeyunless people think its silly?19:35
popey(which I'm willing to accept it might be)19:35
knomeit's not silly. i think it's great and a very welcome addition, being a hardcore irc user (supporter).19:37
PiciI think we've discussed it in the past, but I'd be willing to talk about it again.19:37
charlie-tcaWorth another try, yes19:42
charlie-tcaWe finally got karma for testing, didn't we? We just got to keep trying19:42
jussipopey: kubotu already has this feature, except it doesnt get printed anywhere, you can just see how much karma one has by asking the bot. Im pretty sure its easily portable/ rewriteable, but question is do we really want that? will it create people asking for someone to thank them, thus creating more lines of unneeded chat?20:43
jussi(Im not saying its bad, but just asking the questions and trying to spot possible downfalls)20:44
guntbertHi friendly ops: my edit request (yesterday) for fixing a broken link in !releases seems to have been overlooked21:11
knomeguntbert, afaik it's being discussed.21:41
guntbertknome: discussed? fixing a broken link? but ok, thx for your response21:42
knomeguntbert, the situation in general, and what to link to, and should something else be changed21:43
guntbertknome: I see -- I only thought replacing it with a working one is no big change - but I don't want to bicker - have a nice time :-)21:45
knomeyou too21:45
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !no, offtopic is <reply> #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:29

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