
AndyGraybeali've read that ubuntu doesn't support backing up ACL's, is this true for Ubuntu 10.04 ?00:24
AndyGraybealnevermind, i think this is the answer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145166700:27
clustyhow can i install an rpm in ubuntu ?01:03
pmatulisclusty: alien i think01:05
pmatulis!info alien01:05
ubottualien (source: alien): convert and install rpm and other packages. In component main, is optional. Version 8.79ubuntu0.1 (lucid), package size 83 kB, installed size 248 kB01:05
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)01:05
clustyPici, how dangerous ?01:05
clustydamn intel does not provide a tool to flash the raid controller for ubuntu01:06
mase_wkclusty: which raid controller is it ?01:14
mase_wkis it 'real' raid or fake raid01:15
clustymase_wk, real raid01:15
mase_wk*most* real RAID cards have full applications available for linux usually from the controller vendors site01:16
clustythis has for suse and rh01:16
mase_wkis that the kernel module ?01:16
clustyand alien chokes01:16
clustymase_wk, no01:16
clustythere is open source mod01:16
clustyi wanted to flash to new FW01:16
mase_wkah so you have a utility just not specific to ubuntu ?01:17
clustycause the on the card is prolly 3 years old01:17
mase_wkwhere does alien choke ?01:17
clustyand i cannot alien cause it complains about 32/64 bit issue01:17
mase_wkis it a 32b binary ?01:17
mase_wkand you have a 64bit os ?01:17
clustydpkg-gencontrol: error: current host architecture 'amd64' does not appear in package's architecture list (i386)01:18
mase_wkah ok.01:18
clustyseems is 32 bit01:18
clustythe name of it does not say shit :D01:18
clustyi will try with DOS01:18
clustynever thought i woul;d fokin ever boot dos01:18
mase_wkif your having to reboot anyway you could just boot off a livecd01:18
mase_wkand install it into that environment01:18
clustyi got a DOS bootable disk already01:19
mase_wkalthough that's still annoying as you don't have the utilities when the server is up and running01:19
clustycause i want to fix the TLER issue01:19
mase_wki am surprised they don't make a 64bit version01:19
clustymase_wk, got any experience with cheapo disks and raids ?01:19
mase_wksure, i got a bunch of them at work :)01:20
clustyany TLER issues ?01:20
mase_wknot that i've encountered but i have different RAID cards to you01:20
clustytime limited error recovery as of01:20
clustywell this card is also oldish. 3 years old01:21
clustybut FW update is from 201001:21
mase_wkis it on a particular port ?01:21
clustyPCI-E ?01:22
mase_wkno i mean , raid port01:22
mase_wkso whats the actual error message you get ?01:22
clustyalien ?01:22
mase_wkno the TLER issue01:22
clustyi did not. just got the card like 1h ago01:23
clustyjust finished installing it01:23
mase_wki'm confused01:23
clustyi got no TLER problems01:23
clustybut i read about them and WD hdds01:23
mase_wkah ok01:23
mase_wknow i understand01:23
clustyi was asking you how common are they01:23
mase_wkerm well we have cheap disks but i don't believe that we have any WD specifically in those boxes01:24
clustyi find it hard to believe the hdd with chew for 7 sec trying to recover an error such that the controller would drop the disk01:24
mase_wkit's not that hard to believe.01:24
clustyWD charges 100bux extra for disks with TLER turned on01:24
clustybut they also give you the util to turn it on yourself01:25
mase_wksome raid cards are fussy and disks are generically crap01:25
mase_wkand getting worse01:25
mase_wki've gone through so many hard disks in different boxes this year01:25
mase_wkit's almost worth buying ssd's so i don't have to visit the datacenter every other month01:26
clustyony disk i had choking was a 2.5" one in an external box01:26
clustywhich i kinda abused01:26
clustymase_wk, what sort of work do you do?01:27
mase_wkwhen i'm not replacing disks i'm probably what is best described as a devop01:28
mase_wkie everything :)01:28
mase_wki work for a small company01:28
clustyso i presume DB heavy apps ?01:28
mase_wknah not so much01:29
clustyi also did that for 1,h years01:29
clustymaintaining a small internal server01:29
clustyand 2 DB servers01:29
mase_wki work for a solutions provider which includes a small boutique ISP01:30
mase_wkso basically it's writing applications / support tools around that01:30
mase_wkright now i'm applying language translations to a clients website01:31
mase_wkyay \0/01:31
* mase_wk sighs01:31
clustythe nastiest thing i did was to configure the a router gizmo and LDAP users01:31
clustydamn that was a pain in the ass01:31
ballWhy doesn't http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors show 10.4 ?01:31
mase_wki like the idea of ldap, i just hate LDAP it's self01:31
ball(isn't 10.4 the most recent release of Ubuntu?01:31
clustywell the LDAP lingo is damn weird01:32
clustyand all tutorials are either aimed at academics coming up with query tools or experts01:32
clustyanyways back in 5min01:32
mase_wkball: yeh 10.04 is the lates ...who knows why that page lists that01:32
ballDoes anyone happen to have a .torrent file for ubuntu-10.4-server-i386 then?01:33
mase_wkthat lists ubuntu-10.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent01:34
ballThanks mase_wk01:35
clustymase_wk, can i just dd an image intended for a CD onto a disk?01:40
clustyand still hope to have it bootable?01:40
ballclusty: Doesn't sound likely.01:42
mase_wkclusty: no01:46
mase_wkyou need a partition table and a bootloader01:47
ballThis is going to take a wee while to download01:47
ball...but it'll be worth the wait, I'm sure.01:47
mase_wkball: does it need to be a torrent ?01:48
mase_wkit's probably faster from a local mirror01:48
ballmase_wk: Might as well be consistent.  That's how I download (and share) all my .iso images.01:48
mase_wkeach to their own01:48
mase_wkmost people have 10.04 already so a torrent is not going to be so speedy01:49
mase_wkbut if your prepared to wait i guess it doesn't matter01:49
ballmase_wk: That's okay.  This is just for a fun project, so I have no deadline.01:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #615642 in bind9 (main) "package bind9 1:9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1 [modified: usr/share/bind9/bind9-default.md5sum] failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61564201:50
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Patrickdkok, I'm having issues with pacemaker/heartbeat03:16
PatrickdkI am using IPv6addr to failover an ipv6 address03:17
Patrickdkbut I can't figure out how to tell pacemaker to bring that ip up as deprecated, so it isn't used by default, messing ip things03:17
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AndyGraybealcan someone explain the default:mask with ACLs?04:27
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chrislabeardHey guys is there anyway to improve the speed of webdav?05:34
AndyGraybeali'm in the 'tech' group, the 'tech' group has group write access on the Tech folder.  it appears that I can't write to that folder unless the 'tech' group is default; is this normal?   if the 'tech' group is a normal group, i can't write to this folder.  it's very strange.  i need some guidance.05:36
AndyGraybealnevermind, i think it is another issue.05:39
mase_wkchrislabeard:webdav just uses http so it should be pretty fast06:12
chrislabeardmase_wk: alright06:12
mase_wkat least as fast as http allows06:13
chrislabeardmase_wk: 700MB in about an hour06:13
mase_wkis this a local connection ?06:13
mase_wkhow fast is it via sftp ?06:13
chrislabeardmase_wk: not sure I'm using a mac with connect to server option06:13
mase_wkok what is your basis for comparison then ? ie how do you know it's webdav that is slow and not just your uplink?06:14
chrislabeardWell I wasn't sure if that was normal speed or not06:14
chrislabeardI was just seeing if it was possible to bump the speed06:14
mase_wkwithout knowing what your uplink speed is it's very difficult to tell if your hitting a performance problem with webdav or a problem with your connection06:16
mase_wkyou need some sort of reference06:16
mase_wkso you know what your theoretical maximum is and how that relates06:17
chrislabeardthat would be my max upload speed right06:17
chrislabeardits about 1.8-2Mb06:18
mase_wkwhat kind of connection are you on ? DSL / Cable ?06:18
mase_wkannex-m ?06:18
chrislabeardIts uverse06:18
chrislabeardI'm not sure if its annex-m06:19
mase_wkjust wondering how your getting 1.8 up on a dsl connection is all06:19
mase_wkiirc the max upload is about <1Mb without annex-m06:20
chrislabeardWe have the 18MB/D and 2MB/Up06:20
mase_wkok does your ISP give you any hosting space ?06:21
chrislabeardnot that I know06:21
mase_wkdo you have somewhere local you can use as a speed test ?06:21
mase_wkso you can work out roughly how much you can actually upload in a sustained fashion06:21
mase_wkmy guess is that the webdav server is not your problem06:22
chrislabeardYeah I'm on the same network as my server06:22
chrislabeardIf I download locally it get about 2.xMB a second06:22
mase_wkforget download06:22
mase_wkupload is different.06:22
chrislabeardSo upload a file locally06:23
chrislabeardI uploaded a 700MB file it took about 2 Mins but I couldn't see the transfer rate06:23
mase_wkwhat do you mean by your on the same network, i thought you said this was a remote upload ?06:23
chrislabeardI am on the same network however my friends when they access it06:24
mase_wkah ok so you can upload a file in 2 mins but it takes your friends ( who are remote ) a long time ?06:24
mase_wknot really sure how to respond to that.06:25
chrislabeard... I know its going to take them a lot longer than me since they are remote06:25
mase_wkwhy would you think that is a webdav issue though ?06:26
chrislabeardI just wanted to know if its possible to bump the speed but from what you are telling me. Its not possible06:26
mase_wkwell they could compress the content but you can't upload faster than your physical limit06:26
mase_wkregardless of protocol06:27
chrislabeardK well thats good to know06:27
mase_wkwell...isn't that obvious ?06:27
mase_wkyou can only jam so much down a pipe before you can't fit any more06:27
chrislabeardRight, Well it didn't seem like they were getting max download06:28
mase_wkwell if its from your server and your server is attached to your DSL06:28
mase_wkthen they can only download at the rate your server can upload at06:29
mase_wkwhich is limited by your DSL connection06:29
chrislabeardSo they should get something like a meg a second06:29
chrislabeardThey are getting like 60-70KB/s06:31
chrislabeardThat just didn't sound right to me06:31
mase_wki can pretty much assure you it's not related to your webdav server06:32
mase_wkunless you have some sort of firewall active doing rate limiting06:32
chrislabeardK so pretty much wysiwyg06:32
mase_wkbut  i assume you would know that as you would have to set it up06:33
mase_wkif anything it would be a network issue.06:33
mase_wkyou need to diagnose that if you think there is an issue06:33
mase_wkyou have already proved your server is functioning correctly06:33
robertpayneanyone here use nginx frontend + apache2 backend ( dynamic content )06:43
SpamapSrobertpayne: I have in the past...06:46
SpamapSrobertpayne: do you have a specific question about it?06:46
robertpayneDid you use https with it?06:46
robertpayneJust wondering if I need to run both apache and nginx under the same ssl certificate for the proxy_pass.. or just nginx? apache2 is only running on
SpamapSYou should not need to use the same cert06:48
SpamapSthe SSL<->user conn will be handled entirely by nginx's ssl06:48
SpamapSIn fact you won't even need SSL for the local apache206:49
robertpaynethats what I thought06:49
robertpayneonly nginx needs to be running the SSL06:49
robertpaynesince apache isn't exposed it wouldn't be a security thing06:50
robertpayneI just wanted to make sure :)06:50
ballWhat would I type at the command line to see if I had any supported temperature sensors?07:42
ballGoodnight everyone07:49
WalterNvery early moring07:50
xampartdoes "mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --add /dev/sdb2" add sdb2 as a spare if i already have 2 active synced devices in my raid1?08:07
OngavezyrHosanna bruderz08:22
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uvirtbotNew bug: #615736 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.21-0ubuntu5.2 failed to install/upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61573608:46
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WalterNgot my webserver up now, woo08:51
kaushalCan Ubuntu Hardy Heron be hardened in case of vulnerabilities08:52
kaushalI mean Ubuntu 8.04 Server08:53
joschikaushal: ubuntu 8.04 can be hardened like any other linux distribution...08:53
kaushaljoschi: are there Howtos to do it ?08:54
joschikaushal: you can mostly follow http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/securing-debian-howto/08:59
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kaushaljoschi: but it is debian specific09:03
kaushalI know Ubuntu is debian sid based09:03
kaushalis there ubuntu specific ?09:03
joschikaushal: nothing really useful I'm aware of (links appreciated ;) )09:04
OngavezyrViva Mr.Yasser Arafat the Great Leader !09:21
Jeeves_Isn't he dead?09:26
ikoniaJeeves_: please dont feed the troll, freenode are aware09:27
Jeeves_ikonia: I like feeding the trolls :)09:27
ikoniaJeeves_: don't do it09:27
Jeeves_I like Shrek too! ;)09:27
dominicdinadaquick question guys09:34
ikoniago for it09:36
Ongavezyrikonia bruder:S09:36
Ongavezyrhello Matthew brotha09:36
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! soren, lamont, mathiaz or tom09:36
xampartis it possible to have onboard video + seperate video card used at the same time with kubuntu?09:37
OngavezyrHush now baby!09:37
ikoniaxampart: that depends on your hardware, try asking in #kubuntu as this is for ubuntu server09:37
xampartof course.09:37
Ongavezyrikonia brotha you are a stooge?09:38
Ongavezyrthat is dirty work!09:38
Ongavezyrso... my ssh server why do not working correctly?09:39
joschiOngavezyr: you mind giving *any* information?09:41
ikoniaplease don't feed the troll09:43
Ongavezyrin the localhost the services working correctly09:44
Ongavezyrwhen I try connect from another pc in local area network : Connections refused09:45
OngavezyrI was check the sshd config already09:45
OngavezyrThe keys regenerated09:45
OngavezyrWhat is the problem? ( 10.04 )09:45
ikoniaso I suggest you take it elsewhere09:46
ikoniathere is no problem, as you'e made it up as you're here to troll, nothing more, the same way you where doing in ##slackware09:46
Ongavezyrikonia bro: hush now please09:47
Ongavezyrplease let's play with your legos09:47
Ongavezyrit is a real problem and I need to some help09:47
robertpayneIs there any way to automate the input required by tasksel install lamp-server?09:48
ikoniathen you shouldn't troll channels09:48
ikoniarobertpayne: never tried that to the be honest, you can do it within the package with answer files09:48
robertpayneikonia: ok that should work.. doesn't really matter how just weird bug when running it in a shell script ( other tasks after it ) it doesn't install the root user was thinking that may fix it09:49
OngavezyrWhen I try to connect with telnet from another pc, the connections refused too09:50
WalterNok, I just took a picture of my server box09:51
WalterNtime to put picture on my server and show all09:51
jpdsOngavezyr: Then it's probably a firewall in the way.09:53
Ongavezyrthe firewall ( ufw ) uninstalled already09:53
dominicdinada if someone has installed gnome and xorg on a server is it safe to remove the interfaces ?09:56
robertpayneufw annoys me.. seems it's worse than just creating the iptables.rules file09:57
OngavezyrI will delete the iptables?09:59
dominicdinadaWalterN: What are your specs?10:01
Ongavezyrikonia bruder?10:02
WalterNdominicdinada: intel atom based10:02
WalterN6 drives attached10:02
dominicdinadahow much space?10:03
WalterN3x 2tb RAID5 and RAID1 boot10:03
WalterN5th drive is just something I stuck in there, might attach it to RAID 5 sometime10:04
WalterNerm, 6th drive, rather10:04
WalterNjust a sec10:04
dominicdinadaso you have 3 2 tb arrays ?10:06
WalterN4, including the one that is not currently doing anything useful :P10:08
WalterNand 5 including the one thats in this computer10:08
ikoniaWalterN: please stop10:11
ikoniaWalterN: this is a support channel10:11
Ongavezyrikonia do not hysterical, please10:14
ximalQ : Is there a way to run programs such as deluge thru the cli or as a process that way on my server I can just set it up for remote web viewing etc ?10:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #615764 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql 5.0.1-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61576410:16
ximalQ : Is there a way to run programs such as deluge thru the cli or as a process that way on my server I can just set it up for remote web viewing etc ?10:17
OngavezyrWhere is my good friend, ikonia?10:33
WalterNchewing me out? (heh)10:33
alexharringtonhey. I've installed 10.04 server 64 bit and am now installing OpenLDAP. I've followed the official docs to get things going but now I want to change the cn=config root password to something else but i can't figure out how to do it?10:38
Ongavezyrikonia brotha , the perpetual light shine upon you10:50
OngavezyrAllah is accompanied by on your way badjew brotha10:51
alexharringtonnm. I got an answer over on OpenLDAP. Thanks10:57
ximalQ : Is there a way to run programs such as deluge thru the cli or as a process that way on my server I can just set it up for remote web viewing etc ?11:09
ximalkinda like running it as a service etc ... where it's running but no gui verification .. only cli ?11:10
topyliximal: transmission maybe?11:13
topyliit has web and terminal interfaces and can be daemonized11:14
ximalbut i could just install flux if i want web functionality11:14
topyliif you don't want the web inteface, just don't use it. use the terminal one11:15
ximaljust curious11:15
ximalupon adding stuff to transmission can you set it to ask you where to put each file ?11:16
kaushalwhen i do apache2ctl -M i see mpm_worker_module (static)11:22
kaushalis there a way to set it to mpm_prefork_module (static)11:23
RoyKkaushal: apt-get install apache2-mpm-prefork11:24
kaushaldo i need to uninstall apache2-mpm-worker ?11:24
RoyKI don't think you can have both installed, no11:24
RoyKit's somehow one out of two (or three?)11:24
kaushaloh ok11:25
RoyKeither prefork, or event or worker11:25
kaushalso if i do apt-get install apache2-mpm-prefork, it will uninstall apache2-mpm-worker ?11:25
RoyKiirc php only works with prefork, at least that's default11:25
joschikaushal: MPMs can be dynamically be changed in apache httpd 2.411:25
RoyKkaushal: try it11:25
joschikaushal: with apache httpd 2.2 you can only have one11:25
RoyKjoschi: Lucid only has 2.211:26
joschiRoyK: yes. apache httpd 2.4 is not released yet ;)11:26
RoyKah :)11:26
robertpaynewhat's new in 2.4? :P11:29
robertpaynereading docs myself haha stupid question11:30
robertpayneCan you completely wildcard a ssl certificate? It's for access to dev utilities like phpmyadmin postfixmyadmin etc.. so the browser warnings wont really be a bother11:50
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Iceman_Bhow much is a server installation dependant on the hardware it was installed with? can i just pick up my hdd, put it in a new system and expect it to run fine?12:05
jpdsYou'll have to 'rm -vf /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules' so that eth0 comes back.12:05
Iceman_Bwhat does that file do?12:06
jpdsLocks down network interface names to MAC addresses.12:06
Iceman_Bah, right12:07
Iceman_Bany additional steps after removing that file?12:07
Iceman_Breboot? restart network? do a little dance?12:07
jpdsShutdown the machine and move the drive across?12:07
jpdsDance is optional.12:07
Iceman_Baw :( not mandatory?12:08
Iceman_Bo you meant remove the file BEFORE I move the drive12:08
Iceman_Bthey thats clever12:08
Callum__jpds: does Ubuntu regenerate 70-persistent-net.rules?12:09
patdk-lapany idea how to make pacemaker/heartbeat bring ip and ipv6 ip as non-primary?12:10
patdk-lapbring up :)12:11
patdk-lapjust woke up like 3min ago, guess I'm not thinking yet12:11
Callum__I should go to bed soon...12:12
binBASHtimezones timezones........12:13
* Iceman_B dcc's coffee.jpg to patdk-lap12:13
Callum__Aug 10 11:13pm...12:13
patdk-lapna, shower always wakes me12:13
Iceman_Bwell there goes a perfectly good cup of coffee then :(12:13
Callum__shower didn't help me this morning =P still felt like crap12:13
binBASHAug 10 13:13:38 CEST12:13
patdk-lapbut pacemaker is annoying me :)12:13
Callum__UTC+12 here12:14
patdk-lapusing it with IPv6addr12:14
Callum__sorry, can't help you patdk-lap =P12:14
Callum__don't know anything about pacemaker12:14
Iceman_BUTC+2(1+dst) here12:14
patdk-lapbut can't figure out how to bring the ip up with preferred_lft/depress option12:14
patdk-lapso linux doesn't use that new ip as the default12:14
Callum__its really cold here :<12:15
binBASHpatdk-lap: They have chan at #linux-cluster ?12:15
binBASHat least according to their website ;)12:16
Iceman_Bdid the shutdown command change in 10.04?12:18
Iceman_B"shutdown now" doesnt seen to power down the system completely12:18
Iceman_Bit goes back to some menu12:18
patdk-lapheh, I always just type halt12:19
binBASHpoweroff for me :D12:20
jussiIceman_B: "shutdown -h now"  iirc12:25
jussiand -r for a restart.12:25
mishacan I make dns server with one ip? and can you give me a guide for making dns server? thanks:)12:37
mishaanyone here?P:12:39
Picimisha: I'd start with the server guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/dns.html12:40
mishaI have 9.04 the guide will work for me?12:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #615810 in nagios3 (main) "nagios3-common and nagios3-core :  grep: /etc/nagios3/cgi.cfg: No such file or directory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61581012:41
Picimisha: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/dns.html12:42
mishaalso maybe you know, I had postfix but it didn't send all the mail and sometimes falls. Do you have any other good mail server? thanks again12:43
patdk-lapheh, I highly doubt that is a postfix issue12:44
patdk-lapthe two big issues would be, didn't configure postfix correctly12:44
alex88hi, i'm tring to use aria2c to download files...but after give command it remains on "[#1 SIZE:0B/0B CN:1 SPD:0Bs](4more...) [TOTAL SPD:0Bs]"12:45
patdk-lapor you attempted to run it without a smarthost/relay, and have no idea of proper edicate on the internet when talking to other email servers, so they banned you12:45
alex88after some time it says timeout, but with wget it works12:45
mishaI installed with the ubuntu guide and with ehcp and both of them the postfix did a problems12:45
misha(ehcp = control panel) but I deleted it12:46
patdk-lapdid a problem?12:46
mishano I just didn't like the panel12:46
mishaI now don't using any panel its better for me12:47
patdk-lapdid you setup forward and reverse dns for your email server ip? did you setup spf? did you setup your helo name to match your ip?12:48
patdk-lapheh, helo name match your dns forward name :)12:49
mishano, no and about the last question i'm not sure12:49
patdk-lapwell, then 90% of the world won't accept email from you12:49
patdk-lapso postfix won't be able to send it12:49
alex88someone know another download accellerator?12:49
patdk-lapalex88, I always perfered to use wget12:49
mishagmail accepted the messages excellent and the messages was in the main folder not in spam12:50
alex88patdk-lap: but from server i can download at higher rates..i'm on a vps..and aria not start, wget works...12:50
alex88is there any way to debug?12:51
patdk-laphigher rates? I can download using wget at full gigabit speeds easily12:52
patdk-lapI haven't tried a computer with 2gb or higher connection yet though12:52
alex88for me aria get 2-3 mbyte/s higher...maybe uploading server limits per connection speed12:52
alex88maybe it tries for some kind of proxy..but i can't found config files..12:53
mishahi I didn't understand what to do on caching nameserver in https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/dns-configuration.html12:54
mishanevermind just a question can I do it with one ip?12:55
alex88misha: sure..you mean to set one ip as forwarder?12:56
patdk-lapcaching dns server is what looks up dns names for your stuff12:58
patdk-lapit looks up dns names that you *don't* serve12:58
xampartwhy just not use
alex88google sucks..use opendns..12:58
patdk-lap8.8.8.8 is slow for me, and it's negative cache is horrible12:58
patdk-lapopendns is slow, it's negative cache is good though12:59
patdk-lapmy server does a few thousand per second, really helps to have a few local :)12:59
patdk-lapto cache all the repeats12:59
mishamaybe some can help me with the Apache cause on #httpd no one answer me13:00
misha I have a problem is someone enters https://mydomain.com:80 its write: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long and I want it will be redirect to https://mydomain.com/ how can I do that?13:01
mishaalso .hta doesn't work13:01
alex88well, loading domain.com:80 not works? because every redirect is served after the https connection is established..if i remember right..13:02
mishano you didn't understand13:03
patdk-lapyes he does :)13:03
mishai use only https13:03
PiciWhy are you specifying :80 for https connections?13:03
mishano hh13:03
mishayou didn't understand13:03
patdk-lapmisha, your test failed :)13:03
mishaagain i just want to make redirector if someone enters on https://mydomain.com:8013:04
patdk-laphttps://mydomain.com:80 is invalid (unless you really really are attempting to break things on purpose)13:04
mishaits possible or not?13:04
patdk-lapyes, it's possible, but you don't want to13:04
Picimisha: No sane browser will attempt to connect to https on that port.13:04
mishaanyway ok13:05
Picihttp is port 80, https is 443.13:05
mishai know13:05
patdk-lapwhy do you want to do ssl on port 80?13:05
patdk-lapand if you do, why bother redirecting?13:05
patdk-lapthat error is telling you, you are not running ssl on port 8013:05
patdk-lapand you shouldn't be :)13:05
mishaalso if someone enter http://domain.com:44313:06
PiciIf you're trying to redirect http/80 users to https/443 thats a different story.13:06
patdk-lapyou want to redirect, http://mydomain.com to https://mydomain.com13:06
patdk-lapso your test is invalid13:06
Picimisha: Again, that shouldn't work and no one should expect it to.13:06
mishaalso id you know how to make redirector if someone enters http://domain.com:44313:07
mishacause its enter document 40013:07
PiciWhy are people trying to connect to those ports?13:07
mishathere are people that tries13:08
mishaI don't know13:08
mishaI just want to make redirector13:08
patdk-lapyou can't :)13:08
patdk-lapyou can't talk none-ssl to an ssl port13:08
patdk-lapand you can't talk ssl to a non-ssl port13:08
patdk-lapthat is why they invented tls13:09
patdk-lapbut no http client/server I know of uses tls13:09
alex88you cant from https://site:80 to :443, just to http too https...13:09
mishai guess you right13:09
mishaanyway heres what it show:13:10
PiciTry connecting to any popular site like that... like https://google.com:80/ , it won't work and it shouldn't.13:10
patdk-laphell, why stop there13:10
mishahh thanks anyway:)13:11
mishai did a redirector from http to https13:11
mishaand from www to non www13:11
PiciThose two are perfectly valid.13:12
alex88if someone enter www.site where he should go?13:12
mishasee your self13:12
patdk-lapalex88, home :)13:12
alex88patdk-lap: ROFL...btw...certificate invalid for www..13:13
mishai know13:13
Piciwww.mydomain.com is an additional A record for mydomain.com13:13
mishacause I forgot to backup the key for www. certification13:13
Picier, for MY domain.13:14
alex88:) that's the problem...redirects must be done after https..13:14
mishaand now I can't use the crt for www13:14
mishaso thats why I make redirector from www to non wwww13:14
Patrickdkalex88, you mean redirect before :)13:15
Patrickdkin this case13:15
alex88i think that if someone accept certificate there is no reason to redirect after..13:15
Patrickdkpaypal had the same issue forever, it annoyed me, i only ever type in paypal.com13:15
Patrickdkand get invalid cert13:16
alex88Patrickdk: no, the problem is that redirects stands after ssl..13:16
alex88Patrickdk: how much time ago? sure you were not in a MITM? :)13:16
Patrickdkalex, well ever since I started using paypal (pre-2000), till about 2years ago13:17
Patrickdkand that was from several different ip's13:17
alex88oh...strange..i thank they have money to buy 2 certs :)13:17
Patrickdkand the cert was always the same one, for paypal.com and www.paypal.com, but only a cn=www.paypal.com13:17
alex88oh kk..13:18
Patrickdkpeople just don't get how certs work, dunno why13:19
Patrickdkwell, I do know why, no one ever bothers to explain it to people :)13:19
alex88maybe they're afraid some ppl break ssl :)13:20
alex88that would be a bad thing :)13:21
mishaon the dns configuration in ubuntu I see there "ns      IN      A" and I don't have it in my file, add it?13:23
alex88misha: you just need a dns server to set for your home network?13:24
mishato set my domain on my server13:25
mishaI hate to use free dns service13:25
alex88oh...don't think so13:25
mishai'm using now http://freedns.afraid.org/13:26
mishaReplace 1.168.192 with the first three octets of whatever network you are using.13:31
mishawhere the support gone?P:13:34
PiciAn octet is each part of the ip address 192, 168, 0, 1 are all octets.13:34
mishalets say my ip is 32.21.634.613:35
mishaI need to write there 32 21 and 634?13:36
PiciWell that would be weird because you can't have an octet higher than 255, but yes, those would be the first three.13:36
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alex88if i want to do a bash script to process all *.001 files in a dir?13:42
alex88i don't remember how, because i have to run lxsplit -j to each file ending with .00113:43
maswanIs it possible to change the default kvm network, or am I better off adding another rfc1918 network if I don't want nat/forwarding?13:43
alex88ok got it13:47
alex88BYE :)13:49
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raubvogelDumb question: if www-data's homedir is /var/www, why it does not own/have rights in that directory14:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #615837 in nagios3 (main) "nagios3-cgi bad icons after install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61583714:02
joschiraubvogel: because www-data could change the permissions of /var/www otherwise14:06
joschiraubvogel: and since your web server runs in the user context of www-data and might allow script execution within that context, that's a bad idea ;)14:06
patdk-wkunless your using webdav14:06
raubvogeljoschi: So, if I want to run stuff such as reprepro, I should run that as another user and then make the directory being offered by the web server owned by this user (read-only by www-data) ?14:08
joschiraubvogel: yes. just chgrp the directory to www-data group and make it g+rx14:09
joschiraubvogel: as an alternative: make it world readable, but that's sort of last resort ;)14:10
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uvirtbotNew bug: #615846 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.21-0ubuntu5.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61584614:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #615848 in nagios3 (main) "Nagios reports critical error when Gnome is running" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61584814:22
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alexharrington_i've got an OpenLDAP directory running on 10.04 and am using libnss-ldap to connect to it. When I do "getent passwd" I only see a few hundred of the thousands of entries that should be returned14:30
alexharrington_in the past I had to add a line to the slapd.conf to return more results on searches - but we're now using the recommended cn=config scheme and I can't figure out how to apply the setting14:31
alexharrington_i know the setting is now called olcSizeLimit and I want it set to 5000, but no matter where I apply it it doesn't seem to do anything14:31
alexharrington_equally limiting it to 10 results doesn't seem to cut the number returned either so perhaps there's another limit somewhere?14:32
alexharrington_i've tried asking on #openldap but the silence in there is deafening :D14:33
smoserDaviey, ping14:38
Davieysmoser: Y'all14:38
smoser2 items14:39
smoserbug 615529 has a branch attached that i would like you to take14:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 615529 in qemu-kvm "eucalyptus instance reboot fails: Guest moved used index from 0 to 2639" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61552914:39
smosertiny code change for the loader stuff to work around a kvm bug.14:39
smosersecond question, is how would you like me to send you patches for such things14:40
hggdhDaviey, ttx: please have a looka t bug 61564614:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 615646 in eucalyptus "cannot attach a volume to an instance" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61564614:40
Davieysmoser: branching lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/eucalyptus/devel and proposing merge to that makes it better IMO... or for a trivial change you could just bounce a patch over :)14:41
ttxhggdh: looking14:41
Davieysmoser: using ~ubuntu-branches is better for SRU's in this instance.. i feel14:41
smoserDaviey, i looked there, that branch is old14:42
smoserat least i thought14:42
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smoserah. i must have looked at some other one.14:43
smoserare you core dev, Daviey ?14:43
Davieysmoser: no14:43
smoserit seems like thats a bad location then :)14:43
smoserso you have to ask someone to pull from yours ?14:43
Davieysmoser: Exactly...14:43
Davieysmoser: Hopefully use ~ubuntu-server-dev soon14:44
Davieybut there isn't anywhere else i can think of that is collaborative14:44
smoserDaviey, virt group i think most are members of.14:45
smoseror very easily could be14:45
Davieysmoser: that makes good sense..14:47
smoserwell, only due to lack of -server-dev14:47
smoseryours is the real solution.14:47
Davieysmoser: We have it now... just nobody has applied :)14:47
smoseranyway, that patch is there, please review and pull.14:47
Davieysmoser: Okay.. probably doing an upload later today.. I'll land it in my branch then get ttx to pull and push it (if that is OK ttx)14:48
ttxDaviey: I should be able to do that.14:51
hallynkirkland: fyi, still building (will take awhile here), but I'm testing https://code.launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/ubuntu/maverick/qemu-kvm/merge-0.12.514:59
kirklandhallyn: excellent -- push a PPA package, and i'll test here too15:00
sergevnaargh, darwin calendarserver is broken for a year now :(15:00
hallynkirkland: alas, one thing i failed to do was bring my gpg keys :)  I'll generate new ones and get a ppa in the next few hours15:01
kirklandhallyn: doh!15:02
kirklandhallyn: 1024?  just ask kees to crack it for you :-)15:02
hallynkees: ^  that should take you waht, 2 mins?15:02
smoseron your transmeta laptop it will take longer than that15:03
hallynsmoser: joker.  mind you, THAT one has my gpg keys :)15:03
patdk-wkdoes openssl support larger keys correctly now?15:04
patdk-wkI know the last time I played iwth keys >8k it has issues, it would make them, but I couldn't use them15:04
uvirtbotNew bug: #615869 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "Infinite loop upgrading to 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.6" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61586915:06
hallynNOt enough entropy.  Need to pl;ay some klondike to get more.15:07
patdk-wkrun vmware, it seems to generate all kinds of entropy on my system15:08
patdk-wkatleast that is the only difference between this computer and the one at home, and the home one never has any entropy15:08
hallynhm, kvm alas doesn't seem to do the same15:10
kpettitwhat's a good jabber server that's good for scripting?  I plan on using python to do a bunch of scripting with a jabber server, but there are alot of them out there15:25
sergevnhas anyone calendarserver working on lucid?15:36
ttxhggdh: re: bug 615646 -- that used to work, right15:45
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 615646 in eucalyptus "cannot attach a volume to an instance" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61564615:45
SKuhaneckwhat is the best way to notify the package manager about software installed from source?15:49
jpdsThere isn't a way?15:49
lauwhat mean the first digit in ubuntu dpkg version ? 4:2.11.3-1ubuntu1.315:50
jpdslau: An epoch.15:50
PiciSKuhaneck: checkinstall?15:51
PiciNot exactly what you're asking though..15:51
laujpds: a sort of date or timestamp ?15:51
lauI think I understand the 2.11.3-1 but the 4: Oo ?15:52
jpdslau: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html15:52
SKuhaneckPici: the main thing I am looking for is if I install a webserver from scratch and I install a package that requires a webserver, how do I stop it from trying to install apache as a dependency?15:52
jpdslau: Look at 5.6.12 Version.15:52
lauok thx15:53
lauso now if I want to upgrade to a newer version what are my ways to do ?15:54
lauI want ot keep distribution version but use for this specific package a n+1 distribution version15:54
lauie. keep hardy but use lucid version for this specific package15:54
jpdsAppend ~hardy1#15:55
jpdslau: Append something like ~hardy1 to the version string?15:55
bogeyd6SKuhaneck, just download the package from packages.ubuntu.com15:56
PiciSKuhaneck: I don't recall if checkinstall allows you set a 'provides' field.  I'm sure its frowned upon, but I suppose you could create a dummy package that just provides an httpd server.15:57
hggdhttx: yes indeed. I did not test on 2.0 until now, but on 1.6.2 it worked15:57
hggdhttx: and... this sounds like a blocker15:57
SKuhaneckbogeyd6: the package I am compiling does not exist15:58
sorenlool: I see you've touched user-mode-linux semi-recently.15:59
sorenlool: Does it actually work for you?15:59
sorenlool: I'm getting stuff like this: [   82.905031] linux[2845] general protection ip:7f80d64b962c sp:6282fcb0 error:0 in libc-2.12.so[7f80d6482000+17a000]16:00
impihello, I am following this howto: http://cumu.li/2008/5/13/recompiling-php5-with-bundled-support-for-gd-on-ubuntu I have only one question. how can i install php 5.2.X instead of 5.3 ? i want to run magento and this software doesnt work on php 5.316:01
SKuhaneckPici: from the reading I just did, it looks like checkinstall will register it with the package manager and should do what I want, thanks16:05
bogeyd6SKuhaneck, you told pici you were trying to install a package that had a dependency and you didnt want the dependency16:05
Picibogeyd6: I understood what he meant.16:05
loolsoren: I used it many years ago in my previous company because it seemed more secure than the solutions requiring root, but the performances were abysmal; I remember fixing it to build in Ubuntu, but that's about the involvement I had with the package16:05
impianyone that can help me with my php issue?16:06
sorenlool: All of what you just said is true for me, too, just offset a couple of years :)16:07
sorenlool: But ok, no worries.16:07
laujpds: I was thinking about /etc/apt/preferences but have no clue how to implement-it16:07
PiciSKuhaneck: I just checked the manpage, checkinstall does have a --provides argument, providing 'httpd' should prevent your other packages from pulling in apache2.16:07
loolsoren: 2/3 years ago, I had noticed that it wasn't maintained anymore; it still gets updated upstream to build, but I wonder whether anybody cares for it; is it relevant for you?16:08
loolsoren: BTW met with a couple of coworkers of yours Saturday evening in NY (Debconf); I've asked one to wave hello  :-)16:08
sorenlool: It might be relevant. I'm not willing to invest a whole lot of time in it, but it may be really convenient for testing Openstack stuff.16:10
papertigerslool: debconf was in NY, i wish i would of went16:10
sorenlool: Noone has waved yet :)16:10
impihow can i get apt-get source php5 but get php 5.2.X instead of 5.3 ????????16:13
tomsdaleimpi http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1447401     couple of posts down with the Pin-Priority16:16
impitomsdale, thank you, let me read this quick.16:17
Davieyimpi: Offically, you need to use hardy, jaunty or karmic :)16:18
impiDavidLevin, officially, i should slap my client and his dev ;)16:18
impibut yea, thats about as official as i can get16:18
tomsdalehad the same issue installing vtiger, requires 5.2 for some reasons.16:20
Davieyhggdh: Are you ready to test a new upstream checkout, hopefully fixing registration issues?16:22
hggdhDaviey: most certainly :-)16:24
Davieyhggdh: Rockin', building in the PPA atm..16:24
hggdhDaviey: k. Meanwhile, I will take 20 min16:24
Davieyhggdh: That is a fantastic idea :)16:24
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impitomsdale, it seems you have saved my 'ss16:32
impii have been sitting here for like nearly 6 hours now, thanks for that tip dude16:32
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tomsdale:-) np - actually someone else just saved my a lot of time on howtoforge - guess karma does exist.16:34
impimmm anyone that know how i can get around Patch suhosin.patch does not remove cleanly (refresh it or enforce with -f)16:51
ttxmathiaz: please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openldap/+bug/571057/comments/27 with high priority, so that it doesn't block 10.04.1 release16:52
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 571057 in openldap "slapd 2.4.21-0ubuntu5 corrupts olcDatabase={-1}frontend.ldif with duplicate olcAccess lines (again)" [High,In progress]16:52
mathiazttx: working on it16:52
ttxmathiaz: great  :)16:52
KaeltenAnyone able to give any recomendation between apt-mirror, apt-proxy, or apt-cacher16:56
patdk-wkya, I didn't like any of them16:58
qman__yeah, after a lot of frustration with those I opted for a squid caching proxy17:01
Kaeltenpatdk-wk: lol, well I have to use something to create a local repository17:01
* patdk-wk is using squid17:02
qman__zero maintenance that way17:02
patdk-wkbefore that, I was just doing a mirror17:02
qman__just crank up the cache size and point your apt clients at it, or better yet, transparently redirect with your firewall17:02
KaeltenI'd be more likely to abuse varnish for this purpose than squid I suppose.17:03
patdk-wkvarnish wasn't made for this, it's a reverse proxy, not a normal proxy17:04
patdk-wk"You can, but you probably don't want to. Doing it requires significant amounts of DNS magic and a huge Varnish VCL file. "17:05
qman__with squid, all you have to change are the size settings so it'll cache the bigger debs17:06
qman__and then mark the packages.gz files as never cache17:06
Kaeltenwell I'll already have varnish running and up so adding a few lines to the vcl won't hurt17:07
Kaeltenand honestly, and this is of course just my opinion, I find squid to be antiquated and cumbersome, I haven't used it in several years, so my opinions may be stale.17:09
qman__well, the config file is enormous17:09
qman__but it's set up correctly out of the box17:09
qman__would be nice if they split it up17:10
patdk-wkheh, I just switched to squid3, I like it17:11
patdk-wkI haven't used squid for years like 10years, till recently17:12
qman__$ wc -l /etc/squid/squid.conf17:12
qman__4433 /etc/squid/squid.conf17:12
Kaeltenugh 4.4k lines?17:12
Kaeltenthat's pretty hefty17:12
patdk-wkya, 90% of it is comments17:12
qman__and setting it up, you'll only change maybe 10 of them17:13
qman__grep -v ^\# /etc/squid/squid.conf | wc -l17:13
patdk-wksquid2.conf 402 lines17:14
patdk-wksquid3.conf 374 lines17:14
patdk-wkatleast in my config17:14
Kaeltenwc -l default.vcl17:14
Kaelten226 default.vcl17:14
* patdk-wk smacks kaelten, that is a totally different kind of proxy :)17:14
patdk-wkyou can compare apache proxy to squid17:15
Kaelteneven that's significantly less config17:15
patdk-wkit has tons of modules it has to load, each 2 config lines :)17:16
Kaeltenhrm, now that I think about it probably not, but it feels it because they chop it up17:16
sponzorhi. how to make logs for every ip that is trying to connect to my server... and what service is he trying to connect etc...?17:16
hggdhmathiaz: mind if I set bug 615646 as critical? This has to be resolved before FF17:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 615646 in eucalyptus "cannot attach a volume to an instance" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61564617:16
patdk-wksponzor, ulog :)17:16
jpdssponzor: iptables?17:16
qman__grep -R -v ^\# /etc/apache2 | wc -l17:17
qman__and that's not even a proxy, just a basic apache setup17:17
KaeltenI'm moving away from apache as well though,  in our new deployments we're going almost exclusively nginx17:17
sponzorhmm never tryed with iptables.. so they can do logs?17:17
patdk-wksponzor, yes, alittle limited, unless you use ulog instead17:18
hggdhDaviey: should we just wait (scheduled to start building in 1 hour), or should we try a gentle poke?17:18
sponzorok. i will geave it a try :P. tnx17:18
Kaeltengrep -R -v ^\# /etc/nginx/ | wc -l17:19
Kaeltenfor a proxy setup17:19
qman__I use apache because I know it well, but I openly admit it's quite heavy17:19
patdk-wkheh, my lighttpd proxy is like 50lines17:19
Kaeltenpatdk-wk: well I was including all of the files inside nginx17:19
qman__that apache server is running a single site for vnstat php frontend17:19
Kaeltenthe proxy config itself is only 25 lines17:19
patdk-wkKaelten, dunno, my whole lighttpd.conf file, is 50lines17:20
patdk-wkand it includes no other files17:20
Kaeltenfair enough17:20
* patdk-wk hates the debian/ubuntu version of lighttpd config file17:20
KaeltenI always had problems with lighttpd messing up with php processes17:21
patdk-wknever had that issue17:21
patdk-wkI've been running from lighttpd 1.4.6 though 1.5.x, no issues with php ever17:23
patdk-wkbut many many many people join #lighttpd with php completely broken17:23
jpdsqman__: So; disable some modules, and tune it? :-)17:24
qman__jpds, CPU time is cheaper ;)17:25
mathiazhggdh: Critical - I'm not sure about it17:25
mathiazhggdh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance17:25
mathiazhggdh: I don't think it's critical17:25
mathiazhggdh: and I'm not sure how FeatureFreeze impacts it17:26
FunnyLookinHatOk you crazy hackers - how can I diff the output of two different ls commands?  i.e. ls /a/* and ls /b/* ?17:26
jpdsWell, neither nginx/lighttpd are in main so ...17:28
qman__funkyHat, ls /a/ > a; ls /b/ > b; diff a b17:28
qman__FunnyLookinHat, ^17:29
qman__there might be a way to do it without creating files, but after thinking for a moment, I decided it wasn't worth figuring out17:30
Kaeltenpatdk-wk: I was running a site that during high traffic php would starting erroring every time until I restarted lightty17:31
Kaeltenat the time I found an old bug report describing the issue that had been around for a few years, and last I heard was still an issue17:32
patdk-wkhow where you starting php?17:32
Kaeltenas fcgi17:32
patdk-wkfcgi is a protocol, not a way to start php17:33
patdk-wkdid you start php yourself, spawnfcgi, or have lighttpd do it17:34
FunnyLookinHatqman__: right right - but temp files are lame...   how about diff <(ls -lh /a/*) <(ls -lh /b/*) ?  :)17:34
patdk-wkI kept having mod_php leaking memory like nuts for me17:35
patdk-wkswitched the webmail servers to lighttpd, no more issues17:35
qman__FunnyLookinHat, good to know17:36
smoserkirkland, ping17:36
FunnyLookinHatYeah found it via twitter - heh17:36
patdk-wkthat line fits on twitter?17:36
patdk-wkman, I totally don't get pacemaker17:36
tomsdalefor a smaller webserver - would you recommend bind or mydns.17:36
patdk-wkI just want to add an option to the ip up command17:36
patdk-wktomsdale, neither17:37
jpdstomsdale: Surely you mean DNS server?17:37
patdk-wkwhy install dns on a webserver?17:37
tomsdale:-) I have to decide between one of them for my hosting server. with DNS on the server I can generate records from the same panel.17:37
patdk-wkhopefully mydns is fixed, it used hangs on my friends install, everytime mysql connection drops17:38
Kaeltenpatdk-wk: er ya sorry, it's been about 5 years ago I was running that site, so I'm not too sure, I think it was managing the processes though17:38
jpdstomsdale: BIND is in main and supported by Ubuntu.17:38
tomsdaleI'm using ispconfig 3. patdk-wk hm. Doesn't sound too convincing.17:38
patdk-wktomsdale, well, it's easy to fix17:39
tomsdalejpds: that's enough for me :-) thx u217:39
patdk-wkI'm just to lazy to fix it for them17:39
* patdk-wk also notes that mydns hasn't been updated on that server for atleast 7years17:40
tomsdalebind it is17:41
FidelixGuys, what email filtering you can recommend?17:41
patdk-wkhmm, /dev/null does a great job17:41
Fidelixpatdk-wk, what do u mean?17:42
Fidelixi can redirect to /dev/null, ok. But how do i check message headers to do that?17:42
patdk-wkoh, I wasn't checking17:42
jpdsFidelix: procmail?17:42
patdk-wkthere are many many options, depends on what you want to write the rules in17:43
patdk-wkprocmail, maildrop, sieve, ...17:43
FidelixI want the easy one. hehehehe17:43
patdk-wkthere is no easy one17:43
FidelixOK. Then the less hard.17:44
patdk-wknone of them have anything better than manual editing of the config files17:44
FidelixOK. I am using postfix with Maildir. Can i write rules to procmail for delivering to certain folders on the user's Maildir?17:45
FidelixExcelent. I guess there is no gui to do that...17:45
patdk-wknot that I know of17:45
patdk-wkI personally use maildrop, and I setup the company to use seive17:46
Fidelixpatdk-wk, please dont be mad with what i'll ask.17:46
FidelixWhat is maildrop?17:46
FidelixThe agent that delivers the email to the users?17:46
patdk-wkinstead of procmail17:47
FidelixOK. And what is seive?17:47
patdk-wksame thing17:47
Fidelixhow do i know which one i'm using?17:47
patdk-wkdepends on your mailserver17:47
patdk-wksee what one it's setup to use17:48
FidelixPostfix / dovecot. I'll check the config files.17:48
patdk-wkunless you isntalled one, I doubt it's using any17:48
patdk-wkwell, then you have two things17:48
patdk-wkeither postfix is going direct, not using anything17:48
patdk-wkor it's configured to use the dovecot deliever lda, in that case it could, or could not be using sieve, depends on dovecot config17:49
Iceman_Bhow much does a clean install differ from a version that's been upgraded from 8 -> 9 -> 10 ?17:49
FidelixIt seems to be using maildrop, because maildrop's line is uncommented17:49
Fidelixmaildrop  unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe17:49
Fidelix  flags=DRhu user=vmail argv=/usr/bin/maildrop -d ${recipient}17:49
patdk-wkthat doesn't mean it's using it17:49
patdk-wkit just means it knows how to use it :)17:49
FidelixOh, true,17:49
FidelixAnd do you know a way to check this?17:50
patdk-wkpostconf | grep transport17:51
Fidelixdefault_transport = smtp17:51
FidelixIt seems to be making the deliver directly.17:52
Fidelixmailbox_transport =17:52
patdk-wklook at local_transport and virtual_transport17:52
patdk-wkand that :)17:52
patdk-wkyep, direct17:52
Fidelixlocal_transport = local:$myhostname17:52
FidelixI guess thats ugly17:52
FidelixIts not even going through dovecot, right?17:52
patdk-wkif you did, virtual-transport=maildrop, mailbox_transport=maildop, it would use maildrop instead17:53
patdk-wkfor mine I have, virtual_transport = dovecot17:53
patdk-wkthen dovecot uses sieve17:53
FidelixIs sieve easier than maildrop?17:53
patdk-wkdovecot unix    -       n       n       -       -      pipe17:53
patdk-wk  flags=DRhu user=nobody:dovecot argv=/usr/libexec/dovecot/deliver -f ${sender} -d ${user}@${nexthop} -n -m ${extension}17:53
Fidelixbtw, i found a GUI to procmail17:54
patdk-wkI dunno sieve17:54
FidelixIts named Procbuilder.17:54
patdk-wkthe webmail package does sieve though, so it's user friendly17:54
patdk-wkI manually write all my maildrop, have >10k lines of maildrop rules17:54
patdk-wkmy procmail script was getting way to complex, so I switched to maildrop17:55
FidelixBut ur writing maildrop regex manually?17:55
FidelixThats... well... something17:55
FidelixI guess maildrop has no gui either17:55
patdk-wkwebmail package will do them all17:56
patdk-wkseieve is just easier for it to modify the scripts17:56
patdk-wkthunderbird has sieve support (still have to edit manually though)17:56
Fidelixwow. So i can create the rules on thunderbird and sieve will import 'em?17:56
FidelixThats wonderful.17:57
patdk-wkkindof :)17:57
nxvlkirkland: what does it means when i've a {!} on my byobu?17:57
patdk-wkyou create then in thunderbird sieve plugin, and it will upload them and active them on the server17:57
FidelixThats really awesome.17:57
patdk-wkbut seieve was made to be nicely done, just no one has bothered on the client side to make it nice yet17:58
FidelixShould i just apt-get install sieve?17:58
patdk-wkit's not a seperate package17:58
FidelixIts in webmail package?17:58
patdk-wkit's in dovecot17:58
Fidelixok then. Should i set mailbox_transport = dovecot then?17:58
patdk-wkif you wish17:59
Fidelixor default_transport ?17:59
patdk-wkbut I would setup dovecot first17:59
patdk-wkno, I would think you want smtp to be default17:59
FidelixWhat has to be done in dovecot?17:59
patdk-wkyou need to configure the lda section17:59
patdk-wksetup sieve, ...17:59
patdk-wkwhole sections of the wiki on dovecot's website do this step by step17:59
Fidelixok. i'll look for it18:00
FidelixIs this it? http://wiki2.dovecot.org/LDA18:02
patdk-wkthat, then the LDA/Postfix page, and at the bottom the sieve page18:03
FidelixOK. Thank you very much patdk-wk.18:04
Fidelixpatdk-wk ++18:04
smoserkim0, so i loaded http://foss-boss.blogspot.com/2010/08/ubuntu-server-10041-virtual-release.html from an ec2 instance. in us-east-1, but i iddn't see a new dot show up on the map18:31
smoseris there a way that i can see where the server says that my ubuntu server is ?18:31
smoseroh. i see now, that there may be a dot.  from the initial view it looked like only 3 dots in US.18:33
smoserbut a zoom in shows many more18:33
raubvogelAnyone using reprepro? I created a gpg key and now how do I intert it in the distribution file (per http://www.porcheron.info/setup-your-debianubuntu-repository-with-reprepro/)?18:35
Fidelixpatdk-wk, are u there?18:49
hggdhDaviey: there?18:51
Davieyhggdh: as always :)18:52
kim0smoser: that's true .. you need to zoom in .. enjoy :)18:54
smoserkim0, but is there a way to know where it placed my server ?18:54
kirklandnxvl: see `man byobu` ...  apport18:54
kirklandnxvl: you have an apport crash report18:54
kim0smoser: not easily ..18:55
kirklandsmoser: thanks for the errno improvements18:55
kim0smoser: I could tell by looking at the database18:55
kim0smoser: or you could by looking up your server's IP into geoIP :)18:55
smoserthats what i figured.18:55
Davieykim0: Do you have access to the database now?18:55
kirklandsmoser: one regression though....18:55
kim0smoser: maybe next time we'll make it green or something :)18:55
kirklandsmoser: "errno 3"18:55
kim0Daviey: no I don't :D :D why is your position that important to you :D18:56
kirklandsmoser: i had fixed it to omit matches in the description, if you search for a number explicitly18:56
* kim0 remembers Daviey 's city name was something funny right ?18:56
Davieykim0: I live in the backwaters of hidden country :).. would be nice to see it on the map :)18:56
kim0so next time .. people want to see themselves in a different marker .. and be able to change it18:57
kim0feel free folks to hack on mapuntu to add those :)18:57
zulso if im in a diferent city it will show up on the map but not the actual city where my server is in right?18:58
smoserkirkland, i dont see why thats matching18:58
kim0zul: that's why it's best to hit it from your servers18:58
martianI have a 9.10 server install that I connect to via samba, and every few days it starts timing out only on samba connections. I'll restart samba but it doesn't help. Only a system restart helps. Any ideas?18:58
kim0zul: http://maps.ubuntu.com/hit.html18:58
kim0zul: wget that from the box18:59
zulheh too busy right now18:59
RoyKmartian: wierd - never seen that, and I've been (and am) running samba on quite a few platforms18:59
RoyKmartian: check dmesg18:59
RoyKor /var/log/messages about the time of the hang18:59
hggdhDaviey: can you use your powers of persuasion to get the eucalyptus pacakges (at least the amd64) to build soon?19:00
Davieyhggdh: yeah.. i'm tugging on that favour quite alot atm :(19:00
martianRoyK: yeah, it's almost like the port is blocked. Checking those now..19:00
Davieyhggdh: but it's ridiculous wait atm19:00
RoyKmartian: dmesg won't be of much use if you've already rebooted19:00
hggdhDaviey: indeed. BTW, you remember we have a meeting now, right?19:01
kirklandsmoser: you're seeing it though, right?19:01
martianRoyK: I have not. The system has been online for a few weeks, and just a few minutes ago I lost the file sharing19:01
RoyKok, pastebin dmesg19:01
RoyKif something fishy is going on in the kernel, it should be there19:01
Davieyhggdh: i'm there :)19:01
hggdhSpamapS: meeting now, sir ;-)19:02
martianRoyK: neither dmesg nor messages contain 'smb' or 'samba' :(19:02
RoyKthat wasn't waht I was looking for :)19:02
RoyKrather something related to memory or i/o19:03
RoyKor some crash19:03
patdk-wkanything unusual, assuming you are used to reading dmesg often :)19:03
* RoyK is :)19:03
patdk-wkwell, I know that :)19:03
patdk-wkhmm, I haven't had any samba issues, running samba on 8.04, 9.10 and 10.04, currently19:04
patdk-wk10.04 isn't getting stressed, but the other two are :)19:04
RoyKmartian: can you pastebin it? it won't reveal anything security-wise unless you've done something creative19:04
patdk-wkdmesg | pastebinit :)19:05
smoserkirkland, so: sed -n "s,^#define\s\+\([^[:space:]]\+\s\+${code}\s.*\),\1,p" ${headers}19:05
smoserthat works.19:05
martianRoyK: (had to install pastebinit) http://pastebin.com/HqMMDP4219:05
smoserit seems that [^\s] isn't really working correctly. i replaced with [^[:space:]]19:05
kirklandsmoser: ack19:06
kirklandsmoser: that looks better19:06
RoyKmartian: cat /proc/uptime19:06
kirklandsmoser: okay, i like your changes;  it seems, though, that there's some bikeshedding about what package to put this utility in19:06
smoseryeah, which is silly.19:06
smoseri stated to respond with "not all tools there are ubuntu specific"19:06
smoserwhere else would it possibly go ?19:07
martianRoyK: uptime: 1112744.62 8686773.9319:07
kirklandsmoser: i considered:  ubuntu-dev-tools, devscripts, coreutils, and linux-tools19:07
kirklandsmoser: i have half a mind to put it in byobu, actually19:07
RoyKmartian: hrmf19:08
RoyKmartian: and nothing in the samba logs either?19:08
RoyKmartian: what does netstat -ln --inet say - does it still listen? or lsof -p `pidof smbd` ?19:08
martianRoyK: Well, I actually (perhaps a bad idea?) just wiped the samba logs before restarting the service in hopes to catch the problem in a fresh log19:09
RoyKmove them away next time :)19:09
patdk-wkmv /var/log/samba /var/log/samba.old :)19:10
martianyeah, I kinda smacked myself for that before even coming here... frustrated thinking makes for mistakes19:11
martianNetstat: http://pastebin.com/Qxhm7Ep019:11
patdk-wkhave you adjusted any sysctl settings?19:11
martianNo sir19:12
RoyKmartian: ok, have you restarted samba, and it still doesn't work?19:12
RoyKI mean restarted, not reloaded...19:12
martianeven stopped... waited... started19:12
RoyKstop ; ps axf|grep smb ?19:13
martianand I'm not the only client machine unable to get in, so afaik it's not a client issue19:13
RoyKmartian: can you check if the process is really restarting? check its pid19:13
patdk-wkhmm, martian, how do you authenicate users?19:13
hggdhDaviey: don't know what is it you did, but amd64 just built!19:14
patdk-wkon one of my systems (the 8.04 ubuntu one), I'm using AD19:14
ballOkay, that's strange.  I just booted an Ubuntu Server box and it's giving me a graphical login screen.  Wonder if it booted from the wrong disk.19:14
patdk-wkand winbind fails assert sometimes, randomly, once a month19:14
patdk-wkif I start winbind, all works again19:14
ballAh yes, that's it.19:14
martianoh, hello processes: http://pastebin.com/Ti99SPEr19:14
martianpatdk-wk: kerberos19:15
patdk-wkso via winbind19:15
patdk-wknext time you can't login, or is that now?19:15
patdk-wkmake sure winbind is running :)19:15
martianI'm sorry, let me rephrase that; the system is kerberized, but samba is not.19:15
Davieyhggdh: /me rocks :)19:15
martianI still smbpass19:15
RoyKmartian: lots of those processes are old, can you kill them and try to start samba again after that?19:16
patdk-wkmine, samba uses the system users19:16
patdk-wkand the system nsswitch, uses winbind :)19:16
RoyKmartian: if you remove the log files, old samba processes will still write to the erased files, not the new ones19:16
martianRoyK: Is there a simple way to kill all those processes?19:17
RoyKkillall -9 smbd19:17
patdk-wkthose processes die when users logout/disconnect the share19:17
RoyKpatdk-wk: they won't be of much use if he's debugging them and they write to deleted files :þ19:18
martianHmm, after stopping the service and killing the processes, they still remain19:18
patdk-wkya, just explaining normal usage19:18
RoyKmartian: ps 21257 ; kill -9 21257 ; sleep 1 ; ps 2125719:19
RoyKdoes that still show the process?19:19
sponzorwho is http://pastebin.com/paLXd7Gk19:19
martianRoyK: yes :o19:20
patdk-wkLOCALHOST :)19:20
martianRoyK: zombies!19:20
RoyKmartian: not in Z state19:20
patdk-wksponzor, you must really like to ftp yourself a lot :)19:20
sponzoryeah but i m not using it? :/19:20
RoyKmartian: try strace -fp 21257 and try to see what it's doing19:20
patdk-wksponzor, once every 5 min? looks like cacti or something checking it19:21
RoyKit really should be killable in S state19:21
martianRoyK: nothing. Process is attached, then silence19:21
tomsdaleI gave an lvm logical volume the name var-www. when I reboot it cannot mount it and throws an error. Can my naming convention with the - lead to a problem.?19:22
sponzorcould be webalizer?19:22
patdk-wkdoubt it19:22
martianRoyK: and I mean zombies figuratively, not literally ;)19:22
RoyKmartian: that sucks19:22
RoyKmartian: yeah, but zombie processes exist in unix :)19:22
sponzorbecouse i dont have cacti :P19:22
smoserDaviey, your sponsor request has my change?19:23
martianyeah, I should have chosen a better word like... cranky toddler processes.. so, any hope for this?19:23
RoyKmartian: mad hatters19:23
RoyKmartian: you _are_ root, right?19:23
martianRoyK: sudoing19:24
Davieysmoser: I haven't placed it yet.. but the package hggdh is testing *doesn't* have it19:24
RoyKmartian: just sudo -i19:24
Davieysmoser: If you want to push it to ~ubuntu-virt branch, that would be super.19:24
Davieysmoser: Unless you want to peer review every change?19:24
smoserwhat branch ?19:25
smoserlp:ubuntu/maverick/eucalyptus/2.0 ?19:25
martianRoyK: good call, but no avail. as actual root, ps 21257 ; kill -9 21257 ; sleep 1 ; ps 21257 the process still remains19:25
smoseri need no review of my changes :)19:25
Davieysmoser: Noooooo19:25
Davieysmoser: lp:~ubuntu-virt/19:26
RoyKmartian: can you get anythinf from ltrace?19:26
Fidelixpatdk-wk, know any guides for setting postfix with dovecot > procmail ?19:26
RoyKltrace -p pid19:26
Davieysmoser: maintain the UNRELEASED status in debian/changelog please :)19:26
smoserDaviey, ok. you pasted me wrong.19:26
patdk-wkif you use procmail, you won't be using dovecot19:26
RoyKFidelix: I think the admin guide has one19:26
patdk-wkso you just need a postfix + procmail one19:26
Davieysmoser: really?19:26
mathiazSpamapS: on the topics of graphing bugs, I'm planning to load all of the ubuntu-server-bugs mailing list archive into a hadoop cluster19:26
martianRoyK: Operation not permitted19:26
RoyKFidelix: use sieve19:27
RoyKmartian: oh19:27
RoyKas root?19:27
mathiazSpamapS: it should be interesting to gather some information/graph from there19:27
martianRoyK: yes, as root19:27
RoyKmartian: ltrace -p 21257 ?19:27
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
SpamapSmathiaz: !! cool19:27
Davieysmoser: ah yes, seems i did.. sorry19:27
FidelixRoyK, i was going to set Sieve, as patdk-wk suggested. But i found that i dont want to script for each rule i want to add.19:27
RoyKFidelix: I think procmail is disregarded in ubuntu/dovecot19:28
RoyKFidelix: and you don't need a separate script, it'll just be one large one19:28
FidelixThere are GUIs for procmail, and thats important to me.19:28
FidelixI'm not good with regex, not at all19:28
RoyKwell, dunno then19:28
martianRoyK: http://pastebin.com/5q1kECdJ baffled :x19:29
RoyKyou don't need to use regex with sieve19:29
SpamapSmathiaz: take a look at Flume for loading19:29
RoyKmartian: out of interest - pastebin ps axfu19:29
* patdk-wk loves regex, I'm not good with it, but I can do most all I need to19:30
FidelixWell, there is a GUI for setting procmail with Dovecot.19:30
FidelixBut i guess i'll go with Sieve.19:30
FidelixI dont want to regret it later.19:30
RoyKFidelix: you probably won't19:30
FidelixAnd as you say, sieve seems more reliable.19:30
RoyKFidelix: I think it's like 10 years since I used procmail :)19:30
martianRoyK http://pastebin.com/kpqRTn5h Hmm, the smbd processes are me19:30
RoyKmartian: what happens if you try to kill them with your own user, not root?19:31
RoyKI'm really at loss here - just guessing19:31
RoyKalso, perhaps trying to stop/start winbindd might loosen up some - no idea - at all19:32
martianRoyK: no luck19:32
RoyKok, start an strace -fp somesmbdpid19:32
martianRoyK: Yeah, I'm guessing I may want to simply restart the system and save those logs :)19:32
RoyKsend a sigterm (kill xx) to that, and see if you get something19:33
RoyKif not, send a SIGSEGV (-11 iirc) and see if something happens19:33
RoyKor even SIGHUP or whatever19:33
martianRoyK: neither19:34
RoyKmartian: also make sure you have a recent kernel for that distro version - apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade19:34
FidelixWell, i'm not beeing happy with this Dovecot > Sieve wiki.19:34
FidelixAnyway, i'll try harder19:34
martianRoyK: yeah, been holding off for a bit as it's hosting a new site (which went live TODAY ahh!)19:35
martianRoyK: I think I may need to hold off on any service interrupts until this evening.19:35
tomsdaleI don't understand what 'nosuid' does in the mountoptions. Does it mean you cannot change the user/group of a file after it has been created?19:35
RoyKmartian: seems you've already got an interrupt19:36
RoyKapt-get dist-upgrade just takes you to the new 9.10 (if that was what you had)19:36
RoyKit doesn't take you to 10.0419:36
RoyKyou'll need a do-release-upgrade command to do that19:36
Fidelixpatdk-wk, RoyK does ManageSieve comes with Dovecot 2?19:37
impistarted 11 am and im done with this bloody php compile now..19:37
impiwhat a mess19:37
FidelixThe wiki says nothing about that.19:37
* RoyK has no idea19:37
martianWell, as long as apache, mysql, and shibboleth keep chugging away until the end of the day, I'm ok :)19:37
RoyKmartian: they won't be chugging worse with updated packages19:37
FidelixWell, did u had to compile sieve when you set ur dovecot?19:38
RoyKmartian: the updates you get with a dist-upgrade are just bug fixes and _maybe_ minor upgrades, nothing major19:38
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
martianRoyK: but I'll still need to restart to flush these processes, so I'd rather wait 3 hours19:39
RoyKmartian: no, with 9.10 you won't even get minor upgrades19:39
smoserDaviey, quilt refresh..19:39
smoserwhat do i want to add to that to make it keep 'a/b' style diff output19:39
RoyKmartian: with an LTS, you may get minor upgrades if upgrading from, say, 10.04 to 10.04.1, but only then19:39
smoserrather than $(basename)19:39
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
martianRoyK: and actually, dist-upgrade only has an ldap-utils update for me19:40
Davieysmoser: ?19:40
RoyKmartian: no kernel stuff?19:40
smosernever mind. i found it.19:40
Davieysmoser: wassup?19:40
RoyKmartian: this seems to be something bad in kernel19:40
smoserso refreshing (i think) a patch, you want: quilt refresh -pab19:40
smoserhmm.. manybe not19:41
smosermaybe its just my quilt is different than yours19:41
Davieysmoser: cleaner patches:19:41
Davieydave@voodoo:~$ cat /home/dave/.quiltrc19:41
DavieyQUILT_DIFF_ARGS="--no-timestamps --no-index -pab"19:41
DavieyQUILT_REFRESH_ARGS="--no-timestamps --no-index -pab"19:41
martianRoyK: afraid not. I do have a 10.10 machine mirroring this one, so I may swap them around at some point if this continues. This is the third time in about 2 months that it's happened.19:42
martianRoyK: well hey, thanks so much for your help! I really appreciate it!19:42
RoyKmartian: why not 10.04 LTS?19:42
RoyKI only run LTS for critical servers, not betas19:43
martianRoyK: oh yeah, got my version numbers confused19:43
RoyK10.04 => April 201019:43
RoyKmartian: I asked around a little, and all I can find is debug calls in kernel, which may not give you much valuable info if you're not a kernel hacker19:52
FidelixRoyK, can u please pastebin your main.cf and dovecot.conf?19:53
smoserDaviey, https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-virt/ubuntu/maverick/eucalyptus/2.0 is updated.19:54
RoyKFidelix: I'm not using dovecot anymore19:54
* RoyK switched to Zimbra for less hassle19:54
Fidelixoh, ok19:55
FidelixShould i switch too?19:55
fuentesjranyone know why someone would want to use ubuntu enterprise cloud vs xen ?19:56
RoyKFidelix: that's up to you - zimbra is not in ubuntu, and distributed as a separate system, not suitable to run on anything but a VM or a dedicated system, but it works for me19:56
smoserDaviey, how do i build that?19:57
* patdk-wk loves dovecot :)19:58
FidelixWell, that seems lot of... work.19:58
patdk-wkya, zymbra is a, do all my email crap, and don't annoy me setup19:59
kirklandkees: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/61507719:59
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 615077 in qemu-kvm "[Maverick] SDL local window broken in last update" [Medium,Incomplete]19:59
kirklandkees: is that a dupe of your compiz bug?19:59
keeskirkland: I don't think so.20:01
keeskirkland: but maybe... though it's a weird symptom20:01
RoyKpatdk-wk: heh - works for me (tm)20:01
kirklandkees: k, thanks20:03
patdk-wkroyk, yep :)20:04
patdk-wkI wonder how well it works under load20:04
patdk-wkheavy imap load, so dovecot is nice20:04
patdk-wkfrom all the smartphones these days20:04
RoyKpatdk-wk: I know the norwegian meteorological office uses it with drbd/heartbeat for quite a few users20:06
Jinxed-I don't know where else to ask this, so I thought I might ask it here20:09
Jinxed-I would like to have essentiall a complete video server running on my ubuntu machine 10.04, but im unsure what would be able to do the trick20:10
patdk-wkdepends what you mean by, *video server*20:10
patdk-wkor a streaming video server, like a website20:11
Jinxed-I should clairfy that it is all on a private network20:11
Jinxed-with no need to have access to the outside20:11
patdk-wkI just use mythtv for all my video needs20:11
Jinxed-1.) I want to be able to stream webcam from any remote computer to any other remote computer and have it stored locally on my server. I have bandwidth issues on a few connections, so i would like the server to take the stream save it and rebroadcast it or something similar.20:11
Jinxed-2.) I want to be able to stream the videos on my server via VoD to any remote computer on the network with variable quality20:12
patdk-wkheh, no idea what would do that20:12
Jinxed-3.) It would be nice to have some sort of front end for remote users to be able to see what is in the server and be able to select what video that want to watch and the bandwidth20:12
patdk-wksounds like you want real-time transcoding of the video stream20:13
patdk-wkthat uses some cpu power20:13
smoser$ bzr bd -S20:14
Jinxed-yeah, that would be ideal20:14
smoserbzr: ERROR: Unable to find the needed upstream tarball: eucalyptus_2.0~bzr1219.orig.tar.gz.20:14
Jinxed-I won't have very many connections at once so I don't think it should be too bad20:14
Jinxed-but if that doesn't work then the ability to transcode a video on the server to different qualities20:14
Jinxed-first, and then just stream20:15
patdk-wkthat second way, you can do anything to do that20:15
patdk-wkas long as you don't do live20:15
patdk-wksounds more like you want a security cam type system, with trascode abilities20:16
Jinxed-patdk-wk, Any idea on what I could use to capture streams to disk and rebroadcast to the original destination20:17
patdk-wkzoneminder is the security cam package that is pretty nice20:17
patdk-wkdunno if it will work the way you want though20:17
RoyKJinxed-: how many connections? what sort of media? Mbps?20:19
RoyKJinxed-: and what bandwidth do you have to the clients?20:19
RoyKgigE? 100Mbps? a crappy 54Mbps WIFI?20:19
patdk-wkt1 :)20:19
Jinxed-My slowest connection is abou 250kbs20:19
RoyKJinxed-: then you'll realtime transcoding, which is _NOT_ cheap20:20
Jinxed-I can stream video at about 320x240 with 400kbs bitrate with 15 fps20:20
RoyKJinxed-: transcode the videos to smaller ones, and let the users choose between them20:20
RoyKJinxed-: there are methods of allowing users to choose dynamically based on bandwidth, but I don't know any OSS that allows that20:21
RoyKJinxed-: look into ffmpeg and the rest of the transcoding software available20:21
Jinxed-Do you know of anything that could take a stream from a remote user save it to disk and rebroadcast it?20:22
RoyKJinxed-: still, VoD over 256kbps will suck rather hard20:22
Jinxed-haha yeah20:22
Jinxed-not every connection is that bad20:22
hggdhDaviey: bloody thing got completely lost (I tried to just upgrade the packages). I am going for a full reinstall now :-(20:22
Jinxed-some will be standard 100 Mbs20:22
RoyKJinxed-: I think Måns Rullgård (an ffmpeg developer) has developed something like that - we used to work together some years back20:22
RoyKJinxed-: Måns also wrote an addon to ffmpeg to allow parallel transcoding, which is rather neat20:23
RoyKas in thread one splits the stream into i-frame (b-frame (p-frame ...) ...) and sends each i-end stream to a thread20:24
RoyKit's in ffmpeg, but the ffmpeg syntax is rather cryptic20:25
RoyKit makes a crapy perl scrip look like a children's book20:25
FidelixRoyK, how do i test if Sieve is working?20:26
RoyKFidelix: sending an email containing the matches?20:27
Jinxed-hmm what about this... is there a way to setup something so I just send the stream to a server which could make it available for other who wanted to see it20:28
RoyKJinxed-: still, if you need to serve VoD over 256kbps, spending all that CPU power on live transcoding seems a waste20:28
RoyKJinxed-: even VNC can do that20:29
RoyKby multicast or unicast20:29
RoyKJinxed-: what sort of network topology are you on?20:29
RoyKis it a LAN, a WAN or an internet site?20:29
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
RoyKJinxed-: wtf has only a 256kbps on a LAN?20:30
Jinxed-form of wireless20:30
RoyKwhat sort of wireless? even 802.11 is basically 2Mbps20:31
RoyKand that's like eight years old20:31
RoyK802.11b, that is20:31
RoyK802.11g is (theoretically) 54Mbps, which should suffice20:32
RoyKso not LAN20:32
RoyKwhat sort of radio links are these?20:32
RoyKI think it's doable, but the best guess is to start with a bandwidth test, and then choose the desired media file20:34
Jinxed-well the bandwidth test i did20:34
RoyKother methods will involve rewriting the media player and potentially the server20:34
Jinxed-gave pings with about20:34
Jinxed-400 ms20:34
Jinxed-average response20:34
RoyKround-trip time doesn't say anything about bandwidth20:35
RoyKonly about latency20:35
RoyKJinxed-: write a small client-side thing that checks the bandwidth to the server, it can be a java applet or something like that. when you know the downstream speed, you know at what speed it can stream. Then choose the media file made for that connection20:37
Jinxed-well tests show about 180-200 kBs20:37
Jinxed-or about 1.5 megabits/sec20:38
RoyKthen transcode movies into separate files, depending on the link quality available20:38
RoyKthe transcoding should not be done in realtime, because that'll take a truckload of CPUs20:38
RoyKsay, have the full MPEG2-TS (probably around 7Mbps) available, and add another 4Mbps, and others with 2Mbps, 1Mbps, 512kbps and so on20:39
RoyKto alternate between them in realtime, you'll need to write your own player, though, unless mplayer or vlc or someone has written a hack for this already20:40
RoyKyou want lots of buffering on the client side, and preferably a client that can switch to another server when the one he's on goes down, that can usually be done with DNS RR20:41
Jinxed-what about recording a stream to disk20:41
RoyKthat's the simple part20:41
Jinxed-that is the part im the most hung up on right now20:42
Jinxed-how I could take a stream from one remote site to another remote site and record it20:42
RoyKJinxed-: I may be wrong, but it seems you're just touching the parts of VoD...20:42
Jinxed-to the server20:42
RoyKJinxed-: from where do you get the video stream?20:42
RoyKa TCP or UDP stream? from DVB?20:43
Jinxed-Say I have a webcam attached to a laptop at two remote sites A and B, and I want to stream from A to B but I also want that stream recorded on my server, but because of how slow the connection is from A to the server I only want to have to tramsit it once and have the server record it while it transmits it to B20:44
Jinxed-it would have to be udp... tcp would be to slow i imagine20:44
Jinxed-for my slowest link20:44
RoyKif you're doing site-to-site webcam, you'll need to sniff the traffic and dump whatever you get20:45
RoyKotherwise, you can setup a server that handle the two and allow them  to connect to that server, which can do the copying20:45
Jinxed--you don't know of anysoftware that could take/rebroadcast20:45
Jinxed--that latter idea sounds good20:46
Jinxed--great actually20:46
RoyKI really don't know - there's a lot of webcam servers out there, and I guess most of them can store the streams20:46
RoyKbut then, if it's private data, it won't be very nice to your users20:47
ballIn Ubuntu Server, how do I list the partitions on a disk?20:50
RoyKball: cat /proc/partitions20:50
RoyKball: or just fdisk ......20:51
ballRoyK: Thanks20:51
=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
ballRoyK: Thanks, that helped me find and mount a partition that I wanted to check prior to wiping a disk.20:56
RoyKthat's a good start :)20:57
FidelixGuys, postfix or smtpd or something is bouncing all emails back to the sender.21:07
FidelixIts getting really annoing. Any ideas on what can i do about that?21:07
ballI'll be back later.21:07
FidelixI've created a couple of days before a thread on UF but no response atm21:08
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Jinxed--RoyK, do you know how much it would cost to get someone to help me with my system (even rough estimate)/a good place to look for help21:11
RoyKJinxed--: I think you should define your needs better first - read up on VoD a little more - no offence, really, but you're not asking to specific questions21:13
Jinxed--well im a little flexible on what exactly i want based on how much easier/harder it would be to implement21:14
RoyKJinxed--: can you try to simplify what you want or need?21:16
Jinxed--Simply put the ability to watch videos on demand on the network that are stored on my ubuntu machines (given my slow connection) and the ability to stream from any connected device and have those streams stored on my server (again a solution that can work with my slow connection)21:18
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tucemiuxhow should I handle updates?  "no automatic updates", "install security updates automatically" or "Manage system with landscape"??22:20
guntberttucemiux: landscape is paid22:21
tucemiuxguntbert, thanks, i'll skip that one then22:22
guntberttucemiux: will you be visiting the server regularly?22:23
tucemiuxguntbert, the server is on my home ESXi box22:24
guntberttucemiux: I didn't mean physically but logically - if you hav a server that is once started and the left alone I would choose "install security updates...", if not the "no automatic..." and sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade every once in while22:26
rwwI do what guntbert said, with the exception that "every once in a while" is "whenever ubuntu-security-announce emails me"22:30
Iceman_Bokay, when I connect additional harddrives into a system, do they magically become visible after a reboot? if not, how do I go about it?22:31
tucemiuxok guntbert thanks22:31
markattowhat do I need to do to enable mod_rewrite? the apache conf files seem to be split all over the place22:32
guntbertrww: point well taken :-) (my ubuntu "servers" are only play things :-))22:32
markattoam I supposed to copy/symlink the files from mods-available to mods-enabled?22:33
markattothat looks like how it works, but it all seems very over-engineered and confusing22:33
rwwmarkatto: sudo a2enmod rewrite; sudo service apache2 restart22:35
rww(a2dismod is the opposite of a2enmod; there are also similar commands for sites)22:35
markattorww: do I need to enable it for the folder specifically as well? it doesn't seem to be working.22:40
rwwmarkatto: I'm not sure what you mean?22:52
markattorww: never mind I got it23:02
Kaeltenanyone know how to tell apt-get to automattically delete packages after installing them?23:05
Kaelten(the cache files that is)23:05
Davieyhggdh: Any news? :)_23:15
hggdhDaviey: yes. Good and bad. Which one first?23:18
hggdhDaviey: good: I can install (it it keeps running) CLC+Walrus23:20
hggdhDaviey: bad: the bloody (CC+SC) fail23:20
hggdhso, no cigar23:20
hggdhDaviey: I am now trying to install eucalyptus-cloud on the (CC+SC) to see if it runs23:21
hggdh(i.e., leaving eucalyptus-cloud down, does CC+SC start?23:22
hggdhDaviey: yes, it works! So I am now installing the NCs23:28
Davieyhggdh: Hmm.. ok - not the results i anticipated23:29
Davieyhggdh: Hmm, ok - was this a fresh install or an upgrade?23:29
DavieyI want to try and establish exactly what elements aren't working :/23:29
hggdhDaviey: a fresh install. I tried an upgrade, and thing went completely south23:46
hggdhDaviey: I am now on topo3 (CLC+Walrus), (CC+SC), (NC)+23:47
DavieyHmm.. ok.. Would you mind doing a mini truth table?  I'm starting to get a little confused :S23:48
hggdhawwwww c'mon! just a little? I myself am going bonkers23:51
hggdhDaviey: I *think* this is some sort of check done in the code for "required" components. I am *guessing* they check on something unique to the components -- like a specific .jar23:53
hggdhDaviey: this guess comes from the fact that installing eucalyptus-cloud -- and leaving it stopped -- appears to have done the trick on the (CC+SC) machine23:54
hggdhDaviey: of course, after that many tries I am not sure I am able to think anymore, but it stands to (my doubtful) reason23:55
hggdhDaviey: I will be more sure in a few, I am finishing the NC installs23:55

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