
MTecknologyHey.. I want to take the drupal light theme and base it against the light base theme. There's one itty bitty tiny problem. I was to utilize a really super cool awesome feature. The problem is that I need basically all of the images available to me in a single png (slices) that use transparency.06:02
MTecknologyI suck horribly at graphics so I was wondering if I could get any help on it06:04
stas_MTecknology: i don't think that would be easy, there are images that are used as backgrounds with repetition, for that kind of images you might need css3 and it has no back compatibility with css208:45
MTecknologystas_: I didn't mean for use in display.. I meant something for slices. To be broken apart into separate images. (Saying it even though you took off.)14:14
mhall119MTecknology: you just need them all tiled up in a single PNG?18:01
MTecknologymhall119: with transparency instead of the color background18:03
mhall119I didn't know any of them had a color background...18:04
mhall119just dotted.png then?18:06
MTecknologyh on - lemme go peek18:06
MTecknologyI could be lost and confused18:07
mhall119looks like dotted.png is the only one with a background color18:08
MTecknologymhall119: header.png18:08
MTecknologyand dotted.png18:08
mhall119ah, in the bottom of header.png, I didn't notice that18:09
mhall119why transparent though?  Do you plan on using a background other than white?18:09
MTecknologyYa, I plan on letting the user tweak them some18:10
mhall119technically header.png fades to a shade of gray18:10
MTecknologyit has an orange background though18:12
MTecknologyI plan on having an official color pallet with a few other pallets that will look nice - then the user can just use a pretty color wheel to change some of those18:12
MTecknologyunless I'm looking at another image than you18:13
mhall119yeah, that'll require new images18:14
mhall119the community website theme is really made to use community colors18:14
MTecknologymhall119: I'm looking at light-base-theme. I'm trying to rebase the drupal theme against it and when I do it, I want to add that functionality18:14
MTecknologyThe community colors also come with the licensing which means it can't be used by default by something on drupal.org18:15
mhall119I'm not sure how you'd go about doing that...18:15
mhall119drupal.org requires a specific license?18:15
MTecknologyI'm referring to this - http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy18:16
MTecknologyAccording to that - if it's not used on a community or ubuntu related project, it can't use the color pallet - which means it can't be default on d.o18:17
mhall119I see18:18
mhall119I think that's just for the logo though18:19
mhall119newz2000: can you clarify the license for the ubuntu-website code and also for it's images?18:19
MTecknologyNuzum mentioned in -meeting that it included the color pallet used on the site18:19
mhall119ok, I wasn't there for that18:20
mhall119still, launchpad.net needs to have that licensing info added to the project18:20
newz2000mhall119: why don't you email to the mailing list and I'll get you a detailed answer that we can link to publicly18:20
mhall119newz2000: fabulous idea18:20
newz2000I think this is kind of an FAQ and it's probably good for me to stop giving general guidelines and have an official doc18:20
mhall119newz2000: launchpad has a section to specify licensing too, it should be added there18:21
newz2000good plan18:21
MTecknologyEither way - I really want to make it so the user can easily change the colors. I'll figure out how to make a base image from the images in light-base-theme18:24
mhall119newz2000: sent18:24
MTecknologyShouldn't take me more than a few days :P - then I'll learn a lot.18:24
MTecknologyDoes Wordpress have any feature like that?18:25
MTecknologyTake a default set of colors that are being used, then cache a version with altered colors - including images18:26
mhall119MTecknology: I'm not sure18:27
mhall119I know the drupal stuff generates images based on a base color18:28
MTecknologyyup, 5 base colors18:28
stas_MTecknology: yes wp can handle that, but i see no need for it so far (old kubrik had that feature by default)19:02
MTecknologystas_: oh, The drupal theme isn't based on anything that existed - almost any bugs in it are my fault :P20:38
stas_MTecknology: i'm not talking about what it re-uses20:39
stas_i mean that a drupal theme is basically a continuation of drupal api/codebase20:39
stas_so it should use the same license as original work20:39
stas_i remember the thesiswp issue that recently exploded, it was exactly the same topic20:40

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