
RAOFtjaalton: Bah, sorry; should have built with -sa obviously.  The tarballs are in the archive, or uscan will grab them.  I'll push them now if you ilke.00:19
RAOFI didn't push many of those packages to git, since they're basically a pre-sync from experimental.00:21
RAOFAnd no-change rebuilds of packages sync'd from Debian also don't warrant an ubuntu branch.00:23
SarvattRAOF: he was talking about the ones that were merged in debian-experimental git but not released in experimental, i got em all though00:42
RAOFSarvatt: Yeah, thanks.00:43
Sarvattor did you have those in that huge pile of drivers?00:43
RAOFI had those in the huge pile of drivers, but I didn't build with -sa00:44
Sarvattoh bah, i should have looked!00:45
RAOFI think we might be one sync from Debian down.00:46
Sarvattopenchrome needs an xsfbs update (thats in video-all so its important)00:47
Sarvatti put in sync requests for geode and chips this morning00:48
asacRAOF: will you upload xorg soon ;)?00:51
RAOFasac: So soon as to be _in the past_ !00:52
asacRAOF: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+changelog00:52
asacor is that source dead?00:53
RAOFOh, right.00:54
RAOFNo, it's not yet uploaded.00:54
RAOFYes, soon :)00:54
* RAOF thought Timo had uploaded it last night.=00:54
asacvery good. if you do it now i can get my xorg packages back in the morning ;)00:56
asacall will be fine. i just keep it running ;)00:56
brycehheya RAOF, how're things going?01:09
RAOFbryceh: Busy busy busy!01:11
brycehRAOF, hey I was wondering if you could help me with an X problem.01:13
brycehI dropped my laptop in the bathtub, and now all I get is a garbled screen when I turn it on01:13
brycehshould I dry it off before turning it on?01:13
RAOFBut more.01:13
RAOFYou should find a chemical fire extinguisher.01:13
RAOFHook it up to the fan outlet, and empty the extinguisher through it.01:14
brycehwould it help if I installed more proprietary drivers?  I have installed all the proprietary video drivers I could find online.  still it doesn't work.01:14
RAOFThat will collect all the water, and leave you with a shiny, clean laptop interior!01:14
RAOFAww, man.  Sitting in front of the heater.  So much better!03:05
tjaaltonRAOF: hey, yeah I left xorg out because openchrome was missing, but was too tired to mention it here :)05:56
RAOFThat's ok.  Openchrome & xorg is on the way.05:57
RAOFThanks for all the sponsoring.05:58
RAOFHm.  Can you ack the -chips sync request?  bug #61549605:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 615496 in xserver-xorg-video-chips (Ubuntu) "Sync xserver-xorg-video-chips 1:1.2.3-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61549605:59
tjaaltonbetter yet, I can "sync" it05:59
tjaaltonwhat was that command again...06:00
RAOFThat would also work :)06:00
RAOFI think you need to grab ubuntu-dev-tools from bzr; then it's syncpackage, IIRC.06:00
tjaaltonyeah I have the old script which should work as well.. letsssee06:01
tjaaltonhuh, the script fails if there's an epoch, which doesn't show on the link06:03
tjaaltonoh well, it's just a wget & debsign away06:03
tjaaltonhrm, can't dput without .changes06:04
tjaaltonah, the script extracts and rebuilds the source06:06
tjaaltonRAOF: bah, confirmed the sync request instead, now breakfast :)06:11
RAOFHave deliciousness!06:11
tjaaltondunno how to unsub the sponsors team06:11
RAOFIf you're not on the sponsors team, you can't.06:11
RAOFIf you are, then I think it's a red ‘-’ next to the team subscription.06:11
tjaaltonyeah, I'm not06:33
=== ara_ is now known as ara
alf__Sarvatt: Hi! I have attached an alternative debdiff to debian #587771 with the changes you proposed.09:36
ubot4Debian bug 587771 in cairo "Package cairo-perf utilities" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/58777109:36
cndRAOF, Sarvatt: are you aware of any issues with radeon cards and the latest x uploads yesterday?10:14
cndthe screen on this dell laptop is all corrupted and unusable10:15
cndI can't even get to a VT :(10:15
cndI just did a full apt-get dist-upgrade and reboot and things seem ok10:26
cndso maybe it was just some weird stale package10:27
Sarvatttjaalton: wget http://sarvatt.com/downloads/ack-sync && ./ack-sync -e sarvatt@ubuntu.com 615496 -k yourkeyid10:31
Sarvatttjaalton: oh nevermind its fix released now :)10:31
araRAOF, any ETA for ABI?10:46
araRAOF, morning, by the way, sorry 0:-)10:46
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
vishtseliot: hi, what is the variable xthickness in the gtk context menu patch? is it configurable? or..11:38
tseliotvish: I'm not sure but I think it's something that the theme decides11:39
tseliotvish: why?11:40
vishtseliot: i was asked what that was on #gtk+11:40
tseliotvish: so, yes, I think what I said is correct. It's part of the gtk style and it can be defined in gtkrc11:47
vishtseliot: yeah , so seems we might need an update to the patch?11:48
tseliotvish: why?11:48
tseliotwhat did they say?11:48
vishtseliot: there is a new comment on the bug.. as to why we need the xthickness11:48
tseliotvish: ok, let me have a look11:49
vishtseliot: thanks.11:50
njinhy all12:10
njinsomeone around?12:11
Sarvattara: do you mean the new xserver? it's in already, proprietary drivers arent updated though because they dont work with it12:18
araSarvatt, OK, thanks for the update12:19
tseliotSarvatt, ara: I'll update the Nvidia driver soon. At least nvidia-current works with the new X12:24
Sarvattoh it does? \o/12:24
tseliotyes, it's ABI compatible12:24
* tseliot nods12:24
tseliotI might upload it today12:25
aratseliot, thanks!12:56
tseliotSarvatt, jcristau: it looks like /usr/share/xserver-xorg/serverminver is no longer in xserver-xorg-dev. Do you know why? Has it been replaced with something else?15:25
tseliotmaybe I should have a look at how open source (graphics) driver packages bump the server video abi automatically15:26
Sarvattit was deprecated a long time ago and  finally removed in the new xserver15:27
gordhi all, seems no nvidia binary driver supports xorg 1.9, are we going to stick with 1.9 in maverick and hope that nvidia come out with a driver that supports it? or maybe have some packaging magic to fix it?15:30
Sarvattgord: ppa://ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates15:32
Sarvatttseliot says 256.44 works, nvidia said they were going to put out a xserver 1.9 compatible one back in june15:32
tseliotI'm working on the nvidia package and I'll upload it as soon as I'm done with this packaging issue15:33
tseliotwell, Nvidia told me that15:33
gordrunning 256.44 here, grabbed it from the xorg-edgers ppa, doesn't seem to work. xorg says the ABI is broken in xorg.log15:34
Sarvattah it's waiting to build still, i guess it'll fail because of the serverminver thing. i fixed that a few uploads ago to that ppa but lost it when i resynced to the ubuntu packaging15:34
Sarvatttried IgnoreABI? maybe tseliot has a newer nvidia release that works or something15:35
Sarvatttry adding Option "IgnoreABI" "true" to your xorg.conf?15:36
tseliotSarvatt: was that package built against the new X?15:36
tseliotif not, it could try to remove X15:36
gordyeah i was going to try ignoreABI but i assumed that might be a bad idea ;) i'll give that a shot15:37
tseliotbut I guess we're facing a different problem here15:37
Sarvattthe one i just uploaded was but it hasn't built yet, the one in xorg-edgers was from the start15:37
Sarvattgord: let me know if it works if you can, I can't test it15:38
tseliotmaybe let's wait for that package to build then?15:38
Sarvattit wont build because of the serverminver thing15:38
tseliotok, let me fix that, then we'll try15:39
Sarvattone sec will give you a diff15:43
tseliotI'm rebuilding locally15:43
tseliotit was just a matter a copy & paste from -intel15:44
tseliotSarvatt: ^15:44
tseliotnice, it built15:47
Sarvattoh i shoulda looked first :)15:48
tseliotthanks anyway15:48
Sarvatti didn't make an orig.tar.gz for the nvidia package in x-updates because i got burned unable to update since they differed with the archive version last time :D15:49
tseliotSarvatt: yes, just wait a little bit and you won't have to upload the tarball15:52
Sarvattno worries man, thanks for doing that! was just mentioning why the package was messed up :P15:55
Sarvattjcristau: is it safe to update protos in unstable or should these go into experimental? gl, render, video, x11, kb, xext15:58
gordSarvatt, can confirm that adding ignoreAPI to the serverflags section gets me up and running with .44 :)16:04
tseliotgord: what architecture do you use? amd64 or i386?16:30
gordtseliot, amd6416:30
tseliotgord: would you like to try my package without the ignoreABI option?16:31
gordtseliot, sure16:32
Sarvattwow what the heck happened to power usage, i've been tethered to a power cord for the past 2 months so i hadn't noticed maverick is using ~4 watts more idle16:35
Sarvattthats a lot when i was only using ~6.7 watts idle before in lucid16:35
tseliotgord: ok, I'm uploading my package to my personal webspace. I'll let you know when it's ready16:36
gordSarvatt, do you have beam.smp running when you look at top? its destroying power usage all over. related to ubuntu one and gwibber (couchdb)16:37
gordtseliot, sure thing16:37
Sarvattnope i purged those a long time ago for killing battery16:37
Sarvattnothing really using cpu and a really low amount of wakeups/second in powertop (around 80 or so)16:38
brycehSarvatt, ubuntu-one was sucking down a lot of power on my system until I got rid of it16:48
johanbrSarvatt, could be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/52428116:52
ubot4Launchpad bug 524281 in linux-2.6 (Debian) (and 1 other project) "Tens of wakes per second in "[kernel scheduler] Load balancing tick" on Core 2 Duo even with only 1 core enabled (affects: 88) (dups: 1) (heat: 550)" [Unknown,Incomplete]16:52
Sarvatti dont have any ubuntuone or gwibber packages installed. i figured it out though, normally i unloaded a bunch of modules on battery and i didn't that time, my webcam and wired NIC suck up a ton of power16:54
Sarvatthaha "tens of wakeups"16:54
johanbrat least for me, it's more like hundreds16:54
Sarvattit was close to 800/second here just in load balancing tick up to 2.6.35-14.1916:54
Sarvattbut 2.6.35-14.20 fixed that16:54
johanbr22.0% (421.6)   [extra timer interrupt]16:55
Sarvattare you using -14.20?16:55
johanbrhmm...no 16:55
johanbrI'll have to try that16:55
brycehSarvatt, oh yeah webcam sucked power hard for me too16:56
johanbreven when not in use?16:56
Sarvattjohanbr: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/x86/linux-2.6-tip.git;a=commitdiff;h=396e894 is in 2.6.35-14.20, it made a HUGE difference16:57
brycehSarvatt, you know what we need is a little applet to optimize power with all these tricks16:57
Sarvattyeah its over 1W here not in use16:57
Sarvattgoes right down unloading the module16:57
johanbrbryceh, I vaguely remember Richard Hughes working on something like that16:57
johanbrpossibly as part of gnome-power-manager16:58
Sarvattpm-utils does a bunch of it now, a bunch of the stuff i use isn't something most people would want and a gui would be nice.. things like unloading wired NIC's, card readers, webcams, enabling wifi power savings modes and stuff16:59
Sarvatti even went so far as hacking up my bios on this netbook to enable lower screen brightness settings that flicker and use sata mode17:01
Sarvattthere's a crazy amount of efi variables not exposed on the OEM bios pages for most laptops that you can manually enable17:02
tseliotgord: please try this package (remember to comment out IgnoreABI line in your xorg.conf): http://albertomilone.com/ubuntu/nvidia-current_256.44-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb17:04
gordtseliot, that package doesn't seem to work when i have my ignoreABI line commented out - re-adding the line works fine though17:28
tseliotgord: ok, thanks for testing. I'll talk to Nvidia again17:29
Sarvattbryceh: in case you want to fill this out some more and send it to xorg-devel - http://sarvatt.com/downloads/patches/0001-Spelling-fix-in-help-docs.patch17:32
Sarvattit's our only delta over debian17:33
Sarvatt(in x11-xserver-utils)17:33
Sarvattoh good git send-email works fine sending from other authors, sorry for sending that to you but it cc-ed you automatically and i wanted to see what happened17:36
brycehSarvatt, ok thanks yeah feel free to send it in; it's pretty trivial17:36
Sarvattok to add your signed-off-by then? is the email right?17:38
asacRAOF: my friend ;)17:50
asacRAOF: https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/UserPlatforms/2010-08-10 please search for RAOF here ;)17:51
Sarvattmesa makes me a bit nervous, since they skipped a release cycle 7.8->7.9 is going to be a huge change and there are going to be much potential for regressions with the new glsl2 stuff (that isn't even getting merged for a few weeks yet) up until the very last minute. not to mention we'd need to somehow get mesa demos packaged and uploaded in debian and brought over by tomorrow? :) aside from the demos problem it'll take a few days redoing the bu18:06
Sarvattild system for all of the egl/gles/etc changes in 7.918:06
Sarvattsince mesa demos needs seperate packaging its a good time to review what other demos would be useful to package up (and create man pages for) outside of glxgears/glxinfo18:10
bjsniderSarvatt, i managed to backport the nvidia-current built scripts to pre-lucid distros18:14
Sarvattdarnit, i wrote up a patch for jockey to add IgnoreABI to serverflags for nvidia last time I went through this in edgers but I can't find it18:15
Sarvattbjsnider: but they can use the .run's! :D lucky buggers18:17
brycehSarvatt, how about dropping glxgears from the default install ;-)18:22
Sarvattit already is :)18:25
Sarvatt7 packages depend on mesa-utils, can't just not package glxinfo at all :(18:26
Sarvattmesa-utils is in universe and i've had to get on the net to install it off of livecd's since last december18:27
bjsnideryeah, they can use the .runs and overwrite a bunch of mesa files18:39
Q-FUNKdo the maverick drivers need to depend only upon videoabi or also on inputabi?19:30
Q-FUNKsorry, video drivers19:30
Q-FUNKSarvatt: would you have a minute to help me with this?19:33
SarvattQ-FUNK: http://sarvatt.com/downloads/geode.patch19:48
Q-FUNKSarvatt: well, I have a slightly more elaborate idea in mind to maintain backportability :)19:48
Q-FUNKSarvatt: http://pastebin.com/TvUyjw3T19:50
Sarvattsqueeze should work with that since serverminver was deprecated awhile back but yeah older wont work without more fiddling19:50
Q-FUNKhowever, for some reason, it barfs, complaining about a missing "then" statement, even though it's there.19:51
Sarvattis there any reason for there to be an explicit ${xserver:Depends} on geode-dbg since it already depends on -geode which depends on that?19:51
Q-FUNKto depend upon xserver-xorg-core-dbg19:52
Q-FUNKwe'd normaly have matching versions for core and -dbg, but you never know19:53
Q-FUNKhm. I really wonder what makes it think that the "then" statement is missing.19:55
Sarvatthow far back are you planning on backporting it?20:01
Q-FUNKat least lucid20:07
Q-FUNKhopefully older, but I'm not holding my breath for that, because of e.g. gcc << 4.320:08
Q-FUNKhm.  barfs on that last IF20:08
Sarvattdarn thats right, lucid didn't get xserver in time :(20:16
Sarvatti'm messing with it trying to get it going too but haven't had any luck so far20:18
Q-FUNKthe above *would* work, exept that I forgot that we're dealing with m4, rather than bourne, syntax.20:28
Q-FUNKdarn. I'm still stuck on that last IF statement.  make complains of a missing IF20:36
SarvattQ-FUNK: how about something like this? http://sarvatt.com/downloads/geode.patch20:56
Sarvattwhoops reuploaded it, forgot something20:58
Sarvattcan add the -dbg thing back i just dropped it while i was testing20:59
Sarvattlooks good on current maverick, need to see what happens  on lucid though21:00
SarvattDepends: libc6 (>= 2.7), xorg-video-abi-8.0, xserver-xorg-core (>= 2:
SarvattProvides: xserver-xorg-video-8, xserver-xorg-video-amd21:01
Q-FUNKshouldn't that ifeq go the other way around?21:05
Q-FUNKifeq (our string) then use the full videodep?21:06
Sarvatt/usr/share/xserver-xorg/videodrvdep doesn't exist in lucid so it'll be true there and use the old variables and false if it exists and use the new ones21:09
Sarvatti just reused whats used in all the other xsfbs packages21:09
Sarvattand instead of erroring out saying you need to update xorg-server to use the old substvars21:10
Q-FUNKhm, it seems to interpret the expanded $VIDEODEP as an equate statement to compare21:11
Q-FUNKon systems that have the newer file, that is21:14
Sarvattoh whoops it should be VIDDRIVER_PROVIDES = xserver-xorg-video-$(VIDEOABI), xorg-driver-video21:16
Sarvatti get the feeling i missed something else there :)21:17
Sarvattmaybe not, i dont see xserver:Depends used in current packages21:18
Q-FUNKdoesn't like the way VIDEODEP expands21:27
Q-FUNKSarvatt: I think I got a winner.23:02
Q-FUNKnow, I just need this uploaded to debian/unstable && sync'ed into maverick and we're set. :)23:16
yofelshould bug 616023 be reassigned to nvidia-graphics-drivers?23:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 616023 in xorg (Ubuntu) "nVidia card : X won't start since 1.9 update, no screens found (affects: 5) (heat: 24)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61602323:27
RAOFyofel: That should be against nvidia-graphics-drivers, and tselliot's next upload of nvidia-current should fix it.23:51
RAOFasac: I'm not sure what you mean by “mesa test program” there - do you mean the mesa-demos?23:53
RAOFasac: As in - something like glxgears, but testing egl, gles, etc?23:57

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