
syslqxp_admin: it runs nice on notebooks I've seen00:00
kopxp_admin, on a CF-29 panasonic it's just great00:00
hiexpoit's generally operator error00:00
koptinkerpads (most) as well00:00
kopsome acer are goofy but not insurmountable00:01
ubunt1belkinsa: No. I formated the whole HD with Ubuntu. Windows was killing me and I got tired of it. My mother finds Ubuntu beautiful, but she just wants to play her Solitaire.00:01
ubunt1OK... Wine is installed.00:01
kopubunt1, I had to resort to VirtualBox and XPSP3 for much the same reason00:02
duffydackthere are a million versions of solitaire...00:02
duffydackI`m sure at least 1 would suffice.00:02
kopif momma isn't happy no one is happy00:02
Dr_Willisubunt1:  install pysol for her anyway.. theres several 100+ versions of solitare she may like better.00:02
hiexpowhy would you come to a place for help and insult it   > that's a good way to make a warm welcome  ? > and get mediate  responce in a positive manor00:02
duffydackbut, to make mom happy00:02
duffydacksign her up for quakelive as well00:03
duffydackI need someone worse than me.00:03
kophiexpo, ever heard of human ignorance or trolls ?00:03
KE1HAyeah, keeping wives and moms happy with UB is critical to keep UB on family boxes :-)00:03
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:03
hiexpokop,  i think they know better so i can't blame it on ignorance just disrespect for others00:04
chemical-deathdid anyone get a remote control of haupauge dvb-t ministick working under 10.04?00:04
ubunt1Ew. IE is in my Linux.00:04
ubunt1How do I get the solitaire to work now?00:04
Dr_Willisubunt1:  wine /path/to/whatever.exe00:05
kopKE1HA, well for me it's keeping M$ out of the house I don't care what they use as long as 'doze is NOT used00:05
belkinsamark the exe ecubable via opions when you right click it00:05
duffydackmakin it +x00:05
ubunt1Dr_Willis: What does taht mean?00:05
Dr_Willisubunt1:  thats the command you use to run somthi9ng in wine....00:05
Dr_Willisrather straight fo4rward..00:05
belkinsain terminal00:05
ryaxnb!hate | kop00:05
ubottukop: hate is a thing we don't encourage - why waste your energy00:05
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ryaxnbdont hate "windows" because it is not all that great :)00:06
Dr_Willisubunt1:  or right click on the .exe and there should be some open in wine... menu item.00:06
ubunt1Dr_Willis: I see. Thanks.00:06
kophiexpo, your faith in the human condition knows no bounds00:06
KE1HAkop, fare enough, but I got chewed on royally for installing 9.10, was not pretty, but now, all but one box is on UB, her work laptop I was threatend with death if I touched that one :-)00:06
belkinsaDr:wills- You forgot a step there.00:07
Dr_Willisthe whole '.exe needs to be executable' is a bit of a problem at times..00:07
kopryaxnb, YOU used the word hate I didn't I just refuse to maintain M$ in my home00:07
belkinsaBut you can do that in the opions of the file.00:07
Dr_Willisi dont even see the point in making a .exe 'executable' its NOT really an executable under linux at all.. it just causes more confuseion00:08
Eryn_1983_FLhok i got a bone to pick00:08
ubunt1It worked!00:08
ubunt1Thanks so much, guys!00:08
Dr_Willisbelkinsa:  what happens if its on a CD :) or other read only media.... BAM! big issue..00:08
belkinsaGood, now see if your mothers like it.  No problem.00:08
Eryn_1983_FLwhy is  avahi-daemon   have a dependency for wine??  i wont  avahi-daemon gone and not wine  wth00:09
ubunt1I bet she will. Good bye and much thanks again.00:09
belkinsaAnd good point Dr.00:09
Eryn_1983_FLthey do  two different things..00:09
hiexpokop,  lost me  with > your faith in the human condition knows no bounds00:09
xanguaall this just because of a game that already come........00:09
duffydackuse winebrowser or use exec in fstab00:09
Dr_Willisbelkinsa:  we had a few threads on this topic in the forums. :) never did get a good answer on the 'exe needs to be executable' other then to hopefuilly prevent people from accidently running wine malware :)00:09
kopryaxnb,  If you knew me at all I'm a right tool for the job guy . how else am I going to auto cad pshop or rhino ?00:10
kophiexpo, "kop,  i think they know better so i can't blame it on ignorance just disrespect for others"  :)00:10
belkinsaI see, and yeah the malware is the problem.  Alrady gotten my internet IP address blacklisted.00:10
Eryn_1983_FL ok why does  wine need  , lib32nss-mdns (>= 0.10-3)???00:10
belkinsabecause of malware.00:10
tensorpuddingdoes anyone use banshee?00:11
Karen_mmy /usr/bin/X in htop is using 97% ...  my machine is sluggish.  I have a beefy machine that never gets like this in win7, anyone know other than ipv6 what i should do?  I tried disabling compiz and it still does this00:11
ubottutensorpudding: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:11
vinsehow do is set environment variables for users that dont log in? like if i make a 'tomcat' user?00:11
belkinsaOh yeah!  I did it!00:12
soreauKaren_m: How did you disable compiz00:12
Karen_msystem->preferences->appearence->visual effects->normal00:13
hiexpokop,  exactly the definition of ignorance is not knowing any better or different  to act in such a manor   and i do believe human beings know better than that00:13
xanguaKaren_m: what videocar are you using¿ did you manually edit xorg.conf ¿00:13
duffydackgood call soreau ..i`d have assumed it was disabled.00:13
kvotheanybody gotten starcraft 2 up and running?00:13
Karen_mxangua, I am using an 8800gt00:14
kvotheluw: you have?00:14
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soreauKaren_m: Normal means compiz is still running. To disable it, select None. If this fixes your issue, it means something is wrong with your graphics driver00:15
kvothei've gotten it installed and started, but it keeps shutting my computer off, hard. no halt process screen, nothing. just kills power00:15
Karen_msoreau, , there we go that fixed it.  Yes the development graphic drivers aren't good :(00:16
luwLOL really?00:16
Karen_mwow it's not even chewing cpu cycles anymore00:16
luwyes i have, it is a great game too00:16
ryaxnbhey, i got a wii zapper00:16
ryaxnbcan i go pew pew now?00:16
rainrainis there any way to access windows shortcuts on a samba share in ubuntu00:16
bazhang!ot > ryaxnb00:16
ubotturyaxnb, please see my private message00:16
duffydacknvidia aint top dawg no more :)  ATI :)00:16
ryaxnboops, wrong channel00:16
ryaxnbi thought i was in OT00:16
kvotheyeah, i'm confused as hell00:16
luwi dont know why it is causing shutoffs though..00:16
thune3SimonP86: in a nautilus window you can look at Edit->Preferences [media tab], but there is a key I don't see how to set on my karmic system. That is "gconftool -g /apps/nautilus/preferences/media_automount" which seem to govern this behavior.00:16
luwATI sucks00:17
kvotheme either lol00:17
xanguaKaren_m: what development driver¿¿ you men the one from the xorg team ppa¿¿00:17
chemical-deathdid anyone get a remote control of haupauge dvb-t ministick working under 10.04?00:17
Karen_mxangua, there were 2 listed for my video card, the top one said development and the bottom said something about stable.  I went with the development .. I am going to try the other one now00:18
Dr_Willischemical-death:  check the #mythbuntu channel and the forums. they are often teh tv  tuner experts00:18
Karen_mversion 173 is what i am using00:18
chemical-deathDr_Willis: ok. ty00:19
RealEyesis there anyway to tell if someone is hacking you?00:19
Karen_msystem->admin->hardware drivers (it gives 2 options for nvidia .. 173 and 'current recommendation' .. I went with 17300:19
duffydackRealEyes, ask them00:19
RealEyesyeah, great idea.00:19
[thor]RealEyes: type "is anybody out there?" in the command line00:19
RealEyesis command not found00:20
rainrainis there any way to have a windows and linux system share the same drive and both use shortcuts/symlinks00:20
KE1HAKaren_m, Im using dual 8800-GTX cards on this box, 10.04 w/updates, I went with the recommended driver (current version), and all seems well at this point.00:20
luw<RealEyes> is there anyway to tell if someone is hacking you?00:20
RealEyesmy chat wont get online either00:20
luwthat ones going in the fav question bood00:20
rainrainby share the same drive i mean a data drive -eg documents00:20
KE1HAKaren_m, the current version = not the 173 version.00:20
RealEyesso ... there is no way?00:21
duffydackRealEyes, dont worry about. dont do anything bad and the internets will treat you good00:21
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luwwhy are you suspicious?00:21
JabberWalkieRealEyes, you can search through your log files00:21
Karen_mI have to reboot to enable the 'current version', brb00:21
[thor]rainrain: as long as it is formatted for NTFS, it should work fine ( not sure about sharing symbolic links )00:21
RealEyesim convinced that nothing is wrong, now.00:21
brandonjRealEyes: It really depends on what kind of hack and what kind of services you're running00:21
RealEyesAlright, next question...00:22
RealEyesHow does one uninstall programs?00:22
luwmake it good like the last one00:22
brandonj[thor], rainrain: I don't think you can install ubuntu on ntfs00:22
luwapt-get uninstall <whatever>00:22
bazhang!manual | RealEyes please have a read00:22
duffydackRealEyes, its like asking how do you know if anyone hacks for doze box.. well you dont, aside from 15 programs all throwing out useless information at you...00:22
ubottuRealEyes please have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:22
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macoluw: its remove, not uninstall00:22
leprachemical-death, it didn't work dude, after that I tried to manually install the drivers using ndiswrapper but got errors00:22
rwwor purge!00:22
RealEyesluw, I'd like to entertain you but, I'm such a newb, I still need to configure conky00:22
bazhangRealEyes, sudo apt-get remove package00:22
macorww: yeah yeah or that00:23
[thor]brandonj: he is talking about using a drive as a Documents drive, and sharing that between both an ubuntu distro and a windows install00:23
luwRealEyes: maco is correct00:23
luwits remove00:23
chemical-deathlepra maybe you ask someone in hardware room.00:23
rainrain[thor]: ubuntu cant open windows shortcuts is my problem00:23
chemical-deathlepra: !hardware00:23
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection00:23
rainrainbrandonj: yes thor is right00:23
brandonj[thor], rainrain: my dad, I only saw the 1st post00:23
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=867076 RealEyes here is a tutorial for beginners00:23
leprachemical-death, when modprobe ndiswrapper the shell crashed00:24
RealEyesI have the manual DL'd ... I just need to find it lol00:24
hiexposup bazhang00:24
duffydackbazhang, ive found with most beginners its a lack of flashing tray icon that is most difficult to grasp...00:24
[thor]rainrain: ubuntu only handles .lnk files when they are installed through wine, it seems00:24
leprachemical-death, the first time i got it to work i installed it manually00:24
leprachemical-death, thanks anyway00:24
duffydackbazhang, they seem to have a paranoia, a new found one..00:24
[thor]rainrain: do you have wine installed?00:25
chemical-deathlepra: so try it manually again00:25
rainrainthor: all i really need is to be able to have ubuntu shortcuts to files on the external drive - would that just work right out of the box00:25
RealEyeswhy is there a terminal AND a 'root' terminal00:25
rainrain[thor]: no - havent used wine00:25
brandonjRealEyes: one opens up right as the root user00:26
rainrain[thor]: does it make .lnk files work00:26
luwquestion:  how would i find the IRC channel for virtualbox?00:26
luwi dont think it's on this server?00:26
luwor is it?00:26
brandonjluw: look on the virtualbox website00:26
[thor]rainrain: you can make ubuntu shortcuts in the folders, or on the desktop to the folders, or in your panel to the folders.00:26
Piciluw: #vbox00:26
chemical-deathlepra: did you try this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper00:26
hiexpohey Pici00:27
tensorpuddingany advice for someone whose aptitude update fails a significant portion of the time due to "no address associated with hostname" errors?00:27
brandonjtensorpudding: sounds like DNS troubles00:27
rainrain[thor]: right so what i need is to re-create all my windows shortcuts as ubuntu shortcuts - with both sets of shortcut pointing to the original files00:27
RealEyesE: Invalid operation uninstall00:28
tensorpuddingbrandonj: it only happens for us.archive.ubuntu.com00:28
brandonjRealEyes: Its 'remove' not 'uninstall'00:28
[thor]rainrain: wine is the microsoft compatibility layer.. there is a lot of details to be had when talking about that, check out http://www.winehq.org/ or their channel #winehq00:28
brandonjtensorpudding: I'm not sure then.  You can always try using a different mirror00:28
tensorpuddingit's truly infuriating because it prevents me from downloading things half the time00:28
rainrain[thor]: thanks for your help - i think i thought wine was just for running apps - but it seems to also interface with explorer ?00:29
[thor]rainrain: yeah that's pretty much the way it'll work out00:29
tensorpuddingsince the software center does not handle the error on "unauthenticated packages"00:29
luwPici: thank you!  that is it.  i have trouble using the "find channel" window because it always crashes my client00:29
luwbrandonj: ah you are correct too.  i should have checked before i asked00:29
luwthank you00:29
RealEyeswhat is udo?00:30
leprachemical-death, I tried to install it manually but when I did  "modprobe ndiswrapper" the shell crashed and stop responding00:30
hikuRealEyes: you mean sudo?00:30
hiku!sudo > RealEyes00:30
ubottuRealEyes, please see my private message00:30
Karen_minside a terminal, is there a way so that when you select something, it automatically copies to clipboard?   I'm used to double clicking things, and it highlighting the word and going to buffer.  Right now I have to double click, right click, copy00:30
leprachemical-death, that link is the one I followed00:31
RealEyesNo, I dont mean SUDO. I mean UDO.00:31
RealEyestype in 'sudo apt-get install udo'00:31
ubottuRetrieve information on a package: !info <package>00:31
chemical-deathlepra: ok00:31
Pici!info udo | RealEyes00:31
ubottuRealEyes: udo (source: udo): universal document - text processing utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.4.1-1 (lucid), package size 173 kB, installed size 520 kB00:31
belkinsaIt loks like a dapper pachage00:31
RealEyesUDO (Universal Document) is a powerful and multipurpose utility for creating documentation or any other text file needed in one text format or more.00:31
KE1HAKaren_m, check out an app called Glipper00:31
VegasMikeHi. I'm on an Aspire One netbook running ubuntu. Mic only works in the system test app. Any links for driver/firmware update?00:31
hikuKaren_m: as soon as you highlight some in a shell window it is already copied to the clipboard buffer until you highlight something else. To access the highlight and paste in somewhere, you can middle mouse button click, or left and right click at the same time00:32
leprachemical-death, i wonder why the "modprobe ndiswrapper" crashed00:32
chemical-deathlepra: try "sudo depmod -ae" then "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper00:33
VegasMikeNew to ubuntu00:33
hikuKaren_m: yea like KE1HA mentioned or you could try out parcellite.00:33
[thor]welcome, VegasMike00:33
VegasMikeThanks Thor00:34
ScuniziVegasMike: could be muted or volume down all the way00:34
belkinsaJust Pakeage manger if you know the name of the brand that did your mic00:34
tensorpuddinganyone know if it's possible to remove duplicate tracks from a banshee database without having to do it by hand using sqlite?00:34
RealEyesQUESTION: I configured my terminal to open at startup; How do I configure it to run a certain script at start up without me asking it to?00:34
VegasMikeThanks but I checked... and the mic works in the test app00:35
Karen_mwow it is already copied, my mistake.  It's weird that the middle mouse button will paste it, but cntl+v will not.  Strange, but very nice.  MERCI00:35
RealEyesIf, at anytime, you think I should be in #ubuntu-beginners, just say so :)00:35
Karen_mi am checking out glipper as we speak00:35
belkinsaiusb or whatever the code is might tell you the brand and company.00:35
KE1HARealEyes, DO you want it to run the script whe you log in, or just after booting the system?00:35
RealEyeswhen i log in00:35
radiguys, what recording software has the live disk ?00:36
RealEyesits a script that changes the background :)00:36
radifor notebooks ?00:36
radidisk recording*00:36
hikuRealEyes: you can use the "Startup Applications" from the menu -> Prefs>Startup Applications" and place your stuff that you want to auto-start there.00:36
VegasMike(but ONLY in the test app)00:36
TELL0_hello. what's the topic?00:36
hiku!topic > TELL0_00:36
ubottuTELL0_, please see my private message00:36
xanguaKaren_m: better try parcellite, glipper has not been development in years00:36
KE1HARealEyes, create the sctip in you /hom dir, chmod +x then add the script to your rc.local file. That sould do it.00:36
RealEyesidk what any of that means, KE1HA00:37
RealEyesthe script is on my desktop now.00:37
radiwith which application i can record an iso while im in a live session ?00:37
hikuKE1HA: rc.local is for global stuff, not sure you'd want to do that for a general user script00:37
m41n1hey guys00:37
RealEyeschmod +x is something i hear of a lot00:37
m41n1i installed ubuntu lucid00:37
hikuRealEyes:  man chmod00:37
RealEyeslol thx00:37
hikuRealEyes: np00:37
m41n1but in gnome, my keyboard does not work00:37
KE1HARealEyes, it just makes the script executable.00:37
m41n1any clue?00:37
hiku!ask > m41n100:38
ubottum41n1, please see my private message00:38
radianyone ?00:38
TELL0_OK thank you. I'm new using IRC hehe...00:38
belkinsaDid you test with a Live CD?00:38
hikuradi:  Basero?00:38
Karen_mok, I will get rid of glipper and use parcellite, thank you again guys00:38
hikuKaren_m: anytime00:39
radihiku: can i use that in a live session ?00:39
radii mean does it comes with it00:39
belkinsan41n1: Is it a wireless keyboard?00:39
hikuradi: well, take out the cd and try it. =)00:39
radihiku: lemme turn on the laptop :P00:39
VegasMikeany takers? Common Gurus...00:39
m41n1no usb00:39
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hikuradi: I've never needed to burn an iso while running a live cd... so I'm not really sure..00:39
belkinsam41n1: Model and Make please.00:40
m41n1but it works on the console00:40
KE1HAhiku, fare comment, it would set the script for any user that looged in. Realeyes, you can also add it to you ./profile00:40
radihiku: main problem is i cant start the wireless00:40
belkinsaUbuntu might not have the drivers for that one.00:40
RealEyesis that a file? "./profile"?00:40
RealEyeser ... I meant, a *folder?00:41
hikuKE1HA: rc.local doesn't require someone to logon for the commands in it to excute. .bashrc or .bash_profile are for that purpose.00:41
VegasMikeAcer aspire one internal mic driver00:41
RealEyesidk what you guys are even talking about.00:41
m41n1belkinsa: is there a way to diagnose the poblem?00:41
KE1HARealEyes, yes, in a terminal window, type: ls -al and you'll see all dir's normal and hidden files00:41
m41n1to get a work around00:41
=== Guest7947 is now known as tux11
belkinsam41n1: Yes, with the Iusb command.00:42
hikuRealEyes: if you want a script to simply start and hopefully it's not a gui your tryin to kick off. then ~/.bashrc would be a good place to put it.00:42
KE1HARealEyes, But puttign it into rc.local will enact the script for any user that logs in.00:42
belkinsaOr what command is it gain?  The one to show the usb devices?00:42
RealEyeso.O; I only have one user.00:42
hiexpoRealEyes,  relax just kick back and read best way tolearn    > nothing like a good book00:42
TELL0_Hello... I wanna know how can I install ubuntu without USB or CD working00:42
RealEyesim reading, im reading00:42
belkinsaTELL0_: Vitural Box.00:43
KE1HAThe fun of Linux, lots of ways to do the same thing :-)00:43
Karen_mIf i have 4 windows (4 terminals) .. is there  a way to click a few buttons and have it automatically split each 4 into perfect sizes on my window?  Or better yet, winkey+left or winkey+right to split the windows in half like win7 on gnome?00:43
albertolempiraguys i got this problem, when I open chrome to watch videos on youtube for example and I try to open a video o play a song there would be no sound nor video playing, but when i close chrome it all start working again, any idea on what could this be? thanks.00:43
xanguaTELL0_: or wubi if you have windows00:43
luwTELL0_: do you have an ethernet port and another computer?00:43
m41n1dmesg says00:43
m41n1USB Keyboard as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:04.1/usb1/1-2/1-2.2/1-2.2:1.0/input/input400:44
Karen_mby the way, the 'current version' nvidia drivers with compiz fixed my issue.  Well, it has not popped up like it did before with the development drivers ... after about 10 minutes the machine was lagging... now, beautiful00:44
tux11any use an iriver device with ubuntu?00:44
KE1HAKaren_m, cool, glad it worked.00:44
belkinsam41n1: Hmmm, dunno, sorry. And thanks for understanding what I was talking about.00:44
TELL0_this is the scenario. Is a laptop with windows XP on it. BIOS do not detect USB on boot and the CD/DVD Room is broken. I tried the wubi way, but always give me an error00:44
tux11i just drag and drop folders into said device00:44
hikuRealEyes: if you place a command in /etc/rc.local. it will run regardless if you logon or not. If you want a script to run when you logon to the console then place the command in ~/.bashrc, if you want it to start when you logon to the gui/X/gdm (ubuntu default logon), then use System, Prefs, Startup Applications00:44
hiexpolsusb see if it's there or not00:45
belkinsaTell0: What was the error?00:45
tux11seems to be the best way to use iriver device with ubuntu00:45
luwif you have another computer, set up a dhcp server and tftp server on it00:45
RealEyeshow do i stop conky from running?00:45
Karen_mxangua, how did you know glipper was not in development in years?  Where did you find that information so I can find if other packages have not been updated in years00:45
tux11iriver question?00:45
hiexpokillall conky00:45
TELL0_No more computer, just that one and ethernet connection00:45
hikuRealEyes: from a terminal, type: killall conky00:45
belkinsaVirtual Box is the way.00:46
tux11any own an iriver t5 mp3 device ?00:46
Karen_mwith debian I used to use;  rcconf to toggle what starts up when I rebooted.   I think you can use .. update-rc.d or something like that00:46
xanguaKaren_m: it's in glipper's web, the last version was released in 200700:46
belkinsaBut get the close clouse of it00:46
Karen_mxangua, ok thank you!00:46
TELL0_belkinsa but, can I format the HD with wirtualbox???00:46
RealEyeshiku, thx! :D00:47
hikuRealEyes: your welcome00:47
RealEyesok so I cannot find the ~/bash.rc00:47
tux11any ideas iriver?00:47
Dr_WillisRealEyes:  its .bashrc00:47
tux11looking for info on syncing iriver t5 mp3 device00:47
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Dr_WillisRealEyes:  if you mean the bash startup scripts00:47
luwTELL0_: mabye check out boot.kernel.org?00:47
RealEyesyes i do00:48
luwyoure putting alot of hope in hardware there though00:48
RealEyesso i just add the script to the dot.bashrc?00:48
luwTELL0_: on second thought, scratch that00:49
Dr_WillisRealEyes: i dont know what you are trying to do.. read the .bashrc and learn its layout.00:49
RealEyesits like looking at japanese00:49
Dr_WillisRealEyes: time to learn some bash then i guess.. its rather straight forward i thought.00:49
tux11looking for info on syncing iriver t5 mp3 device !00:50
detrix42anyone know how to get the bios with an "EZbook PC"???00:50
RealEyeshow does one learn bash? And dont tell me 'man bash'00:50
Dr_WillisRealEyes:  all 90% of it is doing is setting  ariables00:50
Dr_WillisRealEyes:  theres dozens of web sites and books on 'learning bash'00:50
RealEyesalrighty then00:50
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:50
tux11looking for info on syncing iriver t5 mp3 device00:50
Dr_WillisIt just takes some time and effort. and is worth learning.00:50
WarrenSenseianyone here know anything about PDF-xchange viewer installation problems?00:50
hikuRealEyes: the .bashrc file is in your home dir. the . infront of the bashrc means the file is hidden. So to edit, you can use any editor from the command line like vi, pico, etc to edit the file. example: %> vi ~/.bashrc00:51
AndyGraybealcan someone explain the differnce between ACL's and regular CHMOD attributes?  I understand that ACL's are more fine-grained, but what does that mean in an example?00:51
Dr_WillisRealEyes: I have to ask why are you messing with the .bashrc exactly if you dont know any bash? what are you trying to do?00:51
hiexpoRealEyes,  ^^00:51
RealEyesThanks for the concern, guys.00:52
hikuDr_Willis: Trying to kick off a script auto-magicly when he logs in00:52
RealEyesUh, basically, what I'm trying to do is make my terminal open at startup(done) and then run a series of scripts by itself.00:52
RealEyesOne being a background changing script i came acrost, the other being conky00:52
Dr_WillisRealEyes:  you want EVER terminal you open to do this? I think you are confused about some things.00:52
Dr_WillisRealEyes: You can start conky from  the gnome startup manager tookls/system. NOT .bashrc00:53
RealEyesA terminal opens at startup for me, now.00:53
n-iCehi, a guy told me in here to install, linux-backports-modules-wireless-`uname -r`, said this could help me with my wireless is pretty unstable, but once I installed and rebooted, wlan0 dissapeared, any ideas, please?00:53
KritoslapHi, I'm running 10.04 on a laptop, and screen saver and put display to sleep when idle worked fine but not it doesn't work. Why?00:53
hikuRealEyes: conky can be started from the "Startup Applications" app under System>Prefs>Startup Applications.00:53
Dr_WillisRealEyes:  .bashrc is ONLY for bash specific stuff.00:53
KritoslapIs there a bug or something?00:53
hikuRealEyes: and, I bet money it will also work with your background changing script too.00:53
* WarrenSensei is a n00b flailing around for help with a failing WINE install00:53
squarebracketWarrenSensei, what's the problem?00:54
Dr_WillisRealEyes:  theres Dozens of 'wallpaper changer' tools out there.00:54
hiexpon-iCe,  what wireless card00:54
radibtw anyone have an idea how to start bcm4311 wireless card ?00:54
hikuDr_Willis: are you saying that in my .bashrc if I have perl $mydir/myperlscript.pl it won't run ?00:54
RealEyesi h8 desktop drapes00:54
RealEyesI just have a bash script that cycles all the images on my machine00:54
WarrenSenseiI'm trying to install PDF-xchange viewer in WINE, and the install seems to just hang00:54
Dr_Willishiku:  it can run.. but whats that script doing tyhat needs to be ran on EVERY start of bash?00:55
joe___hello everybody, I am using Kubuntu 10.4 64-bit and with adobe flash plugin 32-bit and the firefox wrapper, webcam does not work in flash applications00:55
hikuDr_Willis: true. was just wondering when you put "only for bash" =)00:55
KritoslapHi, I'm running 10.04 on a laptop, and screen saver and put display to sleep when idle worked fine but not it doesn't work. Why?00:55
tux11looking for info on syncing iriver t5 mp3 device00:55
Dr_WillisRealEyes:  check out  http://www.webilder.org  for a neat wallpaper changer00:55
WarrenSenseithe terminal has just stopped showing any activity00:55
joe___I once had the 64-bit native plugin installed and I remember that webcam worked, but now I cannot find that plugin anymore00:55
Dr_Willishiku:  its not doing a bash thing.. so its pointless.. You could put 'startx' in your .bashrc  and it would startx.. that would be rather annouying however00:56
hikuDr_Willis: lol yea for sure.00:56
RealEyeseh, that looks like an 'easy listening radio' website. I dont want photos from flickr.00:56
RealEyesI want the photos on my machine to cycle. But, thats already done.00:56
squarebracketWarrenSensei, what's the last thing it said?00:56
RealEyesI just dont want to have to copy/paste that script into my terminal everytime.00:56
Dr_WillisRealEyes:  webilder? You are confuised then. i see no mention of a radio swbsite.. --> Webilder delivers stunning wallpapers to your Linux desktop, directly from Flickr and Webshots.00:57
RealEyesDr_Willis, i was jk. Its not for me, man.00:57
hikuRealEyes: use the Startup Applications app to set things you want to start automatic.00:57
RealEyesI do not want photos from flickr.00:57
Dr_WillisRealEyes:  it can also use your own images of course.. read up on it.00:57
WarrenSenseifixme:font:load_VDMX no suitable ratio found00:57
Dr_WillisRealEyes:  so dont use them.. woopiee...00:57
RealEyesim going to see if i added the script to the startup the right way00:57
tux11room has litte to no real answers00:58
n-iCehiexpo: iwl394500:58
Dr_WillisI hope he made his conky starttuop have a delay of like 20 sec.. :)00:58
tux11wich sucks00:58
hikuDr_Willis: =)00:58
Dr_Willistux11:  so none of us have that device.. what do you expect?00:58
tux11its an iriver t500:58
Dr_Willistux11:  every mp3 player ive had.. i just copy the muzak over.. and thats it.00:58
kunjiHow do you compile a gtk+, libglade, c++ app for windows from within Ubuntu?  Or do you need to switch to windows, get the dev stuff set up there and then use a win32 compiler?00:58
tux11ok ty00:58
tux11gpodder can synce  mp3's however00:59
RealEyesPutting the script into the startup applications did not work.00:59
tux11ok little or no help a si've said00:59
Dr_Willistux11:  many of the media players can proberly do it.. I dont have an iriver so i cant tell ya.00:59
hiexpon-iCe,  what brand card and chipset of it00:59
tux11worthless banter00:59
hikuRealEyes: can you pastebin your script that you are trying to run please01:00
WarrenSenseicrap, they're closing the building01:00
WarrenSenseiI'll have to come back later :-(01:00
cyphasewhat's a good but simple drawing program for linux?01:00
Dr_Willistux11:  yep. i agree. Try out the players and learn what they can do for yourself.01:00
RealEyesof course i can, hiku, hang on.01:00
hikuRealEyes: ty01:00
Dr_Williscyphase:   for drawing what exactly?01:00
KritoslapNo one knows?01:00
tux11 yup i need paid tech support01:01
cyphaseDr_Willis, something like mspaint01:01
hikuGimp for everything image related =)01:01
tux11wich i won't do01:01
hikucyphase: Gimp =)01:01
tux11yeah drag and drop seems easest01:01
cyphasehiku, yea, right :)01:01
KritoslapNo developers around here?01:01
squarebracketWarrenSensei, have you checked the wine app db to see what it says?01:01
typemoreis there a list of ubuntu compatible scanners somewhere?01:01
Dr_Williscyphase:  theres several paint proghrams out there.. theres a port of that paint.net to mono now i recall..01:01
Dr_Willis!hardware | typemore01:01
ubottutypemore: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection01:01
WarrenSenseino... where might i find such a thing?01:01
tux11just thought somebody had used the gpodder frame work to build a media player01:01
RealEyeshiku: http://pastebin.org/46335601:02
Dr_Williscyphase:  i found on called 'pinta' the other day also. a lot like mspaint01:02
cyphaseDr_Willis, yea, i found that01:02
tensorpuddingugh, who the hell designed this01:02
squarebrackettux11, what's the problem you're having?01:02
TELL0_night... I have Liferea running in my messaging menu, but there is a black-square icon on my indicator panel... how can I hide that icon? (the icon on messaging menu is working well)01:03
hiexpohey Dr_Willis  - what does =| mean   ?01:03
Dr_Willis =|   = a frown perhaps> :)01:03
feroxyHi folks. Having a problem with 10.04 not allowing my monitor to sleep properly. Screen blanks but backlight stays on. Used to work before, anyone know of a fix?01:03
Dr_Willishiexpo:  or do you mean somewhere else?01:03
WarrenSenseigrr, I've got to go, but I'll probably be back later. I'll try to check the wide app database on my own01:04
WarrenSenseithanks for that much help01:04
radianyone have an idea how to start bcm4311 wireless card ?01:04
hiexpoDr_Willis,  no in irc01:04
Dr_Willishiexpo:  just another silly smiley.01:04
RealEyeshiku, did you get the link?01:04
hikuRealEyes: yea got it, ty.01:04
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RealEyeswhat do you think of it?01:04
Dr_WillisOff to the store.. bbl.01:04
squarebracketWarrenSensei, http://appdb.winehq.org/ sorry i couldn't help more01:04
hikuRealEyes: odd, that script should run fine.01:05
Guest91349How can I include webcam video in a recorded screencast?01:05
RealEyesnot when added to the startup applications01:05
RealEyeshow do i make the terminal run it automatically?01:05
hikuRealEyes: hmm, do you get an error window or anything?01:05
hikuRealEyes: odd01:05
RealEyesthe startup just doesn't run it01:05
radianyone ?01:05
RealEyesradi, ubuntu + wireless = bad news01:05
hikuRealEyes: did you put the full path to the script?01:05
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detrix42anyone know how to get the bios with an "EZbook PC"???01:06
radiRealEyes: do you know any distro which would support it ?01:06
radiexcept gentoo, i can make it to work there01:06
RealEyesno big deal, i'll just move on to the next thing and come back to it01:07
hikuRealEyes: i'll be playin with this.01:07
radiRealEyes: problem is i cant make even the lan card to work :P01:07
hikuRealEyes: have a good one.01:07
RealEyesradi, did you install restricted extras?01:08
basix-why do i have to keep restarting my computer with linux, i thought that it is supposed to be a stable OS?01:08
tux11no problem01:08
radii can see the wireless networks, but it keeps asking me for the key01:08
radiwhich i know that it is correct01:08
tux11lol restarting doe smean it unstable01:09
duffydackradi, that old chestnut.  try wicd.01:09
radiwicd ?01:09
tux11unless your having a problem u failed to metion ?01:09
basix-what about when all my windows stop having an exit, minimize, and maximize button on them01:09
tux11some app require a restart01:09
kisplitDoes anyone know how I can save my /ignore from irssi? It was working. I left and I come back and it's showing quits and joins again :(01:09
RealEyeswhy cant i use a terminal thats running a process?01:09
basix-and the only way to get them back is to reboot01:09
n-iCehiexpo: uhm01:09
Oerbm42 is well supported, wpa, wpa+psk01:09
radiduffydack: whats wicd01:09
kisplitAlso, when I use /ignore it still lists #ubuntu as having parts and joins ignored01:09
tux11thats gnome01:09
Oeror bm43*01:09
hikuRealEyes: you can. hit ctrl+z; bg01:10
duffydackradi, I keep on seeing problems with network-manager, still... ugh.  try wicd01:10
n-iCehiexpo: 02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)01:10
radiok, but what the hell is wicd :D01:10
duffydackradi, another 'manager'01:10
basix-also if my computer goes to sleep it will not come back01:10
squarebracketradi, wicd replaces networkmanager01:10
radiand how am i gonna install it without internet01:10
basix-hibernating is ok, but when it sleeps01:10
basix-i must reboot it to come back01:10
duffydackradi, or setup an /etc/network/interfaces file.01:10
tux11cd room01:10
RealEyes[1]+ sleep 30 &01:11
tux11cd rom*01:11
RealEyesthe background stopped :P01:11
basix-does anyone else have these problems with ubuntu?01:11
duffydackradi, so you have driver installed, what security do you have setup, wep, wpa, wpa201:12
radianyway i will remove the security01:12
radiand try again :P01:12
RealEyesbasix- im sure every new user has their share of problems01:12
guest593242i need help mounting my secondary drive, the error i get is: Unable to mount location Not Authorized01:12
RealEyeshiku, that killed the process...01:12
basix-but these are not errors due to me being new01:12
duffydackradi, well I can help you setup an interfaces file with wpa201:12
basix-it's the OS just malfunctioning01:12
duffydackradi, bypass any gui fail01:13
tux11window sthing happened once01:13
tux11it could be a broken package01:13
basix-tux11,  is that fixable without rebooting?01:13
tux11linking something so u hav ethe window sbuttons01:13
tux11could be01:13
radiduffydack: let me try without security and will see for the next step01:13
basix-and sometimes when my laptop hibernates01:14
tux11u any god with synaptic?01:14
tux11wich ubuntu do have basix?01:14
basix-it wont connect to the network again until i reboot01:14
duffydackradi, I keep hearing about the same problem...asking for password.. its NM storing the thing wrong01:14
squarebrackettux11, wouldn't disappearing window deco be a compiz-fusion problem?01:14
tux11yeah shut of compiz01:14
duffydackradar3d_, NM works for me, but I prefer my net to be there when desktop appears, not 12 seconds later01:14
tux11go to no windows effects/desktop effects01:14
duffydackradar3d_, sorry, wrong person :) Mean radi01:15
tux11go to an open area non the desktop and right clcik01:15
tux11and  clcik on change desktop background01:15
tux11then  a tabbed box will pop up01:16
magn3tsSo is there any good reason why I can login through GDM and am dropped on a blank screen with only my background, no nautilus or gnome-panel?01:16
radiduffydack: it works without security01:16
radii need it only to record a dvd anyway01:16
monokromedoes anyone here know how to get a panel on the other monitor in gnome?01:16
radithanks for the tip :P01:16
monokromeI can't even move them :|01:16
basix-i did01:16
basix-now it cut my desktop01:16
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tux11no goto visual effects01:17
basix-like 1/8 of the bottom of my screen disappeared01:17
duffydackradi, wicd does the job better, or use an interfaces file.  upto you01:17
hasenwhat's the network-manager-pptp for? is it safe to remove?01:17
basix-i did01:17
basix-i turned them off01:17
tux11and turn off them all off01:17
radiduffydack: thanks again01:17
basix-but now01:17
tux11some time sit takes a mintue01:17
basix-i have a line on my screen01:17
basix-and anything below it disappears01:17
tux11not sure01:17
basix-only the windows disappear01:17
tux11try a reboot now01:17
basix-i still have a toolbar at the bottom01:18
magn3tsoh hey look, I also can't setup to login automatically.01:18
hiexpon-iCe,  that is useless info i need manufacture of card model number and version of it like athereos ath5001 ver 2 etc01:18
magn3tsman, this is so awesome. its amazing how its just more and more stable with each release. just how like gnome adds new features and realyl makes everythign better01:18
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Dr_WillisAuto login is there in the GDM config tool.01:19
Dr_Willismonokrome:  alt-clock on panel, (on a non button/gadget area) drag/drop to other monitor01:20
basix-i wish i could show u my desktop01:20
duffydackprnt scrn01:20
magn3tsDr_Willis, well I cant even login right now and the gdm utility wont select a default user so in fact, I can't set it up properly01:20
pooperI cant get vuze to work on 10.04 64-bit... I constantly get a Java specific problem every time i try to execute the command01:21
monokromeDr_Willis: Ah. They hid it a little. Nice. Thank you :)01:21
basix-but the desktopis 7/8 normal and 1/8 black, i have a panel that works at the bottom but if i drag a window down there it's non accessible past that point..01:21
cyphasehow can i add a mountpoint to the places menu for every account?01:21
Guest91349What is the best screencasting app for ubuntu 10.04?01:21
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:21
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magn3tsDr_Willis, http://imgur.com/LgckI.png01:22
sdbinwiiexeIs there a place where I could find a high-res file of the new ubuntu logo (the circle in orange)01:22
tim_Hey, I have a huge music Library. I want to change the permissions of all the files all at once. Is there an easy way of doin this?01:22
tsziklaypooper: nice name! made me lol01:22
tux11try syanptic packaage manger01:22
cyphasetim_, change to what?01:23
hughessdtim: do you know how to use the terminal?01:23
tim_cyphase, so every one on my network can use them01:23
hughessdtim: if so, 'chmod'01:23
tim_hughessd, yes.01:23
tim_Yeah chmod okay01:23
tim_there is a recursive command01:24
cyphasetim_, if you're using the builtin share functionality, it should do it for you01:24
Guest91349ubottu: thank you, I am new; I want to have my webcam feed in screencast of desktop01:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:24
cyphasetim_, chmod -R01:24
KE1HA./chmod -R [permission]01:24
rwwsdbinwiiexe: http://design.canonical.com/the-toolkit/ubuntu-brand-guidelines/ should have one01:24
tim_now the permission have always confused me when using chmod01:24
hughessdtim: if you want everyone to have permission, use 77701:25
rwwsdbinwiiexe: looks like http://design.canonical.com/brand/Logos/Ubuntu_brandmark_aw.zip has SVGs that should work01:26
KE1HAtim_, well you'll also ahve to share the folder, so you could chown -R nobody:nobody and then share the folder with Samba or from the desktop right click and share.01:26
alienkid10I move from computer to computer how can I tell x to choose a different config based on my current hardware?01:26
poopertsziklay, Im aka DrPoO01:26
ZykoticK9hughessd, tim_ don't use 777 on files!  (ok on directories)01:26
KE1HAtim_, easiest wany for global sharing isn NFS and Samba, makes life easy.01:27
tim_ZykoticK9, what I would do is chmod -R ./music01:27
hughessdah, thanks ZykoticK01:27
tim_ZykoticK9, what I would do is chmod -R 777 ./music01:28
tux11how to find a person on irc?01:28
ZykoticK9tim_, 777 will make your files executable!  not what you want.01:28
decotux11: irc book like the phone book01:28
androidrocks135Hey guys, I made a mistake that I'd love to fix-I installed the NetBook edition of Ubuntu on my MacBook and I really want the Desktop edition for the Gnome desktop.  When I try to use the Gnome option on the lockscreen, the computer freezes and restarts into Ubuntu.01:28
tux11hi deco01:28
Ciruelohelp, my mouse dont work01:28
decohi tux1101:28
chris_osxCiruelo: lol01:29
dmar198well...anybody want to help someone with audio compression issues?01:29
duffydackdmar198, just state the problem.01:29
tim_ZykoticK9, you see I can see the files I want to transfer from one computer to the other but it tells me I don't have the permissions....01:29
tim_ZykoticK9, is chmod the best way?01:30
dmar198I have a CD quality mp3 that's 15 minutes long, 20 megabytes. I'd like it to be 2 or 3 megabytes, still mp3, lower quality. What do I do?01:30
Ciruelopeople, i need help my mouse dont work on ubuntu 10.401:30
ZykoticK9tim_, if you wan't "see" them, be sure the directory you are sharing had executable set for Other group (your 777 setting on the directory)01:30
duffydackdmar198, install soundconverter is probably best.. but 1-2mb, ouch01:30
ZykoticK9tim_, s/wan't/can't01:30
tim_dmar198, open ubuntu software center and type in mp3 converter01:30
androidrocks135Ciruelo what, it just doesn't work?01:30
dmar198okay....but the conversion, will it allow me to keep the same format and just specify the megabytes?01:31
Ciruelojust dont work...01:31
radiman my usb hard drive is faster than my desktop one -.-01:31
androidrocks135have you tried re-syncing if its wireless, Ciruelo?01:31
KE1HAtim_ set your files to 750 adn the Dir to 640 tha't safe, and dont use 777 as that clobbers standard files with execution that's not needed.01:31
SimonP86hello, I installed the eclipse myself by extracting the .tar.gz file to my home directory (so it's installed in ~/eclipse)01:31
aeon-ltddmar198: you don't specify mb you specify the bit-rate and the length determines the size unless you encode with variable bit rate01:32
Cirueloandroidrocks135, its a ps2 mouse01:32
kisplitCan someone please tell me why /ignore(s) from irssi are not staying past program restart? When I use /ignore it is showing #ubuntu: PARTS QUITS JOINS... It worked at first. I restart irssi and now it's not working.01:32
Ciruelothat work on windows01:32
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Cirueloandroidrocks135 my mouse work on windows, but not in ubuntu 10.0401:32
Gneakisplit: you're trying to ignore #ubuntu?01:32
dmar198aeon-ltd :: okay01:33
androidrocks135ps2... maybe ps2 isn't supported in 10.04 Ciruelo01:33
linxHow can you boot into ubuntu fro BusyBox prompt?01:33
kisplitGnea: I'm trying to ignore PARTS JOINS and QUITS from #ubuntu01:33
dmar198is there a specification on the effect variable bitrates will have on file size?01:33
tim_KE1HA, the permissions confuses me. What 750, 650, and 777 mean and how do you know what it means?01:33
rwwkisplit: you need to use /save afterwards to save configuration changes like that01:33
radiduffydack: do you know how to avoid the black screen on boot with a laptop except nomodeset ?01:33
kisplitrww: I did and it's written to the .config file01:33
aeon-ltddmar198: no but its usually "less"(used loosely) than constant bitrate01:33
SimonP86I'm currently running eclipse by typing "~/eclipse/eclipse" but if I just type "eclipse" terminal says "The program 'eclipse' is currently not installed."01:34
SimonP86how can I tell it where eclipse is installed please?01:34
kisplitrww: .irssi/config*01:34
rwwkisplit: odd. I used "/ignore -channel #ubuntu * JOINS PARTS QUITS" and it works fine01:34
aeon-ltdSimonP86: eclipse --version, maybe?01:34
th0rSimonP86: create a soft link in /usr/local/bin01:34
ZykoticK9SimonP86, did you install eclipse yourself or with Ubuntu tool?01:34
kisplitrww: and after that command you used /save?01:34
duffydackdmar198, you are asking for 10% of the filesize, I dont think you can do it01:34
aeon-ltdpooper: err yeah?01:34
linxHow can I boot ubuntu from BusyBox prompt?01:35
Gneakisplit: http://irssi.org/documentation/tips01:35
duffydackradi, do you get a splash at all?01:35
ZykoticK9SimonP86, so Eclipse is currently installed in your home directory then.01:35
So_ConfusedHey room... Question. A friend is overseas and at her campus they can access the internet only AFTER they view a commercial. BUT to view it they need to install a plugin (she gets an error on the validity of the site when going do dl them). I'm wondering if there's a way to backup/restore the system if what they dl messes with their system. Fyi, they have no external drive.01:35
pooperaeon-ltd, i strongly recommend installing the version of Helios that is available for download through their site01:35
Spawn82just wodering how i fix a unresponsive scipt on firefox01:35
SimonP86is that bad?01:35
radiduffydack: nope, just after grub it gets to black screen or white with lines01:35
radior something similar01:35
SimonP86I wasn't sure where to extract the tarball01:35
ZykoticK9SimonP86, it's not really "bad" - just not the Ubuntu way of doing things01:35
radiif i put nomodeset its ok01:35
dmar198duffydack :: okay. There must be software that does it, though. 15 megabyte podcasts are all like 3 megabytes or so.01:35
aeon-ltdpooper: i think you have the wrong person, i don't want eclipse01:35
duffydackradi, does it boot?01:35
radiwith nomodeset option01:35
kisplitrww: /ignore01:36
SimonP86ZykoticK9: where shall I move it? :)01:36
th0rSimonP86: usually things you install like that go into /opt/ and then are linked into /usr/local/bin so you can invoke them01:36
kisplitrww: sorry disregard that01:36
SimonP86th0r: thanks01:36
SimonP86th0r: shall I just move it there now?01:36
th0rSimonP86: put it in /opt/eclipse01:36
duffydackdmar198, use soundconverter, set bit rate to 64kpbs, sample rate to 22khz (or maybe 11khz if you really NEED to)..and go01:36
dmar198thanks duffy01:36
LorgonJortleI'm looking to setup my webcam on a Dell Studio 17 in Ubuntu 10.0401:36
dmar198I downloaded it, am trying out some tests now01:37
linxIs there any way to boot Ubuntu from BusyBox?01:37
duffydackradi, so you want a splash?01:37
ZykoticK9SimonP86, typically you'd install eclipse by running "sudo apt-get install eclipse" or use Synaptic/or Ubuntu Software Center.  If you have to "manually" install for whatever reason, then your home directory is fine really, or use /opt or whatever.  good luck man.01:37
pookyAnyone know how to disable sound completely in a system without a soundcard?01:37
radiduffydack: well, basically i want to boot it without nomodeset01:38
radisplash doesnt matter01:38
LorgonJortleI've installed Camorama, but it "Cannot connect to video device"01:38
duffydackradi, well this *might* be of some help.  http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml01:38
SimonP86ZykoticK9: have now moved the eclipse dir to /opt01:38
linxIs there any way to boot Ubuntu from BusyBox? Anyone?01:38
dmar198I have a second problem with Ekiga.01:39
duffydackradi, uses nomodeset but gives me a nice splash01:39
dmar198it doesn't seem to be able to play sound on audio calls01:39
dmar198any ideas?01:39
radiok, ill read more01:39
radii dont care about that bug btw ;P01:39
duffydackradi, uses framebuffer too, so might help.01:39
LorgonJortleHow do I setup a Dell Studio 17 webcam in 10.04? Camorama says it can't find the video device.01:39
SimonP86now that it's in /opt how can I create a link so that I can just type "eclipse" from terminal and it'll run?01:40
cyphasehow can i add a mountpoint to the places menu for every account? probably under the Computer entry, as if it was an external drive01:40
duffydackLorgonJortle, I know for a fact webcam works "out of the box" on a studio 17.  I have one.01:40
kisplitGnea and rww: Weird, when I use /ignore -channels #ubuntu * JOINS QUITS it works and stays past program restart. On the other hand. If I used /ignore #ubuntu +QUITS it does not01:40
th0rSimonP86: 'sudo ln -s /opt/eclipse/whatever /usr/local/bin/eclipse'01:40
kisplitGnea and rww: thanks for the help01:40
duffydackdmar198,  my advice, use skype01:40
LorgonJortleduffydack: What am I missing then... what software are you using?01:40
th0rSimonP86: check the man page...I may have the target and link reversed in that command01:41
dmar198duffydack :: skype doesn't support SIP01:41
duffydackLorgonJortle, nothing.. cheese can verify it01:41
basix-is there a good gui C++ compiler for linux i can download through the Software Center01:41
dmar198skype works fine, though. I have it installed and use it every month01:41
dmar198Ekiga is the problem01:41
duffydackdmar198, never used ekiga, sorry.. only skype.01:42
radigod you have to love fast usb drives01:42
dmar198okay, thanks duffy01:42
aeon-ltdbasix-: whats wrong with gcc?01:42
LorgonJortleHmmm.. well Camorama won't work. I suppose I'll try another program from the repo.01:42
duffydackLorgonJortle, 'cheese'01:43
kisplitbasix-: Do you mean IDE? The GUI IDE will use the gcc toolchain for compiling most likely.01:43
ZykoticK9LorgonJortle, for webcams start by trying them with cheese01:43
kisplitbasix-: Eclipse comes to mind01:43
basix-eclipse ok, how do i access gcc?01:43
LorgonJortleOh, damn. I'm sorry, I'm use to 'cheese' being Mr. Cheese. haha01:43
kisplitbasix-: Or Code::Blocks01:43
LorgonJortleI'm on it, thanks.01:43
basix-i want like a project manager type of program01:43
kisplitbasix-: Eclipse and Code::Blocks are the "managers"01:44
KE1HAradi, wait until SSD technology is mature, then we're looking at real fast speeds :-)01:44
m41n1could anyone tell me how to set up the autologin, so when you get to gdm it doesn't ask the pass?01:44
kisplitbasix-: gcc is the command line tool that is called by the managers01:44
basix-kisplit, thx01:44
SimonP86th0r: I checked the man pages and target and link were the right way around, however after running "sudo ln -s /opt/eclipse/eclipse /usr/local/bin/eclipse" I still got the "The program 'eclipse' is currently not installed." error message when I ran "eclipse" in my home dir01:44
m41n1but in command line?01:44
kisplitbasix-: np :)01:44
LorgonJortleAnd NetBeans!01:44
vldcnstHello, I'm trying to upgrade to apache 2.2.16 but I can't find it in any repository, I'm using lucid any hints?01:44
radiKE1HA: im looking for my i7 cpu very soon, donno for hard drives ;P01:44
kisplitYup and NetBeans xD01:44
duffydackSimonP86, system/admin - login screen01:44
SimonP86I'm there01:45
th0rSimonP86: if you type '/opt/eclipse/eclipse' does it work? that might be the problem01:45
* radi is cache eater01:45
duffydackSimonP86,  sorry, wrong again lol I mean m41n101:45
SimonP86np :)01:45
dmar198has anyone else used ekiga much, other than duffydack?01:45
* kyngdom watches01:45
m41n1duffydack: but from command line?01:45
androidrocks135You all are elitest fags, thanks for all of the help01:45
duffydackits late and I`m tired01:45
th0randroidrocks135: no problem,...you're welcome01:46
IdleOne!language | androidrocks13501:46
kyngdomhey everyone!01:46
ubottuandroidrocks135: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:46
* philipp64|laptop wanders off to reinstall Fedora 13 over Ubuntu.01:46
* kisplit has never used the emote system so decides to give it a go...01:46
linux_opwhen is the next release of ubuntu due to come?.01:46
ZykoticK9linux_op, 10.10.1001:47
IdleOnelinux_op: 10.1001:47
radikek :P01:47
LorgonJortleI tried installing 10.10 today01:47
kisplitDoes anyone know if 10.10 fixes the annoying screen flickering problem?01:47
chris_osxradi: ah from the horde, right?01:47
Gneait's not 10.10.10 yet01:47
f00bar80i'm using ubuntu 10.04 and connecting to the internet using a wireless connection , how to share this connection to my lan i.e i want for eth0  to share the wireless wlan0  , any comment ?01:47
radichris_osx: i play ally ;P01:47
linux_opoww god01:47
androidrocks135douche bags.  is it really so difficult to help a guy install the gnome desktop?01:47
linux_opthey got to get the numbers right01:47
chris_osxradi: me too01:47
linux_opwhats after 10.10.10?.01:48
radibut that lol ( kek ) kills me every time ;P01:48
linux_opwould it be
LorgonJortleandroidrocks135: Seriously, watch the language.01:48
ZykoticK9Gnea, i was told (perhaps incorrectly) that they'd decided on the 3X 10 - is that not final?01:48
Gneaandroidrocks135: it is when you call people names.01:48
th0randroidrocks135: read that again and try to guess why no one is helping you01:48
linux_opjust wondering01:48
dmar198androidrocks135 :: try command lining "Format C" (just kidding)01:48
IdleOne!attitude > androidrocks13501:48
ubottuandroidrocks135, please see my private message01:48
duffydackandroidrocks135, gnome as in ubuntu or gnome pure01:48
soreauf00bar80: You will either have to bridge the connections or use masquerading. Google - how to share connection ubuntu01:48
basix-my software center will not install or remove anything, everytime I try it fails01:48
LorgonJortlealright, thanks, guys/gals. Cheese works perfectly.01:49
GneaZykoticK9: it will be final on 10.10.1001:49
KE1HAlinux_op, Dont think so, would be 10.XX.XX is they stay on the relase cycle.01:49
basix-in the details i am left with this message, "E:I wasn't able to locate a file for the libmng1 package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package. (due to missing arch): "01:49
Gneabut seeing as how it's 8.9.10 now, it's not done yet :)01:49
LorgonJortleDell did a great job with Studio 17 in terms of Linux compatability.01:49
ZykoticK9Gnea, no i was talking about the day for release is it 10.10.10?  confused... sorry.01:49
glassresistori have a weird issue with a new install of lucid on amd64, using the flash installer hulu works but i can't click on youtube01:49
duffydackLorgonJortle, thats why I keep buying01:50
GneaZykoticK9: yes, 10.10.10 - the 10th day of the 10th month of the 10th year01:50
glassresistorcan click on hulu but not youtube01:50
Gneatechnically, 11th year, but who's counting? ;)01:50
ZykoticK9Gnea, all good ;)01:50
LorgonJortleduffydack: Yeah, I just got this beast today. I love it yet.01:50
duffydackLorgonJortle, 1747 or 174901:50
ralliaswhere can I find a list of the standard repositories for Ubuntu Linux?01:51
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+101:51
soreau! maverick01:51
soreau! repos01:51
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories01:51
KE1HANow how clever is that :-) .. next year 11.11.11 ? :-)01:51
cablopi have no sound in ubuntu01:51
cablopi just moved it to a new motherboard01:51
GneaKE1HA: heh, not quite :)01:51
LorgonJortleduffydack: 174701:51
soreau! audio | cablop01:51
ubottucablop: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:51
LorgonJortleIs 1749 better?01:51
ZykoticK9KE1HA, 11 isn't a release month - only 4 or 10 ;)01:51
Gneathen 11.1001:51
f00bar80any comment ?01:52
=== wickid is now known as HixT
duffydackLorgonJortle,  same here.  1600x900 or 19201x108001:52
KE1HAZykoticK9, I know, was a vane attempt at levity :-)01:52
LorgonJortle1920x1080 :-D01:52
Gneaf00bar80: about?01:52
cablopthe other weird thing is.... i deleted the old referenced network cards... and they keep appearing there, but i have NOTHING in /etc/network/interfaces... :(01:52
duffydackLorgonJortle, same.  no, not really any better01:52
cablopwhere is ubuntu storing network interface settings now?01:52
psyt7anyone here with a Z520 asus product?01:52
Gneacablop: interfaces does not control network cards by default01:52
glassresistoralso firefox3 has been crashing often but without reason, i have it in the terminal but it only seems to crash when i don't have an error log running01:53
f00bar80Gnea, i'm using ubuntu 10.04 and connecting to the internet using a wireless connection , how to share this connection to my lan i.e i want eth0 to share the wireless wlan0  ( both are on the same machine ) , any comment ?01:53
Gneacablop: network manager or wicd usually take care of it01:53
LorgonJortleduffydack: Backlit keyboard, UBL + SRS Premium sound, 4GB RAM, 250GB HDD, and i7 quad01:53
dmar198glassresistor :: Google Chrome. Boom.01:53
SimonP86th0r, ZykoticK9: success! I've now got it installed in /opt/eclipse and running the "eclipse" command from my home dir launches it.  Thanks for your help guys, I really appreciate it01:53
cablopgnea... well... then... why i see 5 things to enable in the network manager?01:53
LorgonJortleI haven't been able to put the i7 to work yet, but I'm excited to. :-)01:53
Gneaf00bar80: have you ever used ubuntu or any other linux, for that matter, to share a connection?01:53
glassresistordmar198: no plugins boom01:53
* kisplit loves chromium and wonders if any others here are using it01:53
cablopgnea but those cards are not in the system... so no way to detect them :S01:53
th0rSimonP86: enjoy01:54
dmar198glassresistor :: extensions, userscripts...but no plugins01:54
glassresistorkisplit: when opensoucre chromium is ready ill use it01:54
Gneacablop: I don't know, could u post a screenshot?01:54
kisplitglassresistor: What do you mean by, "ready"?01:54
cablopwell, hard to popst it, cause i'm fighting with he network on tnat machine :(01:54
f00bar80Gnea, yea but really i forget it now01:54
Gnea!ics | f00bar8001:54
ubottuf00bar80: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php01:54
ZykoticK9glassresistor, dmar198 chromium-browser is open source version of "google chrome" and in the default 10.04 repos guys...01:55
dmar198Chrome is so much prettier though01:55
duffydackLorgonJortle, no backlit, I went cheap..4gb, 500gb hd.. lots of problems and a new laptop after 6 call outs.. the 'engineers' didnt know their screwdriver from their mothers cat..01:55
cablopgnea i can type what i see, but it's not good enough01:55
glassresistorkisplit: chromium still crashes randomly for my, im not using the daily builds, but also when it has things like chatzila, and firebug, noscript etc01:55
duffydackLorgonJortle, its off-topic anyway.. I`m goin  to bed.. ciao for now01:55
LorgonJortleLater, man.01:55
Gnea!screenshot | cablop01:56
ubottucablop: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.01:56
kisplitglassresistor: Ahh, I do miss noscript :(01:56
Gneacablop: well, if you can type on irc, you can upload an image01:56
cablopand how can i send the screenshot with no network?01:56
cablopin a different omputer01:56
Gneadidn't know that01:56
dmar198cablop :: do you have an SD card? or a USB stick?01:56
glassresistorkisplit: but i do think chromium's js implementation is great01:56
cabloplet me try with a usb01:56
Gneacablop: digital camera?01:56
kisplitglassresistor: I haven't played with chromium code at all but I sure can feel the speed =P01:57
dmar198cablop :: here's an idea. Upload your screenshot from your dead computer to the cloud. Then download it to your live computer. Then re-upload it to the cloud using your live computer, so that your dead computer doesn't have to.01:57
guampaf00bar80: in a terminal type sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE01:58
glassresistoranyone know of a good tutorial for adding a journal to an ex2 fs onto a diffent harddrive01:58
KE1HAkisplit, with the extensions and available plug-in's it's pretty cool, just started messing with it last night, so far Im pretty impressed.01:58
glassresistorim running an ssd01:58
Linheya! I have an atheros card, (wifi) how can I configure it without the network manager (since im using server edition)? any docs?01:58
guampaf00bar80: and sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=101:58
guampathat should do01:58
cablopwell, there's a bad thing01:59
cablopprint screen doesn't work if you have an icon menu opened and that's what i need to catch :(01:59
Gneacablop: do you have gimp installed?01:59
Hollow`Pointanyone here who can help me with my touchad problem?02:00
KE1HALin, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo02:00
elslunkoDoes anyone know if ubuntu has an issue with reading exif from 16 bit tiffs?02:00
Gnea!ask | Hollow`Point02:00
ubottuHollow`Point: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:00
Gneaelslunko: shouldn't be a problem02:00
f00bar80guampa, no chain/target/match by that name02:00
KE1HALin, see section under command-line, but all of it is a good read.02:00
cablopgnea yes i do02:01
elslunkoGnea, Thank you. I've exported photos from bibble 5 and the exif is readable in windows but not on my Ubuntu machine.02:01
LinKE1HA, ok ty.02:01
guampaf00bar80: sorry sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING  -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE02:01
Gneacablop: great, open it and use the File->Create->Screenshot method and use it to set a timer or something so you get the whole window02:01
Hollow`PointTouchpad is not working, installed ubuntu 10.04 on a "blue" laptop. model is m626.02:01
=== jordan is now known as Wildcat_
f00bar80guampa, k i tried it not working02:02
marek_hey guys. i try to install ubuntu 10.04 64bit from usb. but when i try to boot it up, there is a loud beeping sound and nothing happens...can anybody help?02:02
Gneaelslunko: could be that you need to install the correct software to handle that02:02
kisplitMy laptop has two GPUs. When I use lshw -C display I see my NVIDIA 210M and Intel Mobile 4 Series... How do I tell which one is currently in use? The NVIDIA display also says: *-display UNCLAIMED02:02
RenatoSilvaI have grub with Windows XP and Ubuntu. I'm about to replace XP with Windows 7. (1) How can I install grub again on the MBR after Windows is installed (2) How to make grub scan the HD again for updating the Windows Entry in the menu?02:02
elslunkoGnea, Gimp wouldn't have anything to do with it, correct?02:02
guampaf00bar80: have you run the sysctl stuff too?02:03
GneaHollow`Point: okay, i have a laptop that's "blue" but it has a different model #. could you please be more specific?02:03
f00bar80guampa, yea02:03
guampaf00bar80: make sure to put your laptpo as default gateway in the other machines02:03
Gneaelslunko: not unless you used it to convert or edit02:04
guampaand check that you can ping between them02:04
f00bar80guampa, i did02:04
hiexpoGnea,  my laptops red it won't boot with ubuntu can u help me      :)02:04
Gneahiexpo: tape it a flagpole, strap some LEDs to it and eat some grass :)02:05
Hollow`PointGnea: touchpad is totally not working. cursor is not moving. im using a usb mouse right now. how do i know that the device is installed?02:05
f00bar80guampa, operation not permited from machine with connection sharing to the 2nd box02:05
GneaHollow`Point: what I'm looking for here is the manufacturer of the laptop02:05
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org02:05
hiexpoGnea,  :)02:05
sudoerhow can I tell fi my distro is 32 bit or 64bit?02:06
cablopgnea any suggestion to upload the screenshot?02:06
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org02:06
Gneacablop: save it to the usb drive, then throw it up on that site02:06
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.02:06
hiexposudoer,  323 bit is like i38k  64 is x86x6402:06
Hollow`PointGnea: the manufacturer is = blue model# m62602:06
Gneasudoer: uname -m02:07
elslunkoGnea, Thank you.02:07
TELL0is there a channel about customization???02:07
Gneaelslunko: cheers02:07
LorgonJortleWireless isn't working on my Studio 17 10.04.. is there something I need?02:07
f00bar80guampa, i have the assigned IP to eth0 is at the time wlan0 has inet addr:
TELL0I'm looking for a ubuntu customization channel. somebody know?02:07
LorgonJortleWhen I click on the internet app on the menu bar it shows "Wireless conenctions" but nothing is under it.02:08
hiexposudoer,  is 32 bit02:08
LorgonJortleAnd I'm right next to my router, and other computers are connected to it, too.02:08
sudoerits i686 with uname -m02:08
GneaHollow`Point: I see - sorry, I did not know that some company calling themselves 'Blue' made laptops02:08
Gneasudoer: then it's 32bit. if it was 64bit, it would be x86_6402:08
hiexpoi just it was 32 :)02:08
hiexpo^sorry said02:09
TeachMePleaseIḿ look the same that TELLO, someone csn can help us please ??02:09
cablopgnea... see it http://imagebin.org/10888602:09
KE1HAHollow`Point, just checking somethign first. In a terminal window, type: cat /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf | grep options psmouse synaptics_resume_reset   and tell me what it says if anythign.02:09
guampaf00bar80: as root: pastebinit< <(iptables-save ; ip r; ifconfig)02:09
GneaHollow`Point: ...are you michael00xc?02:09
LorgonJortleWhat is needed to setup wireless on a Dell Studio 17 in 10.04? No networks are showing up.02:09
TELL0Pici, do you know is a customization channel exist?02:10
LorgonJortleI've enabled the driver in the restricted driver manager.02:10
cablopGnea: isn't it odd?02:10
dmar198does anybody in here know about SIP / VoIP02:10
TELL0aboz, don't use bad words02:10
hiexpo!language > aboz02:11
dmar198and if not, any ideas about other IRC forums?02:11
Gneacablop: that is weird... do they show up if you login as a different user?02:11
TELL0I'm looking for a customization channel02:11
TeachMePleaseI'm l0ooking too about asterisk,and i prefer portugues lite language02:11
Hollow`PointGnea: yes i am02:11
cablopgnea no more users in the machine02:11
GneaHollow`Point: okay, because I found your post on ubuntuforums.org02:11
Gneacablop: can you make one and try?02:12
Hollow`PointKE1HA: cat: etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf: No such file or directory02:12
cablopwell... maybe02:12
cablopi'll try02:12
KE1HAHollow`Point, well that's a proble :-)02:12
Hollow`PointGnea: yeah, been trying to solve this for a while02:12
n00berthanyouanyone know if I can enable 64 bit on a netbook edition of Ubuntu?02:12
Hollow`PointKE1HA: what you mean? big big problem?02:13
macon00berthanyou: you cant change architectures after install02:13
macon00berthanyou: you could do a 64bit install and then install the netbook UI afterward02:13
n00berthanyoudang.  Alright, thanks maco.02:13
hiexpon00berthanyou,  use 32 bit it is better02:13
GneaHollow`Point: in the case of installing that pointer program, you need to prepend the command with the 'sudo' command, like this:  sudo apt-get install gpointing-device-settings02:13
cablopgnea, login...02:14
n00berthanyouThing is, I just realized that my computer can handle 64 bit.  OK, thanks anyway02:14
Gneamaco: have you seen the new 64bit netbooks?02:14
cablopgnea... no network icon on the new user :(02:14
Gneacablop: might need to make sure the new user is within the proper groups02:15
hiexpoi think 32 bit is better02:15
macoGnea: nope... i thought a few atoms were avilable 64bit but that theyd gone away already02:15
intangirok i shared a directory on ubuntu, it shared it wrong, the options were confusing and stupid, and now it wont let me unshare it, even though IT IS sharing it...02:15
intangirin ubuntu's attempt to simplify file sharing it apparently made it confusing, retarded, and NOT WORKING02:15
macoGnea: i have a brand new netbook with one of the new atoms (n450) and afaik, thats 32bit02:15
intangirhow do i unshare a directory i shared, but isnt showing up as being shared.. and has no option in the gui's to unshare, and isnt in my samba config...02:16
pecarhi, i'm installing ubuntu netbook to a asus eeepc 701 and it is stopped when installing grub in sda . Somebody knows what's happening?02:16
macoGnea: im not sure youd want to use 64bit OS on a machine with little RAM... 64bit uses quite a bit of RAM, IME02:16
cablopgnea, better if i close my user first to?02:16
linux_opim trying to get gparted to set a partition as primary!02:16
KE1HAHollow`Point, Have your read though this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49375802:16
linux_opand I can't figure it out02:16
intangirlinux_op: i think it can only be made primary on creation02:16
Gneamaco: acer has a new aspire one that's an athlon II neo02:16
intangiryou cant change it later02:16
cablopgnea login...02:17
Gneacablop: yeah02:17
dmar198thank you everyone :)02:17
linux_opintangir: oww comeon02:17
intangirlinux_op: its true02:17
linux_opintangir: how come fdisk does it02:17
linux_opdoes it?02:17
androidrocks135wussap muthafuckkaz!!! I just changed my architecture from 32 to 64 bit with apt-get install 64bitMagic02:17
cablopgnea... it seems to be right on that user02:17
intangirit doesnt02:17
hiexpoGnea,  BDD02:18
Gneacablop: sorry, can't stop laughing....02:18
intangiryou can make it bootable02:19
intangirbut not primary02:19
intangirdo you mean bootable?02:19
cablopgnea... dunno... it seems that user see THREE interfaces, but i ust have TWO!02:19
So_ConfusedIs there a way to install programs (small ones) onto a remote system via ssh?02:19
intangiralso you can copy it02:19
intangirand make the copy primary02:19
KE1HAHollow`Point, I realise it's for mac / pros. but it's also for any other TP that uses synaptics drivers.02:19
Gneacablop: nah, what happened is that your user's network manager config got overwritten somehow02:19
Gneacablop: did you import your /home folder from a previous install?02:19
cablopgnea... welll, the bad thing is that was like that after restarting...02:19
Hollow`PointKE1HA: i haven't tried that one yet02:19
TeachMePleasesomeone can help-me about asterisk ?02:20
cablopnope, no older install, all created from scratch on this machine, but i had to switch from bopards two times02:20
KE1HASo_Confused,  sure, just SSH into that machine, and if APT is installed, the just do the normal sudo apt-get install [program]  you'll need the sudo PW though.02:20
TeachMePleaseI can open my aserisk o obuntu02:20
cablopgnea, thanks for your help, i'll try another solution in a while02:20
SimonP86hello, I want to recursively delete a dir and all of it's contents but they're write protected (don't worry, I am sure I want to do this)02:20
So_ConfusedKE1HA: cool... what is APT?02:20
KE1HAHollow`Point, Seems you TP is not being discovered, so that may work by adding it in via the How-To.02:21
m41n1guys, if i have two computer with ubuntu, is it possible to use the graphic card of computer a to run gdm in computer b?02:21
SimonP86If I just use the command "sudo rm -r dirname" then I'd need to keep pressing y02:21
Dr_WillisSimonP86:  system directories? or where exactly?02:21
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)02:21
Dr_WillisSimonP86:  theres the 'f' option02:21
KE1HA!aptitude | So_Confused02:21
So_ConfusedKE1HA: is that installed as a default in Ubuntu?02:21
ubottuSo_Confused: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide02:21
SimonP86a directory I stuck in /opt02:21
guampaSimonP86: add f to the switches02:21
SimonP86ah ok, thanks02:21
Dr_WillisSimonP86:  you will need root rights to remove system type dirs02:21
KE1HA!apt | So_Confused02:21
ubottuSo_Confused: please see above02:22
So_ConfusedKE1HA: got it... thanks02:22
cablopjust time to buy a new computer :(02:22
Gneacablop: cheers02:22
SimonP86Dr_Willis, guampa: worked a treat - thanks guys02:22
cablopand to choose a new distro also :(02:23
Dr_Williscablop:  have fun, and have a nice day.02:23
pecarhi it seems my ubuntu netbook cd cant install grub in asus eeepc 701 what should i do?02:24
darkstar_java.net.ConnectException:connection refused02:25
pecarThe asus isn't hanged. It works but installer is installing grub since half an hour. And is the third time it do that. What should i do02:25
darkstar_what `s worry with this problem?02:26
jrmhi, i've heard i can get 64-bit from 'apt-get install 64bitMagic' is that true?02:26
* jrm runs02:26
pecardarkstar is it to me?02:26
Connor1I just installed Ubuntu 10 on my laptop because it detects my wireless card by default. I have an internet connection, but no websites are loading. Any ideas?02:28
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.02:28
GneaConnor1: check your connection information02:29
elkcloneConnor1: try a reboot02:29
cyphasehow can i add a mountpoint to the places menu for every account? probably under the Computer entry, as if it was an external drive02:29
LinKE1HA, i have an atheros card and wpa_supplicant says madwifi driver isn supported, any ideas?02:29
Dr_WillisConnor1:  also try some ping tests.. ping google.com, ping   and other site/ip#'s - see if any work02:29
xangualin what's the problem with the atheros¿¿ doesn't work at all¿¿02:30
Dr_Williscyphase:  all my mountpoints are in the places that i see.. what point are you wantiong to put in there?02:30
stanley_robertsohi all.. do we have any channel for perl ?02:30
Dr_Willisstanley_robertso:  i would guess  #perl02:30
belkinsaIn Termail it's ping www.google.com02:31
AndrewMCstanley_robertso: try /join #perl02:31
Gneastanley_robertso: #perl might do it02:31
cyphaseDr_Willis, i've mounted a partition at a specific point, i.e. it's in fstab02:31
Linxangua, I want configure my wifi without network manager (since im running server and I dont want get a gui). the card works very well in the desktop ubuntu version.02:31
cyphaseDr_Willis, so it doesn't automatically show up in places02:31
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hiexpohumm atheros   probably ask hiexpo about  wifi with atheros02:31
stanley_robertsoThanks Dr_Willis and AndrewMC ... i hope it is the same location for CPAN perl  also02:31
Dr_Williscyphase:  you could make a link from /media/whatever to that mountpoint and it might02:31
Linhiexpo, wifi with atheros02:32
cyphaseDr_Willis, yea, i thought of that. dont know why i havent tried it yet :P02:32
ToStItOsAnyone familiar with Usbmodeswitch02:33
hiexpoLin,  atheros is supported in linux02:33
hiexpoLin,  what card02:34
Linhiexpo, i know it is.. I have it working in other 3 computers.02:34
Linhiexpo, is a dlink g520.02:34
Linhiexpo, my problem is configure in command line.02:34
cablopGnea: you said that maybe sth overwrote my config... where's that config?02:34
elkclonethats bad02:35
ToStItOsI have a Usb modem cellular broadband but cannot get it to be recognize with Ubuntu 10.0402:35
hiexpoLin,  - sorry but look at aircrack-ng comparability02:36
Linhiexpo, ok ty02:36
hiexpolin np02:36
elkcloneaircrack is nice.02:37
hiexpoLin,  http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=compatibility_drivers02:38
=== Maser is now known as SheepShagger
hiexpomake nice drivers02:39
jamiejackson"The Adobe Flash plugin has crashed" in firefox <-- known current problem, or my own screwy machine?02:40
MakuseruIm having some problems with using hdmi out on my hp g60(Nvidia 8200M). The nvidia settings thing sees the tv that i have the hdmi cable plugged up to, it even knows the correct resolution. But the tv just says "no signal". The computer also acts like there is a second screen on it, if i move the mouse to the right (where the second screen would be) the mouse keeps going for a long distance like there actually is a screen there.02:41
MakuseruAnyone know how i can get this working?02:41
Dr_Willisflash is a 'known problem' jamiejackson02:41
macojamiejackson: more to do with the only good software adobe putting out being the kind you have to pay for, i think ;)02:41
helpneededhello  folks anyone know how to get back the main menubar ??02:41
Dr_WillisMakuseru:  you do have the tv set to the right Input?02:41
elkclonehehe flash02:41
jamiejacksonany workarounds, Dr_Willis / maco ?02:42
Dr_Willis!resetpanel | helpneeded02:42
ubottuhelpneeded: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:42
jamiejacksonI know flash suxit02:42
macojamiejackson: not really02:42
Dr_Willisjamiejackson:  other then stop using flash....... not really02:42
MakuseruDr_Willis: Yes.02:42
helpneededThank :)02:42
elkclonestop watching prn and get back to work.02:42
Dr_WillisMakuseru:  i had one pc that the external monitors like that - HAD to be plugged in when i powered up,. or else they never got seen. What chipset are you using anyway?02:42
jamiejacksoni'm not watching porn, elkclone, i'm trying to watch pirated movies. get your head out of the gutter. ;-)02:42
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macojamiejackson: piracy discussion is not allowed here02:43
macojamiejackson, elkclone: nor porn02:43
=== Guest41200 is now known as ubuntuserver
jamiejacksoni meant pirate movies, maco. arrrrr!02:43
MakuseruDr_Willis: It's an HP 60 with nvidia 8200M for graphics, AMD dual core processor. Ive restarted several times with the HDMI cable in. and the nvidia settings sees the tv.02:43
ubuntuserverjamiejackson: yup02:44
Dr_WillisMakuseru:  so the nvidia-settings tool seems to see it and lets you activate the tv/monitor?02:44
Hollow`Pointis it normal that my xorg.conf is blank? im running ubuntu 10.04. i typed in sudo gedit /etc/x11/xorg.conf. when i save it, it says could not find file.02:44
Random832Hollow`Point: yes it is normal02:44
Random832what is it you think you need to add to xorg.conf?02:44
MakuseruDr_Willis: Yes02:44
Random832i'll try to find ubuntu instructions02:45
macoHollow`Point: yes it is normal that xorg.conf does not exist02:45
Dr_WillisMakuseru:  weird..  This IS a laptop? or desktop?02:45
macoHollow`Point: it hasnt since er... 2007 ish02:45
macomaybe 2008?02:45
MakuseruDr_Willis: laptop, the M is the mobile version of the 820002:45
Dr_WillisMakuseru:  You DID try the 'enable exteranal monitor' special keys?02:46
KE1HALin, sri was away from the box for a moment. I had to ndiswrapper my cards but, one of them, a Marvell chipset, does nto support WPA yet either, so had to change the card.02:46
MakuseruDr_Willis: in googling, ive seen people talking about some dvi-hdmi jumper on the card but since mine is the laptop version im not sure if that exists02:46
MakuseruDr_Willis: No, i wasnt aware there was one02:46
elkclonemacro: ty02:46
hiexpo!seen idleone02:50
ubottuI have no seen command02:50
KindOnehiexpo, idleone is still in #ubuntu.02:50
MTec007im looking for a USB wifi N card that will work out of the box, but i want a small/micro card. any suggestions on a model?02:50
nimbioticsHi all. I Think I've got a serious problem: I cannot see the login dialog window. Sometimes Its like the system just stops before showing it without freezing, and sometimes I can can navigate using the arrows keys, select my username by pressing enter, type my pwd and voila! all this without seeing any response on the screen untill I'm loged in. What can I do? TIA!02:50
LinKE1HA, my card for sure works. I have them working in other boxes running ubuntu02:51
elkclonenimbiotics: try an external monitor02:51
feroxyHaving a problem with 10.04 not allowing my monitor to sleep properly. Screen blanks but backlight stays on. Used to work before, anyone know of a fix?02:52
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indioHi. What's the shortcut to switch workspaces? Thanks.02:55
tom472I installed Ubuntu through Wubi and managed to get it to recognise my wireless card and connect to my wireless network but it's not recieving the internet even though I'm connected and the router is putting out Internet since I'm using it now, any ideas as to why its not picking internet up?02:55
t-I installed Ubuntu through Wubi and managed to get it to recognise my wireless card and connect to my wireless network but it's not recieving the internet even though I'm connected and the router is putting out Internet since I'm using it now, any ideas as to why its not picking internet up?02:57
nimbioticselkclone: ive got 2 displays connected to my display. I just tried switching users and I could see login dialog on my regular display only. Should I try restarting?02:57
weightmongerhello everyone Have a question I sent a desktop down to my father in law with ubuntu on it.  I wrote his username and password on top of the computer but it isn't working.  (Not sure if he is typoing or not) is there a way to log in to reset the password?02:57
sacarlsontom472: is it picking up an address from dhcp,   try ifconfig and see what address if any you recieved02:57
MTec007im looking for a USB wifi N card that will work out of the box, but i want a small/micro card. any suggestions on a model?02:59
MTec007something widely supported maybe, i like to use different distros03:00
helpneededThanks for the help guys seems its working agien expect to see a lot of me now you helped me :) I need all the help i can get since for some reason im always trying to fix stuff at 3 in the morning. I always make it worse lol03:00
nix0r1hey folks, i am trying to install sun java 6 and when i try to install via ubuntu software center theres no "install button". any idea what i can do?03:01
weightmongerhello everyone Have a question I sent a desktop down to my father in law with ubuntu on it.  I wrote his username and password on top of the computer but it isn't working.  (Not sure if he is typoing or not) is there a way to log in to reset the password?03:01
xangua!java | nix0r103:01
ubottunix0r1: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.03:01
nimbioticselkclone: i meant to say "...2 displays connected to my video card..."03:01
belkinsaNix: DId you a system a update?03:01
Ace2Is anyone else having trouble signing into Facebook with Ubuntu? I tried both Firefox and Chrome, and it keeps saying to reset my password. I switch over to windows and I go right in03:02
OerMTec007, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported03:02
hiexpo!seen pur_hate03:02
KindOneSorry hiexpo. I haven't seen pur_hate around.03:02
ubottuI have no seen command03:02
MTec007Oer i looked at that, but i cant find what im looking for. some say it works out of the box but then they tell you a huge list of things you need to do to make it work03:03
MTec007Oer i just want one i can plug in and get online03:03
Oeribm is oke03:04
MTec007Oer the one i have now isnt supported by anything OOB and im tired of it03:04
Hollow`PointIf xorg.conf does not exist, and a tutorial i am following says i have to configure something in it does it mean i have to creat a xorg.conf from blank?03:04
nix0r1thankyou xangua, ill take a look03:04
Rp3any one know a usb wireless N device that works in Ubuntu, D-Link DWA-125 doesn't :).03:05
ralliasI am so proud of myself, using ssh for the first time ever03:07
BoldfilterAnyone use Cedega03:07
ZykoticK9Hollow`Point, to generate an xorg.conf see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/create-an-xorg-conf-file03:07
ralliasanyone have a question?03:08
MTec007rallias: sure. im looking for a USB wifi N card that will work out of the box, but i want a small/micro card. any suggestions on a model?03:09
ralliasLook at Linksys. I have had good experience with kernal level compatibility with their usb wifi devices, as long as you are using a desktop-based operating system03:10
Rp3MTec007, good question same here... :)  D-Link DWA-125 doesn't...03:10
ralliashowever, wifi is a pain to set up on a computer without a gui03:10
thune3weightmonger: unless you set up ssh, there would be no way to reset it remotely. i would suspect errant caps lock, common typos, or the keyboard not actually being plugged in.03:10
sacarlsonMTec007: there is a hardware compatibilty list some place you can google it.  if you can lsusb the device before you buy you can look up the numbers to check the suport03:11
sacarlsonMTec007: avoid broadcom03:11
himeli can't access my local drive03:11
Rp3or at least it wont' for my dads new machine, just need something (WIFI) that works...03:12
Eryn_1983_FL ok why does  wine need  , lib32nss-mdns (>= 0.10-3)???03:12
Eryn_1983_FLi want to remove and  avahi03:12
ZykoticK9!hcl | MTec007 sacarlson03:12
MTec007i found the compat list but i want a sure fire will work ~~SMALL/MICRO~~ card.03:12
ubottuMTec007 sacarlson: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection03:12
Ace2Is anyone else having trouble signing into Facebook with Ubuntu? I tried both Firefox and Chrome, and it keeps saying to reset my password. I switch over to windows and I go right in. It does it on both my PC and my laptop03:12
ralliasEryn_1983_FL: lib32nss-mdns = Microsoft Domain Name Server, its just a finiky thing03:12
MTec007some of those cards that are "supported" have things that have to be done first03:12
ralliasAce2: Are you using the chat application built into ubuntu?03:13
himelit says Unable to mount 54 GB Filesystem03:13
himelNot Authorized03:13
stanley_robertsohi doopy himel03:13
ralliasMTec007 ndiswrapper works for that kind of things03:13
Ace2rallias, I'm using Xchat why?03:13
sacarlsonhimel: try sudo to mount it03:13
doopyhi stanley_robertso03:13
himelwhere i found sudo03:14
ralliasnvm. Try changing the password, and if that doesn't work, sudo apt-get upgrade03:14
doopyhimel did you try gparted ?03:14
MTec007rallias i dont want to use ndiswrapper at all03:14
MTec007i want full plug and play03:14
sacarlsonhimel: man sudo man mount03:14
doopyok listen to sacarlson first himel03:15
ralliasMTec007: Generally Linksys hardware is linux compatible03:15
MTec007"generally"? thats not so reassuring03:15
ralliasMTec007: I have been using it since about 2007 and it has always worked for me, eth and wifi03:15
doopyhey dudes who has a gma500 graphic card ?03:15
himelsacarlson wht is this?03:15
MakuseruIm having some problems with using hdmi out on my hp g60(Nvidia 8200M). The nvidia settings thing sees the tv that i have the hdmi cable plugged up to, it even knows the correct resolution. But the tv just says "no signal". The computer also acts like there is a second screen on it, if i move the mouse to the right (where the second screen would be) the mouse keeps going for a long distance like there actually is a screen there.03:15
MakuseruAnyone know how i can get this working?03:16
ralliasexcept when i forgot the encryption password03:16
sacarlsonhimel: do you know how to open a terminal?03:16
MTec007rallias: full plug and play?03:16
sacarlsonhimel: in the terminal type man sudo03:16
ralliasMTec007: No. You generally have to reboot...03:16
Ace2rallias, are you talking about what I'm using to chat on here? If so it's Xchat03:16
ralliasAce2: I misread the origional question. Try sudo apt-get upgrade and a reboot.03:17
himelthen wht?03:17
Ace2rallias, Ok, thank you!03:17
sacarlsonhimel: then try man mount  to learn how to mount the filesystem you working on03:17
sacarlsonhimel: you will need to sudo mount03:17
MTec007rallias but do i need to use ndiswrapper, or install anything? edit config files etc?03:18
himellast night i can access the drive but now i can't03:18
ralliasMTec007: If you run 7.04 or later, you shouldn't have to. It should auto-configure itself03:18
Ace2rallias, I ran sudo apt-get upgrade and go this, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.03:19
ralliasI don't know about 6.xx or 5.xx03:19
MTec007ok, well im used to dealing with a dell pcmcia card with a broadcom chipset03:19
himellots of details is here but wht i do now?03:19
sacarlsonhimel: well the user your loged into now doesn't have the privlige to mount03:19
ralliasAce2: sudo dpkg reconfigure firefox-3.503:19
MTec007and we are talking about any linksys card?03:19
doopydid anyone try fedora here ? or shall i stay on ubuntu?03:19
Ace2rallias, Ok03:20
himelits my administrator account03:20
elkclonei say ubuntu03:20
ralliasMTec007: Make sure you have a couple days return policy, but yes. Any linksys card03:20
MTec007ok, thanks. thanks a bunch! gotta run.03:20
doopyok cause for the moment i have no complaints03:20
sacarlsonhimel:  I'm not sure why it's changed but to mount it will be something like sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt03:21
doopyjust intel about the gma500 card03:21
ralliasdoopy: fedorra has its advantages, and so does ubuntu.03:21
ralliasPersonally, in my experience, Fedora has a more up-to-date kernal by default, but Ubuntu tends to be more stable.03:21
nick020487which one runs better with a wireless connection to windows?03:21
doopyrallias what is the major use of fedorra ?03:21
Ace2rallias, http://paste.ubuntu.com/475722/03:22
sacarlsonhimel: what ever device you want to mount and you will have to create a temp dir to mount it on03:22
himelthx sacarlson>>>im trying03:22
ralliasdoopy: umm... I don't know. It is one that has the capibility of dynamic wallpapers, I'm not sure ubuntu has the same.03:22
nick020487doopy and rallias: which linux system runs best with a wireless connection to windows?03:22
nick020487in order to access the internet03:22
=== jordan is now known as Guest43777
ralliasnick020487: Unless you have some messed up system, it does not connect through a windows system.03:23
doopynick020487, i have no idea i used ubuntu wireless to connect to internet only never tried pc to windows pc03:23
Guest43777how do you download itunes in ubuntu03:23
himeli want to mount my local HDD03:23
doopyGuest43777,  you cant use rythm box03:24
nick020487rallias and doopy: wow i was afraid of that. Linksys strait said there is no way to run a wireless card from them through linux to a windows pc with the router attatced03:24
doopyi tried itunes on wine but i had problems03:24
Guest43777wine? can you config wine with itunes???03:24
himelmount: can't find /dev/sdb2/mnt in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab03:24
GimpedGuest43777: you will have to check stability of it in winehq apps database03:25
ralliasnick020487: if both machines have access to the same router, then both ubuntu and fedora have the capibility of detecting and connecting to the windows machine03:25
sacarlson himel: were is your local hard drive?  try look at what you have with fdisk -l03:25
aristohi i'm using 10.04.1 and now when i login gdm takes like a minute or two to complete log in, is that a known bug?03:25
johnhamelinkhey there, i'm trying to get the wireless working on my samsung n130 netbook. I have it working but it sometimes times out, and sometimes it takes ages to resolve domains. It takes next to no time to access local IPs03:25
ralliasjohnhamelink: google bind9 cache config03:26
nick020487rallias: sorry ignore the question about fedora. i have ubuntu on my comp now. i have a linksys router attatched to my dads dell running off windows and a linksys built in wireless card running off ubuntu. i just can't get it to connect to the router03:26
johnhamelinkrallias, will do03:26
johnedyis there solution or tutorial for sharing data ubuntu to utuntu using peer to peer cable03:27
ralliasnick020487: can you connect to the router?03:27
Eryn_1983_FLrallias: what does it got to do with Wine???03:27
nick020487rallias: no it says "device not ready"03:28
ralliasEryn_1983_FL: .exe programs are special in that they use a different dns lookup format then they do for linux03:28
nick020487rallias: i guess it's not even recognizing my card in there properly03:28
johnhamelinkrallias, I'm not sure what to do with this? What are you suggesting I do?03:28
bob_newbielooking for a logmein app for ubuntu, i'd like to not have to do the port forwarding thing any help here?03:28
nick020487rallias: my friend told me to install ndiswrapper03:28
doopynick020487, how are you connected in here ? you're using ubuntu right now ?03:28
johnhamelinkbob_newbie, teamviewer is pretty good :)03:28
ralliasnick020487: right click the networking notification icon, then click enable networking03:28
himeli can't03:28
sacarlson johnedy: local network you can use samba03:29
ralliasjohnhamelink: i am suggesting dns caching with bind9. It will cache websites that you commonly use in a dns cache.03:29
nick020487rallias: yah im hardlined in a different room from where i usually am03:29
hecklerHow do I get rid of my purple default background on the login screen?03:29
ralliasjohnhamelink: do you have a love for firefox or are you willing to switch to chromium?03:29
johnhamelinkrallias, is there no way to actually fix the problem I'm having with the wireless? (ethernet is perfect)03:29
nick020487rallias: and trust me im not dumb, ive tried everything i know associated with windows and things like that03:29
BalSakhi guys. somehow my indicator applet on lucid 32 got borked; no volume or network indicator. is there some how to reset/reinstall the applet? force a reload of all components & setting?03:29
johnhamelinkrallias, I use chromium already ;)03:29
bob_newbiejohnhamelink thanks i'll check it out03:29
johnedyi'm new be can u give totorial using samba...03:30
himelfdisk -l nothing comes out03:30
xanguaBalSak: tried to reset the panel¿03:30
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »03:30
xanguaor maybe reinstall the indicator packages03:30
IdleOnehimel: sudo fdisk -l03:30
himel thx IdleOne03:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:31
ralliasjohnhamelink: then DNS caching is your best bet. If you visit google.com alot, then it keeps the ip address to google.com in the cache and doesn't reconnect to the dns server every request, just every time the cache link expires.03:31
johnhamelinkrallias, i guess you're right03:31
ralliasjohnhamelink: for whatever reason, Ubuntu's networking mechanism seems to be incompetent in terms of its dns caching capibilities03:32
sacarlsonjohnedy: there are many but heres one i found on google http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20260503:32
johnhamelinkrallias, I've been trying to get past this annoying limitation for the past 2.5 hours, you have given me a silver lining of sorts :P03:32
thune3johnhamelink: i think you are right to suspect a deeper root issue. dnscaching will make the problem less impactful but it will still exist03:32
ralliasthe only problem is that if you are running low on ram now you will go into swap rehab alot when you install this service03:33
johnhamelinkrallias, aah - this is a netbook :S03:33
johnhamelinkthune3, yeah: of all the ralink drivers my netbook could have come with >.<03:33
albech_whats the name of the GD libraries for php?03:34
ralliasjohnhamelink: then in edit connections, select wireless -> your wireless access point -> edit -> IPv4 Settings, set method to automatic dhcp addresses only, and set the dns servers to ""03:35
himelmount: can't find /dev/sdb2/mnt in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab03:35
Eryn_1983_FLsigh but it  breaks my system if install it an avahi-daemone03:35
himelwht the meaning>>>mount: can't find /dev/sdb2/mnt in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab03:35
So_Confusedquestion.... at Starbucks you need a browser to get on their wifi by accepting via a checkbox on the starbucks site. You can't ssh UNTIL that happens, right?03:35
ralliasSo_Confused: you can, it only proxies http connections i believe03:36
johnhamelinkrallias: result! I actually tried that with opendns instead of google's dns. For some annoying reason it works now!03:36
ralliasbut i would click that box jic03:36
elkcloneso_confused: no services till you login.03:37
himelwht is fstab/mtab03:37
maksonI can someone help me troubleshoot ssh issues, i'm getting a public key error, i followed a bunch of guides all permissions are set right03:37
sacarlsonSo_Confused:  I would asume so they will filter out any atempt to go outside there local network till you pay them money or they give you access03:37
maksoni'm just stuck... i can't figure this out03:37
ralliasmakson: did you try adding an exception?03:37
=== pecar_ is now known as pecar
Gimpedhimel: /etc/fstab is a location for your mounting partitions03:37
So_Confusedsacarlson: that's what I thought... ty03:37
So_Confusedelkclone: ty03:38
So_Confusedrallias: ty... I'll try tomorrow03:38
maxwellianSo_Confused: I agree with sacarlson, I think they drop all outgoing connections.  There's no guarantee you can SSH even after paying.03:38
Gimpedhimel: fstab = doc that initiates which partitions will mount upon booting into linux03:38
sacarlsonmakson:  is this ssh a client or server problem?03:38
maxwellianSo_Confused: Unless you've done it before.03:38
albertolempiraguys i got this problem, when I open chrome to watch videos on youtube for example and I try to open a video o play a song there would be no sound nor video playing, but when i close chrome it all start working again, any idea on what could this be? thanks.03:38
So_Confusedmaxwellian: haven't done it before.... and actually Starbucks offers free wifi now. No need for money or an att account like before.03:39
maksonsacarlson: rallias yes, i believe it's a server side issus with the public key...03:39
himelGimped: i want to access my window drive?03:39
maxwellianSo_Confused: Ah, okay.  Well just be aware that they might only allow HTTP traffic, or something like that.03:39
sacarlsonmaxwellian: So_Confused:  that's true they can filter the ssh port if they don't want you to ssh to something but not sure why the would do that.  you can also change the port that ssh uses to get around that03:39
Gimpedhimel: is your windows drive in the fstab document? if it is then it should load on linux boot03:39
maxwellianSo_Confused: Don't get your hopes up.03:39
johnhamelinkrallias: wow, epic fail - i left my ethernet cable in >.< Yeah there's no difference03:39
ralliasjohnhamelink: uhh...03:40
Gimpedalbertolempira: sounds like a pulseaudio problem maybe; just a guess03:40
So_Confusedsacarlson: they do block port 22, but I've configured my server to listen to another port... I'm gonna try it tomorrow.03:40
=== obadiah is now known as Vivek
maksonHi back03:41
sacarlsonmakson:  did you just do a standard install of ssh?03:41
maksonsacarlson: it came with ubuntu server03:41
ralliasjohnhamelink: just like my dad says: they never tell you the whole story. You may end up charging 300 dollars just to change a light bulb (he did that once)03:41
sacarlsonmakson:  what error do you see?03:41
johnhamelinkrallias, sorry, what context do you mean? ^.^03:41
himelim running win7+ubuntu.6h ago i access all drive from ubuntu.but this morning i can't access my win drives!!03:41
maksonsacarlson: It works fine for my user, and another test user... I scp my public key up to the server create the .ssh dir and rename the public key to authorized_keys fiel with right permissions03:42
ralliasjohnhamelink: your dns issues03:42
maksonsacarlson: I get Permission denied (publickey)03:42
johnhamelinkrallias, aah I see :P03:42
magn3tsHow can I access my files on a HD that are using ecrypt-fs?03:42
maxwellianhimel: What happened in the last 6 hours that's relevant, and what happens when you try to access your drives normally?03:42
maksonsacarlson: If i do a -v for the failing account I see it trying the private key, for the working account i see it trying public key03:42
sacarlsonmakson:  ok you access without login with keys and you tried to install keys?03:42
ralliasmagn3ts: by logging into the user who owns those files.03:43
pecarhi, how do i install grub from the ubuntu cd?03:43
maksonsacarlson: which deosn't make any sense to me because the private key is on my box and it should be trying that key, why would it try the public key and WORK? the public key shoudl be on the server03:43
AzurusHey all.03:43
maksonsacarlson: i have access with password ( have that turned on as well ) keys fail03:43
magn3tsrallias, I'm not booting on this HD...03:44
linux_op<linux_op> hi can anybody please tell me how to get this partition with xp to boot, ubuntu did something heres a screenshot:03:44
himelnormally i use internet by chrome and only i install gwget03:44
magn3tsrallias, I have access to the passphrase... as it's mine, but I don't know how to mount it properly03:44
albertolempiraGimped yeah, i guess is pulseaudio too but I don't know what could be wrong03:44
AzurusIf anyone is avalible to give me a hand on something, please let me know03:44
ralliasmagn3ts: then i can't help you.03:44
maxwellianI know this is a pretty specific problem, but the switch from Sun Java to OpenJDK (thanks, Maverick) seems to have borked my little project in Eclipse.  Anybody have experience in that arena?03:44
magn3ts... ok03:44
johnhamelinkrallias, im off to bed, its 3:44 here03:45
sacarlsonmakson:  ok it's been a while since I setup this but I recall my problem was the priv I left on the key.  it won't work if you leave it readable.  I"ll google what I did back then03:45
magn3tsI'm using `sudo mount -t ecryptfs /media/harddrive/home/cole /media/colepriv` with no luck. is aes/16 the default for ubuntu's ecryptfs setup?03:45
johnhamelinkrallias, thanks for your help, i'll keep at it :)03:45
johnhamelinkbye =]03:45
xanguamaxwellian: if you have problems with open jdk remove it and reinstall sun java03:45
maksonsacarlson: I have the public on server not private03:45
himelnow it says Unable to mount New Volume03:45
maksonprivate is on client side sacarlson <03:45
himelNot Authorized03:46
maxwellianxangua: I was under the impression that it wasn't being maintained by Ubuntu anymore?03:46
ralliasjohnhamelink: no problem03:46
maksonsacarlson: hmm, im getting denied by regular password03:46
maksonsacarlson: I have keys turned off and i still can't get in...03:46
xanguamaxwellian: it's now in the partner repository03:46
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.03:46
neur0m4ncerHey dudes - could someone assist with my efforts towards an XP/Ubuntu dual boot (Ubuntu first)?03:47
sacarlsonmakson: this looks like it should work http://sial.org/howto/openssh/publickey-auth/03:47
phoenix__Hello everyone03:47
magn3tshow has this not been updated for lucid? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory03:47
sacarlsonmakson: did you do something like that?03:47
Hollow`Pointhi, in ubuntu 10.04, why can't i save my xorg.conf file? i try to open, "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" it opened a blank page. then i try to save it, the terminal says critical **03:47
maxwellianxangua: Gah, sorry, I've seen that info but I forgot I'm running Lynx, not Maverick. O_o03:48
maksonsacarlson: did u see that it doesn't work with just password aurth...03:48
maksonsacarlson: something else is screwy03:48
maksonsacarlson: i saw that doc and followed it, still fail.03:49
sacarlsonmakson: yes sounds like you have a new problem03:49
sacarlsonmakson: beter fix that first03:49
sacarlsonmakson are you sure you are loging into your system.  is this the internet or local?03:49
himelhello i can't access my win drive from ubuntu???03:49
magn3tsHow is there not a wiki page dedicated to recovering files from an ecryptfs partition? How on earth can ubuntu ship, allowing end users to use ecryptfs w/o a way to get the data back without booting that specific drive? mind boggling03:50
sacarlsonhimel:  so the mount atempt gives you errors?03:50
himelwht i do now?03:51
Hollow`Pointhi, in ubuntu 10.04, why can't i save my xorg.conf file? i try to open, "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" it opened a blank page. then i try to save it, the terminal says critical **03:51
sacarlsonhimel:  tell us what errors you see?03:51
maksonsacarlson: yes 100% ... i change the user and it works fine.03:52
sacarlsonhimel:  did you determine from fdisk -l what device your windows is on like /dev/sdc1 ?03:52
himelwhen i click my win drive it says  error Unable to mount New Volume03:52
bgiarroccoI have an ipad -- does anyone know if i can put ebooks on it though ubuntu?03:52
sacarlsonmakson: cool one down 1441 more to go03:52
switz_I would guess not since you probably need iTunes03:52
* maxwellian cheers sacarlson on03:53
himel/dev/sda2              13        6540    52428800    7  HPFS/NTFS03:53
himel/dev/sda3            6540       16828    82636800    7  HPFS/NTFS03:53
bgiarroccois iTunes the only way... just wondering if there's some way i can fake it03:53
maksonwhy the ^&* would it work for another user....03:53
jellowHollow`Point: try vim , nano also try with gksu instead of sudo , No idea what the error means :P03:53
sacarlsonhimel: sudo mkdir /mnt03:54
himel"Not Authorized" means?03:54
sacarlsonhimel: sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt03:54
switz_I think so. I know putting mp3s on without iTunes is hard enough. If you are jailbroken you could ssh.03:54
himelsudo mkdir /mnt >> mkdir: cannot create directory `/mnt': File exists03:55
Hollow`Pointjellow: wats vim? i tried gksudo, same result03:55
switz_Text editor03:56
sacarlsonhimel: ok just do the secound sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt03:56
russ5811hello. I copied some files to an external drive using gksudo nautilus. Now I can't copy and paste them to another ubuntu computer. It says I don't have the permission. what can I do?03:57
switz_Sudo chmod 77703:57
himelsudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt>>fuse: mount failed: Device or resource busy03:57
sacarlsonhimel: or create another sudo mkdir /mnt2  sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt203:57
=== bullgard_ is now known as bullgard
russ5811switz, was that chmod instruction for me?03:58
maxwellianHollow`Point: Try 'sudo view /etc/X11/xorg.conf' in the terminal and see if the file opens up for you.  Don't type anything else, let's just see if it opens.03:58
=== rogerwilco is now known as sweetleaf
sacarlsonhimel: it apears it's already mounted  so sudo mount03:58
magn3tsCan anyone help me recover a FNEK signature?03:58
switz_russ5811: Yea after that command foundries the file name03:58
=== sweetleaf is now known as mrcodexterity
russ5811do i have to cd to the directory where the files are, then chmod 777, then i can copy paste?03:59
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switz_Sorry for terse responses on mobile phone03:59
switz_russ5811: Yep04:00
russ5811ok. thank you. i'll give it a shot04:00
maxwellianruss5811: Why did you start nautilus as root?04:00
switz_You are basically just changing the permissions as root.04:00
plunderdoes anyone know what file is controlling the hostname on command prompt, i can't seem to get it to update despit changing /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname04:00
maxwellianruss5811: Not meaning to be critical, just wondering whether you needed to do that.04:00
himelbut when i clicked the drive it says Error>>Unable to mount 54 GB Filesystem>>Not Authorized04:00
maxwellianruss5811: I'm guessing that you are creating more work for yourself than is necessary.04:01
russ5811max, when I tried to copy to the external drive, it didn't work.04:01
sacarlsonplunder: have you rebooted yet?04:01
plundersacarlson: yeah04:01
russ5811so i did it as root. then i realized my mistake04:01
picard1421how do i get GDM to boot into DWM not gnome?04:01
russ5811problem is, 45 GB of data were already transferred. now i'm stuck04:01
maxwellianruss5811: Where is the drive mounted?04:02
russ5811i tried to cd to the folder, but I can't get to it. I can only seem to find it in the nautilus gui04:02
himelplzzzzz help me04:02
=== Guest50211 is now known as Sup|Lobby
switz_russ5811: Are you typing the full path?04:03
russ5811max, the files are now at Desktop/Backup. however, the were put there as root. so i can only view them via nautilus root. is that making sense?04:03
maxwellianruss5811: Instead of chmod'ing them, you can chown them to yourself.04:03
KB1JWQhimel: Have to use sudo to mount it.04:04
russ5811ok, max. probably a noob ?, but how would i chown them?04:04
picard1421GDM login to DWM anyone?04:04
mxe5I can't remember my password on a laptop I have Ubuntu installed on - Is there a way to change that or find out what the old password is with a Ubuntu Live CD ? ?04:04
sacarlsonplunder:  I don't know seems you did it right,  try create a new user and login to that acount and see if it changes for that acount.  maybe it's also someplace in the home dir04:04
jellowruss5811: sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /home/$USER/Desktop/Backup04:04
maxwellianruss5811: No problem, and I didn't mean to keep you from what seemed like an acceptable solution for you. :)04:04
himel KB1JWQ: yes some1 try to help me but can't04:04
monokromeDoes anyone here know the difference between a normal terminal and one opened with a login shell?04:04
russ5811no problem. easy is better :), would i replace all the $USER with my id?04:05
KB1JWQhimel: Welp, good luck.04:05
jellowruss5811: no just copy paste04:05
russ5811ok. one se.04:05
mxe5Can I change my password by booting to a Live CD ? ? ?04:05
himelKB1WQ: sudo mount not working04:05
jellowmxe5: yes you need to mount the hd and edit /etc/shadow04:06
sacarlsonplunder: I don't see it in my home dir when I grep so I'm still not sure04:06
russ5811max, I got this output: cannot access `/home/russ5811/Desktop/Backup': No such file or directory04:07
himelsacarlson: so wtat is the problem why i can't access??04:07
sacarlsonhimel: so what did just sudo mount say04:07
mxe5jellow: Sorry pretty much a nuebie with the Linux - not sure best way to do that.04:07
sacarlsonhimel: like I said sounds like it's already mounted04:07
himelsacarlson:/dev/sda6 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)04:08
himelproc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)04:08
himelnone on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)04:08
himelnone on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)04:08
himelnone on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw)04:08
himelnone on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)04:08
FloodBot2himel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:08
switz_Try putting a slash at the end of the command russ581104:08
russ5811switz, ok. thanks04:08
sacarlsonhimel: you will have to pastbin it04:08
maksonssh is failing helpppppppppppppp04:08
russ5811switz, same outcome.04:08
maksoni have this new technology where i can send a beer right threw the irc dcc :)04:09
maxwellianruss5811: Yeah, the slash shouldn't matter in this case.04:09
KB1JWQmakson: What a horrid problem description.04:09
jellowmxe5: /etc/shadow is where linux stores the password hashes so you have to edit it and reboot04:09
sacarlsonmakson: cool I need some of those04:09
himelsacarlson: pastbin means?04:09
russ5811max, ok. I'm putting that code in directly into terminal. didn't work. tried it after cd to Desktop. didn't work. am I perhaps missing something? or is there another way to recover these files to an accessible state?04:10
KB1JWQ!paste | himel04:10
ubottuhimel: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:10
plundersacarlson: new user not getting a prompt other than $04:10
sacarlsonhimel: mean you need to go to http://paste.ubuntu.com04:10
sacarlsonplunder: is that good?04:10
mxe5jellow: Just found this doing a google search - looks like it might work this way as ell Thanks - http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword04:11
sacarlsonplunder: I think it's in the shell config file that changes it04:11
maxwellianruss5811: Do you have the Desktop directory open in Nautilus?04:11
russ5811max, yes04:11
plundersacarlson: yeah im gunna look in to it maybe in .bashrc04:12
maxwellianruss5811: Okay, I'm on Xubuntu so I can't guide you to figure out the full path of the directory you're viewing.  Is it showing anywhere in Nautilus?04:12
switz_russ5811:  is everything capitalized correctly?04:12
sacarlsonplunder: ya I think that's it04:12
russ5811max: here's the directory as best i can tell: root/Desktop/Backup04:12
maxwellianruss5811: Ah, duh.04:13
russ5811do I just add root in there?04:13
Hollow`Pointmy touchpad is not working, does anyone know any remedy?04:13
himelsacarlson: i use pastebin. how u see this?04:13
jellowmxe5: That looks easier acctually try that04:13
maksonKB1JWQ: ssh doesn't work for password or keyauth... just says denied nothing in the logs...04:13
sacarlsonhimel: give use the address it created04:13
himelsacarlson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/475730/04:14
maxwellianruss5811: Where do you want these files to end up?04:14
maxwellianruss5811: Do you want to copy them to another drive, is that what you said?04:14
* maxwellian can't remember04:14
russ5811my regular Desktop is fine, or anywhere that's simple04:14
jellowmakson: The port not being blocked is it?04:14
KB1JWQmakson: I bet it does show up in the auth log or secure log ( I forget which Ubuntu uses).04:14
KB1JWQmakson: Are you seeing TCP session establishment?04:15
russ5811no, they're on my HDD now, but they're only accessible through root. the external drive is now out of the equation04:15
maxwellianruss5811: Oh, great.04:15
picard1421is there a computer channel here on this server.. i was thinking about getting a laptop and wanted some feedback which channel would i go to?04:15
maxwellianruss5811: What's your regular user login name?04:15
maxwellianruss5811: Ah...right. :)04:16
russ5811original huh?04:16
maxwellianruss5811: ;)04:16
sacarlsonhimel: ok it's there just cd /mnt and ls to see what's in your disk04:16
jellowpicard1421: you could try and brave #hardware ..04:17
=== aperson is now known as APERSON
sacarlsonhimel: you had already mounted it you also have to look at it04:17
maxwellianruss5811: Still unclear about the actual path to the Backup folder though.  Can you try right-clicking on one of the files and maybe there's a Properties option or something?04:17
sacarlsonhimel: you can also view the files in your nautilus file browser04:18
mxe5jellow: Thanks though - Appreciate it !04:18
maxwellianruss5811: I guess in Ubuntu root's homedir is /root, but I want to be sure.04:18
picard1421jellow hmm ok04:18
himelsacarlson: just i clicked and it says error>>Unable to mount System Reserved>>Not Authorized04:19
magn3tsDoes anyone know how to recover FNEK from an external drive with an encrypted home folder? You know, as in, how to actually get data out of the encrypted partitions that ubuntu allows users to use.04:19
maksonKB1JWQ: nothing in auth log which is anoying me...04:19
Kravlinmagn3ts: do you have the key?04:19
maksonKB1JWQ: nothing in syslog either04:19
sacarlsonhimel: did you try cd /mnt ?04:19
russ5811max: I'll describe the best I can. I opened a terminal and typed gksudo nautilus then I navigated to Desktop, then I created a folder called Backup. when looking at the gui, it has root, then Desktop, then Backup on the folder heirarchy.04:19
russ5811does that help?04:19
jellowpicard1421: or come to think of it try #ubuntu-offtopic04:19
magn3tsKravlin, I have the login phrase and I have the unwrapped passphrase... I just need the FNEK signature.04:19
sacarlsonhimel: sudo cd /mnt04:20
Kravlinmagn3ts: good luck then :P. not sure how to recover that04:20
maxwellianruss5811: Yes, thanks.  I messed around on my machine to figure some things out too, so we should be set. :)04:20
himelsacarlson: yes, and shows my all dir/files04:20
magn3tsKravlin, omg, thanks anyway, just can't believe they ship this feature with absolutely no documentation to be found on how to undo it, especially considering its /encrypting/ my /data/. >_<04:20
kisplitI'm my laptop has dual GPUs: An intel card and an nvidia card. By default ubuntu was using the intel card. I installed the nvidia driver from restricted hardware but didn't like how fast my battery was draining. I uninstalled from restricted hardware but now when I lshw -C display I ONLY see the nvidia card with the driver=nouveau. How do I get back to the intel gpu :(?04:20
sacarlsonhimel: so it works?04:20
maxwellianruss5811: One more thing, do you have a different folder called Backup in your own home dir?04:21
picard1421jewllow i need an invite to hardware04:21
sacarlsonhimel: you can't mount a disk that is already mounted04:21
bazhang!register > picard142104:21
ubottupicard1421, please see my private message04:21
russ5811max: you mean the one I would normally see if not in root?04:21
russ5811max: if so, then no i do not.04:21
maxwellianruss5811: Right, okay.04:21
sacarlsonhimel: but if it is mounted you can cd to the dir and view and manipulate the files04:21
maxwellianruss5811: Okay, so type 'sudo mv /root/Desktop/Backup ~russ5811/Backup'04:22
himelsacarlson: i can access this by terminal.why i cant by browser and why it shows this error msg?04:22
picard1421it says im already registerd how do i log in04:22
scarperhi, anyone has tried to install maverick alpha 3 netbook edition?04:22
xangua!maverick | scarper04:23
ubottuscarper: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+104:23
maxwellianruss5811: That will move the Backup folder to your own home directory.04:23
bazhangpicard1421, /join #freenode for help04:23
russ5811max: ok. trying now.04:23
picard1421no but whats the thing to "login"04:23
picard1421like /msg nickserv?04:23
scarperxangua, thanks!04:23
xangua!identify | picard142104:23
ubottupicard1421: You can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, or a typo may give away your password. If that happened, type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.04:23
=== picard1421 is now known as password
maxwellianpassword: Whoops... ;)04:24
russ5811Max: I get this output: mv: missing destination file operand after `/root/Desktop/Backup~russ5811/Backup'04:25
maxwellianruss5811: You need a space before the tilde.04:26
codyzappnano can connect through ftp in terminal right?04:26
himelhow i show my screenshot by pastebin?04:26
[L]Any1 can make program like deepfreeze using shell script?04:26
IdleOnehimel: http://tinyurl.com/imagebin04:27
russ5811Max:  YOU DID IT!!! Thank you very much :)04:27
sacarlson himel: you can't browse it because it was mounted with privlage that your account doesn't have04:27
russ5811I really appreciate your help and patience.04:27
maxwellianruss5811: Glad to help, but we're not quite finished... ;)04:27
maxwellianruss5811: Those files are still all owned by root, so you won't be able to access them without sudo.04:28
picard1400ok im registed04:28
russ5811chmod then?04:28
picard1400how di get in the hardware section?04:28
sacarlson himel: ls -l -d /mnt04:28
kisplitHow can I remove all the files inside a director without removing the directory?04:28
bazhangpicard1400, /j ##hardware04:28
himelsacarlson: my account doesn't have means? it my administrator04:29
maxwellianruss5811: We make them yours by typing (as your normal user, not root) 'sudo chown -R russ5811:russ5811 ~/Backup'04:29
sacarlsonhimel: yes but even admin only means you can have sudo priv to view and play from your acount without sudo you will have to  sudo chown youruser:youruser /mnt04:30
russ5811ok. in terminal, as normal user i copied and pasted that.04:30
russ5811is there a way to verify i did it right?04:30
KE1HAkisplit, cd /directory with your files in it, then: rm -rf ./*04:30
maxwelliankisplit: BE CAREFUL, MAKE SURE you are in the right directory04:31
kisplitKE1HA: ahaha this is what 3 hours of sleep in two days does to you. Thanks04:31
kisplitmaxwellian: Warning taken into consideration :)04:31
KE1HALOL. definately, you can also do it from the Nautilus04:31
* maxwellian sighs with relief :)04:31
sacarlsonhimel: you should at boot be able to go to places and see the partion you want to mount and it will automount it with your username as owner04:31
maxwellianruss5811: Good job, and yes.04:32
thtdude94Can anyone help me with downloading software? I havn't had any trouble until now but for a couple hours now I have been trying to download audacity and it is still at 0% it said it is waiting for other software managers to quit, but to my knowledge there aren't any open..04:32
maxwellianruss5811: As your normal user, type 'ls -l ~/Backup'04:32
KE1HAkisplit, If you tired, you may be better off witht eh File-manager :-)04:32
himelsacarlson: check this http://imagebin.org/10891004:32
kisplitKE1HA: laptop trackpad frustrates me so much lol04:33
dtcrshrhello, im following a guid here to create an  ftp server here, its a local network i just wanna do it for uploading a backup. Created with most promiscuous configuration i could, but still cant access via the windows xp machine, can anybody enlight me?04:33
maxwellianruss5811: You should see a list of files, and the third and fourth columns should be YOUR username, not root.04:33
russ5811max: here's a sample output is this: drwxr-xrwx  2 russ5811 russ5811   4096 2010-07-11 07:01 Resume04:33
russ5811Max: i think it looks ok.04:33
sacarlsonhimel: that is what you get when you first boot your system?  from places?04:34
maxwellianruss5811: Great, now that's all accessible, but I'd advise against the permissions you have set.04:34
thtdude94Can anyone tell me what to do when a program says that it is waiting for other software managers to quit but there are none open?04:34
russ5811Max: what do you mean?04:34
magn3tsHow can this be made into a factoid or placed somewhere important. This is very vital information and quite frankly it's an embarassment that it didn't exist 10 minutes ago: http://cole.mickens.us/2010/08/09/manual-data-recovery-with-ecryptfs-and-ubuntu/04:34
maxwellianruss5811: You're probably not interested in a Unix file permissions primer, but you have it set so that any user can read and change your files.04:34
rchewninghi, i hope someone has some experience with luks and automouting at boot, on 10.04 running latest kernel and i can't get partitions to mount at boot. kernel hangs.04:35
sacarlsonhimel: you said before it worked.04:35
himelsacalson: no i got this morning04:35
maxwellianmagn3ts: I don't think it's too hard to get access to the Ubuntu wiki pages.04:35
russ5811I'm the only user. If I understand correctly, someone would have to be physically at my system..am i right?04:35
himelsacarlson:yes 6h before04:35
sacarlsonhimel: did you try reboot?04:35
xanguamagn3ts: maybe talking with the opps /J #ubuntu-ops04:35
gary_inNYChi, is there a way to resize pictures within F-Spot?04:36
himelsacarlson: when i use reboot or shut down it not works04:36
maxwellianruss5811: That depends, do you allow ssh into your machine?04:36
russ5811ssh is network access correct?04:36
maxwellianruss5811: Secure SHell, it's a way to get command line access across a network, yes.04:37
sacarlsonhemel: you have many options you can make it so you can see it now with chown himel:himel /mnt04:37
russ5811Max, i have this networked with my desktop, another laptop and a NAS device. Would that setup require SSH, and if so am i leaving it open to the web?04:37
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thune3thtdude94: hard to tell. *cancel* (don't kill window) that upgrade and close out that application. open a terminal and run "sudo apt-get install audacity". Hopefully this will show a better error message.04:38
himelsacarlson: do i reinstall my ubuntu04:38
sacarlsonhimel: if you want it to work at boot then there must be something wrong in /etc/fstab file  pastebin that file04:38
sacarlsonhimel: that's an option if you don't have anything on this system yet.04:39
maxwellianruss5811: By default the Ubuntu setup is pretty safe, so I'm not trying to suggest you're at risk.04:39
=== RealOpty is now known as Opty
=== Opty is now known as RealOpty
maxwellianruss5811: I'm just pointing out that it's a good habit not to have more open file permissions than necessary.04:40
himelsacarlson: no i don't want to reinstall caz i download lots of things04:40
ridin!mintsupport | ridin04:40
bastid_raZorruss5811: the only way you would open ssh to the outside world would be by port forwarding port 22 to your internal IP04:40
ubotturidin, please see my private message04:40
bastid_raZorruss5811: that is.. if you're behind a router04:40
nimbioticshi all. How do I reset compiz' configuration? ccsm->preferences->reset to defaults is not working: I've tried resetting it and then choosing some desktop effects but they just dont work. Thanks in advanced04:40
russ5811bastid...i'm behind a router...also, thanks04:40
sacarlsonhimel: or maybe your user account is setup wrong  you might want to check Administration>User Groups04:41
himelsacarlson: ok04:41
russ5811Max, i understand. I'll read up on SSH and re-evaluate. I'm trying to learn as much as I can. Also, thanks again for helping me with my files. :) saved me a lot of headache.04:41
maxwellianruss5811: Great, but you should do a quick search on Unix file permissions.04:41
himelsacarlson: i go there wht i check04:42
sacarlsonhimel: look under your himel account user privliges make sure access external storage box is checked04:42
russ5811Max: will do. Thanks... you guys have a great night/day.04:42
maxwellianruss5811: That's more pertinent to what I'm saying than ssh.  Otherwise you're set.  Good luck!04:42
gary_inNYCi can't seem to resize jpg files in F-Spot.  any suggestions?04:43
bastid_raZorgary_inNYC: use gimp instead?04:43
sacarlsonhimel: just check all the boxes your admin so you should be able to all that stuf04:43
xawanHey everyone! I have a question about Docky....Any user of it here?04:44
xanguatried #docky xawan ¿04:44
himelsacarlson: not worked any options04:44
sacarlsongary_inNYC:  try gimp04:44
gary_inNYCi thought about gimp, but i was looking to see if i can go with what the distro included.  i remember older ubuntu had gimp preinstalled04:44
gary_inNYCthx, i'll be installing gimp :D04:45
sacarlson himel: can't access admin groups users?04:45
xawanI dont understand Why it didn't works fluid in down, but in the sides it works excelent04:45
himelsacarlson: i clicked add/delete/advanced setting/change  but not worked04:45
himelsacarlson: manage groups works wht i add04:46
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sacarlsonhimel: under advanced goto user priliges04:47
sacarlsonhimel:  check all the priv boxes04:49
gothicneed some help04:50
himelsacarlson: http://imagebin.org/10891104:51
sacarlsonhimel: hit the advanced boton04:51
himelsacarlson: not work04:51
thune3nimbiotics: if you close down gdm session (from tty04:52
sacarlsonhimel: did you enter the password?04:52
ianwizardhey all.04:52
himelsacarlson: when?04:52
sacarlsonhimel: send me the picture now then that's not working04:52
nimbioticsthune3: thanks, its already fixed04:52
sacarlsonhimel:  boton is grayed out?04:53
thune3nimbiotics: you could *probably* delete the whole ~/.gconf/apps/compiz and it would get regenerated when you "start gdm". this would be major drastic...... ah ok good, what did you do?04:53
gothichelp plz04:53
himelsacarlson: iwhen i clicked the advanced nothing happen04:53
gothicplease pm me if u have any info on it04:53
sacarlsonhimel: maybe this account isn't the admin?04:54
himelsacarlson: but its my admin04:54
himelsacarlson: how i check who is my admin?04:55
sacarlsonhimel:  I don't know google it04:56
sacarlsonhimel: all I know is you should be user number 100004:56
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Guest16416I have a USB touchscreen but the Y axis is switched.  How do I calibrate it?04:57
himelsacarlson: how i check my user id04:57
sacarlsonhimel: that's normaly the first user that is asigned admin this can be seen at /etc/passwd file04:57
texastwisterhimel: try: cat /etc/passwd04:57
Guest16416I have a USB touchscreen but the Y axis is switched.  How do I calibrate it?04:57
bastid_raZorhimel: in a terminal type: grep admin /etc/group   ..the output will tell you who is in the admin group.04:57
texastwisterhimel: Your admin account will be #100004:58
Guest16416Everything I've seen is for serial interfaces.   It appears as though mine is more rare.04:59
sacarlsontexastwister: himel: thanks texastwister please help him04:59
=== Srpski is now known as Dannyboy
ianwizardI'm (trying) to install from the alternate image, but on a netbook, so I have to mount the iso on /cdrom/ to get it to work,  I'm setting up full encryption, and LVM.  But now the install is failing saying something about not knowing what system its on (probably something about uname)05:00
texastwistersacarlson: sure, I'll give it a shot.  himel:  I just joined though, so please bring me up to speed on your problem.05:00
gothicearth calling to ubuntu05:00
gothicneed some help05:00
sacarlsontexastwister: himel: he couldn't mount his windows disk seems he had privlige problems.  it can mount manualy but at boot seems he can't05:01
texastwisterhimel: Is it mounted now?05:01
himeltexastwister: i don't know05:02
sacarlsontexastwister: himel:  I googled to find him  help on user groups but the stuf I find is old05:02
ianwizardI'm familiar with dm-crypt, but I'm entirely new to LVM, now that I've got the partitions set up, can I use the regular installer to finish up the install?  if I mount the crypto, and set it up to mount on boot?05:02
gothiccan anyone help me plz05:02
no_u0anyone who where i can get the /usr/includes/kde files from?05:02
ianwizardwhat do I need to do for LVM to work right?05:02
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gothichelp please05:03
himeltexastwister:when i clicked it says "Unable to mount system drive" not authorized05:03
himelsacarlson: how u search me?05:03
texastwisterhimel: Do you have a terminal open?05:04
texastwisterhimel: type: mount05:04
texastwisterhimel: and tell me what it outputs --post to pastebin if yo need help interpreting it.05:04
texastwistergothic:  If no one responds, it generally means no one who is on right now knows off the top of our heads and are too busy helping others with easier problems to dig it out right now.  Not ignoring you but patience is needed.05:06
sacarlsontexastwister: himel:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/475730/  he already did that his disk /dev/sda3 is the one he fails to mount at boot with privlige problems05:06
gothiccna u help me plz05:07
sacarlsontexastwister: himel:  it will mount with sudo05:07
erpoI'm storing a few TB of data and would like my system to detect and correct data corruption using redundancy. The only filesystems I know of that can do this are btrfs and zfs-fuse, neither of which are ready for production use. Suggestions?05:08
gothiccna anyone help me plz05:08
sacarlsongothic: I looked I can't help you05:08
texastwisterhimel: Okay, have you also posted your /etc/fstab already?05:08
sacarlsontexastwister: himel:  no that should be next post that /etc/fstab05:09
himel<texastwister> don't know! how i check etc/fstab05:10
texastwisterhimel: Are you wanting the windows filesystem to mount automatically each time linux boots, or just to be able to mount it when needed from the desktop icon?05:10
texastwisterhimel: run this and post output to pastebin: cat /etc/fstab05:11
himel<texastwister>sacarlson> when i boot its came automatically but this morning i got this problem05:13
zetheroois this always such a pain? getting a DVB-T device to work in Linux ...!?05:13
himel<texastwister>sacarlson>bash: cat/etc/fstab: No such file or directory05:14
texastwisterhimel: need a space between cat and /etc05:14
Niglophow can i mount sdc so i dont have to be root to change the contents of it05:14
sacarlsonzetheroo what's DVB-T?  Digital Video Broadcasting — Terrestrial05:15
texastwisterNiglop: what filesystem is on sdc?05:15
abhijitabhijain, ????05:15
abhijainhow to update grub2 after installation05:15
Nigloptexastwister» ext205:15
zetheroosacarlson: I guess so05:15
gothicno one is familiar with proxychains in here :<05:16
abhijainabhijit: what re you doing here05:16
himel <texastwister>sacarlson>is it safe pastebin/imagebin??05:16
abhijitabhijain, what are you doing here? :P05:16
abhijainabhijit: tp05:16
abhijitabhijain, me too.05:16
sacarlsonhimel:  texastwister: the password isn't in that file it's in shadow so yes it's safe05:17
texastwisterNiglop:  I think you should be able, as root, to just set the appropriate ownership/permissions on the filesystem while mounted, no?05:17
himel <texastwister>sacarlson>http://imagebin.org/10891405:17
abhijainabhijain: why u dont online with gmail05:17
Niglopidk texastwister , how?05:17
himel <texastwister>sacarlson> if i gave u password do u can access my computer? {just asking}05:18
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texastwisterhimel: depends on your network but I'd rather not do that.05:19
sacarlsonhimel: I guess you need sudo cat /etc/fstab05:19
ecartgalera preciso de ajuda05:20
Niglopidk texastwister , how?05:20
bastid_raZorsacarlson: fstab is readable by all. sudo is not needed05:20
texastwisterNiglop: working.... one moment05:20
abhijit!fixgrub | abhijain05:20
ubottuabhijain: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.05:20
himel <texastwister>sacarlson> but others people here so.....if they harm mine05:21
bastid_raZor!info ntfs-config05:21
ubottuntfs-config (source: ntfs-config): Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-3ubuntu5 (lucid), package size 87 kB, installed size 844 kB05:21
abhijitecart, which languahe?05:21
bastid_raZorthat may be something that will help.05:21
abhijitecart, which language?05:21
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himel <texastwister>sacarlson>now wht?05:22
sacarlsonbastid_raZor: your right I didn't notice he didn't put a space between cat and /etc05:22
abhijit!tb | himel05:23
ubottuhimel: You can contact the technical board via email on techical-board AT lists DOT ubuntu DOT com05:23
abhijit!tab | himel05:23
bastid_raZorhimel: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows   :this may help for a GUI method.05:23
ubottuhimel: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:23
texastwisterNiglop: Assuming your /dev/sdc filesystem is mounted at /mnt/data, and your user name is niglop, try this: sudo chown -R niglop.niglop /mnt/data05:23
Aemaethis there a program that would mirror a website within linux similar to teleport pro? or do i need to virtualbox me up a copy?05:25
bitplaneHi, I'm wondering about the progress of webm video. Any idea how I can check when Ubuntu will get ffmpeg 0.6 out of the box?05:25
texastwisterhimel: I agree with bastid_raZor, his link may be easiest for you.  Try that and let us know if it doesn't work for you.05:25
Nigloptexastwister»  i tried sudo chown -R adam.adam /mnt05:26
Niglopit did nothing05:26
rwwbitplane: It'll be in Ubuntu Maverick, which is coming out in October05:27
bitplanethanks rww05:27
texastwisterNiglop: Please run in a terminal and post to pastebin the results of: sudo mount05:27
bitplanerww, so now is the time to start making web publishing tools I guess05:28
Nigloptexastwister»  http://pastebin.com/RpZrMWnh05:29
smooth_jellow: Hey this is mxe5 - I'm on my lappy now - Wanted to let ya know that link I sent ya was actually pretty easy and painless......05:29
smooth_What ng ? ?is the shell command to see what version of Ubuntu you are runni05:30
bastid_raZorsmooth_: lsb_release -a05:30
texastwisterNiglop: Okay -- my command was based on incorrect info you provided and you didn't change to fit your situation.  Try this instead:05:31
smooth_bastid_raZor: Thank you...05:31
CarlFKtrying to install 10.4 on an HP 2540p, screen goes black when it tries to go into X.  lspci says "VGA... Intel Core Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller"  how do I dumb down the installer to use less magic?05:31
texastwisterNiglop: sudo chown -R adam.adam /media/disk05:32
bastid_raZorsmooth_: you're welcome.05:32
Niglopit worked texastwister  :D:D05:32
Niglopthanks mate!05:32
texastwisterCool -- Glad to help!05:32
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Guest16416So none knows?05:34
surfplushello, how do i change the image of my lockscreen?05:34
skumarawhen i start ubuntu it say gave up waiting for root. from bios I cant see my dvd rom anymore. help05:35
surfplusi tried changing the image source from /usr/share/backgrounds then restrating X, however, the lockscreen seems to be remembering the first image05:35
sacarlsonCarlFK: try this http://blog.mydream.com.hk/howto/ubuntu-10-10-maverick-with-hp-elitebook-2540p05:35
sacarlsonCarlFK: i915.modeset=0  seems to be the key05:36
gary_inNYCI believe there is something wrong with F-Spot's add-ins repo, i get an errors out when refreshing for available packages05:37
CarlFKsacarlson: does  i915.modeset=0 come before or after the -- on the boot options line in the u installer?05:38
CarlFKheh  - I think it won[t hurt to do both :)05:39
sacarlsonCarlFK: I don't know what did the link say?  I don't have one05:39
gary_inNYCi go to FSpot's manage extensions, add-in manager, install add-ins button, then hit refresh, then error05:39
myke2typedef long long keytype05:39
bastid_raZorgary_inNYC: i get the same error.. 404 on the server.05:39
myke2typedef long long keytype;05:39
myke2What's wrong?05:39
CarlFKsacarlson: the link says "install maverick" which is not what I am trying to do :)05:40
myke2in ubuntu gcc05:40
sacarlsonCarlFK: yes but step 2 and 3 sound like what you need to do at boot05:40
CarlFKsacarlson: but thanks, this does have what I need....  so yeah..  but the screen just went blank again.  maybe I will grab mav...05:41
sacarlsonCarlFK:  if that doesn't work maybe install what he has05:41
gary_inNYCdid some searching on the fspot extensions issue, i believe it's bug 606734 cited in launchpad.  going to confirm.  thx05:42
surfplushow do i change the lockscreen wallpaper?05:43
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.05:43
enjo255Is there a 'right' way to run an upstart job as a non-privileged user?05:44
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/05:44
macoenjo255: starting system services is an administrative task, not something for end users05:45
macoenjo255: you *could* give a user sudo rights that are for a specific command which starts that service though05:45
huntermsurfplus: i believe it's a gconf option05:45
surfplushunterm is there a way to change it?05:46
enjo255which is more less what I'm doing... I wasn't sure if I was missing an upstart statement somewhere.05:46
huntermsurfplus: yeah, open gconf-editor, look for /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename05:48
huntermchange the value to the absolute path to the background you want05:48
jinxzshow to know if your video driver is installed05:49
surfplushunterm it just worked, thanks a lot ;)05:50
huntermno prob :)05:51
pkoresAny ssh experts in the crowd?05:56
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)05:56
macopkores: i wouldnt say im an expert on it, but i know a bit about configuring it. whats up?05:56
fatumCan anyone recommend a decent macro recorder for gnome?  I tried out xnee / gnee, but it errors whenever I attempt to record.  I'm basically wanting to ctrl + v in a text box, and then hit enter, then to repeat for however many steps.05:57
fastijum“for it’s homepage”?!05:57
pkoresIf I used public key private key authentication, and have pass word authentication turned off on my ssh server, do I need to configure deniedhost as well?05:58
abhijitbye all.05:58
rwwpkores: assuming you mean denyhosts, no, not really05:59
WinglessLinks don't appear to be working on my machine: Ubuntu 8.10.  When, in a terminal window, I create a file in a test directory with "touch file", create a link to it with "ln file link", confirm the file and the link's presence, and then remove the file with "rm file", the link remains.  By default, ln creates hardlinks, so why does link remain when I delete file??  The same thing happens if I delete link instead of file.05:59
pkoresDenyhost right.  Thanks that's what I thought.05:59
rwwWingless: because that's the correct behavior for hard links?06:00
Winglessrww: so are you saying that the information here is not applicable to Ubuntu 8.10? http://dsl.org/cookbook/cookbook_8.html#SEC12106:01
Wingless"This command makes a hard link from an existing file, `seattle', to a new file, `emerald-city'. You can read and edit file `emerald-city' just as you would `seattle'; any changes you make to `emerald-city' are also written to `seattle' (and vice versa). If you remove the file `emerald-city', file `seattle' is also removed. "06:01
macoWingless: youre mixing up symlinks and hard links06:02
rwwWingless: if you removed all of the contents from 'seattle', they'd be removed from 'emerald-city' too. If you just rm seattle, emerald-city won't be deleted06:02
enavhi i want to have a portable ubuntu on my 4Gb pendrive  to use it anywhere... can u give info about how to do it???06:02
rwwmaco: I think the guide itself is wrong06:02
Winglessmaco: I checked the man for ln, and it says that the default behavior is to create hard links, not symlinks06:02
macoWingless: may i suggest http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2009/11/links.html06:02
macoWingless: right06:02
bazhang!unetbootin> enav06:03
ubottuenav, please see my private message06:03
macoWingless: but your guide is describing symlinks while saying hardlinks06:03
macoWingless: read my blog explanation instead ;-)06:03
rwwWingless: It's not that it's just wrong for Ubuntu, btw. The behavior is the same for all Linuxes I know of06:03
rwwWingless: by the way, Ubuntu 8.10 was End of Lifed back in April, so you're not getting security updates any more. I'd recommend upgrading asap.06:04
WinglessI see.  well, I'll take a look at your blog entry and see if things make more sense06:04
Winglessas for my ubuntu version...is upgrading ubuntu itself difficult?06:04
maco!intrepid | Wingless06:05
ubottuWingless: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.06:05
rwwWingless: not particularly. I'll have the infobot send you instructions06:05
maco!eol | Wingless06:05
ubottuWingless: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades06:05
rww... or maco will ;P06:05
macoWingless: there's a button you click that does it. but since it's EOL you have to do one step before that06:05
macorww: i am faster than you!06:05
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Winglessmaco: I read your blog post.  I didn't find the index example to be very informative, but if you're basically saying that hardlinks point to the data while symlinks point to the file name, which points to the data, then that makes sense.  Is a hard link that points to some data any different from the "file name" that the data was originally given?06:14
macoWingless: yes, thats exactly what its saying :)  and no, its not any different. its just one piece of data having two names06:14
Winglessokay, so if I make a file by typing "touch foo", I've created what you could call a reference to some data somewhere.  If I then create a hard link by typing "ln foo foolink", the new "hardlink" foolink is just another reference that points to the same data -- in other words, both foo and foolink are the same kind of thing (a reference), but foolink is referred to as a hard link simply because it wasn't the first one to be created?06:16
macoWingless: exactly06:16
Winglessok, cool06:16
Winglessand so06:16
Winglesswhen I type "rm foo" or "rm foolink" I'm only removing that reference, not the data itself06:16
Winglessand so it's natural for foolink to remain if I remove foo, and for foo to remain if I remove foolink06:17
Winglessthat makes sense.06:17
macoWingless: yep. fun fact: even if you rm foo and theres no link the data still isnt *really* removed unless you've got your filesystem set to secure mode (at least in the case of ext3/4)06:17
WinglessBTW, I noticed that when I open up my test file foo in gedit by typing "gedit foo", another file of size 0 is created with the name "foo~" in the same directory.  it's there after I close Gedit.  what's up with that?06:18
macoWingless: it becomes unfindable by normal means but forensics would still work. secure mode overwrites where the data was06:18
Winglessi see06:18
Winglessyeah.  I've heard about that for Windows, but I see how that would work on Linux too06:18
macoWingless: some editors make a backup of the original data and then write a new file then move the pointer to point to the new file, that way if theres a crash before write, at least the old data's still there06:19
Winglessyeah but why's gedit gotta clutter up my folders with foo~?  is that unavoidable? :/06:20
booimine deletes the ~ file after you quit06:21
rwwWingless: there's an option in preferences to not make backup copies like that06:21
rwwI'm not in GNOME, so I'm not sure where exactly it is. It's right by the autosave one, iirc06:21
booithe ~ file is only there while the file is open.06:21
WinglessMy gedit seems to leave the files there even after I've closeed it06:21
rwwbooi: 8.10 leaves them there after you close gedit by default06:22
rwwthat wasn't changed until 10.04 I think06:22
WinglessSo you have to change a preference in Gedit itself?06:22
booirww: ah, i see.06:22
booisounds like emacs. amirite guys?06:22
rwwdunno, I use nano and mousepad ;P06:23
Winglessyay, i found it.  fixed it.  no more ~ backups.06:23
huntermit still does that on 10.04 for me06:23
huntermbut then again, i changed it to make backups ;)06:24
cablopi have a problem, my network settings ongnome, on my user are screwed up06:24
cablophow can i fix them or recreate them?06:24
cablopthey didn't reflex my real settings and i have a duplicated eth0!06:25
cablopi think the gnome|ubuntu network manager is bugged, deeply bugged06:26
trelaynehey all, anyone have a good email software suggestion for outgoing mail on an ubuntu internet server?06:26
israfel_trelayne, Didn't it come with evolution?06:27
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israfel_trelayne, I think Evolution is compatible with exchange as well.06:27
trelayneisrafel, I mean for sending out email to subscribers of an email list...06:28
trelaynesendmail type software I mean06:28
israfel_trelayne, Like an auto-mailer? Not sure. I haven't used Evolution either.06:29
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trelayneok thanks israfel06:29
cablopi prefer thnderbird06:29
cablopthe sibling of firefox06:30
trelayneI was thinking more interms of MTA and MUA06:31
trelayneI mean MDA06:31
trelayneand MTA06:31
iluminator101hey guys i get this error with my brother 7420 scanner failed to open device device ' brother2:bus2;dev1' invalid argument06:31
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ShapeShifter499can someone help me purge all my sound drivers, as I'm not quite sure what could be installed, and that I want to start fresh before tweaking anything (currently my built in mic don't work, and headset doesn't work right)06:34
israfel_trelayne, Oh, also, most ISPs throttle port 25, to prevent most spambots from doing too much damage.06:34
israfel_Wow, it's actually quiet in here. =)06:38
Connor1What do I do if I can connect to a wireless network but websites won't load?06:41
tensorpuddingConnor1: Can you ping a website?06:41
rezoluteis it your network?06:41
iluminator101hey guys i get this error with my brother 7420 scanner failed to open device device ' brother2:bus2;dev1' invalid argument06:41
macoConnor1: check that DNS works?  "host google.com"06:41
Connor1tensorpudding no06:41
tensorpuddingIs the website on your network?06:41
Connor1rezolute no06:41
Connor1tensorpudding no06:41
tensorpuddingOkay, sounds like your DNS is not working.06:42
rezoluteheh. well if its not your network, then you're locked out in some way.06:42
Connor1My desktop is fine though06:42
tensorpuddingWhat kind of errors are you getting?06:42
tensorpuddingConnection timeouts?06:42
macoConnor1: check dns resolution06:42
Connor1the website just loads forever06:42
tensorpuddingThat usually indicates a timeout.06:42
tensorpuddingtry browsing to
tensorpuddingerr nevermind06:43
tensorpuddingstupid dns making static hostnames hard to find06:43
tensorpuddingIf your network is fine, but DNS is down, it should show an error page with Access Denied.06:44
cablopwhy why why whyyyyyy ubuntu keeps adding me my existing networks again with new names???06:46
ghufranhi. im having trouble connecting to wireless networks. it doesnt work intermittently. it keeps asking me the security key but doesnt connect. the security key is fine and works with other non-ubuntu machines. sometimes restarting or disabling / enabling the network seems to make it work06:49
ghufranany ideas?06:49
hasenjghufran: I had a similar problem before06:50
cablopfind a better driver for your wifi device06:50
hasenjghufran: it was caused by a kernel installed from a ppa06:50
hasenjghufran: and the solution was to purge that ppa and everything it installed to revert back to the official (canonical provided) kernel06:51
iluminator101hey guys i get this error with my brother 7420 scanner failed to open device device ' brother2:bus2;dev1' invalid argument06:51
ghufrani didnt do any such thing hasenj . i just installed it from the online downloaded iso06:51
cablopiluminator, check permissions on your user06:51
israfel_ewww, Brother scanners.06:51
AndroUserI'm trying to use the alternate installer.  but i keep getting the error "Failed to determine the codename for the release."06:52
WinglessIf I install a program using apt-get (e.g., "sudo apt-get install lynx"), will Synaptic know about it?06:53
AndroUserI really need help, because my system is down untill i can get this installed.  i assumed it was a problem with uname  but it seems ok.06:53
AndroUserwingless, yes06:53
WinglessAndroUser: And I can remove the program safely and completely with either apt-get or synaptic?06:53
AndroUserit is stored in a central "database" on your system.06:55
AndroUseras long as ita not something that your system depends on06:55
ShapeShifter499I think I'm going to start with a fresh ubuntu install....06:55
ShapeShifter499what do about my GPG key I used with my Launchpad account?06:56
AndroUsertechnically, all if the package managers (synaptic, apt, aptitude, the add programs botton in the menu) are just interfaces to dpkg.06:56
WinglessThanks, AndroUser06:57
Winglesserrr I thought you had replied to m y last question; that wasn't meant to be sarcastic :P06:57
AndroUser(AndroUser) i'm using debootstrap (actually ubuntu alternate installer)  and its saying 'Failed to determine the releases cosename.'07:00
AndroUserhow can i remedy this07:00
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AmeiseI'm trying to compile a kernel (for VirtualBox use) that disables a lot of kernel-level debugging, and enables my CPUs optimizations. I put most of the SATA controllers into kernel (*) and the ext4, ramfs, and xfs file systems into the kernel. It builds, but when I boot07:04
Ameiseit simply complains that it couldn't find the drive.07:04
Ameiseany thoughts>07:04
Ameiseim using the Ubuntu kernel from the Ubuntu GIT07:04
dean[w]Does anyone have any idea why skype for linux (latest version) would have context menus that are unreadable. For example when I right click a contact it is dark grey with black text which is unreadable. Any solutions would be great07:06
n-iCedean[w]: change ubuntu theme07:06
Ameiseit's frustrating me as the stock Ubuntu kernel works, and im using the Ubuntu configs07:06
Ameiseim using GRUB2, so the mounts are set by UUID07:07
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vemonanyone noticed that in lucid the windows don't stack the same way as in karmic? when i open four terminals, they don't open up nicely tiled and centered07:08
N3VV3Kmine seem to open nicely07:08
vemoninstead i get two terminal windows next to each other to upper left corner of the screen, one in the lower left corner and one in the lower right corner07:09
vemonN3VV3K, hmh.. i wonder what's wrong with my setup then07:09
Ameiseno one here who does kernel builds?07:09
vemoni get the same behavior with to comuters both running almost-out-of-the-box lucid07:09
N3VV3Ki have a dual monitor setup07:09
N3VV3Ki dont think that would make a difference07:10
vemonwell it shouldn't07:10
N3VV3Kdoes anyone know how i can have two different backgrounds07:10
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vemoni figured it out! it's the desktop effects which cause this bad tiling behavior. when i turn effects off, i get nice tiling of windows07:11
dean[w]n-iCe, im using stock ubuntu theme07:11
vemonotherwise the windows seem to open up pretty randomly07:11
dean[w]context menus work in all other apps fine07:11
N3VV3Kthere must be some setting vemon07:11
vemonN3VV3K, yes i need to check the settings of compiz07:12
Ameisewatching it compile again07:12
vemonhaven't messed around with those in a while, since i've always ended up disabling all effects :)07:12
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Ameisei'm not confident in it's success though07:12
N3VV3Kim not to familiar with compiling07:12
Ameisethe compiling isn't the issue.07:13
Ameiseit succeeds in that.07:13
Ameisebooting the image is the issue07:13
N3VV3Kim a little higher than an intermediate user but im not advanced yet07:13
N3VV3Kwhat are you compiling07:13
vemonAmeise, do you also create an initrd image?07:13
AmeiseLinux Kernel, Ubuntu flavor07:13
vemonah, so you compile it from the ubuntu sources?07:13
N3VV3Kwhen you say compiling what do you mean07:13
vemonshould be easy enough07:13
Ameiseit compiles, GRUB2 sees it07:14
Ameisethen it won't boot.07:14
vemonwhat does it say?07:14
Ameiseim recompiling... let you know the exact error when it's done07:14
Ameisemainly that it couldn't read te drive.07:14
N3VV3Kis it better to compile ubuntu from source rather then using a normal install disk07:14
Ameiseit timed out on it07:14
Ameisethere were no drives listed in /dev/07:14
Ameisei had the same problem at work today, but at work I tried compiling from the latest vanilla kernel07:15
vemonAmeise, that's what my realtime kernel also complains when launched from grub, but it still works07:15
Ameisemine complains, and exit causes a kernel panic.07:15
vemonno wait... the error was something like "failed to mount none in /dev"07:15
Ameiseon this system, quick booting is necessary so I can't have a kernel that requires manual commands to start also07:15
Ameisemine can't find the drive, period07:16
n-iCeHello! is there any way to know where was my Ubuntu installation done?07:16
Ameiseat work I use it for actual work, so I need a fast kernel (it'd be nice)07:16
vemonAmeise, you should compare the grub.cfg listings of a working and non-working kernels07:16
Ameisehere, I use it to switch between copying files and testing images.07:16
Ameisei only changed... maybe 7 things07:16
Ameisenothing related directly to files07:16
Ameisefile systems/drivers07:17
corpsegrindrany admins on?07:17
Ameisei disabled kernel debugging, and enabled AMD optimizations07:17
n-iCehow can I Know when I installed ubuntu07:17
huntermn-iCe when you are running it.07:18
grendal_primeok im loosing it07:19
grendal_primecannot for the life of me get my ssl apache2 server working07:19
n-iCehunterm: when I installed it07:19
grendal_primeit literally...just doesnt start up...07:19
grendal_primei enabled the site with a2ensite..says its there...but when i restart apache it doesnt even try and fire up the second virutal host...07:20
N3VV3Kisnt that like a 1 click process @ grendal_prime07:20
N3VV3Ko nvm07:20
AmeiseLinux has to be the most frustrating kernel in existance07:20
Ameiseother than maybe minix07:20
N3VV3Kim thinking lamp07:20
N3VV3Kyeah but i love it07:21
grendal_primeAmeise, i dont know...who cares..not like we dink with the kernel..07:21
grendal_primedo you have any idea how many people are developing apps based on that kernel now.07:21
Ameisewhy not?07:21
grendal_primeits bound to be confusing.07:22
andyisAlso, its a KERNEL07:22
andyisIts meant to be an interface into machine code07:22
Ameiselinux is a product of million monkeys syndrome07:22
Ameiseandyis incorrect abstraction, but close.07:22
tensorpuddingThe kernel is important.07:22
Ameisei could certainly go write an application for Win32 in machine code.07:22
andyisWell, yeah07:22
grendal_primedude...you should do that07:22
Ameisethe kernel is the interface between your operating system runtimes and the BIOS07:22
grendal_primerun allong now and do that.07:23
Ameiseim already a systems engineer - why would I want to punish myself and do that?07:23
andyisBut its farther doen than almost anything you will use07:23
AmeiseI write kernels and drivers for a living.07:23
grendal_primewhy are you here then...go do it al yourself07:23
grendal_primein the mean time07:23
Ameisebecause you normally use a stable, proven system to develop off of07:23
andyisWell, Leave me and my PDS 3 and PPI ruleset language then07:23
N3VV3Kdoes anyone use bsd?07:24
grendal_primelots of people07:24
Ameiselinux/GCC tends to be better at doing system-level work than Win32/VS07:24
grendal_primei would not be one of them.07:24
N3VV3Kis it mostly for server use07:24
ubuntuyeah thats right07:25
Ameiseeither way07:25
AmeiseLinux doesn't like being compiled.07:25
tensorpuddingyou guys can move that discussion to ##linux if you want07:25
adalalhey, i have a question regarding services that are set to autostart... I have wakeonlan enabled, but that only works if someone logs into the computer after being switched on, and then switched off... I would like the service to start when the computer starts, whether or not someone logs in, any help?07:25
Ameisetensorpudding - that's one of those many IRC channels that I tend to avoid.07:26
garryhow i share files between ubuntu and my windows machine07:26
n-iCewhat is it for: linux-backports-modules-wireless-`uname -r`07:26
tensorpuddingAmeise: maybe an off-topic channel07:26
N3VV3Kgarry i think you can use drop box07:26
tensorpuddinggarry: Samba if you want the equivalent of Windows File Sharing07:26
Ameisewell, my issue is definitely ubuntu-related07:26
garryya that i know i have installed smaba and its gui mode but i am new to it i dont know how to do it07:27
Ember[1]I'm trying to install powerpc ubuntu on a laptop but when i run it off the cd it fails to login, so i'm stuck at the login screen, what should i do?07:27
garryhelp me07:27
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garryi have installed virtualbox07:27
Ameisedo you know how to mount filesystems?07:27
Ameiseare you running Ubuntu in virtualbox?07:27
Ameiseon a windows system?07:27
tensorpuddinggarry: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba07:27
garryno winodws xp in viraulbox07:28
Ameisea wee bit different.07:28
garryya i seen this but i cant understand07:28
tensorpuddingThere are easier ways to share files than samba...07:28
Ameiseeasier to access windows from linux than linux from windows07:28
tensorpuddingif you're using Vbox07:28
tensorpuddingYou can have a shared folder07:28
tensorpuddingYou need to install Guest Additions for it though07:28
garryi have 2 system one is having windows and other is having linux07:28
grendal_primedont be such a puss ...buy yourself a filler and be done with it07:29
garryhow i share file between them07:29
tensorpuddinggarry: Read the VirtualBox documentation for shared folders07:29
grendal_primeinstall webmin on the linux box and set it up as cifs filler.07:29
tensorpuddingInstall the VirtualBox Guest Additions for Windows inside the VM, then configure the shared folders07:29
grendal_primeyou could also just get winscp on the windows box07:30
Ember[1]any help for my previous question?07:30
garryi installed webmin but when i restart webmin it shows me acess deined07:30
ThopterWhen I double-click a .html file to open it in firefox, not only does the file not open in Firefox, but my system starts acting odd... the mouse hesitates when I move it across the screen, and anything that usually shows a smooth animation also hitches.  I figure the html file is being read by something it shouldn't, and it's affecting my system.  how do I find out what it's doing and stop it from happening again?07:30
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swebhow can i delete old version of kernel that listet on grub07:30
sacarlsongarry: try samba07:30
grendal_prime but if you need  a filler you need to set up a samba/cifs server. pretty simple with webmin..alot of things get very easy with that tool..07:30
roccity_Thopter, try running firefox and the file from a terminal07:31
grendal_primeits dangerouse but..you can lock it down and make it pretty safe..and its pretty easy to figer out.07:31
garryi have samba but i dont know how to share files07:31
roccity_open a terminal and type firefox and file.html where file.html is the file07:31
tensorpuddingThere's really no reason to setup Samba for this situation, just use the VirtualBox guest additions...07:31
grendal_primegarry download webmin on your linx box07:32
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garryya i downlaoded webmin07:32
garryinstalled it07:32
grendal_primeinstall it07:32
grendal_primebrowse to it07:32
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garrywhat to do nest07:32
sacarlsonsweb: I think you just cd /boot  and delete the one not used or plan on using but not sure you want to do that you may need them someday07:32
garryya i open server07:32
Thopterroccity_: I know how to get the file open in firefox, I'm looking for a way to undo what has happened to my system, short of a reboot.  the intefering behaviour continues indefinitely07:32
grendal_primelook at samba section.07:32
grendal_primeits pretty intuitive07:33
grendal_primecreate a share...open it to everyone,  then browse to the share from the windows box.07:33
ThopterI tried looking in system manager, but I see no programs spiking the cpu07:33
garryya i open it07:33
sacarlsongarry: it could be as easy as right click in nautilus the dir you want to share07:33
tpmccallum_I am wanting to create a few database tables and populate them (for studying) I have been doing it manually over and over is there a way to script that in mysql or would you recommend a script using say Python or PHP etc?07:34
adalalhey, i have a question regarding services that are set to autostart... I have wakeonlan enabled, but that only works if someone logs into the computer after being switched on, and then switched off... I would like the service to start when the computer starts, whether or not someone logs in, any help?07:34
grendal_primeyou will have to have the windows box and the host on the same network..in virtual box you will need to set up a host(only) interface07:34
roccity_Thopter, can you see anything in system monitor?07:34
JimmyDeehas anyone fiddled with the samba4 in the repos and made it work?07:35
grendal_primeadalal, look into /etc/rc.local07:35
roccity_Thopter, does it do it with all html files?07:35
jhattaraare there any GUI programs for ubuntu that are able to synchronize remote and local folders through ftp and/or ssh connection ?07:35
grendal_primejhattara, look into rsync07:35
sacarlson tpmccallum_:  I'm not sure what kind of data base you are working on.  can you just use a spread sheet like in openoffice?07:35
grendal_primeif you like clicky things grsync07:36
Thopterroccity_: yes, any html file, I've tried several07:36
KE1HAroccity_,  Gftp is another option.07:37
KE1HAbut I prefer rsync, it's best for minimal transfer times.07:37
KE1HAor zsync that's good too.07:38
KE1HAbut those aren't GUO driven.07:38
orangeyhello all07:38
Thopterbah, I'm just gonna reboot and try to remember to never double-click a .html file again07:38
orangeyI'm trying to patch a module07:38
orangeybut I can't get it to compile07:38
orangeyrather, it compiles, but appears not to have consistent version info07:39
chrismedHi, is there some way to change global encoding settings? Every text file I open seems to either have similar to "yp", or in nano it has @a^ before every character. Any ideas?07:39
TimStarlingwhy is this broken: http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/07:39
mrsunso when is a fix for firefox f***ing up going to come? :/07:39
TimStarlingthere is a link from packages.ubuntu.com07:39
mrsunhad same problem for months now07:39
TimStarlingand the search is broken too07:39
mrsunworks fine for a while, then i restart it and it wont start not even in safe mode until i remove the .mozilla folder in ~ ..07:41
grendal_primetpmccallum_,  whats up?07:41
adalalthanks grendal_prime07:41
sacarlsonTimStarling: broken when I look at it too maybe there working on the site07:42
sacarlsonTimStarling: normaly there are miror sites if you just need the packages07:43
tpmccallum_grendal_prime I am doing a bit of study and am curious about creating database tables on the fly without having to write the mysql commands over and over by hand07:44
grendal_primecreate a loop07:45
grendal_primeor..just script it in bash07:45
grendal_primei would use postgres honestly.07:45
tpmccallum_ok so mysql cant do that in the mysql console07:45
tpmccallum_I have never used postgres07:45
jhattaradoes grsync just synchronize folders or does it give prompt on what to synchronize ?07:46
grendal_primeyou could...you would just be writing a loop in mysql...some sort of glue language...like..well see thats why i would use postgresql. you can use just about any lang as a procedural lang wit that db server.07:46
sacarlsontpmccallum_ maybe look at this http://rubylearning.com/blog/2007/05/14/ruby-mysql-tutorial/07:47
grendal_primetpmccallum_, it kinda depends on the data as well..i mean..does it need to be randomized?07:47
sacarlsontpmccallum_ ruby is my scripting tool of choice with all kinds of cool libs07:47
somethinginteresis there a way to mount any and all HDDs on boot?07:48
grendal_primei dont know..kinda new on the scene..Perl..php, bash..they been around a pretty long time...alot of libs for them and..well nice simple lang to.  Python before ruby any day..again thats just personal pref though07:49
grendal_primeperl...well what can yousay...spend a few months learning it you will never use anything else.07:49
sacarlsongrendal_prime: tpmccallum_ ya ruby is cool but php is cool too.  like you said prime depends on what you need to do07:49
grendal_primesomethinginteres,  ya look int /etc/fstab07:50
andyislearn shell script :P07:50
tpmccallum_awesome thanks all, I already know Python quite well so I might just use that cheers :)07:50
andyisAlso, learn HTML07:50
andyisIt should only take a day if you are familliar with programming languages07:51
sacarlsonandyis: shell scirpt or bash ruby perl php they all work and they all almost look the same.  if you can read one not hard to learn the other07:51
Ember[1]is there anything i need to do so that autologin doesn't fail when i boot from a ubuntu cd?07:52
andyisLol. I'm learning Pascal :P07:52
andyisAlready know a lot of shell script/bash07:53
andyisAnd even how to use vim >.<07:53
andynerlang (hello mike!)07:53
sacarlsonandyis: does pascal have these cool libs that keep growing?  like ruby or perl?07:53
andyisIt has Skype :P07:54
sacarlsonandyis: so does ruby07:54
sacarlsonandyis: I had ruby sms me07:54
andyisAlso it has better variable security than C++ generally.07:54
tpmccallum_somethinginters take a look at using labels for your drives also, this helps identify them if they get removed and refitted.  I create labels for external drives and usb sticks etc when I first use them. That way if they are connected they can be mapped to a specific folder by listing them in the /etc/fstab file07:55
sacarlsonandyis: I'm not a bank I don't need securty I leave that to linux for that07:55
robertdhaving a problem with screen res ..  have a 24" lcd mon. capable of1920x1080      and can only get full screen at 1680x1050  clips the top and bottom of wall paper07:55
andyisWhat is "a"+1 then?07:55
robertdhope I'm in the correct area07:55
andyislol you are07:55
robertdproblem is I only get hdmi sound using ati fglrx driver07:56
andyisAnd comparing it to Python, Ruby, PHP, etc isnt really all that great, its far more like C07:56
sacarlsonandyis: I'm too lazy I want it done in one line that's what ruby can do07:57
tensorpuddingPerl can do that too07:57
robertdtis the loss of sound that drove me that direction07:57
robertdany thoughts07:58
tensorpuddingYou get no guarantees on how readable that line is though07:58
robertdeither it's not a good question  or it's a bad time for  help07:59
somethinginteresgrendal_prime: thanks08:00
sacarlsonrobertd: sound like at least you got it working that's more than most can say08:00
robertdLOL  I guess so    actually the install went rather easy08:01
tpmccallum_when you guys answer each other do you type the name with a colon or is there a way to reply by clicking etc08:01
robertdjust not the res I want for this editing htpc08:01
vemontpmccallum_: in irssi you just type a couple of the first letters of the name and press tab08:02
grendal_primesomethinginteres, for what?08:02
robertdused the pop up window asking if I wanted the Propietary driver .. x64 sys08:02
grendal_primeoh fstab stuff08:02
robertdand some adjustments08:03
tpmccallum_vemon: HAHA thanks that works awesome08:03
robertdguess I'll wait for the 10.8 cat  and just deal with it for now08:04
tpmccallum_vemon: I am using a firefox plug in called chatzilla but the tab thing also works :)08:04
vemontpmccallum_: i guess it's quite a standard way to do it :)08:04
sacarlsonvemon: ya I never knew that cool,  I've been typing the whole thing with the colen, and I've been here for days08:04
robertdunless there is a clean way to revert to  opne sources ...with sound08:04
robertdhdmi conncetion08:05
sacarlsonyou never stop learning08:05
bj0is it possible to fix a package on your hdd install from a livecd?08:05
luftikussbj0: Yes.08:07
robertdoh well    I'll come back when I can parse the question clearer08:07
caddyjoe77hi all08:09
caddyjoe77i have some weird behavior going on after the latest firefox on my ubuntustudio 10.04 box08:10
caddyjoe77it looks like a javascript issue....not positive08:10
caddyjoe77can someone help?08:10
sacarlsoncaddyjoe77:  some site not resolving?08:11
caddyjoe77no not at all...DNS is workeing great.  When i go to google for instance, the search results get very squished, almost like i may be missing a font package perhaps08:11
caddyjoe77very strange lemme tell ya08:12
adalalhey, when i 'shut down' my computer, it restarts... any idea?08:12
caddyjoe77i went back to the old firefox, same issue...thats why i think its perhaps a font package or maybe javascript is being interpreted wrong08:13
Aemaethcould you give a screenshot of what you mean?08:13
sacarlsoncaddyjoe77: and the http page your are looking at08:14
caddyjoe77hey adalal...a workaround can possibly be for you to do sudo init 5 in the terminla which is the command to shut down08:14
adalalcaddyjoe77: thanks... any reason as to why this is happening?08:14
caddyjoe77sacarlson:  http://www.google.com/cse?cx=partner-pub-9300639326172081%3Ad9bbzbtli15&ie=UTF-8&sa=Search&q=ubuntu+studio&hl=en08:15
caddyjoe77doesnt matter which page...any google results look like that08:15
caddyjoe77i have the error console up...here is the output08:16
caddyjoe77<html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>ubuntu studio - Google Search</title><style id=gstyle>html{overflow-y:scroll}div,td,.n a,.n a:visited{color:#000}.ts td,.tc{padding:0}.ts,.tb{border-collapse:collapse}.ti{display:inline}.ti{display:inline-table}.hd{position:absolute;width:1px;height:1px;top:-1000em;overflow:hidden}.f{color:#000}.flc,a.fl{color:#000}a,.w,.q:visited,.q:active,.q,.08:16
caddyjoe77b a,.b a:visited{color:#00f}a:visited{color:#639}a:active{color:#00f}.vst:link{color:#551a8b}.t{background:#fff;color:#000;padding:5px 1px}.bb{border-bottom:1px solid #369}.bt{border-top:1px solid #369}.j{width:34em}.h{color:#36cfont-size14px}.i{color:#000}.a{color:green}.z{display:none}div.n{margin-top:20px}.n a,.n .i{font-size:10pt}.n .i,.b a{font-weight:bold}#navbar a{display:block}.std{font-size:82%}.xsm{font-size:67%}#np,#nn08:16
caddyjoe77,.nr,#logo span,.ch{cursor:pointer;cursor:hand}.lst{font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:17px;vertical-align:middle}.lsb{font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:15px;height:1.85em;padding:0 8px;vertical-align:middle}.ta{padding:3px 3px 3px 5px}#tpa2,#tpa3,#tpa4{padding-top:9px}#guser{font-size:84%;padding:0 0 4px;text-align:right}a.gb1,a.gb2,a.gb3,.link{color:#00f!important}.sl,.r{display:inline;font-weight:normal;margin:0}.sl{f08:16
caddyjoe77ont-size:84%}.r{font-size:100%}.e{margin:.75em 0}.sm{display:block;margin:0;margin-left:40px}.slk td{padding-top:5px;padding-left:40px;vertical-align:top;font-size:84%}.slk div{text-indent:-10px;padding-left:10px}.csb,.n div,#logo span,.ss,#rptglbl{background:url(/images/nav_logo4.png) no-repeat;overflow:hidden}.csb,.n div,#logo span{background-position:0 0;height:26px}.n .nr{background-position:-60px 0;width:16px}#np{width:44px}08:16
FloodBot2caddyjoe77: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:16
Jigalcan someone tell me where to dwonload 9.10 in stead of 10.04.08:16
tensorpuddingJigal: Why do you want 9.10 instead of 10.04?08:16
sacarlsoncaddyjoe77: look readable maybe font is a bit off.  maybe just <ctl> +  make it biger so you can read it08:17
* prince_jammys hands the annual flood award08:17
Jigaltensorpudding, because i developed a site under 9.10 it worked perfectly. Now busy 2 weeks in 10.04 can't get it working. I think it might have to do with os. So i want to test that. Thats why I want 9.1008:17
tensorpuddingJigal: http://releases.ubuntu.com/08:18
jhattarafound my synchronize over ssh/ftp tool: Krusader08:18
caddyjoe77tried that already....its almost like mozilla has decided to quite reading javascript08:18
Jigaltensorpudding, tnx08:18
tensorpuddingIt might that some software your site depends on has a buggy version in 10.04, I suppose.08:18
bj0luftikuss, how? just chroot?08:18
bj0is that enough?08:18
tensorpuddingHuh, they still have some really outdated LTS versions there08:19
sacarlsoncaddyjoe77:  maybe your sans-serif;font-size:15px  font is bad08:19
tensorpuddingDapper Drake08:19
caddyjoe77another interesting tidbit, and why i think its javascript related...is that some javascript type menus are blanked out08:19
caddyjoe77so i am using chromium for now, as at least the google results are proper08:20
sacarlsoncaddyjoe77:  can't you disable java and see if it's different?08:20
caddyjoe77but the firefox is bugging me...08:20
staar2ok how to make sure that swamp is used ?08:21
sacarlsoncaddyjoe77: try chrome08:21
staar2i just qparted the swamp section08:21
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shayanHow can I install my modem in ubuntu 10.04?08:21
caddyjoe77do you know what font package sacarlson?08:21
Aemaethhave you tried backing up your settings/profile in firefox, then complete removal and re-install?08:21
caddyjoe77im using chromium...thats not the same?08:22
sacarlsoncaddyjoe77: the one that has sans-serif in it?08:22
caddyjoe77hi Aemeuth....yes i have somepletely removed firefox...to include a dpkg -P to purge it....still the same08:22
caddyjoe77yes sacarlson please08:22
luftikussbj0: Usually this is not enough. I rather thought that you deinstall the package and reinstall it.08:24
caddyjoe77i can try removing the ttf-freefont package08:24
caddyjoe77and trying again08:25
caddyjoe77same thing08:26
Aemaethis there a way to get curl or wget to scan a page for files within a certain domain while excluding file names of a certain type?08:26
bj0luftikuss, thats what i want to do, but i can't boot off the harddrive without this package, so i have to boot from a livecd08:27
bj0if i boot from a livecd, mount my drive, and chroot to that mountpoint, can i fix it there?08:28
sacarlsoncaddyjoe77: from what my research shows is that sans-serif font problem is part of qt4.  I guess you can install microsofts fonts to fix it but I can't find the package08:29
caddyjoe77hmm..well i couldnt find anything so at least you found something :)08:30
caddyjoe77i will try that08:30
rocket161Hello all08:31
saravanmy movie player is not working properly08:33
saravanvoice is not coming any body help me please08:33
DarsVaedacan i rename localhost to something else and how?08:34
ikoniaDarsVaeda: you don't change localhost, it's always there08:34
ikoniaDarsVaeda: you can change your machines hostname08:34
caddyjoe77DarsVaeda:  how so?? you ,ean in your hosts file?08:34
saravanin my movie player voice is not coming help me some one08:34
ikoniacaddyjoe77: no you don't08:34
ikoniacaddyjoe77: you don't change loclahost08:34
AmeisenDoes anyone here know what hardware virtualbox emulates08:34
caddyjoe77i wasnt telling him to change localhost08:34
ikoniaAmeisen: x8608:34
caddyjoe77i was trying to get more info :)08:34
Ameiseni want to make sure i have hardware support for it enabled in the kernel08:34
Ameisenthat's not hardware08:35
Ameisenthat's a platform.08:35
DarsVaedai dont want to change it08:35
sacarlsoncaddyjoe77:  I found it ttf-mscorefonts-installer08:35
DarsVaedai want to rename it08:35
ikoniaDarsVaeda: you don't rename localhost (renaming it is changing it)08:35
DarsVaedahttp://localhost to http://foobar or something08:35
sacarlsoncaddyjoe77:  I already had it installed08:35
ikoniaAmeisen: ask the guys in #vbox then08:35
caddyjoe77thanks sacarlson....08:35
ikoniaDarsVaeda: ok - so that's the http url08:35
caddyjoe77lemme try that08:35
ikoniaDarsVaeda: that works by changing your apache config to listen for traffic on a different name/ip mapping rather than the default which is localhost (
DarsVaedai guess localhost is just an identifier for 127:0:0:108:36
ikoniaDarsVaeda: that's right08:36
DarsVaedasee what i want to do (if possible) change that identifier08:36
Viking667quick query about openssh - I've got a userprofile (a .ssh directory of keys) that I share amongst multiple machines, and all of those machines can ssh to each other, except seemingly when I'm trying to ssh _to_ the ubuntu machine from another Ubuntu machine.08:36
ikoniaDarsVaeda: however changing to be something other than localhost is a very bad idea08:36
DarsVaedanot the ip or something08:36
adalalon a command line, how do you insert a value by reading it off a file.. ? as in.. i want to do a wakeonlan <HWAddress>, but the hardware address is located in a file08:36
Viking667I can't quite explain it, but I would like to know what I need to look at, to work this out.08:37
saravani recently installed ubuntu 9.10 i installed almost all packages still im not able to play vedios any one help me08:37
sacarlsonAmeisen:  it seems to mostly emulate the real hardware you have on your system08:37
ikoniaViking667: ssh -v (or -vv, or -vvv) for more info on the ssh connection08:37
caddyjoe77that did it sacarlson08:37
KE1HA-vvv be prepared for allot of info :-)08:37
sacarlsoncaddyjoe77: cool ay08:38
caddyjoe77thanks for finding that package......i had it installed but a purge and add fixed the issue08:38
Aemaethsaravan, medibuntu?08:38
sacarlsoncaddyjoe77:  now stop blaming java08:38
ikoniaAmeisen: ask in #vbox08:38
caddyjoe77haha i wasnt blaming them :)08:38
sacarlsonAmeisen: or private me08:38
WinglessWhen the shell tells me: "The program 'sview' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install slurm-llnl-sview", how does it know what the package name is?  When I type something random like "gobbledeygooksifjsinioanfandkfj", it just says "bash: gobbledeygooksifjsinioanfandkfj: command not found" without telling me how I might go about getting it.08:40
adalalon a command line, how do you insert a value by reading it off a file.. ? as in.. i want to do a wakeonlan <HWAddress>, but the hardware address is located in a file08:40
macoWingless: a very large file that lists all that stuff08:40
ikoniaWingless: there are cache files08:40
saravanAemaeth, i didt get u dear08:40
WinglessHow/when are those cache files update?08:40
Viking667doesn't seem to accept that the key is valid, and I've no idea why not.08:40
ikoniaWingless: part of the regular update process08:40
WinglessI  see08:40
=== AndIrc is now known as Guest74166
Viking667I rather feel like regenerating keys all over, and seeing if that makes any significant difference. Somehow I doubt it.08:41
Winglessso like -- I don't need to open synaptic to confirm that there isn't something else I might be missing related to sview?  bash knows all?08:41
Viking667apt-cache showpkg sview08:41
saravanAemaeth, reply dear08:42
Viking667and no, bash just uses functions (now I've read your question correctly)08:42
Aemaethsaravan, not sure if ubuntu still requires it, but medibuntu used to have to be in your software sources to run some videos08:42
macoWingless: the command-not-found package provides that feature08:43
Viking667Those functions - one of them has a wee database of commands that ARE in packages, so if your typing results in something that could match but isn't on your system at the moment, it makes an educated guess and suggests the package name08:43
adalalAemaeth: it does... depending on the type of videos... or atleast install the restricted packages08:43
Winglessmaco: I think you replied earlier to my question about apt-get vs. synaptic, by the way.  If apt-get and synaptic are not the same program, how do they communicate with one another to let each other know what's being installed or removed?08:43
saravanAemaeth, how to install it08:43
macoWingless: synaptic is a gui that uses libapt08:44
Aemaethgoogle up medibuntu the first link will have better instructions than i could give08:44
sacarlsonsaravan: you need to install this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats08:44
* Viking667 likes synaptic more than adept.08:45
Winglessand apt-get also uses libapt, then?08:45
sacarlsonmedibuntu might still work but it's the old way08:45
huntermlibapt uses apt-get, AFAIK08:45
Viking667hunterm: err, you meant that the other way around, I'm sure?08:46
huntermyeah :)08:46
huntermmixed that up ;)08:46
adalal... anyone here knows how to insert a value on the commandline by reading off a file? as in.. to enter 'wakeonlan <HWAddr>, whereas the HWAddr is in a text file08:46
saravansacarison, what is that dear08:46
macoadalal: wakeonlan < yourfile08:46
Viking667#bash describes that08:46
macoWingless: im not sure how libapt and apt-get are implemented, but suffice that they share a database08:47
Aemaethsacarlson, guess i'm out of the loop08:47
adalalmaco: it shows up as an error :S08:47
Winglessokay, cool.  thanks :D08:47
sacarlsonAemaeth: no that still works I think08:48
macoadalal: is more command going after the HWAddr ?08:48
Aemaethanyone know enough about curl or wget to want to help me with something? some kind of setup for constantly scanning a site and downloading files with prerequisites?08:48
adalalmaco: nope08:48
macoadalal: or is it going at the end of the line?08:48
Viking667Aemaeth: "constantly"? _how_ constantly?08:48
sacarlsonAemaeth: I'm just lazy and find easier ways08:48
adalalmaco: end of a line, but i will need to know how to do it in the middle of a line for other commands08:48
Jordan_U!cn | administrator_08:49
ubottuadministrator_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:49
adalaladministrator_: this is an english room08:49
sacarlsonadalal: sounds like you want to look at bash to learn to write bash scripts08:49
huntermadalal: try this: file=`cat filehere`08:50
macoadalal: end of a line the < shell redirect should work... for middle you'll need something like:   for i in $(cat file) ; do rm "$i"; done08:50
huntermadalal: then, wakeonlan $file08:50
adalalsacarlson: thanks... i'll look into it, i just wanted it so that i dno't have to remember and or copy the HWAddr all the time...08:50
AemaethViking667, i'd be happy with a quick mirror08:50
adalalmaco: thanks08:50
macoadalal: that is, youd need variables08:50
macoadalal: actually using a for-loop may be ill-advised in umm...lots of situations08:50
Viking667Aemaeth: As I said, how often do you intend to "mirror"? Daily? Hourly?08:50
adalalhunterm: that didn't work... :S08:51
Viking667Some organisations don't look kindly upon constant prods08:51
adalalmaco: okay.. i'll look into bash scripting i guess08:51
Viking667adalal: As I said, go check #bash out08:51
Viking667there's a good FAQ in their /topic08:51
adalalViking667: thanks08:51
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Aemaethbut i wouldn't have to hit the same servers twice, there's a program i can already do this with, i just have to run windows in virtualbox, but i'll just research some till i can do in a command line program already installed08:54
Viking667Aemaeth: hang on. What is it you're trying to do? Mirror a site that doesn't provide a mirroring service?08:54
Aemaethis that some violation?08:54
Viking667Possibly, yeah.08:55
Aemaeththat seems kinda like saying i couldn't save the pics manually, even though they'd be in my cache if i manually clicked them08:55
Viking667Doubtful, but it depends upon the content as to whether the company concerned is going to be bothered by you doing what amounts to a complete copy of their site.08:55
Viking667that's why "wget" was written to respect robot.txt rules that websites often post.08:56
macoAemaeth: the trouble is often that automated crawlers end up sending requests *so quickly* that it ends up looking like an attempted Denial of Service08:56
Viking667I've been the "mirror a site" route... I make sure I don't do _that_ more than ... ooo, weekly?08:56
ZeroNiceI'm having trouble setting up dual monitors under 9.10 and arch. The monitor with the issue is  a Acer AL1715. It will work but its not detected so i can't configure it.. help08:57
=== Karen_mm is now known as Karen_m
Aemaethwell, imma read me some words and write me a script and you will rue the day that i enjoyed this conversation with you good sir09:02
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tasslehoffAny way I can get libmpfr.so.4? Can't find a package in the repos giving me it09:05
h4f1why there is not tor in repos ? how can I install it ?09:07
rwwh4f1: Option 2 of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en09:09
israfelWhat is this <Super> key Compiz is using?09:09
rwwisrafel: on most keyboards, it's the Windows key09:09
soreauisrafel: The Windows logo key09:09
huntermSuper = windows key09:09
huntermmeta = alt or windows09:09
huntermusually alt09:09
reggihey folks, would someone please show me a link to learn about 'creating a live 'USB' (instead of Live CD)09:09
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:09
h4f1 rww: Thanks. I did that but I get errors when trying to install " tor: Depends: tsocks but it is not installable"09:10
reggithanks rww09:11
jahcthis isnt strictly Ubuntu related, but does anyone know of any good open source and free software for doing payrolls, accounts receivable/payable, inventory tracking, and computerised maintenance management systems? I'm googling like crazy here..09:11
ikoniajahc: try #ubuntu-offtopic09:11
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jahcikonia: yeah I was waiting for an answer like that. :)09:12
ikoniajahc: then why ask ? if you know the better please is #ubuntu-offtopic09:13
rwwh4f1: tsocks is in Ubuntu's universe repository. If you don't have it enabled already, do System -> Administration -> Software Sources -> check "Community-maintained Open Source software (universe)".09:14
jahcsorry I thought you were being sarcastic. I've joined now. ta :)09:14
bj0anyone know how to fix a broken mdadm package (prevents booting)09:15
rwwh4f1: I'm about to leave, so if it's uninstallable for some other reason, someone else may know09:15
h4f1rww:  Thanks that helped. I disable it some time ago and forgoten09:15
rwwah, okay, cool09:15
h4f1rww: thanks again09:16
Take0nHello folks. I need help uninstalling and reinstalling vlc. I get errors when trying to upgrade it.. I remove a PPA I used for the latest version but I still can't fix the problem.. when I try to upgrade I get "E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f" so I use apt-get -f upgrade but then I get this: http://pastebin.com/A05paFeP09:17
israfelTake0n, sudo atp-get remove vlc  not wotking?09:19
Take0nisrafel, no I get the same errors (almost)09:19
Take0nit still tells me to use -f install09:19
Take0nbut nothing happens..I get the same error then again09:20
haldeng jdk09:21
haldenops sorry, wrong keyboard :/09:21
Take0nI can't install anything or remove anything or upgrade anything :\09:22
Take0nI tried to fix the broken packages using synaptic but with no luck..09:22
israfelTake0n, try autoremove It removes all unsed packages.09:23
JoniI am having problems with my ubuntu install.  I am running it in vmware.  I was showing someone how to use workspaces and we accidently set the number to 36, now i cannot change it back to 4.  Also none of my applications show control buttons09:23
Joniany help09:23
israfelYou may have a package in the list that's interfering with the install/removal09:24
Take0nI can't.. I still get the same error09:24
israfelTake0n, apt-get deselect-upgrades09:24
Joniit is ubuntu 10.0409:25
Jordan_UTake0n: What about "sudo apt-get remove libavutil49 "09:25
Take0nfirst I get this error when trying to autoremove etc. http://pastebin.com/dTfkZC0D09:25
mathkhi how do I preserve the color in the find command ? For exemple with the --exec grep .. option09:25
israfelJordan_U, I was assuming that file was the upgrade that was selected. If it's installed or now, I'm not sure.09:26
Take0nisrafel, I get E: Invalid operation deselect-upgrades09:26
israfelTake0n, oops, dselect not deselect09:26
israfelTake0n, use apt-get --help to see all the commands. You can make better log files this way too.09:27
Take0nisrafel, E: Invalid operation dselect-upgrades09:27
israfelTake0n, ug, my bad again.. not plural09:27
Jonidoes anyone have any clues?09:27
Jordan_Uisrafel: What exactly are you hoping that dselect-upgrade (the proper option) will accomplish?09:27
Jonior ideas about how to troubleshoot this issue?09:28
Take0nJordan_U, I get almost same errors as the pastebin paste I did..09:28
Take0nisrafel, it won't work :\09:28
israfelJOni, so you have 36 workspaces?09:28
Take0nI just want to get rid of the whole vlc thing and move on... I don't use it anyway :\09:28
Joniisrafel yep, and I cannot change the number back to 409:28
Jordan_UTake0n: Do you still get an error about the file /usr/lib/libavutil.so.50 ?09:29
Take0nJordan_U, yes09:29
israfelJordan_U, He said he tried to do an upgrade first and it failed, so I wanted him to dselect them09:29
jieerter ter tert09:29
Joniisrafel, it is really annoying and there are some other issues as well.  I do no know if they are related.09:29
Jordan_Uisrafel: "dselect" is short for debian-select, a utility often used when installing a new system. It has nothing to do with "deselecting" a package. Please don't give advice about commands / topics you don't fully understand.09:30
JoniI have tried rebooting and running the recovery mode, but vmware tools decides to boot before I can use the menu to use dpkg to fix broken packages.09:31
intgrHi, does 10.04 have ext4 "discard"/TRIM support?09:31
israfelJoni, I think you just need to right-click the workspace switcher on the gnome panel and hit properties.09:31
Joniisrafel, I am09:31
intgrISTR somewhere that it should, but I can't find any documentation09:31
shadowfaxhi all09:32
Joniisrafel, I can change it all I want and nothing happens.  and then I lose the ability to change the number all I get is changing rows.09:32
Ameisenwhat's the proper binary to make an initd other than mkinitramfs on ubuntu09:32
Take0nit drives me crazy..09:32
israfelJOni, make sure you're not on one of those higher workspaces, set it to a lower value and restart the GUI09:32
shadowfaxi can install php5-dev but, i have error: Package php5-dev is not available, but is referred to by another package09:32
shadowfaxi use 10.0409:33
glaucousI'm having a "problem" while developing a C++ game. CodeBlocks IDE compiles the binary file to one directory, but leaves the image-files in another. How do I run the binary file and set the working directory to another?09:33
glaucousObviously it works if I move the image files to the binary.09:33
Take0nhow do I clear the /var/cache directory??09:35
Joniisrafel, no good I cannot change the workspace either09:35
Take0nit's realy really annoying I can't do anything.. :¿09:35
dominicdinadaTake0n: bleachbit09:35
israfelglaucous, Is the problem related to that specific IDE? You may need to tweak the settings to have the binaries put in the proper place.09:35
levenethe file /etc/cron.daily/beagle-crawl-system exists on my system, although beagle is not installed. it makes cron send me an error message every day. should I just delete it?09:35
Take0ndominicdinada, ?09:36
dominicdinadaTake0n: I use bleachbit09:36
glaucousNot a problem with the IDE specifically. But there should be a way to execute most program and set a specific working directory. israfel09:36
leveneand shouldn't this file have been removed when beagle was removed?09:36
Take0ndominicdinada, I am not able to install or remove or upgrade anything.. I want a command to try and remove the cache so that I can try again :\09:36
israfelJoni, The keyboard shortcut to change workspaces is Ctrl+Alt Left/Right cursor.09:37
dominicdinada!cache | Take0n09:37
Take0ndominicdinada, didn't get anything (should I?)09:38
israfelTake0n, So nothing, even unrelated stuff, won't install or remove?09:38
Take0nisrafel, no it keeps telling me to use -f install but when I do so I still get errors about vlc-nox and unmet dependencies etc.09:39
dominicdinadaTake0n: no the bot didnt have anything on cache09:39
dominicdinadaalthough google would be your answer on that one09:39
littlepenguintake0n you have activated all repositories?09:39
Take0nI try to fix broken packages with synaptic but I get a message box that tells me to run apt-get -f install09:39
israfelTake0n, You may have a corrupted package list. I've seen this problem twice in here.09:39
Take0nand so on09:39
Take0nisrafel, what do I do in that case?09:40
Take0nI am about to throw my laptop out the window!!!09:40
dominicdinadaTake0n: haha09:40
israfelTake0n, let me look up the solution quick.09:40
Take0nlittlepenguin, yes.. I think the problem was caused due to a ppa I had for a new vlc version but I think I had to remove the old vlc before trying to install the new or something09:40
chadiwhen I click on the network manager icon on the top, I get networking disabled; how can I know why?09:41
littlepenguinmaybe take0n you should choose the official repos first09:41
hatake_kakashi!cn | yao-1709:41
ubottuyao-17: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:41
Linuxson26Take0n, this could be to something not installing correctly, which is why it needs to (f)ix broken installations09:41
littlepenguinso take0n i would revert changes to sources.list sudo apt-get update and reinstall vlc09:41
Joniisrafel, not working either,  the workspace app is buggered it seems09:41
Take0nI removed the vlc ppa I added09:42
mlkI'm having trouble opening a file with less even so I'm in the same group and that file hase rw rights set for the groupe ?09:42
Take0nI did an update09:42
Take0nbut still errors09:42
dominicdinada!aptitude | Take0n09:42
ubottuTake0n: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide09:42
israfelJOni, you don't have Compiz installed do you?09:43
Jordan_UTake0n: Try "sudo dpkg --force-overwrite -r vlc vlc-nox vlc-plugin-pulse"09:43
FlynsarmyWhen copying a specific file i get "error splicing file: input/output error". Any ideas how I can fix this? How would I run a disk check/repair utility?09:44
Ameisennope. Kernel won't start.09:46
Ameisenjust recompiled09:46
soreau! fsck | Flynsarmy09:46
ubottuFlynsarmy: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot09:46
Ameisen"Gave up waiting for root device"09:46
Take0nJordan_U, it did remove!! but I still get an error about libavutil50 when I try to upgrade. should I use the same command to remove that as well?09:47
israfelJOni, how do you know you have 36 workspaces? Is it just the panel app showing that many squares?09:48
cyphaseFlynsarmy, there's also a file to create the checks on next boot. hold on, let me find it09:48
cyphaseFlynsarmy, /forcefsck09:49
Take0nJordan_U, now I get this error http://pastebin.com/d1f77xqP09:50
Jordan_UTake0n: Yes, but you may need to also remove the dependencies of libavutil50 first. Try "sudo dpkg --force-overwrite -r libavutil50" and if it fails I'll tell you how to find its dependencies.09:50
Joniisrafel, yes I have copmiz installed and the workspace switcher app says 36 workspaces,  If I turn on show workspace names it shows all 36 names and yes there are that many squares in the panel.09:50
Take0nit's ignoring it cause it's not installed09:50
israfelJOni, COmpiz has a setting to set the number of workspaces.09:51
Take0nthere are many apps I use like mpd and mplayer that depends on libavutil49 I don't want to remove them.. how can I stop the 50 from trying to upgrade it?09:52
israfelccms -> General Options -> Desktop Size (tab) -> Horizontal Virtual Size09:53
Jordan_UTake0n: You probably need to downgrade all of the packages from that ppa to their normal versions so that nothing is depending on 50 and trying to bring it in. The easiest way to do that is with the "ppa-purge" script.09:53
Take0nbut which ppa is it?09:54
israfelJOni, err ccsm09:54
Take0nI did upgrade-purge to the vlc ppa09:54
Take0nbut it didn't solve the problem as far as I can see09:54
brandon420you guys think i can watch HD on my computer? 2.6ghz 1 gb ram, 512 nvidia 8400gs09:55
israfelbrandon420, depends on a lot of factors, try it.09:55
N3VV3Kbrandon420 first off blaze it up bro and second yes09:55
N3VV3Kwell depending on your monitor09:56
Jordan_UTake0n: You can download the ppa-purge script from here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/ppa-purge/ubuntu/download/head%3A/ppapurge-20090729132438-jayqxaeub1gf2z3t-3/ppa-purge09:56
=== Saemon is now known as Ergo
brandon420haha, i have a old ass monitor. but when i try to play 720p it skips, and then gets out of sync09:56
Take0nJordan_U, I have it already the problem is how do I locate the right ppa and how do I get it's name?09:57
N3VV3Kdoes your computer have hdmi out09:57
=== Ergo is now known as Mugen
N3VV3Kdoes anyone use ubuntu tweak09:57
N3VV3Kand is computer janitor safe09:57
Jordan_UTake0n: What ppas have you added?09:57
abhijitN3VV3K, yes09:57
brandon420nope, i have dvi and vga09:57
Babciawhat da fu...09:57
Babciahello geys09:57
Babciao lol09:58
littlepenguinbabcia hei just give us youer question09:58
=== Mugen is now known as Megatron
N3VV3Ksomeone said computer janitor sucks use ubuntu tweak which i do09:58
dominicdinada!language | babcia09:58
ubottubabcia: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:58
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Take0nJordan_U, a bunch ;p09:58
Take0nI usually get them from webupd8 or omg ubuntu09:58
=== Charizard is now known as Anonymous
=== Anonymous is now known as WipeYaSelfOff
brandon420n3vv3k, so without a hdmi i cant watch hd? i would just like to be able to watch hdtv rips09:59
Joniurg I can't figure it out,  I think I am just going to reinstall.09:59
=== WipeYaSelfOff is now known as Splabluagh88
israfelJoni, what did COmpiz show for that value?09:59
N3VV3Kno i dont think thats true09:59
N3VV3Ki was just curious10:00
=== Splabluagh88 is now known as Globe
israfelJoni, and it wouldn't change?10:00
littlepenguintake0n https://launchpad.net/vlc10:00
=== Globe is now known as DVS
=== DVS is now known as Volcom
israfelJoni, you tried restarting and changing it?10:00
Jordan_UTake0n: What is the output of "aptitude why libavutil50"?10:00
=== Volcom is now known as Theriot
=== Theriot is now known as Pokemanz
test999hi all10:01
=== Pokemanz is now known as Pokemans
Take0niB  mpd           Depends libavformat52 (>= 4:0.5.1-1) | libavformat-extra-52 (>= 4:0.5.1-1)10:01
Take0nB A libavformat52 Depends libavutil50 (< 4:0.6-99) | libavutil-extra-50 (< 4:0.6-99)10:01
=== Pokemans is now known as Pokemons
test999how to recover password in IRC?10:01
=== Pokemons is now known as Pokemon
RaptorsHey guys, is there a repo for ubuntu that has the latest kernel?10:02
N3VV3Kpokemans pokes men10:02
Jordan_Utest999: Ask in #freenode10:02
test999N3VV3K it is for me?10:02
N3VV3Kwhat is10:02
reggihey everyone: has anyone here successfully shared a Mobile Internet (Vodafone 3G) connection to a network?10:02
littlepenguinyes reggi10:02
littlepenguini use a hsdpa stick10:03
littlepenguinand it works really fine10:03
Take0nI did when I was in greece until yesterday10:03
Jordan_URaptors: Almost: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/10:03
Take0nused a usb stick from vodafone.. "vodafone on demand"10:03
brandon420so since im here, what else can i do to my desktop?    http://uppix.net/8/9/e/a39f4c2939106086329845413d276.png        http://uppix.net/c/f/5/2f2b2ecd09ca3dd5444d625c8c72e.png10:03
N3VV3Khaha what more do u need10:04
littlepenguinbrandon you have compiz pugins extras with screensaver??10:04
Jordan_UTake0n: Can you pastebint the output of "apt-cache show mpd"?10:05
blackgraznice nick10:05
littlepenguinyou can do the moving of the desktop as a screensaver10:05
brandon420i guess not, cause i dont know what you are talking about10:05
Jordan_UTake0n: Sorry, "apt-cache policy mpd"10:05
brandon420oh noes10:05
brandon420tells me how!10:05
Take0nJordan_U, apt-cache policy mpd10:05
littlepenguinok brandon 1 mom10:05
Take0nooh sorry10:05
Take0nJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/PQusQVBm10:05
littlepenguinbrandon get compiz config settings packet10:06
israfelJUON hello10:06
abhijit!hi | JUON10:06
ubottuJUON: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:06
littlepenguinbrandon also compiz fusion plugins extra10:06
littlepenguinafter that go under system settings compiz config and check for screensaver plugin :D10:06
brandon420i effed something up10:07
brandon420E: Malformed line 53 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse)10:07
brandon420E: The list of sources could not be read.10:07
brandon420sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list10:07
littlepenguinuh..brandon have you killed your /etc/apt/sources.list?10:07
Kwpolskabrandon420: fix line 53 in sources.list [solved]10:08
JUONis this room talk about the ubuntu??10:08
littlepenguinyes yuon10:08
JUONmy english ok??10:08
KwpolskaJUON: a bit wrong, but acceptable.10:08
Take0nJordan_U, I can't ven remove mpd.. I get the dependencies error :\ I really am about to throw it out the window10:08
N3VV3Kbrandon420 mine is based off this and looks grat10:08
JUONi live in the korea10:09
KwpolskaTake0n: you're in dependency hell10:09
littlepenguintakeon maybe you should buy a windows 7 os :P10:09
immuxlcd monitor flicker on dual screen with lucid. need help10:09
brandon420Kwpolska, i dont see anything wrong with it.10:09
Jordan_UTake0n: And the output of "apt-cache policy libavformat52"?10:09
N3VV3Ki think u should have more style if you want  flashy desktop10:09
Take0nJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/7muQs5g110:10
brandon420n3vv3k, first off, you have a weird name to type. lol. and what is that desklet to the right?10:10
N3VV3Kits called conky10:11
Kwpolska!tab | brandon42010:11
ubottubrandon420: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.10:11
Kwpolskait's not a desklet10:11
Kwpolskait's the conky10:11
Kwpolskayou need to configure it yourself10:11
Jordan_UTake0n: sudo ppa-purge ppa:siretart/ppa10:11
brandon420Kwpolska, thanks man10:12
N3VV3Ki have dual monitor how can i have two seperate backgrounds10:12
littlepenguinbrandon AWN a mac taskbar10:12
brandon420littlepenguin,  i actually like this one, its wicked cool.10:12
Take0nJordan_U, I am affraid it didn't solve the problem :\ it did a lot of things but Warning:  Something went wrong, packages may not have been reverted10:13
Jordan_UTake0n: Can you pastebin the full output?10:13
Take0n trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/i686/cmov/libavutil.so.50', which is also in package libavutil49 4:0.5.1-1ubuntu1+svn20100402-1~webupd8~lucid410:13
brandon420i have to figure out what is wrong with this source list...10:13
brandon420i dont see the error.10:14
Nubulis_MaximusHello, I'm trying to copy a directory from my home folder to the file system usr/share directory and every option I try results in a no such file or directory. plz help10:14
Kwpolskabrandon420: show us10:14
N3VV3Kbrandon420 i got rid of my dock bar entirely and started to use gnome do i think its just alot cooler10:15
KwpolskaNubulis_Maximus: sudo cp -rf /home/user/the/interesting/directory /usr/share10:15
Take0nJordan_U, do u have teamviewer?10:15
Kwpolskause tab for autocompletion10:16
Nubulis_MaximusI'm a bit of a newbie to linux, don't know if I'm using proper syntax10:16
Jordan_UTake0n: No.10:16
ximalQ : Is there a way to run programs such as deluge thru the cli or as a process that way on my server I can just set it up for remote web viewing etc ?10:16
KwpolskaNubulis_Maximus: see what I said10:16
Nubulis_MaximusKwpolska: will try that10:16
KwpolskaTake0n: what's your problem?10:16
Take0nJordan_U, u could use it to connect to my computer10:16
brandon420      :x is to save and quit right?10:16
KwpolskaTake0n:can I take care for it?10:17
Kwpolskabrandon420: yes, :wq works also10:17
reggiwould someone please point me to resource/info to learn how to share a mobile internet (vodafone 3G) connection similar to ICS on Windows platform? Thanks.10:17
markohow do i add network manager in awn window manger?10:17
Take0nKwpolska, I am not able to install/remove/upgrade anything due to dependencies and broken packages but I can't solvei t10:17
brandon420Kwpolska,  are you a effin bot? you are wicked helpful10:17
littlepenguinreggi so your connection is working?10:17
Kwpolskabrandon420: i am NOT a bot10:17
reggilittlepenguin, my vodafone connection works brilliantly on my laptop10:18
reggiwhich runs ubuntu 10.0410:18
brandon420Kwpolska,  well thanks for all the help you are giving us noobs10:18
N3VV3Kkwpolska since your so helpfull i have dual monitor how can i have two seperate backgrounds10:18
Kwpolskabrandon420: just shut up.10:18
reggibut I want to share that connection to a switch using the lan0 port on my laptop.10:18
KwpolskaN3VV3K: I'm not sure if ti's possible in gnome10:18
KwpolskaTake0n: see my message10:18
reggilittlepenguin, i can do it easily on my vista machine using ICS but i don't know how to do it on ubuntu yet. cheers.10:19
littlepenguinreggi did you set the routing?10:19
Nubulis_MaximusKwpolska: not having any luck with that10:19
littlepenguinreggi saw this guide?http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/ICS10:19
Nubulis_MaximusKwpolska: used command      sudo cp -rf /home/sleeve/aeon  /usr/share10:19
reggilittlepenguin, i'll have a look at that website now, I had only tried to use Firestarter to share the connection but I'm not sure what I'm doing...10:20
reggilittlepenguin, let me take a peek at that link you sent10:20
littlepenguinsry reggi its in german..10:20
littlepenguinmaybe ill find it in english10:20
reggiok thanks littlepenguin10:20
littlepenguin@reggi this one should do it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing?action=show&redirect=InternetConnectionSharing10:21
brandon420check that out, or shall i pastebin it?10:21
reggithanks littlepenguin i'll look at it now.10:21
Nubulis_Maximusis there a way to copy directories using gui instead of sudo cp -r10:22
littlepenguinnp reggi10:22
littlepenguinnubulis in nautilus rightclick copy?10:22
hatake_kakashiNubulis_Maximus, you'll have to run gksu nautilus I think10:22
littlepenguinbut be carefull with gksu nautilus..10:23
Nubulis_Maximushatake_kakashi: will give it a go10:23
hatake_kakashiyou can't paste whatever you want into directories owned by root in which this case /usr is owned by root10:23
brandon420Kwpolska, heyy, can you take a look at my source list?10:24
Nubulis_Maximushatake_kakashi: that's the problem I'm having, I'm trying to copy dir to /usr using sudo cp -r, but I don't know if I'm getting the sytax correct as I'm not too proficient with linux command lines10:25
saganbyteHello :) I m looking for a substitute for MS Visio, I ve tried dia, i d rather have a gnome based application. Any suggestions?10:26
hatake_kakashiNubulis_Maximus, with cp -r if it comes back with nothing apart from prompt it means there were no errors during the process, otherwise you would have seen errors on the screen before it brings you back to the prompt10:26
Nubulis_Maximushatake_kakashi: keep getting no such file or directory  error10:27
hatake_kakashiNubulis_Maximus, otherwise you can simply do cp -rv (note the v for verbose, which will dump its current actions onto the screen regardless if there's an error or its informational)10:27
littlepenguin@saganbyte http://linuxappfinder.com/alternatives?search_text=visual10:27
saganbytelittlepenguin, thanks :)10:27
hatake_kakashiNubulis_Maximus, with that command you posted earlier? it sounds like you may have invalid source path.. which means your home directory10:27
Nubulis_Maximushatake_kakashi: i know that the files-directories are there so not sure what it is10:28
littlepenguinfk saganbyte i have read wrong..visio u need??!!10:28
littlepenguin@saganbyte http://linuxappfinder.com/alternatives?search_text=visio10:28
almoxarifeNubulis_Maximus: there is a pckg called nautilus-gksu , it makes opening folder/dir/files as root from nautilus, I also don't use the terminal method or figure I need to if can get away it it10:28
littlepenguinso lunchtime...10:29
hatake_kakashiNubulis_Maximus, I'd check to see if the source files/directories are correct by simply doing ls -l /home/sleeve/aeon for example10:29
Nubulis_Maximusalmoxarife: I just downloaded nautilus-gksu from synaptic, where will I find it to browse files10:30
ListedasWantedHow do i run a .sh file?10:31
almoxarifeNubulis_Maximus: I think you need to log out once then back in to see it as a option on nautilus10:31
=== cody_ is now known as bratsche
hatake_kakashiListedasWanted, first you have to make it an executable via chmod u+x and then you run it via appending period and forward slash like ./foo.sh10:31
hatake_kakashiwell err make it so that you have execute permissions10:32
Nubulis_Maximusalmoxarife: thx will try that10:32
lellehow to give my wireless connection a ip? only the cable has one10:32
almoxarifeListedasWanted: or you could highlight it in nautilus right click and under properties click on 'run as executable', but that might not be as much fun10:33
hatake_kakashilelle, run dhclient, not a good idea if you already have a gateway set10:33
=== [1]zulgaban is now known as zulgaban
lellehatake_kakashi:  ive done it but it wont give me10:33
ListedasWantedlol i see what you mean10:34
ListedasWantedhmm ill see what i can do10:34
hatake_kakashilelle, try using wireless only and see if that works10:34
Kwpolskabrandon420: what's your prob10:34
ServerTechAny software for ubuntu to monitor CPU temperatures?10:34
bullgardIs there no longer a man page for the Disk Mounter applet?10:34
hatake_kakashiListedasWanted, its easy with command line.. with gui I think you need to right click on the file and click on properties, and you change the permissions10:35
brandon420Kwpolska,  i fixed it, lol, thanks.10:35
hatake_kakashiServerTech, gkrellm, superkaramba, conky, etc10:35
hatake_kakashiServerTech, err lmsensors package10:35
garryfile sharing on ubuntu 10.04 and windows using samba10:36
N3VV3Khey guys i have dual monitors is there anyway i can maualy resize the aspect ratio cause its off by like a centimeter on each side10:36
N3VV3Khey guys i have dual monitors is there anyway i can maualy resize the aspect ratio cause its off by like a centimeter on each side of one monitor10:36
bastonesHi. I'm installing PHP-GTK from source and I need the cairo php extension, how do I get and install this please? Thanks.10:36
hatake_kakashiServerTech, no worries10:36
almoxarifeis a centimeter a lot?10:36
ceccaHi all! I need help to configure my tablet hptx2... I can pay for a complete solution. If you are interested contact me:)10:37
Callum__N3VV3K: Whatvideo card?10:37
markoare there any problems withc watching movies on Quadro FX 1600M in ubuntu 10.0410:37
hatake_kakashimarko, try10:37
lelle_i do ifconfig and i get eth1 eth2 AND eth2:avahi which has an ip address, so thats the ip address for eth2 then?10:38
N3VV3Kim looking into the xserver settings10:38
DiverdudeHello. I need a small easy tool to create timeplans. Any ideas if such a tool exists?10:38
lelle_because eth2 doesnt have any10:38
markohatake_kakashi, i did try and i got blury movies, or as i can say, you can see that when the whole picture changes i can see lines...10:38
hatake_kakashilelle_, wait, why are you using avahi?10:38
Callum__marko: depends, standard definition and below the CPU is usually fast enough to run it at full speed, but any high quality HD video will need to be hardware accelerated and I'm not sure about support for the Quadro10:38
N3VV3Kbut i cant seem to get it right i have 1 hp 24 inch monitor and one 32 inch lcd with hdmi10:38
lelle_diverdude try osmo10:38
garryfile sharing on ubuntu 10.04 and windows using samba10:38
N3VV3Kthe lcd is whats giving me trouble the monitor is fine10:38
markoCallum__, hm, so i cannot watch 720p or higher movies10:39
hatake_kakashimarko, well its an issue with driver then :)10:39
lelle_hatake_kakashi dont know, its just there :(10:39
Callum__marko: you can, but it might not be the fastest unless your graphics card is being utilised10:39
BusMasteri have a server with several virtual machines running on it. Each VM hosts a website, and all the websites have a common ip (that of the host). How should I setup routing in teh host so that a.com goes to VM1 and b.com goes to VM2 ?10:39
hatake_kakashilelle_, pastebin me your iwconfig output10:39
Diverdudelelle_, url?10:39
lelle_diverdude "the ubuntu software center"10:40
lelle_hatake_kakashi:  dont you mean ifconfig?10:40
N3VV3Kok should i change the panning10:40
lelle_hatake_kakashi:  ill do both..10:40
hatake_kakashilelle_, no I meant iwconfig, its for wireless10:40
=== IP-v6 is now known as guest4875
lelle_hatake_kakashi: http://pastebin.com/HxfzCmXm10:40
Diverdudelelle_, no not such a time planner....One where i can allocate e.g. 2 weeks for project a, 3 for project b and c runs meanwhile10:41
Diverdudelelle_, a gantt chart10:41
markoCallum__, it looks like it is problem with drivers, because i cannot play 1080p movies10:41
=== guest4875 is now known as IP-v6
Diverdudelelle_, ahh yes here it is:http://www.ganttproject.biz/10:41
hatake_kakashimarko, you'll need the ati's proprietary driver10:41
lelle_diverdude or this,  http://www.getdeb.net/updates/Ubuntu/10.04/?q=osmo could be safer10:42
hatake_kakashi!ati | marko10:42
ubottumarko: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:42
markohatake_kakashi, i cannot use ati on NVIDIA10:42
ServerTechCan you help me in installing gkrellm10:42
hatake_kakashimarko, correction nvidia, got confused :) that wiki page describes almost all10:42
ServerTechCan some10:43
markohatake_kakashi, it looks lie even divx movies are not playing good10:43
hatake_kakashilelle_, weird, so eth2 is wireless, and avahi creates another interface.. which would most likely be virtual interface..10:43
ServerTechCan you help me install gkrellm??10:43
hatake_kakashiServerTech, have you tried seeking HOWTO on setting it up?10:44
ceccaHi all! I need help to configure my tablet hptx2... I can pay for a complete solution. If you are interested contact me:)10:44
ServerTech.... no10:44
jilFor what reason could I not be able to reade a file with the following right ----rwx--- 1 jil jil even so I'm in the jil group ?10:44
lelle_hatake_kakashi: you tell me...10:44
hatake_kakashiServerTech, I'd do that first10:44
ZoZo-If Im only after Ati Catalyst for declocking/powerplay should I only use the proprietary drivers?10:44
N3VV3Kit sucks i cant change panning and when i maximize the edges are cutoff10:44
Diverdudelelle_, no thats not a gantt chart10:44
ServerTechi want to know how to install it in ubuntu10:44
ServerTechthrough termina;10:44
markohatake_kakashi, so, do yo know, what are best drivers for  Quadro FX 1600M. open source or propriatery drivers?10:44
ServerTechtar file it is10:45
cozziemotoServerTech,   sudo apt-get install gkrellm10:45
lelle_diverdude hmmm but its a planner..10:45
hatake_kakashilelle_, for me I'd personally kill and disable avahi-daemon as that would be one that's making un-necessary interfaces.. once that's successfully killed I'd try and redo ifconfig10:45
cozziemotoServerTech,  but i would open synaptic package manager and hit Search and type in gkrellm  to see if other packages or plugins etc  are available as well10:45
Diverdudelelle_, has to be a gantt chart10:46
ServerTechthx its working10:46
hatake_kakashimarko, its almost always the proprietary drivers seem to function better than open drivers10:46
lelle_diverdude try google ubuntu + gannt chart im sure youll find it10:46
cozziemotohatake_kakashi,  for nvidia?10:46
hatake_kakashicozziemoto, yes but marko is the one having the issues10:46
cozziemotohatake_kakashi,   oh ok10:46
lelle_hatake_kakashi: avahi-daemon : no process found10:46
hatake_kakashilelle_,  they run under the process name avahi10:47
Diverdudelelle_, ganttproject is perfect10:47
lelle_hatake_kakashi: same there10:47
cozziemotomarko,  I dont think it is going to be easy to install the proprietary from nvidia onto lucid or maverick... this is a mistake for sure by ubuntu  but they have not allowed this to be done at least easily10:48
hatake_kakashilelle_, no process? hmm what about /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon status ?10:48
cozziemotomarco  however the nvidia_current driver is "fairly"  decent  but by no means the better of the ones available10:48
chadi_when I click on the network manager icon on the top, I get networking disabled; why?10:48
bullgardIs there no longer a man page for the Disk Mounter applet?10:48
hatake_kakashichadi_, probably some other daemon/process is interfering, right click on the same icon and click on enable networking10:49
lelle_hatake_kakashi: it says it has been invoked an upstart(8) job10:49
lelle_(8) shouldnt be there hi10:49
hatake_kakashilelle_, hmm, which version is this?10:49
bullgardchadi_: To find out why please have a look in your error logs: /var/log/...10:49
chadi_hatake_kakashi: thank you very much! forgot that I can right click..10:50
garryhow to share file using samba10:50
lelle_hatake_kakashi:  no clu10:50
ikonia!samba | garry10:50
hatake_kakashilelle_, I meant which version of ubuntu you have?10:50
ubottugarry: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.10:50
lelle_hatake_kakashi: 10.0410:50
bullgard!samba | garry10:50
lelle_hatake_kakashi: 32 bit etc10:51
hatake_kakashilelle_, ahh hmm :/ pastebin me your sudo lsof| grep upstart output10:51
garryhow can i share file on windows in my virualbox using samba10:51
lunavoraxHello everybody !10:51
chadi_bullgard: thank you :) will do10:51
almoxarifegarry: which is virtual?10:52
lelle_hatake_kakashi: http://pastebin.com/DZdwVi1J10:52
lunavoraxI forgot how to use the "find" command to search for a file on ubuntu server10:52
hatake_kakashilelle_, "sudo lsof| grep upstart" (without quotes)10:52
Kwpolskalunavorax: use google to find it10:53
Jigalhello i have installed an iso of 9.10 server. How can i get an visual layer on top of it?10:53
hatake_kakashilunavorax, find $PWD -name "foo"10:53
lelle_hatake_kakashi: http://pastebin.com/RjPWykpg10:53
ikoniaJigal: install the ubuntu-desktop package, if you want a desktop though you may be better using the desktop package10:53
lunavoraxthanks hatake_kakashi i'm going to try right now10:53
Jigalikonia, ok i will uninstall my server10:53
garrymy windows isin vbox10:53
lunavoraxhum hatake_kakashi that's what i've found yesterday on google and it actually doesn't work10:54
lelle_garry then you wont need samba, virtualbox can handle that automatically, dont know how to set it up tho, but its in virtualbox manual10:55
hatake_kakashilunavorax, what exactly is the filename?10:55
lunavoraxi know it's called "papersheet"10:55
N3VV3Keverytime i try to burn a blank dvd (havent tried a blank cd) in brasero my drive bay ejects before it even starts writin10:55
almoxarifegarry: you want which, ubuntu to see windows or the other or both?10:55
swebhow can i run a command at startup with root access ?10:56
hatake_kakashilunavorax, you can try find / -name *papersheet*10:56
lelle_N3VV3K: thats what happens when i have wrong side down.. maybe your burner cant handle dvd, lol?10:56
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lunavoraxThat's it ! Thank you again hatake_kakashi10:56
Lazy^Heya, does anyone know which python-packages (or packages) include these: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/basemap/0.9.5 and http://www.pyngl.ucar.edu/Nio.shtml10:56
N3VV3Knope Bug #578910 i think this is the problem10:57
hatake_kakashilelle_, hmm I got different output on mine, I'm on older version compared to yours (9.04) I dunno if you want to try experimenting you can stop the upstart service.. otherwise I'd check the forums to see if it helps10:57
swebany body here ?10:57
hatake_kakashi!anybody| sweb10:57
ubottusweb: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:57
lelle_hatake_kakashi: how to stop the upstart?10:58
hatake_kakashilelle_, sudo /etc/init.d/upstart stop10:58
hatake_kakashilunavorax, no worries10:58
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lelle_hatake_kakashi: i went haxxor and opened that file in gedit, its empty10:59
hatake_kakashilelle_, weird, so its started by upstart which is empty and there's no avahi processes to kill.. it might be labelled as upstart.. check via ps aux instead11:00
yonghave any body here?11:00
hatake_kakashi!anybody | yang11:01
ubottuyang: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:01
hatake_kakashilol whoops11:01
lelle_hatake_kakashi: heres one of the two avahis..: root      2247  0.0  0.0   1808   392 ?        Ss   11:35   0:00 avahi-autoipd: [eth2] callout dispatcher11:01
N3VV3Kwhy is there no support oon the support channel11:02
garryor both11:02
hatake_kakashilelle_, so the process name would be labelled as avahi-autoipd.. hmm wonder if you can just issue killall with wildmask11:02
hatake_kakashiN3VV3K, not every one has a solution to every possible problems one may encounter.. for everything else there's always ubuntu forums or google11:03
domeni have a ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000]  graphic card. what drivers do i need to install for ubuntu 10.04?11:03
lelle_hatake_kakashi: i did sudo killall avahi and pressed tab and got avahi-autoipd and it worked i guess11:03
lelle_hatake_kakashi: brb gotta do nr 2..11:03
hatake_kakashilelle_, they may reappear...11:03
garryi want to see both machine11:04
hatake_kakashigarry, your issue is more of networking related, it depends on how the guest OS is setup, maybe best idea is to have windows going through as bridged rather than NAT or host-only11:04
randyrkellyquick question i type su in terminal and type my pass but says fail an help11:06
hatake_kakashirandyrkelly, try sudo -i instead11:06
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randyrkellyshould it change to #?11:07
hatake_kakashiN3VV3K, and no I don't have an ideal solution for your issue, I'd say the best idea is to hack the xorg.conf file.. first you need to generate one and then afterwards read up various xorg docs on how to adjust it according to your tastes11:07
BlackDalekHow do I turn on the on screen keyboard in Ubuntu?11:07
hatake_kakashirandyrkelly, it changes to # by default to indicate that you're logged in as root11:08
randyrkellywell mine shos $11:08
hatake_kakashirandyrkelly, after "sudo -i" (without quotes)?11:08
ddvladhi, i'm trying to use sysv-rc-conf to stop cups in runlevel 3 and it doesn't work. cups still runs after i telinit 3. what am i missing?11:08
almoxarifewhat is avail to monitor incoming traffic to my machine, I don't want to firewall it so much as just have something giving me realtime the ip/port of the incoming, gui would be nice too11:09
randyrkellysweet that worked thanks im a noob to ubuntu11:09
hatake_kakashialmoxarife, don't know of GUI but there's ncurses based which looks somewhat like GUI but runs on console.. its called iptraf11:09
hatake_kakashirandyrkelly, no worries, btw we all had to start from somewhere :)11:10
almoxarifehatake_kakashi: thnks11:10
hatake_kakashialmoxarife, no worries11:10
ximalQ : Is there a way to run programs such as deluge thru the cli or as a process that way on my server I can just set it up for remote web viewing etc ? kindof to run it like a background process but no gui presence .. only cli .11:11
dmainouHi guys, we are setting a small business. My team wants to use microsoft outlook and all its features. Do you know if we can use an ubuntu mail server and provide full outlook functionlity?11:11
randyrkellytrue hat11:11
randyrkellywere should i start to learn how to compile using ubuntu?11:12
hatake_kakashi!compile | randyrkelly11:12
ubotturandyrkelly: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)11:12
pushdownhi there i want to install dependecies of a package but not itself how can i do that11:13
AnxiousNutDoes the alternate CD have the ability to make an installation exactly like the Desktop cd?11:14
hatake_kakashipushdown, use apt-get or aptitude, etc11:14
hatake_kakashiAnxiousNut, yes11:14
parapandmainou: in which way you are setting a small business? SBS from Microsoft do you mean ???11:14
ikoniadmainou: there isn't one, exchange functionality is a real weakness11:14
AnxiousNuthatake_kakashi, thanks for verifying :)11:14
ikoniadmainou: there are products such as the suse exchange rival, but nothing really open source packaged for ubuntu11:14
pushdownhatake_kakashi, i know i should use one of them but i dont know what should i do11:15
domeni have a ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000]  graphic card. what drivers do i need to install for ubuntu 10.04?11:15
hatake_kakashiAnxiousNut, afaik alternative just installs it using CLI with ncurses, so you basically don't have a fancy GUI desktop with the buttons and all to begin with11:15
dmainouHi parapan, I am not an IT person. It is a non IT company. I just want to keep costs down and avoid microsoft as possible so want to build a case for open source11:15
hatake_kakashipushdown, you type in the program name I mentioned and you type in the package name, from there on those dpkg front end handles the dependencies11:16
ikoniadmainou: you won't find one11:16
pushdownbu i dont want the program11:16
pushdowni want only its dependencies11:16
dmainouikonia: so the alternative is go full open source? I don't think they are prepared for it11:17
dmainouIs there a middle of the way11:17
hatake_kakashipushdown, ohh I see what you mean.. umm11:17
ikoniadmainou: no, there is no open source exchange platform11:17
lelle_hatake_kakashi: i came back and it was on once again, but i killed it again and quickly checked ifconfig and it was gone.. still no ip for eth2 tho11:17
N3VV3Kcan you guys help me out with this http://pastebin.com/TCrVEcDU11:17
N3VV3Kits a brasaro issue11:17
BlackDalekHow do I turn on the on screen keyboard in Ubuntu?11:19
hatake_kakashilelle_, yeah as much as I suspect its being respawned constantly most likely by init.. which means there's a script somewhere that's invoking the respawning process.. if you can kill it you can evade the stupid virtual interfaces.. but is your wireless network unprotected?11:19
parapandmainou: like ikonia said .....make an ubuntu server and you'll be fine ....there wont be manny outlook facilities that the peoples will miss ....take note that outlook is developed to be integrated into the Microsoft developed products ...on the other hand, someone must always look for different open source alternatives to your needs...in order to meet the requirements of the peoples ....11:19
lelle_N3VV3K: i see you have downloaded certain software ;D11:19
Thund3rXHi all, did someone interfaced the Ubuntu Cloud Offering Sokution based on Eucalyptus with VMWare nodes?11:20
hatake_kakashipushdown, there's no easy program to do this but you can for example do this: dpkg-query -s foo| grep Depends11:20
dmainouparapan, do you know any guids that state what wouldn't work11:20
lelle_hatake_kakashi: ive enterned the router settings and turned off the firewall to see if it would help yes, but it still needs wpa pass but no problem there11:20
radidoes anyone know how to configure gdesklets by terminal ?11:21
parapandmainou: if you don't want the hassle of upgrading the apt-get each day, chanching the config files of different applications and so on .....you go for Microsoft and SBS11:21
N3VV3Ki didnt have to install brasaro11:21
lelle_hatake_kakashi: network manager says ive got a connection but routers wireless doesnt see my computer, i guess its because i have no ip for eth2..11:21
N3VV3Kbut yeah can u help me11:21
hatake_kakashilelle_, if so then you're going about it the wrong way.. if its wpa protected you'll need to use wpa_supplicant if you're going to go down the CLI path11:21
dmainouparapan: thanks, yes it has to work every time. I just would love to avoid microcrap as much as possible11:22
parapandmainou: I have a SBS and a Win2008 Server installation on my office ....I am on Ubuntu myself ....I cannot managed to work any email client to get /connect to the exchange server ....so i'll check all my emails via webinterface11:22
lelle_hatake_kakashi: to get an ip?11:22
mihahey.. you now install spyware on ubuntu? doh http://linux.slashdot.org/story/10/08/10/0319243/Canonical-Begins-Tracking-Ubuntu-Installations :)11:22
hatake_kakashilelle_, yes because first you need to make the card authenticate with the AP first before you can actually obtain an IP11:23
ikoniamiha: this is a support channel, please don't post junk11:23
northline_ffmpeg install is broken..11:23
mihaikonia it's not junk, it's slashdot about ubuntu sending messages to canonical every day11:23
lelle_miha theres also google chrome and www.google.com with tracks everything...11:24
lelle_buuut theres #ubuntu-offtopic11:24
ikoniamiha: this is a support channel, please keep it to that11:24
hatake_kakashimiha, its a support channel not a chit chat channel11:24
parapandmainou: this is what I can say from my experience .....you can usu Ubuntu server and other e-mail clients developed by the community ....most of the futures from outlook they will have also ....depends on what the peoples are used to anyway11:24
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northline_when I set DHCP settings in network manager (DHCP Addres Only) all traffic stops.11:24
C0_0DDoes this channel gives support also for jolicloud 1.0?11:24
N3VV3Kcan u guys friggin support me11:24
N3VV3Kcan you guys help me out with this http://pastebin.com/TCrVEcDU11:25
ikoniaN3VV3K: calm down, the people here are voluenteers and are under no obligation to provide support11:25
mihanorthline_ well there must be some dhcp server around, your rooter perhaps?11:25
domenis there any solutions for ATI FireGL 9000 that it will work well under ubuntu 10.04?11:26
N3VV3Kikonia im not trying to be a jerk im just tryin to get some help11:26
N3VV3Kthis is a support channel11:26
dmainouparapan: not much really receiving and sending emails, setting up meetings (receiving and sending them to clients), synchronising contact within the office11:26
yiwan#join ubuntu-cn11:26
ikoniaN3VV3K: then don't behave like a jerk, if someone knows the answer, and can help, they will11:26
N3VV3Kcan u help me11:27
N3VV3Kcause the only response ive gotten was from someone giving me a statement i didnt need11:27
tensorpuddingN3VV3K: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/brasero/+bug/281633 is this your bug?11:28
N3VV3Kthank you tensorpudding no i try to write an image and it ejects before the process even bgins11:29
tensorpuddingwhat is your model of DVD drive?11:30
C0_0Dhey!, please calm down. FYI: type /help rules11:30
tensorpuddingHave you been able to ascertain that it's not a hardware problem?11:30
BlackDalekHow do I turn on the on screen keyboard in Ubuntu?11:30
N3VV3Kits f$ckin writing thankk god i went into synaptic package manager and downloaded dvd author lets hope it finishes11:31
tensorpuddingOkay, so it is a problem only with Brasero then.11:32
N3VV3Kthank you for even inquiring tensorpudding11:32
N3VV3Kyeah i think that was a missing dependencie11:32
N3VV3Ki also had an external hdd a western digital my passport and i unplugged without ejecting on a windows computer and it has a wbfs filesystem that i believe is currupted cause its not being recognized by ubuntu is there anyway to fix my external hdd??11:35
ZoZo-So.. I just installed ubuntu 10.04 netbook and somehow managed to remove my home screen gui.. :p11:35
ikoniahn you need to boot into windows and chkdisk it11:35
ikoniaN3VV3K: you need to boot into windows and chkdsk the problem disk, ubuntu will then have no problem11:35
* miha agrees with ikonia11:36
N3VV3Kis there anyway i can skip windows all together11:36
ikoniaN3VV3K: no, it needs a windows chkdsk11:36
mihaubuntu fsck can't really fix windows partitions11:36
ikoniaN3VV3K: next time don't unplug it without ejecting/unmounting11:36
mihaN3VV3K windows install cd recovery console might work as well11:36
N3VV3Ki have a vmware with xp will that doo11:36
Aemaethwow, this is like walking in on a horror story11:36
mihaN3VV3K perhaps, if you configure usb pass through correctly11:37
tensorpuddingN3VV3K: if your VMware supports usb devices without emulation11:37
ikoniaN3VV3K: ask in ##windows about that11:37
mihaso xp inside vmware get your usb disk11:37
Aemaethbut i know your pain brother, i too have a windows partition that constantly makes less sense than the previous time11:37
ProculeHi people ! After an 'apt-get upgrade', is there a way to see the changelog of what was upgraded ?11:37
N3VV3Kim not really sure what that means maybe you can send me a link and thank you all so much for the support past/present/future11:37
jilWhat could be the reason for me(jil) not been able to read a file for which my group(jil) has read access ???11:38
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ikoniaN3VV3K: if you join the channel ##windows they will help you fix that disk11:38
tensorpuddingjil: what are the exact permissions on said file?11:38
tensorpuddingand is the path to that file readable by jil?11:38
N3VV3Kok will do11:39
jilAs in:>$ls -l touchme :>----rwx--- 1 jil jil 1K 2010-08-09 14:00 touchme11:39
mihaN3VV3K google says: http://somejerkthemovie.com/blog/2007/12/little-vmware-usb-tip.html http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=456745  http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=77411:39
N3VV3Kits finalizing hooray11:39
ikoniajil: because your user explitly has no access11:39
keozjil : I've thought a little more about this. I suppose that the userflags surpass groupflags11:39
tensorpuddingthere is never any reason to give the owner less permissions than the group11:39
jil>$id ; >uid=1000(jil) gid=1000(jil) groups=...11:40
N3VV3Kthank you miha11:40
jilikonia my user has no access but my group does!11:40
N3VV3Khaha is that spanis11:41
keozjil : userflags dont allow you acces, groupflags yes11:41
ikoniajil: yes, but you are the owner, and your permissions explitly say "no access to the owner" - that will override the group11:41
keozuserflags are stronger11:41
mihaN3VV3K you're welcome. i never quite got it to work. but i guess it's working by now11:41
geirhajil: It first checks if you are the owner, if you are, the permissions for the owner are used. If you're not the owner, it checks if you are in the group, and if you are, the group permissions are used...11:41
Aemaethi think insanity has set in, but how do i know if i'm hallucinating or just hallucinating that i'm hallucinating? maybe everything's just fine11:41
mihaAemaeth did you take your medications?11:42
jilok that's very clear, thx11:42
ServerTechAny realtime temperature monitors?? GRKELLM does not show processor core temps. :(11:43
hatake_kakashihave you used lmsensors? and configured it?11:44
ServerTechit shows only GPU11:44
ServerTechnothing else11:44
ServerTechonly graphics card :( it is not showing CPU cores11:44
hatake_kakashimaybe you didn't configure lmsensors properly or your sensor chip on motherboard is either unsupported or non-existent.. I can see the temperature of both my cores11:45
ServerTechi cant11:46
ServerTechits not finding it11:46
ServerTechi dont know why11:46
ServerTechsometimes it happens11:46
ServerTechit also happens sometimes with speedfan in windows11:46
hatake_kakashihave you used sensors-detect script?11:47
jilOk As you said, I can read touchme when the right are as follow >----rwx--- 1 root jil ....11:47
jilBut I was not able to change the owner of the file to root even so I had the file with the rights> rwxrwx--- 1 jil jil ....11:48
jilhow can a normal user give a file to the root ?11:49
ikoniajil: ir you are the owner, you can do what you want11:49
ikonia!permissions > jil11:49
ubottujil, please see my private message11:49
geirhajil: Only the root user can change ownership of files11:49
ikoniajil: check out the pm from ubottu to fully understand permissions11:49
muskanI failed to install itues on 10.4, any help please?11:51
muskanI failed to install itunes on 10.4, any help please?11:52
ikoniamuskan: itunes is for windows and mac only, I assume you mean you're using wine ?11:53
muskanikonia, i tired using wine11:53
ikoniamuskan: you may get better support in #winehq that's for wine specific help11:53
muskanikonia, how do i go there11:54
ikoniatype /join #winehq11:54
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit11:55
jilgeirha and ikonia,  merci :)  I'll check the link. But geirha already answred.; only the root can change file permission. So even if I'm the owner I can't do everything to a file...11:55
jilis that specific to ubuntu or to all debian distrib ?11:55
andyni've ignored all joins, parts, quits on this channel :)11:55
muskanikonia,  thank you11:56
b1ackcr0wi'm having trouble getting a touch screen to work11:56
bjorn_248any support for lubuntu in here?11:56
ikoniajil: no11:56
b1ackcr0wi've had it working b4 - but fresh install isn't working11:56
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b1ackcr0wi've tried installing the evtouch driver11:57
b1ackcr0wno joy11:57
Yamcha2301hello everybody11:57
b1ackcr0wideas anybody?11:57
geirhajil: Only root can change ownership (chown), but the owner of a file can change group ownership (chgrp) and permission bits (chmod).11:58
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geirhajil: That applies to unix and unix-like systems in general11:59
jilyes, I understood that.. thx..  I look for doc about the security choices of ubuntu compared with the original debian ?  If you already have nices links I'll take them... Thank you for your help12:00
muskanikonia,  thank you12:00
muskanI failed to install itunes on 10.4, any help please?12:00
ikoniamuskan: I've just told you where to ask12:01
Kyuusai-Sanis there a quick way of entering a command searching a load of folders and deleting certain file types12:01
Kyuusai-Sancause my gnome has died because i need to empty some disk space12:02
muskanikonia, there is no one answering12:02
ikoniamuskan: then wait for an answer12:02
erUSULKyuusai-San: find12:02
Iceman_Bhoe much is a server installation dependant on the hardware it was installed with? can i just pick up my hdd, put it in a new system and expect to run fine?12:02
Kyuusai-Sanbut its uber tedious cd in to folders and dir then the do a sudo rm *. file type12:02
Kyuusai-Sani just want it to go through the folders and delete everything apart from .jpg .gif and .zip12:03
erUSULKyuusai-San: this will remove all jpeg from dir and all subdirs --> find dir/ -name '*.jpeg' -delete12:03
ZoZo-Can you use the open source ati drivers and underclock in an easy way?12:03
erUSULKyuusai-San: you can negate and combine. see "man find"12:03
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erUSULKyuusai-San: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/UsingFind12:04
Kyuusai-SanerUSUL do i have to put the exclamation marks in12:04
erUSULKyuusai-San: read that wiki.12:04
wawawawafind -not -iname "*jpg" -and -not -iname "*gif" ... etc...  -exec rm {} +12:05
loewi 12:05
wawawawaand maybe you want to use "-type f" also12:05
wawawawaoh... oops!12:05
Kyuusai-Sanwhat about the sudo12:05
Kyuusai-Sancause im getting a permission denied12:05
Kyuusai-Sanwhen it gets to the delete12:05
wawawawafind -not -iname "*jpg" -and -not -iname "*gif" ... etc...  -exec sudo rm {} +12:05
ioKyuusai-San: Then use "sudo".12:05
erUSULKyuusai-San: you are deleting system files ?12:05
Kyuusai-Sanbasically heres the deal12:06
Kyuusai-Sani used a program to get back some files that i deleted accidently12:06
erUSULKyuusai-San: i thught you where cleaning your home folder or data you own12:06
Kyuusai-Sanbut the program has filled my drive12:06
Kyuusai-Sangnome wont log on because the drives full12:06
jilthat's a dangerous move i think12:06
erUSULKyuusai-San: ok; then use sudo12:06
jildeleting all file but images files with sudo :)12:06
erUSULKyuusai-San: but try first the command with -print instead of -delete so you see what files are going to be removed and can double check12:07
jilbe sure of your folders content12:07
Kyuusai-Sanoh i know whats in these folders12:07
Kyuusai-Sanbecause the software put them in to folders e.g. recup_dir.36612:07
wawawawaerSUL - you can negate and combine... just tested.12:08
Kyuusai-Sanlol wawawawa12:09
Kyuusai-Santhe -exec sudo rm {} + says theres a missing argument to sudo12:10
wawawawaI think I maybe joined in this a bit late... I'll shut up now.12:10
saravanim not able to play vedios any one help m,e12:10
muskansaravan what videos?12:11
saravanmuskan,movie sfriend im new to ubuntu 9.1012:12
muskansaravan install ubuntu restricted extras12:12
garrycan aany one help me reagrding samba12:12
saravanmuskan, how my friend12:12
saravangive me the code12:13
saravanmuskan, give me the code12:13
muskansudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras12:13
io!anyone | garry12:13
ubottugarry: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:13
garryfile sharing using samba in ubuntu12:13
saravanmuskan, E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)12:14
saravanE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?12:14
saravanmuskan , that s the err12:15
=== theredundant` is now known as theredundant
Kyuusai-Sanon the code you gave me above you put a {} +12:15
Kyuusai-Sanis it relevent12:15
Kyuusai-Sanor am i going to look a fool if i put that in12:15
raph_aelhi i'm using jaunty with a grub 0.97, editing /boot/grub/menu.lst or /etc/default/grub does not change anything to defoptions, is there a secret ubuntu trick ?12:15
domenhow do i add gnome sound properties to gnome panel?12:15
ikoniaraph_ael: you need to know if it's grub1 or grub2 in use12:16
raph_aelikonia: grub 0.97 is grub112:16
ikoniaraph_ael: I know, but you need to be certain that's what you're using as /etc/default/grub doesn't exist on grub112:16
raph_aelikonia: yes, i tried this after editing the menu.lst that did nothing12:17
raph_aelikonia: thanks for help btw12:17
ikoniaraph_ael: menu.lst will control grub112:17
raph_aelikonia: it should but in this case it doesn't :)12:18
ikoniaraph_ael: that's all that can control it, if editing makes no difference, than that menu.lst is not relevant to the grub install on the master boot record12:18
raph_aelikonia: thanks i'll see if something comes between12:18
garryi can't figure it out my samba service is not restarted in webmin there is error occour12:19
mynick[A:l #ubuntu12:20
vinuswhich is the fatest http downloader?12:20
ikoniagarry: webmin is not supported at all12:20
mishaHi all12:20
mishacam someone help me?12:20
wechatvinus: wget12:21
garrywebmin is not suppoted in ubuntu12:21
Server123garry i think it is12:21
garryikonia hi12:21
Server123i guess12:21
ikoniagarry: yes, I've just told you it's not12:22
ikoniaServer123: it's not12:22
garryhelp me12:22
ikoniagarry: sorry, webmin is not supported12:22
mishahi guys12:22
Server123well can someone test my BNC and IRC servers plz12:22
mishaI have this problem12:22
ikoniamisha: yes you've not asked a question12:22
mishaif someone enter the url http://mydomain.com:44312:23
mishaits write 40012:23
mishahow can I make it will redirect to main page on https12:23
vinushow can i istall wget?12:23
Dr_Willis!info wget12:23
ubottuwget (source: wget): retrieves files from the web. In component main, is standard. Version 1.12-1.1ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 281 kB, installed size 2300 kB12:23
vinushow can i install wget?12:23
Dr_Willisstandard = installed by default i think.12:23
claudiusapt-get install wget12:23
ikoniamisha: you need to do that at the application level, ask in #httpd12:23
tiagomisha: https://mydomain.com???12:24
ZoZo-So I setup some sensors with sudo sensors-detect and now ubuntu doesnt want to start, anyone ever encountered this problem? :p12:24
Dr_Willisvinus:   type 'wget' at a terminal.. see if its installed.12:24
KE1HAmisha, use an .htaccess for redirect12:24
misha.hta doesn't work at all12:24
mishai'm using apache mod_rewite12:24
claudiusmisha: you should have 2 config for 80 and 443 ... if you config them in differenent DocumentRoots, you just need a smal "index.html" with a http-meta-redirect12:24
garryso how ikonia how can i share file on my windows system and on my vbox windows xp12:25
KE1HAmisha, that's a problme you need to solve too then, but as they said above, these are best asked in #httpd channel.12:25
garryi tried lots of time12:25
garrybut i failed12:25
garryi installed smaba12:25
mishaok thanks for the help12:25
garryi installed webmin12:25
garryso tell me which can i used easliy12:26
ikoniagarry: webmin changes your config layout to an unsupported configuration, we can no longer support it12:26
vinusno i cant install?is there any other way?12:26
Dr_Willisgarry:  virtualbox has its own 'share' feature built into Virtualbox you can use if you install teh guest addation. Or if you got the VM configured right it should appear on a lan with the host machine.12:26
Dr_Willisgarry:  easy way to get stuff from a windows->linux box is to use winscp on the windows side. easier to do then  fight samba at times.12:26
garryso tell me how to share files using samba gui mode12:27
KE1HAgarry, right flick the folder, then Share12:27
garryDr_Willis what is winscp12:27
KE1HAFlick :-) .. Right-Click the folder12:27
northline_There doesnt appear to be any /dev/audioX on my machine  Ubuntu 10.10-alpha312:27
AdvoWorkis there a way I can count how many lines are in various folders and various file types?12:27
garryhow can i see the folder on other computer12:27
KE1HAthrough your network browser12:28
KE1HAOn WinDoze that is.12:28
garryikonia : tell me hoe to use samba using gui mode12:28
ikoniagarry: you have just been told12:28
garrywhat ikonia12:29
Deca-Primehow would i go about checking if a specific service is running through bash?12:29
linxIs it possible to boot to ubuntu from a BusyBox prompt?12:29
zulgabanps -aux12:29
HydroUKhi, im running lucid lynx and every now and then (more often than not) the battery icon disappears unless i pull ac and plug back in it never returns, whats this bug?12:29
garryin netwrok browser it is not showning12:29
Dr_Willisgarry:  you set up and use samba server on the linxu side and  the windows box 'should' see any shares you have made.. OR use the viortualbox guest addation 'share' feature. Or.. use some other service such as ssh/winscp12:29
=== Berry is now known as berry_nl
erUSULlinx: depends on the reason you lnded in that promt12:29
TechMiXAdvoWork: hint-> wc12:30
Dr_Willisgarry:  in nautilys you could enter the ip of the windows box if you know its ip:  smb://ip.of.the.win.box     and it should show any shares also.12:30
garryi have installed virtual box guest addtion12:30
garrybut i dont know how to use12:30
mishasomeone has a guide for mail server? my mail server not always work or send the mails12:30
vinushow can i install wget?12:30
ubottuA Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA12:30
mishaapt-get install wget12:30
ubottuUbuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html12:30
Dr_Willisgarry: virtual box had a decent manual that covered using the guest addation share feature on the vbox homepage.12:30
Dr_Willis!vbox | garry12:30
ubottugarry: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox12:30
oj_Hello, I have ubuntu 10.04 netbook on a usb, i can boot it up on my netbook, but when i try to install it, after the keyboard settings dialog page, the live cd creates a crash report...failed to open up partitioner. What can I do to fix it?12:30
KE1HADeca-Prime, type man ps for more options ... then add | grep [search_string} for things your looking for.12:30
TechMiXvinus: sudo apt-get install wget12:31
KE1HADeca-Prime, for example: ps -aux | grep snbd12:31
northline_Ububtu 10.10-alpha3 no audio devices?12:31
KE1HAoops smbd12:31
llutzmisha: http://workaround.org/ispmail/lenny12:31
KE1HAtasksel that's a neat app.12:33
HydroUKhi, im running lucid lynx and every now and then (more often than not) the battery icon disappears unless i pull ac and plug back in it never returns, whats this bug?12:33
garryDr_Willis i installed guest addtion but how i tansfer files12:34
menatworkHi people...Is there a way to install a clean ubuntu installation on a VPS slice over the net ?12:34
garryin my vbox there is windows12:34
KE1HAoj_, first, I'd submit a bug report, then md5 chek you iso, and then try the ALT-ISO CD for install if it keeps failing.12:34
Dr_Willisgarry:  you enable a shared directory in the Virtualbox configs. then in the guest OS you Mount the shared directroy. The virtualbox manual descrivbes how you do it for different OS's  its basically a samba share I recall.12:35
Dr_Willisgarry:  or install ssh on the linux side. and winscp on the windows side. and use that to transfer files.12:35
KE1HAmenatwork, doubtfull, as you wont have access to a boot sector12:35
mishahi guys a quick question: can I make dns server with one ip? and can you give me a guide for making dns server? thanks:)12:36
KE1HAmisha, #ubuntu-server  .. lots of good server people there.12:37
menatworkKE1HA: Gonna ask the hoster...fucked up my installation :(12:37
HydroUKanyone know why my battery icon in gnome keeps disappearing? Lucid Lynx12:37
KE1HAmenatwork, I've got a VPS too, and they laughed when I asked about similar things :-)12:37
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:37
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:38
llutzHydroUK: go to settings, "show always"12:38
menatworkKE1HA: That´s why i asked it in this channel first ;)12:38
Tanvirhow to show something in pasetebin?12:38
Tanvirwhat is the command?12:38
Dr_WillisTanvir:  command | pastebinit     (normally)12:38
HydroUKmenatwork: that is already done, this seems like a bug12:39
Dr_WillisTanvir:  or 'pastebinit file.txt'12:39
HydroUKllutz: even12:39
TanvirDr_Willis: thanks12:39
PiciTanvir: You'll need to provide us with the URL that the pastebin gives you.12:39
alex88hi, i'm tring to use aria2c to download files...but after give command it remains on "[#1 SIZE:0B/0B CN:1 SPD:0Bs](4more...) [TOTAL SPD:0Bs]"12:39
alex88using wget it works12:39
TanvirPici: I know12:39
PiciTanvir: Okay :)12:39
HydroUKllutz: display icon does the same thing12:40
Kyuusai-Santry again12:40
=== vinus is now known as vinu
jilAbout chmod a user priviledge, I've just finished reading the doc on Filepermission but still I get it totally.  How come I can rename (mv) a root owned file even so it has the following rights:>$ls -l touchme; >---------- 1 root root 1K .... touchme ?12:41
jilI don't get it sorry12:41
=== i is now known as Guest60707
alex88after some time it says timeout12:42
mahdif62Hi. Anybody here who has made a remaster with remastersys before?12:43
jilAlso I can delete it without writting rights... This has to do this the sticky bit of the directory right ?12:43
KE1HAjil, to move (mv) a root file you'd need to be sudo or root, try mobing it as a non-privy user12:44
Parmenideshi everyone12:44
Parmenidesdoes anybody know why is not still present VLC 1.1 in the stable release of Ubuntu?12:44
jilYeah that what I did. and Im surprised... In log as a jil a normal user and still succeded in mv a root owned file !12:45
jilI'm logged in as jil12:45
KE1HAis jil in your sudo group ?12:45
* abhijit sing jack and jil12:45
garry<Dr_Willis>  plz help me i installed guest addtion then i add shaare directory after that what i do how i see that folder in windows vbox12:45
KE1HAthat's why12:45
reggiI'm also experiencing another bug: the game crashes out when i use Route Manager and click the 'Activate' (only crashes with some aircrafts)12:45
reggioops wrong channel / sorry12:45
KE1HAcreate a non-sudo user then try to move a root file.12:45
KE1HAjil, dont forget to change to that user :-) not to state the obvious :-)12:46
jilBut why even so I'm in the sudo group, if If the root doesn't have write priviledge, then nobody should be able to modify the file.12:47
oj_KE1HA, thanks12:47
jilthis I guess has to do with the sudo security philosophy of ubuntu but I don't get it.12:48
KE1HAjil, root is a scary thing to mess with on a sudo system, it's best to not even go there.12:49
jilIt's ok for me, I have nothing important on my HD12:49
KE1HAjil, :-) .. will see ya back in here for a How-To restore :-)12:50
jilI juste trying to fully understand12:50
jillitle by litle12:50
capletonHi all.  I'm trying to set the config of mplayer so that it will use the tag "-ao sdl" for playing .flv files only.  I think i need to modify the config file locaterd at ~/.mplayer/config but I don't know how I should modify it.  Anybody know?12:50
KE1HAjil, let me see If I can find a good sudo explinaitn link12:50
KE1HAjil, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:51
darkis_is it normal to have an ugly font on lucid?12:52
KE1HAjil, best part is at the top advantages / disadvantages12:52
jilhum, that was not far from where i was .../community/Filepermissions  ;)12:52
jilok let I go ->http12:52
KE1HAdarkis_, define ugly, no, wait, dont answer that. You can install all sorts of fonts to suit your likes / dislikes.12:53
Server123Hey, how do i see and end a process in ubuntu12:53
kryptykServer123: ps aux will list processes12:54
sacarlsondarkis_:  someone else was complaining of that today also I think we found a solution in fonts12:54
Server123can i end a process12:54
TechMiXServer123: killall [PROC-NAME]12:54
garrywebmin is supproted on ubuntu or not12:54
KE1HAServer123, top -d 1 to see dynamically, then sudo kill PID or killall {process_name}12:54
kryptykServer123: use the kill command to kill the process once you find it12:54
duxiutao any body knows how to enthick the font in xsl-fo guys?12:54
garrywebmin is not suppoted on ubuntu12:55
darkis_KE1HA,  sacarlson  the defaults fonts ...  i don't know i was using hardy now for me it's different12:55
Slart!webmin | garry12:55
ubottugarry: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.12:55
sacarlsondarkis_:  yes try install this package it should fix the poor qt4 font ttf-mscorefonts-installer12:55
kangaroooheelp. did updates 14h ago and now cant start comp. logo loading then stops. i can get in recovery mode12:55
FusionXtemme the pass12:56
gclericgarry: yes.12:56
Server123hmm if i have a process12:56
KE1HAdarkis_, I installed the Clear fonts, but that's only Anti-Aliasing the fonts, ms-core fonts are nice, but some folks get upset when ya say MS and Ubuntu in the same sentence.12:56
garryubottu i installed webmin its working good but when i click on restart samba server its not working12:56
FusionXguys i need some help installing inadyn dyndns client in UBUNTU12:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:56
FusionXin the .conf12:56
FusionXin the inadyn.conf12:56
Picigarry: And we still don't support Webmin here.12:56
FusionXwhat does alias mean??12:56
natschilHello. Is it possible to use tor from behind a proxy?12:57
Server123can i end the process /opt/teamviewer12:57
KE1HAFusionX, my in ability to spell correctly :-)12:57
FusionXplz tab if anyone can help12:57
Server123PID 1800412:57
KE1HAServer123, sudo killall teamviewer12:57
garryi understand its is not offically supproted on ubuntu12:57
FusionXi know12:57
FusionXtab plz12:57
Pici!enter | FusionX12:57
ubottuFusionX: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:57
Server123teamviewer : no process found12:58
gclericgarry: are all the file location paths for the samba module correct?12:58
garrykk then hwo i share files in two machines using samba12:58
FusionXguys i need some help installing inadyn dyndns client in UBUNTU, in the inadyn.conf, WHAT does alias mean?12:58
KE1HAFusionX, I've report the bug that exists between my brain and Keyboard many times, but they can't find a patch :-)12:58
Kyuusai-Sanis there a way of removing multiple directories12:58
Server123its saying no process is found12:58
Kyuusai-Sanin command line12:58
garrygcleric how i share files using samba in ubuntu and windows12:59
KE1HAServer123, ps -aux | grep team*12:59
TechMiXServer123: kill 1800412:59
Server123not working12:59
PiciKyuusai-San: rm can take multiple arguments.  rm -rf /path/1 /path/b /path/iii12:59
Kyuusai-Sancool thanks :D13:00
sacarlsongarry:  I have a samba config that works for me but has like no security13:00
Server123done thc13:00
northline_/dev/audio0 gone missing in 10.1013:01
Picinorthline_: 10.10 is not supported in this channel, please use #ubuntu+113:02
gclerichave you found the following how to?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202605&highlight=share+files+Samaba13:02
gclericsorry...garry: have you found the following how to? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202605&highlight=share+files+Samaba13:03
knightstalkerHello,Any ways for downgrade?10.04 just made everything worse for me13:03
northline_Pici: thanks13:04
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.13:04
sacarlsongarry:  and heres a sample samba config found at /etc/samba/smb.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/475886/13:04
KE1HAsacarlson, Have a read of this one for security ideas: http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch12_:_Samba_Security_and_Troubleshooting13:04
knightstalkerHello,Any ways for downgrade?10.04 just made everything worse for me13:04
erUSUL!downgrade > knightstalker13:05
ubottuknightstalker, please see my private message13:05
KE1HAbe prepared for a brain-ache when your done though.13:05
knightstalkererUSUL,however,I think its not as broke as Ubuntu 10.0413:05
knightstalkerso just how to do it?13:05
sacarlsonKE1HA: I had enuf problem just geting it to work without security,  I just filter internet access and have local lan open13:05
garryhow i share files using smaba in ubuntu 10.04 to windows13:06
sacarlsongarry:  aren't you happy with my example?13:06
Slart!samba | garry13:06
ubottugarry: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:06
erUSULknightstalker: edit sources.list to point to last version. do dist-upgrade. prey to $DEITY13:06
KE1HAsacarlson, shh dont tel anyone that, your router will be boggrd with pings :-)13:07
Milp_mainIs there an encrypted vnc server for linux that i can safel use over the internet without ssh tunnel?13:07
KE1HAknightstalker, sent you a quick PM question if that's ok.13:07
sacarlsonKE1HA: ya I had over 100 atempts at my ssh when it was at port 22 also13:07
knightstalkererUSUL,hmm,no dist-upgrade is available :o13:08
garrysacarlson what i do with that paste it to smb.comf file13:08
erUSULknightstalker: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade *after* you edited the sources.list sources.list.d files13:08
knightstalkerokay Thank you a bunch!13:09
sacarlsongarry: modify the files to fit your envirnment13:09
gclericgarry: the only thing that has really changed in 10.04 is the path tio the samba init script.13:09
knightstalkererUSUL,anyways,by editing sources.list you mean to change all 'lucid's to 'karmic' ?13:09
erUSULknightstalker: no problem. you have backups; right?13:09
knightstalkerah no13:10
erUSULknightstalker: yes13:10
knightstalkerI do not know how to make backups anyway :p13:10
sacarlsongarry: just use the global part and use some gui tool to setup the other part like nautilus with right click and select share13:10
gclericgarry: it was /etc/init.d/samba it is now /etc/init.d/smbd13:10
erUSULknightstalker: well; you know you are on your own.13:10
reggihello folks, when I type the command, 'sudo make uninstall' i get this output: Making uninstall in bind13:10
reggiwhat does this mean?13:10
knightstalkererUSUL,what do you mean?,I want to make backups ofcourse,and can I just use them if the OS stopped working?13:11
knightstalkererUSUL,I edo not know how to make backups either =(13:11
sacarlsonreggi:  I think i'm missing something what error?13:11
Kyuusai-Sanwhat are you wanting to backup13:11
erUSULknightstalker: i mean the what you are going to do is unsupported and if something goes wrong nobody is going to be able to help13:12
knightstalkerKyuusai-San,I am thinking of an downgrade,I need a backup of whole system :p13:12
erUSULknightstalker: home should be enough...13:12
reggisacarlson, earlier I downloaded dhcp-4.2.0 and compiled from source. Now I want to uninstall it but I get the message, "Making uninstall in bind13:12
reggimake[1]: Entering directory `/home/peter/Desktop/dhcp-4.2.0/bind'13:12
reggimake[1]: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.13:12
reggimake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/peter/Desktop/dhcp-4.2.0/bind'13:12
reggimake: *** [uninstall-recursive] Error 113:12
FloodBot4reggi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:12
knightstalkererUSUL,however,community can not help me with the current problems either,they are weird enough,like keyboard stops working after a while,then system hangs and needs a restart13:12
Kyuusai-Sanactually dw13:13
reggioops sorry for flooding13:13
gclericreggi: pastebin is your friend. =)13:13
erUSULreggi: that makefile does not support uninstall target13:13
TiKquestion: can yo ln -s diectories?13:13
erUSULTiK: yes13:14
FusionXnobody replies here13:14
sacarlsonreggi:  well compiled from source I don't think thats a package so I guess that won't work.  look in the tar you got and read how to uninstall it13:14
reggioh i see, thanks erUSUL13:14
FusionXguys i need some help installing inadyn dyndns client in UBUNTU, in the inadyn.conf, WHAT does alias mean?13:14
FusionXi've asked 2 times13:14
reggiok thanks sacarlson13:14
FusionXit's 3rd now13:14
erUSULreggi: you should have used checkinstall. cleaner aproach13:14
erUSUL!checkinstall | reggi13:14
ubottureggi: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!13:15
KE1HAreggi, you can also try to "make clean" but as stated, if the MAKEFILE doesn't support uninstall aint gonna happen, sometimed deleting the installed binary dir help also.13:15
reggiok thanks KE1HA13:15
SlartFusionX: you've tried looking at man pages, reading at their site?13:15
Milp_mainOk guys ive got an annoying problem: My server hoster acceidentally installed debian instead of ubuntu and now id like to have ubuntu. Is there any way to 'upgrade' from lenny to 10.04 ubuntu without me having to talk to my hoster first?13:15
TiKquestion: can yo ln -s diectories? I want to link /usr/local/games/alen-arena to ~/AA13:15
reggiI'll try compiling it again and run checkinstall this time13:15
FusionXi don't understand what alias means13:15
KE1HAreggi, best approach, use apt-get or aptitude to install / remove :-)13:16
rezolutelol. hes asked two times. dont make him ask a third!13:16
FusionXleave it13:16
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:16
fluxboxrulezI have got the following problem with Fluxbox: the fonts look good in general (in fact the terminal looks even better than in Gnome), but within applications like Firefox or Skype in some places the fonts are tiny, even though in other places the font looks just fine, plus some buttons and icons within those programs look super-tiny. With firefox some pages display the font okay, with the size I set in preferences, but other pages13:16
fluxboxrulezdisplay an extra tiny font...there's a lack of proportion: i.e. one frame in the page using the normal font size, while other using an extrasupertiny font size. These pages and programs look just fine under Gnome, it's when I use fluxbox that I get this problem.13:16
PiciFusionX: The inadyn manpage explains that alias is the hostname that your dynamic dns provider provides.  like: mysite.dyndns.org13:17
FusionXohh ok thanks!13:17
ssc|how do i emit a custom event out of an upstart script?13:18
lelle_is there a way to boot windows on an usb using ubuntu? theres 345353 ways in windows but not any in linux that i can find13:18
TiKquestion: can yo ln -s diectories? I want to link /usr/local/games/alen-arena to ~/AA13:19
KE1HAfluxboxrulez, Have a read of this: http://www.mydigitallife.info/2008/07/16/change-default-settings-for-anti-aliasing-smaller-text-in-firefox-3-os-x-only/13:19
PiciTiK: Sure13:19
TiK{ico: it gives me an error13:19
TiKer pici13:19
jakungcan i play dota on ubuntu?13:19
KE1HAfluxboxrulez, although that the OSX version, that's what ya need to do to smooth out FF fonts.13:19
PiciTiK: ln -s /usr/local/games/alen-arena /home/youruser/AAA13:20
erUSULTiK: you've been told yes at leat twice13:20
TiKerUSUL: no i heavent13:20
hawkalI just blanked a dvd using Brasero and now for some reason my computer doesn't recognise that there is a dvd in the drive. How could I fix this?13:20
PiciTiK: What error are you getting?13:20
TiKpii hold on13:20
[thor]jakung: WC3 works fine in wine13:20
KE1HAfluxboxrulez, and for UB, here's one that's pretty good: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/gnome-linux-firefox-smooth-fonts/13:20
lelle_how do i give my wireless an ip address? it has none, only cabled13:20
reggii have a question related to dns. Last week I installed freenas and created an smb share so I could access it on my network. Last week I was able to access the freenas shared folders by > connecting to server > freenas. But I have played around with some settings on my dns server and now I can only access the freenas shared drive by typing the ipaddress only because the name 'freenas' no longer resolves. how would you guys trouble shoot this? (incidentally th13:21
reggiis is why I attempted to install or compile dhcp-4.2.0 but I have little idea what i'm doing lol)13:21
PiciTiK: You can use your tab key to autocomplete nicknames here on IRC.13:21
ikonialelle_: you assign it a dhcp config or an ip address through network manager13:21
[thor]jakung: i suggest installing it through "PlayOnLinux"13:21
KE1HAreggi, server queston like those are better suited in #ubuntu-server13:21
KE1HAlots of good server folks in there.13:21
ikoniareggi: what is your dns running on13:21
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lelle_ikonia manual ipv4 settings?13:22
ikonialelle_: sounds good13:22
ServerTechWht is the actual difference between IPv4 and IPv6, any particular benifits?13:22
ikoniaServerTech: bigger range13:22
Kyuusai-Sanfixed it13:23
ServerTechwht do you mean by "bigger range" can you explain13:23
lunaphyte_hi.  i don't want apt to automatically install recommended packages when i use apt-get.  how can i change this behavior?13:23
lelle_ikonia address is the ip i want, which can be anything? and gateway is the routers ip, but whats netmask?13:23
Kyuusai-Sanyou need about 1gb to get into ubuntu13:23
ikoniaServerTech: offtopic here, but wikipedia has a good description13:23
Kyuusai-Sanso if you fill up your drive13:23
doxdrumIs it possible to connect google Buzz via Gwibber?13:23
ikonialelle_: depends on your network13:23
Kyuusai-Santhanks everyone for ya help13:23
KE1HAServerTech, http://www.techsutram.com/2009/03/differences-ipv4-vs-ipv6.html13:23
ServerTechhow can i get a IPv6 address for my server?13:24
ikoniaServerTech: your network has to support ipv613:24
ikoniaServerTech: it works the same as allocation in ipv413:24
ServerTechi mean13:24
lunaphyte_either ask your provider, or get a tunnel.13:24
reggiikonia, ok the setup on my ubuntu desktop 10.04 (not server edition) is as follows. I have a vodafone mobile internet connection (ppp) which is shared on eth0 (using firestarter) and the output from eth0 goes to a switch.13:24
tensorpuddingDoes your ISP grant IPv6 addresses?13:24
ikoniareggi: what is running your dns13:24
ServerTechi guess.................13:24
ServerTechidk actually13:25
FusionXserver tech it doesn't13:25
reggiikonia the ubuntu 10.04 desktop (the laptop i'm on currently)13:25
ServerTechFusion : how do you know :P?13:25
ikoniareggi: what dns server have you set up, and what change did you make to break it13:25
TiKpici: worked thanks itwa /home/tik/AA alien-arena not the other way around...13:25
FusionXmtnl doesn't13:25
FusionXmost of them doesn't in india as i know13:25
PiciTiK: Its always ln -s TARGET LINKNAME13:25
ceccaHi, I installed ubuntu on my tx2 hp... I have some problems and I need help, even paying! if you are interested contact me13:26
FusionXservertech plz do it admin plz13:26
ServerTechWht do you mean13:26
ikoniaServerTech: can you please stop doing "..." and pressing enter13:26
ServerTechHow much access you what:P13:26
ServerTechok ikonia13:26
ikoniaServerTech: contact your ISP to find out if your ISP supports IPV613:26
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knightstalkererUSUL,downgrade way didn't work13:27
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reggiikonia, ok the main thing that changed is this. I originally used a M$ Vista laptop to connect the vodafone mobile internet and share using ICS and it acted as the gateway and DNS server for the network.13:27
ServerTechPM plz13:27
knightstalkerserver :(13:27
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knightstalkerI am trying on a downgrade13:27
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ikoniareggi: ok - so the thing you've changed is not actually your DNS server, you've changed your whole network to make the ubuntu machine your connection gateway13:27
fluxboxrulezKE1HA, I still have the same problem. For instance in google, the search results look fine, normal size, but other parts of the page look tiny, no matter what the font is set at13:27
lelle_"authantication is required by network" but the drop down list is gray and dont give me any alternatives..13:28
reggiikonia, i don't know what dns (if it's even installed) is running on my ubuntu desktop - dhcp also does not work for my other clients, how do i check?13:28
classicalWhere is ssh sesion logs kept ?13:28
lelle_for wireless13:28
ShapeShifter499trying to get sound and mic working on my system is driving me nuts13:28
reggiikonia, that is right13:28
ShapeShifter499can someone help me?13:28
ikonia!ics | reggi13:28
ubottureggi: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php13:28
KE1HAfluxboxrulez, here's another one I had marked, used it on a 24" monitor: http://ubuntusite.com/fix-get-best-firefox-font-linux/13:29
reggiikonia, thanks for that. i did read through that before but I got stuck with the meaning of iptables - would you pls give me something to read with regards to iptables and also routing? thanks.13:30
ikoniareggi: you shouldn't need to change anything on routeing, just iptables forwarding, that's detailed in that link13:30
cOtrLoula...je viens d'installer tout ca, je ne comprends pas  grand chose...13:31
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lelle_omg, is there a channel for wireless connections anywhere?13:31
ShapeShifter499this was my previous problem--> https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+question/118995   but now my built in mic has stopped working(or never was, I don't know, never tried to use it till now)13:31
KE1HAlelle_, I dont know, but there needs to be one.13:31
tensorpudding!fr | cOtrL13:31
ubottucOtrL: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:31
lelle_KE1HA: yes there must be13:32
reggiok ikonia i'll check it out now. thanks for your help, i appreciate it.13:32
ShapeShifter499my problem is the one of a few last things keeping me from moving completely from windows13:32
lelle_how to search for channels?13:32
KE1HAlelle_, whats the card / UB version & problem ?13:32
Morten_lelle_, on irc?13:32
Morten_oh sorry13:32
lelle_Morten_: no on google ;D13:32
Picilelle_: /msg alis help list13:33
lelle_KE1HA: broadcom 4312 14e4 and ubuntu 32bit 10.04, network manager says i have a connection but router doesnt find my computer, i guess its because my wireless have no ip address, only cabled..13:33
ikonialelle_: you need to set your wirless to dhcp to get an ip / routing information from your router13:34
KE1HAlelle_, no IP address = no connection. Let me look around a bit.13:34
ikonialelle_: you also need to make sure your not connected to the same network over the wired network as that will cause routing issues13:34
ceccaHi, I installed ubuntu on my tx2 hp... I have some problems and I need help, even paying! if you are interested contact me13:35
KE1HAlelle_, looks like 4312 is an ndiswrapper need.13:35
ikoniacecca: you need to xplain your problem13:35
lelle_ikonia ipv4 settings = DHCP automatic13:35
ikonialelle_: pefect,13:36
ZoZo-Seriously.. Why does the "home screen" just remove when I reboot the computer? How can I start it again?13:36
lelle_ikonia: well it doesnt work :(13:36
KE1HAlelle_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Broadcom_BCM4311_rev_01_%28ndiswrapper%2913:36
ikonialelle_: sounds to me like you're not connected t the network13:36
sacarlsonlelle_:  might want to stick with a wire I spent 3 hours and failed to get a broadcom to work with anything13:36
KE1HAits 4311, but 4312 is supported via ndiswrapper13:36
lelle_sacarlson: or buy a seperate wireless usb card :(13:37
KE1HAlelle_, I ahte to say this, but Dell has allot of good info on 43xx as they use a ton of them.13:37
sacarlsonlelle_:  or get one of those usb wifi yes that might be better if you got money13:37
KE1HAlelle_, whatever you get, check the UB supported WIFI page first.13:38
sacarlsonlelle_:  next time research before you buy13:38
lelle_too... much ... input13:39
BluesKajHiyas all13:39
mattishgood afternoon13:41
mattishwhat tool would i use to query an exchange server for a full list of email addresses that are handled ?13:41
mattishim guessing there are a fair few ldap search tools13:41
lelle_one does not simply connect to wireless ._.13:44
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KE1HAlelle_, one does if one has the right drivers :-)13:44
KE1HAif not = headache :-)13:45
ZoZo-Serious how do you get the "home screen" again? Nothing at all happens when I click the top left icon.. I even reinstalled it..13:45
BluesKajI discovered that c ertain routers won't work with NM wifi at my daughter's house for example ...did all the right setup/pw etc but would not connect..np with w7 tho. Then that evening I was able to connect without any probs at the hotel13:47
KE1HAZoZo-, I dont know off hand, whet did you do or were doing when it vanished? Which Home Screen are we talking about?13:47
Bodman456KE1HA: I think he means the main ubuntu apps menu13:48
ZoZo-KE1HA I installed the ubuntu 10.04 netbook edition. Updated everything and restarted my computer and voila.. The home screen that started before wont come up again =(13:48
ServerTechAny possibilities of degrading ubuntu??13:49
johnathantell me are there any security protocols l can put onto my work server as its perm on the internet?13:49
ServerTechhey abhijit from india, im too from india13:49
KE1HAZoZo-, ok, I think that's in the sesson manager options you can select at log in, did you check that?13:49
sacarlsonZoZo-:  I think he mean he lost the xserver not coming up?13:49
abhijitServerTech, good.13:49
ServerTechNo possibilities of degrading??13:49
ikoniajohnathan: securing a server is a big task, it all depends on what your running and how far you want to go13:49
abhijitServerTech, explain you question13:50
ServerTechsomeone can help me set up iptables13:50
sacarlsonZoZo-:  you mean you have no graphic screen?  like can't run gui stuf?13:50
ikoniaServerTech: #netfilter for iptables support13:50
abhijit!iptables | ServerTech13:50
ubottuServerTech: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.13:50
ZoZo-KE1HA I dont really know how to open that one =)13:50
ZoZo-sacarlson yea the gui home screen wont come up.. I can only run things through terminal13:50
ServerTechHmm, its not for me, for one of my friends. He says that his server fails everyday with ubuntu 10.0413:50
ServerTechBut my server is runnung perfect13:51
lucas_anyone having problems with ATI x1650?13:51
ikoniaServerTech: it doesn't matter who's for, #netfilter is the correct channel13:51
ServerTechSo he wants to degrade to 9.04 or any other version13:51
ikonialucas_: many people with ati cards in general13:51
KE1HAZoZo-, ok, to sacarlson question are you getting no desktop at all or just not the one you had before the upgrade13:51
ikoniaServerTech: you can't "downgrade"13:51
sacarlsonI think it might be startx13:51
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ikoniaServerTech: no13:51
KnightStalkerikonia,that would be a pain though :(13:51
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ZoZo-KE1HA no desktop at all I'd say. I can see a desktop background, but that's where the limit is13:51
ServerTechHey knight you are back??13:51
alienkid10I frequently switch between a laptop and my personal desktop (Ubuntu is on external HDD) each has a different graphics card and I want to take full advantage of mine so I installed the drivers. But of course x won13:52
KnightStalkerand someone told me to change sources.list and do aptitude update and dist-upgrade which didn't work13:52
lucas_well trying to run the new 2.6.35 on lucid 32 and the card just doesn't want to play with13:52
ServerTechactually that was knights question13:52
sacarlsonok but I have to go so I will leave you all to my night shift here.  time for a beer for me.  keep up the good work guys.  nite.13:52
KE1HAZoZo-, ok, so your not making it into the Gnome or KDE desktop fully then right ?13:52
ZoZo-KE1HA right13:52
alienkid10I frequently switch between a laptop and my personal desktop (Ubuntu is on external HDD) each has a different graphics card and I want to take full advantage of mine so I installed the drivers. But of course x won't start on the laptop without being reconfigured. How can I have x choose a config file at boot depending on graphics device?13:53
KE1HAZoZo-, not good13:53
KnightStalkerStop it,here is not for spam13:53
sacarlsonya it's nite here in thailand13:53
ZoZo-KE1HA it's the go-home-applet that's borked =/13:53
BluesKajServerTech, you can go back a version by changing your sources.list with this command then doing an update &upgrade :sudo sed -i 's/luciid/karmic/' etc/apt/sources.list13:53
ZoZo-KE1HA even when purging go-home-applet and reinstalling it nothing happens =/13:53
KE1HAZoZo-, can you get to a terminal at all ?13:54
laurent_ubuntu 32Bit works fine with our SMB-Server, 64Bit does not. What is the difference?13:54
ZoZo-KE1HA I can yea13:54
lucas_alienkid10 I have found a script on the ubu forums13:54
ikonialaurent_: the architecture is the key differnce13:54
laurent_ikonia, for the SMB-Server??13:54
alienkid10could you link me to the thread?13:54
Bodman456laurent_: the difference is the processor architecture.13:54
ikonialaurent_: for anything 32/64 are totally different architechtures13:54
mahmood22Good day all , how to enable bluetooth in lucid ? which sofwtare should be installed13:55
KE1HAZoZo-, well yo ahve three options I'd say: Reinstall the desktop, remove the desktop & reinstall or dpkg --reconfigre13:55
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abhijit!bluetooth | mahmood2213:55
ubottumahmood22: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup13:55
alienkid10lucas_: could you give me a link to the thread?13:55
KE1HAZoZo-, I'd trdpkg --reconfigure -a first13:55
laurent_ikonia, it is 99.8% the same code. should i check the source code just to make a simple smb-client work?13:55
KE1HAZoZo-, command" sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a13:56
ikonialaurent_: it's exactly the same source code13:56
lucas_alienkid10 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1290301 (that's a good starting point!)13:56
ZoZo-KE1HA what if reconfigure is an unknown option? ;D13:56
laurent_ikonia, expect the low-level kernel parts. do want to help me or just point out stuff at random?13:56
alienkid10will look at it13:57
KE1HAGo without it13:57
ikonialaurent_: you've not explained the problem beyond saying it doesn't work and what's the difference13:57
ikonialaurent_: the difference is the architechture, that's the genuine difference, but you've not actually said what the problem is13:57
randyrkellyCan i move all my ubutu to one drive?13:58
lucas_alienkid10 you just have to play a bit with the script. I made it work with NVIDIA drivers on a bootable medium.13:58
abhijitrandyrkelly, yes13:58
ceccaHi, I installed ubuntu on my tx2 hp... I have some problems and I need help, even paying! if you are interested contact me13:58
alienkid10lucas_: I am using ATI so may take a bit more editing13:58
ikoniacecca: you've still not said what the problem is13:58
laurent_ikonia, the connect-to-server part says it cannot mount the share. The smbclient tells me session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE. The same line (including the password) works fine for smbclient on 32Bit. So what are the config differences between the 2 clients?13:58
ikoniacecca: no-one will help unless you explain what the problem is13:58
randyrkellyhow do i go about moving it all to my other drive?13:59
ZoZo-alienkid10 is it possible to underclock ati cards without rovclock or aticonfig ?13:59
abhijitrandyrkelly, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35087 this is one guide13:59
alienkid10lucas_: is there a way to just move the correct config to the normal dir before x starts?13:59
ZoZo-KE1HA trying to reinstall again, Ima just reinstall whole ubuntu otherwise :P13:59
ikonialaurent_: first things first, have you tried manually mounting from the command line (some times get better output)13:59
KE1HAZoZo-, Yes, but not really a discussion fer here.13:59
randyrkellythanks abhijit13:59
abhijitrandyrkelly, it will create exactly the same image of your current ubuntu.14:00
laurent_ikonia, besides smbclient? you mean via mount=14:00
KE1HAZoZo-, Ok, if that's what ya think is best, it's certinaly easier :-)14:00
abhijitrandyrkelly, everything.14:00
ikonialaurent_: no, I mean either using the mount command, or the smbmount command14:00
randyrkellyok cool ill try that ina min14:00
abhijitrandyrkelly, first be sure to read it very carefully.14:00
Naxili have this problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/475705/ on line 283,284 is my cd/dvd rom freeze the ata1 and boot stop14:00
ZoZo-KE1HA Much easier :p 4th time now ;D But.. Why is it not a discussion for here, about the underclocking thing? :p I kinda need to underclock to be able to use the laptop Im installing ubuntu on, as it will get fried if not :p14:00
laurent_ikonia, trying the smbmount (that is the difference to smbclient?)14:01
ikonialaurent_: yes14:01
randyrkellywill do14:01
lucas_alienkid10 what I do is create multiple config files with different names, and then just tell the script which one to copy as xorg.conf when it finds the graphics card14:01
KE1HAZoZo-, Yes, clocking, although I do allot of it, and enjoy it, it's somethign that a bit OT really.14:01
abhijitrandyrkelly, ok.14:01
markodoes anybody have any good xorg.conf settings on ubuntu 10.04 for Quadro FX 1600M graphic card14:02
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Naxili have this problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/475705/ on line 283,284 is my cd/dvd rom freeze the ata1 and boot stop14:02
abhijitnow I m plannig to resize my '/' . so how dengerous is that? in the sense of data loosing?14:02
ceccaHi, I installed ubuntu on my tx2 hp  and I need help, even paying!  I have 2  problems: 1) screen rotation 2) I want to use only the stylus, because xjournal works bad if the Touch is on. I tried to modify xsetwacom...without success.  I can pay  even 100 euros (130 $) for a perfect work.14:02
oj_How to partition my disks if I want to install ubuntu netbook on my hp mini? It already has 4 primary partitions, windows 7, recovery, HP_TOOLS, and HP's own mini OS14:02
mahmood22abhijit: i(humble) have done sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart but there is no software running14:02
ikoniacecca: stop offering money, IF someone can help, they will14:03
abhijitmahmood22, can you manualy run it from system>preferences>bluetooth?14:03
laurent_ikonia, nice, the real problem is the 64Bit version cannot find the host name. Now, that is a problem for our network guy.14:03
mahmood22abhijit: yes but it says there is no bt device14:04
Naxilsome people know why my dvd block the ATA1 and the boot don't run?14:04
abhijitcecca, just for your info. do you know that you can get professional support from canonical for ubuntu? see canonical.com14:04
ikonialaurent_: there we go ! well done. No problem with 64bit then, just a network issue14:04
Naxili have a lot of errore if i connect my dvd14:04
abhijitmahmood22, last try - try login out and in or restrating?14:04
Naxilafter grub my dvd reset tentimes ata1 controller why?14:04
pluesch0rhi everybody. i'm trying to install lucid on hardware that's not supported ('cause the megaraid_sas module is too old).14:05
BluesKajmarko, if you have the proper driver installed , create xorg : sudo nvidia-xconfig14:05
pluesch0ri've found out that the megaraid_sas module that's included in meerkat supports the hardware.14:05
KE1HAoj_, Very carfully :-) How-To: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot14:05
abhijit!hardware | mahmood22 first see here if your bluetooth device is supported14:05
ubottumahmood22 first see here if your bluetooth device is supported: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection14:05
pluesch0rnow i'd like to somehow swap the kernel that's on the lucid install disk with the kernel that's on the meerkat install disk.14:05
johnathank lm gonna install firestarter14:05
pluesch0rany pointers how i might achieve that?14:05
johnathanhow prone are linux machines to viruses?14:06
laurent_ikonia, it is still a bit complex: both systems use the same IP (dual-boot) and should also share same the same network config. But i didn't watch the guys installing it. Maybe they left out some parts for the 64Bit install ...14:06
KE1HAjohnathan, not very14:06
abhijit!virus | johnathan14:06
ubottujohnathan: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus14:06
littlepenguinjonathan depens on dummyness of users14:06
markoBluesKaj, I already did this, but the movies are not working well14:06
johnathanreason why lm asking is cos the server is perm online14:07
happydonuthi, in ubuntu server 10.04, why can't i: sudo apt-get install mysql; stop mysql;14:07
happydonut1) dbus isn't installed, why?14:08
KE1HAjohnathan, That's the least of your worries.14:08
johnathank good14:08
happydonut2) when I install dbus, I get the error about sending message, why?14:08
happydonutbut mostly, why can't I: sudo apt-get install mysql; stop mysql in an out of the box ubuntu 10.04 LTS server?14:08
happydonutyou can in 9.1014:08
joschihappydonut: stop is no command. try service mysql stop or /etc/init.d/mysql stop14:08
happydonutjoschi: take that as read14:09
happydonutI've done all of those, and they also recommend the new "upstart" way, and pass to that14:09
happydonutso I've done all those forms14:09
happydonutall give the same error, all use dbus, dbus is not installed14:09
AndrewMC!enter | happydonut14:09
happydonutjoschi: question 1) why isn't dbus installed on mysql server, 2) why isn't dbus a dependency of mysql (a little know / little used package?)14:09
ubottuhappydonut: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:09
happydonutAndrewMC: I am not using enter as punctuation, re-read what I've written, and explain it yourself if you have a provlem14:10
joschihappydonut: why should mysql need dbus?14:10
KE1HAhappydonut, is this a brand new install ?14:10
joschihappydonut: anyway, you can install dbus yourself anytime14:10
happydonutjoschi: service mysql restart (cannot connecto system bus), so are you asking, why does mysql need "service mysql restart"?14:11
ikoniahappydonut: it means don't use enter to end a sentence as it scrolls the channel to agressive14:11
KE1HAprovided he can apt-get install, wich is more of a concern atm.14:11
happydonutikonia: I know what it means, i am not doing that, I am saying things in a normal fashion, individual statements, you are just making noise by invalidly trying to state that I don't undestand this14:11
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nerdy_kidis there anyway to test speech-dispatcher from the command line?14:12
ikoniahappydonut: you where doing that, it would be helpful if you could try not to, I do it myself so I know how easy it is14:12
happydonutKE1HA: yes, it is a brand new install. No dbus, and installing mysql, and having service / upstate / /etc/init.d - they require dbus (which is fine) but the error is annoying, and the default decision is also annoying14:12
KE1HAagreed, but Im wonderign why you can't apt-get install, that's more of a prob first.14:13
BluesKajmarko, be more specific ..what's happening on the screen etc14:13
happydonutikonia: I also dislike it, although I think I wasn't doing it. I agree you can slip into it, I will refrain from doing it. I want to convery my question as efficiently as possible. My main thing is now, I've seen the "hack" to remove these errors (you must know of them, mysql is a highly used package) but where is the update?14:13
joschihappydonut: how have you installed ubuntu?14:13
joschihappydonut: livecd, alternative cd, pxeboot, ...14:13
ikoniahappydonut: update for what ?14:13
markoBluesKaj, thick  lines are showing during the movie14:14
happydonutKE1HA: I can apt-get install, I can install mysql, but afterwards, I can't start / stop it without installing dbus. That should work. Then when i install dbus, I get the errors about the sending for method_call14:14
happydonutikonia: update for not having dbus installed, and the update for the misconfigured upstart14:14
BluesKajmarko, all movies or ?14:14
happydonutjoschi: ubuntu server 10.0314:14
ikoniahappydonut: I don't see those errors at all14:14
happydonut4.... damn keyboard :D14:14
KE1HAOh, sri, I missed that in all the lines flying by, my bad.14:14
abhijit10.03? :-o14:15
KE1HAdo your wanting the mysql dbus hack ?14:15
happydonutikonia: fresh install, install ubuntu server 10.04, apt-get install mysql, then just stop mysql, that works for you?14:15
mahmood22abhijit: how to find bt device name ?>14:15
GPenguinhello. is there a way to turn of the mouse pad on a laptop?14:15
joschihappydonut: yes, but how have you installed it? because dbus will get installed with a standard installation from an official livecd14:15
ikoniahappydonut: by mysql you mean the package "mysql-server"14:15
markoBluesKaj, I'm already downloading 480p and 720p samples. please wait a minute...14:15
abhijitmahmood22, look in /dev ? or lsusb for usb devices14:15
happydonutjoschi: which live cd do you mean? I mean ubuntu-server from the ubuntu website. You don't mean desktop do you?14:16
abhijitGPenguin, do you mean touch pad?14:16
happydonutikonia: yes, apt-get install mysql-server14:16
mahmood22abhijit:  what is it's name in /dev14:16
GPenguinabhijit, yep!14:16
ikoniahappydonut: yes, I can do a service start/stop for it, no problem14:16
BluesKaj!codecs | marko14:16
ubottumarko: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:16
abhijitGPenguin, its in there sysetm>preferencs>touchpad14:16
KE1HAif you did the server install, you could have done LAMP and it should all be sorted, unless ya dont want apache and php14:17
abhijit!touchpad | GPenguin14:17
ubottuGPenguin: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad14:17
abhijitmahmood22, which device you are looking for?14:17
happydonutikonia: I've been getting dodgy installs from this server co., they insist now that this is a 100% virgin 10.04, from ubuntu servers, ubuntu server edition... and I've read that other people get these errors, so are you completely sure?14:17
joschihappydonut: you have downloaded the ubuntu server livecd from the website and installed ubuntu server on your system using it?14:17
ikoniahappydonut: %10114:17
happydonutjoschi: the server co did that14:17
mahmood22abhijit: bluetooth14:17
KE1HAor go back in use tasksel14:17
joschihappydonut: please do a fresh install using the official installation cd14:17
markoBluesKaj, i am watching movies with vlc player, which includes already codecs..14:17
happydonutikonia: I read that as mod 101, or 101% in some RPN form14:18
ikoniasorry 101 percent sure14:18
abhijitmahmood22, do lsusb and see if it  shows the name of your bluetooth device14:18
BluesKajmarko, what kind of connection are you using to your monitor/tv ?14:18
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mahmood22abhijit: does laptop have usb blutetooth device in itself or it is pci ?14:19
markoi hava a laptop hp 8710w, what connections there is between graphic card and LCD i don't know, but i can find out14:19
abhijitmahmood22, it varies per laptop.14:19
abhijitmahmood22, have you done lsusb?14:19
mahmood22Bus 001 Device 002: ID 05c8:0118 Cheng Uei Precision Industry Co., Ltd (Foxlink)14:20
DjAngo23Hello everyone. I' m looking for a clipboard manager. Anyone any software ?14:20
abhijitmahmood22, is that a your bluetooth device?14:20
abhijitDjAngo23, search in ubuntu software center.14:20
mahmood22don't know it is th only device name abhijit14:20
abhijitmahmood22, ohhh14:21
abhijitmahmood22, do this hcitool dev and see if there is any output. if output then you have bluetooth device.14:21
KE1HADjAngo23, Parcellite or GLipper, Parcellite I've heard is nice, I use Glipper but it's unsupported now I think.14:21
abhijitmahmood22, If the id is all zeros, restart the bluez-utils service and retry14:21
BluesKajok marko , seems to me the source movies are to blame , not the graphics card > Are the movies on dvd or downloaded from the internet ?14:21
markoBluesKaj, they are downloaded from the internet14:23
markoBluesKaj, but i downloaded more then one sample, and they are all the same14:23
BluesKajtry a dvd14:23
randyrkellyok im tryin to  install irssi but when i type apt-get install irissi  it doesn't  wanna install14:23
abhijitrandyrkelly, its sudo apt-get instal irssi14:24
Picirandyrkelly: you need to spell it correctly: sudo apt-get install irssi14:24
bretzelHi there, SERIOUS BUG during boot time with fsck that leads to very grave confusion... I thought I've lost all partitions on my linux install --14:24
markoBluesKaj, how does this change anything? a sample of a movie, is a sample, it doesn't matter from where is it downloaded or played directly...14:24
KE1HAhappydonut, you still there? you get you dbus issue sorted?14:24
aeon-ltdrandyrkelly: you using sudo?14:24
randyrkellyim just using apt14:25
randyrkellyi got root already14:25
bretzelHi there, SERIOUS BUG during boot time with fsck that leads to very grave confusion... I thought I've lost all partitions on my linux install --14:25
mahmood22hcitool dev does not show any device , abhijit14:25
aeon-ltdrandyrkelly: what does it say when you try to install it?14:25
abhijitmahmood22, then as per that guide given by ubottu there is not bluetooth device either connceted or installed.14:26
KE1HAbretzel, you think you have or fer sure you have ?14:26
abhijitrandyrkelly, look for the spelling - irssi14:26
BluesKajwell marko fine , do your thing , but vlc isn't perfect either ..try another player , maybe mplayer and I would suggest installing ffmpeg and the medibuntu repos, and install ubuntu-restricted-extras too14:26
pozicHow can I convert a cue file to an iso?14:26
bretzelIs there any Ubuntu authority here ? since I cannot take a shot of the accident and report that bug14:26
bazhang!bugs > bretzel14:26
ubottubretzel, please see my private message14:26
KE1HAbretzel, #ubuntu-bugs14:26
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.14:27
randyrkellythis is what it says14:27
randyrkellyroot@randy-laptop:~# sudo apt-get install irssi14:27
randyrkellyE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)14:27
randyrkellyE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?14:27
FloodBot4randyrkelly: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:27
Picirandyrkelly: Are you running another package management tool? Synaptic for example?14:27
erUSULpozic: bchunk14:27
abhijitpozic, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=239407 there is bin2iso14:27
erUSUL!info bchunk > pozic14:27
KE1HAyou've got aptitude or the package manager open already, cuz there's a lock file14:27
lnewlfei have a question...14:28
abhijitlnewlfe, ask14:28
lnewlfeBasicly, i have an eserver IBM box, p4 2.4 512 ram 256 video ram, 2 SCSI hds, hd0 = windows XP, hd1 = Ubuntu 8.04, i switch between operating systems thru the BIOS.  When i throw in the 10.04 CD to install it over the 8.04, i go into the main install menu, after i click instal (or live CD) i get a blinking dash, top corner of screen, then it shuts off my screen, and then nothing...14:28
aeon-ltdrandyrkelly: delete the lock file with sudo rm '/var/lib/dpkg/lock' if closing the other pkg manager doesn't work14:29
DiverdudeHello. I have saved a figure in .eps in matlab, and i am importing it inkscape because i need to annotate it further. The problem is that when i open the matlab plot contained in the eps file, in inkscape the sides are cut of for some obscure reason. How do i prevent that?14:29
randyrkellyim using the stock ubuntu installer14:29
Picirandyrkelly: Close it.14:29
erUSULDiverdude: maybe matlab can export svg ?14:29
randyrkellyonly thing i have open is teminal14:29
DiverdudeerUSUL, its better to do in SVG?14:30
abhijitDiverdude, try in ##matlab14:30
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KE1HAlnewlfe, try installing with the ALT-ISO14:30
aeon-ltdrandyrkelly: use a process manager and kill synaptics and apt if its hanging14:30
erUSULDiverdude: svg is inkscape native format ....14:30
aeon-ltdrandyrkelly: or just delete the file i told you14:30
xerox1is there an application to flip nicely through images, for example from flickr?14:30
pozicerUSUL: bchunk turns a 600+MB image to a 10MB one.14:30
DiverdudeerUSUL, hmm no svg is not showing up in the matlab list :(14:30
lnewlfewhere is the ALT-ISO?14:30
abhijitxerox1, f-spot?14:30
KE1HA32 or 64 nit ?14:30
lnewlfe32 bit14:31
bretzel In any situations where fsck must be started ( even for re-mount cycle value reached - thus very normal check) -- at boot time, fsck terminate and lets the system ( init process ) to wait for fsck status that never returns to the init execution. putting the boot process to hang14:31
xerox1abhijit, thought that is only for local images?14:31
RaptorsThe selftest wont work on my external HDD14:31
Raptorsits saying "Cancelled (with hard or soft reset)14:31
bretzelI have to reboot into a linux live, manually fsck my file system and then reboot to Ubuntu normally14:31
Raptorsanyoen know how to fix it?14:32
randyrkellyok noob question were i get a process manager?14:32
KE1HAlnewlfe, http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ubuntu-10.04-alternate-i386.iso14:32
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abhijitxerox1, ohhh14:32
bleti have an error when i open transmission:transmission: malloc.c:4945: _int_free: Assertion `p->fd_nextsize->bk_nextsize == p' failed.Aborted14:32
BluesKajlnewlfe, switch between operating systems thru the BIOS ?14:33
xerox1abhijit, i would like to flip through the images of my contacts, so the images are not locally stored...14:33
KE1HAlnewlfe, we could go into all the gory details of why plymouth isn't working too smooth, but more times than not, the ALT CD solves at least the install portion.14:33
abhijitxerox1, no i dunno.14:33
KE1HAnot to say ya wont ahve issues after, but we can work that then.14:33
lnewlfeis there a way of getting packages updated thru 8.04?14:33
xerox1abhijit, thx anyway14:34
KE1HAYe,s get the Upgrade ISO, but your better off w/New Install.14:34
lnewlfegotcha.  I dont have internet on comp. with ubuntu atm, so it makes everything a pain in the arse....14:34
shane2peruerrggh, I hate wmv, any way to convert wmv to anything that I can use?  it is a video, totem doesn't play the video, just audio, vlc same.14:35
KE1HAlnewlfe, understand, try the ALT, ans see where that gets you, I've test allot of them, and they seemt o work well.14:35
pozickiso does seem to work14:35
lnewlfewhats been upgraded from 8 to 10?14:35
littlepenguinshane2peru avidemux14:35
abhijitmahmood22, what happen?14:36
KE1HA8.04 is way way behind, 9.04, then 9.10 now 10.0414:36
mahmood22abhijit:  nothing14:36
DjAngo23abhijit, What should i use for query ?14:36
DjAngo23KE1HA, Thank you.14:36
abhijitDjAngo23, which query?14:37
KE1HADjAngo23, Query for whar?14:37
KE1HAWhat* ?14:37
abhijitmahmood22, do hcitool scan14:37
DjAngo23for the clipboard manager, in the ubuntu search engine.14:37
abhijitDjAngo23, clipboard14:37
KE1HADjAngo23, you want to install the clipboard manager?14:38
KE1HAyeah, clipboard works.14:38
markoBluesKaj, mplayer, vlc, totem, they all work the same...14:38
abhijithe left! :(14:38
ovidiusCould someone point me to a software solution to reduce screen brightness? On Windows and Mac OS I have used Software that uses transparent fullscreen boxes, that add additional darkening. I would really like that under Ubuntu.14:39
shane2perulittlepenguin, avidemux complains about audio formats, it drives me crazy you have to be an expert video/audio guy to convert a dumb little video you want to see.14:39
DjAngo23Thanks, it works like a charm ;)14:39
happydonutKE1HA: still here14:40
KE1HADjAngo23, cool, glad it's sorted.14:40
happydonutI am a little concerned that nobody else apparently sees this, yet googling for the issue turns up lots of hits and people explaining it :(14:40
KE1HAhappydonut, I'd run tasksel and have the system install the servers, then re-boot and see if it moans about dbus agian.14:40
shane2perulittlepenguin, I know it is not your fault, I appreciate the help, I tried winFF too, and it doesn't work either.14:41
happydonuthrm, that is tasksel? how can I, from a shell, get the system to install (unattended) a new ubuntu server? I guess you can't?14:41
KE1HAhappydonut, search Launchpad for rescent bugs, that's the real tell-tell sign14:41
KE1HAsudo tasksel14:41
littlepenguinshane2peru but the wmv file has video in it??14:41
shane2perulittlepenguin, yep14:41
littlepenguinshane2peru that is set to microloft for their own format14:42
shane2perulittlepenguin, they are all from here:  http://www.bibleanalyzer.com/tutorial.htm14:42
BluesKajmarko I suggest installing ffmpeg and the medibuntu repos, and install ubuntu-restricted-extras , if you haven't already. I you have then I can't help you any further.14:42
MkoolsI am using chromium os but first videos on http://gitcasts.com/   were running but not now? Can you tell me why?14:42
shane2perulittlepenguin, right, that is what grates my nerves so bad!14:42
KE1HAhappydonut, tasksel is made to work on servers, no desktop.14:42
littlepenguinshane2peru have you tried to set in avidemux to copy video14:42
celldweller1591hi guys, can anyone help me with ubuntu lucid 100% cpu usages at all time :|14:43
erUSULcelldweller1591: use top to find out what is eating cpu14:43
KE1HAcelldweller1591, what Vidieo card you got?14:43
randyrkellyhey guys14:43
celldweller1591no card..14:43
shane2perulittlepenguin, well, avidemux had problems with the audio, some setting, I tried copy and it didn't like that.14:43
celldweller1591its 945GCTm214:43
celldweller1591chipset by default14:43
KE1HAtrue, top first to see what's eating it :-)14:43
binnicelldweller1591, gnome-system-monitor14:43
randyrkellyok now i have a clean slate i tried apt-get install irssi and get error14:43
littlepenguinshane2peru what it complains about?14:43
abhijitcelldweller1591, try powertop14:43
celldweller1591i saw system monitor closely14:43
KE1HAcelldweller1591, if your using tha 173 driver, changed to the recommended driver.14:44
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Guest45291andate tti a fanculo..... froci..14:44
celldweller1591but cudnt figure out besides chrome wat was eating my pc14:44
reggihi folks, question: i know the command to add the default gateway on a client's eth0 which is, 'sudo route add default gw'. So what is the command to add the dns server to the client's eth0? Thank you.14:44
littlepenguinshane2peru ill try that for you takes a moment14:44
abhijitcelldweller1591, try powertop14:44
shane2perulittlepenguin, hang on I think I got it14:44
celldweller1591ty..will try powerto14:44
KE1HAcelldweller1591, the 173 is causing High-CPU usage.14:44
shane2perulittlepenguin, nope, just green screen with audio14:44
celldweller1591wat is 173 driver ?14:44
llutzreggi: echo nameserver |sudo tee -a /etc/resolv.conf14:44
erUSULreggi: it is easier to use /etc/network/interfaces file for all that instead of using ifconfig or route14:44
celldweller1591old driver for intel chipsets ??14:44
KE1HAIn restricted drivers14:45
celldweller1591thanks for help..will try that !14:45
erUSULcelldweller1591: powertop wont help with 100% cpu issues14:45
erUSULabhijit: ^14:45
celldweller1591it will guiode me to cpu eating proceses i hope14:45
reggillutz and erUSUL i'm just reading what you have typed...one sec.14:45
erUSULis a program to see who is eating battery not cpu14:45
littlepenguinshane2peru what was it?14:45
shane2peruthe web site? littlepenguin ?14:46
reggithanks llutz and erUSUL14:46
abhijiterUSUL, it is a powerful tool to manage power. let him try it first is failed then he dont pay anything.14:46
shane2perulittlepenguin, http://www.bibleanalyzer.com/tutorial.htm  any of those videos14:46
reggii'll try your suggestion first erUSUL.14:46
littlepenguinno shane2peru you said you got it..have you got a solution?14:46
erUSULabhijit: top or htop will show him what is eating the cpu. that's the tool for the job14:47
abhijitcelldweller1591, powertop is nothing to do with 100% cpu. its used for power management.14:47
abhijiterUSUL, ok14:47
shane2perulittlepenguin, oh, I tried the auto - flv and it said it worked, but no video in the output14:47
KE1HAjust do a simple top -d 114:47
KE1HAthe high CPU will be right at the top, no pun intended :-)14:47
littlepenguinok wait shane2peru14:47
littlepenguinill try14:47
abhijitcelldweller1591, but i sugget you to give it a try. just try it. you have option for sudo remove powertop if you dotn ilke it14:47
ovidiusDoes anyone have an idea how-to get software screen darkening?14:47
abhijit!hi | ubuntu5114:48
ubottuubuntu51: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:48
KE1HAand girls, lady's & gents :-)14:48
happydonutKE1HA: I am on server, I don't need to find recent bugs - you tried to reproduce it right? If this is a default install, it should work verbatim.14:49
ubuntu51what new on ubuntu maverick14:49
abhijitbrother & sister!14:49
celldweller1591anybody tested alpha3 yet ?14:49
erUSULubuntu51: ask in #ubuntu+114:49
abhijit!10.10 > ubuntu5114:49
ubottuubuntu51, please see my private message14:49
bazhang#ubuntu+1 ubuntu5114:49
happydonutI've googled, so I know others have the issue though, so does it exist or not. If anyone has a fresh 10.04 server around, and can try sudo apt-get install mysql-server, then stop mysql or service mysql stop or /etc/init.d/mysql stop14:50
KE1HAhappydonut, No, Im not gonna break a system to find a bug, but if ya dont want to look and trust google that's cool14:50
reggillutz, do i have to restart network after using your command?14:50
cocobongothis is like watching wtitter..14:50
llutzreggi: no14:50
happydonutabhijit: can't you PM your triggers to ubottu ? So you don't add them to the scrollback?14:51
cocobongothis is like watching twitter ~_¬14:51
happydonutKE1HA: you said you'd tried it, and how does it break a system installing one package?14:51
reggillutz, when i ping google.com from the client machine i get 'ping unknown host www.google.com'14:51
happydonutI said: if you have a fresh 10.04 - how does that break the system? it doesn't.14:51
KE1HAcelldweller1591, I've tested about 25 distros on A3 but tha's for #ubuntu+114:51
KingGuruHi.. Is there issues with 10.04, and terminal?14:51
reggillutz, however I can ping the gateway from the client successfully14:51
happydonutJFC... I think out of the box this doesn't work, can anyone verify this?14:52
ubuntu51how i can login screen in 10.04 ubuntu14:52
llutzreggi: you have to replace with your actual dns-server14:52
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KE1HAhappydonut, I dont have the dbus error your seeing, and Im not gonna got try and break my server to find it.14:52
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KE1HAthat's what Launchpad Bugs if for, helpign sort those issues out.14:53
reggillutz, yep did that. first i tried (gateway / dns server) and I also tried (dns of isp)14:53
reggillutz, lemme check settings14:53
IledenHi! How do I allow user to restart bluetooth service (without sudo)?14:53
abhijithapposade, excuse me?14:54
KE1HAIleden, ya dont, it's a system level service.14:54
happydonutKE1HA: stop saying you aren't going to break your server, as if i was asking you to. I have not asked you to do anything, nothing I've said implies breaking a server, none of these commands break a server, stop saying you won't break a server14:54
littlepenguinshan2peru i might have an option14:54
KE1HAhappydonut, Im sorry I can't help on this any further.14:54
happydonutKE1HA: in fact, /ignore me, that is fine. I appreciate your help, I was just asking if someone had a fresh 10.04 to verify a behaviour14:54
abhijithappydonut, excuse me?14:55
happydonutabhijit: can't you PM your triggers to ubottu ? So you don't add them to the scrollback?14:55
IledenKE1HA: Really? I'd figure there must be a way to allow user to do it...14:55
shamshirhello everbody14:55
biharii need a help !14:55
KE1HAIleden, not system level services.14:55
abhijithappydonut, i dont understand a single word in that sentence? what do you mean? do have any ubuntu question?14:55
bihari i got a problem when i try to install virtualbox-ose i got the following14:55
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bihari E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall14:56
skumaramy bank website only accept internet explorer. It has some form of cab files to install before browsing. Does ubuntu support surfing this website?14:56
IledenKE1HA: can I make a system levet script, and allow user to trigger it?14:56
happydonutabhijit: I mean, you post !help | bihari and stuff like that, which is fine, but can't you /msg ubottu !help | bihari ?14:56
erUSULskumara: doubt it.14:56
bazhanghappydonut, no14:56
KE1HAIleden, that's the same thing.14:56
erUSUL!wine | skumara14:56
ubottuskumara: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:56
abhijithapposade, if you mean that suppose you want to tell ubottu to pm the information then you can do !hi > <nick>14:57
littlepenguinshan2peru install mencoder and install from http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/dload.html the codecs available for your architecture...after this "mencoder tutorial1.wmv -ofps 23.976 -ovc lavc -oac copy -o test.avi"14:57
IledenKE1HA: well can I make it not be a system level service?14:57
skumaraerUSUL, IE in wine may not be very secure for banking.14:57
littlepenguinshane2peru,  needed codec is wmsdmod.dll14:57
happydonutbazhang: can we offer that feature to reduce noise, I am asking for this for non informative triggers, things like WINE are good, things like "how to ask a question" should be PM, and via PM14:57
bazhang!factoid > happydonut14:57
ubottuhappydonut, please see my private message14:58
KE1HAIleden, no, I dont know of a way to have a system level service be controlled by a non-sudo user.14:58
erUSULskumara: then use virtualbox with a windwos install14:58
abhijithappydonut, see just now how bazhang pm info to you!14:58
abhijithappydonut, is that what you wanted?14:58
skumaraerUwhat is virtualbox?14:58
biharihow can i install a virtual box14:58
happydonutabhijit: no, I know you can do that, I mean to send the trigger to ubottu by PM, not in channel14:58
biharii need you help14:58
abhijitbihari, its there in software cneter14:59
celldweller1591skumara, vobx is a hiervisor14:59
erUSULskumara: is a softeare that emulates a pc so you can install windows on it. like vmware; virtualpc etc14:59
bazhanghappydonut, lets get back on topic. its not possible14:59
abhijithappydonut, oh yah yah. now i got you.14:59
erUSUL!virtualizers > skumara14:59
ubottuskumara, please see my private message14:59
abhijithappydonut, you can discuss this in #ubuntu-bots14:59
celldweller1591bihari: http://www.linoob.com/2010/08/virtualbox-3-2-8-in-ubuntu/ see this to install vbox in ubuntu14:59
happydonutinstead of !factoid > bashang      ---   /msg ubottu !factoid bazhang14:59
shane2perulittlepenguin, you were able to get it working with that?14:59
happydonutok, bazhang it isn't possible, I understand14:59
bazhanghappydonut, again not possible. please move on15:00
BluesKajskumara, maybe you can run your browser as IE, some browsers offer that option ., but a bank that doesn't accomoidate other browsers on it's website is giving very poor service to it's customers IMO15:00
happydonutbazhang: it is possible15:00
happydonutI just tried it.15:00
Mkoolscan any one help?15:00
abhijitit is possible.15:00
shane2perulittlepenguin, I think I had installed a newer version of mplayer, however I will have to double check that and see, thanks a million, I will have to tinker with that and see if I can get it15:00
KE1HAMkools, what you need help with?15:01
abhijithows that possible?15:01
MkoolsI am using chromium os but first videos on http://gitcasts.com/   were running but not now? Can you tell me why?15:01
happydonutbazhang: I am doing the Ace Ventura victory dance right now15:01
littlepenguinshane2peru the codecs were missing..you need them15:01
Mkoolsah sorry chromium browser not chromium os15:01
blinki can't install LimeWire. it gives an error: "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: sun-java6-jre|icedtea-java7-jre|sun-java6-jdk|icedtea-java7-jdk"15:01
shane2perulittlepenguin, ok, thanks!15:01
Linuxhy guys...what is that?15:02
LinuxThe following packages have been kept back:15:02
Linux  libavdevice52 libavformat5215:02
Linux0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.15:02
FloodBot4Linux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:02
erUSULblink: install icedtea-java7-jre package15:02
pozicIs there a way to update factoids?15:03
blinkerUSUL: where can i find that? just run command in terminal??15:03
pozicIf so, please update the entry for !cue to point to kiso.15:03
erUSULblink: sudo aptitude install icedtea-java7-jre15:03
blinki thought ubuntu usually downloads missing plugins15:03
KE1HALinux, If the dependencies have changed on one of the packages you have installed so that a new package must be installed to perform the upgrade then that will be listed as "kept-back".15:03
abhijitpozic, you cant directly update it. but you can request an update15:03
erUSUL!software | blink15:04
ubottublink: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents15:04
pozicabhijit: and how do I request it?15:04
erUSULblink: that's not a plugin. is the java system15:04
pozicabhijit: do I need to print it out in 3 forms?15:04
blinkerUSUL: any missing stuff I mean.15:04
celldweller1591blink: itws not a plugin, for uubntu its a package15:04
blinkthanks for the link15:04
abhijitpozic, syntax is !foo is bar then it will go to #ubuntu-ops and they will review it. i submitted two suggestinos but nothing happend till date! :(15:04
erUSULpozic: what is kiso ?15:04
LinuxKE1HA in conclusion y must install 2 packages libavdevice52 libavformat52 ???15:05
reyarth#join ubuntu-it15:05
velociostrichI have a dual-boot system with Windows 7 32-bit and Ubuntu 10.04 (also 32-bit) installed, and the last few times I've tried to boot, I have been getting a black screen displaying the text, "Invalid partition table", though this problem is quickly rectified by pressing the reset button. Is this a problem with grub, or should I really worry about my partition table? Is there some way of backing it up in case the HD fails or something?15:05
abhijitpozic, you need to do it in ubottu pm i.e. /msg ubottu !foo is bar15:05
pozicerUSUL: a program that unfortunately only works via the GUI, but does actually work, unlike bchunk.15:05
abhijitpozic, you are talking about ubottu factoid right?15:05
ServerTechPropozic, Thank You For Testing our bot.15:05
celldweller1591velociostrich: any recent hardware upgrades or installs ???15:05
pozicabhijit: yes15:05
erUSULpozic: you can discuss a new factoid in #ubuntu-ops15:05
abhijitpozic, hmm15:05
KE1HALinux, I dont know the package deps for those particular packages, but aptitude resolves them for you.15:05
velociostrichno, the last thing I've installed was months ago (a video card) and it's been working just fine15:06
celldweller1591hey guys,, anybody tested the GTK version of aptitude..its awesome15:06
celldweller1591really good gui15:06
pozicerUSUL: I understood how bchunk was supposed to work, it just didn't work.15:06
Linux KE1HA what command i must enter in my terminal?15:06
erUSULcelldweller1591: synaptic ?15:06
celldweller1591velociostrich: can u boot into any of the OSes15:06
KE1HALinux, what do you want to do?15:07
celldweller1591erUSUL: not synaptic, aptitude gtk15:07
celldweller1591erUSUL: will post it on my blog in few days,15:07
Linuxresolve these 2 packeges...they appera in ubuntu update manager and are unchecked or untick...15:07
velociostrichcelldweller1591: yes, I can boot into both if I just reboot the machine with the reset switch after getting that -- I think I get it when I kill the power on my surge protector after turning off my computer, then turning both back on15:08
celldweller1591erUSUL: it shows all system upgrades available with broken packages and suggests ways to recover them15:08
KE1HALinux, you dont need to, jsut to the install, it will do it for you, but it tells you it kept-back packages in order to perform the upgrade.15:08
blinkerUSUL: still the same error. do I have to restart my system?15:08
celldweller1591velociostrich : how many hdds do u have >?15:08
JTJ_hi there everyone ive just upgarded my linux ubuntu via cmd line to linux mint the trouble is the theme isnt there and the menus are still in the same place as ubuntu ive looked at servral tuts and none of them work can any help plz15:08
Linuxi cant tick them and install them15:08
biharihy i dont understand when i am using this command to  install virtualbox15:08
erUSULblink: maybe you downloading the wrong version of limewire ?15:08
biharii got this error E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall15:08
erUSUL!mint | JTJ_15:09
ubottuJTJ_: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)15:09
velociostrichcelldweller1591: just one, it's a Western Digital (I believe) SATA 500GB that I got this last winter in OEM form15:09
KE1HALinux, do the install, then if you want to check afterwards, do suod apt-get update, then upgrade again.15:09
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:09
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blinkerUSUL: i was downloading from the non-official website. lemme see if the main one works. otherwise, i'll have to restart my system.15:10
celldweller1591velociostrich u have win7 and ubuntu dual boot , right ?15:11
LinuxKE1HA how the hell do the install id the update manager dont let mee tick this 2 packages?15:12
Linuxif the update manager*15:12
bobo123anyone who know a program that can print pdf-files so it is possible to skip the doucment margins and make the text as big as possible when printing two pages per paper?15:12
Linuxthey are gray...15:12
velociostrichcelldweller1591: yes15:12
KE1HALinux, I told you already:If the dependencies have changed on one of the packages you have installed so that a new package must be installed to perform the upgrade then that will be listed as "kept-back".15:13
romulobrhi, can anyone help me installing adobe air 1.5 on ubuntu 64 bit?15:13
Solar_Flarehi. Is there a reason, that ubuntu wants to do a system upgrade today? (Im running 10.04)15:13
reggiwould someone pls help me troubleshoot a dns problem on my client notebook running ubuntu 10.04? I have used echo | sudo tee -a /etc/resolv.conf to add dns. I can ping the dns from the laptop but i cannot ping www.google.com.15:13
celldweller1591velociostrich i ncat be sure but maybe the msg is arriving due to a damaged mbr15:13
celldweller1591velociostrich have u tied to reover win7 mbr ?15:14
LinuxKE1HA ok than how to do this 2 packeges not appear in update manager?15:14
celldweller1591velociostrich: ?15:14
Linuxi dont whant them show up there15:14
velociostrichcelldweller1591: I have no idea how I would do that15:14
KE1HAromulobr, Hold On, get my notes real quick.15:14
celldweller1591velociostrich: k w815:14
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abhijitSolar_Flare, there is not reason there is updates15:14
celldweller1591velociostrich : boot from win7 dvd and select recovery15:15
IledenKE1HA: well, is it possible to allow user with sudo right restart the bluetooth service without proving credentials by typing a password?15:15
celldweller1591velociostrich: open reocvert console, lnked at bottom of page :15:15
Solar_FlareI dont get it... why on earth would it want a "system upgrade" when there's only updates?15:15
KE1HAromulobr, wget http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/lin/download/latest/AdobeAIRInstaller.bin15:15
abhijitSolar_Flare, ohhhhhh sorry i ddint read it correctly :)15:15
KE1HAromulobr, chmod +x . /AdobeAIRInstaller.bin15:15
KE1HAromulobr, ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin15:16
velociostrichcelldweller1591: I installed linux after Windows 7, so doesn't grub overwrite the MBR?15:16
reggiwould someone pls help me troubleshoot a dns problem on my client notebook running ubuntu 10.04? I have used echo | sudo tee -a /etc/resolv.conf to add dns. I can ping the dns and gateway from the laptop but i cannot ping www.google.com. what should i look for to check settings are correct on the laptop?15:16
Linuxinsted of chmod +x . /AdobeAIRInstaller.bin you cant right click on file and in the properties in the Permision Tab you chose Alow execution...15:16
KE1HAIleden, please dont shoot the messanger :-) .. A system service is a system service and falls under the sudo realm of control.15:17
celldweller1591ya may be15:17
romulobrKE1HA, that won't work, it will install, but the apps just won run. :(15:17
KE1HAromulobr, that installs Adobe-Airm bot the apps that run on Adobe-Air.15:18
celldweller1591velociostrich: there type in sequence15:18
celldweller1591bootsect /nt60 C:\15:18
celldweller1591bootsect /fixmbr15:18
celldweller1591bootsect /fixboot15:18
celldweller1591bootsect /rebuildbcd15:18
FloodBot4celldweller1591: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:18
KE1HAoop but Not the apps that run on it15:18
Linuxromulator reboot your system and the application appear in you pannel15:18
romulobrKE1HA, I have a 64 bit system, I thinks that is what's causing the problem15:18
IledenKE1HA: Heh, didn't mean to sound aggressive :)15:18
Linuxor log off and log in15:18
KE1HAromulobr, sudo apt-get install ia32-libs15:18
celldweller1591velociostrich : this will reover your brokenn mbr15:18
KE1HAIleden, No worries, I wish i could chage it too somtimes, but can't :-)15:19
Solar_Flareis there a way to find out, which packets are in conflict with each other?15:19
velociostrichcelldweller1591: I'll give that a try, thanks15:19
celldweller1591velociostrich :k15:20
romulobrKE1HA, the air runtime is installed, but it's not working, ia32-libs is already the lastest version15:20
reggiwould someone pls help me troubleshoot a dns problem on my client notebook running ubuntu 10.04? I have used echo | sudo tee -a /etc/resolv.conf to add dns. I can ping the dns and gateway from the laptop but i cannot ping www.google.com. what should i look for to check settings are correct on the laptop?15:20
biharican any one plzz help me i got this error when i am trying to install virtualbox-ose <E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall>15:20
LinuxKE1HA you dont tell me, how or what can i doo to this 2 packages dont appear in update manager, i dont whant to show up15:20
romulobrI could install air 2.0, but I need 1.5 since 2.0 have a dealbreaker bug to me.15:20
markois it enough if i install nvidia-glx-185 185.18.36 package through .deb program, or i need to do anything else to set tis drivers as ma primary driver?15:20
abhijitis it safe to resize /?15:21
KE1HALinux, ?? dont understand.15:21
celldweller1591abhijit : only when 75% of disk space is free15:21
blinkyberUSUL: still the same error.15:22
abhijitcelldweller1591, ofcourse the diskspace is free. only 8% is used.15:22
BluesKajmarko, usually the nvidia-current driver will suffice, look in jockey for the recommended driver.15:22
celldweller1591abhijit : then its fine , go on15:22
KE1HAIleden, One thought, you may be able to create a special group, and give permission to that group to run that app, but I've not had a reason to try it.15:22
abhijitcelldweller1591, ok15:22
erUSUL!frostwire > blinkyb15:22
ubottublinkyb, please see my private message15:22
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LinuxKE1HA i dont what this 2 packages show up in my update manager15:23
Linuxwhat can i do?15:23
bobo123Is is possible to print the pages I want from evince to a file, and then pipe that file through some program that cuts away the borders and then to something that prints two pages per page?15:24
reggiwould someone pls help me troubleshoot a dns problem on my client notebook running ubuntu 10.04? I have used echo | sudo tee -a /etc/resolv.conf to add dns. I can ping the dns and gateway from the laptop but i cannot ping www.google.com. what should i look for to check settings are correct on the laptop?15:24
celldweller1591Linux, what package ?15:24
IledenKE1HA: Hmm, I'll do some experimenting15:24
KE1HALinux, then you need to remove the applications that are Dependant upon them.15:24
Linuxthat meens remove VLC?15:24
Linuxwtf man?15:25
celldweller1591reggi, have u tried traceroute google15:25
KE1HALinux,  now you understand, they needed to perform the upgrade your requesting, so you can't remove them.15:25
krabador^^where can i find a list of 3g usb modems_15:25
bobo123Linux: I suppose you dont' want to upgrade two packages that you have, but force them to stay at their current versions?15:26
reggicelldweller1591, i don't have that packate installed (traceroute)15:26
sduboisdoes 10.04 have thunderbird 3 in the repos?15:26
KE1HAThat's what apt is doing bobo123, in order to do the upgrade he's requesting they are being kept-back15:26
Linuxbobo123 i what to install them but upate manager dont let me15:26
Linuxthis 2 packages are gray i cant tick them15:26
Linuxto install them15:27
reggicelldweller1591, i'll try the gui tracert15:27
KE1HAbobo123, maybe Im not explaining well bobo123 can you try15:27
wechat!ftp | ubottu15:27
ubottuwechat: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd15:27
bobo123hehe... well I didn't read the beginning of the problem, I just jumped in here15:27
reggicelldweller1591, 'the address 'www.google.com' cannot be found (when i used traceroute in network tools15:28
KE1HAbobo123, too late, your in the mixing bowl now :-)15:28
reggicelldweller1591, my dns settings are not correct but i'm not sure where or what to change15:28
LinuxKE1HA i do in terminal sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade and they giv me that15:29
LinuxThe following packages have been kept back:15:29
Linux  libavdevice52 libavformat5215:29
Linux0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.15:29
FloodBot4Linux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:29
Linuxkept-back from  what what the hell?15:29
littlepenguinreggi check /etc/resolv.conf for dns server15:29
Linuxupgraing what?15:30
blinkyberUSUL: frostwire requires java as well. which i can't install so far.15:30
reggiok littlepenguin15:30
KE1HALinux, and here is why: If the dependencies have changed on one of the packages you have installed so that a new package must be installed to perform the upgrade then that will be listed as "kept-back".15:30
bazhang!dist-upgrade > Linux15:31
ubottuLinux, please see my private message15:31
Linux"that a new package must be installed to" what is the new package???15:31
Linuxwhat i need to install man?15:31
KE1HAPlease, can someone help explain that better, I dont knwo of another way to say it.15:31
ServerTechProim server tech15:31
bazhangLinux,  you can dist-upgrade if you are in a rush to get them15:31
reggilittlepenguin, do i have to restart network everytime i make changes to the /etc/resolv.etc file?15:32
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littlepenguinyes reggi15:32
littlepenguinno reggi to make changes you can as you deserve..to make those changes active15:32
littlepenguinyes a networking restart is needed15:32
romulobrKE1HA, air is installed but the apps installers are not running...15:33
ServerTechProdoes someone know a temperature monitor for ubuntu? Gkrellm us not finding my sensors. :(15:33
ikoniaromulobr: resolv.conf is dynamic15:33
reggilittlepenguin, with the 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart' command?15:33
abhijit!sensors | ServerTechPro15:33
ubottuServerTechPro: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.15:33
littlepenguinyes reggi15:33
ikoniareggi: resolv.conf is dynamic, you don't have to restart to pickup changes15:33
j_ayen_greenhi. running lucid. I'm confused by empathy. It says to use IRC I need telepathy-idle installed. It is. Yet empathy shows nothing in the account dialog or menus regarding setting up IRC, nickname, channel, etc.15:33
romulobrikonia,  what?15:33
ikoniaromulobr: miss-type, sorry15:33
ServerTechProok thx a lot15:33
bobo123KE1HA, Linux, aha... so if some program needs a new version of a package that it depends on.... what can 'Linux' do about it? I suppose the nev version of the package the program needs (to be able to be upgraded) is available?15:34
romulobrikonia, ok.15:34
reggiikonia, i thought I had to /restart everytime i changed that file.15:34
ikoniareggi: /etc/resolv.conf ?15:34
littlepenguinikonia i had problems with it ..i had to restart to get the changes active..15:34
kotomihey, something's up with my mouse in ubuntu, it was working fine until this morning15:34
reggiikonia, yes /etc/resolv.conf (i'm troubleshooting why internet is not working on my laptop)15:34
KE1HAbobo123, dist-upgrade is the only way I know to get round it.15:34
ikoniareggi: it's dynamic you can change it on the fly15:35
kotomiI'm not sure what it is, but for example, I can only view the first tab in chrme15:35
kotomiwhen I try and view the other tabs, it automatically scrolls back to the first tab15:35
KE1HAbut that's installing more than the packages requested to install.15:35
Linuxlook http://paste.ubuntu.com/475964/15:36
kotomiGNOME do is also letting me hover to different windows without clicking on them15:36
reggiok thanks ikonia15:36
Linuxi shold upgrade?15:36
kotomiand my scroll wheel isn't working15:36
bazhangLinux, dist-upgrade won't change versions15:36
kotomiit's like my mouse is always set to scroll or something like that15:37
KE1HALinux, well, it got the packages you wanted, but ya got a broken on in there now :-)15:37
Linuxok than...what can i do to fix that?15:37
johnathanhi there ppl another quick question. how can l run a inventory data base using mysql?15:38
kotomidoes anyone know what I should do, my ubuntu is basically unusable15:38
bobo123Linux: yeah do that, and afterwards reinstall libavcodec-extra-52 (I suppose it is some video format codec?)15:38
kotomiok, when I hold the alt key, my windows start switching15:39
Linuxyes or no? :))15:39
kotomiAlso, when I start scrolling down in the user list and let go, it starts erratically scrolling up15:40
OerLinux, why not ?15:40
Linuxok then reinstall manualy the libavcodec-extra-52 ?15:41
KE1HALinux, I'd recommend, reinstalling your gtstreamer as there's clearly broken players / incompatible codecs depending on what you've brought forward and done since initial install.15:41
bobo123kotomi: is it a normal ps/2 mouse or some usb-mouse or some special? it sounds like the mosue sofware thinks one of your buttons is constantly pressed down or something... could help just to remove and reinstert the mouse perhaps15:41
timjek7hi, isn't there any way i can use a confirmation dialog in ubuntu when deleting files?15:41
mdgeorge1hello.  I'm trying to recompile a kernel to support some new hardware I have, can anyone help?15:41
Linuxhow can i reinstall gstreamer?15:42
abhijit!kernel | mdgeorge115:42
ubottumdgeorge1: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages15:42
mdgeorge1abhijit: thanks, I already read through those15:43
bobo123Linux: if you use synaptic you could just right click on it an select for reinstallation15:43
KE1HALinux, pass, I dont know.15:43
timjek7is it possible?15:43
johnathanhow good is gnucash for keeping track of stock?15:43
abhijit!best > johnathan15:44
ubottujohnathan, please see my private message15:44
johnathankk thxc15:44
mdgeorge1I've managed to build and install the kernel already, but when it boots the video doesn't work15:44
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KE1HA|apt | Liunx15:44
jamitimjek7: perhaps as natilus script15:44
mdgeorge1it's booting properly, as I can tell by the "kachunk" noise from gdm15:44
bobo123noone knows how to remove margins when printing?15:45
KE1HAWhoops, sri15:45
mdgeorge1bobo123: printing what?15:45
abhijithow should i convert default xchat timestap from 24 hours to 12 hours format?15:45
KE1HA!apt | Linux15:45
ubottuLinux: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)15:45
KE1HA!aptitude | Linux15:45
ubottuLinux: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide15:45
bobo123mdgeorge1: I want to print some pages of a pdf-file but want the text to be as big as possible, that is remove as much margin as possible15:45
abhijitok i ask in #xchat15:46
KE1HALinux, that's how to install things.15:46
Linuxin Synaptic appear alot of gstreamer packages...15:46
Linuxok i`m giv up...i reinstall ubuntu15:46
KE1HAyes, go read about them and find out what you need.15:46
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KE1HAI'd also recommend reading up on libavcodec5215:46
reggiikonia and littlepenguin i finally got the internet to work. the reason it didn't work before was becuase my /etc/resolv.conf file was missing the text 'nameserver' before the dns address.15:47
mdgeorge1bobo123: I can't think of an easy way, but I can think of some hard ways15:47
bobo123mdgeorge1: I want to print two pages per page (because there a too many pages to waste paper on), so I want the margins to be as thin as possible (ideally just 1mm between the two pages on the same paper, and 7mm at the paper border) so the text isn't so small15:48
bobo123mdgeorge1: aha, tell me a hard way! :-)15:48
mdgeorge1bobo123: ah, you might check out the pdfnup program15:48
bobo123mdgeorge1:  ok I check pdfnup15:49
blinkybi can't download java7 why?15:49
mattishwhen i cat a file with aload of email addresses on seperate lines, how would i delete a line if say @something was not in that line ?15:49
ubuntuhi! so I just upgraded from 9.10 --> 10.4 and need to update grub's menu.lst.. I am guessing the UUIDs are off, because grub complains about not being able to find the kernel images15:49
Oerblinkyb, where do you want to download java7 ?15:49
blinkybOer: when I try to install Limewire, it says that java7 is missing15:50
markocan anybody help me with this error, i cannot install nvidia .run packga driver   http://paste.ubuntu.com/475972/15:50
ServerTechProHow do i increase the page file in ubuntu 10.0415:50
rob_pmattish: use egrep with the -v switch.15:50
mattishta rob_p15:50
ubuntuwhen doing an ls /dev/disk/by-uuid, I get a list of UUIDs, none of which are included in grub's menu.lst15:51
erUSULmattish: use sed15:51
mattishmarko, unload nouveau module, im not sure what that is tho15:51
erUSULmattish: even grep would do15:51
bobo123mdgeorge1: I suppose it is the "PDFjam" package I want? (it seems like it need the whole Latex/Tex too)15:51
mattishit says clearly that it is uncompatible with the nvidia module15:51
Oerblinkyb, limewire as ubuntu package?  i only know limewire, as windows package15:51
mdgeorge1yes, I think so15:51
lolmachello, is there any way i can activate the confirmation dialog before deleting a file?15:51
blinkybOer: yes as ubuntu package.15:52
markomattish, i did this in /etc/modprobe.d15:52
mattisherUSUL, i think ill go back to the man pages :)15:52
mattishmarko, lsmod and see if its still running ?15:52
ServerTechProumm, how can i increase page file15:52
Oerblinkyb, limewire is not in the repo, where did you get the deb ?15:52
mdgeorge1bobo123: I didn't realize pdfnup relies on latex (because I already have it :))15:52
blinkybOer: from their website as .deb15:53
erUSULmattish: grep "@something" file > newfile15:53
blinkybOer: http://www.limewire.com/download/?os=linux15:53
* ubuntu crosses fingers and reboots 15:53
bihariplzz help me15:53
markomattish, yes, it's still running15:53
biharii cant able to install virtualbox15:54
bihariE: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall << i got this error15:54
mattishim unsure what that driver is for marko, best to check if your not sure before removing or unloading it15:54
markomattish, this driver is for graphic cards15:54
dlp211is there a way to make the network icon in the task bar remain the default size even though the i englarged the task bar...the volume stays the default size15:54
luckybunnyI have a problem....15:54
ServerTechProumm, how can i increase page file15:55
luckybunnyI have created a live disc, to try to use on a non-functional laptop15:55
macoServerTechPro: bigger swap partition15:55
blinkybOer: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: sun-java6-jre|icedtea-java7-jre|sun-java6-jdk|icedtea-java7-jdk15:55
luckybunnythe HD has gone15:55
ServerTechPromaco : how to do that?15:55
luckybunnyso it would likely still boot the Live disc15:55
macoServerTechPro: repartition your hard disk15:56
macoServerTechPro: boot from a live cd, and use fdisk or gparted or something15:56
llutzServerTechPro: just add swapfiles http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-add-a-swap-file-howto/15:56
ServerTechProcan i get it explained15:56
ServerTechProis booting necessary15:56
ServerTechProits a server15:56
macoServerTechPro: simply, its not a page *file* its a page *partition*15:56
luckybunnyanyway, I tested it just now on my mum's desktop, and it booted, but not into language selection and ubuntu desktop. It booted into a text based Linux environment15:56
ServerTechProrestarting is not common15:56
dlp211blinkyb go to the ubuntu software center and search for jre15:56
llutzServerTechPro: add swapfiles, no reboot needed15:57
blinkybdlp211: k15:57
ServerTechProadd swapfiles,how?15:57
biharican any one plzz help me15:57
llutzServerTechPro: see the link i gave you15:57
blinkybdlp211: there are many selections.15:57
dlp211blinkyb are you programming15:57
Pici!helpme | bihari15:57
ubottubihari: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude15:57
macoServerTechPro: and you should not resize partitions from which you are running. if you have /home or /var or something on a separate partition, you could unmount them and tweak with fdisk15:57
macoServerTechPro: but never resize / unless youre on a cd15:57
blinkybdlp211: no. i just need to download limewire which gives me an error asking for java6-715:58
ServerTechProumm can you give the link again plz15:58
bihariE: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall << i got this eror when i am trying to install  virtualbox-ose15:58
Milp_mainHey guys, ive got a server at my hoster running this stupid debian lenny, is there a way to upgrade it to the newest ubuntu without having to talk to my hoster? They want 140 bucks for the upgrade15:58
llutzServerTechPro: just add swapfiles http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-add-a-swap-file-howto/15:58
Oerblinkyb, i see no java715:58
dlp211blinkyb then you should only need the openjdk 6 runtime15:58
dlp211blinkyb it should be the first option15:58
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blinkybdlp211: downloading.. lemme see what happens then i'll tell ya15:59
ServerTechProi need to reboot though15:59
ServerTechProits written there15:59
KE1HAMan Linux wore me out, need a beer ad its only 9am :-)15:59
llutzServerTechPro: no need to reboot, just "swapon -a" as root after altering /etc/fstab16:00
dlp211blinkyb k16:00
dlp211is there a way to make the network icon in the task bar remain the default size even though the i englarged the task bar...the volume stays the default size16:00
bihariPLzzzzzzzzzz help me in intalling this virtualbox-ose i got this problem when i am trying to install it <E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall>16:01
llutzServerTechPro: you should read the comments too16:01
mdgeorge1hi, can anyone help me figure out why the kernel I just built doesn't work?16:01
mdgeorge1or redirect me to somewhere where I might find help?16:01
lxsysmdgeorge: have you got ext4 support enabled?16:02
lxsys*mdgeorge1: ^16:02
ServerTechProok thx16:02
blinkybdlp211: no use. still having the same error.16:02
mdgeorge1lxsys: not sure, but the problem I think is video...I know it's getting to gdm because it make the "kachunk" noise16:02
detrixdoes anyone here know how to get to the bios on a "EZ-Book PC" or even if its possible.  its only got a 2GB flash drive for a hard drive.16:02
mdgeorge1lxsys: but all I see is a blank screen16:02
llutz!doesntwork > mdgeorge116:02
ubottumdgeorge1, please see my private message16:02
lxsysmdgeorge1: are you able to ssh in and run dmesg?16:03
mdgeorge1llutz: thanks16:03
mdgeorge1lxsys: let me try that.16:03
biharinoone is helping me16:03
sabybihari, what help do you need ?16:04
sabybihari, please post your problem, someone will help you16:04
biharisaby,  i am trying to install virtualbox-ose16:04
bihariE: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall >> and i got this following error16:04
biharisaby i have tried so many times but none is responding to me16:05
sabyhmmm i would have helped you,  but i am a new user and dunno much about it :(16:05
KE1HAbihari, If someone knows the answer or thinks they can help they will answer you.16:05
BluesKajmarko, have you checked system/administration/hardware drivers ?16:06
lxsysbihari: just repeat your question every 5-10 minutes and eventually somebody who knows will be able to help.16:06
madridHi, Looking for a language extension for firefox, I was attacked by a rogue antivirus, I have the ad-block plus and flash block, does this also happens in linux? Are you sure I do not need an antivirus or anti-fraud or something against this,  in linux?16:07
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lxsysmadrid: no "viruses" as such exist for linux as far as i am aware16:07
lxsysmadrid: however there are rogue commands that can cause problems16:08
BluesKaj!virus | madrid16:08
ubottumadrid: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus16:08
duffydackthey exist, but you`d have to go out of your way to get one16:08
Daekdroomlxsys, madrid, they're just too rare.16:08
lxsysi'd personally just call that malicious code.16:09
abhijitbihari, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=%3CE%3A+Internal+Error%2C+Could+not+perform+immediate+configuration+(2)+on+mountall%3E16:10
sKaoSHi there, I've got a little question... There is a network-manager within (x/k)ubuntu - with this network-manager I'm able to use my umts simcard which is in my netbook - Now i installed debian 5.0.5 on my netbook but I can't use my umts sim card with the network-manager.. So my question: What modules are included in ubuntu which aren't in debian?16:10
detrixdoes anyone here know how to get to the bios on a "EZ-Book PC" or even if its possible.  its only got a 2GB flash drive for a hard drive.16:10
mdgeorge1lxsys: ok, I've run dmsg, anything particular I should look for?16:10
ikoniadetrix: that's not really an ubuntu issues/question16:11
bihariYES I DID THAT abhijit16:11
lxsysmdgeorge1: um, things like "failed" and "graphics"16:11
BluesKaj!debian | sKaoS16:11
ubottusKaoS: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!16:11
mdgeorge1lxsys: smart.16:11
biharinow i am just trying to install qemu16:11
madridis the false antivirus  promises to clean your PC of false virus "but in linux too?16:11
lxsyssKaoS: you using NM v7> ?16:11
biharisame erro :(( E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall16:12
detrixikonia, correct, but I have searched the net for the answer,  I want to boot ubuntu off of a SD chip.  so in a way it is ubuntu related.16:12
ikoniadetrix: it's nothing to do with ubuntu, try in ##hardware16:12
Dr_Willisdetrix:  ive nioticed some laptops just CANT boot from a sd card.16:13
biharikoi to hai jo mere bateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sunegaaaaaaaa16:13
detrixikonia, ok, thanks.16:13
detrixDr_Willis, thanks16:13
biharii wanttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt helppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp16:13
abhijit!en | bihari :P16:13
ubottubihari :P: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat16:13
abhijit!in | bihari16:13
ubottubihari: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India16:13
Dr_Willisdetrix:  my Old AAO netbook cant boot from SD.16:13
dlp211bihari someone sent you a link   did you look at it16:13
blinkybdlp211: help?16:13
biharii cant able to install virtualbox-ose i got the error E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall16:14
sKaoSlxsys: v7? dpkg -l shows me "network-manager 0.6.6-3"16:14
Oerbihari did you Upgrade from karmic to lucid ?16:14
bihariyes i saw that16:14
ikoniabihari: look at /etc/fstab to see what it can't mount16:14
goregutsquick question, i'm trying to install ubuntu using the minimal ISO and it cannot detect my ethernet interface.  Is there a way for me to install the drivers during the installation?16:14
bihariOer? yes16:14
lxsyssKaoS: ok, you need to install a newer NM.16:14
biharii dont remember16:14
detrixDr_Willis, I am coming to realize that I may not be able to do that.  oh well.16:14
Oerthere is the problem see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/mountall/+bug/55958216:14
lxsyssKaoS: take a look at backports.org16:14
biharii cant able to install even qemu same error E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall16:14
sKaoSThanks a lot, I'll look after it =)16:14
dlp211bihari what version of ubuntu?16:15
kyenteiHmm, where does Ubuntu/GNOME store the default wallpapers?16:16
Picikyentei: /usr/share/wallpapers/16:16
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bihariUbuntu 9.1016:16
kyenteiPici: could've guessed that.. Thanks16:16
dlp211bihari run sudo apt-get update16:16
mdgeorge1lxsys: I have a handful of messages saying unable to read EDID data in the graphics initialization.  Don't know what to make of that16:16
kyenteiPici: Nope, not there. It's in 9.1016:16
kyenteiPici: ehh, 9.0416:17
biharidlp211,  did16:17
KE1HAbihari, ok, follow this,, but please dont shout at people anymore ok. grep swap /etc/fstab16:17
dlp211bihari now try again16:17
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Picikyentei: Sorry, try /usr/share/backgrounds16:17
dlp211is there a way to make the network icon in the task bar remain the default size even though the i englarged the task bar...the volume stays the default size16:17
lxsysmdgeorge1: can you pastebin the dmesg?16:17
KE1HAbihari, then do sudo mountall16:18
biharisudo apt-get clean,sudo apt-get autoclean, sudo apt-get update << i have try this all command16:18
kyenteiPici: The default wallpaper of 9.04 is not there16:18
mdgeorge1lxsys: sure, can you remind me how to pastebin?16:18
Jinxed-I am trying to share a folder in Ubuntu 10.04 with Samba and the Network access is painfully slow... something def seems wrong16:18
Jinxed-what can i do to fix it16:18
lxsysgo to http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste the dmesg file into the box16:18
lxsysmdgeorge1: paste the contents of the file sorry.16:19
biharimountall: Problem activating swap: /dev/disk/by-uuid/5a09d4c3-d83d-412f-b1e2-9fa2a2b143e716:19
KE1HAbihari, You have disk issue.16:19
bihariKE1HA, how to solve this issue16:19
KE1HAbihari, I would start over.16:20
kyenteiPici: Oh, I see. It is, but the default wallpaper is said to be a .png which it is not16:20
kyenteior something16:20
biharihow to short out this problem16:20
Picikyentei: Its actually called '/usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png', despite it not being the wallpaper for warty.16:20
mdgeorge1lxsys: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/HPV6Rfup16:21
lxsysmdgeorge1: ok I'm taking a look now16:21
kyenteiPici: Yea, I found it. Eye of Gnome just gave an error saying the file is NOT a .png16:21
mattishwhats an easy way of putting the seperate lines of a text file into an array ?16:21
kyenteiSo I'm re-saving it with GIMP16:21
mdgeorge1lxsys: thanks!16:21
bihariKE1HA,  can you tell me how to short out this problem16:21
KE1HAbihari, try this: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/YMYK6MEh16:22
ServerTechProumm, how do i install the im-sensors package16:23
KE1HAbihari, I think the problem is either with the partition itself, or the mountall app is fubar.16:23
llutzServerTechPro: sudo aptitude install lm-sensors16:23
PiciServerTechPro: Its a lower case L not an i.16:23
mdgeorge1lxsys: I also tried diffing the Xorg logs between the successful and unsuccessful kernels16:23
kyenteiPici: Thanks for your assistance. I'm creating packs with the default wallpaper, iconset and theme so I can add them to later distributions. (I don't quite like how 10.04 looks)16:23
bihariyes i have not partision my computer when i have installed ubuntu16:23
mdgeorge1lxsys: the first interesting line was "(WW) VGA arbiter: cannot open kernel arbiter, no multi-card support" if that means anything16:24
biharii have used in the full usage disk option when i have installed ubuntu16:24
goregutsI'm trying to install ubuntu using the minimal ISO and it cannot detect my ethernet interface.  The drivers are not in the list.  Is there a way for me to install the drivers during the installation?16:24
lxsysmdgeorge1: ok16:24
lxsysmdgeorge1: i assume you've got an intel mobile chipset?16:25
ServerTechProhmm, it says its already installed16:25
mdgeorge1lxsys: I believe so16:25
bihariKE1HA,  wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mountall/mountall_2.11_amd64.deb << SHUD I TYPE THIS IN TERMINAL?16:25
dlp211network manager icon doesnt remain default size when i expand the gnome panel...can anyone help16:25
AndIrc__How do I flip my mouse's Y axis?16:26
bihariNot Found16:26
bihariThe requested URL /ubuntu/pool/main/m/mountall/mountall_2.11_amd64.deb was not found on this server.16:26
Kwpolskabihari: this file doesn't exist16:27
biharidude i am really fuckedd off i cant able to short out this issue i am here from 3 hours16:27
KE1HAbihari, ok, well using foul language isn't going to solve anything.16:27
biharinone is helping me out16:27
bihariwhat foul16:28
AndIrc__We would all be fuckedd off if we live in india too16:28
lxsys!patience | bihari16:28
ubottubihari: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.16:28
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:28
biharinow i think  i am 18 yers old and ubuntu is not  fit for me16:28
KE1HAbihari, This bug was actually fixed in the package initramfs-tools - 0.92bubuntu74  but Im trying to work around your system and it's not in front of me, so it's rather difficult.16:28
dlp211bihari try upgrade to 10.0416:29
hackerswamibihari: the link is slightly diff.  http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mountall/mountall_2.14_amd64.deb  and please do keep the channel family friendly16:29
sKaoSlxsys, now I installed the backport nm, but there is no chance to connect via umts through network manager16:29
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biharijust come inside my computer KE1HA16:29
lxsyssKaoS: the device isn't one of those usb "flip-flop" types is it?16:30
markofor reverting the command sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia-* , do i need to put sudo apt-get --install nvidia-* command16:30
Dr_Willismarko:  nvidia packages come with different versions for different chipsets.16:30
Dr_Willismarko:  the jockey-gtk tool can suggest what version you should use.16:30
sKaoSflip-flop device? no the sim card slot is under the battery - in ubuntu it's always loaded as usb0 in the device list16:30
Picijosef_: stop that16:31
FloodBot4josef_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:31
parisDoes anybody knows about Linux XP ?16:31
lxsyssKaoS: so it's not a zerocd device?16:31
j_ayen_greenhas anyone used empathy and irc?16:31
KE1HAbihari, are you on 32bit or 64bit system ?16:32
sKaoSno it's not16:32
lxsysmdgeorge1: are you able to push "CTRL + ALT + F1" and see anything?16:32
markoand how do i use jockey-gtk tool16:32
bihari32 bit16:32
mdgeorge1lxsys: no, I tried to no avail16:32
lxsyssKaoS: there's a package, something like modem-manager, try asking on #debian, they should be able to get it working.16:33
lxsysmdgeorge1: are you able to pastebin your xorg.log for me?16:33
KE1HAbihari, the real answer is you need to get your system up to 10.04, however the 64bit soltion is this, all you need to do is find the 32bit backage v.s. the one Im about to give you: sudo dpkg --force-all -i mountall_2.15_amd64.deb16:33
mdgeorge1lxsys: sure.  do you also want the working one?16:33
biharitell me how shud i upgrade16:34
lxsysmdgeorge1: yes please16:34
lxsysbihari: sudo do-release-upgrade16:34
sabybihari, you can check out ubuntuguide.org16:34
KE1HAbihari, If it were me, i'd download the lateest ISO, and do a fresh install, then sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:35
sacarlsonbihari: if it works don't fix it16:35
biharii am new bi in linux16:35
KE1HAsacarlson, it's not working, and not likely too work asn there was several bugs the some system tools.16:35
biharilet me upgrade it16:35
sKaoSlxsys, a "lsusb" shows the sim card etc. But network manager isn't able to control it..16:35
KE1HAIn the system tools.16:35
mick__Hey I'm using blueproximity with Ubuntu Lucid and my iPhone. I am having problems with blueproximity though. I have paired my iPhone and my computer but blueproximity never senses the distance of the phone. Anyone have any experience with this?16:36
sacarlsonKE1HA: sorry didn't read back that far I only see one page16:36
lxsyssKaoS: you mean lsusb shows that the device is inserted into the USB port?16:36
mdgeorge1lxsys: here's the good one (-generic kernel) http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/CyPvuLn416:36
joevanoissues with a network install (10.04)... I can install from a USB, but if I PXE boot to load it dies on detecting the network hardware... any ideas on where to look?16:37
sKaoSlxsys, lsusb -> "Buss 005 Device 002: ID 0bdb:1902 Ericsson Business Mobile Networks BV F3507g v2 Mobile Broadband Module"16:37
biharihttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/UFTjDDhp look some problem it struck out16:37
mdgeorge1lxsys: here's the bad one http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/wNc78nVA16:38
sKaoSBut I can't create a connection via sim card... There's also no "usb0" device like in ubuntu :(16:38
lxsyssKaoS: ls /dev/ | grep ACM16:38
sKaoSlxsys, ttyACM0 ttyACM1 ttyACM216:39
sacarlsonjoevano: well you can try the cd boot if that's an option but if pxe boot is the only option I asume it's a kernel thing and can try newer or older kernel16:39
biharibrb < wants pour some water on my brain>16:39
joevanosacarlson: ok... thanks16:39
KE1HAbihari, just t be sure, did you sudo apt-get update first ?16:39
biharii wants to breath some fresh air16:40
roobshahahah  good strategy for getting users to learn about crond and iptables    http://linux.slashdot.org/story/10/08/10/0319243/Canonical-Begins-Tracking-Ubuntu-Installations16:41
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joe___can a user with an ID greater or equals to 1000 exist, if we exclude the users I create manually?16:43
mdgeorge1joe___: heh for some reason I just read "if we execute the users..."16:44
joe___I mean, is there an upper limit to custom users? for example, I don't know, from 1000 to 2000 and then they are reserved again?16:44
lxsyssKaoS : have you read this page http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/mbm/index.php?title=MBM ?16:44
mdgeorge1perhaps it was from just reading about the --enable-become-skynet switch16:44
belkinsaHi, I'm missing my panels when I open a program.  I removed Gnome art but put it back.  Am I missing a package for that?  Thanks.16:44
joe___mdgeorge1: lol16:45
sacarlsonjoe___:  ya the smalist admin is normaly 100016:45
joe___sacarlson: but can I be sure that if I install a package and that package needs to create an user, it will always be less than 1000?16:45
lxsysmdgeorge1: seems to me like a bug in the video drivers making a kernel incompatability, but I may be wrong.16:46
pozicjoe___: yes, there is an upper limit, but it is extremely high.16:46
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sKaoSlxsys, hmm no, not really.. but thanks.. I'll look after it and try it =) have a nice day :)16:46
pozicjoe___: probably the size a long or something like that.16:46
mdgeorge1lxsys: hmm.  Do you have any suggestions as to what I should do?16:47
joe___pozic: oh, ok thanks. I am creating a script and I have to check if user is one I have created... so I guess that testing if user id is greater or equals to 1000 is fine, right?16:47
sacarlsonjoe___:  I would think you would make the user grater than 1000 but why would it have to be a certain number?16:47
belkinsa Hi, I'm missing my panels when I open a program.  I removed Gnome art but put it Hi, I'm missing my panels when I open a program.  I removed Gnome art but put it back.  Am I missing a package for that?  Thanks.16:48
belkinsaSorry for that.16:48
ServerTechProumm, i installed lm-sensors, it has this output, Monitoring programs will not work until the needed modules are loaded. You may want too run "/etc/init.d/module-init-tools start" to load them. Can you tell me what exactly to type???16:48
joe___sacarlson, pozic: I just want to use a different umask for users I create... maybe I can just check if they are between 1000 and 2000, to be sure16:48
PiciServerTechPro: sudo /etc/init.d/module-init-tools start16:49
mdgeorge1lxsys: my goal is to get my Maudio device working, I was following these instructions: http://www.joegiampaoli.com/blog/?p=46216:49
sacarlsonjoe___:  ok cool I never played with it sounds good16:49
bihariKE1HA,  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/tkwFRUGE LOOK is it working?16:49
mdgeorge1lxsys: am I understanding you correctly that it's probably not possible to have my video and my sound working simultaneously?16:50
joe___sacarlson, pozic: I want to edit /etc/profile to set umask 002 for users I create, and then I set the default group to "users", then I set home permissions to rwx------16:50
joe___sacarlson, pozic: this way, every user has got its own "privacy" in their home, but then sharing a file with others is much simplier16:50
KE1HAbihari, Ok, there's two possible reason, try this one first: sudo do-release-upgrade -d16:50
lxsysmdgeorge1: can't you install ubuntu-studio's realtime kernel?16:50
biharishud i stop the upgradation16:50
markois there any solutions for fullscreen movies. if i have my desktops effects on normal, when i play movies it's not well. but if i disable effects, movie plays well16:50
sacarlsonjoe___:  ya there must be some standard not sure where to look for it google?16:51
KE1HANo, I thought you got the mirrie error ?16:51
joe___sacarlson: I used this configuration on another distro, time ago, and it was good actually16:51
KE1HAMirror ..16:51
KE1HAIty's it updating, dont stop it.16:51
mdgeorge1lxsys: I could try that.  I don't know if it has the proper patch for my device though.16:51
KE1HAIf ..16:51
mdgeorge1lxsys: is there any easy way to find out?16:51
ServerTechProThe script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an upstart job, but COMMAND is not supported for upstart jobs. And a bit more is the error. Rather than invoking scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8) utility, Eg. service module-init-tools start. So now what should i type??16:51
sacarlsonjoe___:  well as long as it's common on all your systems it should work16:51
joe___sacarlson: yes, that's the problem, I have to do it on every computer16:52
sacarlsonjoe___: my computer?16:52
mdgeorge1lxsys: also, is there a recommended way to install ubuntu-studio packages on my stock ubuntu install?16:52
bihariWARNING: Failed to read mirror file16:52
joe___sacarlson: lol! just the ones I have :)16:52
mdgeorge1I'd prefer not to reinstall ubuntu unless I have to16:52
KE1HAbihari, ok, now try this: sudo do-release-upgrade -d16:52
belkinsaHi, I'm missing my panels when I open a program.  I removed Gnome art but put it back.  Am I missing a package for that?  Thanks.16:52
Avohey, i'm 14, a relative noob to c++ and programming in general, but I want to develop for Ubuntu/Gnome. Does anyone know of a good book (ebook or otherwise) that can teach me GTK+ programming? There's some scattered tutorials around the net but nothing comprehensive or really step-by-step. Thanks!16:53
ServerTechProumm, i installed lm-sensors, it has this output, Monitoring programs will not work until the needed modules are loaded. You may want too run "/etc/init.d/module-init-tools start" to load them. Can you tell me what exactly to type???.... The script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an upstart job, but COMMAND is not supported for upstart jobs. And a bit more is the error. Rather16:53
ServerTechProthan invoking scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8) utility, Eg. service module-init-tools start. So now what should i type??16:53
Kwpolskabari: do you have autohide n?16:53
joe___sacarlson: ok I go and do it then, thanks for you time16:53
sacarlsonjoe___:  well if you want to do it on mine I don't care it won't kill me.  and if it's good on your group it should work16:53
KwpolskaAvo: google can do good16:53
belkinsaAvo: Wrong channel?16:53
mdgeorge1Avo: you might start with python and pygtk16:53
tensorpuddingDoesn't Gnome use C# and Python mostly now?16:53
bihari sudo do-release-upgrade -d this one you told me earliear16:53
belkinsaPython guild in Full Circle Mag.16:54
Avobelkinsa, Could you point me in the right direction, then?16:54
KE1HAbihari, yes, what's the results of that ?16:54
joe___sacarlson: yes, I just have to set the default group for every user I create to "users"... then it is a lot simplier to let every computer user access files in shared areas of the file system16:54
AvoAnd i've googled it and haven't come up with much.16:54
belkinsaAvo: Can't, sorry.16:54
KE1HAbihari, we're workign backwards to try and solve the mirror issue.16:54
Picibihari, KE1HA, please do not use or suggest the -d switch for normal upgrades.  That is intended to be used for upgrading to the development release.16:54
amadewscan any one tell ny ,can i run 2 linux machine  like one  to add the power from second machne to the fist ?16:54
forensicHi Everyone - This is probably a question for a php channel, but, does olanyone know if it is possible to launch Ubuntu applications from a browser using php? for example to pass the command 'gksu evolution'16:54
lxsysmdgeorge1: probably sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop ubuntustudio-audio16:55
Kwpolskaforensic: no.16:55
KE1HAPici, I know, but he's in a mess, but your right.16:55
AvoI'm sure python works well with GTK+, but I'd like to stick with C++ for a while, because that's what I know.16:55
KwpolskaAvo: use google, plz16:55
tensorpuddingforensic: that sounds like it would be insanely broken16:55
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AvoKwpolska, I said twice, I already have. Thats why I'm here :)16:55
mdgeorge1lxsys: thanks, I guess I'll give that a shot and see if it works16:55
mdgeorge1lxsys: and thanks very much for your help16:55
KwpolskaAvo: find somethin better16:55
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ubottuAvo: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.16:56
sacarlsonjoe___:  well from a quick view of my passwd file it seems applications use less than 1000 and custom users are 1000+16:56
forensicI'm trying to create a web page that contains all the links for a personal forensic edition of Ubuntu, any other ideas?16:56
PiciAvo: You may want to try ##c++ or #ubuntu-app-devel16:56
AvoCome on guys, don't you think I've been there? If you don't personally know any such books, don't bother replying..16:56
belkinsa Hi, I'm missing my panels when I open a program.  I removed Gnome art but put it back.  Am I missing a package for that?  Than16:56
AvoPici, Thanks, I'll try there!16:56
goregutsI'm trying to install ubuntu using the minimal ISO and it cannot detect my ethernet interface.  The drivers are not in the list.  Is there a way for me to install the drivers during the installation?16:56
PiciAvo: Its not really on-topic for #ubuntu, #ubuntu-offtopic may also be able to provide some suggstions if the aformentioned channels cannot.16:56
edbianbelkinsa, metacity --replace&16:57
PiciAvo: you'll need to register to join ##C++16:57
Pici!register > Avo16:57
ubottuAvo, please see my private message16:57
mdgeorge1!register > mdgeorge116:57
ubottumdgeorge1, please see my private message16:57
belkinsaebian: Thanks?16:57
sKaoSlxsys,  nice tutorial - but... there aren't such kernel for debian :D16:57
joe___sacarlson: yes, it looks that it works that way... thanks that you checked, I think I will just test the user id to be greater or equals to 1000 then16:57
belkinsaebian: Didn't work for me, is that for root user?16:57
lxsyssKaoS: build that kernel from source?16:58
KE1HAbihari, I'm sri to, there's are some bugs I'm not able to help you get around here. My best (safest) suggestion is to Download the latest 10.04, and preform the install that way.16:58
haldenI'm trying to configure a triple screen with two ati cards, my center and left monitor is cloned. Here is my xorg.conf http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/476008/ maybe someone can see what is wrong?16:58
sKaoSlxsys,  seems so that I have to do this :D16:59
sKaoSthanks a lot :)16:59
sKaoSSee you soon ;)16:59
adi11hi all. how can i tell ubuntu lucid to use the graphic driver i want in stead of vesa driver, when there is no xorg.conf file?16:59
bihariok KE1HA  Thanks for you precious time :)16:59
adi11anyone any idea . please :)16:59
Piciadi11: Create an xorg.conf.  xorg will honor it if it exists.16:59
lxsyssKaoS: you may want to get a backported kernel??16:59
belkinsaHi, I'm missing my panels when I open a program.  I removed Gnome art but put it back.  Am I missing a package for that?  Thanks.17:00
adi11how can i create it?17:00
KE1HAbihari, as there's a couple of bugs, one associated with the mountall application, which is your primary problem, and the second, which is seemingly unrelated, but causes issues in the mirrors which has to do with empathy.17:00
sacarlsonadi11:  normaly if your card is supported it uses the best.  only if nothing else is found will id go to vesa17:00
adi11pici: X - configure?17:00
joe___adi11: which graphic card do you have?17:01
shamshirhow to configure empathy to work behind a proxy server?17:01
sacarlsonadi11:  lspci to find card you have17:01
adi11joe : 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter17:01
shamshircan someone guide me to configure proxy for empathy?17:02
adi11i just need to tell ubuntu to use sis driver instead of vesa17:02
adi11i managed to do it some time ago after some how to17:02
adi11now i cant find the website and so...17:02
adi11i know if i use sis driver i get the right resolution17:02
rajasekharI tried to uninstall the fire fox browser, but when i do it, all the folder icons were turned into file symbols. What shall i do?17:03
adi11and even higher than xp17:03
shamshir can someone guide me to configure proxy for empathy?17:03
joe___adi11: once you could do it reconfiguring xserver-xorg with dpkg, but now with the new xorg I am not very sure on how can you do it, I don't want to give you bad advices17:03
shamshir can someone guide me to configure proxy for empathy?17:03
adi11joe : yeah man i know this xorg.conf was the solution17:03
adi11now its all more dificult17:04
xanguarajasekhar: not goo idea to uninstall software that already comes with default installation17:04
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shamshir can someone guide me to configure proxy for empathy?17:04
matthiaskrgr2hello. according to http://projects.gnome.org/gdm/docs/2.18/gdmsetupusage.html gdmsetup has five tabs, but when I run gdmsetup as root (ubuntu 10.4) I can't see these tabs. I want to change statrtup loginfailed etc sounds17:04
rajasekharxangua: i did it. Can u help me out please??17:04
shamshir can someone guide me to configure proxy for empathy?17:05
xanguarajasekhar: are you using ubuntu-gnome ¿¿ try to install ubuntu-desktop to see if it install the missing packages17:05
xanguasudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop17:05
adi11there must be a way to tell ubuntu to use the driver i want.17:05
xangua!repeat > shamshir17:05
ubottushamshir, please see my private message17:05
=== RRKMDW is now known as RANDRKELLY
sacarlsonadi11:  I see a group at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1526038 that are working on your problem but not sure it's a solution17:06
lellei guess theres not any way to reset all settings? i have edited/removed/installed so many drivers and hardware settings i dont know what can cause problem anymore..17:07
tensorpuddingshamshir: it seems to be that the version of empathy in lucid doesn't support proxies17:07
adi11sacarlson : im reading it.17:07
sacarlsonlelle:  ya stick a live cd in and reinstall that does it for me17:08
shamshirtensorpudding: i'm using karmic17:08
matthiaskrgr2hello. according to http://projects.gnome.org/gdm/docs/2.18/gdmsetupusage.html gdmsetup has five tabs, but when I run gdmsetup as root (ubuntu 10.4) I can't see these tabs. I want to change statrtup loginfailed etc sounds17:08
lellesacarlson: optical drive is brokennnnnnn :(((17:08
shamshirtensorpudding: it isn't working in karmic.17:09
unswdwhat is model?17:09
sacarlsonlelle:  well usb or pxe boot17:09
tensorpuddingshamshir: the bug has existed since jaunty17:09
lellesacarlson: yep but its annoying to reinstall every other hour now when im trying to fix wireless17:09
shamshirtensorpudding: it means there is not solution but to use pidgin :-(17:10
tensorpuddingyes, that is the gist of it17:10
shamshirtensorpudding: thanks for your help!17:10
sacarlsonlelle: I told you I spent 3 hours on broadcom and I failed and I'm the so called expert17:10
tensorpuddingthere might be a patched version in the trunk17:10
matthiaskrgr2hello. according to http://projects.gnome.org/gdm/docs/2.18/gdmsetupusage.html gdmsetup has five tabs, but when I run gdmsetup as root (ubuntu 10.4) I can't see these tabs. I want to change statrtup loginfailed etc sounds17:10
littlepenguingrin sacarlson ;d17:10
lellesacarlson: ive spent like 10 hours :(17:11
shamshirtensorpudding: don't know about the 'trunk' thing :-|17:11
sacarlsonlelle: yes but I've worked on computers since 1978 before your were born and can't figure it out17:11
tensorpudding!cn | administrator_17:11
ubottuadministrator_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk17:11
xanguamatthiaskrgr2: 2.18¿¿ latest gdm version is  2.3017:11
tensorpuddingshamshir: I mean, that it is probably fixed in a development version17:12
lellesacarlson: that means your old and senile17:12
sacarlsonlelle: not saying it's imposible but at a point it's just not fesable17:12
sacarlsonlelle: true17:12
tensorpuddingshamshir: Also the forums suggest you can use it with tsocks17:12
matthiaskrgr2xangua: I can't change the sounds in my current gdm version (2.30.2) ?17:13
sacarlsonlelle: it's takes someone with drive like you to find the answer17:13
tensorpuddingshamshir: gdmsetup has five tabs, but when I run gdmsetup as root17:13
tensorpudding(ubuntu 10.4) I can't see these tabs. I want to change17:13
tensorpuddingstatrtup loginfailed etc sounds17:13
tensorpudding<littlepenguin> grin sacarlson ;d  [12:11]17:13
FloodBot4tensorpudding: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:13
tensorpudding*** NixGeek (~NixGeek@ has quit: Client Quit17:13
sacarlsonlelle:  and youger17:13
tensorpudding<administrator_> 有中国到吗?17:13
littlepenguin:D tensor17:13
shamshirtensorpudding: i did reach at the 'tsocks' solution but my network proxy is http only17:13
lellesacarlson: never gonna give up, never gonna let you down hehe17:13
alienkid10this is a script to change the xorg.conf file if I am on my desktop and remove it (if it exists) when on my laptop (ubuntu is on ext HDD) http://pastebin.com/fjQ71r4P but when I run it in terminal it says  "xorgconfig 8:[[ Not found" and "8:[[test no found" how do I fix it? (it's going to run on S)17:13
coz_tensorpudding,  which command are you using?17:14
sacarlsonlelle: but sometimes it's like the vietnam war you will never win17:14
martianI have a 9.10 server install that I connect to via samba, and every few days it starts timing out only on samba connections. I'll restart samba but it doesn't help. Only a system restart helps. Any ideas?17:14
valeriaHi. I've installed sbackup on ubuntu 10.04. but when I start the process it become immediatly zombie. someone could give me an hand?17:14
joe___I just noticed something very strange: if I do: "sudo touch foo" a file foo is created, with owner root:root and permissions rw-r--r--. But I can remove that file without sudo! "rm foo" and it asks me if I want to remove write-protected regular empty file, I say yes, and it is removed17:14
joe___is this normal, please?17:14
xanguamatthiaskrgr2: gdm was totally re-written so at the time i have no idea if it can or how to do it, better read the documentation of gdm 2.30 or something; you can also try to ask in gnome's irc network17:14
rgavrilHi, How can I prevent Network Manager to automatically configure a interface. I want to manually configure it.17:14
matthiaskrgr2xangua: ok, thanks17:14
coz_tensorpudding,  did you use this command?   gksudo -u gdm dbus-launch gnome-appearance-properties17:15
littlepenguinrgavril set manual ip in network manager..or purge it and use /etc/network/interfaces file to cinfuig ur interfaces17:15
sacarlsonjoe___:  let me try that17:15
littlepenguincinfuig means config17:15
joe___sacarlson: ok, thanks! I am curious to understand it17:16
rgavrillittlepenguin, thx17:16
tvwI am on the ubuntu download page, but they do not provide any checksum files. Where do I get those?17:17
Spirits-SightNeed help with Ubuntu 10.10, not able boot past boot splash "Ubuntu ......" screen after update from yesterday, new update does not fix issue, I can boot using failsafe mode, sorry ask here but appears no-one in +1 is responsing after 15 min, any help would be great!!!17:17
sacarlsonjoe___:  I verified I can do the same17:17
joe___sacarlson: ok, so it should be normal, thanks... but it is scary! I don't know if maybe it is because I did it in my home17:17
rgavrillittlepenguin, using the gui applet, I set eth0 it manually, set an static ip , saved but ifconfig eth0 shows it down still17:18
littlepenguinrgavril, 1 mom may i pm you?17:18
r000tI have menu.lst AND grub.cfg... which GRUB version do I have?17:18
rgavrillittlepenguin, sure17:18
joe___sacarlson: yes, it's that. I cannot do it outside my home17:18
sacarlsonjoe___:  ok cool you had me scared17:18
joe___sacarlson: lol! I was scared, too17:19
corpsegrindrI am using a netgear WG111V3 usb dongle, I have tried just about everything I can think of (and find online) but my connection is horribly intermitent. It disconnects ever few minutes or so. Has anyone here had any luck with this type of card?17:19
sacarlsonjoe___:  I had a breakin on my web and they failed to change anyting but my index.html because it wasn't there but failed to break anything else17:19
chemical-deathr000t: grub not grub2 if it's what you want to know17:20
tensorpuddingsorry for the flood17:20
SteveThingis there a built in app for connecting to a cisco router via serial cable with gnome-terminal?17:20
KwpolskaSteveThing: no?17:20
Kwpolskayou shall use network manager tools17:20
joe___sacarlson: uh! do you have a webserver running on your home computer?17:20
r000tchemical-death: huh? I just want to know what disk I need to burn before I go ahead and install windows17:20
sacarlsonjoe___:  yes17:21
joe___sacarlson: maybe using apparmor policies for Apache can be useful17:21
SteveThingKwpolska, what do you mean? I can use Network Tools to connect to COM1 or COM5?17:21
KwpolskaSteveThing: no?17:21
sacarlsonjoe___:  well best to put the user of all files in /var/www in something other that www-data17:22
sacarlsonjoe___:  lucky I did but my index file was index.php and they added index.html  so html is picked first so my site was theres17:23
sacarlsonjoe___:  took 10 min to fix17:23
joe___sacarlson: do you have a SSH server enabled to the "outside world"?17:23
kisplitI just extracted the jdk from the jdk-version.bin. I moved the jdk to /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_21/... How can I generate man pages from /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_21/man/?17:23
sacarlsonjoe___:  yes but not at default port had 1000 of tries to break in when I see the /var/log/auth.log17:24
SteveThingSo, what program do I need to install to use my Serial connector on a COM port?17:24
alienkid10anyone have any idea?17:25
chemical-deathr000t: sorry i didn't get it..you asked which version of grub to you use..."grub-install -v" is the command to show that.....17:25
joe___sacarlson: uh! so they kept trying... probably you should do something more than just use a non-default port, there are a lot of tutorials to secure to the maximum your ssh server17:25
chemical-death+to means do. sorry17:25
=== sburjan is now known as sorinello
FunnyLookinHatOk you crazy hackers - how can I diff the output of two different ls commands?  i.e. ls /a/* and ls /b/* ?17:26
sacarlsonjoe___: yes that's what I said I changed ports and now use keys17:26
tensorpuddingFunnyLookinHat: one straightforward way would be temporary files17:26
FunnyLookinHattensorpudding: grossssssss  I was hoping to do it with |337 piping - but temp files it is :)17:27
tensorpuddingpipes are unfortunately singular17:27
tensorpuddingalso I don't know if diff accepts from the standard input17:27
sacarlsonjoe___:  one day I saw my light blinking on my adsl so I bring up wireshare and I see them working on me17:27
joe___sacarlson: I think that the only way to remotely access a server and to be secure is to have a VPN.. but then you just cannot access it from everywhere17:27
joe___sacarlson: scary :P17:28
tensorpuddingyou can have one file by stdin, but only one17:28
sacarlsonjoe___: you just need to use a non default port and big keys17:28
FunnyLookinHattensorpudding: ah ok - thanks17:28
sacarlsonjoe___: and make backups17:28
SpecFunnyLookinHat: yeah, you can't diff two streams afaik17:28
The_ThingHow do I delete SMB users?17:29
joe___sacarlson: yes, backups always help17:29
SteveThinganyone know a good app for using a serial connection (i.e. console into a router)?17:29
bbeckThe eighth has come and gone, but I don't see where you can download the new Ubuntu font.  Did the release date get pushed back?  I'd like to see what it looks like on my KDE desktop.17:29
xanguabbeck: it's not released, it's still beta17:30
bbeckxangua: thank you, I was wondering what happened.17:31
sacarlsonSteveThing: sudo apt-get install minicom17:31
Specsacarlson: gah17:31
Specwas trying to think of that :p17:31
SteveThingsacarlson, thank you17:31
SpecI was thinking mu-something ...17:31
belkinsaSomehow I killed metacity at startup, and every time I log in have to use the replace command.  I don't have anyother window manger.  How I can keep metacity starting at start up?17:31
chemical-deathThe_Thing: smbpasswd -x username ?17:32
alienkid10this is a script to change the xorg.conf file if I am on my desktop and remove it (if it exists) when on my laptop (ubuntu is on ext HDD) http://pastebin.com/fjQ71r4P but when I run it in terminal it says  "xorgconfig 8:[[ Not found" and "8:[[test no found" how do I fix it? (it's going to run on S)17:32
owd95i have problem with white lines in kdenlive and need latest mlt, how can i install it easy?17:32
llutzalienkid10: add 1st line "#!/bin/bash"17:33
alienkid10llutz: it's executble17:33
=== root is now known as Guest19926
piglordI'm trying to drop a DB that doesnt have a .db file and it keeps saying the database doesn't exist.17:33
The_Thingchemical-death: thanks17:33
Oerlluts +117:34
llutzalienkid10: and will be run by dash, not bash. but your [[ are bashisms17:34
alienkid10llutz: ?17:34
Guest19926I need to chroot into a 64bit system from a 32bit system.  (Fresh Ubuntu 64bit install, Backtrack 4 32bit LiveUSB)  My machine is 64bit.17:34
belkinsaSomehow I killed metacity at startup, and every time I log in have to use the replace command.  I don't have anyother window manger.  How I can keep metacity starting at start up?17:35
Guest19926simple (but probably wrong) method is to put the command in /etc/rc.local17:35
alienkid10so S is run by dash?17:36
alienkid10and adding #!/bin/bask will when booting make bask run it?17:36
Guest19926I keep getting an error about exec format, so I assume it's being caused by the arch.17:36
llutzalienkid10: bash not bask17:37
xanguabelkinsa: gconf-editor > /desktop/gnome/session/required_components > what does it says in 'windowmanager' ¿17:37
alienkid10whoops #!/bin/bash17:37
alienkid10llutz: do I have the idea right though?17:37
belkinsaxagua: How to get there?17:38
oCean_alienkid10: something like this should do it too: http://paste.ubuntu.com/476024/17:38
joe___sacarlson: I was reading something about permissions and the best ways to share things among different users and there is a solution that it's better than the one I thought, if you're interested: http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-7.1-Manual/ref-guide/s1-users-groups-private-groups.html17:38
llutzalienkid10: add 1st line "#!/bin/bash"  that will make bash running the script (google for shebang for explanation)17:38
Moral_I need some help17:38
Moral_scotty@FatChicks:~$ screen17:38
Moral_Cannot make directory '/var/run/screen': Permission denie17:38
Moral_Screen worked fine yesterday17:39
alienkid10llutz: even when run on boot at S17:39
oCean_alienkid10: where "cat /tmp/test.txt" should be your lspci command, and the "echo" the command you want actually to run17:39
xanguabelkinsa: use tab to autocomplete names http://img267.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tmpgnv6da.png17:39
joe___sacarlson: you still have to set umask 002 for users, but you still create a private group for every user... then you just use setgid bit on directories17:40
llutzoCean_: useless use of cat :)17:40
oCean_llutz: indeed!17:40
sacarlsonjoe___: sounds like what you were talking about but I'm anti security.  I'm not a bank.  if they break in they get nothing.  it's all backed up off line17:40
Moral_Just kidding sudo /etc/init.d/screen-cleanup start17:41
Moral_that fixed it17:41
sacarlsonjoe___:  I like to catch them when they are doing it that's fun17:41
joe___sacarlson: yeah, I got your point... anyways I like to know about the most common practices on those things and try them on my home computer17:41
sacarlsonjoe___:  I am an internet service provider and I have people try to break in all the time and I make them think they have succedded17:42
sacarlsonjoe___:  make them work when they think they found something17:42
joe___changing topic, I don't understand a thing17:43
alienkid10llutz: this will work when run on S now? (it appears to work from term)17:44
joe___why if I run "sudo apt-get upgrade" it says "The following packages have been kept back"... it's the kernel17:44
llutzalienkid10: it should17:44
alienkid10now one other question on boot up I don't see anything no splash or anything until the desktop any idea why? (10.04)17:45
Jigalhello how to check how many apache processes i have running17:45
sacarlsonJigal: ps -A | grep apache17:45
resnowhere is the listing of video cards that work with linux/ubuntu? im looking to use hdmi with sound output17:45
chemical-death!hardware | resno17:46
ubotturesno: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:46
New2Ubuntuhi everybody17:47
resno!hi New2Ubuntu17:47
resno!hi | New2Ubuntu17:47
ubottuNew2Ubuntu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:47
ServerTechProhow do i remove a root user??17:47
resnoServerTechPro: you dont?17:47
Jigalsacarlson, tnx17:47
joe___maybe the kernel update is beeing "kept back" by apt-get because there is not nVidia driver available for that kernel, yet? can it be?17:48
Jigalhow can this be http://pastebin.com/u1kfPcRL17:48
ServerTechProhow can i remove a root user.17:48
andynServerTechPro: you don't and you don't want to. user id zero is required to run an unix-like system17:48
ServerTechProcommand plz17:48
goregutsyou can't remove root17:48
resno!root | ServerTechPro17:48
ubottuServerTechPro: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:48
ServerTechProno i need to remove one of the ids17:48
KE1HAjoe___, From the APT man page:  upgrade17:48
KE1HAupgrade is used to install17:48
KE1HAthe newest versions of all packages currently installed on the system from the sources enumerated in /etc/apt/sources.list. Packages currently installed with new versions17:48
KE1HAavailable are retrieved and upgraded; under no circumstances are currently installed packages removed, or packages not already installed retrieved and installed. New versions of currently installed packages that cannot be upgraded without changing the install status of another package will be left at their current version. An update must be performed first so that apt-get knows that new versions of packages are available.17:48
FloodBot4KE1HA: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:48
ServerTechProi am the main server admin(owner) and one of the root users have to be removed17:48
PiciServerTechPro: What do you mean by 'root users'? Do you mean someone who has access to sudo?17:49
ServerTechProadding a user is adduser nick. how to remove a user.17:49
KE1HAWhoops, SRI Mr. FLoodbot17:49
resnoServerTechPro: you can remove ssh access, etc17:49
ServerTechProSSH access17:49
andynServerTechPro: perhaps you mean admin users? root means the unique superuser with id zero.17:49
joe___KE1HA: thanks, but I have already did an "apt-get update"...17:49
PiciServerTechPro: Yes what?17:49
ServerTechProSudo etc17:49
Jigalcan anyone explain this to me http://pastebin.com/u1kfPcRL17:49
ServerTechProThey have access17:49
ServerTechProi need todelete one17:49
chemical-deathServerTechPro:  there is just one Root...if you want to remove a user use "deluser username"17:49
andynServerTechPro: you can remove sudo/root access form an user by removing him/her from group admin17:50
chemical-deathServerTechPro: but don't remove the Root!17:50
teddyvisudo and remove their access. You can use nano or pico, but if you use visudo, it checks syntax.17:50
KE1HAjoe___ was just answeing your quesiton abd files being "kept-back"17:50
kisplitServerTechPro: deluser17:50
* resno chuckles17:50
* econdudeawesome chuckles also, as it's now in vogue17:50
chemical-deathi guess now he got it. lol17:50
New2UbuntuI need some motivation to continue using ubuntu I use my pc for graphics and development as well as running my business so the usual stuff. I am tired of the compatibility issues, do you guys use Ubuntu for graphic development and web design17:51
resnoNew2Ubuntu: this isnt the place for this type of chat17:51
joe___KE1HA: yes... but I would like to understand more, please. Will the kernel package be updated, instead of beeing "kept-back", when all the updates of the other packages I have depending on the kernel will be available?17:51
edbianNew2Ubuntu, How much time have you spent defending against malware?17:51
edbianNew2Ubuntu, resno Is right.  Let's take this to #ubuntu-offtopic17:52
New2Ubuntuedbian: true17:52
KE1HAjoe__ pass, dont know the answer to that.17:52
joe___KE1HA: ok, no problem... thanks anyways17:52
Tomcat_hai recently updated firefox in ubuntu 9.1017:52
aeon-ltdNew2Ubuntu: just dual boot, use windows offline only for design and ubuntu for everything else17:52
Tomcat_haand now flash doesnt seem to work properly17:52
Tomcat_haive tried reinstalling through the synaptic package manager17:52
KE1HAjoe__ next best answer I could give, is troll through the apt man pages and also look-up dist-upgrade.17:53
chemical-deathaeon-ltd: better he uses a virtual windows so he don't need to boot again everytime17:53
ServerTechProoh now i understand, im the only person who has root access, the ids just access SSH right17:53
New2Ubunturesno: sorry let me rephrase what do you use for graphic design (corel )and web development (dreamweaver)17:53
joe___KE1HA: ok, thanks a lot17:53
sacarlsonJigal: looks normal to me you have like 9 apache2 services runing I have like 1217:53
ServerTechProoh well thx17:53
resnoNew2Ubuntu: this discussion is best had at #ubuntu-offtopic.17:53
joe___KE1HA: a "rtfm" answer always works! lol17:54
belkinsaWho ever helped me, thanks!17:54
chemical-deathServerTechPro: normal users just have access to their home dir if they are able to logon with ssh17:54
resnoNew2Ubuntu: i use netbeans (ide) and photoshop (wine/windows)17:54
aeon-ltdNew2Ubuntu: graphic design, i could us gimp, web develpoment - vim and firefox (basically raw writing no wysiwyg)17:54
KE1HAjoe___ Debian Admin Article covering the subject: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/6917:54
* resno glares at aeon-ltd and vim17:54
joe___KE1HA: just joking, eh! I used to give support for linux distros time ago, like you are doing now, so I understand you :)17:54
aeon-ltdresno: emacs user?17:54
joe___KE1HA: oh, perfect! thanks a lot17:55
resnoaeon-ltd: depends on the day17:55
Tomcat_haapparently my problem is common17:55
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Jigalsacarlson, ok tnx. then i have to find another reason why my .htaccess doesn't work17:56
thune3Tomcat_ha: if you just jumped to 3.6.8...some have fixed flash after upgrade to firefox 3.6.8 by disabling firefox addon "Ubuntu Firefox Modifications" or uninstalling ubufox.17:56
sacarlsonNew2Ubuntu: graphic design corel or maybe like phototouch we use gimp17:56
Tomcat_hai am just going to roll back to an earlier version thune317:57
New2Ubunturesno: my biggest reason for ubnutu and open software is to only use legal software17:57
`ninjawhat wireless drivers should i use for Broadcom B4317:57
danubhey all. im on a netbook and when i try to swap to screens 1-6, the test is off my screen. how can i fix the resolution to be 1024x600 on those terminals?17:57
New2UbuntuI liked Kompozer more than netbeans17:57
New2Ubuntuwill download gimp now17:57
KE1HA`ninja, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:58
thune3Tomcat_ha: i recommend trying disabling it in firefox tools->add-ons. what could it hurt, you can enable it again easily.17:58
sacarlsonjigal: someone about 2 days was complaining about .htaccess not sure what his solution was17:58
New2UbuntuCorel Photoshop dreamweaver just unfordable in africa have to find good free leagal software17:59
Jigalsacarlson, no prob. i will find it out. Not the first time for me17:59
New2Ubuntusacarlson: have u used corel before gimp?17:59
aeon-ltdNew2Ubuntu: dreamweaver sucks anyway imo, its just way to bloated to be efficient17:59
danubNew2Ubuntu: i liked nvu (none are as good as dreamweaver, but nvu was nice)18:00
kisplitWhat is the difference between var=test and export var=test?18:00
Jigalhow can i find out where the file httpd.conf is located18:00
sacarlsonNew2Ubuntu: back in 1998 I used corel  used phototouch up to 2003 moved to gimp18:00
danubJigal: 'locate http.conf'18:00
PiciJigal: its in /etc/apache2/18:00
icerootkisplit: with export the var is visible for other shells too18:00
kispliticeroot: ahh thanks18:00
chemical-deathdanub: did you try "xrandr -s yourwishedresolution" in terminal?18:00
aeon-ltdgimp is getting better though, its nothing like photoshop in terms of filters though (so far)18:01
New2Ubuntusacarlson: and you happy with change/18:01
JigalPici, huh??? by me its empty18:01
Jigalcan that be?18:01
danubnope chemical-death  will swap to the f1 screen and try it18:01
PiciJigal: Whats empty? That file or that path?18:01
danublol actually, i dont have to18:01
danubnow it seems to be working fine18:01
sacarlsonNew2Ubuntu: I'm happy with linux it's stable I was formating my disk every 3 months back in 2002 gave up on it moved to linux18:02
JigalPici, the file18:02
danubguess the dist-upgrade to 10.4 fixed that issue ;) thank you anyway for the suggestion chemical-death18:02
PiciJigal: Yes, the file is supposed to be empty.  Settings are managed by /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and files in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/18:02
New2Ubuntusacarlson: do you do alot of graphics work? websites?18:02
JigalPici, so where to load my rewrite_module?18:02
sacarlsonNew2Ubuntu:  some not much18:02
danubJigal: read the config file for apache, it will tell you where to put it18:03
Jigaldanub, its empty18:03
joe___sacarlson: if you're interested, I found in /etc/login.defs the minimum and the maximum user ID that will be used by adduser command : in my Kubuntu is from 1000 to 6000018:03
PiciJigal: If you issue: sudo a2enmod rewrite, it will install the mod symlinks in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/18:03
danubjigal, thats because your not looking at the apache2.conf18:03
Tomcat_hathune3, i got it to work now18:03
danubsee Pici's solution18:04
JigalPici, hmmm already enabled18:04
sacarlsonjoe___:  well you will definitly run out of user numbers then.  maybe start using like 1001.00218:04
New2Ubuntuhas anybody used kompozer?18:05
danubnot I18:05
joe___sacarlson: yes, I will start from 1001. I think it's a good idea to keep the user 1000 created by Ubuntu installation as it is, like a backup admin user18:05
sacarlsonNew2Ubuntu: I used glade and eclipse in software tools18:06
sacarlsonNew2Ubuntu: not counting ruby but that's not a tool but it's my fav lang18:07
olskolircI'm on Jaunty using firefox 3.6.8 and it keeps crashing.  When I restart firefox I get this error: Firefox is already running, but is not responding.  To open a new window, you must close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system.18:07
New2Ubuntusacarlson: tried eclipse very difficult Kompozer easy and closest i have gotton to dreamweaver18:07
New2Ubuntusacarlson: if i wanted to develop a webased accounting software for my company do you think linux is the way to go?18:08
sacarlsonNew2Ubuntu: I might have to try it, all the tools I tried I checked and it's not there18:08
danubNew2Ubuntu: its a webbased accounting software, doesn't matter what OS you program it on18:08
danubits up to your preference and preference in tools available to each OS18:09
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LinuxSalut, voi ati gasit vre-o rezolvare pentru a face posibil transferul de fisiere intre pidgin si Yahoo?18:09
ebuddhaI'm looking to install Sun's JRE/JDK on a Linux distro. Is that easy to do with Ubuntu?18:09
New2Ubuntudanub: correct but what environment would you use to develop such software18:09
danubsalut, vorbi engleeza18:09
olskolircHow do I get firefox 3.6.8 to stop making me kill the pid before I can use it again on Jaunty please?18:09
Linuxhy guys, how can i transfer file with pidgin to yahoo messenger?18:10
Linuxbecause the transfer dont work18:10
danubNew2Ubuntu: well since im a fan of vim for my scripting languages, linux.18:10
danubLinux: not sure. never tried.18:10
New2Ubuntudanub: vim?18:11
danubterminal editor18:11
Linuxis a fix about that or...a patch?18:11
danubits like vi18:11
Linuxor is a bug..or what?18:11
sacarlsonolskolirc: never had that problem I now use firefox 3.6.9 but I think I compiled my own18:11
danubLinux: i'm not sure. maybe try to update your pidgen?18:11
Linuxis latest 2.7.3 version18:12
Linuxis not the latest?18:12
rsvpis there a file which logs all programs downloaded by apt-get ?  where is it? (not in /etc/apt as far as I looked ;)18:12
danubhold on, i will use my google-fu18:12
Linuxrsvp Go to Synaptyc18:12
Linuxclick on File and you have History18:13
lukinociao a tutti18:13
andyn!it | lukino18:13
ubottulukino: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:13
sacarlsonrsvp: you just want a list of what's installed?18:13
rsvpLinux, yes, thanks very much -- but where is the actual file it reads to display that info?18:13
Linuxclick and expand the date18:14
Linuxthat you have on the list18:14
Linuxclick on the litle arow18:14
FabParmahow to set rsync to create compressed archives? i googled + man but i cant find the option. the opt -z is only for trasmission compression18:14
rsvpsacarlson, yes -- maybe even a log of what was removed also -- would be helpful.18:14
Linuxrsvp http://screenshooter.net/57176690/stynrye18:15
New2Ubuntuthanks all got go18:15
chemical-deathFabParma: rsync isn't for file compressing18:15
danubLinux: can't find anyone else having the issue. but i do see the stable version is only version 2.7.018:16
sacarlsonI'm not sure this is what you want but this is what I found so far apt-cache dump18:16
danubdownload the pidgin off the website and install manually18:16
David2884is there somewhere a good howto use share files under ubuntu 9.10?18:16
Linuxdanub what is google-fu by the way? :))18:16
FabParmachemical-death: then i neet to create a script when rsync has finished?18:16
Linuxwhat meens "fu"18:16
danubgoogle-fu = google kung fu18:17
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surgeanyone ever get scst working on 10.0418:17
rsvpLinux -- thanks for that screenshot -- what is needed is actually a text file of that info, so it can be grepped.18:17
danubrsvp: what are you trying to do?18:17
Linuxrsvp sudo apt-get history18:17
Linuxor sudo history apt-get18:17
chemical-deathFabParma: it depends on what you want. rsync is to synchronize folders or whole servers.18:17
sacarlsonrsvp: this might be more what you want dpkg -l18:18
jituanyone know how to solve the rgb - bgr problem with phonon18:18
danubFabParma: just make a script to tar up the files, then rsync it18:18
chemical-deathok danub it*s yours. ;)18:18
lukinoserver irc.darkin.net18:19
danubwell luckily for him, im at work and have nothing better to do then hang out in here answering questions ;)18:19
rsvpLinux, sacarlson -- I'll try both now.18:19
danubFabParma: what exactly are you trying to do? (i missed most of the conversation)18:19
jituanyone know how to solve the colo problem with phonon18:19
sacarlsonrsvp: the secound is beter18:20
danubjito, not sure what phonon is so i can't help you with your query18:20
lukinomsg xdccsena18:20
jituwhen i use Phonon::VideoWidget inside QGraphicsView the color goes wrong18:20
ikonialukino: please stop that18:20
danubikonia: i think he is just typing too fast and missing the commands. either that or he doesn't know the commands....18:21
jitubut the VideoWidget works well alone18:21
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ikoniadanub: either way it needs to stop18:21
danubjitu: sorry, i dont know anything about that application so i can't help you troubleshoot it18:21
KingChillbillin order to purge gnome without the gtk-libs, which package must I purge?18:24
hikuFabParma: you could try something  like this. "for i in 'tar cf mystuff.tar'; do find /your/path | $i *; | rsync $i user@host:/some/path; done - I believe this should work fine.18:24
rsvpsacarlson, your suggestion was excellent, THANKS, what does the "ii" and "rc" at the start of each line represent ?18:24
KingChillbilljust installed fluxbox and I do not need the gnome stuff anymore18:24
KingChillbilloh currently I am using 10.0418:25
sacarlsonrsvp: I'm not sure but the dpkg -l is what I use to create new systems with the same aplications when I upgrade18:25
KingChillbillI have searched a lil bit with aptitude but found no meta package which would do the job18:26
chemical-deathKingChillbill: maybe remove all and try to install it again with "aptitude install fluxbox --without-recommends"18:27
danubrsvp i believe ii = installed and rc = residual config18:27
FabParmahiku: thanks it seems interesting. another thing, my ssh server ask for user an password. it seems that rsync don handle password. it is possible?18:27
oCean_rsvp: there are actuall 3 columns. For example if you do 'dpkg -l base-files' you can see in the headers that there is a desired, a status and an error column18:28
rsvpsacarlson, that's my intent also -- so how does one feed back that list to the new system ?18:28
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sacarlsonFabParma: might be but if it is you can setup keys so you don't need to login to ssh and have beter security18:29
danubFabParma: you will have to make a ssh key and put it in the known hosts on the system accepting the ssh/scp connection18:29
oCean_rsvp: are you looking for ways to clone your system?18:29
KingChillbillchemical-death: what do you mean with "remove all"? Actually I am too lazy to set up my box again... ;)18:29
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danubFabParma: once you have generated a key and put it into the file, you will be able to ssh/scp to that server without username and password18:29
oCean_abhijit: you want me to throw the !hi? :D18:30
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abhijitoCean_, :D18:30
danub!ssh keys18:30
KingChillbillchemical-death: Just want to get rid of this gnome stuff but keep the gtk-libs cause I need them in Fluxbox anyway18:30
abhijit!ssh | danub18:30
ubottudanub: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)18:30
ActionParsnipFabParma: can even use both for super security18:30
danubyeah i didn't think that was going to work...., hold ill get you the link18:30
danubabhijit: i was hoping there was a info link on the keys, guess not18:31
rsvpdanub and oCean -- thanks -- yes, I want to "edit" the clone beforehand -- need to know what file to preserve on the old system, then edit it, feed that to the new system.18:31
abhijitdanub, ohh18:31
oCean_!cloning > rsvp18:31
ubottursvp, please see my private message18:31
scorchgeekquick question: if I've downloaded a truetype font, where do I copy the files to install them?18:31
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer18:32
scorchgeekperfect, thanks18:32
danubFabParma: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-30709.html18:33
danubFabParma: that should get you started on what your trying to do18:33
FabParmaActionParsnip:  danub:   hiku:  thanks a lot. i dont knew that with the ssh key it can skip the normal login18:33
danubFabParma: now you do, and knowing is half the battle!18:34
chemical-deathKingChillbill: maybe your take a look here http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:k93c9Ig0IdsJ:ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php%3Ft%3D565403+remove+all+gdm+without+fluxbox+and+recommends&cd=5&hl=de&ct=clnk18:34
rsvp!automate > rsvp18:34
ubottursvp, please see my private message18:34
ActionParsnipFabParma: your session will authenticate using the key. You will connect straight away. If you disable password logins, any attempt will be immediately dropped as the client doesn't have the key18:34
ActionParsnipKingChillbill: could just install fluxbuntu, or ubuntu-minimal then install fluxbox18:35
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sibishello guy's i have  a question can i install a GUI based application in ubuntu server. For eg i have to install a torrent client or IRC client can i do it in server edition.18:36
bihariany one used metaspoilt?18:37
ActionParsnipsibis: transmission has a headless function18:37
ActionParsnipsibis: you can use irssi for irc18:37
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rsvpoCean et al. -- THANKS very much! -- esp. for the pointer to the bot ubottu responses.18:37
oCean_rsvp: you're welcome!18:38
sibis@ActionParsnip What is meant by transmission has a headless function i'm really new to this.18:39
lontrahi how can i install eclipse-cdt?18:39
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hikusibis: try taking a gander at - https://trac.transmissionbt.com/wiki/HeadlessUsage18:42
KingChillbillchemical-death: thx but if I would remove GDM and replace it with another loginmanager, would apt autoremove the unneeded gnome stuff?18:42
hikusibis: and this - https://forum.transmissionbt.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=600318:43
biodegabrielIs 1GB a normal installation size for Ubunto 10.04 Lucid LTS?18:43
hikubiodegabriel: a default install? yes I believe so.18:43
biodegabrielhiku, i am building a new web server environment, and my installation went from 40MB to 960MB with the updates (apt-get update; apt-get -u upgrade; apt-get install build-essential)18:44
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adacSince upgrading to lucid my sound is silent on every reboot. So I have to turn it on manually with alsamixer. any ideas how to make this persistent again?18:45
biodegabrielhiku, the estimates are always wrong too. it says "you will need 65MB of files" and then it install likes 400MB... :S"18:45
sibisThanks hiku & ActionParsnip will go through it.18:45
hikubiodegabriel: yea that sounds about right for updates.18:45
goregutsI'm trying to install ubuntu using the minimal ISO and it cannot detect my ethernet interface.  The drivers are not in the list.  Is there a way for me to install the drivers during the installation?18:45
biodegabrielhiku, ok i just want to make sure i wasn't flooding my installation with crap.18:46
hikubiodegabriel: =) I hear ya. you should be fine.18:46
pipinociao a ttutti!18:47
hikugoreguts: I don't believe so. Have you tried the normal install cd?18:47
hypn0todays updates broke mplayer, any fixes?18:47
hikuhypn0: have you tried un-installing mplayer, then re-installing?18:47
chemical-deathKingChillbill: use purge instead of remove it removes packages with all the other files...with remove just this package you choose will be removed18:47
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hikuhypn0: I just ran the latest updates for this am, and ran mplayer just fine18:48
hypn0i think i installed medibuntus mplayer, and ffmpeg was uninstalled during updates, hiku , no didnt try that yet18:48
goregutshiku: no, i'm going to try that next but I really wanted a "minimal" install of ubuntu.  Can I tell it not to install a bunch of stuff if I'm using the server iso?18:48
hikugoreguts: if your using the server iso, you can manaully pick the stuff you want installed, then it will resolve the deps required and do the install. What you choose and what deps get installed are out of my scope.18:49
goregutshiku: great, I can handle that.  Thanks.18:50
hikugoreguts: Np.... good luck.18:50
hikuhypn0: hmm, I'd try reinstalling ffmpeg and mplayer regardless if your using mediaubuntu or not. =) couldn't hurt.18:50
ARGGGanyone know what would cause my second monitor(s-video) to have a green screen?18:51
hypn0ok hiku , will try re-installing everything18:51
hikuhypn0: ok, good luck.18:51
hikuARGGG: cable?18:52
ARGGGno the cable is fine18:52
hikuARGGG: did it ever work correctly before?18:52
ActionParsnipARGGG: maybe try a different port. Or plugging it in and out to verify connection18:53
brittagood afternoon- evening, or whatever. I'm trying to use my new GPS usb dongle. It's an ND-100S, but ubuntu 10.04 doesn't seem to recognise it out of the box. can anyone tell me which of these ports I should fill in instead of 'n' in this command? gpsd /dev/ttyUSBn. I've pasted the result of dmesg | tail here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/476048/  Thanks in advance.18:53
ARGGGno i want to install ubuntu 10.04 i did a test run and everything worked as far as drivers go except the grapics card18:53
heoaI have Chinese files, despite running "$ screen -U", the text is question-marks. How to let screen interrept it right?18:54
ActionParsnipbritta: run: lsusb ,one line will identify the device. Use that in websearches18:54
brittaActionParsnip, thanks. will try.18:54
hikuARGGG: what card do you have?18:54
ActionParsnipARGGG: what video chip? lspci | grep -i vga ,will tell you18:55
ARGGGati radeon x130018:55
martianI have a 9.10 server install that I connect to via samba, and every few days it starts timing out only on samba connections. I'll restart samba but it doesn't help. Only a system restart helps. Any ideas?18:55
hikumartian: you might want to try #ubuntu-server18:56
martianWill do18:56
llutzbritta: any output of "ls /dev/ttyUSB?"18:56
rambjoe2 nickserv ghost18:56
ActionParsnipmartian: try enab ling the tcp_socket nodelay option in smb.conf18:56
hikuActionParsnip: what? isn't that a default of smb.conf? on my redhat systems it is.18:57
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ridinhow do i stream music18:57
ActionParsniphiku: its commented out in ubuntu but is present in the file18:57
hikuActionParsnip: oh bummer. =) ok cool good to know, ty.18:57
ActionParsnipridin: vlc can do it or mediatomb (I think)18:58
brittallutz, no such file or directory18:58
martianActionParsnip: no luck18:58
sjmridin: many ways, look up information on icecast, darkcast, etc.18:58
ridinok i downloaded and installed vlc, so what next18:58
Xaseoverscan hdtv 4500 mhd intel. what can i do to find  the mode18:58
brittathis is the output of lsusb http://paste.ubuntu.com/476052/18:59
ActionParsnipARGGG: the proprietary driver supports your chip according to www.ati.com although it does specify some older xorg versions being supported18:59
brittaActionParsnip, was that @me?18:59
ARGGGok so i could install the propridtary driver and be set Actionparsnip?19:00
hikuridin: try - http://www.engadget.com/2005/11/29/how-to-stream-almost-anything-using-vlc/19:00
brittasorry, didn't realise someone was called ARGGG...19:00
llutzbritta: sudo modprobe pl230319:00
ActionParsnipridin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZazw9bag7I19:01
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brittallutz fatal module not found19:01
llutz!find pl230319:02
Xaseoverscan hdtv 4500 mhd intel. what can i do to find  the mode19:02
ubottuFile pl2303 found in cobex, linux-headers-2.6.31-10-rt, linux-headers-2.6.31-11-rt, linux-headers-2.6.32-21-generic, linux-headers-2.6.32-21-preempt (and 32 others)19:02
llutz!find pl2303.ko19:02
ubottuFile pl2303.ko found in linux-image-2.6.31-10-rt, linux-image-2.6.31-11-rt, linux-image-2.6.32-21-generic, linux-image-2.6.32-21-preempt, linux-image-2.6.32-21-server (and 13 others)19:02
llutzbritta: what kernel are you using?19:02
Xase fsck its so hard using my ipod as mybmouse and keyboa19:02
llutzbritta: "uname -r"19:03
brittallutz 2.6.32-24-generic19:03
ActionParsnipARGGG: sure, you may have to run karmic but it should run19:03
llutzbritta: seems they removed pl2303 from kernel... do you still have old kernels installed? linux-image-2.6.32-21-generic  should bring the driver for your device19:04
ARGGGok thanks Action19:04
brittallutz was trying to follow this guide, but got stuck at which port number... http://www.usglobalsat.com/forum/index.php?topic=946.0;wap219:05
brittallutz... hmm was that kernel in use at anytime in 10.04? if yes, then I still have it.19:05
llutzbritta: you need a driver for your gps-device, it isn't recognized at all without. so you don't have any device you can access19:05
LedHedanyone here use Ubuntu with Windows 2008 R2 Remote Apps (RDS)?  If so what RDP client are you using?19:06
brittaand I spent hours searching for one that would work with ubuntu :( perhaps they sent me the wrong one19:06
maksonHow can I add user variable to sshd_config file? i tried %u or %h and that didnt work....19:06
hikuLedHed: I use tsclient.19:07
LedHedhiku, does tsclient support Remote Apps (Published Apps)?19:07
llutzbritta: "ls -l /boot/*32-21*"19:07
mgolischisnt tsclient just a gui frontend?19:08
mgolischi think it just uses rdesktop19:08
mgolischand i dont think it actualy supports remote apps19:08
hikuLedHed: yea not sure what you mean about remote apps? like webapps?19:08
Xasewy is it so diffficult to fix the overscan19:09
mgolischhiku: no this feature allows to start single apps from a terminal server so it would just display the apps windows not the whole desktop19:09
brittallutz http://paste.ubuntu.com/476060/19:09
mgolischto my knowledge rdesktop doenst support that19:09
LedHedhiku, With 2008 R2,  you can create a Remote Application,  so instead of a Full remote desktop, the session only opens an application.19:09
llutzbritta: try rebooting into this kernel and do the "sudo modprobe pl2303" again then19:09
racquadHi guys, I have a problem with digitizing: I have a card (in paper) with some infos, like name, address, phone number... I want to grab these infos in separate fields and put them into a DB. Any idea?19:10
hikumgolisch: ah ok. yeah, I don't believe tsclient/rdesktop support that.19:10
hikuLedHed: nice.19:10
chandani have a problem regarding root password?19:10
brittallutz, will try. brb19:10
LedHedhiku, mgolisch, thanks for the info.19:10
hikuchandan: whats the issue?19:10
mgolischchandan: what is it? the root account is locked by default there should be no problems at all if you dont use that user19:10
hikuLedHed: your welcome19:10
hiku!sudo > chandan19:11
ubottuchandan, please see my private message19:11
chandanbut during installation of xchat through ubuntu linux there is aneed of root password.can u help me?19:12
Slartchandan: there's no need for a root password for installing xchat19:12
Slartchandan: especially not if you install it from the repositories19:13
Xasei thino he refers to the password synaptic asks for with gksu19:13
specialbats_Good morning, guys19:13
Xaseits not good yet19:14
rsvpummm, this FAILS due to some regex error ==> aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic'  <== why?19:14
specialbats_Well it's about to be. Cuz I arrived. >:F19:14
brittallutz back again. sudo modprobe pl2303 no output19:14
Picichandan: How are you attempting to install xchat, and what exactly are you seeing?19:14
rsvpwhat would be the correct syntax? please19:14
llutzbritta: dmesg|tail -1019:15
Xasei hwve overscan... burnt my finger on ramen and am typing this on my hdtv with my ipod but due to the overscan camt seee what i am writing19:15
llutzbritta: to pastebin please19:15
Xaseso youre going to make my morning good?19:15
cellofellowI'm trying to follow the NFSv4 quick start instruction in here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo but when I go to mount my share it says No such device.19:16
epphey im running on the intel drivers, I just need to setup resolution for a Component out. I get video but i want to run in 1280x720, how do i manually add that resolution, I cant just do it in xorg.conf anymore :(.19:16
specialbats_However! I'm a bit new to this version Ubuntu, I'm using 10.04 32 bit, and I'm noticing the default setting is to prevent programs from being treated as executable files. You can change this in properties, of course, except on read-only disks. How can I change this?19:16
Xaseepp you can aedd it to xconf19:16
brittallutz http://paste.ubuntu.com/476063/19:16
thune3rsvp: hard to even guess without seeing the error19:17
ZykoticK9specialbats_, if you are trying to use Wine - from a terminal just use "wine $PROGRAMNAME" as a work-around19:17
Xasejust make the xconf using sudo X -configure move the file and restart gdm server19:17
dlp211network manager icon doesnt remain default size when i expand the gnome panel...can anyone help19:17
llutzbritta: any output of " ls /dev/ttyUSB? " now ?19:17
linguiniI want to install the perl package Date::Range.  Should I use cpan for this or does ubuntu have other, better ways of installing perl packages?19:17
Xaseits what im doing now but trying to discover my tvs modelines first because i dont know them19:18
brittallutz no such file or directory :(19:18
specialbats_What I'm trying to do is install a program from a CD ROM through Wine, yes. What's the command line in Terminal for that, ZykoticK9?19:18
cellofellowhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/476064/ <- here's my relevant NFS files.19:18
rsvpthune3, it says "E: Regex compilation error: Invalid preceding regular expression" -- does that help solve the mystery?19:18
ZykoticK9specialbats_, wine space programname - as i tried to show with "wine $PROGRAMNAME"19:18
blueananascan anyone say me if the creative titanium soundcard works with ubuntu 10.04 out of box?19:19
specialbats_Ah. Thanks :D19:19
alkisgHow can I "uninhibit" the udisks daemon?19:19
alkisg$ udisks --mount /dev/sda319:19
alkisgMount failed: Daemon is inhibited19:19
llutzbritta: can you please unplug  the gps and plug it in again after a few seconds?19:19
maksonanyoen know how to add user varaible to sshd_config I want to make a config user specific......19:19
eppXase, im unfamiliar with Xconf19:19
llutzbritta: " ls /dev/ttyUSB? "  after that again19:19
ZykoticK9epp, if you want/need to create an xorg.conf see my steps at http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/create-an-xorg-conf-file19:20
brittallutz done. still no luck19:20
Xaseits just xort.conf you just add the resolution trust me youll knhm its just adding in that resolution19:20
llutzbritta: sorry then, no more idea19:20
magicianlordWho prefers Karmic to Lucid?19:21
brittallutz. thanks anyway... a bunch of thanks.19:21
ZykoticK9!ot | magicianlord19:21
ubottumagicianlord: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:21
magicianlordthanks zygote19:21
Xaseepp i think you just helped me with my problem inadvetently...19:21
dissidentis anyone successfully syncing nokia cellphones with evolution?19:21
Xasedisside t i have19:22
Xase but not in a while19:22
Xasenokia 53019:22
dissidenthi Xase... can you tell me what software combo i need?19:22
Xase 5310*19:22
abhijitdissident, to sync phone? try wammu19:22
dissidentabhijit: k19:22
Xasei cant recall but perhaps i can fond the link19:23
LedHedhiku, mgolisch,  if you're interested "rdesktop" claims to support remote apps via "SeamlessRDP".  Worth checking into.19:23
eppXase, what was that prob?19:23
hikuLedHed: oh... nice find thanks for the update.19:24
Xaseknowing the modes. but if my laptop cant display 1080 ehy am i ttying to make it because my tv xan19:25
LedHedhiku, np. I'm testing it now. I'll let you know how it works out.19:25
cellofellowfigured out the nfs thing. Had to modprobe nfs.19:25
chandancan we learn python from here/19:25
hikuLedHed: cool man ty.19:25
chandanhelp me.19:26
hikuchandan: huh?19:26
Picichandan: #python would be the best place for that.19:26
EdmundHi, could anyone tell me how to use ssh to ssh a machine on a remote network via the internet. Specifically, I want to ssh into my freinds ipod (which I can do when it's at my house) when he's at his house on his wirelss network. (I will, when at his house, have complete access to his network settings/router settings). Also, would there be a way of accessing the wireless router settings remotely?19:26
alkisgOK got it, gparted crashed and left the udisks daemon in inhibit mode.19:26
hikuEdmund: ssh username@remotehostname19:26
Edmundhiku: really? can you jst use ssh to any ip address on the internet?19:27
hikuEdmund: most wireless routers have a setup option to enable remote management of the route usually with a static ip address of the remote host.19:27
hikuEdmund: well sure you could, but that wouldn't mean the end point would respond nor would or could it be running an ssh server.19:28
Xaseweell that still does t help because i have no default modes listed19:28
thune3rsvp: you are really using  aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' by itself, and not as part of a compound command?19:28
PiciEdmund: What does this have to do with Ubuntu?19:28
amit08I am writing an application which needs to run cgi scripts from my local maching. But tr is a strange problem when i run this application on a browser. It works fine if I disable my proxy settings but as soon as i enable proxy settings it gives an error message: Cannot connect due to potential loopback problems .. Any solution to this problem19:29
Edmundhiku: my freinds ipod is jailbroken and is running an ssh server, so I take it I can just find out the actual ip adress of it and ssh as usual?19:29
rsvp!cloning > thune319:29
ubottuthune3, please see my private message19:29
PiciEdmund: This channel is only for Ubuntu support.  Perhaps ##networking or #ubuntu-offtopic would be a better place to discuss that.19:29
hikuEdmund: you might want to try #ubuntu-offtopic19:29
EdmundPici: yeeah, I know it isn't specifically ubuntu related, but is kind of linux related, and I knew here people would be able to help me staright away19:29
PiciEdmund: Its not on-topic for this channel.19:30
rsvpthune3, that's the specific instructions from the bot -- thanks for looking into this19:30
ZykoticK9Language problem with Cairo-Dock - the weather plugin is labeled "meto", and Trash is "Corbeille".  Anyone know how to change?19:30
Edmund@hiku ok I will thanks19:30
hikuEdmund: cheers19:30
chandanhow can type a print aword in python?19:30
ikoniachandan: maybe ask in #python ?19:31
abhijitchandan, this is ubuntu channel. to join python channel type /j #python then ask there19:31
Picichandan: This is not on-topic for this channel, plese use #python.  You may need to register to talk there.19:31
Pici!register > chandan19:31
ubottuchandan, please see my private message19:31
hikuchandan: try http://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide19:31
rsvpZykoticK9, you obviously have the language and country setting to France -- goto Preferences and change it.19:31
ZykoticK9rsvp, Cairo-Dock specific issue - i see no language/country settings19:32
amit08I am writing an application which needs to run cgi scripts from my local maching. But tr is a strange problem when i run this application on a browser. It works fine if I disable my proxy settings but as soon as i enable proxy settings it gives an error message: Cannot connect due to potential loopback problems .. Any solution to this problem19:32
eppso i added 1280x720 to my xorg.conf and it still just runs 1280x960... No option for true 720.19:33
ZykoticK9epp, i think 1280x720 is a non-standard resolution... it may not be possible with many drivers19:33
eppZykoticK9, UGH19:34
thune3rsvp: i can't seem to find anything, if you are running command exactly as-is from ubottu. dpkg-query -W -f='${Package}\n' , will also give you a list of installed packages (but more are listed than with the aptitude command)19:34
stealthiihey guys, I've been wanting to get an Ubuntu 10.04 system to snatch package upgrades on boot of the system (if any) STRAIGHT after networking (via DHCP) is up, before anything else on the system loads.  Is this possible?19:35
magicianlordstealthii: try alternate installer with command-line system19:36
rsvpthune3, so what's a generic aptitude command to get a list of installed packages which I can feed it back later for cloning?? thanks kindly.19:37
maksonHi any help with sshd_config file and using varaibles?19:37
ZykoticK9!clone | rsvp19:37
ubottursvp: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:37
_sutemmy hard disc is sounding like "klick klick klick"19:37
stealthiimagicianlord: I mean on every boot.  it's for the purpose of a dual boot system with Win7 + UbuntuLTS, Ubuntu authenticating through Active directory on a university network.  I'm hosting the repo on site and want to perhaps cast updates before the systems boot up19:37
_sutemand this is not a notebook :(19:37
ZykoticK9_sutem, i hope you have a backup19:37
_sutemtime for a backup19:37
DarkDarkieIs there drivers for Intel Extreme Graphics 2?19:38
hareshhello guys wanted to ask whihch deejay software do u guys recommand19:38
DarkDarkiedrivers/modules, whatever19:38
rsvpZykoticK9, that command from the bot has regex error -- any idea how to resolve it -- currently in discussion with thune3 about it.19:38
juan__soy nuevo en esto19:39
stealthiiharesh: when the Linux version is finished and released, Mixvibes Cross19:39
_sutemim trying to make a backup19:39
_sutemhope it works19:39
stealthiiuntil then go for Mixxx19:39
stealthiipersonally I prefer xwax19:39
ZykoticK9rsvp, sorry - that command works fine here19:39
econdudeawesomeHowdy! How do I go about using metafonts packages with LaTeX in Ubuntu?19:40
egsomeCan some one confirm that ( Mobile Intel® GMA 4500MHD ) is good on Ubuntu 10.04 ?19:40
tankedegsome- yes19:40
hareshstealthii, when will that be ?19:40
tankedI am currently a system running :)19:40
jim_dandyanyone know if unr will get any faster? it looks like meego is quite a bit faster.19:41
egsometanked, Are you sure ? Are you using it ?19:41
thune3rsvp: what ubuntu release are you on?19:41
stealthiiharesh: the dev team wants a lot more clarity on how well it works on ANY distro, so I don't know, maybe next year at the speed they work at19:41
rsvpwhat's the meaning of '?installed!?automatic' -- very peculiar regex ;)19:41
egsometankdriver, As i'm going to but a laptop that have it, and i need smooth video playback on it and so on ..19:41
tankedegsome yes :)19:41
hareshstealthii,  but any for now whihc  i can use19:41
web_user_9999Hi I have a dual boot, using grub2. When I boot to windows I get "no such device" and "no such partition". windows is on the master linux is on the slave disk. what can I do?19:41
stealthiiguys I'm gonna post my problem on the forums, it's perhaps a tab too complicated for irc :)19:41
vladghwhat do you recommend: nginx+php-fpm OR varnish+apache(prefork)+mod_php?19:42
egsometanked, Smooth video playback ? Compiz ?19:42
stealthiiharesh: Mixxx.19:42
chandanwhat is the command for installing vlc media player?19:42
rsvpthune3, couple years old ;)19:42
abhijitchandan, sudo apt-get install vlc19:42
egsometanked, And how you got it working ? using the default driver or something another ?19:42
tankedegsome- I have compiz on 'normal' settings (nothing crazy) everything works fine19:42
tankeddefault everything19:42
tankedworks great19:43
hareshstealthii, i have it installed but when i choose my media folder it dose not run19:43
tankedjust make sure you do a clean install19:43
ipcImages of sick Ubuntu desktops?19:43
tankednot an upgrade19:43
egsometanked, thanks so much, Working on laptop ?19:43
tankedI've had so many issues with upgrades19:43
tankedYes sir :)19:43
egsometanked, Which make and model :) ?19:43
Piciipc: #ubuntu-offtopic would be a more appropriate channel.19:43
tankeddell vostro 132019:43
ipcImages of sick Ubuntu desktops?19:43
=== svenja is now known as sme
ipcmsg me19:44
egsometanked, I'm going to but Dell Inspiron N501019:44
egsometanked, but = buy19:44
egsometanked, OK, Thanks so much for your help, :)19:44
kisplithmmm, anyone know where I can download libpdf? It's missing from the chromium-browser ppa package19:44
tankedegsome - Should work great19:44
egsometanked, Thanks19:45
kisplitYay java and flash working on chromium-browser19:45
egsometanked, sorry, but working on 32bit or 64bit ?19:45
ipchow come no extension19:45
egsometanked, sorry, but working on 32bit or 64bit ?19:46
tankedI can verify 64bit19:46
tanked32bit, naturally, should work19:46
ghost_truckUbuntu - the OS for teachers. Debian - the OS for cops.19:46
egsometanked, OK, I can run 64bit on core i3, Right ?19:46
tankedegsome - definitely19:46
egsometanked, Thanks19:47
kisplitDoes anyone know if Ubuntu 10.10 moves the default minimize, maximize, and close back to the right? I hate apple. Why would I want that by default?19:47
ZykoticK9kisplit, 10.10 has same as 10.0419:47
ZykoticK9!controls | kisplit19:47
ubottukisplit: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side19:47
bichonfrise74i installed Ubuntu 10.04, and when the "login screen" comes up, I try to put my username / password and for some reason, the "login screen" will come up again. It does say that I entered the wrong password. So, I tried to hit ALT-CTRL-F1, and I see the terminal login, and when I entered my login details, I am able to login. Anyone knows how to solve this problem?19:47
tankedegsome - no problem19:48
kisplitZykoticK9: So dumb. I already moved them back to the right but I hated how I had to do that :(19:48
Xaseseeiously this sucks. im tempted to just install xbmc at this point on mxp19:49
jediknight304Is it possible to have my cli perl program hosted in the ubuntu repos? It is a pattern matching card game, based on Set.19:49
kisplitZykoticK9: They did the colors better in ubuntu 10.04 but screwed up the window placements19:49
M1AUhello, does anyone know how to change the users default file permissions, so that any new files permission will be changed or set to -rw-rw-r-- instead of -rw-r--r--?19:49
Xasejediknight id recommend at least a ppa for now19:50
ZykoticK9jediknight304, you might be able to add it to your PPA if you can package it - then try getting it into debian, then perhaps it will end up in ubuntu.19:50
Xasewhoever thought overscan was  brilliant should be shot19:51
oCean_M1AU: change that user's umask value19:51
MACscrhow do i know if im using a 64bit or 32 bit version of thunderbird?19:51
EdmundThis one is Ubuntu specific: When transfering files to my mp3 player via usb, it starts of really fast, for example, as soon as the file transfer dialogue shows up, it says 30mb or so, but from there slows down and slows down untill it is really slow. So a 70mb file might be 50% done after 2 seconds, but then take another 3 mins or so to finish. I remember ages ago I saw a bug report on this, but19:52
Edmunddont know if a fix was found...19:52
M1AUoCean_: that's the catchword, thanks!19:52
hareshhow can i install mono19:52
Edmund@haresh I recently installed mono by going to its website and just downloading the insallation files19:53
hareshEdmund, can u guide19:53
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fuentesjranyone know why someone would want to use ubuntu enterprise cloud vs xen ?19:53
Xasecmwell fsck allubuntu loyalty? fuentesjr19:54
ZykoticK9fuentesjr, you might want to repost to #ubuntu-server or #ubuntu-offtopic - that really isn't a "support" question.19:54
Xasebah i hate my ipod19:54
anarcati'm having blips and beeps and stupid sounds when i close windows or click on "back" in chromium-browser. this happens in my "awesome" (awesome WM) session, outside of gnome, with pulseaudio deinstalled, and even though i set the "gnome sound theme" to "no sound"... wtf?19:54
Xaseherre i think that the first half of that message was in empathy butniwasnt19:55
hareshplease help am getting this http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/7qvGj28D'19:55
hareshplease help am getting this http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/7qvGj28D19:55
Edmund@haresh@ go here, and download the installation files for your distribution. I never got round to using it though, but the installation is simple enough: http://www.go-mono.com/mono-downloads/download.html19:55
fuentesjrXykotick9: thank you. will do19:55
Xasei cant believe no one here knows nothing about overscan19:56
hareshEdmund, i have installed as it says but this am getting  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/7qvGj28D when i want to install19:56
jim_dandyEdmund: some of that is probably due to buffering. there is a memory buffer which is being written to, which will appear faster to the application. (that is why you must eject a drive, in order to flush remaining writes to the drive even though programs 'see' these operations as having already been completed.)19:56
oCean_haresh: there are many, many mono packages, I'm not sure what the requirements of your build are19:57
Piciharesh: You probably want to install libmono-dev from the repositories19:57
hareshPici, any command19:58
=== vladgh is now known as VladGh
Xasethis  blows19:59
hareshhow do i install glib-sharp-2.019:59
corpsegrindrI am using a netgear WG111V3 usb dongle, I have tried just about everything I can think of (and find online) but my connection is horribly intermitent. It disconnects ever few minutes or so. Has anyone here had any luck with this type of card?19:59
belkinsaVia Package manger.19:59
belkinsaOr sudo apt-get install <name>20:00
belkinsaWhere <name> is the name of the program with out <>/20:00
Edmund@jim_dandy: I do always eject safely/umount, but I've had this problem on previous ubuntu installs/versions, and I have seen other people mentioning it on the internet- it seems alot of people have had this problem, but it really is VERY slow20:00
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ZykoticK9corpsegrindr, this doesn't help - but i have a NG WG111v2 that i keep around for emergencies - never had issues with 9.10 or 10.04, but i only use it for short periods.20:01
hareshhow do i install glib-sharp-2.020:03
EdmundI don't know if it's related, but I also noticed a similar problem with my internet. I was using the scp command to transfer I file via wifi to my freinds ipod.In the terminal it would say transfering at 1.8mb/s, 1 sec later 1.7, 1.6, all the way down to about 30 Kb/s. With every file. So I'm thinking this problem is bigger than just usb. The symptoms seems exactly the same20:03
bichonfrise74i installed Ubuntu 10.04, and when the "login screen" comes up, I try to put my username / password and for some reason, the "login screen" will come up again. It does say that I entered the wrong password. So, I tried to hit ALT-CTRL-F1, and I see the terminal login, and when I entered my login details, I am able to login. Anyone knows how to solve this problem?20:03
MaT-dgI'm having crashes lately. Video explains more than words: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuSCrb0ZfkA. It happens randomly since a few days ago. After reboot the BIOS screen, GRUB and the OS wich I boot (ubunu or windows 7) are still affected.20:03
jim_dandyEdmund: can you confirm this behaviour on usb 2.0 system directly attaching your drive to the pc? (ie. no hub)20:03
Edmundthere is no hub, just a male to femal extension wire, because the port is on the back of my pc, thats all20:04
Edmundif it helps, it's a usb 2.0 pci card20:04
jim_dandyEdmund: I noticed on an old piv my 2.0 card gave me a 1.x connexion, not 2.020:08
oCean_haresh: it does not really seem that the galaxium project is alive anymore? There were PPA's for intrepid and jaunty, but no updates since july 2008, that's a bad sign20:08
Edmundhere, people also talk about the transfer rate starting at about 10mb/s then gradually dropping to rediculously low speeds, as is the case with me:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130633320:08
hareshoCean_, can u recommand me somethign like that for msn20:08
oCean_!im | haresh20:09
ubottuharesh: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete20:09
oCean_!empathy | haresh also20:10
ubottuharesh also: Empathy is the default instant messaging and video client for GNOME. Since Karmic, it has been the default client in Ubuntu, replacing !pidgin20:10
jerkmanhi, ive got a query..20:10
Edmundhow can I check if my card is in fact usb 2.0? Or check for erros with it?20:10
jerkmanwhen on speakers the sound is fine, but if i plug my ear buds in, the sound only comes through both channels if the volume is below a certian level20:10
ZykoticK9haresh, for MSN specifically you might want to try aMsn out.  good luck man.20:10
hareshcan someone help me out with my mixx also please20:10
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xanguaharesh ZykoticK9 better emesene if you are in gnome or use gtk20:11
stealthiiharesh: what equipment are you using for DJing?20:11
hareshstealthii, currently not using any equipments20:11
jerkmananyone have any thoughts on my sound issue?20:11
ZykoticK9xangua, does aMsn require QT?20:11
stealthiiharesh: Mixxx is better off used with timecode or MIDI solutions.   If you cannot afford a MIDI DJ controller you'll find that the play/pause buttons and the built in mixer are all you've got20:12
xanguaZykoticK9: for qt/kde try kmess20:12
Edmundi have to go now so I wont see if anyone replies to my question, so if you do please pm. thanks20:12
ZykoticK9xangua, all good man - it's not me that's look.  thanks anyways ;)20:12
hareshstealthii, can u recommand me some equpiments20:13
inaetyAnyone here familiar with PSX emulators?20:13
ZykoticK9inaety, pSX (not in repo)20:13
_DGM_depends what you want to ask20:13
pepeeis someone having problems with the ATI driver?20:13
pepeeit eats memory20:14
ZykoticK9pepee, lol - that a joke right?20:14
_DGM_nvidia all the way20:14
_DGM_are you running a 32 bit system pepee?20:14
inaetyAnyone here familiar with PSX emulators?20:14
pepeenope, 6420:14
_DGM_inaety: 2 people just answered that earlier20:14
Aeroniushow do i plug firefox's memory leaks?20:14
inaety_DGM_, really? i got disconnected right after I sent it man20:14
_DGM_inaety: oh sorry i didnt see that. :)20:15
_DGM_[21:13] <ZykoticK9> inaety, pSX (not in repo)20:15
_DGM_[21:13] <_DGM_> depends what you want to ask20:15
dlp211network manager icon doesnt remain default size when i expand the gnome panel...can anyone help20:15
macoAeronius: are you a programmer offering to fix them? or are you wondering what to do to avoid them? the answer to the latter is use a different browser20:15
inaety_DGM_, ZykoticK9, I'm trying to connect my playstation 3 controller through USB and play with that20:15
_DGM_in that case i cant help you :) i used to play with my keyboard20:16
ZykoticK9inaety, does it show up as /dev/input/js0 when you plug it in?20:16
Xaseoverscan? anyone? id really like to get this going20:16
_DGM_i know there are keymappers for xbox controllers.. i assume theres something similar for psx controllers?20:16
macoAeronius: fewer extensions can help, but the thing is just full of reference counting errors, so... theyll catch up eventually20:16
inaety_DGM_, ahh, i dont want to resort that again :(20:16
inaetyZykoticK9, give me a second to plug it in20:16
pepeehow do I flush memory from the X?20:17
inaetyZykoticK9, how do you want me to check?20:17
Aeroniusreference counting errors, is that something I could work on, knowing little programming?20:17
shine-nekoareuh :D20:17
Xaseji for the love of linus torvalds!20:17
ZykoticK9inaety, plug it in - then "ls /dev/input" do you see js0 in the output?20:18
macoAeronius: do you know C++?20:18
AeroniusI have a couple of books on it...20:18
_DGM_inaety: see if that "file" exists. in the console cd /dev/input and see if js0 is there20:18
inaetyyeah js0 shows up20:18
macoAeronius: the deal is, theres a lot of places where free() isnt called and should be, or a data structure with lots of substructures is free()d without those substructures being free()d first20:18
inaety_DGM_, ZykoticK9 ^20:18
ZykoticK9inaety, they you joystick "should" be working - just point the config to /dev/input/js0 it's probably /dev/js0 by default20:19
annieHey room.. I'm trying to ssh for a web proxy to home from a cafe. The tunnel is working but when I set firefox proxy settings all I get is this message in the browser...SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu420:19
Aeroniusmaco: so it's just sloppy coding?20:19
inaetyZykoticK9, man if its that easy I will be so angry20:19
cbrinke1Due to a 3rd party providing some poor debs I need to repackage an existing .deb file (no src) what is the best way to do that?20:19
jpag87aHi, I have this problem: my computer starts beeping very loudly when shutting down, the snd_pcsp and pcspkr are already blacklisted in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf (the only solution I get when searching everywhere on the Web). This doesn't happen all the time, but I really need to get rid of the beeping, since it has happened at office and is very embarrasing (and will get me berated soon for sure). I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 (Linux 2.6.31-22-generic #61-Ub20:19
macoAeronius: yep20:19
_DGM_inaety: dont be angry :)20:19
mustafawhich editor do you recommend for LATEX?20:20
Aeroniusmaco: sounds like an easy macro could fix it.20:20
inaetyZykoticK9, I went to config > External gamepad and it points to /dev/input/js0.  Is that what you meant? epsxe btw20:20
bellmanis gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse still needed for flac to mp3 conversion ... and if so, what makes it ugly20:20
macoAeronius: youd have to find those and figure out where those additional free()s need to be added.20:20
macoAeronius: it's all full of COM too. its not easy code to read :-/20:20
inaety_DGM_, I know but i went through all this trouble with some program20:20
jpag87a@mustafa Lyx is a good editor for LaTEX20:20
inaetyI cant remember the name20:20
ZykoticK9inaety, what emulator - how are you testing? (forget about analog joystick unless you're using pSX)20:20
Sid123i have a dual boot system running xp and ubuntu 10.04.whenever i reinstall xp i have to reinstall ubuntu as the grub was damaged.IS there any other way without reinstalling ubuntu?20:20
trijntjejpag87a, I think that mean kernel-panic at shutdown, thats all I know20:20
AeroniusLyx ain't perfect20:21
macoAeronius: i had a class in school where the prof was a Mozilla dev back in the 90s and he said he nearly jumped over the desk at someone he worked with when they suggested that reference counting was easy20:21
inaetyZykoticK9, epsxe, but i will change to whatever you want20:21
trijntje!grub | Sid12320:21
ubottuSid123: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.20:21
macoAeronius: yeah... Microsoft coding uses something called COM, and Netscape copied it and renamed it NS COM (netscape)20:21
mustafaok. how to compile or convert text to latex format using terminal?20:21
AeroniusLyx, it's good for math notetaking, so long as you don't need diagrams20:21
ZykoticK9inaety, what do you mean by "I know but i went through all this trouble with some program" did you use some joystick calibration tool from the repository?20:21
JoshuaLI have two issues. Issue number one is: Empathy does not automatically start at startup, while I have selected this option in the settings. My other issue is that Gwibber does not remember my opened streams after an reboot. How can I solve these issues?20:21
macoAeronius: er, i guess i should say he was a Netscape dev and then it got open sourced and he became a Mozilla dev20:21
_DGM_maco: but it can be easy really... though i wouldnt use it20:22
mustafai always use gedit and i want to use gedit for LATEX?20:22
Xasei rreally feel like shooting someone. i wonder if itll show fine o n ma verick meerkat20:22
inaetyZykoticK9, nah it was on another system, anyways.  I'll find the name for you20:22
annieI was getting the same message at home when testing, I thought it was because all comps were behind the same router. But now that I'm outside my network I'm not sure what the problem is.20:22
ZykoticK9inaety, on another system - then doesn't matter.20:22
jpag87a@trijntje The computer shuts down normally (the shutdown animation pulses and fades normally, then the computer shuts down)... Whenever my computer goes kernel panic I have to use the power button, it just hangs... no I think it's not a kp20:22
inaetyZykoticK9, yeah I was just saying that its trouble20:22
Aeroniusmustafa: use Kile instead, it's a good latex editor...20:22
maco_DGM_: with a /very/ simple program maybe... but something the size of mozilla? with circular allocations? cant free A, its used by B. cant free B its used by A. dont free anything! thatll work! *headdesk*20:23
ZykoticK9inaety, did you turn off any analog stuff in epsxe already?  can you config any of the buttons in the plugin controls?20:23
inaetyZykoticK9, what do you mean by analog stuff20:23
MrUnagii am on the live cd trying to create an hfs+ partition with gparted, but it is greyed out, any ideas?20:23
_DGM_maco: you can tell if thats true according to the reference count?20:24
ZykoticK9inaety, sorry man i don't have epsxe installed on my HTPC right now, so i can't see the preferences.20:24
hikuMrUnagi: are you using sudo gparted?20:24
_DGM_just delete on 0.. and don't forget increasing/decreasing anywhere20:24
MrUnagihiku: ^20:24
Aeroniusmaco: aside from using another program, what's the best workaround? killall firefox and restart it?20:24
ZykoticK9inaety, i remember a checkbox/setting for analog or just a checkbox besides an "a" in the input area - be sure that is off.20:25
maco_DGM_: but if its circular, youre going "its at 1, dont delete" on *everything* in the circle...instead of realising that once you delete 1 of them the 1s drop to 0s like dominoes20:25
trijntjeMrUnagi, maybe you have to install support for hfs+ first? its the same with ntfs20:25
annieIt's quiet in here20:25
macoAeronius: pretty much20:25
mustafa<Aeronius> thank you20:25
inaetyZykoticK9, okay well there are two config options.  one for the keyboard, essentially.  and another for an external game pad which is obviously what i want20:25
Aeroniusmustafa: you're welcome20:26
inaetyZykoticK9, oh wait i found the analog part20:26
_DGM_maco: thats true but in that case i wouldnt pick a ref counting system at all really. i'd try to design that differently.20:26
thune3MrUnagi: does that disk have a swap partition that might have been mounted by livecd?20:26
c3lthis process is using 100% cpu, why, how do I fix?  /usr/bin/X :0 -br -verbose -auth /var/run/gdm/auth-for-gdm-qftgvM/database -nolisten tcp20:27
Sid123<trijntje>actually grub220:27
Xasei nstalling meerkat because its a better option waiting for help that wont come. peace20:27
ThqrmtEl Problemo: downloaded shredder 12 for linux;unpacked;ran shredder12 script;script downloaded some java stuff;shredder opened with a dialog asking for license etc.;i can't type or past in the entry fields20:27
MrUnagithune3: no20:27
maco_DGM_: tell that to netscape 15 years ago? :P20:27
MrUnagithune3:  one post i read said that you had to have hfsprogs installed, but apt doesnt find that, it finds hfsutils, that only gives me hfs20:27
_DGM_maco: hehe 15 years ago i was 9.. hmmmm :P20:28
trijntjeSid123, !grub220:28
econdudeawesomeecondudeawesome, !grub220:28
thune3MrUnagi: i think you need to enable universe repository in software sources first.20:28
ZykoticK9c3l, "that" process is Xorg - the GUI on your system - do you have compiz enabled?  try disabling that if you do.20:28
c3lZykoticK9: I dont have compiz enabled. is it gdm thats messing, or is it xorg?20:29
ZykoticK9c3l, the process is X - it "might" be gdm that affecting it though20:29
ThqrmtShredder has no way of contacting them, should I just cancel the payment?20:30
c3lany idea how I fix this? I dont really like it using all my cpu20:30
inaetyZykoticK9, its not working, even with analog off.  I can try and edit the buttons, like have triangle be another button for example but my terminal says that no input is detected20:30
thune3MrUnagi: hfsplus and hfsutils are in main hfsprogs is in universe20:31
trijntjeSid123, its quite a common problem, i'm sure its mentioned in the wiki somewhere20:31
MrUnagi thune3  got it thanks20:31
aeon-ltdc3l: whats the situation like in top?20:31
JoshuaLI have two issues. Issue number one is: Empathy does not automatically start at startup, while I have selected this option in the settings. My other issue is that Gwibber does not remember my opened streams after an reboot. How can I solve these issues?20:31
annieDon't wanna be pushy, wasn't sure if my connection was working.. but did my previous 2 messages get through?20:31
ZykoticK9inaety, open a new terminal then type "cat /dev/input/js0" and pressing buttons and moving your joystick "should" show character in the terminal window - use the X to close the window when done testing it's working.20:32
stojakovgoogle earth doesnt work on ATI radeon 9200 ubuntu 10.4, help20:32
SealedWithAKissMy task bar has disappeared, the one that show the windows currently open. How do I get it back? At the moment I'm having to use Alt + Tab?20:32
inaetyZykoticK9, a whole bunch of identified characters should up immediately but after pressing random buttons and stuff, nothing more showed up20:33
belkinsaSealed: Is it on Autohide?20:33
inaetyunidentified *20:33
aeon-ltdSealedWithAKiss: if you've got a panel you can right click in a empty space on the panel to add applet or add new panel20:33
=== Archdave is now known as Archdave|
ThqrmtI'm trying to enter my license code for Shredder but the entry field is basically the the size of the pointer-over-text cursor. I attempted to enter it assuming that it begins blank and did so precisely but it told me the code was wrong. when I right click there's no option to paste. help plez....20:33
SealedWithAKissbelkinsa, probably. How do I get it back?20:33
smilebarhello. i installed ubuntu 10.04 via net-install .. i'm missing the network manager in top left bar ... any ideas how i can add it there?20:33
jpag87a@SealedWithAKiss Right click on panel . add to panel . window list20:33
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ZykoticK9inaety, then your joystick isn't "really" working i'm affraid - sorry i don't have a solution for that.20:33
inaetyZykoticK9, hmm, weird.  does it work out of the box for some?20:34
SealedWithAKissjgabor, I want my window list at the bottom though on a separate bar.20:34
aeon-ltdsmilebar: right click on the panel go on add to panel20:34
ZykoticK9inaety, with my PS2 controllers work OOTB20:34
oCean_Thqrmt: contact the vendor?20:34
smilebaraoen-ltd: errr  noo .. that doesnt work20:34
inaetyZykoticK9, you have a PS2 controller USB adapter?20:34
_DGM_it works inside my box too but its a bit hard to use it20:34
xangua!panels | smilebar20:34
aeon-ltdSealedWithAKiss: you can add a new panel20:34
ubottusmilebar: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »20:34
ZykoticK9inaety, yup20:34
aeon-ltdsmilebar: are you using gnome?20:35
smilebaraoen-ltd  yes20:35
inaetyZykoticK9, haha i just found something weird, the PS3 button in the middle makes more characters show up20:35
Sid123how to write SQL programs in ubuntu 10.0420:35
xanguasmilebar: if it's not ther then: sudo apt-get install network-manager network-manager-gnome20:35
SealedWithAKissaeon-ltd, I just accidently deleted my main panel with Applications Places etc on.20:35
aeon-ltdsmilebar: go on gnome panel rght click on empty space in panel, add to panel, add applets20:35
ZykoticK9inaety, 90% of the adapters work - but only a very few work properly -- ie to buttons at once - big issue for DDR, don't ask how i know that ;)20:35
smilebaraeon but it's like theres no free pace to click to add something more .. if i right-lcik i can only configure whatever icon i clicked there20:35
inaetyZykoticK9, ahhh i got it because of the ps3 button being pressed20:35
_DGM_Sid123: you can't write "programs" in sql. You can only query and manage database with it20:35
aeon-ltdSealedWithAKiss: reset to defaults via xangua's method20:36
inaetyZykoticK9, you love DDR dont you20:36
ZykoticK9inaety, lies!  ;)20:36
anniegonna log quick.. brb20:36
aeon-ltdsmilebar: try and find some space, or click on a different panel20:36
inaetyZykoticK9, i'm so bad its pathetic20:36
iNsOmNiOuSWhat is the Ubuntu restricted Drivers Package  name ?20:36
smilebaraeon i have "language" "battery" "speaker" mail" date/time" X-bubble" my name " and turn off button"20:37
PiciiNsOmNiOuS: jockey-gtk or jockey-kde, depending on which DE you're using.20:37
steve656Hello everyone20:37
aeon-ltdsmilebar: and your out of space?20:37
annieHey room.. I'm trying to ssh for a web proxy to home from a cafe. The tunnel is working but when I set firefox proxy settings all I get is this message in the browser...SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu420:37
iNsOmNiOuSThanks :)20:37
ZykoticK9Language problem with Cairo-Dock - the weather plugin is labeled "meto", and Trash is "Corbeille".  Anyone know how to change?20:37
aeon-ltdsmilebar: ok just right click remove something and continue then restore it later20:38
smilebaraeon but it will autoshrink?20:38
inaetyZykoticK9, I cant believe i got this working by pressing the PS3 button.  just a heads up for anyone else who asks20:38
Sid123<_DGM_>yeah for that i need some kind of software like SQLplus in windows.Is there anything like that in linux?20:38
SlartZykoticK9: what is that? French? check system, administration, Language support20:38
_DGM_annie: and the problem is?20:39
linuxello is anybody there20:39
ZykoticK9Slart, this is a Cairo-Dock only issue BTW20:39
hiku!hi | linux20:39
_DGM_Sid123: what exactly are you looking for? A GUI or just code highlighting20:39
ubottulinux: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:39
annielinux: I'm here... but I'm confused20:39
SlartZykoticK9: ah.. my bad20:40
ZykoticK9Slart, English & English (Canada) is all i have in Languages20:40
aeon-ltdsmilebar: right click on the panel's ::20:40
ubottulinux: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:40
smilebaraeon i'm not out of space .. there's is however three tiny horizontal lines .. left from does i can add whatever i want (like a swimming fish) but i cannot select anything like a network mananger20:40
Sid123<_DGM_>yeah GUI and realted sofrware to process the query20:41
oCean_!info tora | Sid12320:42
ubottuSid123: tora (source: tora): A graphical toolkit for database developers and administrators. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.1-1 (lucid), package size 4698 kB, installed size 8996 kB20:42
=== MichealH_ is now known as MichealH
c3laeon-ltd: xorg is running at 100% cpu usage, I noticed that this is only when Im using mythtv. then why is xorg/gdm the one being overloaded?20:42
SlartZykoticK9: if you open the Cairo-dock configuration you can select what the trashcan etc should be called.. the trash is in Desktop, Trash, "Name of the icon as it will appear in its caption in the dock:"20:42
aeon-ltdc3l: because gdm initiates X20:42
biharithis metaspoilt suks20:42
aeon-ltdsmilebar: are you sure it should be the utilities section20:42
bichonfrise74is there a workaround for the login loop problem in Ubuntu 10.04?20:43
smilebaraeon-ltd, what i dont understand? "utilitise section"?20:43
c3laeon-ltd: ah okay. how come X gets overloaded when mythtv runs?20:43
Oerbichonfrise74, maybe caps-lock on ?20:43
xangua(14:34:59) ubottu: smilebar: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »20:43
xangua(14:35:42) xangua: smilebar: if it's not ther then: sudo apt-get install network-manager network-manager-gnome20:43
belkinsalinux, did you have a question or what?20:43
bichonfrise74Oer - unfortunately, it is not Caps-lock on.20:44
smilebaroh! utilitise section is on the right of the small three horizintal lines?20:44
smilebarokay xangua20:44
anniedmg: If I'm trying to browse the net using the desktop at home, any address I put in takes me to a page that simply states "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu4"20:44
bichonfrise74I tried to apt-get remove gdm, but when I try to do a apt-get install gdm, it will say that it cannot connect to the repository???20:44
ZykoticK9Slart, thanks - trash is trash again.20:44
aeon-ltdsmilebar: ok easier., go to synaptics check network manager is actually installed20:44
bichonfrise74how do I get a internet connection while I am in a terminal session?20:45
advorakif I run dpkg -l, I get a list of the installed packages, but if my terminal screen is too small, it truncates the package name .. how can I display a list of packages with the FULL name of each package?20:45
erUSULbichonfrise74: depends; wifi? wired ?20:45
bichonfrise74erUSUL - wired20:45
erUSULadvorak: dpkg -l | less20:45
erUSULbichonfrise74: you have a router that gives the ip and all the connection details ? « sudo dhclient eth0 »20:46
advorakerUSUL: ok.  now, is there a flag that will allow me to do that without piping it?20:46
SlartZykoticK9: you're welcome20:46
bichonfrise74erUSUL - that command worked... it says I have an IP address.20:46
smilebaraeon / xangua  after apt-get command, output is "network-manager is newest version" network-0manager-gnome is newest version"20:46
erUSULadvorak: no; pagers exist so programs do not have to reinvent the wheel themselves20:47
bichonfrise74erUSUL - thanks! that did it.20:47
erUSULbichonfrise74: good.20:47
xanguasmilebar: did you restore panel's configuration¿20:47
smilebarxangua, no ... because it was never there .. even after first install and boot .. i doubt it will magically appear if it was never there?20:48
advorakerUSUL: then what is the mechanism that dpkg uses to determine whether or not to display the whole name?  I am working with a script that I need to avoid piping commands .. would a better option be to survey dpkg's database?  My preferred option would be if dpkg would "just work" as I'd like it :-)20:48
smilebaraeon-ltd, nevermind ... i gedit-ed "networks" inside /etc and rebooted to get my dns and gateway to work20:49
erUSULadvorak: what do you want to do with dpkg -l output ?20:49
ralliasI have a question. I am setting up an email server (imap and smtp). I have Dovecot and Postfix installed on the same machine. How do I integrate them?20:49
xanguasmilebar: what desktop did you installed¿20:49
anniejust a recap... I have a ssh tunnel to home. Set Firefox to use it as a proxy. Any webpage I visit simply displays the message "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu4"20:49
smilebarxangua, default ... gnome20:49
advorakerUSUL: I have two machines; One that has all of the packages I need installed in the second.  With the dpkg -l output, I am going to concoct an "apt-get install" command which contains the names of the packages I want to install ..20:50
smilebargnome ruleZ : D20:50
advorak(ie. all of the packages installed on the first computer)20:50
erUSUL!clone > advorak20:50
ubottuadvorak, please see my private message20:50
xanguasmilebar: how¿¿ do you have gnome-panel installe¿¿20:50
bobo123is it possible to have java installed as a user? that is java runtime system is not installed by root? (so the user have the java interpreter etc in her home directory)20:50
erUSULadvorak: got the factoid ?20:51
advorakerUSUL: yes, thanks for your help :-)20:52
tcopelandI recently performed an update on my tablet with an nvidia graphics card. how do i rollback to the last version of xorg, as I don't think the current version of xorg is compatible w/ my card?20:52
smilebarxangua .. no idea .. i used tftpd?20:52
linuxwads gon g on20:52
linuxdaos any1 is there20:53
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annielinux: what?20:53
Slartlinux: try to spell properly.. it's much easier for people who are not native english speakers to understand, not to mention searching logs and such20:54
smilebarso theres no easy way to get the "network mananger" into the top right panel with right-click on non excistant space?20:54
advorakerUSUL: Works PERFECTLY! :-)20:54
xanguasmilebar: how did you installed GNOME¿ do you have gnome-panel installed¿20:55
Slartsmilebar: it's not an applet for the gnome panel.. it's an icon just like pidgin, skype or similar20:55
smilebarSlart, how do i put it there?20:55
Slartsmilebar: open a terminal and run   "nm-applet&"20:55
smilebarSlart, so it stays there after the next reboot?20:55
smilebarsec ...20:55
Slartsmilebar: it's usually started automatically20:56
smilebarSlart, nothing happens ...20:56
ZykoticK9smilebar, System / Preferences / Startup Application - verify that "Network Manager" is checked20:56
smilebarZykoticK9, it is checked .. still i cannot see it?20:57
ZykoticK9smilebar, that was just to see if it's set to startup automatically...20:57
_joeyhas anyone used lastpass password manager (firefox add-on) or know anything about it?20:58
Slartsmilebar: do you see any other icons up there?20:58
xangua_joey: it's good20:58
_joeyi may have tried myself it's kind of uknown to me20:58
_joeyit's for password20:58
xanguaSlart: he doesn't even has a panel look so20:59
smilebarSlart, i see now : x-chat / USA / battery / speaker / mail-envelop / date-time/ speech bubble with a x / my name / and a turn-off button20:59
hylian_i need a way to password a notepad file, any suggestions? or maybe the folder it's in? i want to make a secure diary, and i want to use something as simple as either gedit or notepad and save it in a txt document..20:59
ralliasdoes anyone have a suggestion for a command-line dovecot / postfix manager?20:59
annieQuestion... I have a ssh tunnel to home. Set Firefox to use it as a proxy. Any webpage I visit simply displays the message "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu4"21:00
_DGM_annie: whats the question?21:00
_DGM_oh wait i reread it :) nm21:00
annie_DMG_: :)21:00
Slartsmilebar: ok, try this.. find an empty spot on the panel (the grey bar), right click on it.. select "Add to panel", look in the list for "Notification Area". click on that and then click on the button marked "Add"21:01
=== karolis33 is now known as dskr
hylian_a diary program would be great, and i know that ubuntu has many to choose from, but i am trying to keep this cross platform compatable, so i can put it on my thumb drive and use it on windows.21:01
smilebarSlart, sorry lol, theres not "empty space" all i can select if i right-click is "about" / "remove from panel" ...21:02
ZykoticK9!gpg | hylian_21:02
ubottuhylian_: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts21:02
annie_DGM_: did what I type make sense? I just want to make sure that I explain the situation clearly21:03
Slartsmilebar: I meant, find somewhere on that grey bar where there aren't any icons.. I'm sure you can find some little corner that isn't occupied21:03
andersixIf 10.04.1 is supposed to release Aug 12, then why does my updated 10.04 show 10.04.1 now?  $ lsb_release -d21:03
smilebarslart .. yes on the LEFT21:03
smilebarbut then i cannot select anything that says "network-mananger"21:03
_DGM_annie: yea it does :)21:03
Slartsmilebar: the left is fine.. you can move it to where you want it to be later21:03
_joeyhow do I mount usb stick?21:03
smilebarslart okay sec ..21:03
_DGM_annie: i can't help you though i'm affraid21:03
macoandersix: packages are mostly finalised, CDs just arent done21:04
ZykoticK9annie, have you considered that an SSH Tunnel is not the same thing as a proxy?  Perhaps Firefox doesn't have the foggiest idea what to do with this SSH Tunnel you are providing it as a Proxy server?  I'm just guessing here... best of luck.21:04
macoZykoticK9: yes it does21:04
_joeyhow do I mount usb stick, god damn it? :)21:04
hylian_ZykoticK9: i am looking for something that is gonna require a password to gain entry, and is cross platform, windows/linux. (im gonna carry it with me21:04
macoZykoticK9: ssh tunnels work as SOCKSv5 proxies21:04
_DGM_ZykoticK9: apparently its possible.. i just googled a bit21:04
smilebarSlart, okay i added "notification area" .. it adds three small horizontal lines21:04
andersixmaco any idea if apache 2.2.16 made it in?21:05
IdleOne_joey: please watch the language21:05
annieZykoticK9: You may be right, but of all the tutorials and help I've gotten, it should be set right.21:05
ZykoticK9maco, ok - i was just checkin'.  Thanks.21:05
ZykoticK9annie, according to maco i'm wrong actually ;)21:05
macoannie: they way i do ssh as a proxy is this:  ssh -D 9999 user@server21:05
_joeyIdleOne your language?21:05
Martin|2Can I boot 9.04 64bit from a USB pendrive? I mean, does it work?21:05
Peter222anyone use Docky? Is it possible that tehere is no "quick search" by <special>+space like GnomeDo? or maybe I can;t find it? It doesn't work it Docky :(21:05
macoannie: then in firefox set proxy as a SOCKS proxy using localhost and port 999921:05
Slartsmilebar: ok.. that's probably because it won't get unless it's running when you start the applications.. now go to that terminal and run "pkill -9 nm-applet" and then "nm-applet &"21:05
macoandersix: if its in the repos right now, it probably did21:06
Slartsmilebar: see if it won't show up next to those 3 little lines21:06
IdleOne_joey: ok let me put it this way. Please don't take the Lord's name in vain.21:06
Peter222it was most important option for me in GnomeDo21:06
anniemaco: I used the -N argument and a different port. The tunnel is open, my server is listening to port 8282 at home. I just can't browse the web when using the proxy21:06
_joeyIdleOne: i would if you'21:06
_joeyIdleOne: i would if you'd go to google and find the answer for me21:07
anniemaco: I'm actually using FoxyProxy. But I've tried the network settings in firefox as well.21:07
macoannie: you want -D in there so it binds to the port21:07
andersixmaco: it's not in my (updated today) 10.04. Still shows 2.2.14. A bug fixed in 2.2.16. Was *hoping* it would make it into the LTS repos.21:07
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macoandersix: is a bug filed? if so click "nominate for release" to start the sru process21:07
incorrectmy sound keeps turning off for some reason21:07
maco!sru | andersix21:07
smilebarSlart, nope ... but thanks to aeon and xangua and alll for the help ... i'll just edit "networks" file in "/etc" nevermind > : D21:07
ubottuandersix: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates21:07
annieso ssh -C -N -D -p portnumber user@ipaddy?21:08
incorrectmaybe this is a pulse problem21:08
UberN00banyone experienced in dealing with checkgmail around ?21:08
Slartsmilebar: well well.. you're welcome21:08
anniemaco: so ssh -C -N -D -p portnumber user@ipaddy?21:08
macoannie: you need to tell -D what *local* port you want to use too21:08
biodegabrielHey all! n00b question here: How do I get 'apt-get upgrade' to use the best/fastest server? i'm in ssh, so i need a command for this (no gui).21:08
macoannie: ssh -C -N -D $LOCALPORT -p $REMOTEPORT user@ip21:08
andersixmaco: yes a bug was filled and fixed. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+bug/59511621:09
codazodaHi.  Recently I've had gedit lock up on me.  So, I kill it (with the x).  Then, I go to a terminal and gedit is still running (ps aux | grep gedit).  But, the process id is changing rapidly (it's starting over and over again).  "killall gedit" does nothing to help.  Any way to kill this thing, other than a reboot?21:09
anniemaco: kk... I'll try that. Thanks21:09
andersixmaco: have never "nominated for release" before, so am ignorant as to the process.21:09
_DGM_biodegabriel: there is no such thing as "the fastest" server. It depends on where you live. You can modify your mirror in the synaptic package manager21:09
macoandersix: there's a button that says "nominate for release" on the page. click it.21:09
ZykoticK9codazoda, try "killall -9 gedit" to 'really' kill something21:09
UberN00banyone experienced in dealing with checkgmail around ?21:10
codazodaZykoticK9, that doesn't do it.  It just starts again (new pid).21:10
urthmoversleep the display on idle (for my LCD monitor) only works if my laptop has the lid open.   Is there a way to get the sleep the display on idle to work if the laptop lid is closed already?21:10
ZykoticK9codazoda, umm, i gots nothin' then.  good luck man.21:10
codazodaWhat might be trying to restart gedit after a crash?  Maybe I can kill or restart that.21:10
andersixmaco: thx21:11
biodegabriel_DGM_ Understood. So how do I find out which server is fastest for my location?21:11
codazodaRebooting fixes it, but I'd rather not have to do that...21:11
urthmoverthe sleep on idle used to work fine in 9.04....and I'm not sure where to look to see what has changed21:11
macoandersix: the wiki page i had the bot link you to earlier explains info you need to add to the report to get it checked by the stable release team21:11
_DGM_biodegabriel: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors21:12
yaaaranybody round here use nessus? i've got it installed and was just going to test it out....i created a policy with all default values, then when i create a scan there's no policy in the drop-down. anybody know what i'm doing wrong?21:12
tthorralgun español21:12
maco!es | thune321:12
ubottuthune3: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:12
macothune3: sorry21:12
biodegabriel_DGM_ Thanks! So, i would choose the server closes to my own web server right?21:12
macotthorr: ^^^21:12
_DGM_biodegabriel: yes. And you can also try out a few. In my case (the netherlands) some are faster then others21:12
codazodaCrap. Guess I'll go reboot.21:13
andersixmaco: cool saw that. I'm on it.21:13
mweichertHi, using iptables I want to change the src ip address for all packets leaving an interface, except when using SSH. Does this require two rules - one to -j ACCEPT ssh and the other to -j SNAT the rest?21:13
bobo123how do I do to let a user (without su) install a package in her home directory, (not for the whole system) ?21:13
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anniemaco: still no joy. Any web page, all I get is21:14
anniemaco: still no joy. Any web page, all I get is "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu4"21:14
macoannie: did you set your firefox to use localhost and $LOCALPORT ?21:14
ZykoticK9bobo123, you can't with the usual APT/synatpic/UbuntuSC route -- good luck man, linux wasn't really meant to be used in the method you currently want.  you should be able to manually install into HomeDir so long as it doesn't require anything else to run.21:14
biodegabriel_DGM_ Thanks! I'll try a couple out.21:15
EvilPhoenixanyone know why this happens: http://starfleet.pastebin.com/ZKLmaDhe   ?21:15
eppwhat kind of modes are there for xrandr like VGA, HDMI-0, for example im using compisite out.21:15
SealedWithAKissMy network manager icon has gone from my task bar - how do I get it back?21:15
anniemaco: I'm using foxyproxy, and I did set the port to 8282. That is the only port setting I see.21:15
ZykoticK9EvilPhoenix, why are you mixing Ubuntu and Debian repos?21:16
macoannie: 8282 is the port on the /server/  -- what port did you set for it to bind to locally?21:16
EvilPhoenixZykoticK9:  so that's the issue?21:16
xanguaSealedWithAKiss: alt+f2 > nm-applet > enter21:16
* EvilPhoenix goes to attack the other admin of that system21:16
ZykoticK9EvilPhoenix, it's currently erroring a missing GPG key for a Debian repo yes.21:16
anniemaco: that I don't know. I thought the server port was all that mattered. Are you asking what port firefox is using to call out on?21:16
EvilPhoenixZykoticK9:  where's the sources list stored so I can edit it?21:17
ZykoticK9EvilPhoenix, /etc/apt i think21:17
eppor is there a way to see what my output is called for xrandr?21:17
bobo123ZykoticK9: so a simple game that don't need any libraries that isn't installed in the system, is possible (but I can't use apt for that but something else?)?21:18
EvilPhoenixZykoticK9:  got rid of the debian thing, what about this: http://starfleet.pastebin.com/2gn1psWi21:18
ZykoticK9bobo123, maybe?  that something else would be manually copying the binaries into a subdir.21:18
macoannie: you need to bind ssh to a local port. thats what -D doe21:18
macoannie: so you need to do -D 1234 in addition to your user@ip:828221:19
doorshey all, question - what music player do you use?21:19
macoannie: and then put 1234 (or whatever number you give to -D) into your firefox config21:19
ZykoticK9EvilPhoenix, looks like a source.list error - could you pastebin your current?21:19
tehoweAnyone know how to nudge (meta)tracker into re-crawlnig the file system? t never seems to do it automatically, so I usually reboot. But I'm on a remote connection today.21:19
alienkid10when booting up I get a blank screen until it's finished booting then I get the desktop21:19
macoannie: firefox doesnt care what port you're using on the server, just what it's bound to locally21:19
|ntegra|so is webkit (midori) the same that apple is using??21:20
EvilPhoenixZykoticK9:  http://starfleet.pastebin.com/gWjsjpFn21:20
anniemaco: can I just use 8282 for both -D and -p?21:20
alienkid10when booting up I get a blank screen until it's finished booting then I get the desktop how do I fix?21:20
qjcgcan't mount an autofs service... why?!?21:20
macoannie: sure, but you still need to type it twice21:20
dskrdoors, hey, i use rhythmbox21:20
anniemaco: kk... trying again21:20
qjcgas root autofs auto.sbi (defined in /etc) just not working21:20
doorsdskr: I had a go at that... a long time ago. it seemed a bit heavy...?21:21
frankbroAnyone know if buying a 40gig SSD to put / and /boot and leave the /home on a HDD would be a significant performance upgrade?21:21
ZykoticK9EvilPhoenix, are you sure "non-free" still exists?  i don't have any reference to that repo in my sources?  I'm not sure though!21:21
EvilPhoenixZykoticK9:  might not exist no more, idk i never edited the sources.list21:22
EvilPhoenixthis is from a VPS image21:22
EvilPhoenixer for*21:22
macofrankbro: installs sure seem to go faster on ssd. but all the writing firefox does to your ~/.mozilla will still have a nice impact on performance21:22
|ntegra|from what I'm reading here is that webkit is khtml (kde), goes fast, -not sure if OSX uses "the same" though or it's just the name21:22
almoxarifemedibuntu ppa=non free21:22
maco|ntegra|: webkit is a fork of khtml21:23
rwwEvilPhoenix: non-free hasn't ever existed as an Ubuntu repository. Our free repositories are main and universe, non-free are restricted and multiverse21:23
frankbromaco: ./mozilla is in /home no ? That will stay on the HDD21:23
dskrdoors, It is a bit heavy, but it can add music to my iphone without problems, so it's good choise for me.21:23
lucas_Hi.  Ubuntu 10.4,  MythTv using Alsa,  Rest using default pulseaudio,   ->    when mythtv starts, all other audio gets killed,  when mythtv exists, all other audio works again.  (mythtv audio itself does work).    Is there a way to make pulse and alsa play together more nicely?21:23
macofrankbro: right. im saying that applications that need to read/write configs in your home dir wont likely have a performance boost21:23
cdavis_I want to forward syslog messages to a remote host on udp other than 514, is this possible?21:23
macofrankbro: but your boot and apt-get will21:23
cdavis_@ doesn't seem to work21:23
doors|ntegra|: re webkit, all I can say is that they don't render pages the same. That probably has more to do with how webkit is being used (configuration settings, helper apps) than the code itself though, as apple have to merge thier changes back...21:24
Typhwhat does it mean when upstart tells me "unknown instance"?21:24
frankbromaco: I know, since it will stay on HDD. I wanna reward my pc for being nice and I can;t figure what to buy :(21:24
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EvilPhoenixyep editing it to say "restricted" instead of "non-free" worked21:24
ZykoticK9lucas_, Pulse uses Alsa for lowlevel sound stuff.  they aren't really competing.21:24
macodoors: no21:24
doorsmaco: ?21:24
macodoors: apple straight-up forked khtml to make webkit. their changes have not gone back into khtm21:24
alienkid10by the way I am booting from an external HDD21:25
macokhtml and webkit render pretty darned differently nowadays21:25
lucas_ZykoticK9: let me reprhase:  any idea why mythtv (using alsa) kills all pulse audio?21:25
anniemaco: Now I seem to get this message if a page actually loads "H-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu421:25
annieProtocol mismatch."21:25
doorsmaco: I thought midori used webkit...21:25
macoannie: i dont know. ive never used foxyproxy.  for me, just using ff network settings, and "ssh -D portnumber" is enough21:25
ZykoticK9lucas_, i use a lot of MythTV, but on a dedicated system, so no idea how it interacts with Pulse, not installed on that machine MythBuntu.  Good luck man.21:26
=== starcraft is now known as evilstarcraft
macodoors: it uses gtk-webkit. someone said something about kde and khtml though...21:26
anniemaco: You don't use the -N argument? I was told I need an non-interactive prompt21:26
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning21:26
macodoors: gtk-webkit and qt-webkit do not render the same unfortunately, and neither renders quite the same as safari. *headdesk*21:26
macoannie: i just leave the ssh prompt open in my terminal and ignore it21:27
rwwkinda defeats the purpose of having one rendering engine to rule them all when each implementation is slightly different :(21:27
anniemaco: kk... gonna try that21:27
macorww: and not a11y either :(21:27
eppeverytime i try to set resolution to 1280x720 (running intel driver) with xrandr to the new one i added gives me "Configure crtc 0 failed".21:28
macorww: too many apps being made on linux these days using webkit instead of native widgets. screenreaders fall over21:28
doorsepp: can you pastebin your xorg.0.log?21:28
MajorThornHey gang. I am having issues installing ubuntu server to my p4 (3ghz) box. also it refuses to boot a ubuntu cd. (Throws up a kill error)21:28
eppdoors, surething21:28
|ntegra|I can see thanx,21:28
doorsepp: its in /var/log/xorg.0.log I thinks21:28
MajorThornwhen you have a chance to ask for more info i'll be right here21:29
|ntegra|wonders how apple can take gpl-stuff and close it right up keeping all changes21:29
=== evilstarcraft is now known as starcraft
biodegabriel_SGM_ I changed my mirrors and now the size of my updates has changed. apt-get update used to add 500MB of files, and now it only adds about 200MB. Is that bad sign?21:29
biodegabriel_DGM_ I changed my mirrors and now the size of my updates has changed. apt-get update used to add 500MB of files, and now it only adds about 200MB. Is that bad sign?21:30
|ntegra|must be good though aye? lol21:30
|ntegra|k bye21:30
xangua!ot > |ntegra|21:30
lucas_can I make firefox not use pulseaudio, but use alsa instead?21:30
eppdoors, http://pastebin.org/46685921:31
MajorThornI need some info on how install ubuntu server to my p4 (3ghz) box. It throws up an error when it is trying to resize the partition saying that it cant write changes to drive and it aborts. also it refuses to boot a ubuntu cd. (Throws up a kill error)21:32
ZykoticK9lucas_, you could try "pasuspender firefox" and see if that works...21:32
doorsepp: this boots?21:33
doorsI mean starts?21:33
anniemaco: hate to harp... Still not working. tried ssh -D port -p port user@remote..  In firefox network settings I have remoteip in socks host and the port. But That is the only place I see to enter a port. Am I missing the port that you bind to firefox?21:33
doorsepp: this log looks like it's showing a fail...?21:33
=== _NG is now known as _ng
eppdoors, is log 0 the log that is created every boot?21:34
* MajorThorn goes to the ubuntu forums to possibly get help since everyone is busy helping other people :)21:34
nimbioticshi guys ... I created a folder  a couple of hours ago and the folder and the files i put in there showed a little white on red X on their icons. I thought it probly had to do with ubuntu one but now its only the folder that has the X. What does that X mean?? TIA!21:35
rediosFluxbox fonts are driving me crazy. Console, desktop, contextual menus and xchat fonts look fine. However, in Firefox, Skype,etc. certain fonts look ultrasmall and, if I zoom in, they barely change size. In other words, there is a disproportion in font size, with some fonts looking normal or big and, in contrast, these other fonts looking extra-small. This also happens with some icons (i.e Skype, aMSN,...) and buttons and tends to happ21:35
rediosen with fonts that seem to be more "artistic"21:35
doorsepp: yeah... er, it shows a fatal error, which should mean X doesn't start21:35
=== _ng is now known as _NG
ZykoticK9epp, you are trying to load the VESA driver - which i doubt can load any Non-Standard resolutions. doors21:36
eppdoors, i just rebooted and tried again ill show you a fresh log21:37
Rahoul_Hi, I have a quick question, how do I enable access to mu CUPS server from the wan side on the cupsd.conf file? I tried multiple things but nothing seems to work.21:37
mdgeorgeI'm trying to build a kernel because I need to apply a patch for my hardware21:37
mdgeorgeI was wondering how to rebuild one of the ubuntu linux-image packages21:37
LinuxGuy2009How can I list every dependency of an installed package, even including dependencies of the dependencies?21:37
ZykoticK9!kernel | mdgeorge just the general kernel help message21:37
ubottumdgeorge just the general kernel help message: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages21:37
eppdoors, ZykoticK9, yeah i was dumb, i rebooted and tried and its great21:38
lucas__Zykotick9: thnx.  that just made firefox not output any audio anymore :(21:38
mdgeorgeZykoticK9: yes, I have followed those instructions.  The problem is it doesn't seem to build the initrd properly21:38
ZykoticK9epp, good to hear.21:38
mdgeorgeam I doing something wrong?21:38
eppZykoticK9, ill blog it21:38
ZykoticK9lucas__, sorry no other ideas - close that terminal window to undo pasuspender21:38
doorsubuntu... stage 1... install... it's like a singularity just appeared.21:38
ZykoticK9mdgeorge, sorry i'm no help with kernel config - never had to do it with Ubuntu, good luck.21:39
mdgeorgeanyone else have any ideas?21:39
doorshow did you get your kernel source?21:39
mdgeorgeapt-get source linux-image-2.6.31-11-rt21:40
Rahoul_hi everyone .. any ideas on how to allow cups to accepts requests from WAN?21:40
rediosFluxbox fonts are driving me crazy. Console, desktop, contextual menus and xchat fonts look fine. However, in Firefox, Skype,etc. certain fonts look ultrasmall and, if I zoom in, they barely change size. In other words, there is a disproportion in font size, with some fonts looking normal or big and, in contrast, these other fonts looking extra-small. This also happens with some icons (i.e Skype, aMSN,...) and buttons and tends to happ21:40
rediosen with fonts that seem to be more "artistic"21:40
mdgeorgedoors: but if that's not the best way, I'm happy to do something else21:40
mdgeorgeall I really want is to apply this patch: http://www.joegiampaoli.com/blog/?p=462 to an ubuntu kernel21:41
doorsmdgeorge: I've never actually built a kernel for ubuntu, so I can't be much help except generaly...21:41
doorsso, whats the error?21:41
Arlindhi to all,i have a problem with grub,installed ubuntu after windows now i cant log in ubuntu,can someone help me?21:42
mdgeorgedoors: if I just follow the instructions there, (i.e. downloading the source from kernel.org) it doesn't build an initrd, so it can't boot21:42
imancsshfs is sexy21:42
mdgeorgeso I tried copying kernel-package/examples/initramdisk into /etc, but then it booted and the video didn't work21:43
anniessh bites21:43
mdgeorgereally I just figure there ought to be a way to push a button and generate the same linux-image package as I get from apt21:43
doorsmdgeorge: tried genkernel?21:43
mdgeorgeno, what's that?21:43
hikuannie: how so?21:44
anniehiku: Like yer name. I'm trying to use my desktop at home as a web proxy. I have the ssh tunnel set up and it's running, but any setting I put in firefox to use the proxy doesn't work. Either I get a blank page or a bit of text showing the os of the machine21:45
doorsmdgeorge: could you point me at the guide your using?21:45
mdgeorgedoors: http://www.joegiampaoli.com/blog/?p=46221:45
hikuannie: are you running a proxy server on your desktop?21:45
mdgeorgedoors: at least that's where I started21:45
hikuannie: what ssh command are you using for the port tunneling.?21:46
anniehiku: I am as best as I understood how to do it.21:46
hikuannie: ok here is how I have my proxy gateway setup.21:46
anniehiku: ssh -D port user@remote -p port21:46
anniehiku: and any variation of the above21:47
doorsmdgeorge: usually I'd go make && make modules_install21:47
hikuannie: proxy host (running squid on port 8002), my ssh command from my desktop to the proxy gateway is. ssh -L  8002:localhost:8002 ps1 (ps1 is the proxy gateway)21:47
doorsthen look for a file in that dir called bzImage21:47
doorsthen copy that to /boot, and point grub at it...21:47
mdgeorgedoors: so you'd bypass the deb system21:47
hikuannie: then I have my firefox proxy settings look at localhost:800221:47
doorsmdgeorge: unless it's giving you a .deb I guess it's worth a try21:48
mdgeorgedoors: ok, I'll give that a shot.21:48
doorsis it completing successfully, I mean what are you actually getting after you do make-kpkg clean21:48
doorsmdgeorge: make SURE that you leave your old image there and pointed at by grub as a fallback21:48
doorshave fun21:48
mdgeorgedoors: natch21:49
mdgeorgedoors: I'm getting a .deb, which I can install21:49
anniehiku: even more confused now. of all the tutorials I've read, this is the first I've even heard of squid21:49
mdgeorgedoors: but that kernel doesn't boot, because there's no initrd21:49
mdgeorgedoors: I managed to coax it into creating an initrd, and it will actually boot21:49
mdgeorgedoors: but then there's no video21:49
doorsmight need to give it parameters...21:50
mdgeorgedoors: whereas if I install the original ubuntu package it works (except it isn't patched, obviously)21:50
hikuannie: the -L option is to setup a local port of 8002:localhost to port 8002 on the remote proxy server.21:50
clincheri have a problem, i just installed ubuntu 10.04. Videos arent playing correctly, it feels like it has no video drivers but, according to ubuntu, it does. Its an HP dv4 201321:51
doorsmdgeorge: try patching it, then genkernel21:51
doorsgenkernel is a bit of a sledgehammer, but it often works...21:51
mdgeorgedoors: isn't genkernel a gentoo thing?21:51
hikuannie: so to test it, your proxyserver is by default running on port 3128 I believe. so you can use ssh -L 8002:localhost:3128 (proxy gate)21:51
doorsisn't it just a package21:51
mdgeorgeapt-cache search genkernel yields naught21:51
hikuannie: then make sure that firefox is listening to localhost:800221:52
doorsmdgeorge: apparantly not. you learn a new thing every day21:52
DJIndyI'm running Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.04 and trying to play a video from a Flip Video UltraHD camera, which says its .mp4. I can play other .mp4 files and I have the restricted extras and gstreamer bad and ugly codecs, but the videos don't play correctly (audio works fine in the background). Are there more .mp4 codecs or some articles on fixing such issues?21:52
doorsmdgeorge: in which case, what I guess it would do is just to enable loads of modules21:52
guntbertmdgeorge: doors: compiling kernels is not exactly on topic here :-)21:52
mdgeorgeguntbert: ok, where would it be on-topic?21:53
nimbioticshi guys ... I created a folder  a couple of hours ago and the folder and the files i put in there showed a little white on red X on their icons. I thought it probly had to do with ubuntu one but now its only the folder that has the X. What does that X mean?? TIA!21:53
anniehiku: now I'm lost. I need some server software running on my desktop at home?21:53
hikuannie: yes, for it to act as a proxy gateway to the internet21:53
mdgeorgeguntbert: because I'd really like to compile the kernel the same way it's done in the ubuntu packages21:53
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anniehiku: no tutorial stated that. Now I'm bummed. Is it easy enough to install and configure via ssh? or should I head back home21:54
hikuannie: just a question. why are you trying to set this up at home? aren't all your devices allowed to access the internet from your router?21:54
steelerfan304hello everyone21:54
rtrdWhat does 'search domain.tld' do in /etc/resolv.conf?21:54
steelerfan304i have some questions about ubuntu21:54
guntbertmdgeorge: I understand, but please take it to PM (or maybe #ubuntu-offtopic )21:54
steelerfan304can someone help me ?21:55
doorsmdgeorge: ubuntu-devel might have people that... know what they are talking about...21:55
hikuannie: if you can ssh into your desktop, then it's as easy and using sudo apt-get install "package name"21:55
anniehiku: yes... but a friend is overseas and I wanted her to have the safty of browsing from home21:55
guntbert!ask | steelerfan30421:55
ubottusteelerfan304: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:55
hyliananyone know of a good screen magnifier besides orca, kmag or xzoom, all of which are clunky or bring up way more options then needed. something simple.21:55
mdgeorgeok, well thanks all.  I'll head over to ubuntu-devel21:55
doorsmdgeorge: or ubuntu-kernel21:55
anniehiku: and that package is squid?21:55
hikuannie: ah ok. yeah, install squid and your all set.21:55
anniehiku: kk... thank you21:55
bobo123hm... if I have created an extra user account, can't I login as that user in a terminal window? the terminal window just closes itself if I write "exec login timmy" ...21:55
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prince_jammysbobo123: sudo -iu timmy21:56
anniehiku: says squid is an Invalid operation.21:56
steelerfan304I just installed ubuntu 10.04 on my imac. I am using virtual box. I can only use ubuntu in a small window. when i go to chage the res my only option is 600 x 800. how can i correct this ?21:57
trismsteelerfan304: install the guest additions21:58
anniehiku: oops... forgot the 'install'21:58
FireVisorHi, I am trying to get SSH to work, I am using putty and trying to connect from XP. How do you set the password? I tried the username and password I use for the ubuntu login, that didn't work. I use 10.04 Thank you!21:58
bobo123prince_jammys: ok thanks21:59
steelerfan304how do i install guest additions ?21:59
s3aCan someone help me resize my terminal permanently?21:59
prince_jammysbobo123: welcome.21:59
trismsteelerfan304: click the devices menu, install guest additions22:00
rtrdFireVisor: sshd is up and accessible but your password doesn't work even though it should?22:00
guntbertsteelerfan304: virtual box support in #vbox please, and please read the manual of virtualbox22:00
FireVisorrtrd: I was stupid, I got it working now... thank you!22:00
steelerfan304i undertand virtual box. i use it for windows all the time22:01
steelerfan304where is the devices menu ?22:01
biharivbox doesnot support in ubuntu karmic22:01
biharii have tried 100 tims22:01
bihariit has some bug issue22:01
steelerfan304vbox is running it just fine22:01
clinchervideos are playing this way: http://img814.imageshack.us/img814/9438/screenshotiq.png  can anyone help me? I have an HP dv4 201322:01
steelerfan304i havin issue with resolution22:02
thune3nimbiotics: it means your user doesn't have read permissions on that directory.22:03
s3aCan someone help me resize my terminal permanently please?22:03
steelerfan304@trism where is the devices menu ?22:03
SealedWithAKissThe icons on my desktop keep going from the original icon to a blank white icon. Is there any particular reason why?22:03
SealedWithAKissFirefox looks like a blank peice of paper.22:03
doobiestanyone at linuxcon?22:04
thune3s3a: can you explain a bit more, i'm unclear.22:04
anniedoes terminal have a 'find next' feature?22:04
steelerfan304can anyone help me install guest additions ?22:04
s3athune3, my terminal is 80x24 by default, i want to make it smaller22:04
tehowes3a: Edit menu, choose profiles, edit the drfault profile22:05
s3atehowe, which tab?22:06
xanguatehowe: edit the preferences22:06
MakuseruIm having problems with the HDMI out on my HP G60. It has an Nvidia 8200M and im using Ubuntu 10.04. The Nvidia settings sees the tv, i can configure it and everything, it even acts like its there, if i move the mouse to the right (where the tv would be) the pointer goes off the screen like there actually is a monitor there. But the tv just says "22:06
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tehowes3a: General. It's right at the bottom in 10.0422:06
MakuseruIm having problems with the HDMI out on my HP G60. It has an Nvidia 8200M and im using Ubuntu 10.04. The Nvidia settings sees the tv, i can configure it and everything, it even acts like its there, if i move the mouse to the right (where the tv would be) the pointer goes off the screen like there actually is a monitor there. But the tv just says "no input" the nvidia settings also says "screens: 1" even though it shows both22:07
Makuseruscreens as being avaliable. Why is this happening? How can i fix it?22:07
s3atehowe, i'm using GNOME 2.20 instead of 2.3022:07
guntbertsteelerfan304: as I said before: in #vbox22:07
s3atehowe, so in older GNOME versions, i have to edit text files, right?22:08
s3atehowe, do I need to know a programming language like C? i know java if that counts22:08
* MichaelSOG is away: (resting)22:08
steelerfan304AT GUNTBERT dude. Im on the page right now reading it. i cant figured out where the devices are. dont be a dick and give me the answer if you have it.22:08
thune3s3a: i recommend gui mod if possible but gnome terminal has options gnome-terminal --geometry=140x30 and xterm has option xterm -geometry 104x30 (insert desired geometry)22:08
tehowes3a: I'd assume you could just change some setting with gedit, but I don't know where that would be.22:08
JoshuaLGwibber does not remember the streams I have opened when rebooting. Is this a known issue or normal behavior?22:08
KB1JWQsteelerfan304: Please be civil.22:08
Gustavo1I'm runing ubuntu 9.10 on an acer aspire 5920. I have an old parallel scanner that I want to use though a usb converter cable. Is it possible?22:09
Gnurduxwhat's the easiest way to get an updated version of fglrx on Ubuntu 10.04?22:09
steelerfan304I am civil. I dont need guntberts attitude.22:09
KB1JWQsteelerfan304: He's right.  You'll get a better response in an alternate channel. :-)22:09
grifo74hello i update my ubuntu now i try to make a remaster with remastersys and the iso dont work exist other sioftwar????? to make a remaster22:10
dlp211network manager icon doesnt remain default size when i expand the gnome panel...can anyone help22:10
tehowes3a: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11927122:10
C-S-B-N900guys, Ive set up lucid live to boot from pxe but it halts for response at 'found 2 package indexes...please provide a name for this disc22:10
s3athune3, i want permanent changes though, otherwise i can just use the mouse and tehowe, ill check it out thanks22:10
anniewell... thanks for the help room. Still no joy but I'm gonna read up a bit more.22:11
RoeyI can play sound when I'm out of X, but once I have KDE running I can't seem to play sound at all... what gives??  I tried fuser -v /dev/snd/* and see that either timidity or knotify4 has those files open22:11
voxyni have a question am i at the right place to ask?22:11
s3atehowe, that might not be what i want actually; i don't want it to remember what i resize it with my mouse, i just want to change the default22:11
littlepenguinvoxyn shout it out22:12
voxynty ;)22:12
thune3s3a: i'm just suggesting you could create a launcher (or keyboard shortcut) that launches your terminal to your specs.22:13
voxynwell i have ubuntu dekstop installed on my netbook  is it still possible to install the ubuntu netbook interface later?22:13
grifo74any idea to remaster my ubuntu22:13
C-S-B-N900voxyn, yes22:13
doobiestvoxyn yes i do that22:13
s3athune3, still not good unfortunately because i launch my terminals using my windows/super user key22:13
doobiests3a i have a solution22:13
s3adoobiest, i'm "listening" :D22:13
doobiestgnome-terminal --geometry=120x35+20+4022:13
thune3s3a: that's certianly remappable22:14
doobiestis that what you're looking for ^^^22:14
voxynhow do i install the ubuntu remix interface then?22:14
doobiestgnome-terminal --geometry=120x35+20+4022:14
tehowes3a: Edit  usr/share/vte/termcap/xterm22:14
doobiestvoxyn its in synaptic22:14
s3adoobiest, no that makes it temporary22:14
doobiestdo you want the whole netbook remix or just the netbook-launcher?  i just use the launcher22:14
s3atehowe, is xterm for GNOME?22:14
voxyni just want the interface ;)22:14
doobiests3a i have that as a shortcut, if that does what you need22:14
doobiests3a i added the terminal shortcut to the panel, then edited it and put in what i pasted to you22:15
doobiestmaybe im misunderstanding what you want22:15
tehowes3a: Yeah check that forum thread I pasted in, that's got all the details22:15
s3adoobiest, ya i thought about that too but that would imply that i need to click on a shortcut instead of pressing my windows key22:15
doobiests3a, you want to launch a terminal with a hotkey then or what?22:15
doobiestyou could make a script in /usr/local/bin, paste in what i gave you, and chmod +x to it22:16
doobiestthen bind that to a hotkey22:16
PumaManiaHello, can someone help me with my Ubuntu installation?22:16
s3adoobiest, i changed keyboard preferences to use my super user key as my terminal launcher and i just want the default to not be 80x2422:16
rtrdWhat does 'search domain.tld' do in /etc/resolv.conf?22:16
doobiestah ic22:16
doobiestcan you tell your windows key what to execute or is the option just to execute the default terminal?  as in you have no choice what it launches22:16
clinchershould i download YUM, dar.gz, rpm, deb or APT from the Adobe Flash site?22:16
solarwaris it possible to cd into a symlink and by doing that change your path to the full symlink path?22:16
andynrtrd: it appends domain.tld to hostnames if they don't match without it22:17
tehowes3a: :co#80:it#8:li#24:\ #change this line for your own default size22:17
andynrtrd: so if you type ssh example and example does not resolve, it will try example.domain.tld next22:17
voxynclincher i would use the .deb but i think the apt will work too22:17
PumaManiaHello? Can someone help me with my Ubuntu installation??22:17
Oer!ask | PumaMania22:18
ubottuPumaMania: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:18
doobiestif you edit your paths in bashrc and put /usr/local/bin before /usr/bin or /bin, it will execute any files in /usr/local/bin first.. thus you can put a script in /usr/local/bin called gnome-terminal22:18
egsomeCan someone confirm the WLAN work on Dell Inspiron N5010 ( Using Ubuntu 10.04 ) ?22:18
doobiestsorry if i cant help further but im sure you can do a hack job to get it going22:18
clinchervoxyn, whats the difference?22:18
doobiestprimarily i'd google changing the default terminal for gnome22:18
doobiests3a http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11927122:19
doobiestand s3a http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/set-the-default-terminal-emulator-on-ubuntu-linux/22:19
zrinwhat shall i use to report a bug from console-only ubuntu server?22:19
thechrisDoes anyone know how to install libstdc++.so.5?22:20
PumaManiaI am getting ready to install Ubuntu on my older (circa 2006) Dell Desktop. I would like to dual boot with my existing Windows XP and I am getting ready to install. I have empty space on my hard drive, if I choose "Install them side by side", it won't let me choose that empty space, but if I choose "Largest Continuous Free Space" it chooses what I want, but will I still be able to run XP and Ubuntu side by side?22:20
doobiestpumamania i personally would pick to specify the partitions manually.. it will launch gparted and let you pick22:21
Masshuuthis is a silly question, but can i run LXC in an openvz container22:21
rtrdthechris: You specifically need this? It seems very outdated.22:22
PumaManiaOk doobiest, I chose that option and I found my free space, I double click and get a Create New Partition Window. What do I do from here?22:22
random222hi all. what's the best software to remotely edit text files? I can ssh into the remote machine from a local ubuntu machine.22:23
thechrisrtrd: yes, I'm attempting to run a 3rd party program.  It seems that everything else uses libstdc++.so.6, except 1 program22:23
doobiestif it shows an ntfs partitiona and free space, right click on free space, make a swap partition the same size as how much ram you have, right click on the remaining free space, make a partition that is ext3 or ext422:23
random222and i would like a graphical user interface like gedit. i know i can use vim on the remote machine.22:23
doobiestthe ext patitions be mounted to / when you finish parititioning22:24
doobiestdont format the NTFS, theres a check box, and the installer will add XP to your boot menu22:24
guntbertrandom222: then use ssh -X (big X) and gedit22:24
chemical-deathrandom222: "nano" is an easy editor22:24
doobiestrandom222 and guntbert, keep in mind that X11 forwarding has to be enabled on the server, which it probably is22:24
PumaManiaWhat is the difference between "Primary" and "Logical" in this window?22:25
tucemiuxhow do I update using the command line??22:25
doobiestmake them primary22:26
voxynsudo apt-get update?22:26
doobiestyou can only have 4 primary partitions, so a logical partition is basically a wrapper, to allow more than 422:26
Gnurduxhmm so: i just got a new Asus N61jq laptop.  I updated the kernel so that Turbo Boost would work, but now the multitouch trackpad doesnt work :(22:26
PumaManiaAnd I can still use XP with this, right?22:26
bastid_raZortucemiux: sudo apt-get update :this will update your package list.. then sudo apt-get upgrade :this will do the actual upgrading22:26
Gnurduxit still works as a mouse, but in the old kernel, it worked properly22:26
rtrdthechris: What exactly? Is it pre-build?22:27
andynso, the maximum is 4 primary partitions or 3 primaries + 1 extended which contains 4 logical partitions for a total of 722:27
Gnurduxis it incorrect that a newer kernel is needed for turbo boost?22:27
andyn!hi | jesgar22:27
doobiestpumamania, dont format the existing partition, ubuntu will detect that XP is installed22:27
ubottujesgar: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:27
doobiestpumamania, when you're done the install and reboot, you get an option if you want ubuntu or xp,22:27
guntbertdoobiest: no that is not true22:27
doobiestguntbert, what do you mean22:27
C-S-B-N900guys, Ive set up lucid live to boot from pxe but it halts for response at 'found 2 package indexes...please provide a name for this disc22:28
PumaManiaOhh okay thanks!22:28
guntbertdoobiest: with ssh -X the x connection is tunneled through the ssh connection, and the DISPLAY is automatically set correctly22:28
doobiestah ic22:28
thechrisrtrd: i'm trying to get fpga_editor to work in Xilinx ISE.  all other parts of ISE work, but fpga_editor doesn't.22:28
doobiestso x11 forwrading is just for starting actual x sessions then??22:29
doobiestI always assumed it was required for forwarding X apps in general22:29
PumaManiaOkay I made a partition for Ubuntu, do I format that partition?22:29
voxyni installed ubuntu on my netbook do i need to install drivers or something?22:29
doobiestyes format the ubuntu partitions, did you make a swap pumamania22:29
C-S-B-N900voxyn: you dont need drivers22:29
doobiestvoxyn, drivers for what?22:30
PumaManiaWhat is a swap and how do I make it?22:30
chemical-deathvoxyn: no you don't if your hardware works out of the box22:30
egsomeCan someone confirm the WLAN work on Dell Inspiron N5010 ( Using Ubuntu 10.04 ) ?22:30
doobiesti told you to make two partitions, one which is type=swap and is the same size as your ram, so if you have 2 gigs of ram make a 2 gig swap partitions22:30
doobiestthen after you do that make an ext partition for ubuntu22:30
chemical-deathegsome: try it with a live cd22:30
egsomechemical-death, i didn't but it till now, so i'm asking before i buy22:31
guntbertdoobiest: there need not be an "x session", but every single app will display on you local machine instead of the remote server22:31
doobiestguntbert good to know22:31
doobiesti made an assumption i suppose22:31
PumaManiaSo for the swap I chose "Use as : swap area"?22:31
aftertafhelp required for ubuntu server 10.04 : specifically with postfix22:31
fuentesjranyone know how to refresh the repos/sources from the commandline?22:31
aftertaffuentesjr: sudo apt-get update22:32
doobiestjust please make sure you dont format your ntfs/xp partition22:32
egsomechemical-death, i didn't buy it till now, so i'm asking before i buy22:32
chemical-deathegsome: ok i see. i don't know maybe another one in here....i use a Dell Studio and Wlan works...22:32
egsomechemical-death, sorry for the mis-spelling22:32
fuentesjraftertaf: thanks buddy22:32
PumaManiaRemind me, 2048MB = 2GB, right?22:32
rtrdthechris: Try to get the jaunty package http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/i386/libstdc++5/download22:32
zrinis there a utility to report bug to ubuntu from a text-only system (no GUI)?22:32
egsomechemical-death, Thanks, Which hardware part does Dell Studio use ?22:32
andynegsome: hope this helps, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=964250522:32
PumaManiaAfter the RAM partition I can create the Ubuntu one and continue?22:32
doobiestzrin, dont you jsut go to the launchpad website to report bugs, thats what i do22:32
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thechrisrtrd: it seems it might be working now.  i found a debian pacakge with the files.22:33
chemical-death!hardware | egsome22:33
ubottuegsome: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:33
doobiestpumamania, yes and after you pick to use that as '/' your root partition22:33
chemical-deathegsome: here you can look for the hardware which supported in Ubuntu22:33
aftertafPostfix help : i can't figure out and googled Howtos, all their examples get me confused or I cant see how to apply them to my case22:33
zrindoobiest: what URL is needed?22:33
rtrdthechris: Fine then.22:33
doobiestzrin launchpad.net or .com?22:33
zrindoobiest: launchpad.net, the wiki says "url similar to the following, http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/PACKAGENAME/+filebug?no-redirect, where PACKAGENAME" ...22:34
doobiestzrin perhaps i dont understand the question sorry my battery will die soon22:34
PumaManiaDoobiest, I get an error that says "No root file system is defined, please correct this from the menu"22:36
* MichaelSOG is back (gone 00:28:41)22:37
Anniehey room. I'm trying to get a web proxy running from my desktop. I had the ssh tunnel running but no proxy settings I put in firefox let me browse the web. I then heard that I need squid, and it's daunting. Can someone assist me in setting up this monster? I know this is a squid room question (I did ask over there), but this is the only room that seems to respond.22:37
ScuniziCan any of the Droids sync with Evolution?22:37
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hdpbI get the following error starting Gwibber.  Any help would be greatly appreciated: WARNING:root:Reading pid file caused error.  [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/jon/.cache/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.pid'22:38
C-S-B-N900Annie: basic squid installs are all over gthe net.22:39
s3adoobiest, i edited :co#80:it#8:li#24:\ in /usr/share/vte/termcap/xterm and it works :D (after restarting x)22:39
bastonesHi all. The taskbar at the bottom of Ubuntu gets quite full really quickly when I have many windows open and at times it's difficult to differentiate and find the window I want quickly. Is there any way to group windows or something else to help remedy my issue? Thanks.22:39
chemical-deathPumaMania: you have to choose "/"22:40
andjonsbastones, if you right-click on the small dots to the left of the window list, you can set window grouping22:41
bastonesandjons: fantastic, thank you!22:42
andjonsbastones, no problemo22:42
ratdoghello, how can i use ubuntuzilla to install the latest firefox ?22:42
ratdogits for 386 im on amd6422:42
chemical-deathratdog: Ubuntu 10.04?22:43
ratdogim on lucid22:43
AnnieDoes terminal have a 'find' feature? It's a huge conf file.22:43
chemical-deathratdog: the latest stable firefox comes with the repository22:44
ratdognah, i want to test firefox betas thats what ubuntuzilla is fior chemical-death22:44
ScuniziAnnie: you want to find something in a large conf file?  give an example of the text you're trying to find.22:44
C-S-B-N900Annie: grep -i file.txt22:44
chemical-deathratdog: ok i see..then you have to look for in PPA. i guess22:45
ratdoganyone els?22:45
C-S-B-N900Annie: or while editing?22:45
ilovefairuzAnnie: C-S-B-N900: it's grep -i searchterm filename22:45
ScuniziAnnie: or perhaps.. cat file.conf | grep text_to_find22:45
AnnieScunizi: trying to find 'http_port ' while editing22:45
ScuniziAnnie: editing in nano? vi vim gedit?22:46
FloridaGuygoing to do a net install of 10.04....but want this mirror....what link would i use22:46
ilovefairuzAnnie: try nano, it's simple and has a search function: ctrl + w22:46
AnnieScunizi: pico... but I'll use nano if it's easier22:46
Annieilovefairuz: kk... will do22:46
ScuniziAnnie: try nano22:46
ilovefairuzAnnie: pico and nano are very very close22:46
ilovefairuzAnnie: in fact nano started as a free software version of pico22:47
ilovefairuzFloridaGuy: what mirror?22:47
C-S-B-N900guys, Ive set up lucid live to boot from pxe but it halts for response at 'found 2 package indexes...please provide a name for this disc22:48
ratdogsudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa22:48
FloridaGuyilovefairuz: http://mirror.cc.columbia.edu/pub/linux/ubuntu/22:48
ratdogthat it22:48
ilovefairuzratdog: to run 32 bit apps on a 64 bit system, sudo apt-get install ia32-libs, it may or may not work depending on the app22:49
ratdogty ilovefairuz22:49
Annieilovefairuz: their's that line... thanks.22:50
AnnieSquid and ssh can't use the same port, correct?22:51
C-S-B-N900Annie: not on the same machine22:51
ratdogilovefairuz will 32libs make all 32 bits software work with 64bit?22:52
AnnieC-S-B-N900: and I need to use ssh with squid, Squid doesn't replace ssh, does it?22:52
ilovefairuzAnnie: only one server application can bind to a given port22:52
C-S-B-N900Annie: they are two different secrvices, what is it you want?22:52
ilovefairuzratdog: as I said, it may or may not work, you may have to do some workarounds, you'll have to try for yourself22:53
AnnieC-S-B-N900: I'm trying to use my desktop machine as a web proxy. the tutorial I've read only stated that I need to ssh into the desktop and use that tunnel as a proxy in firefox. No proxy settings in firefox worked. And now I hear I need to use squid to do this.22:54
ilovefairuzFloridaGuy: I can't find ISO images in the mirror you've provided, they seem to only carry packages, you may try your luck with a different one from here http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#mirrors22:55
almoxarifewhat do I need to get playback from a mms stream on rhythm?22:55
C-S-B-N900you can create a socks proxy with ssh with -D, however its no use doing this between 2 pcs in your network.22:56
ilovefairuzAnnie: will you be located on the same network while using the proxy? if so, you can more easily use SSH X forwarding feature to use remote applications without any further configuration22:56
Annieilovefairuz: I will be outside of the network when using the proxy22:56
C-S-B-N900Annie: do want to improve browsing speed or encrypt traffic?22:57
AnnieC-S-B-N900: I've tried the -D argument, but that didn't seem to help. What does -D actually do?22:57
ilovefairuzAnnie: it ultimately depends on the connection speed22:57
C-S-B-N900Annie: use ssh -D8080 user@host22:58
AnnieC-S-B-N900: I want to encrypt traffic, a friend is over sees and I want her to browse with no worries22:58
C-S-B-N900Annie: then set your socks5 proxy in firefox to localhost port 808p22:58
ZelphiusWhat exactly is this used for?22:59
ilovefairuzZelphius: what is "this" ?22:59
chemical-deathalmoxarife: did you try to install gstreamer-mms it should work with Rhythmbox22:59
Zelphiusthis chat thing22:59
C-S-B-N900Annie: that will work, they will appear to be coming from your address22:59
ilovefairuz!ot | Zelphius23:00
ubottuZelphius: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:00
AnnieC-S-B-N900: ok... when you say to set my proxy in firefox to localhost port 8080, I don't actually put the ip of the server in the proxy line?23:00
Zelphiuswhats ubunto besides the channel we are on?23:00
C-S-B-N900no, you put or localhost.23:00
ilovefairuz!ubuntu > Zelphius23:01
ubottuZelphius, please see my private message23:01
zen-xstathello, i've got a strange problem with a usb device in ubuntu 10.04. It is a ADSL modem connected through USB port.23:01
C-S-B-N900Annie: no, you put or localhost.23:01
ilovefairuz!details | zen-xstat23:01
ubottuzen-xstat: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:01
cyphasecan i prevent a certain process' memory from going into swap?23:01
AnnieC-S-B-N900: ah... that might have been the problem all along. KK. One last thing... I can use another port, I've set up 8282 and edited the ssh.conf to listen to that port, is that ok?23:02
ZelphiusSo this has nothing to do with crusade gaming...23:02
zen-xstatMy problem is that when i hot-plug it, it works fine, but if i leave it connected and restart the computer, it's recognized by the kernel but i can't get an ip with DHCP, seems like everything works but it is not able to send or receive any data23:02
rwwZelphius: correct23:02
C-S-B-N900Annie: then ssh -D8080 user@host -p828223:02
ZelphiusThen why is it on the page?23:03
ilovefairuz!ot | Zelphius23:03
ubottuZelphius: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:03
AnnieC-S-B-N900: cool beans.... I'll try that when I head out. Thanks for your help!23:03
C-S-B-N900Annie: np.23:03
=== jordan is now known as Guest86663
hasanhii everybody , i have a problem about python socket module23:03
rwwZelphius: no idea, you'd have to ask them23:03
hasancan you help me23:03
ilovefairuzhasan: ask in #python23:04
zen-xstatI'm running Ubuntu 10.04, i have a problem with an USB ADSL modem. It works fine when plugged in, but it does not work well after restart23:04
zen-xstatit is recognized by the kernel, new decive eth1 is created but cannot get dynamic ip23:05
zen-xstatif i unplug it and plug it in again23:05
zen-xstatit work fine23:05
zen-xstatany ideas?23:06
ilovefairuzzen-xstat: perhaps you'll need further steps but to obtain a dynamic IP for a given interface use: sudo dhclient eth123:06
ilovefairuz!enter | zen-xstat23:06
ubottuzen-xstat: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:06
zen-xstatthe problem is that it woint acquire new ip. I have to unplug it, and re-plug it again23:07
C-S-B-N900guys, Ive set up lucid live to boot from pxe but it halts for response at 'found 2 package indexes...please provide a name for this disc23:08
mikelissIs there a way to know which repo an installed package is from?23:08
ilovefairuzmikeliss: apt-cache policy packagename23:08
mikelissilovefairuz: Excellent, thanks.23:09
=== rootcop is now known as trineox
AnnieOne more question.... In Firefox network settings, below the SOCKS Host is a setting stating "No Proxy for: localhost," Do I leave that or delete it?23:11
AndroUser2how do23:13
rtrdAnnie: Leave it.23:13
Anniertrd: kk. ty23:13
ilovefairuzAnnie: if you're using a socks proxy, be sure to change network.proxy.socks_remote_dns to 'true' in about:config23:15
Annieilovefairuz: will do23:17
Annieilovefairuz: where is  that config located?23:18
xstathello, i have a problem with a USB ADSL modem. It works fine when plugged in, but when I restart the computer (kernel recognizes it and creates the device file) it cannot acquire dynamic IP address. I have to unplug it and plug it in again on each restart. I'm using ubuntu 10.04, any ideas? It seems to tilt, and the onyl way to reset it is to unplug and plug again23:18
kubancis there any chance to start ubuntu live 9.04 on an old computer with 64 MB of ram. I would only need it, to delete partition on disk23:18
=== bryson_ is now known as Spookster
bastid_raZorkubanc: use the gparted liveCD23:19
ilovefairuzAnnie: open a new tab, type in address bar 'about:config' and in search box copy and paste 'socks_remote_dns'; and then double click on it23:19
booikubanc: that doesn't sound like a lot of ram. it might work, but a gparted live disk is probably a safer bet23:19
booikubanc: or plug the drive into another machine.23:19
bastid_raZorhttp://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php   kubanc23:19
Annieilovefairuz: Ahh... tinkering with Firefox... gotcha23:19
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:19
SpooksterHey, I have a laptop whose screen is broken. I typically use it with an external monitor and keyboard, but after installing some graphics drivers and rebooting, there is no display on the external monitor... Anyone have any idea how I can fix this? > <23:19
SealedWithAKissI have adjusted my screen resolution to something that appears sharper, however there's about an inch on the left hand side of my monitor that has no display. As though it's not stretched enough. How do I fix this/23:20
ilovefairuzSpookster: check if the laptop has a fn key to switch displays23:20
Spooksterilovefairuz: it does - but it seems to have no effect23:20
shane2perucan sed be used to remove numbers from a text document, and show what was removed?23:21
ilovefairuzSealedWithAKiss: usually monitors have a set of buttons/menu to adjust this23:21
shane2peruI know that sed can remove numbers, or any regex, but, how can I get it to report on what is found and replaced?23:21
lolmacis it possible for me to change a programs icon in the taskbar?23:21
ilovefairuz!hi | Fred823:22
ubottuFred8: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:22
Fred8i'm installing ubuntu lucid from netboot.tar.gz. During the installation, there is a message "No network interface detected". It's a eeepc 1001PX23:22
tcopelandi updated my xserver and apparently it is not yet compatible with the proprietary drivers (nvidia) that are required to make 3d accel. work. how do i rollback to the previous version?23:22
SealedWithAKissilovefairuz, yeah you're right I have just discovered. Thanks man.23:22
erUSULshane2peru: well if you want visual feedback use an editor search and replace ...23:22
ilovefairuz!hi | Skratch23:22
ubottuSkratch: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:22
shane2peruerUSUL, hmm, I guess I could, I just like sed. :)  plus I could script it out.23:23
ilovefairuztcopeland: what ubuntu version are you using and what version introduced this incompatibility ?23:23
tcopelandilovefairux: maverick 10.10 dev, and the current version.23:24
AnnieCool.. Gonna try the new settings when I head out. Thanks for your help ilovefairuz, c-s-b-n900, Scunizi23:24
agminhow do I upgrade libxml? I want to be running libxml 2.7.7 instead of 2.7.5, but when I run apt-get install libxml2-dev it says I already have the newest version23:24
ilovefairuz!maverick | tcopeland23:24
ubottutcopeland: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:24
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning23:25
ilovefairuzagmin: what ubuntu version are you using ?23:26
Skratchare their drugs here?23:26
ilovefairuz!fishing > FloridaGuy23:26
ubottuFloridaGuy, please see my private message23:26
erUSULshane2peru: ask in #sed23:26
SealedWithAKissI cannot enable 'Extra' desktop effects in Appearance despite having a decent graphics card. What's up?23:26
ilovefairuz!ot | Skratch23:26
ubottuSkratch: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:26
shane2peruerUSUL, ohh, good idea, thanks!23:26
macoSkratch: er... drug discussion not allowed in -offtopic either23:26
Skratchsry wrong chan i guess23:26
agminilovefairuz: I'm running karmic (9.10)23:26
billy_hi - do linux gui apps carry their own icons the way windows does?23:27
erUSULbilly_: no23:27
whileimhere231Hi I have a silly question. I am doing a machine dedicated to emulators in an arcade cabinet. I need to conserve as many resources as I can. Can anyone suggest some tips or good websites to read. I have been googling for a while but never seem to get the right hits. Thanks.23:28
ilovefairuzwhileimhere231: turn off any unneeded services , run bare X + a tiny window manager (try wmii!)23:29
TyrannisIs there a way to remove the join/quit messages on Xchat?23:29
whileimhere231wmii? Is that as light as fluxbox?23:30
SlartTyrannis: try right clicking on the channel name.. I think there are some options there23:30
erUSULTyrannis: right click on the channel name. should be an option to disable the messages23:30
ilovefairuzwhileimhere231: way much lighter23:30
padi999it's not really an ubuntu question but: Does anyone know if for a blackberry it exists a GSM cell locating software that let's me publish a driven route to the web?23:30
TyrannisStart, erUSUL: Thanks.23:30
ilovefairuzagmin: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/libxml2 says the latest version on karmic is 2.7.5 .. run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade23:31
chemical-deathpadi999: there isn't a official software23:31
whileimhere231Is there a lighter login manager than say GDm that will auto login to the desktop? I should say that there is only ever one user total on this machine and I do not want to enter UN or PWs.23:31
ilovefairuzwhileimhere231: xdm23:31
padi999chemical-death: thank you. That's sad, I think it would be a great piece of software for people documenting their travel route without GPS23:32
CharlieSuWhat command can I use to see what files were installed w/ a package?23:32
chemical-deathpadi999: maybe you will find something here...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92327423:32
whileimhere231and with the wmii can I auto start a program such as the GUI for my mame box?23:32
erUSULCharlieSu: dpkg -L package23:32
CharlieSuerUSUL: thanks23:33
ilovefairuzwhileimhere231: read its manual and also keep in mind that wmii is a tiling window manager (but i find it more usable than others)23:34
jaycountI have 2 displays setup as seperate X screens (thru nvidia x with xinerama), my right display is my primary while my left display is a tv I use for watching movies and occasionally surfing the web, etc. (though rarely). Alot of the times I'll have my left display off or on a tv channel or some other source but with 10.04 apps ALWAYS open to the left screen, forcing me to change the source, drag them over and change back, any ideas on a fix?23:34
agminilovefairuz: ah, thank you much for the help, looks like I can't get the newest version...23:34
TyrannisIs there something in Python similar to subscripting a string23:34
whileimhere231ilovefairuz I will give it a run.23:34
whileimhere231Every little bit counts with MAME23:34
gangills -al | grep [java$]23:34
gangilis the above expression write if I need to find all java files in a dir>?23:35
aeon-ltdwhileimhere231: what spec pc btw?23:35
Tyrannisgangil, just .java? or jar, class, etc23:35
whileimhere231a p3 with 512 meg ram23:35
ilovefairuzagmin: why? check the versions available using: apt-cache policy libxml223:35
gangilTyrannis: just java23:35
aeon-ltdwhileimhere231: gpu?23:35
ilovefairuzgangil: ls *.java23:35
whileimhere231I mean mhz23:36
ilovefairuzTyrannis: ask in #python23:36
aeon-ltdwhileimhere231: thats plenty for mame23:36
TyrannisThanks ilovefairuz23:36
chimpHow can I make the system beep use the computer speakers rather than the internal beepy one?23:36
whileimhere231yeah but there are roms like MK that work fine with the same setup but with high machine specs that a friend has23:36
aeon-ltdwhileimhere231: to conserve resources just uninstall everything you don't and wouldn't ever use, watch what daemons upstart starts at boot and remove some of them23:37
whileimhere231good idea.23:37
whileimhere231Ill try that tonight.23:37
whileimhere231I know that it cannot handle mame on Win XP. Everything goes slow23:38
aeon-ltdwhileimhere231: if you want the lightest possible config, use ground up distros like gentoo, arch linux, ubuntu server and debian23:38
whileimhere231Is there a better wm to use for MAME? I still need X to use the GUI for it.23:38
aeon-ltdwhileimhere231: look up tiling WMs, they run apps full screen by default23:39
ilovefairuzwhileimhere231: I second that, arch will probably give the least resource usage with little to no extra configuration (apart from installation)23:39
=== nimbiotics_ is now known as nimbiotics
ilovefairuzwhileimhere231: although ubuntu "jeos" will be pretty comparable23:40
whileimhere231should I use a swap partition and if I should should I make it larger than my 512 of ram23:41
ilovefairuzwhileimhere231: double that for swap23:41
kazicaofgeekssup people23:42
whileimhere231ty guys23:42
whileimhere231Ill report back in a bit23:42
aeon-ltdwhileimhere231: yeah the rule is 1.5x ram to 2x ram23:42
Dr_Williswhileimhere231:  mame being slow.. would depend on what game you are playing on it. :)  pacman runs quite well on my low low end machines.23:42
whileimhere231Dr_willis: Oh Pacman runs fine. I am thinking more like samuri showdown and such.23:43
whileimhere231I of course loved Atomic FE for a front end but that is windows only and I did give it a try. While Atomic FE worked flawlessly MAME itself would slow down on roms that never slowed down on the Linux install I did with this hardware.23:45
Dr_WillisGiven the range of games/systems mame emulates im not suprised. :)23:45
rsvpaeon-ltd et al. -- what happens if one goes 5x RAM ?? is there ever a performance penalty for doing so? or is it just a matter of available disk space?23:45
Trashihi guys. im using pureftpd with tcpserver but it ignores hosts.deny ... do you know what the reason could be?23:46
aeon-ltdrsvp: your just wasting hdd space unless you know a app that caches that much data to swap space23:46
gary_inNYCfor some reason i have 2 broadcast accounts when i click the indicator applet.  how can i manage this so i only have 1?23:47
hikursvp: I look at it this way. if any app I run requires lots of swap or for the most part, any swap, and I have 2GB or more of ram, then something is really wrong. usually 2GB ram = 4GB swap. but, I also run systems with -2x the swap and most of the time things are fine23:48
trismgary_inNYC: this happens occasionally, should be fixed if you log out, then back in23:48
gary_inNYCtrism: thanks i'll try that23:48
filosofixitI've searched the net for information about vanilla-kernel support for mastermode on the RALINK RT61 chip in 10.04 but can not find anything... anyone here who knows?23:49
formeyI'm upgrading and when I boot I get an error that it can't find a live file system, it boots to a ramfs prompt.  can anyone help?23:50
filosofixitis it possible to hook up23:50
Martin|2I cant git :( "Error: got version < minimum required 1.6.6" And I just went to launchpad.net and installed "git_1.7.2...amd64.deb" And i still get the same error.23:50
filosofixitis it possible to connect to computers via wifi without setting up one computer as a AP  whick requires master mode?23:51
hikufilosofixit: adhoc?23:52
filosofixithiku : adhoc does not require master mode?23:52
hikufilosofixit: hmm, I don't believe so.23:52
=== burak_ is now known as Guest2396
ryanakca[wubi] Would someone help me out with the issue described at http://ubuntuaddict.com/wubi-ubuntu-10-04-boot-problem-no-wubildr/ ?23:52
=== ThunderLoki is now known as Guest
filosofixithiku : I will research that. Thanks a lot :)23:53
hikufilosofixit: np23:53
rsvpaeon-ltd and hiku, thanks for your responses, sometimes when doing huge database operations that swap space saves the day -- but if it's one-off I think it's OK -- on a regular basis, there might be some problems...23:53
Martin|2can anyone halp me? D: with my issues with Git?23:53
=== Tony_ is now known as tony99965
tony99965anyone know how to get itunes working on ubuntu23:55
=== clueless is now known as Guest2952
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod23:55
pilubuntu pocket guide it says that "It’s important to note that the files aren’t literally copied to the folder. They’re made available in a virtual way. You can manipulate the files and folders like any other files and folders, and although it might appear as if they’re contained in that particular folder, they aren’t. Anything that might have already been in the folder used as the mount point will temporarily disappear. However, the contents are still th23:56
pilere, and if the storage device is unmounted, the contents will reappear." How the contents could appear if the storage device is unmounted? I don't understand that...23:56
hikursvp: yea db ops are another story altogether =)23:56
thune3Martin|2: you might add the ppa and have it update all your git sub-packages. What requires git>1.6.6 ?23:56
Dr_Willispil:  if you accidently copy stuff to (for example) /media/MyFancyDisk    directory.. when your 'MyFancyDisk' is not mounted.. it just goes to that directrry.23:56
formeydoes anyone have any suggestions on my install/boot issue?23:57
Guest2952got a grub problem. When I boot to windows I get "unknown device" and "unknown partition". I can fix windows with a fixmbr, but that breaks grub. I can fix grub with grub-install but now I have my first problem again. Help?23:57
Dr_WillisDr_Willis:  when you then Mount to /media/MyFancyDisk  the sutf basically is not accessable,  (and can cause confusion) Untill you Unmount the "MyfancyDisk"23:57
Martin|2thune3, trying to build chromium os and i'm just working through the instructions23:57
ilovefairuzfilosofixit: bear in mind that you'll need to setup as an access point with WPA/CCMP if you want meaningful security23:57
pilDr_Willis: oh ok now I got it... thanks so much :)23:58
=== nimbiotics_ is now known as nimbiotics
ilovefairuzGuest2952: are you using wubi or a normal install?23:58
SolowIs there a way to check how long my machine has been on?23:58
Guest2952ilovefairuz: normal install23:58
ilovefairuzSolow: uptime23:58
Solowe.g. apache uptime or something23:58
filosofixitilovefairuz ; not possible with wpa in adhock-mode?23:58
hikuSolow: type w at a shell23:58
Guest2952ilovefairuz: but 2 hard drives. windows on the first linux on the second23:59
Solowilovefairuz: which one is the uptime?23:59
progesteroneQuestion: On Ubuntu terminal, with Vim I can copy and paste only certain amount of charaters. If the char are more than that, the rest are left out. Why?23:59
hikuSolow: to the right of the 24hour time format23:59
ilovefairuzfilosofixit: no, i don't think so23:59
Solow00:58:52 up 9 days, 10:1223:59

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