
mkarnickiCardinalFang: do you know how to make ContentProvider serve editable files? I tried everything, but can't get them to be editable. Plus, I use ACTION_VIEW instead of ACTION_EDIT, if I use _EDIT it says I have no application to handle that (say, .txt file editting, which I *do* have)00:47
blendmaster1024updown is goofing again03:14
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mkarnickigood morning09:54
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doktoreasHello everybody. I just installed Ubuntu LTS 10.04 but also if I add files to my ubuntu one folder they don't get synched..11:08
doktoreasin the preferences account is ok and it says synching..11:09
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duanedesigndoktoreas: hello11:37
kklimondarye: are you there?11:38
duanedesigndoktoreas: on the Devices Tab under the Preferences it says your computers name and not <Local machine>?11:38
ryekklimonda, yes, i am nearly here but i am having problems with starting mymain machine, looks like nvidia drivers and ath5k driver for wifi broke for me11:39
duanedesignrye: oh noes :\11:39
ryenouveau works, but ath5k clearly fails11:40
apacheloggerubuntu-sso-client does not create stuff in /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/, does not list python-gtk2 as dep, does not list python-notify as dep, does not list python-twisted-core as dep, does not list python-twisted-web as dep, does not list python-gnomekeyring as dep, does not list gnome-keyring as dep, using ~/.cache/sso is a bit silly given that the app is named ubuntu-sso-client11:41
kklimondabah, I can't find a bug number - give me  asecond ;)11:41
doktoreasduanedesign, coputer name11:41
duanedesigndoktoreas: ok11:42
doktoreasbut checking on the website, files are synched11:42
duanedesigndoktoreas: can you open a Terminal and run the command :  u1sdtool -s11:42
kklimondarye: in a meantime - can you or another canonical employee remove a contact from my u1 contacts?11:42
ryedoktoreas, can you see folders in https://one.ubuntu.com/files/ ? i.e. not files but the folders the files are in?11:43
ryekklimonda, unfortunately, no; is that contact breaking the web ui for you?11:43
doktoreasrye, yep all seems ok. The problem was that the tool in the preferences says always 0.0 Kb used11:43
doktoreasprobably it gets synched at the end of the whole transfer?11:43
kklimondarye: both web ui (when I open it) and the phone sync (which is the original bug report)11:44
duanedesigndoktoreas: you have to close the Prefernces and reopen it to update11:44
ryedoktoreas, could you please try closing this tool and reopening it, it looks like it reads the info only once11:44
kklimondarye: bug 60193211:44
ubot4kklimonda: Bug 601932 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/601932 is private11:44
kklimondathe bug is over a month old and there has been no activity :/other then the initial triaging :/11:45
doktoreasrye, always 0.011:45
doktoreasI also noticed that folders are ok but not file inside them :(11:46
duanedesigndoktoreas: the metadata syncs first(the folder structure) then the files11:46
ryedoktoreas, at first all the folders are created and only then files will start being uploaded, therefore 0.0 - folders do not take storage space11:46
duanedesignrye: sorry ill go to make my morning coffee :)11:47
doktoreasall folders are synched11:47
doktoreasrye: http://dpaste.com/227030/11:50
doktoreasno files in :(11:51
duanedesigndoktoreas: you can see is any metadata is left to sync with: u1sdtool --waiting-metadata | wc -l11:52
doktoreaswow unicode problem11:52
duanedesignoh yeah, that is a known bug :\11:52
duanedesigndoktoreas: u1sdtool --waiting-content | wc -l11:53
duanedesignchecks the number of content items waiting11:53
duanedesignok so it still has 2824 items to sync, but you probablly knew that :). That number should get smallerover time.11:55
doktoreasok thx11:56
doktoreasit's still there11:56
doktoreasbut I'll keep wait11:56
doktoreasduanedesign, is it normal that upload speed on eth0 is 0 kb/s ?11:58
duanedesigndoktoreas: their is a tool magicicada that can give you a bit more information about what is going on.12:04
duanedesigndoktoreas: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chicharreros/ppa; sudo apt-get install magicicada12:05
* rye is away creating wired network12:12
apacheloggernessita: hey, current ubuntu-sso-client package does not create stuff in /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/, does not list python-gtk2 as dep, does not list python-notify as dep, does not list python-twisted-core as dep, does not list python-twisted-web as dep, does not list python-gnomekeyring as dep, does not list gnome-keyring as dep, using ~/.cache/sso is a bit silly given that the app is named ubuntu-sso-client12:16
nessitaapachelogger: ack to the dependencies issues. Why ~/.cache/sso is silly?12:17
apacheloggernessita: because I would go for .cache/ubu<tab>12:18
apacheloggerand considering .cache can contain loads of folders, without actually knowing that it is in .cache/sso/ it is pretty much impossible to find it12:18
ryethis is awesome, by the time i completed the wiring for network ath5k started working again12:20
nessitaapachelogger: I'll add the deps to the package and I'll think about the .cache dir, thank you for pointing this out!12:22
apacheloggeryou're very welcome12:23
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mkarnickibeuno: ping13:59
beunomkarnicki, pong13:59
mkarnickibeuno: Hi! :) Has anything moved about Android 2.1 + wiki + certificate issue?14:00
mkarnickibeuno: I'm asking because soon I wanted to compile a download page14:00
mkarnickibeuno: which would be 50% senseless, if it's not accessible from 2.1 phones.14:00
mkarnickibeuno: then I would put that stuff on launchpad14:01
mkarnicki(I was exaggerating with 50% ;P)14:05
beunomkarnicki, not yet, sorry14:06
mkarnickibeuno: no problem :) I'd like to access wiki.ubuntu.com (for weekly news for example), that's why I'm curious :)14:08
mkarnickibeuno: (Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter I meant)14:08
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jmlwhat's the easiest way to push changes to my views that are kept in bzr to my desktopcouch db?15:09
james_wjml: do you know about start_local_couchdb.update_design_documents ?15:18
jmljames_w, no, not at all. it sounds promising though.15:19
james_wjml: if you have some .js files in particular locations then you can just assume the views exist, as desktopcouch will create them for you15:19
james_wI've forgotten the exact details of how it is plumbed in though15:19
jmlmaybe that's enough to start grepping for, thanks.15:19
jmlI also want to know how I can migrate my desktopcouch application to a machine without X installed.15:20
james_wjml: why is X needed?15:20
jmljames_w, I don't know, but the dependencies are vast, iirc.15:21
ryejames_w, i suspect this is bug #42142215:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 421422 in xulrunner-1.9.1 (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "xulrunner dependency is overkill - only spidermonkey is needed (affects: 5) (heat: 26)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42142215:24
jmlmaybe it's something with dbus. let me try running the script again.15:24
jmloh. huh. https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/desktopcouch/+bug/59103915:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 591039 in desktopcouch "Cannot import desktopcouch in server environment (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [Medium,Confirmed]15:37
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mkarnickiverterok: Hi Guillermo! One question if I may, what could have caused that? http://paste.ubuntu.com/476054/19:16
verterokmkarnicki: no idea what might caused that :(19:19
verterokmkarnicki: looks like a BYTES message "out of order" == the request died for some reason in the client19:19
mkarnickiverterok: aha, that would make some sense :)19:19
verterokmkarnicki: isn't the server sending a message out of order, but the client loosing/killing/finishing a GetContent request before it got the EOF message19:20
mkarnickiverterok: that might be the case19:21
mkarnickiverterok: it might have complained about overwriting files and throw19:21
mkarnickiI'm checking that.19:21
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* duffydack is disappointed in U1 store..Order of the Black is $3.99 on amazon22:58

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