
ScottLTheMuso, my first proof-of-concept video using blender:  http://fossmusicproject.org/public/video-test-final.mp404:59
ScottLthere's two of me...or is that me's ?04:59
ScottLTheMuso, the music isn't all the spectacular, just two first takes but they were the vehicle to show something of what blender is capable of05:03
holsteinScottL: lol05:25
holsteinthats great man :)05:25
TheMusoScottL: thanks will take a peak now.05:26
TheMusoNice work.05:30
ScottLholstein, TheMuso :  thanks, i could have looked better if i spent more time (and money) on lighting and a better green screen but it gets the point across12:55

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