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klattimerseb128: i noticed last night you put a fix released against the deluge related menu signals bug09:54
klattimeris it actually fixed?09:54
klattimersense said that testing it only partly fixed the problem?09:54
seb128klattimer, hi09:57
seb128klattimer, the gtk update just adds the signal for submenu updates09:57
seb128klattimer, the appindicator side needs to be update to use those signal now, which is what sense started before his holidays09:58
seb128I think he let a comment on the bug about his work on progress09:58
seb128somebody should probably pick that up and debug the remaining issues09:58
klattimerseb128: yeah I was going to after the keyboard indicator10:02
klattimerif the fix is released then all good10:02
klattimermakes things easier for me10:02
LucidFoxdidrocks, thanks for sponsoring liferea!10:41
didrocksLucidFox: yw :)10:41
LucidFoxlater today I might post a just-before-FF Debian merge debdiff for 1.6.410:42
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klattimerseb128: I'd appreciate it if you could take a look at the patch I've just uploaded to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ayatana-ubuntu/+bug/59984412:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 599844 in Ayatana Ubuntu "Port the keyboard indicator in gsd to use the app. indicator protocol (affected: 1, heat: 10)" [Medium,In progress]12:56
klattimerit's *working* but will possibly leak memory12:57
klattimerwell, it WILL leak memory, but I think that's due to freeing the label text12:57
klattimerseb128: the parts that should concern you are commented with "Karl Lattimer" so you can search it easily12:57
seb128I'm a bit busy right now but will do that in the afternoon when I do sponsoring and reviews12:58
klattimermpt: would you like to take a look and comment; http://dl.dropbox.com/u/889043/ibus-and-keyboard-indicators.png13:26
mptklattimer, a big improvement. Do you have screenshots of each when open?13:27
klattimernope, but I can try and make one for you13:27
klattimermpt, there you go13:30
klattimermpt there are still a couple of upstream bugs regarding the text that shows in the label, I've tested the status icon and found that the same is true of that13:31
klattimerbut the main thing is, it works :)13:32
mptklattimer, good stuff. It looks like the next most important thing to do, if you want to keep working on it, is to use radio items for the input methods, so that the currently selected IM ends up with a dot next to it.13:33
klattimermpt I'll take a look at that13:37
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andreasnJanCBorchardt_, you're a bit into indicator applet, right?14:08
klattimerandreasn: I'm doing work on them atm14:09
klattimeranything I can help with14:09
andreasnhey klattimer14:11
andreasnI'm trying to get libnotify-mozilla to run on Thunderbird14:11
andreasnbut it won't show up in the indicator menu for some reaso14:12
klattimerright.. hmm14:12
andreasnthis thing: http://ubublogger.wordpress.com/14:12
andreasnwanted to check if others had more luck with that14:13
klattimerdid you read the comments here? http://ubublogger.wordpress.com/2010/07/03/new-bug-fix-release-libnotify-for-mozilla-version-0-2-1/#comments14:14
klattimerI haven't tried this, and I don't think it's within my scope to do so14:14
klattimerbut it seems others are having similar problems14:14
JanCBorchardt_andreasn, not coding-wise. or what do you mean?14:15
andreasnaha! installing python-indicate did the trick apparently!14:23
klattimerseb128: can you change the assignee on this bug to canonical-desktop-team https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ayatana-ubuntu/+bug/59984414:54
ubot5Launchpad bug 599844 in Ayatana Ubuntu "Port the keyboard indicator in gsd to use the app. indicator protocol (affected: 1, heat: 10)" [Medium,In progress]14:54
klattimeractually no hang on, I still need to talk to ted about something14:54
kenvandinetedg, i know....15:26
tedgkenvandine, So I'm not sure how that'd work really.15:26
kenvandineso basically it is busted in lucid15:26
tedgkenvandine, What uses the dbusmenu GIR files?15:26
kenvandinebuilding telepathy-indicator15:26
kenvandinealthough... that should be the vapi15:27
tedgI don't think that's your biggest problem though... I don't think the libindicate one works without the change.15:27
kenvandinewell i don't really need it to work on lucid15:27
kenvandinemakes it harder for the telepathy guys to build it and play though15:27
tedgYeah, if it's Vala though, could you just grab the VAPIs?15:28
tedgIt seems like it's generating C, so who cares :)15:28
kenvandinei wonder why it isn't15:29
kenvandineoh, yeah the vapi file is wrong too15:30
* kenvandine really doesn't want to bundle the vapi file though15:30
tedgYeah, I understand that -- but it might be the easiest solution for Lucid.15:30
klattimertedg: working patch added to this bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ayatana-ubuntu/+bug/59984415:31
klattimerif you want to test it15:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 599844 in Ayatana Ubuntu "Port the keyboard indicator in gsd to use the app. indicator protocol (affected: 1, heat: 10)" [Medium,In progress]15:31
klattimerone problem though, if I start freeing everything it causes a segfault, I think that might be because of freeing the label's gchar *15:31
klattimerwould that be a valid assumption?15:32
tedgklattimer, Hmm, that might be true, but it'd be a bug :)15:32
klattimertedg: ok well I'll rebuild and test the theory out let you know the result15:33
tedgklattimer, Sweet, thanks!15:33
klattimermeh it'll only be the 10 gazillionth time today I've rebuilt this package15:33
klattimerone more won't hurt15:34
klattimertedg: good news it isn't the freeing of a label which breaks it15:50
klattimerbad news is, it's going to be a much harder problem to solve :/15:50
tedgklattimer, valgrind?15:50
klattimertedg: if I knew a way of getting it to run in valgrind15:50
klattimerstill having a hard time finding a decent way to debug it15:50
tedgklattimer, Could you run it in an xvfb window?  That way it'd be by itself?15:51
klattimerit's currently a case of try and fail15:51
klattimertedg: don't think so15:51
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gambsCan anyone tell me if this bug ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/593380 ) being marked 'invalid' will mean I won't be able to use Unity any time soon?20:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 593380 in bzr-builder "Unable to build dpkg v3 (quilt) packages (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [High,Triaged]20:56
* bratsche summons tedg22:14
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