
spivlifeless: actually "Connected (version 2.0, ..." means paramiko is being used.  The "client OpenSSH_3.8..." in that string is actually paramiko reporting the server version.00:14
spivlifeless: I filed a bug on paramiko about that recently.00:15
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
spivpoolie_: http://sphinx.pocoo.org/ext/extlinks.html06:34
poolie_spiv, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mbp/bzr/doc-2.2/+merge/3229307:24
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
* spiv is done for the day, see you tomorrow.09:01
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bialixhi all09:08
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
amanicadipnlik: I could not find such a bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-rewrite/+bugs?field.searchtext=dryrun), so maybe you can file one if you like.14:06
amanicaehm. ignore that14:06
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=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
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jmlanyone know where I can find the branch management plugin vila was working on?15:56
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
=== khmarbaise_ is now known as khmarbaise
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha-brb
rockyjelmer, quick question for you... if i'm working in a local bzr branch that has a remote svn parent (pushing/pulling) with bzr-svn ... and the remote branch makes changes and i merge them locally, when i push back, will it try and push back the merge?17:26
jelmerrocky: Yes17:27
rockyeven tho the merge should be empty right?17:27
rockythat feels like ugly artifacts17:27
jelmerrocky: Why would it be empty? That merge would contain their change.17:28
jelmerrocky: If you don't want a merge commit to appear, use rebase17:28
* rocky has to think about this some more17:29
jelmerrocky: bzr-svn isn't any different from "normal" bzr in this regard.17:29
rockysure, of course i use bzr-svn more often then i use regular bzr ;)17:30
jelmerheh, ok17:30
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
quicksilveris there a good solution to the umask issue?17:38
quicksilver(that newly remotely pushed branches don't get group writable, and I want them to)17:39
jelmerhi quicksilver17:39
jelmerquicksilver: I'm not aware of one, but jam might know.17:39
jamjelmer, quicksilver: The only thing I've seen is writing a bzr wrapper that calls 'umask 002' before execing bzr proper17:41
* quicksilver nods17:41
jamor similarly for sftp, etc.17:41
quicksilverI wondered if it could be fixed in SSH config somehow17:42
jamquicksilver: IIRC you can change the global default umask in one of the /etc files17:42
jamor something like this: http://jeff.robbins.ws/articles/setting-the-umask-for-sftp-transactions17:42
jambut bzr doesn't run as a subsystem, just another remote command17:43
jamquicksilver: I'm never quite sure whether profile or whatever gets run17:43
jambut I think changing /etc/profile.d to set a default umask for everyone to 0002 would get invoked17:43
jmlis there a way to specify an SVN revision when using bzr-svn?17:44
jelmerjml: -rsvn:4217:44
jelmerjml, see also `bzr help revisionspec`17:45
jmljelmer, it doesn't show up there17:45
jelmerjml: that's odd, do you have a recent (less than a year old) version of bzr/bzr-svn?17:47
jmlhuh, I don't even have it installed :)17:47
jmlI'm using a bzr branch made with bzr-svn :)17:48
jmljelmer, sorry for the noise.17:49
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
=== Ursinha-brb is now known as Ursinha
lamontcan I tell .bzrignore to ignore everything in foo/ except foo/bar?22:26
lifelessyou can give it a regex22:27
lifelessyou can just add foo/bar22:27
lifelessadds override ignores22:27
lamontthough changes would still be ignored, yes?22:27
lifelessto added files? no22:27
lamontso bzrignore is regex(5)?  extended or non?22:27
lifelessbzr help ignores22:28
lifelessits zsh globs22:28
lifelesswith an optional make-a-line-a-regex mode22:28
lifelesslamont: whats the situation though, I doubt you need this22:28
lamontwhole bunch of stuff in foo, only want foo/bar to be in bzr from that directory22:28
lamontthemes-y stuff22:29
lifelessjust bzr add foo/bar22:29
lifelessbzr ignore foo22:29
lifelessbzr add foo/bar22:29
* lamont looks at the clock, sleeps22:29
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-bbl
=== ddaa1 is now known as ddaa
abliHi! any idea what might be causing 'Permission denied (publickey)' errors when I am trying to check out (branch) a branch from launchpad? 'bzr branch' says: "bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist." To make it more misterious, branching the same repo works as another user on another computer23:47
lifelessdo you have your ssh key present /unlocked23:48
ablipresent?  what does that mean? I am trying to do an 'anonymous checkout'23:48
lifelesswhat url are you giving bzr ?23:49
lifelessthat uses ssh23:49
lifelessso you need your ssh key on your machine23:50
ablihmm. I'll try bzr+http23:50
lifelessjust http://23:50
ablido I also need an account on launchpad?23:50
lifelessno bzr+23:50
abliah. http:// worked. Thanks!23:50

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