
* lov255 is a ubuntu noob01:54
lov255anyone here?01:55
highvoltagestgraber: went for a long walk with mgariepy tonight02:43
stgraberhighvoltage: cool02:48
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg
dgroosHey All -- meeting in 2.5 hours?17:29
highvoltagedgroos: yep18:05
* bencrisford does the math... So thats 19.00 UTC? :D18:09
bencrisfordhighvoltage, ^18:10
highvoltagebencrisford: yep!18:14
dgrooshighvoltage: still looking for agenda additions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/Meetings/Agenda ?18:16
highvoltagedgroos: not actively :) but feel free to add!18:19
dgrooswill do!18:19
=== kai_62656 is now known as BDC-kracker
highvoltageEdubuntu meeting time! (sorry I lost track of time!)19:59
bencrisfordhighvoltage, meeting time? :)20:00
dgroossee you in #ubuntu-meeting20:00
alkisghighvoltage: do we have some ability to add factoids here? e.g. !learn setup-ltsp as https://wiki.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/installLTSPlucid ?21:36
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:38
alkisg!setup-ltsp is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/installLTSPlucid21:40
alkisg"Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops.  Thank you for your attention to detail"21:40
dgroosalkisg: that's a great idea.  Also, we ought to have an index page for a simple list of these factoids.21:55
dgroossee.  hmmph!21:55
alkisgdgroos: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi21:55
alkisgBut most facts are common to all ubuntu channels, not just edubuntu, we need to request in #ubuntu-ops which facts we want just for #edubuntu21:56
dgroosgot it and they work on all ubuntu-related sites?21:56
dgroosyes :)21:56
dgroosmaybe a link to that page would be helpful to have on the intro note that appears when one enters this channel.  Maybe.21:57
dgroosYea, and anyway, how do you get that passive structure: "• dgroos things that..."? :)21:59
dgroosjust doing the option-8 thing or is it a command?22:00
highvoltagealkisg: we have a bot but she's asleep. I actually got some nice hosting again last week, so I'll put her revival on my todo list :)23:07
highvoltageah, ubottu is here. cool :)23:07
alkisgAh, that'd be much easier :)23:07
alkisgBut I think you have the rights to teach ubottu, right?23:08
alkisgI.e. add edubuntu-specific facts to it...23:08

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