
mweijts@ riddell no problems with re-update, gonna try KDE00:16
Riddellmofux: should be built now, can you get it installed?00:16
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 10.04 LTS: http://kubuntu.org/news/10.04-lts-release | KDE SC 4.5: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-45 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guideines | Maverick/10.10 support in #ubuntu+1
mofuxRiddell: lemme check00:19
mofuxRiddell: back to KDE 4.5, all works :)00:20
mofuxthanks for the help00:20
mweijts@ Riddell KDE is working00:21
dbc254how can I have my user account AND root be the same account?00:21
Riddellmweijts: great, thanks00:22
James147dbc254: login as root? why would you want to do soemthing like that?00:29
BluesKajRiddell, i mnaged to install kde 4.5 withoy much trouble but there are still several pkges being held back. Also the bakcport ppa at http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-45 works only a package manager , the whole deb url isn't listed . I prefer to edit my sources.list and updae/upgrade in the terminal  rather than the package manager.00:31
BluesKajscuse my spelling00:31
RiddellBluesKaj: what is being held  back?00:34
James147BluesKaj: it also works with comand line "sudo add-apt-repository REPO"00:36
BluesKajJames147, yeah but which repos, that's whay I'm asking00:54
qnixHi, on my laptop, with any video player, the images is strange.. the colors...00:54
qnixDo I need something to get the proper colors displayed?00:54
BluesKajgonna check the boot00:56
James147BluesKaj: "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports"00:56
EDinNYwhere can I find how to make Nvidia work"?00:57
qnixgot it... for an unknown reason the hue saturation was set to 0.00:58
mkpaahmm.. upgraded with latest kde rc from repos and now I am missing .. for example startkde :)00:58
DarthFrogmkpaa: KDE 4.5 has been officially released.00:59
DarthFrogmkpaa: Check the channel topic.00:59
mkpaawell, packages were broken in this case anyways00:59
DarthFrogmkpaa: Or just go to http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4500:59
mkpaawill do01:00
DarthFrogmkpaa: If the packages in an obsolete release are broken, does it really matter? :-)01:00
mkpaait is problem if I can't start kde :)01:01
James147mkpaa: did the upgrade break kde?01:01
mkpaayes, I get blank screen after login (using kdm) and good ol' startx says missing startkde01:02
James147mkpaa: run this: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"01:03
jesse_anyone on?01:04
mkpaaworking on it01:04
jesse_have a question, want to play evony on fire fox, have installed flash player but will not go to play area, does go past login screen, to server selection, but thats it01:05
zylogz80I'm trying to install the newly released KDE 4.5 on Kubuntu 10.04 following the directions here http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-45 and here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu however, after adding the ppa kpackagekit finds the updates as blocked and I am unable to install then. what step am I missing?01:08
mkpaajames, working again. that purged all old versions?01:09
DarthFrogzylogz80: Try "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" on the command line.  All on one line.01:09
zylogz80DarthFrog: ok, I'll give it a go. thanks!01:10
DarthFrogzylogz80: It may not do anything different.  No guarantees but it's worth a shot.01:10
zylogz80DarthFrog: its doing something. here's to hoping it is doing something not destructive.01:12
DarthFrogzylogz80: :-)  I truly hope that it's not destructive.  It never has been so for me before.01:13
zylogz80DarthFrog: hahaha01:13
DarthFrogzylogz80: And I run that command daily.01:13
zylogz80DarthFrog: I hereby absolve you of any guilt if I end up booting to CDE or something01:13
James147zylogz80: large updates like kde 4.5 are usually blocked in kpakcagekit due to them needing to remove some packagees01:13
DarthFrogzylogz80: Even worse, to GNOME!  :-)01:14
zylogz80James147: cool thanks for the context01:14
zylogz80DarthFrog: no! haha01:14
zylogz80James147: I am a recent convert from Fedora so my apt-fu is not strong. I haven't gotten comfortable with apt yet.01:14
blip99hi, I want to make sure I understand how to upgrade to KDE 4.5 on 10.4 via PPA's.   They're saying I add the backports and update. I added backports PPA - now it shows I have 20 updates but none of them look like KDE4.5...01:15
blip99it also shows me 119 Blocked updates01:15
zylogz80blip99: same problem I had :) I am running sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and it appears to be working01:16
blip99zylogz80: but won't that install every single update in the backports ? I only want KDE4.5 from it01:16
DarthFrogzylogz80: apt is an excellent frontend to dpkg (which is actually doing the heavy lifting).  Apt is one of the best things about Debian.01:16
zylogz80blip99: unknown. I'm new to this.01:16
blip99zylogz80: I will check now with synaptic01:16
James147blip99: upgrade via command line: "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade"01:17
zylogz80DarthFrog: I intend to learn more. My rpm and yum are both strong. I will get comfortable with it eventually.01:17
DarthFrogzylogz80: apt is somewhat equivalent to yum.  dpkg to rpm.01:17
blip99zylogz80: btw did you add "ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports" to the sources list ?  It somehow found out the full url from that01:17
DarthFrogzylogz80: I administer a bunch of Fedora servers.  I know yum/rpm.  I think apt/dpkg is better.01:18
zylogz80blip99: yeah I added that. I then tried to update with kpackagekit but it was all blocked due to package removals as I've since learned01:18
James147blip99: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports   will add the repo01:18
zylogz80DarthFrog: I've heard really great things about it, especially with regards to speed01:18
DarthFrogzylogz80: APT has never hosed a system on me.  I can't say the same for ... other distros tools.01:19
zylogz80DarthFrog: hahah I've had my share of problems with rpm/yum that's for sure!01:20
raven24kdevelop got uninstalled with the upgrade to 4.5 ... I had a look at https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports and there it seems that the kdevelop package is from April...01:20
phant0ml0rdraven24: yes, kdevelop depends on a library that got renamed in 4.5 ... I believe its on their list of things to fix01:21
blip99James147: I added it via software-properties-kde tool fine.  I'm just surprised how it was able to map that to the full url. anyway not important, I need to get installing and test it before I sleep :)01:21
raven24phant0ml0rd: ah ... that's good to hear. is the info on how/who/when somewhere?01:23
blip99zylogz80: yep I just checked with synaptic, all those KDE4.5 packages that kpackagekit blocked are listed to install in synaptic.  It's only removing a few things that look normal.  I trust synaptic here01:24
phant0ml0rdnope, i found out the hard way. and the op here (Ridell) told me that they were still in the process of fixing it. There was no ETA, but I think they will get to it after they fix the AMD64 distro01:24
mkpaabug or feature, libkontactinterface4 and libakonadi-contact4 were not installed with kontact (works after installing those)01:27
zylogz80blip99: it removed some things that looked kind of scary to me, did it remove these for you too? kdebase-plasma kdepimlibs-data ktorrent libkfontinst4 libkonqsidebarplugin4 libkwineffects1 libmarble401:27
zylogz80libplasma-applet-system-monitor4 libplasmaclock4 libprocesscore4 libprocessui4 libqt4-assistant libsolidcontrol4 libtaskmanager401:27
raven24phant0ml0rd: ok ... that sounds promising. since it's already late (at least here in GMT+1) I'll have another look tomorrow01:28
BluesKajJames147, DarthFrog , success, no probs after doing some relogins and installing kubuntu-desktop ...seems stable now01:30
DarthFrogBluesKaj: Excellent.  Glad to hear it.01:30
James147zylogz80: it should also install some similarly named packages01:30
zylogz80James147: cool01:30
blip99ETA: 3 minutes, 50 seconds :D01:31
zylogz80alright, done. lets see if it worked. if you see me back in a couple then something went wrong. :) thanks all!01:35
* lov255 is a Ubuntu noob and can use some help with installng a wirless USB 802.11 stick01:56
* lov255 has Ububtu 10.0401:56
* lov255 has been working on installing the wireless card all day01:57
* lov255 wonders if anyone can help?01:57
* lov255 wonders if anyone is alive?01:57
James147_lov255: best to ask for help rather then wonder about it :)01:59
James147_lov255: also, this is the Kubuntu support channel, for ubuntu help you might want to ask in #ubuntu02:00
lov255I did lol...I am trying to get a wireless USB 802.11 adapter installed on my laptop with Ubuntu 10.0402:00
lov255sorry just noticed that02:00
FloodBotK3lov255: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:00
zylogz80kde 4. is looking nice except that it is making liberal use of the very slow and broken wash-out/color-burn effect, example http://h.imagehost.org/view/0648/snapshot1 (look at the all white window preview down the bottom) this makes window tiling and previews broken and very slow. does anyone know how to disable this filter?02:08
zylogz80*kde 4.5 I mean02:08
zylogz80here is a much more compelling example, check this out : http://imgur.com/sOKbc noticed how the window previews are color burned and washed out? how can I keep the window managment features but shut off this color burn effect?02:12
phant0ml0rdzylogz80: i may be way off here, but did you try disabling dektop effects ?02:12
zylogz80phant0ml0rd: well then I would lose all desktop effects, that wouldn't be good :) I just want to get rid of that color burn effect but keep all the actual desktop effects themselves02:13
phant0ml0rdzylogz80: i know, but its a good way to figure out if its one of the compositing effects, or something else02:13
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zylogz80phant0ml0rd: yeah it is definately a compisiting effects issue. none of the window management features that make use of the color burn filter are available when desktop effects are disabled02:14
zylogz80phant0ml0rd: but it should be possible to disable just that filter, however I don't know KDE well enough yet to do things like that.02:15
phant0ml0rdzylogz80: yeah, the enabled filters are in system settings > desktop effects > Alleffects tab02:16
phant0ml0rdzylogz80: try disabling the sharpen filter if you have it enabled02:17
zylogz80phant0ml0rd: I will poke around in there. I think I will need access to whatever config files actually define those effects. I don't think any of them excplicitely expose what filters they utilize02:18
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=== ubuntu is now known as Freaks
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olskolircim on Lucid can someone help me with my firefox 3.6.8 it keeps hanging and crashing....I always have to kill the pid04:12
julianoUpgrade to KDE 4.5 broke everything. How do I downgrade to 4.4.5?05:09
DarthFrogjuliano: If it were me, I'd go for a pure GNOME system (i.e. purge your system of KDE), then re-install kubuntu-desktop.05:26
phoenix_hello everyone05:27
julianoDarthFrog: This ought be possible without resorting to GNOME... apt-get runs from the command-line, it just refuses to reinstall kubuntu-desktop, and I can't seem to convince it05:29
julianoit seems I managed to somehow partially unbreak 4.505:30
DarthFrogjuliano: Because you've got a more recent version of KDE installed.  You have to rip it out first.05:30
julianoisn't there a way to remove KDE without having to install GNOME?05:31
DarthFrogUninstall *all* the KDE packages.05:32
DarthFrog!puregnome | juliano05:32
ubottujuliano: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome05:32
DarthFrogThat'll tell you what to uninstall.  You don't have to install GNOME.05:32
DarthFrogRip out KDE.  Remove the repo from /etc/apt/sources.list.05:32
DarthFrogThen re-install kubuntu-desktop.05:33
DarthFrogRemember, if it breaks you get to keep both pieces.05:33
julianook, thanks05:33
phoenix_yesterday i upgraded to kde 3.5 rc3, the xserver is not compatable with the latest nvidia driver. when will the next nvidia driver be available.if that will take so long, is there a way to degrade the xserver. yesterday i tried to do that but there are dependency problems05:36
DarthFrogKDE 3.5???05:38
phoenix_DarthFrog: ya05:39
phoenix_DarthFrog: sorry 4.505:39
DarthFrogHmm.  The xserver and the nvidia drivers will be orthogonal to whatever KDE version you have.  i.e. Not a KDE issue.  BTW, KDE 4.5 was officially released today and Kubuntu packages are already available.05:40
phoenix_DarthFrog: yesterday i upgraded using the command "do-release-upgrade -d"05:41
phoenix_DarthFrog: what should i do now to fix the problem05:42
DarthFrogTry a different nvida driver?  The latest one isn't always the best choice.05:45
phoenix_DarthFrog: the error was something like video driver version ABI. it said the xserver is using version 8 which is not compatable with the nvidia driver , so it asked me to install a lower version of xserver05:48
DarthFrogUrk.  I've not come across that one before.05:49
phoenix_have you tried kde 4.5 rc305:53
DarthFrogRC3 was only available as source.  It was never built for Kubuntu.  I ran RC2, then the pre-release of 4.5.  Now I"m on the official release.05:54
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
phoenix_DarthFrog: why they dont give importance for kopete06:08
phoenix_imagebin link?06:12
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phoenix_something wrong with the thumbnail generation06:20
enderwis there a ppa for kdepim 4.5?06:36
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francesco_ciao a tutti voi07:28
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »07:28
=== 92AAAXJYN is now known as freet15_
=== AndreS__ is now known as AndreS_
skramer_I still have problems upgrading to KDE SC 4.5.0 on Kubuntu 10.04, 155 packages hold07:41
skramer_any hints what I could do? I'm on amd64...07:42
AndreS_skramer_: yesterday, i was told to hold on this channel to a bit longer for amd64.07:43
AndreS_I'd very much like to upgrade to 4.5 too...07:43
charlotte___this is beartifuly07:44
skramer_AndreS_: I see, just thought I read last night that upgrading amd64 should work now07:45
AndreS_OK, perhaps my info is outdated now then.07:45
AndreS_I last heard around 22PM CET.07:46
skramer_AndreS_: [23:25:15] <Riddell> amd64 should be fine now07:46
skramer_AndreS_: but still, nothing changed after that...07:47
AndreS_ok, good to hear. Missed that last night :-)07:47
AndreS_Weird... When I try to update the packages in KPackageKit, I get this error (with a request to report it):07:49
AndreS_I mean: when I hit the refresh button in KPackageKit07:49
AndreS_Another issue is that when updating the sources and the additional package files are downloaded, this process always hangs on the last file.07:52
skramer_AndreS_: that's strange, I did not find these problems in my side07:53
skramer_AndreS_: KPackageKit just gives me the same 155 blocked packages as aptitude does...07:53
skramer_AndreS_: no problem when hitting the refresh button, though07:54
AndreS_What's the magic word to try with aptitude?07:55
skramer_AndreS_: in cli "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade"07:56
AndreS_Err http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid/main Packages07:57
AndreS_  404  Not Found07:57
skramer_AndreS_: that means one of the PPA's you have in your sources.list is currently not reachable / does not exist any longer07:58
AndreS_Removing that source takes care of the last problem, yes.07:58
AndreS_But no KDE 4.5 pops up in my list of updates...07:59
skramer_AndreS_: should also be the reason why the update process hangs on last file in KpackageKit07:59
AndreS_That's what I figured too. Too bad KPackageKit does not give a decent error for that.07:59
skramer_AndreS_: do you have the ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports in your sources.list?08:00
AndreS_I added it like that, but it now shows as http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu08:01
AndreS_sorry, correct that: http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backport/ubuntu08:01
skramer_AndreS_: should be backports, not backport08:02
AndreS_The one holding up the proces is actually the last one...08:02
AndreS_I must have missed the s while copy/pasting the URL from the website. Updating the package list at least now works...08:03
skramer_AndreS_: :-)08:04
AndreS_Hmmm... not sure I want to upgrade. Most updates appear blocked?!08:05
skramer_AndreS_: I suggest not to upgrade then08:05
AndreS_Including stuff like KDE base08:05
AndreS_What set up updates do you have enabled, skramer_?08:06
skramer_AndreS_: what do you mean? which PPA's?08:07
AndreS_No, I mean the options in KPackageKit in the software sources dialog, third tab08:07
skramer_AndreS_: I checked the first two & the fourth one. that should be important security updates, recommended updates and unsupported updates (i.e. backports)08:12
AndreS_skramer_: ok, thanks, that's what I have.08:13
AndreS_Slightly frustrating to see that new and shiny KDE 4.5 finally ready to install in my list, only to have them listed under "blocked updates" :S08:14
skramer_anybody succeeded upgrading to KDE SC 4.5.0 on amd64 architecture?08:14
mkristano :( hosed 64bit... they might have fixed it by now tho . I did it 12hr ago08:25
phoenix_hello everyone08:32
phoenix_does the nvidia driver work with the new xserver08:33
zak_I'm pretty sure I have neither of those things.08:34
zak_Sorry, dude.08:34
phoenix_zak_: have you tried kde 4.5 rc308:37
=== tim is now known as chimu
zak_I'm actually on gnome right now, just using elements of KDE, so no.08:41
phoenix_zak_: ok08:41
kasПривет всем!09:52
kasСразу вопрос) почему может тупить система когда меняется заставка на рабочем столе?09:53
ghostcube!ru kas10:02
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:02
ghostcubeoh i forgot the pipe :)10:02
kasблин там все на Гноме сидят а мне нуда КДЕ(((10:03
=== jtheuer is now known as jt|away
AndreS_Please note the channel guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IrcGuidelines?action=show&redirect=IRCGuidelines10:25
AndreS_-> english please!10:26
AndreS_Is there an easy way to merge the left and right audio channel somehow? I have a vid with only audio on one channel, and that is annoying to listen to on my headphones...10:37
AndreS_I am currently using Dragon Player. I know VLC has the feature, but installing VLC on my system is blocked by... vlc.10:39
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Guest43528i purged xserver-xorg,kdm,xinit,kdebase-workspace-kgreet-plugins and reinstalled those. now when i start X , i get the login screen, after loging in i see only the wallpaper and mouse cursor nothin else10:51
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torstenhello. just recently Kontact starts with summary. And then there no click has an effect in Kontact. I can't switch to calendar, news or mail. How can I get Kontact working again?10:59
lelamalhi, I need to check something from yesterday's exchange for some users on Kubuntu Forums who are having the same issue. Is there a place where logs are kept so I can point them to it?11:00
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/11:09
lelamalwell_laid_lawn: many thanks!11:15
well_laid_lawnnp :]11:15
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roamis it recommended to upgrade a 10.4 netbook installation to kde4.4.4 or kde4.5?11:42
floownI can't use imap in Kontact since the upgrade to KDE 4.511:46
floownwhat packet should I manually install?11:46
torstenfloown: try libakonadi-contact4 and libkontactinterface4?11:51
floowntorsten: already installed11:52
torstenthen I cant help anymore sry11:52
Logimy google-fu is failing me. How do I enable webkit in konqueror after upgrading kde to the new 4.5.0 packages?11:55
torstenlogi: install webkitkde. switch Engine under View > View Mode while browsing a web page.12:07
Logitorsten: It's kpart-webkit now, btw12:09
sgomeshey everyone12:17
sgomesI'm having a bit of trouble updating to KDE SC 4.5 in Lucid12:18
sgomesI've added http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu/ to the sources list, but an upgrade doesn't seem to pick up any new packages12:18
sgomes(and yes, I've done an apt-get update first)12:19
Logiok, I can switch individual pages to webkit - now how do I make this the default?12:25
amgarchingHi, what was that commandline for adding PPA repos to apt source list? It is about ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports12:26
James147sgomes: what did you add to the sources.list exactly?12:27
James147amgarching: sudo add-apt-repository <repo>12:27
sgomesJames147: the line reads "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu lucid main"12:27
amgarchingadd-apt-repository ?12:28
amgarchingthaks, James14712:28
James147sgomes: any errors when you run: "sudo apt-get update"?12:29
sgomesJames147: nope, no errors. The relevant line in the output seems to be "Ign http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu/ lucid/main Translation-en_US"12:30
sgomesis it getting ignored?12:31
James147apperantly :S12:31
James147ahh, "lucid/main"   should be "lucid main"12:31
James147sgomes: btw, the repos can be added with the command "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports" << this will also get the gpg keys for it12:32
sgomesJames147: I believe that's what I did, but let me try again12:33
LogiTo answer my own question: System Settings -> File Associations -> [html & xhtml+xml] -> Embedding -> Move WebKit to the top of the list. Not very obvious :)12:35
sgomesJames147: nope, everything's the same12:38
amgarchingso, KDE was upgraded. Rebooting. Wish me luck12:41
James147sgomes: hmmm, seems mine is also Ign :S might be a problem their end? you could wait abit and retry12:42
howlymowlyhi poeple.. another question:   I am just trying out akonadi together with google mail contacts/calender...  seems like import of contacts works.. but many of them are  incomplete...   any idea whats going on here? is aknoadi ready for use in 4.5 ?12:43
st33lhello im having toruble installing sis mirage12:44
st33lany help12:44
James147howlymowly: my guess is that it would be the resource plugin for google isent quit ready yet :) I have the same ehre and calendars wont shot up either12:44
James147st33l: hi ^^12:45
howlymowlyhmmm...  kk..  what a pity :)  because with kde4.5 this is the first time I came so far to sync my cal/contacts with google..12:45
st33lhi james12:45
howlymowlythis is one of the things I am really looking forward to in KDE :)12:46
st33li cant seem too get sis mirage driver installed12:46
st33lany idea?12:46
James147howlymowly: yeah, looks like they still need alittle more time to get it working properlly :)12:46
st33li have the log with me.12:46
James147st33l: dont know what that is12:46
sgomesJames147: ok, so looks like for some reason it's only trying the translation stuff, any idea why it won't try the actual package repository?12:47
James147sgomes: are you sure it is?12:48
sgomesJames147: yeah, the only lines in an update, when I grep for "kubuntu-ppa", are of the type "Ign http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu/ lucid/main Translation-en_US"12:49
James147sgomes:  thats the only one I have (apart from the ubuntu.com backports, but I dont think thats what you want)12:51
sgomeshmm, odd, I figured it'd show in the log12:51
sgomesok, so I guess the problem is not there12:51
James147^^ well except mine is *en_GB  :)12:51
sgomesJames147: ok, so if I open KPackageKit, it seems the packages are there12:53
sgomesis this the right stuff?12:53
James147sgomes: thats them... so you had them all along ;P12:53
sgomesI wonder why upgrade isn't picking them up?12:53
James147sgomes: best to do "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to install them12:53
sgomesJames147: well, that doesn't find anything to upgrade12:54
James147sgomes: what "upgrade" command are you using?12:54
sgomesI've tried apt-get dist-upgrade, apt-get-upgrade and aptitude full-upgrade12:55
sgomesnone of them picks anything up12:55
James147thats weird :S12:56
sgomess/apt-get -upgrade/apt-get upgrade12:56
sgomesyeah, kind of odd12:56
sgomesoh well, I suppose I'll force the upgrade via KPackageKit12:56
James147sgomes: can you do that?12:56
sgomesJames147: I can try :)12:56
yofelsgomes: just curious, what does 'apt-cache policy kdelibs5' tell you?12:57
sgomesyofel: is it safe to paste ~10 lines in the channel?12:58
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:58
sgomesthanks :)12:59
sgomesyofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/476404/13:00
yofelthat looks like it being blocked by a package pin on the older version13:02
sgomeslet me look through the conf.d stuff, then13:03
yofelshould be set in preferences[.d]13:04
sgomesoh, right13:04
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nicolas_hie everyone13:07
nicolas_fench people here?13:07
James147!fr | nicolas_13:07
ubottunicolas_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:07
nicolas_i have an issue with device notifier , it doesn't see my cds13:09
James147nicolas_: are they blank cds?13:09
nicolas_no it-s data cd13:10
nicolas_usb key works13:10
nicolas_[ 5129.920221] sr 1:0:0:0: [sr0] Unhandled sense code13:10
nicolas_[ 5129.920224] sr 1:0:0:0: [sr0] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE13:10
nicolas_[ 5129.920227] sr 1:0:0:0: [sr0] Sense Key : Medium Error [current]13:10
nicolas_[ 5129.920230] sr 1:0:0:0: [sr0] Add. Sense: Unrecovered read error13:10
nicolas_[ 5129.920233] sr 1:0:0:0: [sr0] CDB: Read(10): 28 00 00 05 2f ca 00 00 02 0013:10
nicolas_[ 5129.920239] end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 135965613:10
FloodBotK2nicolas_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:10
nicolas_oups sorry for flood13:11
nicolas_this is my dmesg output13:13
phoenix_i have downloaded kubuntu 10 4 months back.13:13
sgomesaha, success! :)13:14
sgomesinstalling now13:14
sgomesthanks James147 and yofel !13:14
phoenix_will the kubuntu 10.04 iso available in the web page be newer than the previously downloaded13:15
James147phoenix_: the iso will be the same unless the version has changed13:16
phoenix_James147: does the new iso contain the updates till date13:16
James147phoenix_: not sure But I would think so (although I dont think there is a newer one yet)13:17
phoenix_should i use the old one and update or download the new one and install. what do you recommend13:18
phoenix_James147: should i use the old one and update or download the new one and install. what do you recommend13:19
James147phoenix_: I dont think there is a new one yet13:19
adarshaMy composting has become very slow. i'm using kde 4.4.2 please help13:21
phoenix_James147: what is your kde version13:21
James147phoenix_: kde 4.5.0, but lucid has 4.4.2 by default13:21
phoenix_James147: did you enabled the backports to get kde 4.5?13:22
James147phoenix_: yes13:22
phoenix_James147: is it stable?13:22
James147phoenix_: I find it more responsive then 4.4.x13:23
phoenix_James147: ok. see you after a reinstall13:24
skramer_anybody here did upgrade to KDE SC 4.5.0 on amd64 architecture?13:28
skramer_sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade gives me 18 packackes to update & 158 to be blocked13:30
skramer_what am I doing wrong?13:31
yofelyou'll need to have to do a dist-upgrade, it needs to remove a few packages13:32
yofelor full-upgrade for aptitude13:32
skramer_yofel: you mean aptitude full-upgrade?13:33
skramer_yofel: that seems like wiping the whole 4.4.5 & pulling in the 4.5.0 instead, right?13:34
yofelwell, most packages should be upgraded, but a few libraries need to be replaced with newer versions13:35
James147^^ there are also some package renames so will look like imporant stuff is being removed13:36
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floownI can't use imap in Kontact since the upgrade to KDE 4.513:44
floownwhat packet should I manually install?13:44
glaucousAre the KDE 4.5 packages in Release state now? From the ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports ppa?13:46
James147glaucous: I beleave so13:47
glaucousI'm getting 108 blocked packages now, when adding the backports ppa, is this normal?13:47
James147glaucous: yes, run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"13:48
glaucousJames147: Quite a lot of packages there13:49
James147glaucous: you are upgrading the WHOLE of kde :)13:49
glaucousJames147: Hehe. And it should be safe doing this?13:50
James147glaucous: should... ;) you can run "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" after to make sure if you want :)13:50
glaucousAlright, here we go13:50
James147glaucous: some have had it break, but that was yesterday when things where still being built :) it should be fine now13:51
howlymowlyiok.. and now my question: my nepomuk indexes all files and so on... only problem: when i use the nepomuk plug-in in krunner it never shows the "name" of a nepomuk indexed file.. it is always "resource"  https://photos-2.dropbox.com/i/o/4q4_IpO7GUoHohDLSlWF6kkiWsxGG3LbuAXdggofACI/6602612/1281618000/9e1e03313:51
killownhow can i update for kde 4.5?13:51
James147killown: see topic13:51
glaucousJames147: Although is seems like all packages are marked beta13:51
James147howlymowly: same here... just deleted my index to see if that will help (waiting on it to rebuild)13:51
killownJames147, thanks13:53
killownwhere is the kde 4.5 in ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports ?13:59
killownits not updating for 4.513:59
James147killown: ^^ what did you do with that ppa:...??14:00
killownapt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports14:00
James147killown: then you should beable to "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"14:01
killown /var/cache/apt/archives/libqt4-help_4%3a4.7.0~beta2-0ubuntu3~lucid1~ppa4_i386.deb14:01
killownE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)14:01
killownthis repos give me a broken system package14:02
glaucousJames147: Should I overwrite "Configuration file `/etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc'", or is it compatible with the old kde 4.0?14:03
James147glaucous: wouldnt think it should break :) but then I would overwrite it if you havent made any changes to it your self14:06
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glaucousJames147: What setting file is it, cant find it?14:06
glaucousWhat part of KDE that is14:06
rethusif ui run kpackagekit, i have many conflicts and packages which are blocked. i Heard, thats cause of kde 4.5 released. How can i upgrade saftly?14:07
James147glaucous: kdmrc is the kdm (the login screen) settings file14:07
glaucousJames147: Then i can probably just overwrite14:07
rethushave done aptitude safe-upgrade, but there are still many blocked packages at all14:08
James147rethus: run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"14:08
James147rethus: ^^ or aptitude full-upgrade14:08
James147safe-upgrade isnt enough for a new kde version14:08
glaucousNow I'm gonna try restart, exciting14:08
rethusare there known problems ?14:09
James147rethus: not atm as far as I know...14:09
rethusthanks for information14:09
James147rethus: if in doupt install kubuntu-desktop after to be on the safe side :)14:10
mdlrHello guys! I would like to ask a short question: I am trying to configure a dial up connection via bluetooth and my mobilephone. I already got it to work through configuring rfcomm.conf, restarting bluetooth and configuring kppp. For some reason - the file and kppp are definetely correctly configured - the bluetooth module seems not to work right. when trying to dail up, kppp sais that it can't find the serial port rfcomm0. i can't start bluetooth correctly14:10
mdlrvia /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart. what could be the reasons for the bluetooth module not working correctly?14:10
afinkanyone else having an issue where there kde flakes out and you get your gnome background with gnome things when you right click?14:11
mdlranyone got an idea...? under which conditions is bluetooth itself not working correctly?14:13
rethushow can i do this?14:14
afinkfor my issue see this: http://picpaste.com/pics/wtfkde.1281532457.png check out the right click menu....not kde14:15
glaucousI like the notification area in kde 4.5, looks a bit nicer :)14:18
Torchafink: does plasma still work? can you use the panel at the bottom?14:18
aljosai've updated kde to v4.5 and Ctrl+Alt+V for Klipper popup doesn't work although it's defined in global shortcuts. any idea howto fix this?14:24
afinkmaybe I should try upgrading to 4,5?14:26
Torchafink: looks like it's a nautilus problem: http://identi.ca/conversation/44495643#notice-4482062214:28
afinkyep thats exactly it, thank you!14:29
floownwhat the name of the packet of the kio slave for imap, please?14:30
glaucousI'm having a problem (which I had before KDE 4.5 as well), that I'm getting quite low FPS when resizing Windows. It's low even when composition is turned off. I have ATI latest drivers.14:32
Torchfloown: kdepimlibs-kio-plugins14:33
floownTorch: it still installed :\14:33
Torchfloown: like i said on #kde, it's probably not that the pacakge is missing14:34
JontheEchidnayeah, that's a known issue with the proprietary ATI drivers for a while now... You may try going to System Settings -> Window Behavior -> Window Behavior and untick "Display content in resizing windows" in the "moving" tab14:34
floownTorch: so what the problem?14:34
Torchfloown: what version of this package do you have installed?14:35
Torchfloown: dpkg -l kdepimlibs-kio-plugins will tell you14:35
Torchfloown: alright, that's the right one, it seems.14:36
Torchfloown: i'm a little at a loss now at how to further help you.... we could go the full kdebug-output-route but that's a long process and i'm short on time.14:38
floownTorch: nop, thx14:39
=== crissi_ is now known as CrissiD
MarunoHey all. Has anyone succesfully upgraded to KDE 4.5? Aptitude tells me some dependency problems between freespacenotifier and kdebase-workspace-data and wants to delete kdevelop, libqt4-support and libqt4-phonon :S15:15
MarunoSorry, that's libqt4-assistant15:16
DarthFrogMaruno: Yep.  4.5 is running fine.15:16
anxelalguien que hable castellano15:17
Pici!es | anxel15:17
ubottuanxel: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:17
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alvinMaruno: bug 615902. I see similar messages. Ridell says libqt4-assitant and libqt4-phonon are no longer needed, but I'm happily ignoring those warnings and am downloading the updates.15:24
MarunoThanks alvin! :) I'll do that aswell and ignore the freespacenotifier recommendation from kubuntu-dekstop. Only thing left is kdevelop :S15:27
pushkarajHi if i scroll my mouse on taskbar, the focus cycles thru the open window, do anyone know how can i disable this?15:29
James147pushkaraj: think thats the "highlight window" desktop effect15:31
pushkarajJames147: ok,let me chck15:31
James147pushkaraj: o sorry, miss read its not that :)15:32
pushkarajJames147: yes was telling the same - desktop effects is disabled on my machine15:33
James147not sure that can be disabled (at least I cannot see a way)15:34
pushkarajJames147: go to settings->desktop->desktop effects; in general tab, deselect the "enable desktop effects" checkbox15:35
James147pushkaraj: I mean the scrolling on the task manager15:37
staar2i got problems with booting up the windows xp after ubuntu installation15:40
staar2it wont just boot15:40
staar2i use grub 1.98*15:40
staar2where i can find some tutorial ?15:40
James147!grub2 | staar215:41
ubottustaar2: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:41
staar2why it shows version 1.98 ?15:41
James147staar2: because thats the version of grub2 that you ahve15:42
raven24is there any progress on kdevelop packages? I hate using kate for coding...15:44
alvinWell, the upgrade to 4.5 worked, but not without using '-f' twice because of libqt4-help that halted the dist-upgrade15:45
Renegade15good day15:46
dotnettedHey all -- I just installed the kde desktop package to use KDE instead of Gnome - After I log in all I can see is a terminal window and the KDE desktop background - My resolution is way too big so I can't read anything in the terminal - Any suggestions? (There is nothing on the screen except for a small terminal window and right-clicking the desktop does nothing)15:47
alvinKontact still works, but restarting akonadi shows me a nice backtrace15:48
Renegade15dotnetted: Can you move around on the screen?15:49
Renegade15as in, does going to the edge of the screen move the desktop?15:50
dotnettedRenegade15: Yep - I can also see the desktop background15:50
dotnettedRenegade15: No it does not15:50
Renegade15okay, do you see a weird bean-like symbol in the top right corner?15:50
dotnettedRenegade15: No bean-like symbol ;)15:51
Renegade15could you try starting plasma-desktop in the terminal?15:52
dotnettedRenegade15: The mouse pointer is contrained to the visible screen area (doesn't scroll), the resolution is so high the terminal window that is open is unreadable, and right-clicking the desktop does nothing. The monitor is a 50in TV and Gnome has been working fine on it.15:52
dotnettedRenegade15: Starting plasma-desktop seemed to get everything working15:53
Renegade15as in, the resolution fixed itself?15:53
dotnettedRenegade15: The bottom toolbar showed up, the bean showed up, and the resolution is still way to big15:54
Renegade15ah, okay15:54
dotnettedRenegade15: I'm sure I can figure out how to adjust the resolution now - why did I have to run plasma-desktop manually though?15:55
Renegade15I have no idea, honestly...given the appearance of the terminal, I'm wondering if you ended up in some kind of safe mode15:55
Renegade15maybe try rebooting and see if it goes into KDE normally15:55
dotnettedRenegade15: Thanks for all the help - I'll try that now15:55
Renegade15not a problem15:56
dotnettedIs there a quick and easy way to change the resolution to 800x600 from terminal - I just realized I can't read anything well enough to change it through the menus15:58
Renegade15I think there was something...let me find a hotkey list16:01
raven24dotnetted: xrandr can set screen resolution16:03
raven24something like16:04
raven24xrandr -output VGA -mode 1024x76816:04
raven24xrandr --output VGA --mode 1024x76816:04
lummhi, anythink i can do to avoid this 2 x windows alltray and gajim causing here. -> http://i34.tinypic.com/soo8cw.png just upgraded to 4.516:05
dotnettedraven24: thanks16:06
Renegade15to pose my own question: After an update last night, the device monitor/notification plasmoid insists on being gigantic...we're talking a fifth of the screen or so. Everything else seems to work fine, and after removing the plasmoid, all looks well, but now I obviously don't get USB device notifications and stuff...is there a way to force a plasmoid into a certain size?16:12
Magix-I have a question.16:13
Magix-I just did dist-upgrade and when i rebooted i got a black screen with alittle ^ rightbelow,16:13
Magix-Help please.16:14
Renegade15that's a little vague...what did you upgrade from and to, and how far did it boot?16:14
Magix-from KDE 4.4.2 to KDE 4.516:15
BluesKajMagix-, no bash prompt ?16:15
Magix-After i pressed enter in grub. It says a _ then when i has to start it outputs the ^16:15
ubuntuhello i have an ecryptfs problem16:15
Renegade15and how far did it boot? like, is it failing at grub, is it failing at X, is it failing inside KDE?16:15
Magix-No bash problem.16:15
BluesKajMagix-, try the previous kernel in grub , then install kubuntu-desktop again16:16
ubuntui cant access my private directory, because i installed new kubuntu16:17
Magix-The recovery?16:17
BluesKajit might boot , it's worth a try16:17
Renegade15recovery would be the next step if the previous kernel doesn't work16:18
Magix-How to previous kernel :s16:18
Magix-I'm a windows g33k16:18
Renegade15usually, you have multiple entries in grub16:18
Magix-and its the first time i installed kubuntu.16:18
Magix-I have.16:18
BluesKajin grub , choose the kernel below the default16:18
Renegade15two for each kernel version16:18
Magix-I know;.16:18
Magix-But it outputs the same16:18
Magix-I tried the other one.16:18
Renegade15ah, unfortunate16:19
Magix-I got still a Windows XP running too.16:19
Renegade15then yes, recovery mode would be an option16:19
DarthFrogMagix-: What video card do you have?16:19
Magix-If someone is dutch. It will be easier.16:19
Magix-Darthfrog: Kubuntu worked before i upgraded KDE>16:19
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl16:19
scott_lHi all16:20
scott_lJust upgraded to kde 4.5..16:20
DarthFrogMagix-: I'm wondering if the upgrade didn't also install a new kernel (there was a new one the other day) and you don't have a proper kernel module now.16:20
BluesKajthat's why I use gnome as a backup , seems disloyal but it works :)16:21
Magix-DarthFrog: First i had one Kubuntu, one recovery, 2 memory check , 1 windows16:21
Magix-Now i have 2 kubuntu, 2 recovery, 1 windows.16:21
Renegade15if it is a graphics issue, graphics failsafe mode should fix it...but I've never had a graphics failure send me to a caret16:21
scott_lFile search in krunner is giving me errors: Items show up labelled just as 'Resource', and trying to open them gives a "Malformed URL" error.16:21
DarthFrogRenegade15: True.16:21
scott_lAnyone else seeing this or knows how to fix it? I've deleted & rebuilt the nepomuk DB, to no avail.16:22
Magix-When i tried failsafeX it returns to the recovery menu.,...16:22
Renegade15hmm...I see there are more updates. Gonna try those to see if they fix my issue16:24
staar2could any pro help me with missing hal.dll problem http://www.comitservices.com/wp/?p=12 its same problem as here16:28
BluesKajunfortunately, some kernel source modules aren't recognizing the hardware ..didn't notice if a new kernel was installed with kde 4.516:28
* BluesKaj has to remember to be more vigilant16:29
Magix-But when i press Ctrl Alt F5 i can enter the console.16:30
BluesKajstaar2, linux doesn't use dlls16:32
Renegade15nope, that did nothing16:32
Renegade15so, anyone any ideas? xD16:32
staar2BluesKaj: yes i know but win uses16:32
Picistaar2: Try ##windows then16:32
staar2thats booting problem16:32
BluesKajstaar2, go askm in #windows16:32
DarthFrogstaar2: The best solution is to delete Windows entirely.16:34
BluesKajok  , Magix- run sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop16:34
Magix-BluesKaj: Done. Now what16:35
Magix-Hallo david16:35
davidtjewhere am i ?16:35
BluesKajMagix-, kubuntu-desktop is usually missing after the dist-upgrade , then sudo apt-get update and upgrade again16:36
DarthFrogdavidtje: On Sol III.16:36
Magix-BluesKaj: done.16:36
BluesKaj3rd planet from the sun , davidtje16:36
BluesKajMagix-, try to boot kubuntu16:37
Magix-davidtje: Nederlands?16:37
Magix-BluesKaj: Ok.16:37
BluesKajsudo reboot16:37
davidtjei mean i just istaled konversasion. and when i startet it i came to this channel, but what kind o channel is this ?16:37
BluesKajkubuntu support char davidtje16:38
DarthFrog!topic | davidtje16:38
ubottudavidtje: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic16:38
davidtjeah ubuntu support16:38
Magix-BluesKaj: Thank you soo much!16:38
Renegade15Kubuntu >_>16:38
Renegade15we're not the gnomes16:38
davidtjeis this a kind of q&a section16:39
DarthFrogdavidtje: Pretty much, yes.  Frequently though, there may be many more q's than a's.16:40
davidtjeok, sorry to hav botherd you, i'l browse the net to search for chat servers now, thank you for your help16:42
BluesKajdavidtje,  if you want to configure konversation one can do so by adding other irc servers in the server list. Konversation doesn't auto populate it's server list16:42
davidtjeok but i do not know any servers. il browse the net to find some16:43
BluesKajright , this chat is on freenode.irc16:44
Renegade15maybe https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat#Networks will be of help16:44
reagleUsing 4.5ppa: I'm having real trouble with Klipper, it's shortcut key doesn't work, and then I can't dismiss it. The shortcut bug can be hacked by disabling it in the global config and setting it in system tray (244620). But how do I make the bloody pop up go away after some period?16:56
BluesKajclick on the klipper icon in the panel , the popup should disappear16:59
solifugusHas anyone here used Debian on an IBM mainframe?17:05
Picisolifugus: Try #debian , this channel is for Kubuntu support.17:05
solifugusoops...  thought i was typing in debian17:06
=== juliana is now known as judaro
raven24is there any progress on kdevelop packages for 4.5? I don't like using kate for coding...17:28
omicron23hi there. I am using ubuntu 10.04 without a kde desktop at the moment. I want to install KDE SC 4.5.0 but synaptic only offers packages for the version 4.4. Can you help me with the installation of version 4.5.0 ?17:29
Renegade15I think I got mine from the backports ppa last night17:29
Renegade15let me check17:29
omicron23Renegade15, my network connection dropped. In case you said anything to me, can you repeat it?17:33
Renegade15it looks like all the 4.5.0 stuff I've listed in apt is from the backports ppa17:34
BluesKajomicron23, sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports  then sudo apt-get update, then ,  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:34
omicron23BluesKaj, thanks! upgrading now.. =)17:36
omicron23Renegade15, thanks as well!17:36
MagixI have two questions.17:37
Magix1. All sound works except Firefox.17:37
MagixHow to fix that.17:37
Magix2. When i boot the game teeworlds my screen says: Input not supported.17:38
MagixHow to fix those?17:38
Renegade15I vaguely remember one of the sound environments (pulse?) offers per-application sound settings17:38
Renegade15could be that17:38
BluesKajMagix, try installing kubuntu-restricted-extras again17:39
DarthFrogMagix: The "Input not supported" means that the games video output is trying to use a resolution that your monitor cannot provide.  You will have to change the game's rez.17:39
MagixDarthfrog: that is a game that has to be runned from the termianl17:39
MagixDont know how to change.17:40
DarthFrogMagix: Neither do I.  But that's what's going on.17:40
DarthFrogProbably, that is. :-)17:40
MagixBluesKaj: Installing17:41
MagixBluesKaj: It installes .exe's :p17:41
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MagixBluesKaj: It are fonts.17:42
bigbrovarHey guys, anyone running kde 4.5 on kubuntu 10.04 having issues with nepomuk? Its has been acting up ever since I upgraded from kde 4.5 RC2 to  the final release. search via dolphin no longer works :S17:42
BluesKaj Magix , it's a lot of media stuff17:43
MagixDoes someone knows Teeworlds ?17:43
MagixHow to change the resolution of that17:43
BluesKaj!kubuintu-restricted-extras | Magix17:43
MagixBluesKaj: Its done.17:44
MagixRestarting Firefox17:44
MagixStill nothing :/17:45
BluesKajMagix, no sound ?17:45
DarthFrogMagix: That teeworlds page says it has a support section for those needing help.  That'll be the best place for you to go.17:45
debfxMagix: teeworlds starts in windowed mode by default17:45
Magixdebfx: Not here!17:46
Renegade15Magix: Does sound work in other applications at the same time?17:46
BluesKajgamers...bah :)17:46
MagixRenegade15: yes.17:46
Renegade15in multiple other applications at the same time?17:46
Renegade15asking because it's possible some application is hogging the audio hardware17:47
Renegade15anyway, I updated some more, let's see if this fixes the damn icon...brb17:48
Renegade15further updates seem to have fixed it ^^17:55
petr_hi all17:56
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Renegade15dunno why those didn't end up in the cycle earlier/last night17:56
=== asdgrghse is now known as ranger111
ranger111hi all17:56
ranger111LICQ does not work!   how to loging?   how to create of customer user???17:56
glaucousMy desktop effects have stopped working. It just says: "Desktop effects are not available on this system due to the following technical issues" And then it doesn't say what the problem is.17:58
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:58
ranger111ubottu fuck out17:58
ranger111ubottu  FUCK OUT17:59
macoranger111: watch your mouth17:59
ranger111LICQ does not work!   how to loging?   how to create of customer user???17:59
bigbrovarHey guys, anyone running kde 4.5 on kubuntu 10.04 having issues with nepomuk? Its has been acting up ever since I upgraded from kde 4.5 RC2 to the final release. search via dolphin no longer works :S17:59
ranger111maco ))17:59
ranger111maco  terrable message17:59
ranger111maco LICQ does not work!   how to loging?   how to create of customer user???18:00
macoranger111: i dont know, but you need to learn some patience18:00
Renegade15have you checked the licq documentation?18:00
ranger111maco   shit licq18:00
BluesKajhi dominguez18:06
dominguezq tal18:07
DarthFrog!es | dominguez18:07
ubottudominguez: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:07
bigbrovaris anyone having issues with nepumok on after upgrading to kde 4.5 from RC2 on kubuntu lucid. A yes or no would do please :) I just want to know if its a common problem or if am alone :)18:09
MagixBluesKaj:  The sound still doenst work.18:13
MagixShould i logout and login?18:13
BluesKajyeah , dunno what else18:14
mweijtsI'm Missing Alsa in phonon ( only have pulseaudio there ) Multimedia > System settings > Phonon18:15
Magixstill doesnt work.18:16
DarthFrogmweijts: Same with me.18:16
mweijtsMagix: I'm Missing Alsa in phonon ( only have pulseaudio there ) Multimedia > System settings > Phonon18:16
BluesKajmweijts, di you upgrade to kde 4.5 ?18:17
Magixmweijts: Then? Because the normal sound does work. but not firefox18:17
BluesKajtry alsamixer in the terminal, mweijts18:17
Renegade15Magix, do you have a terminal at hand?18:17
MagixRenegade15: Yes.18:17
Renegade15try sudo fuser -v /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*18:18
bigbrovarI guess no one here upgraded to kde 4.5 and if there did they dont use nepomuk hence cant comfirm if it works on their system. That or the Kubuntu channel sucks.18:18
Renegade15I'm rather sure I disabled nepomuk for being utterly annoying18:18
Magixsudo fuser -v /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*18:18
Magix                     USER PID ACCESS COMMAND18:18
Magix/dev/snd/controlC0:  magix      2945 F.... kmix18:18
Magix/dev/snd/controlC1:  magix      2945 F.... kmix18:18
Magix/dev/snd/controlC2:  magix      2811 F.... knotify418:18
Magix                     magix      2945 F.... kmix18:18
FloodBotK2Magix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:18
MagixRenegade15: http://paste.ubuntu.com/476525/18:20
MagixIt outputs that18:20
Renegade15hmm, I got kmix and knotify...only one kmix, but still, it looks alright18:20
KukuNutMagix: open kmix and see if the channels are in mute18:20
bigbrovarRenegade15: It actually been working fine since kde 4.3 this issue am having with kde 4.5 is rather strange :(18:21
Renegade15Magix: as said, I do think pulse can set application-dependent audio settings, so it is possible FF is just muted on its own18:21
mweijtsRenegade15: http://paste.ubuntu.com/476526/ another one18:21
mfraz74still not sure about the way KRunner behaves in KDE 4.518:22
mweijtsBluesKaj: alsamixer seems working18:23
BluesKajmweijts, make sure the ctrls are all turned up and unmuted with M key , or at least the ctrls that you want to use.18:24
Renegade15interestingly, mweijts' paste suggests pulseaudio would appear in the output...which would imply Magix isn't running pulse18:24
Renegade15which, in turn, would rule out per-application audio settings18:24
Renegade15...unless ALSA/OSS added that by now18:24
KukuNutpulseaudio is known not to play well with amarok/kde18:25
KukuNutdon't have it18:26
BluesKajRenegade15, much to my chagrin pulseaudio is now in my audio path as well , after doing  your cmnd ...dunno if I should be happy or upset  :)18:27
* BluesKaj not a PA fan18:27
Renegade15is there anybody at all who likes it?18:28
* DarthFrog is about to try Amarok with PA.18:28
* maco uses amarok with pa just fine18:28
Renegade15I think I had it in use for exactly as long as it took to switch to alsa18:28
DarthFrogI can haz sound! :-)18:28
mweijtsBlueskaj : Alsamixer was not Unmuted all channels are 100%18:29
BluesKajmweijts, ok18:30
Renegade15Magix: That is a rather befuddling problem you have there...how exactly are you trying to play sound in firefox?18:31
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MagixRenegade15: YouTube.18:34
MagixRenegade15:  FIXED18:34
Magixby reboot :p18:34
Renegade15all hail magic self-fixes18:35
mweijtsbrb gonna reboot18:35
Renegade15I'm guessing flash wasn't initialized properly18:35
Renegade15or just plain crashed18:35
Renegade15what version of FF are you running?18:35
MagixNewest :p18:35
MagixFrom KDE18:35
Renegade15well, newest from canonical repos doesn't mean newest existing ;)18:36
Renegade15I'm asking 'cause they recently added functionality to notice and restart crashed plugins, including flash18:36
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aovidalwhat are graphic drivers that it comes kubuntu 10.04 default?18:51
DarthFrogaovidal: There are a large number of them.18:52
aovidali have an Ati radeon 4200018:52
aovidal4200 sory18:52
DarthFrogaovidal: It would be the radeon driver.18:53
aovidalradeon driver is private!18:53
aovidalany free?18:53
aovidalhow about envy ng?18:54
DarthFrogaovidal: the radeon driver is free.  The fglrx is proprietary.18:54
DarthFrogaovidal: You asked what the default drivers are.18:54
aovidal<DarthFrog> yes. how can i know what driver i have install?18:55
aovidal<DarthFrog> any command?18:55
DarthFrogaovidal: Try " apt-cache search | grep radeon".18:56
DarthFrogThat'll tell you what is available for installation.18:56
DarthFrog"dpkg --list | grep radeon"  will tell you what is already installed.18:57
DarthFrogAnd "less /var/log/Xorg.0.log" will tell you what driver is currently being used.18:57
KukuNutaovidal: if you want free use the vesa18:59
aovidal<DarthFrog> Tnks men! ;) I take note. I ask this because i installed kubuntu 10.04 and it has graphic install default!19:00
gp[8]ih guys...is normal if I try to upgrade to KDE 4.5 the follows packages must be removed?19:03
gp[8]freespacenotifier kdebase-plasma kdepimlibs-data libkfontinst419:03
gp[8]  libkonqsidebarplugin4 libkwineffects1 libmarble419:03
gp[8]  libplasma-applet-system-monitor4 libplasmaclock4 libprocesscore419:03
gp[8]  libprocessui4 libqt4-assistant libsolidcontrol4 libtaskmanager419:03
gp[8]  libweather-ion419:03
FloodBotK2gp[8]: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:03
Renegade15gp[8]: I did an update just earlier and I distinctly remember freespacenotifier being on top of a list of around 14 packages being removed19:06
Renegade15kwin was among them as well, iirc19:06
Renegade15did the update, rebooted, worked fine, even fixed the issue I had19:06
Renegade15so I assume it is indeed normal19:07
gp[8]Renegade15: thank you...I trust you... :D19:08
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Renegade15my history.log says:19:09
Renegade15Remove: kdebase-plasma (4.4.2-0ubuntu2), libprocessui4 (4.4.2-0ubuntu14), libtaskmanager4 (4.4.2-0ubuntu14), kwin (4.4.2-0ubuntu14), freespacenotifier (0.0svn1061317-0ubuntu1), libkwineffects1 (4.4.2-0ubuntu14), libkfontinst4 (4.4.2-0ubuntu14), khelpcenter (4.4.2-0ubuntu4.1), libplasmaclock4 (4.4.2-0ubuntu14), libweather-ion4 (4.4.2-0ubuntu14), libsolidcontrol4 (4.4.2-0ubuntu14), libplasma-applet-system-monitor4 (4.4.2-0ubuntu14), libproces19:09
Renegade15score4 (4.4.2-0ubuntu14)19:09
FloodBotK2Renegade15: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:09
Renegade15for two lines? my word we're sensitive19:10
v3nd3tta``no, for more than hundred letters in one line19:10
Renegade15I see19:11
gp[8]ok...thanks mr. ;)19:12
gp[8]your log is like my log19:13
bamyasihi everybody!19:16
bamyasican someone advise me if it is now safe to upgrade to JDE 4.5?19:17
bamyasiKDE 4.5 ;)19:17
bamyasiapt still wants to remove a bunch of packages (Lucid, amd64)19:18
Renegade15they wouldn't happen to include freespacenotifier?19:18
j800rhey, i'm having a problem with my webcam. when i first plug it in and run cheese it looks flawless, but as soon as i run kopete and settings it messes the picture up for both kopete AND Cheese :\19:18
bamyasiRenegade15: yes but this is probably not the one I am concerned of19:19
Renegade15gp[8] and I just discussed this19:20
bamyasiRenegade15: kdebase-plasma kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4 kdebase-runtime-data-common are what looks suspicious19:20
Renegade15I did that same update earlier and it worked fine19:20
gp[8]I'm updating right now19:20
Renegade15I guess you can just wait if gp[8] survives it as well19:21
bamyasiRenegade15: thanks19:21
j800rno one then? :\19:21
gp[8]Renegade15: lol I hope to survive :D19:21
bamyasiRenegade15: life is tough anyway, let's see...19:22
Renegade15sorry, j800r, no idea. sounds like kopete messes with the settings19:22
j800rit's annoying. the cam is fully linux certified19:23
j800rmost logitech ones are tbh19:23
bamyasigp[8]: keep talking to us :)19:25
Renegade15soon, it'll be all "apt-get sees a white light; would you like to move towards it? y/n"19:26
bamyasigp[8]: which arch, is it amd64? there were specific problems with amd64 build19:29
gp[8]ok guys I'm rebooting... if I not come back you know... :D19:32
gp[8]see you later...I hope... lol19:32
Renegade15good luck19:32
bamyasigp[8], good luck :)19:32
gp[8]ok guys, I still alive :D19:43
bamyasigp[8], welcome back :)19:45
bamyasigp[8], how bad it was?19:45
gp[8]lol the life with kde 4.5 is beautifull :D19:46
gp[8]no bad...too easy to be true lol19:47
gio_gtgp[8]: so is KDE 4.5 out already?19:55
gp[8]and works19:56
=== gio_gt_ is now known as gio_gt
gio_gtI got disconnected20:00
gio_gtgp[8]: I don't see kde 4.5 in kubuntu 10.4 repos yet, though20:00
Picigio_gt: See the channel topic20:01
marcosrorizOMGGuys I'm with a little problem here on Kopete. Every time a contact change it's state I get a notify. How do I change this? I already switched off on the notifications :/20:01
gio_gtPici: oh thanks, read it! What are those backports, BTW? Is it the same if I wait KDE 4.5 to be in the official repos? Or maybe it will never go in the official repos, please?20:03
Daskreechcan I install from a USB drive from the Live Cd?20:03
Picigio_gt: A backport is when something from a newer release is put into an older release.  So KDE 4.5 was backported from Maverick to Lucid.  And no, you'll never seen 4.5 in the regular repos.20:04
Renegade15Daskreech: I've never tried that, but I don't see why not...if it has an install option?20:04
e_t_Daskreech: do you want to install *to* a USB drive from a live CD?20:05
gio_gtPici: oh, I see, thanks. Time to add the Kubuntu backport repo, then.20:05
gio_gtanother thing: I would like to know wheter or not is reccomended to install Synaptic on Kubuntu. I don't like all those GNOME dependencies at all, but I like Synaptic20:08
Renegade15I've been running Synaptic for ages20:08
Renegade15no problems with it20:08
e_t_gio_gt: There's nothing wrong with installing Synaptic. It's your computer, do what makes you happy.20:08
gio_gtok thanks20:09
gio_gtI used other distros before and I usually avoided application with too many gnome dependencies, but never mind, I will install it20:09
gio_gtI don't like very much the KDE Software Manager app, I think it can be fine for a new KDE user, but Synaptic is better (imho)20:11
gio_gtI was just worried about the gtksudo thing in KDE20:12
Renegade15I concur20:12
Daskreeche_t_: no I have a live Cd and  Live USB The Live CD is crashing Ubiquity. The computer can't boot from USB. I'd like to boot the live CD then install from the USB20:12
Renegade15Daskreech: that could be difficult20:12
Daskreechgio_gt: can't you use KDEsudo to run any GUI app? Why would you need the gtk interface for that?20:13
DaskreechRenegade15: I'm realising that. So I have to get a new CD then?20:13
gio_gtDaskreech: I thought that Synaptic would use gtksudo by default20:13
gio_gtDaskreech: well, now it finished installing it, I am going to try it20:13
gio_gtoh, nice, looks like it used kdesudo, it was smart enough20:14
e_t_Daskreech: I think you would need to make a Syslinux CD or floppy to bootstrap the USB drive. Or, a working Live CD would work too.20:14
Renegade15Daskreech: I'd say so...then again, I've never been in that situation, diagnosing the crash could be more fruitful20:14
Renegade15e.g. if the CD is actually fine, and there's a systematic problem with the installer, re-downloading won't help20:15
Renegade15so the cause of the crash would be interesting20:15
DaskreechRenegade15: It's Ubiquity when it hits 70% it fails. Pretty sure the data file on the Live CD is corrupted20:17
DaskreechAll hail scratchy media20:17
gio_gtI am now installing KDE 4.5 from the backport repository, thanks everyone20:18
Renegade15Daskreech, then burning a new one does indeed sound like a good first attempt20:19
gio_gtjust for the sake of curiosity, is the network manager applet improved? I couldn't configure a system connection with a fixed ID address in KDE 4.420:19
Renegade15gio_gt: I have a funky network management icon in the system area that I didn't have before20:20
gio_gtRenegade15: oh ok :)20:20
Renegade15it looks shiny and powerful...though I'd rather not click around, since I like my network the way it is ;)20:21
gio_gtuff, I still cannot understand apt-get, though... it says that some packages are beeing "kept-back" and it doesn't upgrade them20:21
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Renegade15you gotta do dist-upgrade for that20:21
Renegade15synaptic makes it easier20:21
gio_gtRenegade15: oh, ok... I used Ubuntu long time ago and it was different, if I remember right20:22
Renegade15no guarantees, though20:22
Renegade15I don't know what's being held back there20:22
Renegade15who knows what your system state is20:22
gio_gtRenegade15: will a dist-upgrade upgrade to a newer Kubuntu release when it will be available? I don't want that20:23
gio_gtRenegade15: I mean, when 10.10 will be out, will a dist-upgrade upgrade to 10.10?20:23
Renegade15provided the 10.10 stuff is accessible, it should; as said, using synaptic is easier20:23
gio_gtRenegade15: ok, I see, thanks. I watched apt-get and aptitute man pages, looks like that "apt-get dist-upgrade" is the same as "aptitude full-upgrade"20:24
Renegade15you can use aptitude as well, btw20:25
Renegade15I'm actually rather sure it's recommended20:25
gio_gtRenegade15: I remember when I was using Ubuntu the last time that they started to say that we should all start to switch to aptitude. So I guess that now it should be really recommended as you are saying20:27
well_laid_lawnaptitude is being removed from the next release apparently20:28
Renegade15xD I see20:28
gio_gtwell_laid_lawn: really?20:28
Renegade15guess it didn't fare as well as hoped20:28
ovisHas anyone seen problems with services/daemons in the last two weeks? some of them sometimes don't start on system up on my host.20:28
alvinwell_laid_lawn: Do you have a source for that news? In debian, aptitude is the recommended package manager20:28
well_laid_lawn #ubuntu+120:29
Renegade15either way...in the current release, aptitude should still work, gio_gt, so you should be able to use that, if you're familiar/comfortable with it20:29
gio_gtthere's a stupid storm here, crap! I hate storms when I upgrade. I have a UPS, but the router is not connected to it yet, I should make a custom cable.20:30
gio_gtRenegade15: ok, thanks20:30
gio_gtI meant "damn", not "crap"... I am Italian so sometimes I make mistakes with my english, sorry.20:31
gio_gtbut anyways I am confident, the package manager is very fast in Ubuntu and I have almost finished upgrading :)20:33
Renegade15good good20:34
gio_gtit is very annoying, though... I am on holidays and yesterday there was a little heartquake (it's good it didn't do any damage), today a lot of rain, and weather forecasts says it will rain untill sunday. Not very comfortable holidays, unfortunately.20:36
e_t_Most of the KDE packages are still blocked by my package manager. If I select a full-install in Aptitude, it will attempt to remove all these packages: freespacenotifier{a} kdebase-plasma{a} kdepimlibs-data{a} kdesnake{a} libkfontinst4{a} libkonqsidebarplugin4{a} libkwineffects1{a} libmarble4{a} libplasma-applet-system-monitor4{a} libplasmaclock4{a}20:39
e_t_  libprocesscore4{a} libprocessui4{a} libqyotoshared1{u} libsolidcontrol4{a} libtaskmanager4{a} libweather-ion4{a}20:39
Renegade15I'm sorry to hear that, gio_gt - hopefully at least the upgrade will go fine20:39
Renegade15e_t_ that's normal20:39
e_t_Renegade15: Won't that nuke KDE on my machine?20:40
Renegade15I have done it, gp[8] has done it, we're both still here20:40
alvine_t_: bug 61590220:40
Renegade15so if did nuke KDE, it's working surprisingly well for a corpse ;)20:41
e_t_Is that a KDE or Ubuntu bug?20:41
alvinkubuntu ppa bug20:41
alvinThere's something wrong with the dependencies and qt4-helper has to be forced to install20:42
gp[8]Yes, I still here...the upgrade worked fine20:42
alvinIt was a bit scary, but worked. I'm waiting for other packages on my other machines20:43
taxtropelhello can anyone here answer a question about the new 4.5 release?20:44
Renegade15ask the question and we will know20:45
taxtropelok, well I just upgraded from 4.4.9x to 4.5 and now kde is no longer offered as a session in gdm / kdm20:46
Renegade15I'm afraid I can't help with that20:49
=== Hazamonzo|Just_s is now known as Hazamonzo
mkristaanyone know if the 64bit 4.5 is ready?20:57
* Renegade15 pokes gp[8] 20:59
Renegade15I think he installed 4.5 on amd6421:00
jake_hey all21:00
jake_new to linux21:00
jake_first time in IRC21:01
gp[8]I'm work with amd6421:01
jake_Anyone have any suggestions on must have apps21:01
gp[8]mkrista: amd64 is ready21:01
mkristathank you21:01
Renegade15jake_: What are your needs?21:01
jake_multimedia gaming ect21:02
jake_working on installing wow right now21:02
Renegade15if you have a gaming need, you may want to consider adding playdeb to your repos: http://www.playdeb.net/updates/Ubuntu/10.04#how_to_install21:03
Renegade15multimedia, you should have mplayer installed, as well as vlc, imo21:04
jake_using ryhtembox21:05
Renegade15you can look into songbird for a music app, though it felt a little sluggish to me...could be age of the computer, though21:05
jake_anyone got advice on apparence hacks or mods ?21:06
Renegade15you mean themes?21:06
Renegade15this ain't windows21:06
Renegade15no hacks needed21:07
jake_sorry gotta get in mindset of opensource21:07
jake_anyone have android phones ?21:07
Renegade15or choose/adjust one of the many pre-installed ones21:07
alvinok, actually I want KDE 4.5 too. Step 1, backup, step 2: breakage, here I come21:10
mweijtsKDE 4.5 all system and application notifications are not playing anymore21:15
mweijtsplasma-desktop(1513)/plasma StatusNotifierItemSource::refreshCallback: DBusMenu disabled for this application21:15
mweijtskmix(1639) sink_input_cb: Ignoring sink-input due to it being designated as an event and thus handled by the Event slider21:15
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mkristashe works :) thanks everybody21:22
alvinibqt4-help still breaks during upgrade21:22
mweijtsKDE 4.5 all system and application notifications are not playing anymore21:25
navetzwhen I install new applications they are not in my start menu but are installed. Can someone help me fix this?21:35
alvinWell, you can ignore the breakakge of libqt4-help (didn't check the help yet. It'll be incomplete anyway) by using --force and finish the upgrade21:38
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logan_who is actually here?21:44
logan_who has flash working on 10.04?21:46
Renegade15as far as I know, my flash is working21:46
logan_are u using 10.04?21:46
logan_are u able to watch youtube videos?"21:48
Renegade15I am indeed21:49
logan_i stuch with 9.10 because with 10.04 i was never able to get flash working21:50
Renegade15sounds more like a flash problem than a kubuntu problem21:50
logan_i do have compiz fusion installed and configured21:51
logan_could that cause a flash problem?21:55
Renegade15I don't know, honestly...it's entirely possible, but I don't know how common it is21:56
hdevalenceHi, how do I temporarily disable all hardware-accelerated graphics?22:03
navetzwhen I install new applications they are not in my application launcher but are installed. Can someone help me fix this?22:06
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James147navetz: try running "kbuildsycoca --menutest"22:11
navetzJames147: installing packages now22:12
microclusterhelp with mysql22:15
well_laid_lawnmicrocluster: there is the   #mysql   channel22:19
microclusterwell_laid_lawn: ok thanks22:20
Phoenix][hi all! is there any trick needed to build qt4-x11 from source? I am trying to upload a fix for bug 614699 to my ppa, but debuild -S -sa fails (whereas fakeroot dpkg-buildpackages works) with the following error: <path>/qt4-x11-4.7.0~beta2/bin/qmake-qt4: not found22:22
BluesKajPhoenix][, is there aqmake builder ?22:39
BluesKaja qmake22:39
Phoenix][BluesKaj: How would I find out? I actually just fetched the qt4-x11 source using apt-get, so whatever is in the source package should be present ;-)22:41
well_laid_lawn!info qt4-qmake22:41
ubottuqt4-qmake (source: qt4-x11): Qt 4 qmake Makefile generator tool. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu5 (lucid), package size 1232 kB, installed size 5920 kB22:41
Phoenix][Yes, that's installed:22:46
Phoenix][dpkg-query -s qt4-qmake22:46
Phoenix][Package: qt4-qmake22:46
Phoenix][Status: install ok installed22:46
Phoenix][Priority: optional22:46
FloodBotK3Phoenix][: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:46
Phoenix][Section: devel22:46
Phoenix][the weird thing is that debuild is expecting it below the source directory22:47
well_laid_lawnI've never used qmake...22:50
mjobinhi everyone ... its funny how kdebase-workspace-dbg does not have kdebase-workspace as a dependency ...22:52
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hgfgjfgffgwhat vare system requirements?23:03
baxeicohi guys. I'm wondering if23:03
baxeicoit's safe to upgrade to kde 4.5.0 in lucid23:03
baxeicoor maybe it's better to wait for 4.5.123:03
baxeiconow i'm using 4.4.5 (from backports)23:04
hgfgjfgffgsystem requirements wgere?23:04
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Phoenix][I upgraded today and am struggling with some ugly bugs. so, I'd recommend to wait for 4.5.123:06
dotnettedHey all - I just installed kubuntu-desktop on Ubuntu 10.04 and all my fonts (even on the kdm login screen) are way too small to read - They are so small that I can't even begin to find the font preferences in the kde menus. - Any suggestions appreciated - Thanks. (PS. All the font sizes are correct when I run gdm)23:06
IdleOnehgfgjfgffg: http://kubuntuguide.org/Lucid#Hardware_requirements23:07
hgfgjfgffgwhich are system requirements?23:07
IdleOnehgfgjfgffg: look at the link I just gave you23:08
hgfgjfgffgthat's a lie, i've tred t on 512mb machine and it hasn't even load desktop, are23:09
hgfgjfgffgthere real ones?23:09
IdleOnehgfgjfgffg: those are the real ones23:09
hgfgjfgffgso why it cannot even login with 512 memory when 384 is required for it?23:10
IdleOneI don't know, maybe there is some other issue23:10
hgfgjfgffglike? even mouse was iirespomcible and it was harddrive activity all time23:12
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hgfgjfgffgkubuntu appears to hang after logging in, what ca n caause this?23:21
well_laid_lawnhgfgjfgffg: if you can get to a tty run   top   to see what's using resources23:23
marararamhi, i just tried to upgrade to KDE 4.523:29
marararami did23:29
marararam1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports23:29
marararam2. sudo aptitude update23:29
marararam3. sudo aptitude safe-upgrade23:29
FloodBotK1marararam: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:29
dotnettedAnyone know what may cause the left half of the kde taskbar to have a black background that seems to be part of an image with large gray letters?23:30
dotnettedI can fix it by resizing it but it is black after every login23:31
marararamnow i have 182 updates held back due to some conflicts23:32
marararamcan anyone give me a hint on how to proceed?23:32
Phoenix][marararam: try a dist-upgrade23:32
marararamto what dist would that take me?23:32
marararami am on lucid here23:32
Phoenix][in your case, the only difference will be that dist-upgrade installs new packages whereas upgrade does not23:33
marararamah, interesting23:33
Phoenix][(both being arguments to the apt-get command)23:33
marararamdid i miss this detail somewhere in the docs?23:34
marararamnow it's working, thanks again23:35
marararamnow it tells me 23 packages where broken23:50
marararamdpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of libqt4-core:23:51
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