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bdrungcan someone change the status of https://code.launchpad.net/~yofel/ubuntu/lucid/ubufox/lp557240/+merge/29858 to merged?00:13
yofelbdrung: done ;)00:14
bdrungyofel: can you mark https://code.launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/ubuntu/lucid/qemu-kvm/memleak-fix/+merge/28645 as merged?00:22
yofelno, I could only mark the first one as merged because that was my branch00:23
bdrungaha, ok00:24
bdrungthen i have to wait that launchpad get fixed00:25
isleshocky77 I've been looking through the packaging documentation for a while now and still I'm running in circles. Could someone set me straight. I took the source of pidgin-libnotify and modified one file. Now I want to get a build in my personal launchpad ppa for x32 and amd6400:25
bdrungisleshocky77: you might want to ask this in #ubuntu-motu00:27
isleshocky77bdrung: Thanks.00:27
micahgbdrung: #ubuntu-packaging is for PPA packaging Qs00:39
bdrungmicahg: k, that's an even better place00:40
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Toluxerohi thumper i need help with a team.01:25
Toluxerocan you help me?01:25
thumpernot sure how much help I can be, but ask away01:26
Toluxerothe owner registered in the team is not more available and I need a ticket to send a LoCo Council, thumper01:28
thumperwhich team?01:29
thumperhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~fetova is an admin of the team01:31
thumperwhat is it you need to do?01:31
Toluxeroahm, actually I'm a LoCo Contact of the team, but the owner is not available, the LoCo Council know the situation.01:32
Toluxeroand request me a ticket support01:33
thumperhttps://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion <- say the team and loco council info01:36
Toluxerothats all?01:37
thumperToluxero: that's all I think01:43
Toluxerothumper, thanks! :D01:44
Toluxerothumper, so... the question in what language?01:47
thumperenglish preferrably as the admins are all english speaking01:47
Toluxerothumper, thanks again :D01:56
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ubot5Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:20
nigelblifeless: !messagethebot :D09:21
* nigelb hides.09:21
lifelessnigelb: if you know how to teach it a new help topic, that would be grand09:22
lifelessI wrote up a wiki page about oopses09:22
lifelessand I'd like to make it easy to point people about it09:22
nigelblifeless: I do09:32
nigelblifeless: jussi will help you with it09:33
nigelbwhat do you want to add?09:33
ubot5This bot is owned by jussi01 and kindly hosted by Rackspace - http://rackspace.com/ - Questions about ubottu should be asked in #ubuntu-bots09:33
lifelessI want tou be able to do !oops09:33
lifelessand have it give a link to09:34
nigelbjussi: "kindly"? free?09:34
jussilifeless: what should !oops say?09:34
jussinigelb: correct09:34
nigelbwhoa, cool09:34
lifelessjussi: just giving the URL would be ok09:34
lifelesssaying a little more like 'An OOPS is a system error in launchpad, please see https://help.launchpad.net/Oops' would be better.09:35
jussilifeless: we need to follow how factoids need to be constructed, small explanation, url.09:35
lifelessjussi: syre09:35
jussilifeless: ok. for future reference, use this syntax, and the bot will forward it for moderation. !oops is <reply>An OOPS is a system error in launchpad, please see https://help.launchpad.net/Oops09:36
lifelesswith the <reply> in it ?09:37
ubot5An OOPS is a system error in launchpad, please see https://help.launchpad.net/Oops09:37
jussilifeless: yes09:37
lifelessok, thanks09:37
lifelessI'll try to remember ;)09:37
jussino probs.09:37
ubot5Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins09:37
jussilifeless: that link has how to do it if you ever need it again09:37
lifelessjussi: thanks a lot09:38
jussilifeless: also, Ive made that a specific factoid for this channel only. if you want to call it outside of here, use !oops-#launchpad09:38
jussiok then. Laters!09:40
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aquariusmaxb, ping11:22
aquariusyeah, I'm thick and meant just the android-trunk bit :)11:22
aquariuser, android-client11:22
maxbjust wanted to check :-)11:22
aquariusLaunchpad: saving me from my own stupidity. again :)11:23
maxbupdated, import in progress11:24
aquariuswinner, thanks11:31
aquariusIf I've got two separate codebases which may share some code and are of the same sort of thing -- we have an "Android client for Ubuntu One" project on LP, but we'll actually have a few separate clients, in time (one for contacts, one for files, etc) -- should they be separate LP projects? Or are separate branches in the one project a good idea?11:40
maxbaquarius: Generally the question "Are the Bazaar branches going to have interrelated history?" is a good guide to "Should these things all be one project?"11:49
aquariuswell...some of it will be interrelated. The different clients will share code, but will start from different places. I'm not sure what that means as an answer to your question :)11:50
maxbMaybe there's a shared library plus N clients, all of which are projects?11:53
wgrantaquarius: Sounds like they should be separate projects.11:58
wgrantOr a single branch.11:58
aquariuswgrant, cheers; that's exactly why I'm asking the question. Obviously all of these are doable technically; what I'm trying to do is fit in with the zen of launchpad11:59
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estevehi all12:14
esteveI bought a subscription the other day and created a proprietary project12:15
estevebut I can't seem to find the documentation to make branches private12:15
estevedoesn't anybody know where I can find it?12:15
mwhudsonesteve: you have to ask an admin (aka losa) for that12:16
estevemwhudson: thanks12:17
noodles775(that is, they can update a setting so that your project will default to private branches)12:17
estevenoodles775: so all the branches that my team pushes will be made private, am I right?12:18
noodles775Once a losa has update your project, all the branches that your team pushes for that project will be private by default, yes. (ie. pushing to ~username/project-name/branch-name)12:18
noodles775(or ~teamname/project-name/branch of course :) ).12:19
estevenoodles775: great! thanks12:19
esteveso, who is an admin/losa?12:20
esteveor can I just open a question against malone (not sure about the name)?12:21
noodles775esteve: they would normally have already jumped by this point (by mentioning losa), but they're currently off sprinting together, so it might be worth asking a question against launchpad-code.12:21
estevenoodles775: ok, thanks, I just opened one https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+question/12071512:26
X3can anyone shed some light on why the svn revisions are off on https://code.launchpad.net/~x3lectric/xbmc/svn-trunk12:46
X3comparing to http://trac.xbmc.org/timeline12:46
X3the svn versions dont match but commits do12:47
X3the real svn displays version 32624 and the lauchapad is 2something its well off version nr12:48
=== mars changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
X3is this a bug in launchpad?12:49
wgrantX3: Bazaar revision numbers are unique within a branch. Subversion revision numbers are unique across all branches in the repository.12:50
wgrantIf you do an svn log on trunk, you'll see there are revision numbers missing (since they're in other branches).12:50
wgrantbzr doesn't know about the other branches, and doesn't count the revisions outside trunk.12:51
X3wgrant but if I build that those packages will never trigger update on ppa cause revision is way lower12:51
wgrantX3: What's your versioning scheme?12:51
X3er svn?12:51
bigjoolswgrant: your branch should be on staging now12:51
wgrantbigjools: Thanks. I'll QA it.12:51
wgrantX3: I mean, how do you construct the version string for your packages?12:52
X3you mean the recipe?12:52
X3atm none cause idk how to12:53
X3+ the discrepancy im totally lost12:53
wgrantIf you're not already building packages from svn directly, then there are no packages with the svn revision number for your bzr packages to be less than.12:54
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X3wagrant what recipe should it use that?12:59
X3can you help with recipe?13:08
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detHow often does PPA publication happen ?13:32
maxb5 minutes, in theory, though it seems sluggish lately13:33
bigjoolsdet, maxb: nominally it's 5 minutes but when the load is large it will take longer14:00
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detseems mine took like 1 hour14:34
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hexmoderockstar: is there a bug for recipe builds on Maverick?  They fail b/c of no orig.tar.gz16:34
rockstarhexmode, not that I'm aware of.16:34
rockstarhexmode, do you have a buildlog I can see?16:34
hexmodefrom https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~hexmode/+recipe/org-mode-daily16:35
hexmodeAlso, just fyi, I'm impressed that estimated build times were actually pretty accurate this morning.16:37
hexmoderockstar: ^^ in case you missed it16:38
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rockstarhexmode, well, the problem wasn't in their accuracy, but in the number of packages that were "cutting" in line.16:44
hexmoderockstar: final q: build schedule says "built daily" but no builds have happend for several days.  Why?16:51
rockstarhexmode, known issue, but I don't know the details.  I'll have to find out.16:52
hexmoderockstar: ok, if you know who I should bug about it, I could find out.  otherwise, thanks.16:53
rockstarhexmode, you should me about it.  :)16:54
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rockstarhexmode, sorry, just got to looking at your Maverick issue, and it looks like that bug is https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/61476817:02
ubot5Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/614768)17:02
hexmoderockstar: thanks...17:05
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hexmoderockstar: also, looks like it does a source build first (-S) and then reschedules for a binary build (ex: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~hexmode/+recipe/emacs-daily/+build/796)17:52
rockstarhexmode, yeah, that's correct.17:52
hexmoderockstar: but, under pending builds, it doesn't really show that.17:52
rockstarhexmode, there's a bug about that, but it's not really a pending build.  It built the source package like you asked.  :)17:52
hexmoderockstar: it says "successful build" ... even though, since these are from trunk, they could fail17:52
hexmoderockstar: ok17:53
bahamas10i can't figure out how to get the FAQ to show up on my projects overview17:57
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lamontwgrant: around?18:56
* lamont bets on sleeping18:57
lamontwondering if the build-record populator that we run after PaS changes got updated for arch: linux-any packages as part of the fix18:57
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MTecknologyIs there any way I could have https://launchpad.net/nginx-obsolete unlinked from https://launchpad.net/~nginx ?22:24
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wgrantlamont: Yes.22:40
wgrantlamont: I was thinking about that, and yes, it should work.22:40
wgrantBut I really need to strip it down to a create-build-records-only mode.22:40
wgrantHowever, just running it right after the rollout should fix everything.22:41
wgrantAnd fix a few things that shouldn't be fixed, but they're not significant.22:41
lamontwgrant: heh22:45
lamont'twould be nice if there were a way to tell it package, version, and distro-arch-series, and have it either create it because it should, or bitch-n-whine and ask if I'm really really really sure I want that even though it shouldn't exist.22:46
lamontand have it do just that one tuple, instead of walking the world22:46
lamontoh, and ponies.  I want ponies.22:46
lamontanyway, afk22:47
lifelessMTecknology: what is nginx-obsolete ?22:49
MTecknologylifeless: it was replaced by launchpad.net/nginx22:50
lifelessgrah, why ?22:50
MTecknologylifeless: Realistically.. you could simply delete it - but I don't think you guys do that22:50
lifelessanyhow - file a question on launchpad.net/launchpad asking for help22:50
lifelessthere is no help contact on atm22:50
MTecknologylifeless: It was my fault- you can slap me :(22:51
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MTecknologyI want to make a project called builders :(23:02
MTecknologywgrant: I see the builders have returned to a state of normalcy - That's nice. :)23:02
wgrantWere they broken?23:03
wgrantThey'll be even better than normal tomorrow.23:03
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MTecknologywgrant: why's that?23:19
wgrantMTecknology: The buildd master has been rewritten.23:21
MTecknologywgrant: cool - any specific changes?23:21
mwhudsondoes more stuff in parallel23:22
MTecknologyoh, cool23:22
bdrungwhy can't i change the status of https://code.launchpad.net/~toabctl/ubuntu/maverick/xf86-input-wacom/new_upstream_0.10.7/+merge/30469 to invalid or something similar?23:34
micahgbdrung: it's a personal branch, not an ubuntu branch23:36
bdrungmicahg: but it's a merge request23:39
ajmitchbdrung: oddly enough there's the resubmit proposal & delete proposal links listed23:39
bdrungmicahg: the members of the target branch team should be able to reject a merge request23:39
bdrungi could delete the merge request23:40
ajmitch~ubuntu-branches is set as reviewer (& owner of the branch)23:40
bdrungbut then the commend would vanish23:40
* micahg has no idea23:40
ajmitchyou're able to set the reviewer of that branch, but that still doesn't fix the problem23:41
ajmitchI think the default reviewer for all those branches needs to be changed from ~ubuntu-branches23:41
ajmitchwe probably need the TB to do it23:42
bdrungto ~ubuntu-dev?23:42
ajmitchor maybe lifeless, he's in the owning team :)23:42
ajmitchprobably not23:42
ajmitchsome might be ~ubuntu-core-dev, it'll need some thought23:42
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