
DrHalanis xorg 1.9 working fine?00:22
DrHalanim am afraid of restarting...00:23
BUGabundosave your old debs00:26
DaekdroomDrHalan, I'd wait till somebody tell you the transition is complete.00:28
DrHalanwell it didn't hold any packages back00:30
Daekdroomis mutter currently broken?01:09
Robertfi installed maverick on EEEpc 1001PX. I set capture to 80 (alsamixer). My friends can't hear me in skype01:11
Andre_GondimRobertf, may you try use pulse?01:14
RobertfAndre_Gondim: i only use ALsa01:15
RobertfAndre_Gondim: I chose "command line install" & installed alsa01:15
Andre_Gondimhmmm, I don't know01:16
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
cjohnstonNewest update not so fun... :-( can't get back into ubuntu03:50
cjohnstonis anyone else having issues with libgirepository1.0-1_0.9.3-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb?03:54
DanaGW: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-updates/multiverse/binary-armel/Packages.gz  404  Not Found [IP: 80]03:55
DanaGE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.03:55
DanaGerror: LTSP client installation ended abnormally03:55
Dinkcjohnston, apt-cache policy mutter03:58
DanaGstupid thing... ignored my specified mirror!04:00
cjohnstonDink: ^04:00
DanaGOf course you can't find ARM on security... ARM is only on ports!04:00
Dinkohh sorry not mutter libgirepository1.0-104:01
cjohnstoninstalled none, candidate 0.9.304:02
DinkWhat is the issue ?04:02
cjohnstonI can't boot into ubuntu anymore04:02
cjohnstonsome packages depend on that package04:03
cjohnstonand I can't install that package04:03
DinkThat package was recently rebuilt04:03
cjohnstonSo is there probably a problem with the rebuild of it?04:04
DinkYou try another mirror?04:04
DinkGuess wait till your mirror has it available. The build is fine. I had an issue earlier and everything works now.04:10
cjohnstonwhat mirror did you use?04:11
cjohnstonthats what im using04:12
Dinkso what exactly is your issue ?04:12
cjohnstonI was running a dist-upgrade it failed.. I tried rebooting and it hangs at the purple screen04:14
cjohnstonSo I booted in recovery with networking04:14
cjohnstonrun dist-upgrade and it says some packages depend on the libgirepositry1.0-104:15
cjohnstonso it fails04:15
cjohnstontry using -f04:15
Dinkand what package is that04:15
cjohnstongir1.0-glib-2.0 python-gobject python-gobject-cairo python-gobject-dbg04:15
cjohnstonrun dist-upgrade -f and it says installing new package libgirepository1.0-1 keeping back libgirepository1.0-004:16
Dinktry dpkg -- continue -a04:17
Dinkdpkg --continue -a04:17
Dinkyeah that is it sorry04:18
cjohnstongiving some dependency problems04:19
cjohnston13 packages with errors04:20
DinkGot to head to bed, sorry. Next time try to be a bit more descriptive on what is happing.04:22
robin0800cjohnston, if you use update manager it will uninstal libgirepository1.0-0 and theninstall libgirepository1.0-1 as a partial upgrade04:25
cjohnstonrobin0800: I can't boot, so I can't use update manager04:26
cjohnstonunless i just dont know how from cli04:26
robin0800cjohnston, use sudo apt-get remove and then sudo apt-get install04:28
cjohnstontrying to do apt-get remove shows some packages that have unmet dependencies and says try apt-get -f install with no packages04:31
cjohnstoni try that, it says its going to install libgirepository1.0-1, hit yes, i get dpkg error processing --unpack trying to overwrite04:32
robin0800cjohnston, not sure how you got in this situation I use sudo aptitude safe-upgrade and this holds back packages like that04:33
cjohnstonI use dist-upgrade04:34
robin0800cjohnston, not quite the same or as safe I think04:35
robin0800cjohnston, back to your problem you could try the remove command with the -f flag as dpkg has already told you, you cannot overwrite that file04:38
cjohnstonthat isnt working either tho04:40
cjohnstonI need to hit the rack too.. I guess I'll look into this more tomorrow04:45
cjohnstonthanks for your assistance robin080004:45
coz_hey guys..is there a way to test plymouth themes while on desktop?04:48
Chipacaagh! gir is all broken, I can't compile stuff :(05:21
ajmitchyeah, it's changed a little bit05:22
ajmitchwhat's breaking?05:23
Chipaca/usr/share/gir-1.0/DBus-1.0.gir: Incompatible version 1.0 (supported: 1.1)05:23
* ajmitch guesses this is related to the new gobject-intropspection that was uploaded05:25
phoenix_hello everyone05:26
phoenix_when will the next nvidia driver be available05:30
ajmitchChipaca: what version of gir1.0-dbus-1.0 do you have?05:30
phoenix_i have a problem with kopete, its not showing in the system tray05:31
phoenix_yesterday i upgraded from05:31
phoenix_kde 3.5 rc2 to 3.5 rc305:31
ajmitchChipaca: looks like the latest upload of it failed to build for the same reason, so it'll need fixing05:32
phoenix_first i tried the live cd, the same problem was there05:32
* ajmitch has no idea about kopete or nvidia drivers05:32
Chipacaajmitch: :(05:35
Chipacathat ... probably screws up our race-to-the-freeze plans05:36
ajmitchChipaca: yeah, I don't know if it's as simple as changing all the .gir files to 1.1 from 1.0 in the package & re-uploading it05:37
ajmitchit's just something new that I'm unfamiliar with05:37
ajmitchI imagine you'll be asleep before seb128 is online in the morning05:37
Chipaca2.5h from now? I hope so :)05:38
phoenix_sorry the version of kde i mentioned above is wrong , its 4.5 rc305:40
ajmitchChipaca: yeah, you don't need sleep do you?05:45
Chipacaajmitch: me? nope05:46
ajmitchfreeze is thursday, just stock up on caffeine05:46
Chipacaajmitch: but I do have to get the boys up and off to kindergarden :)05:46
* ajmitch pinged someone else about that breakage, but who knows05:47
Chipaca--disable-introspection got me one step closer, but something else is breaking now05:47
* Chipaca looks05:47
Chipacaoh! this is breakage I can work with05:47
ajmitchthis is u1-client?05:47
Chipaca./autogen.sh --with-protocol=$HOME/canonical/ubuntuone-storage-protocol/trunk --disable-introspection && make -j05:48
Chipaca^ FTW05:48
ajmitchscary enough05:48
Chipacamake is now failing on my own code, yay :)05:48
ajmitchwasn't a new u1-storage-protocol just uploaded?05:48
ajmitchor is it too old already?05:49
Chipaca(as well it should - I'm terrible at remembering the ;s in C05:49
* ajmitch is far too used to python :)05:49
Chipacadunno, I just always point at trunk05:49
DanaGsudo ltsp-build-client --arch armel --mirror http://ports.ubuntu.com --security-mirror http://ports.ubuntu.com --updates-mirror http://ports.ubuntu.com05:49
DanaGargh, that's annoying that I had to do that.05:49
DanaGAs if "mirror" wasn't enough.05:49
DanaGWithout all three there, it tried to get armel from security.ubuntu.com.05:50
ajmitchDanaG: it was worse with pbuilder-dist, it somehow ignored the ARCHIVE environment variable when it came to updating05:50
ajmitchhad to edit the sources.list that it made for a sparc box05:50
DanaGTrying to get an ARM (beagleboard) to act as thin-client.05:53
ajmitchsounds fun05:54
ajmitchmaking much progress with that?05:54
DanaGI'm building the arm chroot, and will probably just end up putting that on an sd card.06:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 595019 in Ubuntu Website "packages.ubuntu.com/maverick and /lucid-backports/ give error "more than one suite specified"" [Undecided,New]06:07
DanaGmore than one suite specified for show_static (dapper dapper-updates  dapper-backports hardy hardy-updates hardy-backports intrepid  intrepid-updates intrepid-backports jaunty jaunty-updates  jaunty-backports karmic karmic-updates karmic-backports lucid)06:07
FireCrotchon the Kubuntu Maverick Alpha 3 CD, how long does it take for KDM to time out and the failsafe mode to start, usually?06:15
FireCrotchI let mine sit on the Kubuntu logo screen for like 10 minutes and it did nothing06:15
phoenix_something wrong with the thumbnail generation06:18
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DanaG" The font is scheduled for completion 8th August and this is when we aim to open the beta to everyone. "07:14
=== Camaro_09_ is now known as Camaro_09
DanaGHmm, has that happened?07:14
North_Italian69im installing. it asks for boot partition07:18
North_Italian69it suggest ext307:18
North_Italian69not better the ext4?07:18
North_Italian69in more i have to create the boot partition07:19
North_Italian69what size?07:19
=== Camaro_09_ is now known as Camaro_09
red2kicNorth_Italian69: ext2 for /boot, you mean?07:29
North_Italian69red2kic: during the manual partitioning, maverik asked for a /boot partition formatted as ext307:31
North_Italian69red2kic: i made one of 1 gb ext4 (the fs has took the 20% more or less)07:32
North_Italian69probabilly i mistaken07:33
red2kicNorth_Italian69: Ah. I guess Maverick introduced ext3 as /boot -- I always have known /boot for ext2 -- There are not much of differences in benefits, I think?07:33
North_Italian69do you installe maverik?07:34
red2kicNorth_Italian69: If you're not putting /boot on the different partition (or hard drive), then you can skip /boot -- I believe. Since everything would reside on a same partition. (No, I'm using Lucid and I'm installing ArchLinux on my netbook as a learning experience).07:35
red2kic(Waiting for it to finish installing gnome)07:35
North_Italian69so you are installing it07:35
North_Italian69exactly like me07:36
North_Italian69cross the fingers07:36
red2kicNorth_Italian69: Afaik, I know ext2 have no journal. /boot are mostly static files.07:36
North_Italian69maverik ask to create a /boot partition. that partition has to be primary?08:27
void^North_Italian69: no.08:44
North_Italian69void^: and /swap area?08:46
SwedeMikeswap can be a file.08:47
SwedeMikeor any block device08:47
North_Italian69then is the same08:49
North_Italian69it can be primary or logical08:50
void^to make it short, nothing needs to be primary08:55
* North_Italian69 is away: Gone away for now08:59
* North_Italian69 is back.09:08
SwedeMikeNorth_Italian69: public away/back messages are really annoying.09:17
lokhi there09:18
lokI m actually using xubuntu 10.04, i've try to update xubuntu from 10.04 to 10.10 alpha 3 but it didn't work. Furthemore i ve seen on the qa tracker that the upgrade test havn 't been performed so maybe it s a known problem; does anybody have succesfully updated xubuntu from 10.04 to 10.10?09:19
North_Italian69i removed09:19
North_Italian69now should be totally off09:21
North_Italian69i tried to install 3 times in different ways maverik 64 but has problem during the packages installation09:26
North_Italian69i tried with btrfs09:26
North_Italian69after with ext409:27
North_Italian69and once with the guided partitioning09:27
North_Italian69ill retry in few week09:28
North_Italian69maybe with a 32 bit version09:28
North_Italian69probabily is more compatible09:28
denndaWhere did the old ubuntu.com/testing site go?09:34
DanaGah, login gave: "no response from server... restarting."09:45
DanaGer, wrong tab.09:46
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofeldoes someone know if you can switch to a tty in kvm?12:04
yofelah, found it12:07
yofelctrl+alt+2 to the qemu console and then type 'sendkey ctrl-alt-f2'12:08
yofelthen ctrl+alt+1 back to the vm12:08
=== ktogias_ is now known as ktogias
shadeslayer_hi, in maverick i have no X after latest round of updates14:04
shadeslayer_( afaik there was a whole upload of new X )14:04
shadeslayer_i have the nvidia drivers, any suggestions apart from the usual, dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-current ?14:05
popeyshadeslayer_: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?14:09
shadeslayer_popey: paste.ubuntu.com/47643614:11
shadeslayer_i think its a issue with the nvidia drivers, but ive recompiled them with the new kernel via dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-current14:12
Spirits-SightHow do I fix this issue? "N: Ignoring file 'ubuntu-wine-ppa-lucid.list.save' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension" I have a few different ones14:13
shadeslayer_Spirits-Sight: yeah same thing here, try to rm the above said file14:13
shadeslayer_also... lucid?14:13
Spirits-SightI am using 10.1014:14
Spirits-SightI got a few of these14:14
shadeslayer_Spirits-Sight: yes but the ppa is of lucid i thinkg14:14
PiciYes, those files are renamed when you upgrade to a new release.14:15
shadeslayer_popey: im going out for a while, ill be back in about 30 mins14:15
Spirits-Sightwhen I try to remove file it says cannot find14:15
popeysudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-wine-ppa-lucid.list.save14:16
Ian_cornethat's not really fixing it tho14:19
Spirits-SightOK, how can I rm a lot of them at once as there is so many, also how do I do a graphic sudo I forgot?14:22
DrHalannow i only have failsafe x working although the dependencies are fine14:33
DrHalandoes nouveau work? maybe i should get rid of nvidia-current?14:33
yofelDrHalan: does nvidia from x-updates ppa work?14:33
yofeljust curious14:33
DrHalandidn't try that14:33
DrHalanshould i?14:34
yofelx-updates has 256.44 - maverick currently 256.3514:34
DrHalanoh cool14:35
DrHalani will try14:35
DrHalanstill no real 3d support in nouveau i gues14:41
Spirits-SightOK now I am getting this error after doing the update today     Errors were encountered while processing:14:43
Spirits-Sight /var/cache/apt/archives/libgirepository1.0-1_0.9.3-0ubuntu3_i386.deb14:43
Spirits-SightE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)14:43
Spirits-SightI get this after also doing apt-get install -f14:43
charlie-tcaSpirits-Sight: installing "libgirepository1.0-1" fixed that for me14:44
Spirits-Sightcharlie-tca: it won't install14:46
Spirits-Sightsame type of err14:46
Spirits-Sightand somehow many many things got remove when trying to fix it so now I don't even have update-manager installed along with many other items like the software store etc14:47
charlie-tcaI don't either. I just used the terminal to apt-get install it14:49
charlie-tcaI left update manager off, since it wants to remove half my installed apps14:49
Spirits-Sighthow do I do the purge and tell it to reinstall gnome desktop14:49
DrHalanokay ill restart x14:49
DrHalancya guys14:50
Spirits-Sightyep I would agree as it did that to me14:50
charlie-tcadon't know hw to reinstall desktop at this point. There is too many broken items14:51
Spirits-Sightwhat about cleaning the cache under the /var/cache/apt/archives/14:52
Spirits-Sightit seems to be stuck on that14:52
DrHalanmh no15:06
shadeslayer_anyone have a answer to my X problem? :P15:10
shadeslayer_log at : http://paste.ubuntu.com/47645315:12
DrHalanwhen is the new theme comeing to maverick?15:16
PiciWhat new theme?15:17
shadeslayer_Pici: theres talk about this new gnome theme15:18
shadeslayer_idk alot but saw it a few months back15:18
shadowGlad to see you there, update-grub while making  Generating grub.cfg ... is constantly *hanging on*. Where is the solution?15:33
shadeslayer_shadow: too many installed kernels?15:33
shadowshadeslayer_: hello! I've already deleted some of them. Look at there please :) (Yes, kernels from 9.10 even) http://paste.ubuntu.com/476463/15:36
patdk-wkthat is all? I have like 30 of them in mine, but no windows7 one :)15:36
shadowblinking cursor and nothing to happen further15:39
shadeslayer_shadow: cant help much, i dont have X :P15:39
shadowshadeslayer_: mopc + weechat ;) ?15:39
* shadow mocp15:39
shadeslayer_shadow: nah just irssi :P15:42
shadeslayer_idk what mopc is tho15:42
shadeslayer_!info mopc15:42
ubottuPackage mopc does not exist in maverick15:42
shadeslayer_shadow: that wont work15:42
shadeslayer_!find mocp15:45
shadeslayer_that on the other hand should return something :P15:45
ubottuFile mocp found in dcmtk-doc, fvwm-crystal, libdcmtk1-dev, moc15:45
shadowubottu, right, moc15:45
DrHalananyone have dependency problems with epiphany?16:17
om26erDrHalan, I have not installed it *but when I try to install it I dont get any dependency error16:25
DrHalanom26er: i mean epiphany-browser not the game16:26
DrHalantry sudo apt-get install  libgirepository1.0-016:27
om26erDrHalan, build failed for epiphany16:28
DrHalanwhere is 2.31?16:28
om26ermaybe not updated for M16:29
DrHalani hope they will16:29
DrHalannow that gnome 2.32 is planned16:29
DrHalancreated a little mess in the upgrades i guess16:29
* om26er also wish for evolution and nautilus 2.32 16:30
DrHalani am using elementary ppas so i have 2.32 nautilus16:31
lokHi there, I m actually using xubuntu 10.04, i've try to upgrade xubuntu from 10.04 to 10.10 alpha 3 but it didn't work. Furthemore i ve seen on the qa tracker that the upgrade test havn 't been performed so maybe it's a known problem; does anybody have succesfully updated xubuntu from 10.04 to 10.10?16:37
DrHalanlok: what do you mean it "didn't work"16:38
charlie-tcalok: what command did you use to upgrade?16:38
loki ve used update-manager -d16:39
lokafter i ve got a message: An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade......16:40
charlie-tcaAny other error message?16:41
charlie-tcaNeed the full message16:41
lokthe rest of the message is in french but i could try to translate it in english16:41
DrHalanjust paste the french stuff ^^16:42
charlie-tcaIt is expected to see an error abgout unable to calculate the upgrade16:42
charlie-tcaThe upgrade tests were not run due to a lack of manpower, not because of known issues16:43
lokmaybe the dist-upgrade log could be usefull?16:44
charlie-tcaYou have packages frozen to a specific release?16:45
charlie-tcaOr, did you run sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade first?16:45
lokno i've just run sudo update-manager -d16:46
DrHalansorry lok i got to go ^^16:46
lokbye DrHalan16:46
charlie-tcaIf you have any errors in 10.04 updates, it will not allow you to upgrade to the development version16:46
charlie-tcaIt could also be caused by the broken 10.10 packages, at this point. they are uploading a new xserver, which has caused some issues.16:47
loki ve got no error in 10.04 update, when there is new updates everything works well for 10.0416:47
charlie-tcaYou might have to wait a day or two before it will work16:47
charlie-tcaEven the installed mavericks are breaking this week16:48
loklol ok so i will wait a bit and try later16:48
lokthanks a lot16:49
charlie-tcaBut, I would "guess" that will get fixed soon, within a day or two. You could try the upgrade again then. I can not even get a good alternate cd right now for xubuntu.16:49
charlie-tcaI will attempt the upgrades before the weekend, myself, to see if this gets fixed.16:50
kangarooohello. in 10.10 bluetooth dongle not working also installed bluez and bluez-utils and gnome-bluetooth nothing helps. in 09.10 it was auto opening bluetooth icon.17:20
kangarooofinnally got bluetooth working but now it doesnt work as needed. it doesnt allow connection. clicking recieve files gives. Cannot start "Personal File Sharing" Preferences Please verify that the "Personal File Sharing" program is correctly installed. what more i need to install?17:21
cjohnstonWhat can I do to figure out why I can boot into low graphics mode, but not regularly?17:25
cjohnstonTrying 'startx' from cli I get fatal server error: no screens found17:27
cjohnstonand a couple of driver errors17:27
charlie-tcacjohnston: Do you have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf? If so, rename it and restart sometimes works17:41
cjohnstontrying that17:45
cjohnstoncharlie-tca: how can I tell if its still in low graphics mode.. it didnt pop-up and say it this time, but when it started, I still had the "X" mouse for a bit17:47
charlie-tcaUsually, if it doesn't pop up, it isn't anymore. I check settings -> Display to see the relolution17:48
charlie-tcanot sure what it is called in Ubuntu17:48
* charlie-tca uses Xubuntu17:51
charlie-tcaIsn't there a system -> Preferences -> Resolution ?17:51
cjohnstonpreferences > monitors17:52
charlie-tcawell, I wasn't even close!17:52
cjohnstonbut I use nvidia drivers, so it said to run the nvidia app.. which told me to run sudo nvidia-xconfig and then restart the x server17:52
cjohnstonnow im back to not being able to boot in17:53
charlie-tcayeah, it gets like that sometimes17:53
Spirits-Sighthow do I install the opensourse video driver for nvivda17:53
yofelcjohnston: can you try to add this to xorg.conf? (from #ubuntu-x)17:53
yofelSection "ServerFlags"17:53
yofelOption "IgnoreABI" "True"17:53
charlie-tcacjohnston: Re-install hardware drivers17:53
yofeland maybe use nvidia from x-updates ppa17:53
charlie-tcaSpirits-Sight: sudo apt-get install nouveau  ?17:54
Spirits-SightOK so its nouveau OK thanks17:54
* charlie-tca hopes to see all these nvidia issues fixed before he has to reboot17:54
yofelcharlie-tca: erm, that would be xserver-xorg-video-nouveau and they're installed by default17:54
charlie-tcathat's right17:55
charlie-tcaThanks, yofel17:55
cjohnstonwell.. i removed the driver.. and both monitors are on, and mirror.. so maybe thats a start17:58
cjohnstonnow I have them both working correctly without the nvidia driver17:59
cjohnstonI guess now I should try reinstalling the nvidia driver?18:00
charlie-tcayofel: ^ ^18:00
yofelcjohnston: maybe, I'm still running the old driver so I'm not exactly sure if it works, but I heard that the nvidia-current package from the x-updates ppa and the ignoreAbi option in xorg.conf make it work fine18:01
cjohnstonyofel: this one: ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates?18:03
yofelI'm gone for now, bbl18:03
cjohnstonthanks yofel18:03
cjohnstonyofel, charlie-tca when I installed the drivers again, same issue18:18
cjohnstonguess im gonna run without the drivers for a while18:19
charlie-tcaseems so18:19
cjohnstonyofel's Option "IgnoreABI" may have worked charlie-tca18:26
charlie-tcaGreat! That's why I asked him to step up18:26
cjohnstonit looks like it is18:27
charlie-tcaYAY! I just fight with things until I get them to work or get tired enough to give up. yofel knows the hardware drivers stuff real good.18:30
strycoreHello everyone18:55
strycoreIs there a way to get the nvidia driver to work on maverick or should we just wait a bit more ?18:56
strycoregotta reboot , brb18:58
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=== schmidtm_ is now known as schmidtm
gnomefreakanyone have nvidia-current running on either the .11 or .14 kernel?20:29
bjsnideradd ignoreabi to the xorg.conf file and it will probably work20:29
gnomefreakalso mutter still doesnt have depends fixed20:29
gnomefreakbjsnider: i dont have the xorg.conf file due to no GUI when it is there20:30
gnomefreakbjsnider: see bug 61345820:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 613458 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "After upgrading to latest kernel i get a black screen and cant do anything except ctrl+alt+delete to reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61345820:31
daubersfinally it compiles20:40
daubersoops wrong chan, sorry20:40
Andre_Gondimany news about x server crashs?20:47
gnomefreakdepends what you mean20:48
charlie-tcasure seems too20:52
gnomefreakthere are alot of X bugs with maverick. seems nvidia+kernel also 1.9+nvidia is a problem for alot of people20:56
PiciAll the issues I've heard of are nvidia related.20:56
gnomefreakyep seems to be20:57
PiciIts working fine on my laptop with the 'ati' driver.20:57
charlie-tcamust be nvidia's turn. Lucid it was ATI until the beta or later...20:58
yofelwell, ati is probably broken since we got 1.8, so the ati users didn't complain this time ^^20:58
gnomefreaki grabbed upstream drivers incase .14 fails again, but hell i have nvidia-current installed and it still dumps me into nouveau21:00
gnomefreaknew install of maverick A2 i think ( kernel21:01
gnomefreakim just happy to have a GUI at all21:01
* gnomefreak gets a feeling this is going to take forever its downloading package #9 out of 248 21:03
gnomefreakand its been running for a while now21:04
gnomefreaki have to figure out how to get bash to use timestamp21:04
gnomefreakbe back in a few21:04
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
jdobrienif there is a spelling error (or anything else) in the CD installer, where do i report it in launchpad?21:54
yofeljdobrien: please use 'ubuntu-bug ubiquity'21:55
yofelif you're talking abou the live disk installer21:55
jdobrienyofel, that's it, thanks21:55
jdobrienIt says "Please off me non-opensource software21:56
yofeloh *that* one, that's already reported I think21:56
yofellet me look for it21:56
yofeljdobrien: already fixed ;) bug 61503621:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 615036 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Typo in "Preparing to install Ubuntu"" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61503621:57
jdobrienyofel, cool :)21:58
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
KB1JWQForgive my ignorance; what does uname -a return on Maverick?22:15
BUGabundoKB1JWQ: Linux BluBUG 2.6.35-14-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 6 22:28:24 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:20
KB1JWQOoh, 2.6.35.  This pleases bear.22:20
nebula_hello ...is it really worth to upgrade it to 4.10 or 10.10 to sit on a stable22:26
nebula_ops 10.0422:26
nebula_hello ...is it really worth to upgrade it to 10.04  or 10.10 to sit on a stable22:27
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charlie-tcanebula_: 10.10 is a development release only. It will break between now and release. We use it to test it so it has fewer breaks after release.22:31
charlie-tcaAs for 10.04, it depends on what you have already and whether or not everything works for you.22:31
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: you get everything working again?22:32
BUGabundocharlie-tca: definer everything22:36
charlie-tcayou know, like all the apps and the boot and all...22:37
BUGabundolike all app at boot???22:39
charlie-tcalike it boots, and everything is not broken22:41
=== andregondim_ is now known as Andre_Gondim
=== guest is now known as wechat

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