
thorwilgood morning!07:40
=== iainfarrell is now known as iainfarrell|WFH_
knomeiainfarrell|WFH_, hey, please consider not using awaynicks :P09:18
iainfarrell|WFH_hey knome09:18
iainfarrell|WFH_it's not an away nick as much as an explanation as to why I might be slow09:18
iainfarrell|WFH_but I can happily switch it off09:18
iainfarrell|WFH_I thought I was being helpful :)09:19
knomeit's still a bit obtrusive :)09:19
=== iainfarrell|WFH_ is now known as iainfarrell
knomemaybe an away message would be more helpful even in this case09:19
iainfarrellta daa :)09:19
knomethe people who try to contact you probably /whois you if you're totally slow09:19
knomeneed to eat09:26
=== iainfarrell|WFH_ is now known as iainfarrell
=== iainfarrell|WFH_ is now known as iainfarrell
=== boobo is now known as coz_
=== zniavre__ is now known as zniavre
zniavregood evening23:01
zniavreany ideas how to modify the chrome menus ? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/187396/chromemenu.png  please23:02

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