
geirhaThe above finds all files and directories named savage, and does that -ok action on them00:00
kosaidpogeirha: whiche mine or urs ?00:00
geirhafind ~ -name savage \( -type d -o -type f \) -ok rm {} \;00:00
kosaidpook but why those \ and ()00:01
kosaidpoohh well the () i got but why the \ b4 the em00:02
geirhabecause AND has higher precedence than OR.00:02
geirhaYou need to escape them from the shell, because () are special characters to the shell.00:02
kosaidpoahh wht they do actualy00:02
kosaidpotheir real job in shell ?00:03
geirharuns commands in a subshell00:03
kosaidpomeanin  can you pls explain00:03
kosaidpook cool ill give a read00:04
kosaidpodude ur awesom00:04
kosaidpoa lot00:04
geirhaAlso see http://mywiki.wooledge.org/UsingFind for more help on the find command.00:04
kosaidpook and can i ask you if iddnt get sumthin in there ?00:04
geirhaI'm about to go off to bed, but you can ask in #bash00:05
kosaidpook tnx : )00:08
duanedesign'lo all02:46
phillwhi duanedesign02:52
IAmNotThatGuyheya phillw02:57
=== phillw is now known as phillw_away
=== RealEyes is now known as Laggg
phaytmobileHi. Typing on my phone. Ubuntu 10.04, attempting to connect to internet. Unable to get wired or wireless working, although wireless was working awhile ago. Can anyone help me?06:49
=== Laggg is now known as RealEyes
seidosphaytmobile, I don't know if I can help but I will try.  Have you tried ifconfig in a terminal?07:23
=== Laggg is now known as Laggg|conky
Laggg|conkywhat would this command do? sudo add-apt-repository ppa:conkyhardcore/ppa08:40
swoodyLaggg|conky: that would add the repository (conkyhardcore) to your sources list08:42
swoodythat way you can download all new packages/updates from there08:42
Laggg|conkyhow can i update ALL of them at once?08:43
swoodywell, I shouldn't say *all*, but it would allow you to install/update whatever packages are in that repository08:43
Laggg|conkythe last command i ran was: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install conkyforecast08:43
Laggg|conkyhow do I install 'all' the packages?08:43
swoodyyou can still use the regular update manager and apt-get to do updates/upgrades08:43
Laggg|conkyin that repo lol08:43
swoodyLaggg|conky: well, you can either make a list and do it manually (sudo apt-get install packx packy packz...)08:44
swoodyor you could use Synaptic which may be easier08:44
swoodythere is a 'Source' filter on the left side which will show you all the available packages in whatever repository you select08:44
swoodyso if you click on the 'Source' filter and then the 'ppa:conkyharcore/ppa' repo it will list all available packages08:45
swoodyor rather it is named 'Origin' not 'Source' sorry08:46
Laggg|conkyi think im doing it correctly08:49
swoodythat's good :)08:50
swoodyany issues?08:50
Laggg|conkyW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/conkyhardcore/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/c/conkybanshee/conkybanshee_2.05_all.deb08:51
Laggg|conky  Something wicked happened resolving 'ppa.launchpad.net:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)08:51
Laggg|conkyall the packages failed08:51
swoodyodd, that link works for me :/08:53
swoodytry to refresh your package list again, does it show any errors?08:53
Laggg|conkyi clicked refresh and it's DLing a bunch of files now08:54
Laggg|conkybut they are all failing again08:54
swoodydo you have a proxy or anything else that you're connecting through?08:55
Laggg|conkyCould not download all repository indexes08:55
Laggg|conkyNope, no proxy.08:55
Laggg|conkyFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'archive.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)08:55
swoodyhmm... that's from Ubuntu now, not the PPA repo as before08:56
swoodyare you running Lucid or Maverick?08:56
swoodylucid I take it from the repository name above ;)08:56
Laggg|conkymaybe I need to check for updates? Log out and then back in or something?08:58
swoodyI suppose, logging out or rebooting couldn't hurt08:59
swoodyLaggg|conky: are you using a wireless connection?09:04
Laggg|conkynope lol09:04
swoodyLaggg|conky: well it looks like there's a lot of good info in this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1475399.html09:05
swoodyespecially post #23: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9397572&postcount=2309:06
swoodyLaggg|conky: any luck with that so far?09:11
Laggg|conkyi tried updating and its still giving me errors.09:12
Laggg|conkyW: Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/lucid/non-free/i18n/Translation-en_US.bz2  Something wicked happened resolving 'packages.medibuntu.org:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)09:13
swoodyand you changed your DNS address(s)?09:13
swoodyyes, as mentioned in the forum thread I posted above, this is most likely a DNS issue09:24
swoodyit seems to have solved this issue for others with the same problem09:24
swoodyespecially post #23: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9397572&postcount=2309:24
Laggg|conkyswoody: that worked out swell09:28
swoodyLaggg|conky: oh? That's very good to hear :)09:29
Laggg|conkywhat does this E: /var/cache/apt/archives/conkydeluge-pre120_2.13_all.deb: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/conkyDeluge', which is also in package conkydeluge 009:30
Laggg|conkyE: /var/cache/apt/archives/conkydeluge-pre120_2.13_all.deb: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/conkyDeluge', which is also in package conkydeluge 009:32
swoodyit looks like there are two different versions of the same package, I would suggest trying to remove it and then reinstall it how you just tried09:33
Laggg|conkywell im going to sleep now09:36
Laggg|conkythx for the help though09:36
Laggg|conkysee you around tomorrow maybe :)09:36
jordiGood morning. Anybody there that can help a Xubuntu newbie?11:09
jordiI installed Xubuntu 10.4 but I cannot play mp3 files, Exaile keeps on saying "You do not have a decoder installed to handle this file. You might need to install the necessary plugins." Googling I get in a mess about which packages I need.11:11
Silver_Fox_Activate the medibuntu repos and then install the w32codecs (or w64codecs) and also the xubuntu-restricted-extras, and you should have just about every codec you could ever need.11:13
jordiThanks, let's try...11:13
duanedesignmorning all11:36
zeroseven0183Good evening!11:36
geirhaHm. Does gstreamer use w32codecs? I thought only mplayer used that.11:38
geirhaGood mid-day11:39
jordiIt works! Thanks Silver_Fox_!11:42
Silver_Fox_xine also uses  w32codecs geirha11:42
Silver_Fox_So, not only mplayer11:42
Silver_Fox_Pleasure jordi11:42
Silver_Fox_gstreamer uses them also geirha i believe11:43
geirhaI see11:44
Silver_Fox_Hello zeroseven0183  and duanedesign11:46
bobo123is it possible to block a packet so it can't be installed by mistake?12:39
bobo123if I for example want to be sure that a library I don't want gets installed because of a game I depends on it.12:41
duanedesignbobo123: you want to prevent a package from being installed13:01
duanedesignand that package is a dependency of another package you want to insstall13:02
duanedesignbobo123: To block a package for apt-get you need to edit /etc/apt/preferences13:06
duanedesignbobo123: http://entwinery.blogspot.com/2009/09/preventing-gcj-from-being-installed-by.html13:09
bobo123duanedesign: I just looked around in Synaptic and it seems that if I select "Lock version" in the menu Packet for a packet that isn't installed, it will not install that packet (but strangely enough thinks it is ok to install programs that depend on it anyway)13:10
bobo123ahh.. nice webpage. yeah that is of course a reason too :-)13:11
=== phillw_away is now known as phillw
bihari http://img835.imageshack.us/i/snap1q.png/ << can any one tell me whats that ?14:44
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohan_chml
ubuntuser1Hi! Could anyone help me? I've installed Ubuntu 10.4 and configured empathy for instant mailing. Empathy remember my password (I don't like that). Is there any way to configure Empathy in order to ask password every time I use it?17:32
duanedesignafternoon all19:39
saji89duanedesign, Goodafternoon dude...19:43
=== Jp is now known as Guest43632
=== pedro__ is now known as pedro3005
LagggQuestion: I'm on an iMac and Ubuntu won't recognize my AUX OUTPUT. How do I fix this?21:09
duanedesignhello Laggg21:27
kikelahi, some used with success RhythmBox to download podcast ? (lucid lynx x64)21:49
squaregoldfishkikela: Yep!21:50
kikelasquaregoldfish, all the podcast i tried to download i have a download failure flag. Works with Gpodder but if i can use Rhythmbox i prefer21:54
kikelai need some special parmameters ?21:54
squaregoldfishNot that I'm aware of. Have you checked the the podcast download location in Preferences?21:56
kikelayes, but i have always a failure to download21:58
squaregoldfishI was just checking that the directory that rhythmbox tries to download to actually exists.21:58
squaregoldfishIf that's OK, try running rhythmbox from the terminal and see if it prints any errors when downloading.21:59
kikelai launched rhythmbox from terminal but i have no return on the terminal when it tries to download22:02
squaregoldfishYou can run rhythmbox in debug mode: rhythmbox --debug &> rhythmbox-debug.txt22:08
squaregoldfishSee if that says anything useful.22:08
kikelathe only thing is this ((17:12:50) [0x18c8040] [rb_threads_init] rb-util.c:482: GMutex isn't recursive)22:15
kikelain debug mode, it don't start downloading22:15
bobo123something that whould be cool is if error messages written to the terminal window by a gui program, would pop up as a dialogbox instead if the program wasn't started from a terminal windows but from the normal program menu :-)22:15
kikelaand after is this :(17:12:50) [0x18c8040] [main] main.c:185: going to create DBus object22:16
kikelaand after : THE END22:17
kikelano more entries in rhythmbox debug txt22:17
squaregoldfishHmm. Well, if you're not getting any messages from the debug log I'm stumped. Better ask at the forums or the rhythmbox mailing list. Sorry I can't be of more help.22:18
kikelasquaregoldfish, thank you very much for your help i'll try to find a gnome channel22:19
duanedesignkikela: do you have an ipod/iphone attached to the computer?22:24
zkriessehey paultag got a little laugh for ya22:34
zkriessepaultag: http://xkcd.com/364/22:34
paultagzkriesse: heh22:35
paultagzkriesse: one of my friends put that on my facebook wall a few days ago22:35
nhandlerDoes anyone remember the name of the app that gives Ubuntu Blackberry support?22:37
kikeladuanedesign, sorry but i must leave because my laptop battery is down22:37
paultagnhandler: yeah berry or something22:37
paultagnhandler: doctormo did work on that22:37
paultagnhandler: barry22:37
phillwnhandler: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/Blackberry22:37
paultagthanks phillw :322:38
nhandlerPerfect. Thanks paultag and phillw. It is for someone in my loco22:38
paultagnhandler: awesome :)22:38
paultagnhandler: tell them to email doctormo with issues22:38
nhandlerWill do paultag22:38
paultagnhandler: I am always looking to give him more work, and he knows it. He loves that project ungodly :)22:38
paultagnhandler: killer22:38
paultagBack to my PHP rendering engine :)22:39
phillwzkriesse: got to say http://xkcd.com/371/ made me laugh23:01

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