
* TheMuso hasn't upgraded, so not experiencing it.00:13
TheMusoRAOF: Do you use pulse much/listen to audio much in maverick?00:13
RAOFA certain amount.00:14
RAOFI still haven't got around to setting up my stereo system after moving, so I don't yet do the more fancy stream-over-wifi that I did in Sydney.00:14
RAOFApart from volume being muted each time I start my session, everything seems to be working.00:17
TheMusoRAOF: Oh thank you. thats what I was goign to ask about.00:26
TheMusoRAOF: I get that too, and I have a theory about that, which I am not sure how to test.00:26
RAOFWhat's the theory?00:26
TheMusoRAOF: But I can tell you if you were to kill pulse running as your user before you restarted, your data would be saved and your next session would have sound.00:27
TheMusoBasically, when you restart, pulse gets a SIGINT/SIGTERM, and starts to save its data, but it gets hit with a SIGKILL before it finishes what it needs to do.00:27
TheMusoThis is not an ALSA problem, and as I siad, if you kill pulse before restarting, the data is saved properly.00:27
TheMusogah typing00:28
RAOFHeh.  Took me a couple of passes to spot the mistake :)00:29
RAOFWould you like me to confirm that behaviour for you?00:29
TheMusoRAOF: If you don't mind. Firstly confirm that you kill pulse and your volume data is saved properly first I think00:30
TheMusoRAOF: I have a bug number, let me dig it up.00:30
RAOFI'll do it when I restart for updates.00:31
TheMusook cool thanks.00:31
TheMusoRAOF: bug 59201600:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 592016 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "[Maverick] Sound is always muted on startup; unmuting makes the volume at lowest level (affects: 11) (dups: 1) (heat: 104)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59201600:32
TheMusoHrm no nvidia driver updates yet, so I have to either wait, or switch back to Nouveau.00:47
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RAOFtselliot was working on an upload last night; it looked like he'd got all his ducks in a row, but it hasn't been uploaded yet.00:48
* RAOF looks forward to blowing away this btrfs and replacing it with ext4 tonight, so that updates don't kill performance for quite so long.01:04
chrisccoulsoni'm seriously disappointed. i updated my laptop today, and despite the warnings, X still works!01:09
chrisccoulsoni was expecting it to break!01:09
RAOFchrisccoulson: You waited too long.  If you'd done it 24 hours earlier there would have been a period when apt-get would want to remove xorg, ubuntu-desktop, that sort of thing :)01:14
chrisccoulsonRAOF - ah, i shouldn't have waited then ;)01:15
* micahg feels better for not upgrading till after X 1.9 transition :)01:15
TheMusoWhere does one's personal gstetings data get stored, i.e in which subdir of the home dir?01:31
TheMusogsettings even01:37
lifeless.config ?01:38
TheMusoLooked there, but nothing looks obviously gsettings-ish.01:40
RAOFDo we have anything that's using gsettings?  Presumably the answer is yes.01:41
RAOFMy guess would be ~/.config/dconf01:42
TheMusoempathy does01:42
RAOFThat certainly contains a binary blob called “user”01:42
TheMusoRAOF: nothing there with that name. I just changed some settings in empathy and closed it.01:44
RAOFTheMuso: Any idea why I appear to have two separate pulseaudio processes running?01:54
TheMusoRAOF: One for gdm?01:54
RAOFI'm not running gdm.01:54
RAOFBoth are running as my user.01:54
TheMusoNo idea.01:54
TheMusoRAOF: how are you checking?01:55
RAOFThere are two separate pulseaudio processes, with distinct PIDs and distinct nice values.01:55
TheMusoAre they both pulseaudio, or is one pulseaudio-gconf-helper?01:56
TheMusoi.e I have one pulseaudio, and run gconf-helper which is part of pulse.01:56
TheMusoOh and seems gsettings is currently usig the memory backend.01:56
Chipacahas there been a regression that would make gnome keyring throw ioerrors again?01:56
Chipacawe're seeing that and are wondering about it :(01:57
Chipacanessita: I know! let's switch to kwallet01:57
RAOFNo, they're both listed as /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog01:58
TheMusoRAOF: no idea then.01:58
RAOFIt could well be an artefact of the way I've worked around not being able to login via gdm.01:59
SarvattRAOF: press H02:05
RAOFSarvatt: To make gdm work?02:05
Sarvattto make it hide the other pulseaudio thread :)02:06
RAOFOh, no.  It's not a separate thread.02:07
RAOF(I can see the two separate threads of one of the processes separately)02:08
SarvattTheMuso: the nvidia-current thats going in maverick is in https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates it requires adding Option "IgnoreABI" "True" to the serverflags section in xorg.conf though to work with xserver 1.9 :(02:08
Sarvattbut at least it works!02:09
TheMusoYay. Failed upgrade due to libgirepository breakage/override issues.02:10
* TheMuso updates his mirror02:10
Sarvattits fixed on any mirror? been broken all day here02:11
RAOFYeah, still broken here.02:11
RAOFWell, unless it got fixed in the hour between me starting the update and the update actually finishing.02:12
Sarvattslightly less here now than before, only wants to remove epiphany-browser gnome-games libgirepository1.0-0 libseed0 lightsoff seed swell-foop02:12
Sarvattit was epiphany-browser gnome-games libgirepository1.0-0 libmutter-private0 libseed0 lightsoff mutter netbook-launcher seed swell-foop ubuntu-netbook unity before02:13
RAOFOh, it didn't try to remove unity for me.02:17
Sarvattguessing that was just because of mutter02:17
* ajmitch didn't have any problems after upgrading python-gobject02:17
ajmitchbut it's not like I have much installed beyond the default desktop packages02:18
Sarvattpython-gobject wants to remove all of that too02:18
ajmitchperhaps a few other things depend on libgirepository1.0-0, as it was removed & replaced with libgirepository1.0-1 for me02:19
RAOFAlright.  Let's play “kill pulseaudio before restarting”02:19
TheMusoYeah. My problem is that both those packages own the same file, but obviously there is no conflicts/replaces etc to resolve that.02:19
TheMusoOr is there...02:19
ajmitchthere's an exact match on 0.9.3-0ubuntu102:20
TheMusoHrm there is conflicts/replaces.02:20
ajmitchso if you had an earlier libgirepository1.0-0 installed, it won't conflict/replace02:20
TheMusoThat may be it02:21
ajmitchmost likely, should be an easy fix02:21
ajmitchand then the others (mutter, epiphany-browser) get to be rebuilt, yay02:22
TheMusoIs it known that dconf and dconf editor from dconf-tools crash horribly?04:31
robert_ancellTheMuso, dconf problems?05:10
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ajmitchrobert_ancell: to fix up gir-repository, is it as simple as changing the 1.0 references to 1.1 in the .gir files?05:38
ajmitchit's somewhat broken05:38
TheMusorobert_ancell: Trying to have a play with dconf/dconf-editor from dconf-tools and they crash. Not a biggy atm, just wanted a peak.05:53
robert_ancellajmitch, yes, I've uploaded that change06:16
robert_ancellTheMuso, they work for me, are you fully upgraded?06:16
robert_ancellajmitch, (the same change was made in gir-repository git)06:16
TheMusorobert_ancell: Should be, as I said its no real bother atm.06:24
robert_ancellTheMuso, that's weird though.  what sort of errors are you getting?06:25
robert_ancellTheMuso, if you run gcalctool, change the mode, and then restart does the mode stay the same?06:25
TheMusorobert_ancell: I am talking about the dconf and dconf-editor binaries from gconf-tools.06:26
robert_ancellTheMuso, yes, is dconf working otherwise?06:27
TheMusorobert_ancell: Yes, empathy seems to be fine with it.06:28
ajmitchrobert_ancell: sorry for bothering, I'm obviously too slow :)07:01
robert_ancellajmitch, np07:02
didrocksgood morning07:38
robert_ancelldidrocks, hey08:10
didrockshey robert_ancell :)08:10
robert_ancelldidrocks,  is mutter working well for you now? sorry about that08:10
didrocksrobert_ancell: can't test right now. I think it should. I'll have a proper test later. no worry ;)08:11
robert_ancelldidrocks, If I don't see seb128 before he starts, can you remind him to look at the libgirepository package he made - the two versions contain the same files08:12
didrocksrobert_ancell: sure, I will08:12
didrocksRAOF: I see that a lot of people are complaining about the new X server and nvidia proprietary driver, known issue?08:24
RAOFdidrocks: Yeah; tselliot's got a new nvidia proprietary driver (at some advanced stage of) ready, which works against the new X server.08:25
didrocksRAOF: there is no Break: against the old one? (the one not compatible with the new X server?)08:25
didrocksRAOF: or are all people not reading the "partial upgrgade" thing?08:26
RAOFThe old one should be Depend-ing on something that the new X server doesn't provide.08:26
RAOFWe've been propagating  some changes in the way Debian handles the dependencies, the goal of which is to make it easier for apt to upgrade in situations where there's a valid solution.08:27
didrocksRAOF: hum, I can upgrade my X server there without any nvidia update… So, the provides: doesn't seem to work :/08:28
RAOFIt used to offer the “solution” of removing all of X more frequently than it should be.08:28
didrocksyes, but if I can upgrade normally and break my machine there… ;)08:28
didrockscan I check something to see what's not going well and why it doesn't wait for the new driver?08:29
RAOFIt would appear to be a packaging bug in nvidia-current.08:30
didrocksis it linked to Provides: xserver-xorg-video-7 ?08:31
RAOFIt *should* be Depend-ing on _something_ X related :) (preferably xserver-xorg-video-abi-8.0)08:31
didrocksok, I see no such depends :)08:31
didrockscan you see that with tseliot? It's too late for now but for next time :)08:32
didrocksI can't blame the user on the French forum for not reading the "partial upgrade" this time ;)08:32
didrocksI just can say "it's an unstable release, do not rely on it" ;)08:32
didrocks(and ok, I'm waiting before upgrading!)08:32
RAOFYou should be able to add "Option" "IgnoreABI" "true" to xorg.conf to make the nvidia driver work.08:33
RAOF(At least, that's my understanding)08:34
didrocksRAOF: yeah, people get that workaround on the forum08:34
didrocksso, it should work08:34
didrocksbut I can wait :)08:34
didrocksDo you want to break your graphical output? [Y/n]08:35
RAOFLooks like fglrx is also a little messed up.08:35
RAOFDepends: libxext6 (>= 0)08:36
didrockshum :-)08:36
RAOFThat's a pretty easy dependency to satisfy :)08:36
didrocksyou never know… Did someone try foo -2.24? ;)08:38
didrocksthat can be… an interesting experience!08:39
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didrockssalut seb12809:00
seb128lut didrocks09:00
seb128en forme?09:00
didrocksça va ;) OOo a planté à cause d'un symbol file pas à jour, donc je reprends le build ce matin avec dpkg-buildpackage -nc, ordi toujours à plat :) mais ça va! et toi?09:00
seb128ca va09:01
seb128worked a bit late for those gir rebuilds09:02
seb128did that fix unity or not?09:02
didrocksseb128: well, as I'm still in build mode, I can't easily switch sessions :/ I have to take my scratchbox to make some tests today09:03
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seb128didrocks, don't bother I will upgrade now to see how it goes09:03
robert_ancellseb128, hey09:04
didrocksseb128: thanks :)09:04
seb128robert_ancell, hello mr broke everything so the european guys have something to do during their day ;-)09:04
robert_ancellseb128, :)09:04
robert_ancellseb128, the package renaming you did broke upgrades, not sure what to do about that09:05
seb128robert_ancell, did it? how?09:05
robert_ancellseb128, because both versions contain the same files09:06
seb128well I used a conflicts,replaces09:06
robert_ancellseb128, weird, I upgraded my mini and it borked installing the -1 version09:06
seb128but it should conflict only with your buggy build09:06
seb128not with 0.609:07
seb128since the soname changed09:07
robert_ancellthe mini didn't have my build on it09:07
seb128what file conflicted?09:07
seb128the sonames changed from .0 to .109:07
seb128there should be no file conflict09:07
seb128you didn't have 0.9.3-0ubuntu1?09:07
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robert_ancellkeep an eye out for it anyway09:09
seb128robert_ancell, ok, weird, it was libgirepository-1.0.so.0.0.0 in 0.609:09
seb128can you check in /var/log/dpkg.log09:09
seb128what version was upgraded to what09:09
seb128ie grep libgir /var/log/dpkg.log09:09
robert_ancellbooting it now..09:10
seb128hum, ok09:12
robert_ancellajmitch had a similar problem - not sure if he got the buggy version first though09:12
seb128I will check09:12
seb128I might just conflicts on the previous version09:13
seb128you are right09:13
seb128the libeverything and the marshallingtest were already using .109:14
robert_ancellthey like to make our lives hard! :)09:14
ajmitchoh, the conflicts/replaces09:14
seb128robert_ancell, I will take the debian change09:14
lifelessbreaks plox09:14
seb128   * Install Everything-1.0 and GIMarshallingTests-1.0 typelib in new09:14
seb128     gir1.0-everything-1.0 package (Closes: #550478)09:14
seb128robert_ancell, ^ that will avoid the issue09:15
robert_ancellseb128, heh, that Everything file likes to cause us problems - we spent ages trying to decide where it lived09:15
seb128I meant to backport the debian change when they did it09:16
seb128that would have avoided the conflict09:16
robert_ancellseb128, oh, I was thinking - we're really screwed when gi does upgrades - all t he packages I looked at that install gir files have gir-1.0 hardcoded into them.  So they better be happy with the current filenames.09:17
robert_ancells/filenames/binary format/09:17
geserlooks like there is no need to file a bug about the libgirepository1.0-1 install issue09:18
seb128you people should use update-manager :p09:18
seb128it overwrite conflicts09:18
seb128robert_ancell, that's maybe why the directory didn't change with the abi version?09:19
robert_ancellseb128, yes, because it is the individual packages that choose the install location.  We might need to dh magic if they change it in the future09:19
robert_ancellgtg, see you guys tomorrow09:19
robert_ancellto use some dh magic09:19
mvokiwinote: good morning! I just checked your deb-files branch, nice fixes. but it appears there is a test failing when I run test_database.py. - please re-merge and double check, but tests should be fixed09:20
seb128robert_ancell, have fun, see you tomorow09:20
kiwinotemvo: hi09:24
kiwinotemvo: is the test that is failing the self.assertEqual(len(db), 6) one?09:24
mvokiwinote: I had the one about "expensive gem" failing09:25
mvokiwinote: state was "NOT_FOUND" when it should be "NEEDS_PURCHASE"09:26
kiwinotemvo: thanks, the rest looks fine09:33
mvokiwinote: so you have a new failure? or what do you mean with "the rest" ?09:34
kiwinotemvo: sorry, I meant that I had tested all the changes09:34
mvokiwinote: ok :) thanks!09:37
seb128hey chrisccoulson09:59
seb128how are you?09:59
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, i'm good thanks. how are you?09:59
seb128I'm fine thank you10:00
ronocseb128: did an upgrade this morning and now my login screen is pretty unresponsive10:03
ronocdid you hear of any problems10:03
seb128ronoc, like no user listed?10:03
seb128ronoc, or...?10:03
ronocseb128: it basically show the name of the machine, doesn't get to listing users10:03
ronocthe mouse works but i have to hard reset10:04
seb128known issue10:04
seb128seems to be a race10:04
seb128you can switch to a vt and sudo restart gdm10:04
seb128bug #61481010:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 614810 in gdm (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "gdm displays no user at startup in Ubuntu Maverick (affects: 5) (dups: 1) (heat: 34)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61481010:04
seb128ronoc, it doesn't happen every time10:05
ronocseb128: for me it is10:05
ronocseb128: I found a crash report for _usr_bin_do-release-upgrade10:05
seb128ronoc, that's a different bug10:05
seb128ronoc, did you try restarting gdm?10:06
ronocwill try now10:06
kiwinotemvo: sometime during the merges we started getting get_software > app_name > cat_name instead of get_s > cat_name > app_name. There is a fix for this in my branch.10:15
chrisccoulsonheh, i'll actually be at UDS quite early this time, rather than turning up late on sunday evening10:16
mvokiwinote: thanks!10:20
alf__ronoc, seb128: i solved this issue by fixing the permissions of /lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper10:28
alf__-rwsr-xr-- 1 root messagebus 47536 2010-08-09 18:28 /lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper10:29
seb128what issue?10:29
alf__the no user on gdm10:30
bilalakhtarAnyone free over here?10:32
bilalakhtarI need to get an empathy bug fix in10:32
cassidywhich bug?10:32
bilalakhtarcassidy: Yeah, Hi10:33
bilalakhtarcassidy:  A regression bug due to the freenode default network one10:33
bilalakhtarcassidy: I know you commented on the bugzilla bug10:33
cassidyah ok this one10:33
ronocseb128: still no joy10:33
bilalakhtarcassidy: bug #61508110:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 615081 in empathy (Ubuntu) "log in button is not enabled when adding IRC account (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61508110:34
bilalakhtarI have the fix ^^10:34
alf__ronoc: what are the permissions of /lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper ?10:34
cassidybilalakhtar, could you submit it upstream please?10:35
bilalakhtarcassidy: ok10:35
cassidythat's not an Ubuntu specific issue so there is no reason to fix it in Ubuntu rather than upstream10:35
bilalakhtarcassidy: Since it is caused due to the freenode bugfix.10:36
ronocalf__: -rwxr-xr-x10:36
bilalakhtarcassidy: ok, doing10:36
ronocalf__ for root10:36
ronocgroup and owner10:36
bilalakhtarcassidy: Have you accepted the DEFAULT_IRC_NETWORK patch?10:36
alf__ronoc: they should be -rwsr-xr-- 1 root messagebus 47536 2010-08-09 18:28 /lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper10:36
seb128alf__, are you sure?10:36
ronocalf__: have you experienced the problem I am having10:37
seb128alf__, the issue started after a gdm update where dbus didn't change in months, it's a gdm race10:37
cassidybilalakhtar, yeah I merged it this morning10:37
bilalakhtarcassidy: Thanks a lot!10:37
cassidythanks for the patch :)10:37
cassidybut I used gimpnet as default instead of freenode10:37
ronocbasically get to gdm, but the login window is not displayed, the screen right before login is displayed10:38
cassidythat still easier for you, you just have to patch one line10:38
bilalakhtarcassidy: Yes, I expected you to use GIMPnet, since that is preferred by GNOME10:38
ronocwhere the name of the machine is displayed with the computer large icon10:38
alf__seb128, ronoc: that fixed the problem for me, perhaps it is seperate to the race condition10:38
seb128alf__, you though it fixed it10:38
seb128alf__, you just maybe got lucky on next try10:38
ronocseb128: I can reproduce this every time10:39
ronochaven't been able to log in for an hour10:39
seb128ronoc, you are the very first to not have it racy10:39
seb128ronoc, install xdm or use startx or enable autologin10:39
ronoclucky me10:39
ronocokay will try that10:40
bilalakhtarseb128: Are you free to sponsor a rhythmbox regression?10:40
seb128bilalakhtar, not now but I will do some sponsoring today and it's on my list10:40
ronocseb128: i did notice a broken packages problem with gir and python10:40
ronocseb128: would this have anything to do with it ?10:40
alf__seb128: perhaps, although in /var/log/syslog i got complaints about "setuid helper has wrong permissions"10:40
seb128ronoc, that should be sorted in the next hour10:41
bilalakhtarcassidy: Shall submit later today10:42
seb128alf__, weird, I don't get that permission issue there10:43
alf__seb128: are your permissions -rwsr-xr-- 1 root messagebus ?10:45
alf__seb128: for me (and apparently ronoc) it was -rwxr-xr-x root root10:48
seb128did that start recently?10:48
alf__seb128: I just noticed it today after a dist upgrade10:49
seb128I merged the new dbus with debian this week but that should affect that10:51
seb128it's still fine on my machines and there was nothing about permissions in the debian dir diff10:51
seb128anyway the "no user listed" started with the gdm update before dbus changed10:51
seb128so it's a different issue10:52
alf__seb128: yes, it seems so10:52
mptmvo, good morning, how are you going with integrating Ubuntu Single Sign-On?10:52
mvompt: you mean how its going? or what the plan is?10:53
mptmvo, both :-) I know about <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TheGreatUbuntuSingleSignOnClientsMergeOf2010>10:53
mvompt: I played with the ubuntu-sso-client trunk yesterday, but it was not working for me, probably because of me not installing it properly10:54
mvompt: it looks straightforward though10:55
seb128ronoc, still no luck?10:59
ronocseb128: no joy still, couldn't install xdm because the repo is broken with the gir stuff, startx fails because x is running already, when I kill x it automatically restarts bringing me to the unresponsive screen11:00
ronocmy only option is to return to the vt11:00
seb128ronoc, well you can sudo stop gdm11:00
seb128ronoc, or startx -- :111:00
alf__ronoc: did you try changing permissions and rebooting?11:01
ronocI didn't alf__11:01
ronocjust because i would rather not change permissions down /lib, but if it comes to it I will try it11:01
alf__ronoc: you should :)11:01
alf__ronoc: they are incorrect11:02
seb128do you guys are your lib dir on a different partition or something?11:02
seb128it still doesn't make sense to me11:02
seb128the dbus.postinst set the permission11:03
mptmvo, the reason I'm asking is that I'm wondering about the case of reinstalling purchases. When that brings up the dialog, the dialog should allow *only* sign-in, not registration, because registration is a dead-end for that feature.11:03
seb128ronoc, alf__: can you run11:03
seb128dpkg-statoverride --list /lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper11:03
ronocseb128: will need to boot back into the maverick11:04
alf__seb128: I get no output11:05
seb128alf__, can you sh -x /var/lib/dpkg/info/dbus.postinst configure11:05
mvompt: good point11:05
seb128alf__, and tru to figure why it doesn't change the permission for you?11:05
mvompt: when this was discussed with and471 I pointed out to jonlea that for our use-case the login dialog would almost always be visibile (re-install)11:06
mvompt: iirc the ubuntu-sso one has a strong focus on registration11:07
mptmvo, yeah, and that's fine if USC is remembering (or telling gnome-keyring to remember) the sign-in details, because 90% of the time you'll still want only registration. But, we still need the sign-in-only case.11:08
mvompt: I think its the right thing to have only one and doing it via dbus etc is the right way of doing it. but time is short, FF is very close11:08
mvompt: well, in USC we will never need registration currently as the agent is not capable (currently, there is a open bug about it) to get pre-exisiting credentials11:08
mvompt: you always have to login in the webkit view currently to purchase11:09
ronocseb128: going to try again now11:09
mptmvo, is that being fixed for Maverick?11:09
mvompt: but yeah, once that is fixed/added the 90% figure works for USC as wlel11:09
mvompt: I hope, we can bring it up in the next meeting11:09
mptmvo, does it make sense to have a flag in the API that says "show only the sign-in choice, not registration, please"? Then the SSO team can implement it later11:09
mvoI think it does11:10
mptI'll discuss that with Chipaca and nessita11:10
mvobut we need to coordindate with them, I assuem they are under pressure as well11:10
mptmvo, which of (1) apturl replacement, (2) gdebi replacement, (3) devildante's add-ons work, are on track for merging?11:12
mptand (4) the OneConf stuff11:12
alf__seb128: sudo sh -x /var/lib/dpkg/info/dbus.postinst configure seems to run fine :S11:12
seb128alf__, does it change the permissions for the helper?11:13
alf__seb128: yes11:13
seb128alf__, dpkg -l dbus | grep dbus?11:13
mvompt: (1) and (2) are the same branch11:13
mvompt: oneconf is done11:13
alf__seb128: 1.2.24-3ubuntu111:13
seb128alf__, it's rather the state I'm interested in11:13
seb128ie is ie "ii"11:14
seb128or iU11:14
mvompt: its a plugin AFAIK didrocks does not need more from usc11:14
seb128or what?11:14
alf__seb128: iU11:14
seb128alf__, ah!11:14
seb128alf__, that's your issue then11:14
seb128alf__, sudo apt-get -f install11:14
seb128alf__, dbus is not configured, your upgrade probably broke11:15
didrocksmvo: mpt: all is ok for oneconf, it's already in the archive, apart from the issue of syncing which is out of oneconf scope, should be ready11:15
didrocksmvo: just that I will need a unregistering() function on USC side (if you uncheck the box "show other inventory"), so that it's taken into account without restarting USC, but I can do that (after my holidays, but before beta)11:16
mptdidrocks, cool. nzmm_ is working right now on a categorized list view for "Installed Software", and once he's got it done, you can reuse it for "items that aren't on this computer"/"other items"11:16
mvodidrocks: ok, that sounds like a bugfix11:16
didrocksmpt: excellent!11:17
didrocksmvo: right, that's why I'm not pushing too hard on that right now. I would prefer syncing working first :)11:17
mvodidrocks: yep :)11:17
didrocksmvo: I just have a bug in the view for non app, which seems to be set to True even if I excplitely set "False" to the model. Don't have the time right now to have a deeper look11:18
mvompt: addons and deb-files are under review, I want them in, but I don't want to de-stablize too much11:20
mptmvo, deb-files being kiwinote's work, or something else?11:20
mvodidrocks: if you have a test-case I can have a look11:20
mvompt: kiwinote work11:20
* mpt keeps forgetting that OneConf is a plug-in11:21
didrocksmvo: I'll setup a mini view with it, just not that week (and on holidays then) :) Still, it's a bugfix IMHO11:21
didrocksmvo: btw, I think you saw my dummy branch for featured app?11:21
mvodidrocks: yeah, will merge it today11:22
didrocksmvo: thanks ;)11:22
mvoseb128: ara just pointed me to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/476371/  - that is known, right?11:25
seb128mvo, yes11:26
seb128dpkg --force-overwrite -i /var/cache/apt/archives/libgirepository1.0-1_0.9.3-0ubuntu2_i386.deb11:26
alf__seb128: libgirepository1.0 is what broke my upgrade, too. Thanks!11:28
araseb128, thanks!11:30
seb128I didn't notice because I upgraded yesterday and gor 0.9.3-0ubuntu111:30
seb128it's only an issue if you skipped that version11:30
seb128ok, fix uploaded11:48
* seb128 hugs mvo11:50
seb128update-manager is made of awesome11:50
seb128that's why I didn't notice the upgrade bug, it just turned the ovewrite to a warning11:50
devildanteseb128: seconded :)12:00
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asacmvo: debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed ... is that a problem in general? or does that usually yield good/default configs?12:47
Chipacamvo: hi12:48
mvoasac: that should be ok iirc, but colin will know for sure12:49
mvoChipaca: hi, I played with the dbus stuff but not with much success. but I create a quick-n-diry package thta might be the problem12:50
Chipacamvo: not sure I followed the whole conversation there, but, I'm not sure why you'd need to support registration in your app for the u-sso-c to work for registering you. Or do you mean server-side?12:51
mvoChipaca: that part is problably best to be explained by mpt12:53
mvoChipaca: I couldn't bring up a dialog, but that may well be a bug on my side12:53
nessitamvo: wanna share what you did? I can review12:58
nessita(hi all!)12:58
seb128hey nessita12:58
mptChipaca, here's the issue: <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=previous-purchases-authorize.jpg>13:00
nessitahi seb128, any idea why since yesterday's updates nvidia driver stopped working? (As in (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (loader failed, 7) (EE) No drivers available.)13:01
seb128nessita, I guess it's due to the xorg 1.9 transition13:02
seb128hey pedro_13:02
Chipacampt: I should pull you into the desktop+ sprint, and beg for freeze exceptions13:02
pedro_bonjour seb12813:02
Chipacampt: in fact, I could do that. Would you be able to come?13:02
mptChipaca, when and where is the sprint?13:02
chrisccoulsonmessita: <sebner> RAOF: lol, thx for the info :) I'm already using maverick, was just wondering if I can install the xserver upgrades :)13:02
chrisccoulson<RAOF> You can, and it'll break nvidia unless you add IgnoreABI.13:02
chrisccoulsonfrom #ubuntu-devel13:03
Chipacampt: Córdoba, Argentina, the week from the 23rd to the 28th13:03
nessitachrisccoulson: thanks!13:03
seb128chrisccoulson, btw did you investigate the gdm issue yesterday?13:03
chrisccoulsonseb128 - not yet, i've got sidetracked now trying to unbreak mozilla dailies ;)13:04
chrisccoulsonthanks mozilla :(13:04
seb128the mozilla world seems facinating13:04
chrisccoulsonyeah, the dailies are very broken now ;)13:05
asacsome recent update broke emacs here :( ... (emacs:27923): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_set: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed13:06
asacand it becomes unresponsive quick :/13:06
* Chipaca didn't mean to crash mpt. Could somebody power-cycle?13:13
mptChipaca, sorry, in a design discussion with Stuart. I could do 23rd to 26th13:14
mvonessita, Chipaca: I have it working now, I guess the only issue is what mpt outlined. currently our main use-case is "I just reinstalled my computer and want to get my purchased apps"13:14
mvonessita: it like really straightforward to integrate, nice work13:15
mvoits probably as simple as having a "optimize_ui_for_users_with_accounts" and just switching the main login window vs the new-user window13:16
Chipacampt: do you think it would be a good use of your time and health? (keep in mind it's a long trip) (while you ponder that, I'm asking for the FEs)13:18
Chipacanot for, *about* the FEs13:18
nessitamvo: :-)13:19
nessitamvo: a few details: reset password is not functional from the UI yet, it will very very soon13:19
nessitamvo: also, error handling from the server is a bit rough yet, we have a critical bug for that. You can look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client for details13:20
mptChipaca, it depends how much engineering time you would be devoting to sign-on + registration as opposed to other things. I'm used to long flights, and I have a holiday straight afterwards anyway (that's why I can't do the 27th/28th).13:21
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mptChipaca, I do think it would be a good use of my time.13:25
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Zdraseb128, funny thing: libglib recommand libdconf0, which depends on glib... so the build bot installs glib to compile glib...13:50
Zdrawhich breaks our ppa where we uploaded a broken glib13:51
seb128Zdra, recommends should be be used for build13:52
seb128Zdra, recommends should not be used for build13:52
Zdraour broken glib segfault when installing the package13:52
Zdrabut to build the new glib with the fix, it wants to install glib which segfault13:53
Zdra=> we are f*cked13:53
seb128glib is in the builder installed package list13:53
seb128it's not coming from dconf13:53
seb128it gets upgraded before build13:53
seb128Zdra, delete the buggy glib from the ppa13:54
seb128so it doesn't get updated before build13:54
seb128then retry the new one13:54
ZdraHm, ok13:54
Zdraso that's not a buildbot/package issue13:54
Zdrait is normal to need glib to build glib :p13:55
seb128it's just that glib is in the base system13:55
seb128so it's installed on the builders13:55
Zdraseb128, thx :)13:55
bilalakhtarAnyone here ready to sponsor a rhythmbox fix ?13:59
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
kenvandineseb128, are the introspection issues settled down now?14:06
* kenvandine wonders if it is a good time to do an update :)14:06
seb128kenvandine, they should yes14:07
seb128kenvandine, hey ;-)14:07
* kenvandine tries14:07
kenvandinehey... good afternoon :-D14:07
seb128chrisccoulson, micahg: could you update https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-mozilla-team-discussion and move the alpha3 work items remaining to beta?14:07
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, sure14:09
didrocksgood morning kenvandine14:09
kenvandinehey didrocks!14:09
* kenvandine is looking forward to getting back to using unity 14:09
chrisccoulsonseb128 - do i just move the ones that are still TODO, or do i need to move the POSTPONED items too?14:09
didrockskenvandine: keep me posted :)14:10
seb128chrisccoulson, just the TODO14:10
* kiwinote congratulates mvo with the 1000th revision of s-c!14:20
mvokiwinote: :)14:20
kiwinoteand all others of course ;)14:20
seb128chrisccoulson, can you do me a summary of what you plan to work on until beta? do you have coming holidays btw?14:21
bilalakhtarAnyone here ready to sponsor a rhythmbox fix ?14:21
bilalakhtarsorry for that14:21
bilalakhtarI should have waited14:21
seb128you have been asking 3 times today14:22
seb128could you stop asking again and again?14:22
mvokiwinote: yeah, s-c has a amazing bunch of people behind it14:22
* bilalakhtar congratulates mvo for the 1000th revision of s-c14:22
seb128the reply didn't change since the first time you asked earlier14:22
bilalakhtarseb128: I apologized14:22
mvothanks bilalakhtar14:23
seb128mvo, congrats for fixing update-manager download indications ;-)14:23
bilalakhtarand my revision is only 0.1 % of the 1000 revisions14:23
mptCongrats mvo on r1000 :-)14:23
seb128today is mvo celebration day! ;-)14:24
didrocksmvo: seb128: no more supersonic download speed rate? I'm sad :)14:24
didrockscongrats mvo btw ;)14:24
mptmvo, sorry for the silly question, but do you need to keep a standalone .deb saved if you want to uninstall the software later? Or does the relevant information get copied somewhere else on installation?14:24
seb128didrocks, yeah, I was a bit disappointed as well, I though mvo would just fix the compression to have to download less than a bit as indicated14:24
didrocksseb128: +1, quite disappointed :-)14:25
devildantemvo, good job! :)14:25
* didrocks hugs mvo14:25
bilalakhtarmvo fixed the 'unknown time remaining' problem?14:26
seb128no, the one which made "1kb download estimated" be displayed all the time since the recent python-apt changes14:26
cyphermoxmpt, assuming you didn't 'apt-get clean', downloaded debs may be in /var/cache/apt/archives14:26
mptSo, that's a "sometimes", then14:28
mptthanks cyphermox14:28
cyphermoxmpt, yeah "should", unless you did apt-get clean, or deleted them, or that it's a package installed during installation (in which case it presumably wasn't downloaded)14:29
chrisccoulsonseb128 - sure14:29
chrisccoulson(i have no holidays planned btw)14:29
cyphermoxmpt, I just download NM from the archive before working on it, in case... since re-downloading it when it's very broken is hard :)14:29
seb128chrisccoulson, ok14:30
mvompt: no worries, we don't need to keep the deb to uninstall it, all the info is part of the packaging system14:33
mvothanks seb128, didrocks and bilalakhtar :)14:33
bilalakhtarmvo: You are welcome, being the great s-c developer!14:34
seb128didrocks, kenvandine: unity is fixed there14:38
didrocksseb128: great! thanks for confirming14:39
seb128slomo, hey14:40
seb128slomo, do you know if bug #610600 is a known issue?14:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 610600 in cheese (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 3 other projects) "Serious video performance regression in cheese (2.28.1->2.30.1) (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61060014:40
seb128slomo, seems it's a gstreamer issue since a gst-launch has similar performance issues14:41
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slomoseb128: might be fixed with latest good release14:53
seb128slomo, the one you uploaded today to debian?14:53
slomoseb128: v4l2src had a bug since many release, that made it prefer color format conversion over the native format of the camera14:53
seb128slomo, ok thanks14:53
didrocksmvo: thanks for the merge btw :)14:59
mvodidrocks: my pleasure15:01
mptkiwinote, what happens currently when you open a .deb but one of your repositories has a newer version of a package with the same name?15:02
ayanseb128: there is a patch upstream for lp bug 548652.15:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 548652 in fedora (and 4 other projects) "menu mouse-scrolling broken, when themes enable gtk-auto-mnemonics (affects: 40) (dups: 8) (heat: 220)" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54865215:02
kiwinotempt: you should get a warning in the pkgstatusbar15:02
seb128ayan, upstream said the patch as not correct though?15:02
rodrigo_seb128, are all gir-* packages rebuilt now?15:02
seb128rodrigo_, not sure all are but all the useful should be15:03
seb128rodrigo_, you should be able to retry builds on launchpad for things which failed to build15:03
Riddellyes, in kde's svn as part of kdesdkglib.GError: Icon 'emblem-system' not present in theme"  what am I likely to need to install to have that fixed?15:03
rodrigo_seb128, ok, so my package that failed won't get rebuilt until I do another submission?15:03
rodrigo_seb128, ah, ok15:03
ayanreally?  hmph.  okay.15:03
kiwinotempt: the warning text is a bit long (ie makes the bar expand), so it may be good to tweak the text15:03
Riddellcor, pasted two things in one somehow15:03
Riddell"glib.GError: Icon 'emblem-system' not present in theme"  what am I likely to need to install to have that fixed?15:03
seb128ayan, you should subscribe to bugs you are interested in to get new comments15:03
seb128rodrigo_, which one is it?15:04
rodrigo_seb128, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/1.3.7-0ubuntu115:04
seb128rodrigo_, do you have accept to the "retry" buttons?15:04
seb128rodrigo_, ie on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/1.3.7-0ubuntu1/+build/191299815:04
seb128do you have "Retry this build"15:04
rodrigo_seb128, no, don't see it, where should it be?15:04
rodrigo_ah, yes, I see it15:05
seb128rodrigo_, under the build status15:05
seb128rodrigo_, you need to do it for every architecture which failed to build15:05
seb128rodrigo_, or you can use "ubuntu-build"15:05
rodrigo_oh, cool15:06
mptkiwinote, but if you install the standalone version, will it stick, or will Update Manager (or whatever) try to update it to the repository version later?15:06
kiwinotempt: the update-manager will update it later, I presume15:07
mptIs there a use case for wanting to keep with the old version? I suppose if the new version was horribly broken...15:12
kiwinotempt: if the newer version is installed, we don't support downgrading to an older deb file afaik15:13
kiwinotempt: installing the older deb file only works if the newer version isn't installed15:14
mvodowngrades are a fragile operation, there is no gurantee that they work (most of the time they will though)15:15
slomoseb128: btw, i'll upload the -bad pre-release soon... are you going to sync the 3 new pre-releases?15:17
slomoseb128: or merge or whatever15:17
seb128slomo, when are the next stable versions going to be out?15:18
slomothe plan is end of this week15:20
rodrigo_seb128, ok, seems they are building ok now, thanks!15:22
seb128rodrigo_, you're welcome, sorry for the trouble15:22
rodrigo_seb128, np15:22
Chipacaseb128: hi. Do you have a minute?15:22
seb128slomo, ok, I will probably update things in main and ping motus for universe ones15:22
seb128Chipaca, hey, sure15:22
Chipacaseb128: I'm not sure how aware you are, but we've gotten a ubuntu-sso-client that offers a dbus service that the ubuntu software centre can (and is, i think) using15:23
Chipacaseb128: this all came together in the last week15:23
Chipacaseb128: and there are some rough edges, especially when used from the USC15:23
kenvandinehey tedg15:24
slomoseb128: good, you should probably talk to the farsight people to push them a bit to get the few farsight plugins moved from gst-plugins-bad to -good ;)15:24
Chipacaseb128: so, I'd like to have mpt and a couple of my devs sprint for three days week after next15:24
rodrigo_seb128, sparc still failing (cannot determune gcc system), I shouldn't care about it, right?15:24
seb128slomo, I talked to tester at GUADEC15:24
tedgGood morning kenvandine15:24
kenvandineis there a sane way to handle building something that needs gir for dbusmenu on both lucid and maverick?15:24
Chipacaseb128: however, that will almost certainly result in things that are not strictly bugs15:24
mvo(its not used yet by s-c, but we want to use it)15:24
seb128slomo, he said he would need to write quite some testcases for that and it might take a while15:24
Chipacaseb128: would you be ok with FFEs for that? does that seem like a reasonable use of them?15:25
kenvandineDbusmenu-Glib-0.2.gir vs DbusmenuGlib-0.2.gir15:25
kenvandinetedg,  ^^15:25
seb128kenvandine, -> ayatana15:25
seb128thanks ;-)15:25
tedgkenvandine, Oh, I don't know. The issue is that the first one doesn't really get the namespaces right. :(15:25
seb128trying to have ayatana active a bit15:25
seb128and this channel has several running discussions ;-)15:26
mpthi glatzor15:27
rodrigo_yeah, everyone talking to seb128 at the same time :)15:27
didrocksrodrigo_: testing context switching of his new CPU :)15:29
mvohey glatzor15:30
rodrigo_we need a seb128's clone, or 215:30
mvoseb64 even15:30
seb128mvo, ok, I'm not sure to understand where we stand15:31
seb128is s-c using sso now15:31
seb128does it need it this cycle or can you do without it?15:31
mvoseb128: ok, that status quo is: s-c is using sso, but with its own implementation15:31
mvoseb128: of the login dialog, no design-team approved design, but working15:31
mvoseb128: the ubuntuone folks have a new way of doing it, gnomekeyring integration, dbus, fancy (design team approved) dialog15:32
mvoseb128: but its currently aimed toward the "I want to register" use-case15:32
mvoseb128: and we need (at least for one of our uses) the "I want to login" use-case15:32
mvoseb128: that is the background15:33
mvoChipaca: anything to add from your side :) ?15:33
seb128mvo, what would switching to the new thing win you?15:35
seb128you would need the new "I want to login" use-case to be addressed?15:36
seb128which the current sso version doesn't?15:36
mvoit does adress it, but not very well15:36
seb128ie that's what that sprint discussion is about? adding a mode for that?15:36
mptseb128, the win would be consistency between USC and Ubuntu One, and no longer needing that code in USC (so shorter code and shorter spec)15:36
seb128is not very well better or not that what you have now?15:36
mvoit would buy us a nicer UI, the same UI for both login cases (ubuntuone and s-c) and a cleaner design code-wise (dbus backend etc)15:37
seb128mpt, that will happen next cycle for sure15:37
seb128mvo, ^15:37
mptof course15:37
seb128mvo, ok, so what are the drawbacks of upgrading today?15:37
seb128upgrading -> switching15:37
mvoits designed very much for new-registers15:38
mvoso we will not loose anything, its just not as good as it could be15:38
micahgseb128: I was going to try to get the gjs merge in today, I was wondering if I should carry fwd robert_ancell's gobject_introspection patch15:39
mvoI don't mind that much either way, if we don't use it now we use it in N15:39
mptseb128, switching today results in Chipaca requesting a small FFe in two weeks15:39
mptand also sends me to Argentina (probably)15:39
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
seb128micahg, if it's still revelant I guess yes15:40
seb128mpt, mvo, Chipaca: what would the new feature be?15:40
mptseb128, the "Please show only the sign-in stuff, not the register stuff" mode for the SSO dialog.15:40
seb128so a new dialog basically15:41
seb128or just a show, hide for one widget on the current dialog?15:41
seb128does that implies new backend code as well?15:41
mptSomething on that continuum.15:41
seb128new dbus interfaces?15:41
Chipacathe current dialog has a button at the bottom that takes you to what we want to be the next dialog15:41
LucidFoxseb128> From the looks of it, the issue with the webkit thing is that JSCore-1.0 thing set not only the repository version to 1.1, but also the JSCore version15:42
Chipacai.e. the "oh i already have an account skip this" button15:42
mptThe new/changed dbus interface could go in today and just be ignored, I think (though I'm not an expert on that)15:42
Chipacayes, but the rest of the change would still need a ffe15:42
LucidFoxbecause of that, we get FTBFS in packages depending on webkit gir now15:42
=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
seb128Chipaca, I still have an hard time figure what would be the coming change15:43
seb128would that be a new dialog? new code?15:43
seb128or just a gtk_widget_show call for a widget in the current one?15:44
Chipacajust a gtk_widget_show, or some variation of that, i think? mpt?15:44
mptI don't know, I'm sorry, I haven't designed it yet15:45
mptIt would take a few hours to sketch the alternatives and choose the best one15:45
seb128seems it's not only a label change15:45
Chipacaright, but, functionally the dialog already exists15:45
seb128why would mpt need to traval the world for a trivial change15:45
kenvandineso just a new look and exposing it?15:46
mptwell, if you put it like that... :-P15:46
seb128I've difficulties to see why the change can't land this week if it's trivial15:47
kenvandinenot really new functionality15:47
seb128why do you need a sprint and 2 weeks delay15:47
Chipacait's not trivial. I'm arguing that if we get the dbus change, it might just be ui + a gtk_widget_show or somesuch15:47
seb128"just be ui"15:47
seb128so a new dialog?15:47
Chipacaseb128: because my team has been rushing to get this far and I need them to slow down for a few days or they'll burn out15:48
Chipacaseb128: do you have ubuntu-sso-client installed?15:49
ChipacaI can explain this easier by pointing you at it15:49
nessitaChipaca: current ubuntu-sso-client is way old15:49
nessitaChipaca: just FYI15:49
seb128Chipaca, yes15:49
Chipacanessita: oh. Hm. seb128: could you pull lp:ubuntu-sso-client then?15:50
Chipacanessita: that should work, right?15:50
Chipacaseb128: then, killall ubuntu-sso-client; PYTHONPATH=. bin/ubuntu-sso-client, and PYTHONPATH=. bin/ubuntu-sso-client-gui15:51
Chipacafrom memory15:51
mvoPYTHONPATH=. bin/ubuntu-sso-login and then the dbus call15:51
nessitanessita: yes sir, I can also provide a temp (working) package15:51
seb128nessita, stop talking to yourself15:51
Chipacaseb128: remember when I said "they'll burn out"? :)15:52
mvoheh! working too hard ;)15:52
nessitaseb128: you have no idea how useless I am today :-)15:52
nessitaseb128: but I make you laugh, oulalá!15:52
mptmvo, glatzor: On a completely separate topic, you might have noticed from <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdateHandling#expanded> that I'd like update-manager to start showing the same icons, titles, and summaries (from app-install-data etc) for things as Ubuntu Software Center does. So maybe (for Maverick+1?) the code for determining that info should move out of software-center into its own library.15:53
mptoh, bad timing15:54
Chipacaseb128: so, what we want is, on the one hand to have the gui start on the page you go to when you click the "already have an account?" button at the bottom of the dialog15:54
mvompt: library makes sense15:54
Chipacaseb128: on the other, make the whole thing as awesome as it can be. This last thing would fit within the "ui changes only" label (anything not-ui-only would be deferred)15:55
=== asac_ is now known as asac
seb128LucidFox, sorry I completely forgot about what you were saying with all the pings there16:07
seb128LucidFox, dunno about that webkit issue you are talking about16:07
LucidFoxseb128> bug #61638716:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 616387 in webkit (Ubuntu) "1.2.3-1ubuntu1: JSCore version incorrectly set to 1.1 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61638716:12
Chipacamvo: you got a minute (again)?16:14
mvoChipaca: yes, I might be a bit slow responding but yes16:14
seb128LucidFox, do you have a fix for it?16:15
seb128LucidFox, seems you do, thanks16:16
seb128LucidFox, sponsoring that16:16
Chipacamvo: alecu, he's adding a dbus login-only call *right now*. nessita will be doing the gtk work to make the login page be the default for that call, after lunch16:16
mvoChipaca: ok16:17
Chipacamvo: these people are fusing their hands solid as we talk. Did I mention they TDD? THey rock.16:17
Chipacamvo: so... the new call will be almost identical to the old one, but be called login_ instead of register_or_login_16:18
Chipacamvo: we'll work with mpt within the constraints of the feature freeze to get the dialog as good as it can be for M16:18
Chipacamvo: that is, if the devs have hands16:18
Chipacamvo: can you integrate that as soon as it's on trunk, so we all make it in before the fruz?16:19
=== fta_ is now known as fta
seb128mvo, ok, so I still have difficulties to appreciate the scope of the change you will need in 2 weeks16:22
seb128Chipaca, ^16:22
seb128but that seems rather tweaks16:22
seb128the fact that you need to wait for a sprint and get a designer there makes me nervous though16:23
seb128it doesn't fit with the easy change16:23
seb128so I can't really tell you whether that exception will be approved or not16:23
mvoChipaca: I have a lot on my plate, but I will do my very best16:24
rodrigo_hmm, what's the lp url for tomboy branch, lp:~ubuntu-desktop/tomboy seems to be failing16:27
rodrigo_ah, missing /ubuntu16:29
rodrigo_hmm, no, that's wrong, it has the 1.2.x version, while maverick has 1.3.x16:30
rodrigo_seb128, ^^ ?16:30
rodrigo_sorry to ping you again :)16:31
seb128rodrigo_, I guess Laney didn't update the vcs while doing the update16:32
rodrigo_seb128, can you update it? I'm going to submit a patch to the existing package16:33
seb128rodrigo_, ok16:33
rodrigo_seb128, thanks16:33
Laneyrodrigo_: what's the update?16:34
Laneyseb128: I can't update the branch16:34
rodrigo_Laney, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomboy/+bug/61587616:34
ubot2Ubuntu bug 615876 in tomboy (Ubuntu) "Add Ubuntu One note to Tomboy fresh install (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,Triaged]16:34
rodrigo_Laney, and after that, a patch to have U1 as a separate syncing mechanism from 'Tomboy Web'16:35
rodrigo_Laney, but that needs still a bit of polish16:35
Laneyok cool16:35
seb128Laney, why not?16:35
Laneyyou should talk with ajmitch about u1 in debian btw16:35
Laneyseb128: I'm not in the desktop team on LP16:35
seb128Laney, if you have upload rights you are in a team which is a subteam of it16:36
seb128Laney, no?16:36
Laneycli-mono uploaders team16:36
Laneyit's not a subteam of desktop16:36
seb128oh ok16:36
seb128can you push to a junk or somewhere and do a merge request?16:36
Laneyyeah will do next time16:36
ChipacaLaney: we've talked, and I've forwarded his concerns I think.16:38
LaneyChipaca: I'm not familiar with the issues, I just know that he was working on it16:38
ChipacaLaney: there are legal/political roadblocks. I'm sure we'll get through, around, over or past them :)16:40
LaneyI saw the trademark thread on -legal16:41
seb128Chipaca, rodrigo_: is the new note translatable and how?16:44
rodrigo_seb128, the notes are added in the code, using Catalog.GetString (gettext c# equivalent), so they should show up as translatable strings in the package16:46
rodrigo_seb128, not sure how to go with translating it though16:46
rodrigo_does the ubuntu translations team translate this kind of things?16:46
rodrigo_(strings added in patches to the package)16:46
rodrigo_seb128, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/476498/16:49
seb128rodrigo_, ok, gettext means langpacks16:49
seb128rodrigo_, so great ;-)16:49
rodrigo_ah, ok16:50
seb128no static html copy in the source16:50
rodrigo_seb128, so, can you please update the package branch so that I can submit it then?16:50
seb128rodrigo_, I'm on it16:51
rodrigo_seb128, ok, thanks again :)16:52
seb128sorry the day is busy crazier every hour16:52
rodrigo_yeah, sorry for giving you more work :(16:52
seb128don't worry16:52
seb128rodrigo_, ok, done16:53
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rodrigo_Laney, 1.3.1-1ubuntu1b1 <- version number for the last package, so my upgrade would be 1.3.1-2ubuntub1?16:57
Laneyrodrigo_: ubuntu2 rather16:58
rodrigo_Laney, and what does the b1 stand for?16:58
Laneypitti did a rebuild16:58
rodrigo_Laney, ah, so my upgrade is 1.3.1-1ubuntu2 then?16:59
rodrigo_without the b1?16:59
rodrigo_kenvandine, seb128: merge this when you have time, please -> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/maverick/tomboy/add-u1-note/+merge/3234817:12
rodrigo_package just submitted17:12
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seb128kenvandine, rodrigo_: doing it17:18
didrocksseb128: (when you have minute, do not rush on that), do you have a comment/stopper on bug #615874 or should I go on with dpm and prepare the wiki page? (trying to get that ready tomorrow morning with testing if I can)17:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 615874 in evolution (Ubuntu) "Add Ubuntu One email to Evolution fresh install (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61587417:25
glatzorhey mpt  and mvo!17:27
davidbarthRiddell: hey jonathan, it seems that konversation is missing entries in its desktop file to register with the messaging menu: is that a known bug or a recent change?17:28
seb128didrocks, I would rather have them to make some efforts to figure a way that would work with langpacks17:28
didrocksseb128: should I write that on the bug report and tell them to work on that or do you want to do it?17:29
seb128didrocks, I did comment earlier on the bug saying that17:29
seb128see comment #117:29
didrocksyeah, saw that17:30
seb128I still don't think it's pratical17:30
seb128I would know how much they want that in17:30
seb128to weight the cost17:31
seb128it's a trade efforts win17:31
didrocksright, I agree with you17:31
Riddelldavidbarth: why does it need entries in the desktop file?17:37
didrockswow, my two builds in a ppa was stopped or dropped (the machine crashed?) and get rescheduled to another one :/17:39
davidbarthRiddell: hmm, actually not sure it had some in lucid, sorry; but the msg menu integration seems broken atm and agateau just went on a leave for the end of the week... ;)17:41
davidbarthRiddell: but clearly there is a regression here, i'll file a bug for agateau when he comes back; thanks17:44
Riddelldavidbarth: hmm, the last upload removed the patch17:46
Riddella bad merge17:46
Riddellmm yes, messy17:47
davidbarthRiddell: ah, ok, i've opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana-ubuntu/+bug/616422 to track that17:48
ubot2Ubuntu bug 616422 in ayatana-ubuntu "[regression] konversation not registered in the gnome msging menu (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,New]17:48
davidbarthRiddell: can i reassign it to you then?17:48
Riddelldavidbarth: yes do17:51
Riddelldavidbarth: fix uploaded, sorry about that17:57
nessitaseb128: ping18:09
seb128nessita, pong18:09
nessitaseb128: I'm building the package for the ubuntu-sso-client (v0.98), and I'm getting these warnings https://pastebin.canonical.com/35748/ Should I try to fix them or they are... "known", let's say18:09
davidbarthRiddell: awesome! thanks for the quick turnaround on this one18:11
nessitaseb128: and for the binary I also get dpkg-deb: warning: 'debian/ubuntu-sso-client/DEBIAN/control' contains user-defined field 'Python-Version'18:11
seb128nessita, you can ignore the maintainer ones18:14
seb128nessita, you might want to add a debian/source/format18:14
seb128nessita, do you have a "Python-Version" in your control?18:16
seb128it's usually XS-Python-Version or XB-18:16
nessitaseb128: yes, there is a Python-Versio that was added by python-mkdebian18:25
seb128didrocks, mvo: ^ do you know about that?18:26
seb128I've never used python-mkdebian and I don't do lot of python packaging18:26
seb128I though it was XB-Python-Version or XS-Python-Version though18:26
didrocksyes, it's on purpose for python-support18:26
didrockslet me check, there is something without XB- or XS- IIRC18:27
didrocksnessita: nessita what do you have in debian/control? you should have XS-Python-Version which is in the source: section and XB- which is in the binary one (the XB- is stripped at build time then)18:28
nessitadidrocks: you're right, this is what I have18:29
nessitadidrocks: I guess debuild is complaining for no reason?18:31
didrocksnessita: sure, and yeah, I have this warning too, however we comply to the python packaging policy (http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/ch-module_packages.html). I didn't look too much about that warning TBH :)18:31
didrocks(yes seb128, you read it, for once I'm in the "I don't care so much about a warning" mode ;))18:31
didrocksnessita: I would blame the "no serious reason" at least, most of packages are like that :)18:32
mvoalecu: hi, I'm playing with trunk currently and get this traceback on clicking "cancel" http://paste.ubuntu.com/476530/18:35
seb128didrocks, you need holidays!18:35
didrocksseb128: if you say so… /quit :p18:36
seb128didrocks, ;-)18:36
chrisccoulsonheh, "Facebook appears modifying in firefox.." is a really helpful and informative long bug description18:36
LucidFoxAny ideas why, after a recent update, the Nautilus desktop background is hidden behind flat white most of the time?18:38
seb128I would blame the xorg updates18:43
LucidFoxHmm, is it just me or does someone else have this problem? It occurs with both nvidia and nouveau, no idea which package to file it against18:47
vishLucidFox: #ubuntu-x ?18:47
nessitadidrocks: thanks!18:49
didrocksnessita: yw  :)18:49
vishdidrocks: hi , any chance of Bug #578585 being fixed soon? i'v been trying to get unity working , but all i get is a white background.. and not able to do anything.:(18:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 578585 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Existing systray causes unity to crash (gnome panel conflict): Unity keeps reloading on my system and get white background... (affects: 21) (dups: 2) (heat: 121)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57858518:50
mvoChipaca, nessita: support for the sso login is commited to trunk (with the login_or_register api, the other one is not yet available in trunk afaics)18:50
didrocksvish: we don't know how to fix it in a proper way… did you try my comment about removing saved session?18:51
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nessitamvo: the ologin only is entering trunk in a few minutes18:51
vishdidrocks: yeah , i tried it i think once.. let me try again.. :)18:52
didrocksvish: ensure to remove the saved session in the capplet too… or you will save or session when unlogging :)18:52
vishah , thanks , will uncheck that too18:53
mvonessita: no rush, changing that is trivial18:53
alecumvo, good catch. I'll take a look18:59
mvoalecu: np, thanks for working on it :)19:02
mvonessita: the transient for xid change has not landed yet, right? I have it open behind s-c currently (not a big deal, just wanted to double check)19:04
nessitamvo: it has landed19:05
nessitamvo: yesterday, actually19:05
nessitamvo: you can check the log messages19:05
nessitamvo: can you please paste the output of ~/.cache/sso/oauth-login.log?19:06
didrocksok, time to enjoy some dinner and evening! Have a good day/night everyone!19:07
vishaw , just missed him :(19:09
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mvonessita: lalala, my mistake (but its late here ;). transient_for xid works fine19:14
nessitamvo: ahahahahaah :-)19:14
* nessita breaths19:14
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nessitaseb128: I proposed for merging the new package for ubuntu-sso-client upstream version 0.98: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-0.98/+merge/3236219:20
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nessitamvo: new Dbus API for only login landed on trunk19:23
mvonessita: just saw it, does it hvae the coresponding UI yet too?19:28
nessitamvo: yes19:29
nessitamvo: you can roughly test it with:19:29
nessitakillall ubuntu-sso-login; PYTHONPATH=. bin/ubuntu-sso-login & PYTHONPATH=. bin/ubuntu-sso-login-gui --logi19:30
nessitaan 'n' was missing, correct sentence is:19:30
nessitakillall ubuntu-sso-login; PYTHONPATH=. bin/ubuntu-sso-login & PYTHONPATH=. bin/ubuntu-sso-login-gui --login19:30
mvonessita: sweet, works fine, updates s-c trunk to use it19:35
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nessitamvo: :-)19:35
seb128nessita, you want that uploaded to maverick then?19:36
nessitaseb128: yes please! and I'd be even more grateful if you can enumerate what steps I should follow to achieve that.19:37
nessitaseb128: is the merge proposal enough? shall I need to file a bug or similar?19:38
nessitashall I file*19:38
seb128nessita, what you did is fine, I'm sponsoring it now19:38
nessitaseb128: thank you19:38
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mvodevildante: I commented on the addons branch, all in all very nice21:40
mvodevildante: but some smallish issues, sorry for that21:40
mvodevildante: I also pushed a branch with some tweaks, please re-merge that21:41
devildantemvo: okay, thanks :)21:41
mvodevildante: the design stuff is probably more something for mpt, best is to talk to him tomrrow about it I think21:44
devildantemvo: okay21:44
mvoresolving the conflicts is going to be a bit of work, I'm sorry for that, but the deb-files branch was the last big branch to land (other than addons)21:45
devildantemvo: np21:47
seb128dobey, there?21:56
devildantemvo: could you elaborate on this: "- I would love to avoid the extra addons_install, addons_remove to each of the action methods in aptdaemon (as install()/remove() is really a apply() now for complex changes)21:58
dobeyseb128: hey22:00
mvodevildante: its more a feeling, but I would like to use apply() instead of install when its becoming a complex operation with install and remove at the same time. does that make sense?22:01
seb128dobey, hello22:01
seb128dobey, what do you mean by "Is there any reason these separate files aren't pulled into the separate locale packages along with the rest of the translations"?22:01
devildantemvo: is there an apply() function in aptdaemon?22:02
mvodevildante: aptd.py iirc does not have one yet, but the daemon itself has a commit_packages22:02
devildantemvo: meh, that's what I was using22:03
dobeyseb128: i see all of the translated default Inbox files installed on my system. they don't seem to be installed from the translations package, like the .mo files normally are on ubuntu22:03
mvodevildante: right, that is fine22:03
mvodevildante: I mean, it feels odd to call aptd.install("foo", addon_remove="bar"), instead the stuff in the detailsview should IMO call a apply() function with "to_add, to_remove"22:04
seb128dobey, right, that's the issue22:05
seb128dobey, they come with the tarball22:05
seb128dobey, having upstream handling translations with git commit is ok22:05
seb128dobey, having us handling translations with packages uploads is not22:05
dobeyseb128: i don't understand why this is any different than other translations22:06
seb128dobey, other translations? gettext ones?22:07
mvodevildante: its not a big deal, I will try to outline something in the branch tomororw, I'm a bit tired now (but feel free to come up with your own solution/ideas)22:07
seb128dobey, the gettext templates are imported into rosetta, can be translated there and are exported in langpacks22:07
seb128dobey, they don't require any upload of the source to update translations22:08
dobeyseb128: yes. why are these files not also pulled out to be translated there?22:08
seb128because we don't have a way to handle random files in langpacks22:08
seb128we just handle normal /usr/share/locale gettext files22:08
seb128rosetta knows only about po files22:08
dobeyok. well we can't easily change how evolution 'translates' the default Inbox file22:09
seb128it has no way to import or allow translators to translate that text22:09
seb128dobey, right, which means that change will have a maintainance cost22:10
seb128I'm not sure the win is worth the cost22:10
dobeyevery change does, yes.22:10
dobeyi don't know, but that file hasn't changed in years22:11
dobeythe default Inbox file22:11
dobeyand i think novell/suse even patches it in their own packages22:11
seb128they probably don't care about having it translated22:12
dobeyi just made the debdiff because joshua said it needed to be a patch, and it's easy to do for that22:12
dobeyi think they ship patches for the translated ones too. if they still ship it patched anyway22:13
seb128the thing is that we would need to collect translations by some way22:13
seb128and to update the patch and do an upload every time a translation team wants to change something22:13
dobeyfixing evolution to suck less re: translations is going to be a much larger project though22:13
dobeyseb128: i'm not partial one way or the other about it. i was just trying to help by making the debdiff. if it's too much burden, feel free to discuss that with mattgriffin/cparrino/johnlea and come to a conclusion about what we can and can't do there :)22:14
seb128I was rather suggesting finding another way to promote u122:14
dobeyseb128: yeah, that's fine by me, but i'm not the person to make that decision. i'm not even working on the client stuff for maverick. just made a quick debdiff for the karma :)22:15
kenvandinedobey, anything for karma :)22:16
* kenvandine ducks22:16
dobeykenvandine: it's what ghandi would do22:16
bratscheAnyone on #dx right now by any chance?  Is ted or agateau around?22:20
dobeyyes, and no22:21
dobeyno, neither of them seem to be on that is :)22:22
bratscheRight, that's what I thought you meant. :)22:22
seb128bratsche, I thinks agateau is on holidays22:23
bratscheAh, okay.22:24
seb128bratsche, ted was around until a bit less than an hour ago, he might come back ;-)22:24
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