
micahgmdeslaur: new flash releases, should I file a bug?00:46
micahgchrisccoulson: FYI if you haven't seen it already: https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Developer_Guide/Interface_Compatibility00:54
chrisccoulsonheh, "JSAPI, NSPR, NSS, and other libraries which are currently shipped as separate shared libraries may be integrated into libxul"00:56
chrisccoulsonwell, gnome-shell is screwed then00:57
micahgchrisccoulson: can't we link against libxul then?00:57
chrisccoulsonmicahg - libxul is huge ;)00:58
micahgI didn't say it was the best idea ;)00:58
chrisccoulsoni suppose it will still be possible to checkout spidermonkey and build it as a separate module00:59
micahgwell, depends on its deps :)00:59
chrisccoulsonyeah, and i'm not sure we want to maintain it as a separate module01:01
chrisccoulsonperhaps i should send a mail to desktop-devel01:03
micahgchrisccoulson: I don't like the idea unless it has upstream support01:04
micahgchrisccoulson: do we care at this point if songbird uses system libs or should I try to at least get it using system xul?01:09
micahg(not happening in archive this cycle, just a general question)01:09
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i'd rather it didn't use system xul, else it becomes yet another package that we;ll have to try and look after ;)01:09
chrisccoulsonalthough, if there's someone who's dedicated to maintain it, i don't mind01:09
micahgchrisccoulson: the alternative is another app that needs to be updated w/sec vulnerabilities01:10
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's a bit of a pain01:10
micahgI'd rather it be like fennec so that it doesn't need to be updated except for major version changes01:11
micahgchrisccoulson: there01:11
micahgthere's a full web browser in there01:11
chrisccoulsondo we get a log of users asking for songbird?01:11
micahgbug 9449401:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 94494 in debian (and 2 other projects) "[needs-packaging] Songbird (affects: 33) (dups: 3) (heat: 248)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9449401:11
chrisccoulsoni'm reluctant to start adding new gecko users now, especially with the transition to 2.0 approaching01:12
chrisccoulsonwe don't want to make life difficult for ourselves01:12
micahgchrisccoulson: ddecator was working on getting it up to speed before he got pulled away for other things01:12
micahgchrisccoulson: I wouldn't throw it in until xul20 was in archive i.e. N release :)01:12
chrisccoulsonyeah, but that only delays the inevitable (in that we'd have to transition it at some point)01:13
micahgyeah, well, if it's xul based like fennec and they keep it updated to stable xul, it's not as hard01:13
micahgif they're going to lag behind a couple xul versions, that's another story01:14
micahgkinda moot ATM I guess01:14
micahgchrisccoulson: we can discuss at UDS :)01:14
mdeslaurmicahg: sure, please (re: flash)03:46
micahgmdeslaur: k, public?03:47
micahgit's published03:47
mdeslaurmicahg: yeah, public03:50
micahgmdeslaur: bug 61616703:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 616167 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "New upstream security releases and 9.0.280 (affects: 1) (heat: 260)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61616703:51
mdeslaurmicahg: thanks!03:52
micahgmdeslaur: np03:52
micahgmdeslaur: I would offer to prepare debdiffs, but I've got a lot to do still before FF03:52
mdeslaurmicahg: I'll do them tomorrow morning03:53
micahgmdeslaur: awesome, thanks!03:54
fishormicahg: hi :) firefox-4.0 is still not fixed10:13
chrisccoulsonfishor, whats wrong?10:18
fishorchrisccoulson: hi, firfox-4.0 hang issue10:18
chrisccoulsonwhen does that happen?10:18
fishorit looks like it hang on sites with some java ore some thing like this10:19
fishorit startet after update at last friday10:19
chrisccoulsonhave you got an example site?10:19
chrisccoulsonfriday is when we switched to using bundled libraries10:19
fishori use amd64 version10:20
chrisccoulson1 second, i'm just upgrading10:20
fishorhmm... i will recheck now10:23
fishorseems like i didn't updatet corectly10:24
fta2chrisccoulson, asac: fyi, i patched chromium to report a user agent like this: "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu/10.10 Chromium/6.0.491.0 Chrome/6.0.491.0 Safari/534.6"10:39
fta2just added the "Ubuntu/10.10 Chromium/6.0.491.0" part, everything else untouched10:40
fta2it's only in the daily build atm. i plan to land it in maverick with the next release10:40
fta2for the records, upstream didn't want it when i proposed a patch last year, but as it's used by lots of web stats sites, it makes sense for us, as long as it doesn't break websites doing u-a sniffing10:42
chrisccoulsonfta2 - it's interesting you should mention that. i closed a bug report yesterday because a user was having an issue with a site doing u-a sniffing10:43
chrisccoulsonwhich had broken firefox, but worked in chromium ;)10:43
chrisccoulsonbut that was with the new u-a string i think10:43
fta2please try with the last daily build then, if it breaks, i guess i should revert10:44
chrisccoulsonfta2 - sure, no problem10:44
fta2chrisccoulson, by "new u-a", you meant in firefox, right?10:49
chrisccoulsonfta2 - i meant chromium, although, perhaps i don't have the new u-a string yet10:53
chrisccoulsonhmmm, ff4 is seriously broken :/10:54
fta2my u-a patch landed only a few hours ago in only 1 ppa10:54
fta24am, paris time10:55
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fta28h ago10:56
fishorchrisccoulson: i updated now to the last version of 4.010:56
fishorand this do not working at all10:57
fishorlex@zwerg:~$ firefox-4.010:57
chrisccoulsonfishor, yeah, i know ;)10:57
fishorexec: 159: usr/lib/firefox-4.0b4pre/run-mozilla.sh: not found10:57
fishorlex@zwerg:~$ /usr/lib/firefox-4.0b4pre/run-mozilla.sh10:57
fishorrun-mozilla.sh: Cannot execute .10:57
fishorlex@zwerg:~$ /usr/lib/firefox-4.0b4pre/run-mozilla.sh10:57
chrisccoulsonfishor, i just committed a fix for that in bzr already10:57
fishorrun-mozilla.sh: Cannot execute .10:57
chrisccoulsonbut it still doesn't work10:57
fishorchrisccoulson: thanks10:57
chrisccoulsonnow it just exits10:57
chrisccoulsonand launching the profile selector just crashes :/10:57
fishorgood to kow :D10:57
chrisccoulsonurgh, i see what is happening10:58
chrisccoulsonnone of the manifest files for the chrome are getting installed :/10:58
chrisccoulsonok, make install no longer installs them, so it's not even a packaging error11:01
fishorchrisccoulson: one more question, why firefox use integrated copy of libvpx and not shared?11:02
chrisccoulsonfishor - we build it with it's own copy of all the libraries11:04
chrisccoulsonthis is the way that mozilla distribute it11:05
chrisccoulsonoh, i see the error now11:05
chrisccoulsonall the manifest files have been merged in to a single localized.manifest11:05
chrisccoulsonb'ah, this makes splitting out the branding a serious pita11:08
chrisccoulsonmicahg - not sure if you want to change the topic in the channel, to say that the FF4.0 dailies are seriously broken ;)11:14
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bobbyAnyone know why Minefield 4.0 web browser won't open?15:07
chrisccoulsonbobby, yes15:07
bobbyDo I want to know why? And why was it renamed to minefield? I thought those were only Mozilla's nightly builds?15:08
chrisccoulsonthere are no chrome manifest files being installed now due to a recent change15:08
chrisccoulsonit was renamed to minefield because that's the correct branding for our nightlies15:09
bobbyAh... I do like the icon better... Makes me feel very safe knowing I'm in a browser that's name is associated with death :)15:09
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | Mailing List: http://is.gd/83fnr | Firefox 3.6.8 in Hardy-Maverick | Thunderbird 3.1 (Now in Mozilla Daily PPA) Coming to Maverick This Week | Firefox 4.0 Beta PPA coming Mid August | Report Mozilla PPA bugs here: http://is.gd/dPMLv | Help test Mozilla prerelease updates http://is.gd/dsudW | Firefox 4.0 dailies are seriously broken
micahghi chrisccoulson :)15:11
chrisccoulsonhi micahg15:13
chrisccoulsonso, this chrome registration change is causing me a real headache ;)15:13
bobbyOh yeah, I forgot to mention that this thing still doesn't make me a fudgeing sandwich. Work on that too please?15:13
* micahg needs to remember not to upload to archive when tired15:14
micahgchrisccoulson: you should be able to set topic also I think15:14
chrisccoulsonmicahg - oh, i'm not sure if i can15:14
chrisccoulsoni've never tried ;)15:14
micahgchrisccoulson: sorry, forgot to update the blueprint the last couple days, TB31 daily is working15:24
micahgI think well enough for the work item to be marked done15:24
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ok, that's good then :)15:26
* micahg hopes we can make our goals before beta15:27
chrisccoulsonright, i'm just about to test a build with the alternative branding bits refactored15:27
micahgchrisccoulson: BTW, I fixed the FTBFS with weave/enigmail last night15:27
chrisccoulsonnot sure how well this is going to work :/15:27
chrisccoulsonmicahg - cool :)15:28
micahgchrisccoulson: apparently something's not pulling right from pkg-config, so I have to add a CXXFLAG until I can dig deeper15:28
micahgnew chrome release :-/15:57
* micahg now knows how to invoke fta :)15:57
micahgI said new chrome release and you appeared :)15:58
ftapure coincidence15:58
micahgfta: I see your SRU was accepted15:59
ftaalready tried to package the new(er) release, but there's a problem upstream15:59
ftai'm waiting for their answer16:00
ftaX seriously broken for nvidia users :(16:03
ftatrashed my desktop at work16:03
magciusmicahg: have you filed the LP nVidia issue upstream yet?16:04
ftachrisccoulson, so, any issue with my UA patch?16:04
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chrisccoulsonfta - sorry, i didn't have a chance to try it yet16:07
chrisccoulsoni'll try it now FF is building16:07
micahgmagcius: not yet, trying to get stuff in before Feature freeze16:13
magciusmicahg: oh hey16:14
magciusmicahg: looks like it's been fixed in 256.44 too16:14
micahgmagcius: that rocks!16:14
magciusmicahg: but page corruption is still an issue for me16:14
micahgmagcius: same test cases as before?16:16
magciusmicahg: which are?16:16
* micahg doesn't know, the original bug16:16
magciusI was trying to find it16:17
magciusDo you know where it is? LP, nvnews or BMO?16:17
micahgbug 22323816:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 223238 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Extremely slow Ajax/Javascript/CSS performance in Firefox 3 using non-free nvidia-glx-new (affects: 18) (dups: 4) (heat: 155)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22323816:18
magciusThat's the page corruption bug?16:19
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micahgis that what was fixed?16:19
magciusI thought it was16:19
magciusbut it's slow for me16:19
* micahg remembers a few issues w/nvidia in Lucid+16:20
magciusmicahg: I'm using 4.0b2 because of the issues between AdBlock and the new Async redirect API16:21
micahgmagcius: oh, I'd suggest going back to 3.6.x then16:21
magciusmicahg: too slow in terms of JS speed16:21
chrisccoulsonfta - the u-a string change doesn't cause any issues for me16:22
micahgasac: what do you think of a gnash merge from Debian?  apparently there's a new upstream snapshot16:22
magciusmicahg: don't bother with Gnash. At all.16:22
chrisccoulsonmicahg - might be worth talking to rsavoye16:22
micahgmagcius: it's in archive, I have to bother with it :)16:22
asacmicahg: the idea was that rsavoye takes over all the packaging16:22
asacfor debian and ubuntu16:22
micahgasac: ah, ok16:22
magciusmicahg: they're going to start to merge liblightspark and gnash16:22
asacis he the one who uploaded?16:23
magciusBut yeah, there was a release a few days ago16:23
micahgasac: no16:23
asacmicahg: chrisccoulson: would be great if you could give rsavoye a hand ... maybe ask for his packaging and see what is not good enough to just take that16:23
asaci know he has his own packaging ... we just should review and then enable him to directly upload to ubuntu16:24
asaclet me see16:24
asaci will try to get him in this channel16:24
chrisccoulsoncan he not upload to ubuntu then? he's maintaining it in debian isn't he?16:24
micahgasac: k, I can't upload it since it's not in the package set, but I can certainly review16:24
asacchrisccoulson: baby is maintaining it in debian, but i discussed with her that we should sponsor his packages to debian16:25
asacif the last debian upload was done by him16:25
micahgasac: also, as long as you're here, what do you think about merging enigmail in debian in pkg-mozext16:26
asacthen we should think about synching even ... or review and see what needs to be different still16:26
asachi rsavoye !!16:26
rsavoyeso you want me to do what ? :-)16:26
asacthanks for coming ;) ... chrisccoulson and micahg are your friends from now on too!! ;)16:26
rsavoyegood thing I've had coffee...16:26
asacrsavoye: lol ... so who is currently maintaining the debian packaging? still baby?16:27
micahgrsavoye: I noticed a new gnash upload to experiimental and was wondering if we should grab it for maverick16:27
rsavoyebarely... but yes Baby is also super busy16:27
rsavoyeI sent her patches in Feb that never made it into debian16:27
asacrsavoye: baby and i discussed basically what you and i discussed at uds, that we shouldnt waste efforts by doing 3 packages16:27
rsavoyeI agree on that one16:27
asacrather enabling you to push your packaging to debian and ubuntu16:27
rsavoyealso since I build daily snapshots, that keeps my packaging files in sync with trunk better16:28
asacso as a first step - since gnash came up - i would love to see if we can get your packages in ubuntu16:28
asacotherwise we need to work on that ... chrisccoulson and micahg volunteered to review your packages etc.16:28
rsavoyeyes, the ubuntu packaging files could use my other improvements16:28
asacif that works well we can directly push to debian after getting babies blessing and then you can take over16:28
rsavoyeI think she'd be glad to not have to do it16:29
asacrsavoye: i am not saying that we should improve the current ubuntu packages, but rather kill them and use your ;)16:29
rsavoyemine are lintian clean :-)16:29
asacand make your packaging so that it works in debian and ubuntu and just upload to debian16:29
micahgalways a plus :)16:29
asacbut as a first step lets do that for maverick16:29
rsavoyeI should grab the ubuntu versions just to make sure there isn't something important in there16:30
asacrsavoye: so can you point micahg and chrisccoulson where to get the packaging?16:30
rsavoyeit's in gnash trunk packaging/debian16:30
asacrsavoye: you should, yes. one thing that is important are the Xb-* headers in debian/control16:30
asacrsavoye: ensure you have them (dont hurt for debian)16:30
asacrsavoye: can you check if https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gnash/gnash/trunk is in sync with your fsf branch16:31
asacits easier to tell micahg and chrisccoulson to just run bzr branch lp:gnash ;)16:31
* micahg is running that now :)16:31
rsavoyeright, other than we're switching to Git... :-(16:31
asacthat branch is auto synched ... just wonder if it is broken ;)16:31
asacrsavoye: you are switching? what is that worth?16:31
rsavoyecause the bzr support on savannah is so bad and out of date it barely works16:32
asachmm. kk16:32
asacgood that we can mirror that so you can still run bzr branch lp:gnash ;)16:32
rsavoyeno web browsing of code either, and I couldn't get the savannah admins to fix it for a year...16:32
chrisccoulsoni quite like git ;)16:33
rsavoyeto be honest, the bzr team tried hard to help as much as possible, but got to much push back16:33
rsavoyeyeah, most people are glad we;re switching16:33
chrisccoulsonalthough, i probably shouldn't admit that in public16:33
rsavoyewe have to stay on savannah, so moving top launchpad wasn't an option16:33
rsavoyethe speed difference is astounding...16:33
rsavoyelp:gnash looks very out of date16:34
rsavoyesince the web UI works. :-)16:34
asacrsavoye: is there an announce about switching?16:34
asacrsavoye: lp:gnash is 3 days old ;)16:35
rsavoyeI'm playing with it for the release branch first16:35
asacnot sure if that can be "very" ;)16:35
rsavoyeso we'd switch next week sometime16:35
rsavoyeyou can also grab my maverick packages from my repo for snapshots on getgnash.org16:37
rsavoyeour next release will be out by the end of the month16:37
micahgrsavoye: you have source packages?16:37
rsavoyeyes, on getgnash.org. I build snapsots every few days16:38
asacthis reminds me: also check the sanity of the versioning scheme for the snapshots maybe ;)16:38
rsavoyeit's changing now anyway, as git tags are weird compared to bzr ones16:38
rsavoyeI may just go back to a timestamp instead of the revno16:39
rsavoyefor releases, it;s just 0.8.816:39
* micahg only sees 1 dsc in the snapshots dir16:39
rsavoyecheck the repo: http://www.getgnash.org/packages/16:40
rsavoyeI should nuke the old snapshots now that I have a repository16:40
micahgrsavoye: source packages please :)16:41
micahgah, you have for debian, but not Ubuntu16:42
* micahg sees 0.8.716:42
rsavoyeI have karmic,lucid, and maverick packages16:42
rsavoyeplus lenny, gNewsense, and of course RPMs16:43
* micahg can't find any ubuntu stuff past intrepid16:43
rsavoyeI also build all of the Gnash plugins as packages too16:44
micahgyou should update the links on that first page then :)16:45
rsavoyeI haven't been building debs lately since I've been hacking ARM assembler lately...16:45
rsavoyemicahg: probably :-) I get a bit frustrated having to do everything for Gnash16:45
micahggrabbing r1234116:46
micahgrsavoye: thanks :)16:46
rsavoyeasac: course you realize my canonical contract expires in a few weeks :-(16:46
micahgbuild-deps is a mess16:48
micahgbut I guess that's so it builds on previous series as well16:48
rsavoyeyes, for ubuntu I'd clean that up16:49
micahgrsavoye: you'll want to list each set on a separate line so that it's easier to read16:49
rsavoyesupporting multiple deb based distros is a pain...16:49
rsavoyeand I should drop some of the alternates16:49
rsavoyetoo bad maverick and lenny don't use all the same package names16:49
micahgrsavoye: well, if you can use the default in the series, then just use the unversioned -dev package16:50
rsavoyenot on lenny. :-)16:50
rsavoyeI wil be tweakig these for the release, so suggestions are welcome16:50
asacrsavoye: this is not canonical ... it is about gnash in ubuntu for me16:53
rsavoyeI think the biggest differences are how I configure gnash for the packages16:53
asacwant to help you fix the problem to distribute gnash ;)16:53
rsavoyeI'd love to see the best Gnash packages in Ubuntu we can have too16:53
micahgwell, there's dpkg-vendor, but that's only in dpkg 1.15 IIRC16:53
Milos_SDtoday's build of Firefox 4 for Lucid doesn't work :(16:55
rsavoyeI've got to run out in an hour, but I'll see about a little packaging cleanup tonight16:57
=== fta_ is now known as fta
chrisccoulsoni'll have a look at that too once i've got FF4 working16:58
chrisccoulsonMilos_SD, have a look at the topic16:58
chrisccoulsonfta - what time to the dailies run normally?16:58
ftachrisccoulson, 4am for ucd, 5am for umd/gwibber, 7am for nmt, 5pm for ucd-dev+beta17:00
chrisccoulsonfta - thanks, that's ok then17:00
ftaor anytime if you ask me17:00
Milos_SDis there a way that I get back to previous build?17:00
fta(all in paris time)17:01
chrisccoulsonfta - i just wanted to make sure there wasn't abuild scheduled soon, as they're quite broken atm17:01
chrisccoulson(for umd)17:01
ftait's 6pm here17:01
micahgchrisccoulson: I'm going to start dogfooding TB31, we can fix the dependency issues before upload17:01
chrisccoulsonmicahg, cool, thanks17:03
chrisccoulsonMilos_SD, not unless the packages are still accessible from LP17:03
* micahg only has 5 packages left to merge + 3 to update + 1 to update/merge + 1 to package, then we can focus on bugs :)17:10
chrisccoulsonwell, i've got FF4.0 built and running again, but we've got abrowser branding everywhere now ;)17:11
micahgchrisccoulson: is it bad if I miss FF for TB31?17:11
chrisccoulsonmicahg - no, we should be ok17:12
* micahg figures the other packages that'll have harder times getting exceptions might be better to get in before FF17:12
micahgchrisccoulson: what do you think ^^17:13
chrisccoulsonyeah, makes sense17:13
micahgi think this looks pretty good for us this cycle: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/mozilla.html17:15
micahg\o/ broke 10000 for soyuz karma :)17:35
chrisccoulsonright, doing another FF build now. hopefully it installs things in the right order now, so we get the branding the right way around17:39
* micahg is off to $WORK17:40
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=== fta_ is now known as fta
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chrisccoulsonfta - would you mind respinning the FF4.0 builds in umd please?19:39
gnomefreakanyway we can describe xulrunner-2.0-testsuite better?19:39
* gnomefreak not sure what it is :(19:40
chrisccoulsongnomefreak, if you can think of a description ;)19:40
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: i have no clue what it is or does19:40
micahggnomefreak: is mozillateam admin for this channel or is it open to anyone?19:40
gnomefreakotherwise i would19:41
gnomefreaki dont think so19:41
gnomefreakif i remember the command i will add mt that should be fairly easy19:41
ubot2freenode is the IRC network that you're on! See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml. freenode has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at http://freenode.net/policy.shtml. The ubuntu channels on freenode also have their own !guidelines19:42
micahggnomefreak: because I can change topic19:42
gnomefreakmicahg: you are admin i though19:42
micahggnomefreak: not IRC admin19:42
gnomefreakor i dont have the topic locked19:42
micahggnomefreak: tis ok, isn't abused AFAIK19:42
=== fta_ is now known as fta
gnomefreaki dont have topic locked. if it gets abused i can add it19:45
chrisccoulsoni've only just noticed that the tab bar in FF4 is animated19:52
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: does it install xulrunner-2.0 packages?19:52
chrisccoulsongnomefreak, not since last week19:52
micahg\o/ starred folders w/new messages back in TB3.119:52
gnomefreaki cant find info on it at all19:53
gnomefreaki was looking for upstream info19:53
micahgchrisccoulson: did you fix the apparmor goof as well?19:54
ftachrisccoulson, done19:55
ftamy adsl connection sucks again :(19:55
chrisccoulsonfta - thank you :)19:55
chrisccoulsonmicahg - whats wrong with apparmor?19:55
jdstrandmy name is associated with that, but I have made not 4.0 commits19:58
jdstrandmicahg: can you paste /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox-4.0?19:58
chrisccoulsonoh, that's probably me19:59
chrisccoulsoni'll fix that19:59
jdstrandusr/lib/firefox-4.0b4pre/** ixr,19:59
jdstrand^ that needs to be an absolute path19:59
chrisccoulsonthat's fixed already in one of this afternoons commits20:01
chrisccoulsoni caused both of those problems ;)20:02
micahgugh, 4hr build queue20:03
chrisccoulsonpeople will have to wait a bit longer for working FF4 then20:03
chrisccoulsonmeanwhile, i will continue to enjoy it on my laptop here whilst everyone else waits ;)20:04
micahgheh, well, I've got TB 3.1.2 on my laptop :P20:04
jdstrandchrisccoulson: so, I am getting close to making some apparmor profile changes. 4.0 i sgoing into maverick when?20:04
micahgjdstrand: never!20:04
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, 4.0 won't be going in to maverick ;)20:04
chrisccoulsonit's maverick +120:05
chrisccoulsonbut we still need to keep it maintained20:05
micahgprobably 4.1 or 4.520:05
chrisccoulsonit took quite a while for me to bring it up to date over the last few days20:05
jdstrandchrisccoulson: so I'll still commit to 3.6.head then and 4.0 after20:05
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, sure, that's ok20:05
jdstrandcool, thanks20:05
ftalinux/beta (5.0.375.125 -> 6.0.472.33)20:14
micahgfta: major releases every 6 weeks now :)20:15
chrisccoulsonright, i'm off for a bit to get some dinner20:20
[reed]how does one request that a package get rebuilt to fix dependency problems?20:23
[reed]er, I guess I should ask in #ubuntu-devel20:23
[reed]well, nobody is answering there, so I'll accept answers here!20:29
gnomefreakim waiting for mutter/gnomeshell to get fixed20:29
gnomefreakfirefox is ugly with default theme20:31
gnomefreaki like the dark theme only the section where address bar and tabs are a beige color20:35
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micahggnomefreak: what's wrong with gnome-shell?20:45
gnomefreakmicahg: doesnt install due to mutter depends20:45
gnomefreakmutter needed to be rebuilt yesterday i heard20:46
gnomefreakim using ppa version20:46
* gnomefreak also thought pidgin was default :)20:48
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chrisccoulson[reed], what package do you have problems with? (unless someone already answered your question)21:35
ftai think i'll skip this new stable update: http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.com/2010/08/stable-channel-update.html21:35
ftathe source code is not available where it usually is21:36
ftaand upstream doesn't seem to want to answer my questions about it21:36
chrisccoulson[reed] - no worries, i see that it was already answered21:36
chrisccoulsonfta - if it's just updated flash, then it makes sense to not update21:37
ftait's one of the files we don't have access to anyway21:37
fta(that and the pdf plugin)21:38
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i might branch the awesome-browser branding for FF4.023:00
micahgchrisccoulson: do we need new files?23:00
chrisccoulsoni've already had to patch it today,and i've just noticed that Help->About doesn't work in abrowser, which needs another change23:00
chrisccoulsonit needs new strings, but i also had to patch the jar.mn files today as well23:01
micahgchrisccoulson: k, if it's the stuff in the branch changing, go for it23:01
* micahg hasn't touched that23:02
chrisccoulsoncool, i'll do that later23:02
* micahg actually doesn't know what's in that branch :)23:02
chrisccoulsonother than that, ff4 is working well again23:03
micahgchrisccoulson: is the version in the PPA good now?23:06
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, i just tried the amd64 build. with the exception of the preferences going in the wrong place (/etc/@APPNAME), it's fine23:07
chrisccoulson(but that will fix itself on the next build, and it will work for upgraders still)23:07
micahgchrisccoulson: I've been using TB3.1 for 4 hours and memory usage has ballooned, but it seems stabel23:12
micahgcould just be the indexing23:12
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