
holsteinakgraner: i want to make sure17:31
holsteinmakes it in the UWN17:31
* holstein checks to see if its already in17:31
akgranerit's going on the Fridge today17:31
akgranerand yes it will make it in :-)  I interviewed him :-P17:31
akgranerI just need it to be on Ubuntu User for a few more hours before I add it to the Fridge17:32
akgranerthey don't mind me cross-promoting but I need to give them a few hours where it is exclusively posted there17:32
holsteinakgraner: sweet :)17:33
holsteingreat interview17:33
akgranerthanks I just asked the questions - scott did all the hard work he had to answer them17:33
holsteingreat guy17:34
karlohey.. THIS WEEK IN LINUX have live show today.. http://www.thisweekinlinux.com/live/18:21

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