
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:04
Flannelpopey: You don't want to do that though, your signal to noise ratio goes down02:51
FlannelAlso, did someone ask for ubottu to stop doing that?02:51
macoipc in -ot is swearing after being told off for it05:01
macoIdleOne, Flannel ??05:01
macoIdleOne: are you a -ot op?05:02
IdleOneI don't have ops in -ot05:02
macooh oops05:02
IdleOnefunkyHat: ping05:02
IdleOnetxwikinger ping05:02
IdleOnemaco: I believe elky does05:04
ubottumaco called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (ipc)05:07
Flannelmaco: I'm here05:16
macoFlannel: too late. tony got it05:16
FlannelAh, as is Mr Yarusso05:16
IdleOnehmm tony?05:16
IdleOnefirst name basis05:16
* IdleOne is silly05:17
macoactually, there's this commercial where the tagline is "Tony's got it!" so i was thinking of that05:17
macofor like a year i read tonyyarusso as "tonya russo"05:17
dvinchihi me podrian kitar el ban?06:28
IdleOnedvinchi: do you speak english?06:28
dvinchiIdleOne, no speak ingles06:29
IdleOneque canal?06:30
IdleOnedvinchi: entra in #ubuntu-irc i ablas con un op de #ubuntu-es06:33
dvinchime podrian kitar el ban de ubuntu-es06:37
bazhangdvinchi, not here06:38
bazhangdvinchi, /join #ubuntu-irc06:38
IdleOnedvinchi: tiennes que entrar in #ubuntu-irc por reglar este ban06:39
IdleOnedvinchi: Por favor, haga este canal.06:41
dvinchiya fui ahi06:42
dvinchipero nadie contesta06:42
IdleOnea hora tienne que esperar06:42
IdleOnepero no in este canal.06:43
bazhangnice Spanish :)06:44
IdleOneerr rusty06:44
IdleOnemy spelling is way off06:44
IdleOnehaven't spoken it in 1.5 yrs06:44
IdleOneMy brother in law is from El Salvador but refuses to speak to me in Spanish :/06:46
IdleOneI have to go back to the US so I can speak in Spanish more06:46
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 479 bans)07:51
xdpiratewhy the hell do i keep getting redirected in here?!08:28
IdleOneLittle hard to tell the motivation behind some bans without comments. I am guessing his ban was due to the /part message he chose.08:39
jpdsikonia: Dude, your friend's back in -server as Somoel?12:12
ikonianot again12:32
ikoniacan someone with ops in -server please remove Somoel he is ban dodging12:32
ikoniaand please put the bshellz.net ban in place as I've put on ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu/ubuntu-offtopic12:33
ikoniajussi: I've put a blanket ban on bzshells rather than just the one host as the admins do not wish to limit people to just signing up and getting another shell12:38
ikoniathe conversations I've had with them, they don't really want to police users on their box, so I put a blanket ban in place, ala tor12:38
jussiikonia: I want to have a chat about that issue with the rest of the ircc first.12:39
ikoniasure, but just be aware there is blanket bans in #ubuntu/#kubuntu/#xubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic12:40
ikoniaI removed the shellium ones as the admin's are keen to keep their servers clean and policed12:40
bazhangwonder if that is happydonut (termtermterm)13:26
bazhangservertech bot run by servertechpro was banned as a repeater bot earlier (again banned)13:37
txwikingerIdleOne: pong14:09
John-Smithhello plz unbanned me in ubuntu-offtopic14:16
ikoniajungli - no14:16
John-Smithi dunno why i banned there ?14:16
ikoniayou do14:16
ikoniaplease don't play dumb jungli14:16
John-Smithnow i got the job and i stop trolling14:17
ikoniatoo late14:17
ikoniayou joined this channel the other day, tried to troll me with "debian rocks | ikoina£ then left14:17
ikoniayour behaviour is unacceptable, you will not be unbanned14:17
John-Smithplz sir kindly grant ny request14:18
bazhang!appeals > John-Smith14:18
ubottuJohn-Smith, please see my private message14:18
John-Smithnow i am php devloper and i want to make my friend at there :)14:18
ikoniaJohn-Smith: please follow the appeals process bazhang has just had ubottu pm you14:18
ikoniaJohn-Smith: you will not be unbanned at this time,14:19
John-Smithok sir as your wish but i am happy now :)14:19
ikoniaok, bye14:19
=== John-Smith is now known as Jungli
bazhangjust joined #ubuntu14:20
ikoniahe'll be fine14:20
ikoniagood form pici15:31
PiciI hit the enter key pretty hard there :P15:31
ikoniamake sure that ban sticks !15:32
jpds 16:06
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 485 bans)16:39
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 485 bans)16:51
jpdsgr.archive DOWN.18:37
PiciThanks for the heads up18:37
ikoniaI thought the bot had been stopped messaging the channel ?20:36
ikoniajpds: what happened ?20:50
jpdsOh, packages.u.c.20:50
ikoniadidn't sticky get kicked for debian comments the other day ?21:01
* Pici shrugs21:01
gnomefreakwhat is sticky?21:02
Picia stick?21:02
IdleOnea nick21:02
ikoniaa user21:02
ikoniaand BT disagrees with me21:02
guntbertwhat happened to my edit request for !releases?21:33
ubottuIn #edubuntu, alkisg said: !setup-ltsp is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/installLTSPlucid21:40
ikoniaguntbert: give me a minute, I don't know about your request, but lets sort it out21:42
ikoniaalkisg: hi there21:42
ikoniawhat's up, and how can we help today21:42
alkisgI was just looking how can we add bots for #edubuntu, but I see highvoltage is an ubuntu-ops, so I guess we're ok :)21:43
alkisg***not bots, facts21:43
ikoniawhich bot ?21:43
alkisgubottu, but not bot, I mean just facts21:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:43
alkisgE.g. !setup-ltsp is  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/installLTSPlucid21:43
ikoniaif you do !fact is = blah21:43
ikoniait will get submitted for addition21:43
alkisgIs this for all channels? Or can we have #edubuntu - specific facts?21:44
ikoniaif you ask in edubuntu it gets forwarded and you can have an edubuntu only factoid,21:44
ikoniaguntbert: you there ?21:44
guntbertikonia: yes21:45
ikoniaguntbert: want to give me a quick overview ?21:45
alkisgIs there some way to mark requests as edubuntu specific?21:45
alkisg(requests done from #edubuntu)21:45
ikoniaalkisg: maybe drop in here and say "this is an edubuntu only factoid"21:45
ikoniaother than that, I don't think so21:45
ikoniaor you can do !no fact-#edubuntu is blah21:46
guntbertikonia: of course - the releases factoid contains a broken link (http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases), I fond and provided a fix21:46
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases21:46
ikoniaguntbert: what's the link ?21:46
alkisgThank you ikonia, I wouldn't want to bother people here much, so I'll make a list and ask when it's somewhat complete :)21:46
ikoniaalkisg: it's no bother, always happy to help21:46
guntbertikonia: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases21:47
guntbertthe complete request was21:47
guntbert!no releases is reply Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases21:47
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, guntbert said: !no releases is reply Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases21:47
ikonia!no releases is <reply> Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases21:47
ubottuI'll remember that ikonia21:47
ikoniadarn it, jumped the gun21:47
ikoniaguntbert: is what I've put acceptable ?21:48
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases21:48
ikoniathank you hook21:49
guntbertikonia: of course - I did the same thing - just replace one link with another21:49
h00kikonia: you're welcome21:49
ikoniajust checking21:49
h00kI joined just in time, apparently21:49
ikoniaguntbert: saw you ask a few times, so all good now ?21:49
guntbertikonia: all good now - I only wondered why it took two days for someone to fix it after I did the search already :-)21:50
ikoniasorry for being slow, I was a bit out of the loop on what you where asking21:51
ikoniaI don't know what the delay was as I miseed the conversation, but someone can always change it to something better, I'd rather not have a broken link for such an important factoid though21:51
ikoniagood eyes guntbert21:51
guntbertikonia: no, please don't misunderstand - its perfectly ok to not immediately know what is the matter - I was talking about the team as a whole....21:52
ikoniaguntbert: ~I'm sure it was a disscussion point, but as no-ones piped up to stop me, I'm sure if can be changed later if this a problem21:52
ikoniaright, I'm away for a while,21:52
guntbertikonia: have a nice time and thx :-)21:52
ikoniaarrrghhh: thanks for joining22:17
ikoniaarrrghhh: it's only 2 minutes as I don't want to talk in #ubuntu22:17
arrrghhhpm?  meh.22:17
ikoniaI totally understnad how frustrating it is when someone won't help themsevles, but you can't tell them to leave, or call them a lazy piece of .....22:17
arrrghhhwhen they're obviously being a you-know-what?22:18
arrrghhhi'm here to help, but not when people act like that.22:18
macoa non-technical end user?22:18
ikoniathere obviously not computer familier, or a little ahead of their time22:18
ikoniaarrrghhh: your a good helper, so I don't want you to have a problem in ubuntu, just walk away if it winds you up22:18
arrrghhhuhm that dude obviously was just being a jerk.22:19
arrrghhhperhaps you didn't read what he said...22:19
ikoniaarrrghhh: what did I miss22:19
ikoniaarrrghhh: I may have missed something22:19
arrrghhh<Emery> arrrghhh: not wqhen you can do it for me22:19
arrrghhhin response to my link that i hand-fed him.22:19
ikoniaarrrghhh: ok - so that's lazy and I'll speak to him about that22:19
ikoniathat's not what helping is about,22:20
arrrghhhwell it's not just lazy22:20
ikoniaat the same time, you can't tell him to leave or call him a name22:20
arrrghhhexcuse my french, but that's being a prick.22:20
ikoniaarrrghhh: I agree, and I'll speak to him about it22:20
arrrghhhthat's the thing, i didn't call him a name.  i agree i shouldn't have said lazy piece of... but i stopped short of actually calling him anything :P22:20
ikoniaarrrghhh: I know, but we all know what you meant22:20
macouh, actually i would say that you called him lazy22:20
arrrghhhwell yea22:21
arrrghhhhe is22:21
arrrghhhthat's a fact22:21
macowhich is calling him something22:21
arrrghhhwow... alrighty then.22:21
ikoniaarrrghhh: everyone gets frustrated and loses it once in a while, so don't worry, just please (easier said than done) just walk away22:21
arrrghhhi'm fine22:21
* maco recommends lolcats22:21
arrrghhhit's just when my help is met with that22:21
arrrghhhmakes me a little upset22:21
ikoniaarrrghhh: great, I know how frustrating that is22:21
ikoniait's easy to do,22:21
ikoniaif you want to jump out of this channel and back into ubuntu, that's fine, I just wanted 2 minutes for you to calm down and see why you where getting spoken to about it,22:22
arrrghhhlol that's fine.  i knew why you were talking to me.22:22
arrrghhhi knew what i 'did wrong'.22:22
ikoniaarrrghhh: if you want to drop out of this channel, I'll talk to the other party now22:24
ikoniaarrrghhh: ?22:24
arrrghhhsorry wanted to see the topic of the channel22:24
arrrghhhwondering what it is for haha :P22:24
ikoniaarrrghhh: as discussed please22:25
ikoniaEmery: be with you in a moment22:25
ikoniathank you for joining22:25
arrrghhhoh you want me to leave?  sorry.22:25
ikoniaarrrghhh: thanks22:25
Emeryok so ?22:26
ikoniaEmery: just wanted to talk to you about what just went on in #ubuntu22:26
ikoniafirst of all we've spoke to arrrghhh and explained he shouldn't have called you names or been so agressive, which he agress on , so no excuses there22:26
ikoniathat said, the channl is full of people who give there time for free, and spend a lot of time helping people, so when there is a link on page saying "click here for detailed instructions" and someone points you at that, responding with "so you can do it for me" isn't really going to help build a positive relationship with them22:27
Emeryi responded with that due to his sarky comment22:28
Emeryi had checked that link before hand22:28
Emeryor i wouldn't of asked22:28
ikoniaok, so explaining that in your question may help people be more tollerent22:28
ikoniaeg: I've read the link on how to install, but I'm stuck with X, Y and Z22:28
Emerywell there are various ways i could of asked the question, granted.22:29
Emerybut the response was far from acceptable22:30
ikoniaI agree, and that's been delt with22:30
Emeryand if he's a member of staff, then it's even worse22:30
ikoniait would just be a little more helpful if you could explain your question better so there is no missunderstanding and people will  be more tollerent22:30
ikoniahe's not a member of the operator team22:30
ikoniaif someone does respond with a negative comment, don't respond back with a sarcastic comment to futher provoke the situation22:31
ikoniathat's all really22:31
ikoniahelp yourself get the answers by asking a good question, and not provoking a situation if one arises22:31
ikonia(I know it's easier said than done also )22:32
Emeryto be honest i've been using linux for around 5 years i got abit lazy22:32
ikoniaeveryone does22:32
ikoniaEmery: that's all I wanted to talk to you about really,22:33
Emerywhile im here though22:34
ikoniawhat's up ?22:34
Emeryanywhere i can sign up to help with dev or anything ?22:34
ikoniaEmery: there are tons of ways to contribute22:34
ubottuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate22:34
ubottumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU22:34
ikoniatake a look at those to get you started22:35
Emeryim looking for somthing more than channel help22:35
ikoniayes, check those links out22:35
Emeryi shall22:35
Emeryalot of spare timer between working at the moment22:35
ikoniathose links will get you started22:36
Emeryalright :)22:36
Emeryexcuse me while i go for a smoke22:36
ikoniaEmery: you're welcome to leave the channel now, as we have a non-idle policy22:37
ikonia(unless there is something else you need from the operator team)22:37
Emerysorry i was rolling a cig, will you be around for further assistance if needed?22:38
ikoniayou're welcome to rejoin if you need something from us22:38
ikoniathe team is normally active 24x7 and all can help22:38
Emery1 more thing22:38
Emeryi see ubuntu originated in ireland, that true?22:38
ikoniacanonical was orginally setup in ireland, the history is on the canonical website22:39
ikoniathere are a couple of staff members in here who probably knowbetter, but they don't seem active at the moment22:39
Emeryright im going to dash finish my kubuntu installation, i'll be back later will you be able to provide those links for me again when i'm back22:40
ikoniaEmery: you can check them yourself, hit !contribute and !motu in any channel with ubottu in22:40
ikoniaEmery: or send a pm to the bot (it's called ubottu)22:40
Emeryalright thanks for the help22:40
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !no, point is <reply> Ubuntu periodically updates !LTS versions with point releases (e.g. 10.04.1). These point releases contain only packages already published through normal update channels. If you already have a fully-updated version, you're running the latest point release already!22:59
hgfgjfgffgwhy am I banned form #kubuntu when I never was there before?23:01
IdleOnehgfgjfgffg: /join #kubuntu-proxy-users wait for the bot to grant access to #kubuntu usually only takes a few seconds23:01
IdleOneYou sre welcome23:02
IdleOneCan someone please reset the forward to #kubuntu-proxy-users in #kubuntu please.23:03
ikoniaI've just removed it in #ubuntu by mistake, what an idiot23:42
ikoniagreat, now it won't set23:44
ikoniaahhh there we go23:44
IdleOneyou removed it again in #ubuntu23:45
ikoniabecause it was wrong23:45
ikoniaeither chanserv is responding really really slow, or something is wrong23:45
ikoniait won't set ???23:47
ikoniait's the forward ??? it won't set with the forward on23:48
IdleOne *!*@gateway/web/*#ubuntu-proxy-users is the proper ban?23:48
PiciYou need to be opped in -proxy-users to set it23:48
ikoniado you ??23:48
ikoniaI've never seen that before ?23:49
PiciThe channel is not set +F23:49
ikoniathat's odd, I can't op in proxy-users either ??23:49
ikoniaI'm sure I used to be able to23:49
ikonianow it works, good spot pici23:51
ikoniaI guess I'll need to be op'd in #kubuntu-proxy-users to change #kubuntu to23:51
ikoniaclearly I missed the memo on that part ;)23:51
IdleOneSo if I understand this right, +F will allow a forward from any channel?23:52
ikonianot allow23:52
ikoniadone #kubuntu23:53
ikoniabed time23:53
ikoniathanks Pici, nice spot23:53
IdleOnegood night23:53
IdleOneand thank you ikonia23:54
PiciIdleOne: yep, goodnight23:56
PiciIdleOne: er, not you23:56
Piciikonia: goodnight23:56
IdleOnePici: so a channel set to +F could be abused23:57
IdleOnebecause it would accept forwards from any location23:57
PiciIdleOne: but its useful for places like ##fix_your_connection23:59

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