
hggdhDaviey: yes, it seems to work. I will run some tests now. There is still a problem there, though00:07
wieshkahey there - i have two physical interfaces - eth0 & eth1, next i have public bridge on eth0 with DHCP for my virtual servers, but eth1 is directly connected to internet with static IP00:10
wieshkahow can i specifie default interface, and eth1<-->br1 also for one vh00:10
Davieyhggdh: oh?00:14
hggdhDaviey: keep in mind that we still cannot deploy a *separate* SC by itself00:15
hggdhDaviey: so Chis still has some work to do00:16
Davieyhggdh: I'm not sure that is a topology i ever tested in Lucid.. Are you sure that is a regression?00:17
hggdhDaviey: certain. I checked 3 topos: all-in-one, all separate, and (CLC+Walrus), (CC+SC)00:18
hggdhDaviey: all-in-one works (this is topo1)00:19
deckie1roger wilco.00:19
Davieyhggdh: deckie1 is Chris00:19
=== deckie1 is now known as deckie
Davieydeckie: Meet hggdh, Carlos :)00:19
hggdhoh, hi deckie00:19
deckiehggdh: hello.00:20
hggdhall-separate failed, but I did not test installing eucalyptus-cloud on the SC00:20
hggdhthis was topo2, BTW00:20
deckiei will have a fix for this in a little bit.  it looks like something that needs to be shared is not in a common-lib00:21
Davieyhggdh: Okay.. First - Is registration now seeming to be reliable?00:21
hggdhand topo3 -- (CLC+Walrus), (CC+SC) -- I just installed. It failed, and then I installed on the (CC+SC) eucalyptus-cloud, following a suggestion from deckie00:21
hggdhDaviey: I insalled two NCs, and they registered correctly00:21
hggdhbut I will need some installs to confirm -- the problem was intermittedt00:22
Davieyhggdh: Agreed.00:22
Davieyhggdh / deckie: I need to go afk.. but i'm planning an upload (my) early tomorrow with the latest from the euca devel branch.  hggdh, if you want to keep me updated i'll take on board what you say in the bug reports.00:24
hggdhDaviey: ack00:25
deckieDaviey: roger.  thanks for your time.00:25
CppIsWeirdjust for a sanity check, the following command "diff -drq /dir1 /dir2" ensures that dir1 and dir2 are identical byte for byte, right?00:25
hggdhdeckie: I will run some basic tests now. Are you aware that volumes are consistently failing to attach?00:26
deckiehggdh: yeah.  sudo vs. euca_rootwrap if i understand right.  we are working on a fix asap.00:27
hggdhdeckie: actually, no, different issue, it seems00:28
hggdhdeckie: bug 61564600:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 615646 in eucalyptus "cannot attach a volume to an instance" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61564600:29
deckiehggdh: yessir, that is the one i had in mind.  looking again though.00:29
hggdhdeckie: the rootwrap issue I bypassed by adding a new entry in /etc/sudoers00:29
deckiehggdh: tgtd is running?00:29
hggdhdeckie: IIRC, it was00:30
hggdhI will recheck on it one my first tests sequence is done00:30
hggdhdeckie: the error is here: 20:39:23 ERROR [SystemUtil:pool-8-thread-1] com.eucalyptus.util.ExecutionException: sudo tgtadm --lld iscsi --op show --mode target --tid 1 error: tgtadm: can't find the target00:31
deckiehggdh: ok.  please let me know how it goes.00:33
hggdhdeckie: will do00:33
deckiehggdh: it may still be a permissions issue.  the version w/ euca_rootwrap will be on lp shortly.00:37
deckiehggdh: also, might it be an apparmor issue?00:38
hggdhdeckie: I did not see any messages from audit, but I also did not look closely... I will check00:39
deckiehggdh: if it takes alot of time/effort it may be easier to wait for the euca_rootwrap fix to pass qa on our side and get pushed to lp00:39
hggdhdeckie: we do not have time, feature freeze is looming00:41
hggdhtomorrow we wee have to take a position00:41
deckiehggdh: it will be on LP in an hour or so?00:41
=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
hggdhdeckie: first run completed, 101 instances, 1 failure (I do not think it is an euca failure), so we are, pretty much, shining here00:52
hggdhdeckie: I will run a volume allocation now, and check for audit failures00:52
Davieydeckie: How is the whitelisting for euca_rootwrap adoption getting on?00:59
hggdhdeckie: I was wrong -- eucalyptus-sc does not come up even with -cloud installed on the same machine. The CC works, though.01:20
hggdhdeckie: so I cannot test volumes on this distributed topology01:21
hggdhDaviey: IIRC, deckie told me that it is already in, and should be on next revision (1222?) in a few01:21
Iceman_Bim getting a "ubuntu can't have a partition outside the disk" while installing01:29
Iceman_Band neither the back or continue buttons do anything :/01:29
Davieyhggdh: ack01:30
Iceman_Bwhats going on and how do I fix this?01:30
deckiehggdh: I am not seeing the same issues w/ the SC that you are.  can you post the logs for the machines somewhere?01:31
hggdhDaviey: I already uploaded them to lp:~hggdh2/uec-qa, latest revision01:32
hggdhDaviey: revision 2901:33
hggdhdeckie: ^01:33
deckiehggdh: thanks, sorry i was afk'd01:33
hggdhdeckie: no prob. I will have to be afk for the next half-hour01:33
Davieydeckie: Also, Is there any news on kees's euac_rootwrap getting merged..  The licencing issue should be OK01:35
deckieDaviey: it should be on lp shortly i'll circle back w/ more info in a bit01:36
Davieydeckie: super.. i'd love to drop our one :)01:37
wieshkaProblem: i have server running ubuntu lucid, and so i also have 4 virtual servers on it running on KVM. Server has 2 ethernet ports - eth0 & eth1. eth0 is connected to my LAN (it is also connected to internet), and eth1 is connected directly to ISP with static ip configured. (my ifconfig: http://wieshka.pastebin.com/fn80SEFS, and here is my interface configfile: http://wieshka.pastebin.com/ZsSqDfed). What i need - the base system and 3 of virtual ser02:00
wieshkaare in LAN over eth0, and one my virtual server is directly connected to internet over eth1.02:00
wieshkaas you can see - i made bridges02:00
wieshkabut something is wrong02:00
wieshkabecouse none of my virtual server has now internet connection02:00
wieshkaand no DHCP adreses assigned to virtual servers over br0 (dhcp enabled, passing QEMU inbuilt DHCP)02:01
ChmEarlwieshka, paste url's have extra wxxshka - remove it02:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #616151 in qemu-kvm (main) "Buffer I/O Errors with emulated usb disk image" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61615102:11
wieshkaChmEarl: its from my auto paste script02:13
ChmEarlwieshka, I see the pastes now02:14
ballCan Ubuntu server boot from a software RAID array?02:15
wieshkaball: no problem02:16
ballwieshka: Thanks02:16
wieshkaball:  i use RAID 1 + LVM + GRUB02:16
* ball isn't familiar with LVM02:16
wieshkaball: you even can make array while installing during setup02:17
ballwieshka: I may give that a try, now.02:17
wieshkaball: LVM is easy02:18
ball'easy' doesn't tell me what it does ;-)02:18
wieshkaso make RAID autodetect partitions, then configure RAID, then setup a LVM and easaly configure it02:18
ball...though I can guess02:18
ballDoes booting from software RAID *require* lvm?02:19
wieshkano ball, LVM just gives you extra flexibility02:19
wieshkaif you are going to make several partitions02:19
wieshkafor example you have a 500 Gb disk02:19
wieshkamake just 30 Gb partition for system for example02:20
wieshkalater if you need - you can extend it02:20
* mase_wk loves lvm02:20
* wieshka same here02:20
wieshkai am using LVM for virtual servers02:20
mase_wkyep me too02:20
mase_wkbacking up has never been easier.02:21
wieshkamase_wk: hmmm, what virtualization you use ?02:21
mase_wki have some Xen boxes, mainly KVM these days02:21
wieshkamase_wk: basicly backups with img fails are easier :)02:21
wieshkabut partitions gives some dozen of performance02:21
wieshkai am using Enterpirse seagate disks02:21
wieshkasata on SAS controler :)02:22
wieshkamase_wk: i have problem with my KVM02:22
wieshkaok - i havent slept for a more than day and a half, so my brain .......02:22
wieshkamase_wk: how good are you in KVM networking ?02:22
mase_wkso what issue are you having with KVM?02:22
mase_wkthats a fairly open ended question...02:23
wieshkamase_wk: my server has two physical ethernet ports - eth0 & eth102:23
wieshkaso ..... eth0 is for base system and for 3 guests - like a public bridge02:23
wieshkahow can i connect last - 4 guest directly to eth1, what haves static ip02:24
wieshkai made similar to public bridging, new bridge (br1) on eth1 interface02:24
wieshkabut now - all my guests are lack of internet :)02:24
wieshkaso something is wrong02:24
mase_wkyeh ok so your most of the way there02:24
wieshkaso what i skipped ?02:25
mase_wkso on your KVM host you still have a default gw set up right ?02:25
wieshkamaybe ifconfig, /etc/network/interfaces, route output needed?02:25
wieshkato figure out ?02:26
mase_wkso in theory you just need to make sure each guest is using the appropriate bridge02:26
wieshkain theory :)02:26
mase_wkso long as they each have seperate mac addresses02:26
wieshkain theory i understanding :)02:26
wieshkabut something i messed up - and i am stuck for 2 hours already02:26
mase_wkthen make sure that in each guest that /etc/networking/interfaces actually referes to the correct IF02:26
mase_wkas if you use something like virt-clone02:27
mase_wkyou will find that it sets up eth1 ,eth2 etc..02:27
mase_wkrather than eth0 which is the default in /etc/networking/interfaces02:27
wieshkahmmm, i dint understund you ....02:27
mase_wkmake sure in each guest, that if you do ifconfig -a that the appropriate interface is set up correctly in /etc/networking/interfaces02:28
wieshkahmmm .... then question - why my guests - who already worked (network) is now without internet  becouse i connected second interface02:29
wieshkamase_wk: hmmm .... then question - why my guests - who already worked (network) is now without internet  becouse i connected second interface02:34
wieshkamase_wk: whats wrong with your network connection ?02:42
mase_wknothing, i'm messing with KDE02:42
wieshkamase_wk: - is there something wrong - i supouse no - http://wieshka.pastebin.com/0ZkTW6JA02:45
wieshkait is my interface file for my server02:45
mase_wkthat looks fine, pastebin your libvirt config and also the /etc/network/interface for your guests02:46
wieshkanow guests working02:47
wieshkaso just stays to configure02:47
wieshkaone guest to that physical interface02:47
wieshkaso i have eth1 & br1 - i using manual/static IP adres for it02:47
clustycurious if one can boot an ubuntu from a raid (hardware raid).02:48
patdk-lapclusty, yes, why wouldn't you?02:48
wieshkaclusty:  i prefer software, but why you cant ?02:48
patdk-lapthe whole point of a hardware raid is it looks just like a normal hardrive02:48
clustypatdk-lap: for one, how can grub read it's menu.lst, or how it's called now02:48
patdk-lapclusty, why would it need to?02:49
patdk-lapit's just a normal drive02:49
patdk-lapthere is nothing special about hardware raid02:49
patdk-lapnow software raid is special02:49
wieshkaclusty: hardware raid gives you a single hard disk02:49
ballclusty: Yes, you can boot Ubuntu from hardware RAID02:49
clustythought it needed the kernel module02:49
patdk-lapcause now grub has to know how it works02:49
clustyfor the card02:49
wieshkause as simple disk02:49
ballwieshka: it gives you the illusion ofa single hard disk02:49
ball(assuming a small array)02:49
patdk-lapclusty, that is what the hardware raid bios is for :)02:49
patdk-lapnow linux will bypass the bios, then you need a drive02:50
clustypatdk-lap: thanks. i am receiving my disks tomorrow and was wondering how it will all work out02:50
patdk-lapwhat raid card?02:50
patdk-lapshould be overly well supported then :)02:51
clustyit sees the module.02:51
patdk-lapthe hardest issue I have with hardware raid, is to get good raid stats from it02:51
patdk-lapso I can monitor the health02:51
clustythe intel fukards are not giving the utils in deb format02:52
clustyjust rpm02:52
patdk-lapthat shouldn't be hard to install02:52
clustyi have yet to screw around with alien to get em working02:52
patdk-lapunless it's only in i386 and you need x6402:52
clustythe CD came just with 3202:52
patdk-lapheh, forget the cd02:52
patdk-lapsee if you can download them02:52
clustyi struggled just to flash to latest FW02:53
patdk-lapnormally the cd is a year or more out of date02:53
clustytry 3 :D02:53
clustythe initial bios was 200702:53
clustyand new is 2010 version02:53
* patdk-lap has been having fun with ldirectord02:54
patdk-lapI've just about got it fully ipv6 away now :)02:54
clustywhat's that?02:54
patdk-lapthings that I can't do with ipv6 in it seems to be limited to ping and mysql02:55
clustypatdk-lap: what raid controllers do you use ?02:58
wieshkamase_wk: i have to configure static IP address in guests interface file ?02:58
mase_wkor configure your dhcp server to hand out the correct ip02:59
wieshkahmmm - can i give mac address the same as it is for my eth1 interface03:00
wieshkamy ISP has attached to my physical IP address03:00
wieshkaso i supouse the problem is there03:00
wieshkamy ISP isnt giving ip address for my guest over bridge03:00
patdk-lapadaptec 2130, adaptec 2200, adaptec 2110, perc5, perc6, 3ware03:00
wieshkabecouse there aperas my guest address - is that possible ?03:01
wieshkaeth1 mac address is ignored03:01
clustypatdk-lap: i got a 3ware for the company a while back03:01
wieshkathats the way how bridge should work, i am correct ?03:01
wieshkaso i need to spoof mac addres03:01
clustysupport seemed nicer than my intel: the tools had decent install scripts - no packaging system03:02
mase_wkerm your mac address should be younique03:08
mase_wkeach guest needs a different mac address, usually specified from within the hosts' libvirt definition03:09
wieshkamase_wk: hmmm - how can i make it with out bridge03:10
wieshkathere should be option03:10
wieshkato configure directly to physical interface03:10
=== unreal_ is now known as unreal
wieshkamase_wk: hmmm - why this does not works  ? :)     <interface type='direct'>03:20
wieshka      <source dev='eth1' mode='vepa'/>03:20
wieshka    </interface>03:20
mase_wki don't think thats how you define a bridged network03:24
mase_wkyou don't have a 'direct' interface03:24
mase_wkif you want a single guest to use a single interface , and only that interface is used by that guest03:25
mase_wkie PCI passthrough03:25
mase_wkyou need VTd support03:25
mase_wkotherwise if you have multiple guests to 1 interface you need a bridge03:25
clustypatdk-lap: still around?03:28
clustyany stripe size recommendations ?03:29
clustyfor raid03:30
patdk-lapdepends what you use it for03:30
ballclusty: try different settings and see what works best for you.  I default to one track per stripe03:30
ball...but testing is important.03:30
* patdk-lap wonders how ball calculates out a size of a track, since drives haven't had tracks forever03:31
clustywhat are tracks to start with?03:31
clustyFS block size ?03:31
ballpatdk-lap: they have fake tracks these days.03:31
patdk-lapthese days they are made like cd's, one very long track03:32
patdk-lapI forget if they have, or are going to go to the whole laserdisk method03:32
patdk-lapread/write parallel tracks at the same time03:32
patdk-lapI think they are03:32
ballpatdk-lap: I doubt that's what they do now, though it's certainly possible with a voice coil.03:35
ballNot that it would matter to the system software anyway, it's just an array of sectors.03:35
patdk-lapwell, I know what they used they where talking about parallel, but I really wasn't interested in how, at the time03:35
ballLet's see if I can learn how to do a software RAID on Ubuntu Server03:36
patdk-lapoh, that is easy :)03:36
* ball wonders why "Chicago" would be listed as a time zone. That makes no sense to me.03:36
patdk-lapit's not03:37
patdk-lapit's listed as one of the largest citys in that timezone03:37
* patdk-lap is annoyed that NYC is always listed, but not Wash D.C.03:37
ballIt's not clear to me whether I'm supposed to create partitions of some sort before creating the RAID array, or whether I should create the RAID array from "Free space".03:41
ballWhat does Ubuntu expect me to do?03:41
mase_wkraid is a disk level thing03:42
mase_wkyou need to set up raid first03:42
mase_wkthen partition03:42
ballmase_wk: usually yes, but with software RAID?03:42
mase_wkthen filesystem03:42
patdk-lapsoftware raid you can do it either way03:43
mase_wki imagine so. you probably need a single boot partition somewhere03:43
ballAh, I see a "physical volume for RAID" option in the "Partition Disks" dialogue03:44
patdk-lapthat is what the usb drive is for :)03:44
Roxyhart0hi there i would like to block p2p with iptables, sombody know the command line, also somebody is using patch-o-matic for that?03:47
patdk-laproxy, you know that is a lost cause?03:48
Roxyhart0what is the lost cause block p2p?03:49
clustypatdk-lap: can't do l7 or ipp2p ?03:49
* ball tinkers03:49
clustyunless it's ssl enabled torrent :D03:49
patdk-laptorrent doesn't do ssl03:49
patdk-lapbut it does do md4 hashing, making l7/ipp2p useless03:50
Roxyhart0if i want to block any port over 3000 per example andopen just the port that i need?03:51
Roxyhart0what about it? http://bby.com.pl/linux-router/blocking-p2p-software-string-module/03:51
clustypatdk-lap: what i do wonder: my isp does DPI. they can somehow classify my torrent traffic03:52
clustycurious how03:52
clustythey throttle me down for everything they cannot figure out ?03:52
patdk-lapthey normally do it by bandwidth analysist03:53
Roxyhart0somebody as listen about path-o-matic to block p2p?03:56
=== unreal_ is now known as unreal
X32how would I change the command line font?05:28
jmarsdenX32: man setfont   # This might do what you want, I'm not 100% sure05:40
robertpayneEasy way to delete lines out of a text file that match grep?05:49
qman__robertpayne, grep -v stufftoremove /path/to/file > file2; mv file2 file106:03
robertpayneqman_: thanks :) I found it .. should've googled first was kind a stupid question06:03
Roxyhart0somebocy have a good doc to install ipp2p in ubunut?06:20
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
alex88hi, how is possible to scroll up in screen?06:44
uvirtbottwb: Error: Missing "]".  You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.06:44
Callum__heh uvirtbot06:45
alex88it's ctrl-a escape06:45
uvirtbotCallum__: Error: "A" is not a valid command.06:45
uvirtbotCallum__: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.06:45
uvirtbotCallum__: Error: "commands" is not a valid command.06:46
Callum__what is then! =P06:46
DexterLBI have two machines running ubuntu server. Could you recommend some benchmark process I can run on both and see which performs better?07:20
alex88DexterLB: hardinfo has some tests, like fibonacci, md5 etc07:24
DexterLBalex88: thanks07:24
DexterLBI'll try it07:24
alex88DexterLB: or this http://www.tux.org/~mayer/linux/bmark.html07:24
alex88or this ftp://pi.super-computing.org/Linux/super_pi.tar.gz07:25
robertpayneqman_: shame the -B and -C don't work with -v :(07:28
twbalex88: that's what I said07:33
twbDexterLB: what resource(s) do you want to benchmark?07:34
alex88twb: about the ctrl-escape?07:45
alex88i've just seen ^A[07:46
alex88xampart: morning07:47
DexterLBwhy is sudo so dead slow?07:56
mase_wkDexterLB: slow ?07:58
mase_wkhow long does it take ?07:58
DexterLBlike when it needs to ask for a password it waits 5sec or so before asking07:59
DexterLBis that some security measure?07:59
twbDexterLB: before prompting for the password?07:59
twbDo you have root?07:59
DexterLBi thought it was impossible not to have08:00
twbI mean, do you, DexterLB, have administrative privileges on this host08:00
DexterLBit does work08:00
DexterLBbut it takes some time08:00
twbOK, pastebin the output of egrep -v '^[[:space:]]*(#|$)' /etc/sudoers08:00
DexterLBit is as it should be08:02
DexterLBrootALL=(ALL) ALL08:02
DexterLB%sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL08:02
DexterLB%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL08:02
DexterLBpastebin :D08:03
twbNow do the same for nsswitch.conf and /etc/pam/common*08:03
twbAlso lsb_release -a08:04
twbEr, /etc/pam.d/common-*08:04
DexterLBsystem rebooting08:05
DexterLBkernel upgrade08:05
DexterLBwill have to wait a bit08:05
DexterLBi never understood regex08:09
DexterLBwhat does that thing mean08:09
DexterLB'^[[:space:]]*(#|$)' that is08:09
joschiDexterLB: any string starting with any number of whitespace characters (space, tab, ...) or none, followed by a hash sign (#) or endline ($).08:11
joschiit basically filters out any comments and empty lines of a file08:11
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=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
robertpayneugh is there any reason SSH key authorization wouldn't work out of the box ubuntu? I've installed id_rsa.pub into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the server and have it locally in ~/.ssh/id_rsa chmoded properly too08:56
Davieyrobertpayne: use ssh -vvv user@host .. the verbose info will likely provide some clue09:00
robertpaynedebug2: we did not send a packet, disable method09:01
joschirobertpayne: check /var/log/auth.log and maybe raise the log level of your sshd09:02
robertpaynejoschi: ok I'll try that09:02
joschirobertpayne: also check, if the user has a valid login shell and the permissions on ~/.ssh/ are correct09:02
joschithey should be 0700 on the directory and 0600 on the files inside it09:03
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
robertpayneAuthentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory /root09:05
_rubenssh as root? eww09:05
robertpayneI turn it on then back off as I do large amounts of changes requiring sudo09:06
robertpayneheh "root" didn't own /root09:06
KE1HAOpps :-009:06
robertpaynenot sure how that happened.. thx joschi for the auth.log tip09:07
robertpayne_ruben: and I completely agree root login = bad.  I'm just working on my dev box right now and have days of work to do on it so avoiding hassle of passwords09:08
=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
twbJust use NOPASSWD and sudo -i from a trusted less-privileged account09:09
robertpayneI see so create a user with no password and run like "ssh user@domain -p port 'sudo -i'"09:11
Jimmyxhi, wanna ask, i'm looking for some user-friendly howto build mail server.. maybe with postfix/dovecot/mysql for multiple domains.. any suggestions?09:12
twbJimmyx: apt-get install ubuntu-serverguide09:12
robertpayneJimmyx: if you'd like I can give you some shell scripts & conf files that are pretty much out of the box ready for a postfix/dovecot over SSL09:13
Jimmyxrobertpayne: sounds good... if you dont mind :)09:14
KE1HAHello All, Is there a 10.04 Server Manual in PDF that we can DL v.s. using the Wiki pages ?09:24
robertpaynetwb: by NOPASSWD do you mean set the root user to have no password for sudo -i from the less privelged account?09:31
twbrobertpayne: no, I mean set your %sudo user to have NOPASSWD: in /etc/sudoers09:31
twbi.e. "sudo foo" never prompts you09:32
robertpaynetwb: ahh so the account could sudo root without typing in a pass09:32
twbSo really you're just as insecure from attackers, but at least you won't fat-finger stuff as often.09:33
robertpaynetwb: true...09:33
robertpayneAssuming it'll still prompt for su09:36
twbUh, sudo -i09:36
robertpaynegah yea sorry09:36
bdrunghi, can a member of the server team have a look at the sponsor request bug #378240?09:38
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 378240 in xen-3.3 "Please merge xen-3.4 (3.4.0-2) from debian unstable" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37824009:38
uvirtbotNew bug: #616257 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.21-0ubuntu5.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61625710:26
AtomicSparkWTB ubuntu-server metapackage which gives me /exactly/ whats on the ubuntu server cd to fix crazy vpn hosts like linode. <3 Cookies for all!10:52
alex88you mean vps10:55
alex88well linode prices are crazy10:56
alex88where i can see the list of servers to use with apt?11:11
alex88i mean official repositories11:11
twbalex88: archive.ubuntu.com and XX.archive.ubuntu.com, where XX is your two-letter country code.11:12
alex88twb: thank you..de.archive.ubuntu downloads at 74kbyte/s...11:13
twbGood ISPs and universities will also provide secondary/tertiary mirrors.11:14
joschialex88: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors11:14
alex88those are what i'm searching..11:14
alex88joschi: thank you :)11:14
twbIn Debian there's a machine-parsable text list, which apt-spy uses to pick the nearest/fastest.11:15
twbI don't think that's available in Ubuntu :-/11:15
alex88there is on ubuntu desktop..11:15
alex88dunno on server11:16
twbalex88: yes, but that's built into synaptic or whatever11:16
twbSomething like automagic like cdn.debian.net that automagically resolves to a good local mirror would be ideal.11:16
joschialex88: ubuntu and ubuntu server use the same package sources. the only difference is the default installation11:16
alex88joschi: i know..but on ubuntu desktop you've "select best server" in synaptic...as twb said..11:17
twbGUIs are for chumps11:18
alex88;) right11:19
alex88https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de-archive how can i see if it has also other reps, not only main?11:20
twbalex88: apt-get from it11:20
alex88oh..just change sources.list and try :)11:20
twbOr browse their mirror in dists/lucid/11:21
joschialex88: or you just take a look at the mirror yourself. -> http://ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/ubuntu/dists/lucid/11:21
joschialex88: any way, all mirrors in the list have main, universe and multiverse11:21
twbI'd just add a fast mirror first, then put XX.a.u.c and/or a.u.c below11:22
twbIt'll then try the fast mirror and fall back to the complete mirror11:22
notlisteningHi running  a virtualbox server that can accept connection on static ip but not make out going connections like ping, but the web server services reqests11:23
joschinotlistening: icmp is not supported by the NAT type network adapter of virtualbox11:23
notlisteningah sorry it is bridged11:23
notlisteningand I am starting is using vbpxtppls11:24
notlisteningI can even update the server so it is all goinging network traffic11:24
twbMaybe you aren't proxy ARP requests11:26
alex88also after changed reps still 70kbyte/s, and hoster says they not limit..i doubt..11:26
notlisteningIt has worked before :D11:27
twbI expect requests to/from the host OS work fine11:27
notlisteningyes they work fine11:29
notlisteningI checked that first11:29
twbSo the guest can talk to the host?11:29
notlisteningI can ssh into the machine, I can view webpages from it from different machines host and others11:30
notlisteningthe guest can't see the outside world or my internal network11:30
twbUh, so the guest has no default route?11:31
twbI don't understand how these symptoms could occur11:31
twbWhat does iptables-save say?11:31
notlistening1 sec11:31
notlisteningnot installed11:32
notlisteningcould it be a virtualbox bug?11:32
twbWhere did this disk image come from?11:32
twbIf iptables-save isn't installed, you haven't done a normal ubuntu-server install11:33
twb(Where "installed" means "in root's $PATH")11:33
alex88oh...unattended upgrade was limiting to 70...-.-' noob11:33
notlisteningIt is the 10.10 server :D11:33
twbalex88: that's retarded11:34
notlisteningand i did the most basic VM install11:34
alex88twb: i'm retarded :)11:34
twbQoS beats throttling11:34
alex88what you mean?11:37
twbRather than limiting it to n kbps, just declare that it's bulk traffic11:38
twbQoS will then prioritize it below stuff like ssh11:38
alex88how do i set qos? btw, i was thinking that it limits just the automatic updates bandwith..11:38
twbWith great difficulty11:38
twbOr throw shorewall at it, I guess11:39
alex88oh..no way..i have enough bandwith to not need to limit nothnig11:39
twbThen why did you limit it?11:40
alex88because i was thinking that it just limits automatic upgrades.. for the small time that i install something i have no bandwith problems..11:41
notlisteningright my resolvconf it blank will that cause an issue for DNS?11:43
twbnotlistening: /etc/resolv.conf should be populated by dhclient (DHCP)11:44
notlisteningWell i am running with a static IP and DNS server has been set but i am just hunting for issues11:45
Somoelikonia bruder ola11:52
notlisteningRight i can now talk to my internal network11:59
notlisteningDNS is the issue now11:59
notlisteningfixed at the moment :D12:03
Somoeldrupal? No! Never! Joomla better! Joomla forever!12:09
Somoelwebsite baker the better cms12:10
Somoelola Jeeves bro'12:11
twbAll PHP needs to die12:13
twbAnd all CMSes and all web apps in general12:13
jpdstwb: Django?12:13
twbjpds: I'm not a fan of Python by any stretch, but it can't be any worse than what people do with PHP12:14
hggdhDaviey: good morning12:18
* Daviey recently had a horrific experience with Joomla!.. I'm still too traumatised to go into it12:18
Davieyhey hggdh !12:18
hggdhDaviey: I see you are full of energy ;-)12:18
Davieyhggdh: hah :)12:18
* hggdh is half-asleept12:18
twbTBH I'm surprised none of our prisoners have suborned the CMS already12:19
kim0is the 10.04.1 to be released next Tuesday12:19
Davieyhggdh: good to hear..12:19
Davieykim0: AIUI, that is the current plan.  But as i'm sure you know, it's out when it's announced :)12:19
kim0hehe ok12:19
jpdsI thought it was tomorrow?12:20
kim0has been pushed back12:20
jpdsNoone informs the mirror admin that's been prepping things, I see.12:21
hggdhDaviey: Chris says he found the issue with Walrus/SC on distributed installs12:21
Davieyhggdh: Yes.. he has pushed a fix.. I thought there was one more pending - but perhaps that was just their internal results.12:22
Davieyhggdh: Merging what I have as we speak.. will push to PPA shortly.12:22
hggdhDaviey: cool, thanks12:24
uvirtbotNew bug: #616310 in backuppc (main) "Realease package backuppc 3.2.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61631012:31
patdk-laptwb, it's not really that php is bad, it has it's problems and all languages do12:41
patdk-lapbut it's just the type of programmers that are using it that are the issue12:41
patdk-lapand that will happen with any easy to use language12:42
patdk-lapsame issues with perl, perl added all kinds of help and ways to protect against most of those issues, but people still don't use them, unless they know what they are doing12:42
robertpayneIs there a way to permit root login via limited ips?13:43
Iceman_BI just installed 10.04, but I was expecting bash to use colors. it doesnt, how do I set this?13:47
alvinIceman_B: It's documented in a commented section in ~/.bashrc13:49
Iceman_Blemme check13:54
Iceman_BI dont have such a file13:54
Iceman_BI mean, an "ls -a" on my homedir doesnt show it13:56
Iceman_Bcan I just create a ~/.bashrc file? or wont that solve anything ?14:02
joschirobertpayne: you mean root login via ssh?14:05
robertpaynejoschi: was going to be for rsync purposes I found out you just run rsync under cron as root and push to non-root account on other server14:06
alvinIceman_B: You don't? You can copy the default .bashrc from /etc/skel/.bashrc14:11
floownI can't use imap in Kontact since the upgrade to KDE 4.5, what packet should I manually install?14:12
alvinfloown: Wrong channel. Better ask in #kubuntu. (I can't confirm. Haven't upgraded yet.)14:14
Iceman_Balvin: will try, thanks14:20
hggdhDaviey: thanks for packaging the beast. It is already building, so I will test ASAP14:23
ssureshotmorning ... I have set preservejobhistory No in my cupsd.conf but the cXXXXXX jobs are never removed.. whats happening here and what am I missing?14:24
zulttx: feature freeze is tomorrow right?14:32
ttxzul: yes14:32
zulttx: damn14:33
=== localg0d is now known as Ximal
Iceman_Balvin: I copied the .bashrc file from /etc/skel to ~ and logged out and in again, but no change14:53
Iceman_Bbash still shows up grey14:53
Iceman_Bim connecting through putty btw, if that makes any difference. it used to work tho14:53
alvinIceman_B: That's normal. You have to change the default .bashrc first. uncomment a line there14:53
alvinIceman_B: #force_color_prompt=yes14:54
Iceman_BI know, I did that too14:54
Iceman_Blet me doubel check just to be sure14:55
Iceman_Boh and, how do I find out WHAT shell im actually using?14:55
Piciecho $SHELL14:55
Iceman_Bforce_color_prompt=yes <--- yup14:55
Iceman_Bchecks out14:55
Iceman_Bit returns /bin/bash14:56
Iceman_Bso thats cool too14:56
Iceman_Band vim shows up in colors, so its not putty14:56
Iceman_Bim also missing a .bash_logout14:57
alvin.bash_logout can also be found in /etc/skel You probably created the user without copying files from skel, or with another shell.14:59
Iceman_Bno idea really, I just installed 10.04, rebooted and logged in14:59
alvinIceman_B: The default is no colored prompt. I just try to color it by uncommenting #force_color_prompt=yes. It works fine.15:00
Iceman_Balvin: ok well, either im doing something wrong, or that just doesnt work here15:02
alvinIceman_B: Did you log out after uncommenting? (or sourced .bashrc?)15:03
Davieyhggdh: no problem.. It's landing in the archive shortly. :)15:03
Davieyhggdh: let me know how it turns out :)15:03
alvinIceman_B: I don't think you need other packages than bash to have a colored bash prompt15:05
Iceman_BI did log out after uncommenting, and I have no clue what you meant by "sourced"15:06
Iceman_Bim still qutie new to this15:07
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
alvin'source' is a built-in shell command. You can refresh your login files with it. (like type: $ source .bashrc instead of logging off and logging in again)15:21
Iceman_Booh cool15:23
Iceman_BI might try a system wide setting in a minute15:24
CharlieSuAnyone using Amazon's Elastic Load Balancer?15:26
CharlieSuDoes anyone know if it is possible to create a security group that only allows Amazon's Elastic load balancers?  I only want the ELB's to be able to access a group of servers to do health checks, but i don't want the rest of the world to be able to make requests.  This is because I have a web layer, application layer and DB layer with load balancers infront of both my web layer and application layer.  The web layer is15:29
hggdhDaviey: the SC still fails to start on a distributed deployment15:35
ttxhggdh: do the others start up ?15:36
tvwI am just setting up a linux server and now I need to setup postfix. I wonder which way I should go. I would have expected not to deal with postfix at all, since we have a separate mailserver.15:36
ttxCharlieSu: maybe on #ubuntu-cloud15:37
tvwNow I wonder, whether I make it a smart host or totally local.15:37
hggdhttx: I will have to go back to topo2, I was running topo3. Chris sent me a note late last night stating he had found the issue on the separate topos15:37
CharlieSuttx: thx15:37
hggdhttx: and would give us a fix today15:37
ttxhggdh: I thought that would be included on the recently-uploaded one15:37
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
hggdhttx: 2010-08-10 22:36:19     deckie  i found the problem that was preventing remote walrus/sc from working.15:39
hggdh2010-08-10 22:36:45     deckie  i'll follow up with you tomorrow and dave, and the list later tonight15:39
hggdhthe time is URC-515:40
ttxDaviey: ^how does this map onto your own work ?15:40
Davieyhggdh: Yes.. I understood there was going to be another upstream commit.. But perhaps i missunderstood deckie.15:41
DavieyI think he left it going through their internal continual integration testing stuff...15:42
Davieywhich would automatically push to the branch.. That is how i understood it.15:43
DavieySo either i missunderstood, or it failed the test15:43
=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
tucemiux_"tunnelled clear text passwords" is secure, right?  Basically, it means authenticating using a password as opposed to a key15:43
hggdhI do not know, at this time I was trying to sleep (so that I could get up earlier and test it15:44
hggdhDaviey, ttx: going now to topo2 (fully-separated) to confirm15:47
Davieyhggdh: Appreciated! :)15:48
RyanPI have a server with something wrong with it. Among other things, when i execute "sudo -i", I get three "Sorry, try again." messages, then "sudo: 3 incorrect password attempts", without ever being prompted for a password. Anyone know what's going on?16:00
PiciWell thats not normal.16:04
PiciRyanP: You mention that other things are wrong with it, do you suspect that its been rooted?16:06
tvwWhat sense does it make to use sudo on a server? I will never work there as a normal user and if, every command would start with sudo? I do not want to start a discussion but only a hint?16:06
RyanPPici, Not ruling it out, but I don't think so.16:07
thesheff17#/join ubuntu-virt16:07
Iceman_Balvin: oh cool, after sourcing ~/.bashrc it works16:09
Iceman_B(except that my prompt is now green too, but meh)16:09
PiciRyanP: What if you just try to sudo a different command? Also, does sudo point to where you expect it? check   which sudo16:09
Picitvw: One of the quickest arguments is that by not having a root user (or rather, having a locked password), anyone who tries to comprimise the server needs to know both a valid username and a password, rather than just 'root' and a password.16:11
RyanPsudo is /usr/bin/sudo, which seems to have appropriate permissions and such. sudo anything (sudo bash or sudo ls for example) give the same error.16:11
PiciRyanP: And your user is in the admin group?16:12
tvwPici: Thanks, that makes sense.16:12
tvwRyanP: or is your user in the group 'sudo'16:13
Iceman_Bwhere can I read what exactly happens during the install? I want to get some more insight into Linux16:13
RyanPPici, the user is in the admin group.16:14
tvwAnother question: The installation cd assumes, that the machine is connected to the internet. This make the installation a bit painful, if no network is attached to the server. Is there a way to avoid, that setup is querying the network all the time. It causes a lot of delays.16:17
qman__tvw, just skip network configuration during setup16:23
qman__press cancel on DHCP, then choose do not configure at this time16:23
tvwqman__: That's a weird procedure, but thanks.16:25
qman__well, a server without a network connection isn't very useful, so it's assumed you have one16:31
qman__but not configuring the network will speed up the install16:31
hggdhDaviey, ttx: separate install definitely is still broken. So I guess we are waiting on the additional patch from Chris16:47
ttxDaviey: we are still waiting for an additional patch ?16:48
hggdhDaviey, ttx: I am now going back to all-in-one, to test the rootwrap & volume creation16:48
ttxhggdh: sounds good16:48
Davieyhggdh: Yeah.. seems there was an issue.. Gonna try and get hold of someone now.16:49
Picikim0: Thanks for updating the irc/channellist wiki page, I forgot about that.16:50
kim0Pici: no worries :)16:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #616404 in munin (main) "package munin-node 1.4.4-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subproces installed post-installation script gaf een foutwaarde 1 terug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61640417:07
tvwAfter installation I get errors: "fd0 read error", "no such disk". I use raid1 and installed grub into MBR.17:15
tvwthe floppy disk is disabled in BIOS.17:15
sponzorhi. i have 2x 500gb, 1x 1tb. i want to do is raid 1. so that i would have 1tb=1tb raid. how to combine 2x 500gb17:20
patdk-wkraid0 :)17:21
patdk-wkthen do a raid1 on the 1tb and the raid017:21
sponzorwill take that a lot of resorces of server? :P17:22
patdk-wkor, you may not want to do raid0, but do linear instead, to just concat the two, instead of striping them17:22
sponzorhmm linear? how to do that17:23
patdk-wkdunno, never done it17:23
sponzorthan i will go with raid 017:23
patdk-wklooks like instead of doing raid0, you just type linear17:24
patdk-wkthe advantage of linear is if you really screw something up (like two of the drives fail)17:25
patdk-wkassuming one is the 1tb17:25
patdk-wkyou could still recover half your data17:25
sponzori will go with raid 0. ok i did raid 0. now i have 1tb lvm. i nead to do is that 1tb lvm will be raid not lvm.. ? how to do that. i m doinng fresh install...17:27
patdk-wkwhy do you have lvm?17:27
patdk-wkwhat did you do?17:27
patdk-wklvm is going slow things down :)17:27
sponzorlvm was automatic when i did raid 017:28
patdk-wkI dunno if you can use the installation menu to give you what you want17:28
patdk-wkyou should use lvm yes, but after you do the raid117:28
patdk-wkI never setup mine using the installer so17:29
sponzorthan i should install it on 1tb and make 2x 500 to 1tb and than to raid1 in the console after installation?17:29
patdk-wkdon't think so17:30
sponzorhmm what should i do than? :P17:30
patdk-wkI normally just drop to console17:30
patdk-wksetup the raid17:30
patdk-wkthen do the install17:30
* patdk-wk is all about doing things manually though :)17:30
sponzorthat is to hard.. its like gentoo then :P17:31
patdk-wkno it's not, I'm not waiting a week for it to build everything :)17:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #616417 in mysql-5.1 (main) "AppArmor complains about missing local/usr.sbin.mysqld file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61641717:36
TohuwOn my Ubuntu 9.10 server, I'm configuring DoveCot with LDAP as per http://wiki.dovecot.org/HowTo/DovecotOpenLdap and have a few questions... 1) In the example LDIF, what does the comment "# only necessary if you are NOT using 'bind' authentication" indicate? That the entire rest of the entry is not necessary, or just that stanza? I am using bind authentication for LDAP. 2) These will be virtual accounts. I see the global_uid and global17:56
patdk-wkbind authenication is nice17:58
patdk-wkit logs into the ldap server using the users name and password17:59
patdk-wkotherwise it logs in using whatever you want, then it checks itself that the username and password match what is in ldap17:59
patdk-wksecond way is easier to configure ldap17:59
patdk-wkfirst way is faster, cause it is 1 lookup instead of 2 or more17:59
Tohuwpatdk-wk: makes sense. Is it a security risk to allow for bind authentication, since this means any user could just log into the server? I'm guessing "no", because you want users in there to be able to login. The second question is: I will be using virtual names for my dovecot addresses (i.e. not every email address will link to a real user on the server). I suppose this means I DO need that stanza?18:02
patdk-wksecurity issue all depends on how *insecure* you configure your ldap :)18:03
patdk-wkI use bind, I want users to login, and users are restricted to only their own items18:04
Tohuwfair enough :)18:04
patdk-wkdo need what stanza?18:04
Tohuwper the comment in the help doc I linked. Here's the excerpt (it's an example ldif): http://pastebin.com/mdvETEbK18:05
TohuwI assume line 13 refers only to lines 14-1818:06
Tohuwor does it refer to the entire rest of the ldif?18:06
patdk-wkthat is just creating an account, for dovecot to login to ldap with18:07
patdk-wkso if you don't use bind, you need it, if you use bind, it's not needed, but won't hurt18:07
patdk-wkthe last two would be user accounts18:08
ivoksit's missing posixAccount to be an 'account'18:09
ivokswithout that objectClass it's not an account18:10
ivoksit's just an entry18:10
patdk-wkmine I only use, inetOrgPerson and posixAccount18:11
ivoksah, i see what this is for18:12
patdk-wkfor my webmail ones, inetOrgPerson, posixAccount, top, hordePerson18:12
ivoksin slap.conf read perms are given to cn=dovecot18:12
ivoksand then adds password18:13
ivoksit's a good tutorial18:14
Tohuwivoks: I think so. I'm learning a good bit I didn't know about ldap and Dovecot. I've never had to setup a mail server from scratch with no "cheat scripts" before.18:15
ivoksoh, you haven't seen dovecot-postfix package? :)18:16
Tohuwivoks: I've seen it, but I'm using Exim ;)18:16
ivoksit doesn't integrate with ldap18:16
ivokswhy? :)18:16
Tohuwivoks: it seems to offer the most robust featureset, and, frankly, I'm more familiar with troubleshooting it.18:17
ivoksfair enough18:18
smoserkirkland, ping me when you see this please.18:23
patdk-wkheh, I never setup mine even with an howto before18:28
patdk-wkI installed the dovecot-postfix last night though on 4 systems, in my demo lab18:28
patdk-wkcause I needed to test imap and smtp connections18:28
Tohuwpatdk-wk: though some scoff at them, I really like Ubuntu's packages for so many setups. I wish I could have deployed 10.04 to this server, just for the "redmine" package. It would have saved me ~6 hours of work ;(18:33
patdk-wkwell, I use the packages for quick tests18:34
patdk-wkhalf the time I end up compiling from source18:34
Tohuwyes, they're good for that. Especially because you can just purge them when you're done and poof, all gone (usually/sort of)18:35
patdk-wkI always poof the server :)18:35
qman__yeah, never run tests on a tainted server18:35
qman__the results won't be consistent18:35
TohuwUnless you're replicating a tainted server environment you can't control ;)18:35
patdk-wkI wish these would install on ubuntu though18:36
patdk-wkthe mysql from there, really has issues with ubuntu18:36
TohuwSo many clients I have had the "pleasure" of working with are utterly horrified at the thought of actually rebuilding their server18:36
patdk-wkI can't install anything that uses mysql, after I install that, or ubuntu attempts to wipe it out18:36
qman__right, but you should make a copy of the server to mess with18:37
qman__not just mess with it18:37
Tohuwqman__: oh, I never test on production boxes themselves18:37
patdk-wkvm's are nice for that18:37
TohuwI'm just saying, if you're going to run several very quick tests on relatively non-related software, you can just purge18:37
patdk-wkmirror production box18:37
patdk-wktest :)18:37
TohuwI'm transitioning our web and app server environments to Ubuntu Cloud servers. I'm in love18:38
Tohuwclone, clone, clone, destroy18:38
TohuwI remember when "virtualization" was what you did to "cluster". Right before "giving up" or "crying" or "getting seriously inebriated"18:39
TohuwI think the worst setup I ever partook in was a clustered Exchange 4.x server. Suffice it to say the hostname of the dev boxen it was being tested on were clusterf***1 through clusterf****4 for a reason18:40
patdk-wkheh, oviously not exchange 2007 :)18:41
patdk-wkyou need atleast 8 box's18:41
Tohuwand a small orbital space station18:42
patdk-wkI have a large postfix cluster18:42
patdk-wkthen I have a small postfix cluster in front of exhcnage 200718:42
patdk-wkI don't trust exchange to protect exchange18:43
TohuwI don't trust exchange to exchange exchange18:43
patdk-wkI haven't had issues with exchange, only with outlook screwing u pthe mailbox's18:44
TohuwOutlook is worse than exchange. I'd rather troubleshoot and work with Exchange than Outlook anyday18:45
TohuwI despise Outlook18:45
TohuwOkay back to working. Thanks for the help, as always18:46
resnoim intersting in setting postfix for my offce to use for outgoing mail. how complicated is the setup?19:06
patdk-wkit can be as easy or complex as you want :)19:08
patdk-wkI've done them in <1hour, and some >3days19:08
resnoi just want the office to be able to send emails through it19:09
patdk-wkthe only real issue for using it for outgoing mail would be setting up your dns (forward and reverse) and spf records up correctly19:09
resnoi found a tut and im going to try it out19:09
resnothis coming from an office server with no domain, should it still work?19:10
patdk-wkunless you set it up to use a smarthost19:11
patdk-wkoutgoing email servers must have proper manners, or no one on the internet will accept email from you :)19:11
resnothen i would need to forward the emails through another machine essentially19:11
qman__I think anyone who has had to spend days recovering and merging PST files hates outlook19:12
patdk-wkqman, my boss has 26gigs of pst's :)19:12
patdk-wkall active and in use19:12
qman__yeah, my uncle is in a similar situation19:13
qman__over 20 gigs, had a hard drive fail19:13
qman__sent it to a place which recovered the files19:13
qman__but then he had another 2-3 gigs of new PST files19:13
qman__and wanted them merged together19:13
patdk-wkya, I do that about once a year, just to *clean* the pst19:14
trimetaInteresting question: Is it possible to configure ssh such that a certain user can only log in if the remote computer is in a specified subnet?19:14
Davieyhggdh: New snapshot landing in the archive shortly19:15
Daviey(not ppa)19:15
qman__trimeta, you can firewall it, but not based on the user19:15
patdk-wkI think new ssh lets you, dunno if the lucid one is new enough19:15
trimetaqman__: Yea, I would like to only restrict this one user from logging in from arbitrary remote machines, not all users.19:15
qman__any particular reason for it?19:16
straxYou could ask nicely ;)19:16
qman__I'm thinking this could be easily solved by using keys instead of passwords for that user19:16
patdk-wkoh wait, that isn'tby ip :)19:16
trimetaThe main reason is that I've got a relatively insecure account that I want my father to be able to use from the local subnet, but which can't be accessed from the wider internet. But there are other, more secure accounts on the system I do want to access from the internet.19:17
qman__yeah, that's easily solved with key-based authentication19:17
qman__just put the key on computers you want to give access19:18
hggdhDaviey: ack19:18
trimetaIt would be, if I could teach him how to use keys...he's got WinSCP and PuTTY as his access programs.19:18
qman__nothing to teach, you just set it up once19:18
qman__the other good solution I know of is to use two different SSH servers19:19
straxYou can set up PuTTy to automatically use a key, just save a "profile" or whatever Putty calls it19:21
straxAnd WinSCP just uses Putty19:22
trimetaNot the same install of PuTTY, though.19:22
straxWhat do you mean?19:23
qman__just use pagent19:23
trimetaWhatever, I'm going to try messing with /etc/ssh/sshd_config and see if that works.19:23
qman__there's nothing to do with subnets there, that's out of the scope19:24
straxIn fact, using a key makes it even easier for your father since then he doesn't have to type a password19:24
trimetaApparently not: the AllowUsers directive lets me say user@host.19:24
qman__that's not subnets19:24
trimetaWhere"host" can be of the form "192.168.*"19:26
trimetaAnd I just tested it and it worked; from a remote machine, it wouldn't let me log in even if I used the right password.19:26
trimetaAnyway, thanks for the advice guys, even if I ended up going a different path.19:30
regiusI wonder if this is possible? I'm trying with dhcp-helper but I have a problem getting ip on server:eth1 http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/5623/iprelay.jpg19:48
=== RyanP_ is now known as RyanP
Iceman_Bregius: personally, I cant make heads or tails out of your diagram19:58
Iceman_Bmaybe its be though19:58
Iceman_Bim usually big on diagrams19:58
regiusI want a computer between my home router and my isp19:59
regiusIt is named server in the diagram19:59
regiusThe eth* beside the boxes are interface names19:59
regiusand the boxes are computers20:00
Iceman_Byeah, I gathtered that much20:00
Iceman_Bbut what you are trying to accomplish, I didnt20:00
regiusI want a "transparent" computer infront of my home router20:01
regiusso my server will have a internet friendly adress, and my home router will altso have a internet friendly address20:02
Iceman_BIANA network wizard, but this sounds to me like you would typically need 2 public IP adresses20:02
Iceman_Bone for your router and one for the transparent machine20:03
Iceman_Bbut I assume you want both to share the same ip ?20:03
regiusI think so to20:03
regiusNo I want two different ip:s20:03
Iceman_Bthen call your ISP20:03
regiusMy ISP will grant 5 public ip20:03
Iceman_Bokay, so thats covered20:03
arrrghhhregius, you'll need a switch before your router (sorry to jump in if that's already been addressed)20:04
regiusarrrghhh: okey, why?20:04
Iceman_Breally? I mean, if 2 different MAC's request a DHCP lease with his ISP, he should get 2 back, no ?20:04
arrrghhhwell that depends20:05
arrrghhhwhat is your edge device20:05
arrrghhhcable modem?  dsl router?20:05
regiusA computer20:05
arrrghhhyour edge device is a computer...?20:06
regiusMy brand new fit-pc2i :-)(20:06
arrrghhhso it's a T1?  what?20:06
regiusRJ45 connection in to my flat20:06
arrrghhhok what does that T1 land on?  it goes directly into a computer?20:06
arrrghhhok, this computer... how many ethernet ports are on it?20:06
arrrghhhwell then it should work20:07
arrrghhhnvm, it won't work.  you need another nic.20:07
regiusSo i tought I need 3 public ip20:07
regius2 on the edge device, and one on the home router20:07
Iceman_Byou need 1 IP per device that you want visible on the internet, and you need to make sure that all requests are sent to your ISP, instead of any device on your network20:08
arrrghhhwell your edge router only has 2 nics.  one nic is consumed from the connection coming in, so you only have one NIC out.  therefore you can only hoook up your router or server.20:08
regiusRight now I'm trying to do a dhcp-relay local on the edge device20:08
arrrghhhi'd just put a switch on that T1 coming into your flat20:08
arrrghhhget a little 4-port switch.  problem solved, anything going into that switch will get its own public IP20:09
regiusMaybe that's the best way... But still can I have do a dhcp request on eth1 for the interface eth020:10
maswanarrrghhh: rj45 sounds like ethernet, not t120:10
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arrrghhhmaswan, the plug is the same... the only difference is the shielding on the cable...20:10
arrrghhhyou're splitting hairs20:10
Iceman_Bmy hairs are splitting too :(20:10
regiusIt is a bit expensive with a gigabit switch20:12
arrrghhhregius, is your bandwidth from your provider that high?20:12
regiusIs it not possible to fix this with some dhcp-relays20:12
arrrghhhno clue20:12
arrrghhhnever done it before20:12
regiusNo but I wan't gigabit between my home network and the server20:12
arrrghhhregius, so wait... where is your LAN?  on the router?20:13
arrrghhhthen that's where your bottleneck would be.  is that gigabit?20:14
arrrghhhthen you wouldn't have to worry about the switch20:14
arrrghhhit would only switch traffic going out to the internet20:14
arrrghhhassuming you landed that rj45 plug into your flat in that switch20:15
regiusno the internet connection are comming in to the server with 2 interfaces20:15
arrrghhhyes, i'm talking about putting a switch in front of that.20:16
arrrghhhso you can have more public IPs20:16
arrrghhhis that not what you're trying to do?!?!20:16
hallynjdstrand: plans on libvirt 0.8.2 or 0.8.3 merge?  Do you have time for that?20:16
regiusyes but without buying new hardware :-)20:16
jdstrandhallyn: I will be working on it this week20:16
jdstrandhallyn: Daviey asked about that last week20:17
hallynjdstrand: awesome, thanks20:17
jdstrandit will be 0.8.320:17
arrrghhhregius, well i'm not sure then.  either you add another nic to your edge device, or get a switch.  i'm not sure how else to solve it.  not saying there isn't a way, i just don't know it ;)20:17
regiusWhy would I need 3 nic:s? 1 for internet and one for the router20:18
hallynjdstrand: cool - between that and 0.12.5 kvm, we'll see if we get teh fast vm saves now!20:18
arrrghhhregius, i thought you had another device that needed a public ip.  you're not being very clear...20:19
maswanarrrghhh: not really, the end equipment is very different20:19
maswanarrrghhh: plugging in a t1 into an ethernet switch won't do much good20:19
maswanalso, a t1 is horribly slow20:19
regiusI guessed that the edge device needed 2 public ip:s and my router 1 public ip20:20
arrrghhhmaswan, again, splitting hairs.  if it's going directly into his server, it'll probably work on a switch.  it's probably not an actual t1, probably metro ethernet or something like that.20:20
maswanarrrghhh: if it is going to his server, it's definately not a t120:20
regiusIt's a 10/10 connection20:21
arrrghhhmaswan, agreed.20:21
=== schmidtm_ is now known as schmidtm
arrrghhhbut that's not really the problem here!20:21
arrrghhhperhaps i'm just not understanding.20:22
regiusI have activated ip forward on the server and right now I'm trying relaying the dhcp request with dhcp-helper -b eth0 -i eth1 -d20:22
regiusI thing I'm doing a pore job explaining :-(20:22
arrrghhhok wait'20:23
arrrghhhlet's start at square one20:23
arrrghhhyou're paying your ISP for 5 public IP addresses, correct?20:23
regius(or it's included for everyone)20:23
arrrghhhthose public IPs, are they static?20:23
arrrghhhi would hope so20:23
arrrghhhwell, that changes things and i can see why you're running into a roadblock now.20:24
maswanregius: What I'd do is get a small cheap ethernet switch and put that first, then plug the rest into that. If you really need the machines behind eachother, that's more difficult.20:24
arrrghhhput a switch in front of your PE device :P  lol that's the easiest.20:24
maswanOtherwise, hm, look into bridging between the internal and external interfaces, I think would be the terminology to search for20:25
regiusTrue that would be easy20:25
maswanbasically making the server act as a switch20:25
arrrghhhi'm just not sure how to pass the dhcp requests past your server.20:26
maswanbecause it needs to forward stuff, even though the upstreams network won't see it as a router for your other IPs, etc.20:26
regiusI found dhcp-helper20:26
maswaneven then, I'm not sure it'll work20:26
Johnnyxhuh anyone with problems with postfix? with running it?20:26
maswanJohnnyx: works fine for me, usually20:26
maswanJohnnyx: but then I don't have any complex configuration, just to send the cron mails off to me, etc.20:27
regiusIt's look's like it can forward broadcast packages to a specific dhcp server20:27
maswanregius: yeah, but after that you also need to manage to grab and forward all the rest of the unicast traffic too20:27
maswanregius: which means the server has to appear to the upsterams network as having all those IPs20:28
Johnnyxi've installed it and its not running.. when i start it /etc/init.d/postfix start it says starting ... OK20:28
Johnnyxbut when i try postfix status it says system is not running20:28
lamontwhat does /var/log/mail.log say?20:28
maswanregius: that only solves part of th eproblem20:28
maswanregius: that's shifting the packets from eth0 to eth1, making your ISPs switch/router send them to your eth0 is also an issue20:29
Johnnyxhash map access missing map file /etc/mail/access.db .... i have no idea why...20:29
Johnnyxand in log20:30
Johnnyxreject=451 4.3.0 temporary system failure20:30
regiusThanks all for trying! I'm giving up :-) and buy a switch insted20:31
maswanregius: Anyway, a good start would finding a guide on setting up bridging and experimenting with that. I've never done that outside of the virtualisation world though. It is a tricky thing to do. And yes, that's what I'd do too, even if it can theoretically be done. :)20:31
Johnnyxlamont: any suggestions?20:34
EgonisI'm absolutely fed up with Windows Server, and want to use Ubuntu Server in its place... I tried to restore my Exchange mailboxes from backup, and it caused a STOP error on a fresh install... I'm in the process of switching to Lotus Domino, and really want to run that on Ubuntu Server, however our accounting software requires windows to operate -- is there a safe and clean way to run Windows Server 2008 in a Virtual Machine on U20:52
_rubenJohnnyx: sudo postmap /etc/mail/access20:53
=== teddy is now known as teddymills
lauaccording to pdns-doc 2.9.21-5ubuntu1.1 there is a testing mode /etc/init.d/pdns monitor for pdnsd20:56
alvinEgonis: I do that on some ubuntu servers. (KVM) It works but the downside is that you will have a lot of performance loss. There are no virtio drivers for Windows 2008, so don't expect good I/O20:56
patdk-wkpdns != pdnsd20:57
Egonisalvin: It would be for a Pervasive (BTRIEVE) Database, and nothing more. The trouble is, the accounting software company won't support anything but their very precise configuration (even Server 2008 wasn't supported until weeks ago)20:57
patdk-wkpdnsd is a completely different, unlreated program20:57
Johnnyx_ruben: do you know what this could mean20:57
Johnnyxpostmap: warning: /etc/mail/access, line 105: record is in "key: value" format; is this an alias file?20:57
alvinEgonis: It might work, I use it for small databases too, but only when performance is not important. I hear you can buy signed drivers from Red Hat, but Canonical doesn't offer those for sale.20:58
alvinThe source is there, but you'll have to sign them yourself. If I have the time, I'll look into that. Doesn't look easy on first sight.20:58
Egonisalvin: thanks for the info20:58
alvinThere is a Brainstorm idea for that: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/24582/21:00
lauthx patdk-wk21:13
lamontJohnnyx: postmap hash:/etc/mail/aliases21:24
lamontJohnnyx: postalias hash:/etc/mail/aliases <-- actually21:25
=== lau is now known as Guest32771
hggdhDaviey: you just put out r1225, correct?21:31
trimetaI'm worried that the bind server I have set up on my machine isn't actually caching DNS results...running dig on a new address two times in a row doesn't result in reduced query times.21:35
trimetaHow can I check if I'm actually caching, and make sure that it does cache if it isn't currently?21:35
Davieyhggdh: correct, in the archive21:35
* RoyK rewrites his PHP code to Fortran21:39
=== Guest32771 is now known as lau
patdk-wktrimeta, do a lookup for like, www.google.com21:40
patdk-wkthen disconnect your internet cable21:40
patdk-wkand try again :)21:40
patdk-wkor you could have done a tcpdump on your internet connection and parse the results21:40
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
mike1anyone help with squid proxy for a server / not forwarding internet to lan....23:17
mike1anyone help with squid proxy for a server / not forwarding internet to lan....23:23
SpamapSmike1: how are you connecting to the proxy?23:24
mike1SpamapS:  The set is as follows.   Modem to eth0 on server/proxy eth1 to lan23:28
mike1I'm online throug the server right now (using ascII and lynx :)23:29
SpamapSmike1: so then what is your question?23:30
mike1I'm not getting the internet on my lan...  I'm ssh'ing into the server to get out.  packets aren't being forwarded23:30
mike1I'm guessing squid.conf isn't correct.23:30
SpamapSwell squid is really just for HTTP23:31
SpamapSit doesn't "forward packets"23:31
mike1<-- dummy using wrong terms sorry23:31
SpamapSPlease do not self deprecate. ;)23:32
mike1ok done with that, but what I am missing.  is it something in /etc/squid/squid.conf23:32
SpamapSmike1: you may find some answers here https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/firewall.html23:33
SpamapSmike1: what you probably want is IP masquerading.23:33
mike1SpamapS:  i'll read up a bit, hope you around for a few ! thanks23:35

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