
RAOFSarvatt: Have you done any mesa-demos packaging?02:17
RAOFSarvatt: I get the feeling that asac will be wanting some stuff from there, and I think we can happily ship it without necessarily needing mesa 7.9 first.02:18
Sarvattno i havent, was shopping around for other packages to rip the packaging off of :) need to go through and figure out what other demos to package from it and write up man pages02:19
RAOFWell, I think I'll start packaging it up and push something to pkg-xorg git.02:20
RAOFFeel free to wander through the manpage maze :)02:20
Sarvattany idea what demos they even want?02:23
RAOFI think something testing EGL & GL|ES.02:24
RAOFSo glesgears would proabably be one :)02:24
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
eagles0513875hey guys i am still having random nvidia driver issues the ones in lucid wouldnt allow my monitor to resume after an unspecified period of time. i upgraded to the version of the nvidia driver you have in ur ppa and its solved the problem, but now i have had my first crash and reboot into gdm instead of kdm07:33
eagles0513875any ideas as to what i should do07:33
asacRAOF: guess you are gone?09:17
|eagles0513875|asac: 09:18
|eagles0513875|are you an x or video related expert by any chance09:18
asaceagles0513875: unlikely ;)09:18
asacon arm i am moving in that direction. on x86, not so much ;)09:18
|eagles0513875|ahhh ok :( 09:18
|eagles0513875|cuz im having nasty video issues with the nvidia driver causing my system to hang then after rebooting to find out that the driver has crashed and the default kdm cant be loaded 09:19
|eagles0513875|but gdm until i reboot again and it boots back into kdm09:19
RAOFasac: I can be pung.09:31
RAOFasac: I'll be a-makin' dinner, but you can tell me what you mean by  those demos and I'll remember.  Like a fox.09:32
asacRAOF: lol09:32
asacRAOF: read the clutter/mutter: section notes here: https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/UserPlatforms/2010-08-10 ... maybe that gives you background09:33
asacping me after dinner ... have to hop on a sequence of calls now for a bit ;)09:33
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
RAOFasac: Yo!11:16
|eagles0513875|yofel: 11:36
|eagles0513875|how are you11:36
yofelgood so far ;)11:37
|eagles0513875|i need some help i am having random video card driver crashes actually just one so far with the driver from teh x ppa11:40
|eagles0513875|the exact issue is this 11:40
|eagles0513875|when the video driver crashes it brings up the dialogue box about low graphics mode 11:40
|eagles0513875|i restart x and i on the gdm login 11:40
|eagles0513875|restart the machine and im back on kdm11:40
|eagles0513875|also 11:40
|eagles0513875|i have issues with plasma crashing as well i start seeing icons disappearing etc11:41
|eagles0513875|im on kde 4.4.5 11:41
|eagles0513875|dunno what else could be the problem11:41
asacRAOF: hey11:41
|eagles0513875|any ideas yofel11:42
asacRAOF: so ;) ... did the link above make any sense to you?11:42
RAOFasac: So, you're interested in the egl texture_from_pixmap demo?11:42
asacRAOF: right. i am interested in a) getting the KHR extension used there backported to our mesa ... and b) getting the demo work11:43
yofel|eagles0513875|: actually I think I know what you're talking about11:43
yofelif you have the same issue I have choosing 'drop to terminal' should give you a working kdm11:43
asacRAOF: i basically only need the extension in mesa ... someone else can make the demo work (and port to gles2 i guess)11:43
|eagles0513875|yofel: i have gnome installed so i just restart x and it gets me to the gdm login 11:43
|eagles0513875|rebooting gets me back to the kdm login prompt11:44
asacRAOF: wonder how hard it would be to backport that extension 11:44
|eagles0513875|in regards to my plasma desktop issue i kill the p-d process and restart it from commandline and it fixes the problem11:44
|eagles0513875|yofel: do you think i should upgrade xorg tahts in the ppa11:44
RAOFI don't have a good idea how hard it would be.11:44
yofel|eagles0513875|: yes, if I restart X I get gdm, if I drop to a terminal I get kdm11:44
|eagles0513875|O_o must try that when it happens again 11:45
RAOFOn the other hand, that's available in (what will be) 7.9, yes?11:45
asacgood question11:45
|eagles0513875|yofel: what video card do you have cuz it only happened to me once so far with the nvidia-current from the ubuntu-x ppa11:45
asacwill we get 7.9?11:45
asacRAOF: ?11:45
|eagles0513875|its helped alot 11:45
asacRAOF: http://www.mail-archive.com/mesa3d-dev@lists.sourceforge.net/msg11616.html11:46
RAOFasac: It won't be available before feature freeze, but it might be worth an exception.11:46
|eagles0513875|yofel: what video card do you have11:46
yofelnVidia Corporation GT218 [NVS 3100M] (rev a2) with 256.44   works fine except for the occasional failsave x as you said11:46
asacRAOF: ok. and without 7.9 we are unlikely to be able to backport it?11:46
|eagles0513875|strange and your experiencing the same issues on a newer card 11:47
|eagles0513875|im on an 8800gt 11:47
|eagles0513875|the 256 driver fixed a bunch of issues i was having except for the radnom driver crash 11:47
|eagles0513875|as well as plasma-desktop issue 11:47
yofelI suspect kdm trying to load before the driver has loaded, but that's simply guessing11:47
|eagles0513875|yofel: any ideas regarding my plasma-desktop issue11:47
asacRAOF: is 7.9 daily already in a ppa or something?11:48
RAOFasac: xorg-edgers11:48
RAOFxorg-edgers is wonderful (thanks Sarvatt!)11:48
asacRAOF: would just copying mesa be good enough? or do we need other parts?11:48
yofel|eagles0513875|: what plasma-desktop issue?11:49
RAOFIt looks like that series is self-contained, yeah.  So it would be just mesa.11:49
|eagles0513875|yofel: mind if i pm ya as its probably not related to the channel and i dont wanna take it offtopic11:50
tseliotSarvatt, RAOF: maybe I should upload the new nvidia driver and suggest users to use the ignoreabi option? (not that I'm fond of this solution...)14:10
tjaaltonbumping the abi in depends would then give false hopes14:15
tjaaltonaaronp asked keithp yesterday if the abi was final, so a proper driver might appear soon?14:16
tseliottjaalton: oh, I thought the abi was final14:16
* tseliot is so glad to be using radeon on his main pc14:17
tjaaltonit is14:18
tjaaltonbut bumping it in the nvidia package would say that it supported the abi14:18
tjaaltonwhich is wrong14:18
tseliotyes, but, in theory (I have my reasons to believe so), 256.44 should already be ABI compatible14:20
tjaaltonno it isn't if it doesn't work without ignoreABI14:21
tseliotyes, I'm waiting for Nvidia to get back to me to see what's going on14:21
=== asac_ is now known as asac
shadeslayer_hi after the latest round of X updates, my X doesnt start with nvidia drivers15:13
shadeslayer_log at : http://paste.ubuntu.com/47645315:13
shadeslayer_also, i have maverick15:14
Sarvatttjaalton, tseliot well the alternative is having X removed on upgrades breaking nouveau too for those people unless they know to remove nvidia-common before trying to upgrade, uploading it even though it only works with IgnoreABI seems like a better idea to me..15:29
Sarvattand yes a large amount of people are actually letting it remove X :(15:29
shadeslayer_oh oh .. how do i enable this IgnoreABI ?15:29
tseliotshadeslayer_: in the serverflags section in xorg.conf15:29
tseliotSarvatt: yes, that was my main concern15:30
Sarvattshadeslayer_: you need to add the ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates PPA and update to 256.44 first for that to work until it's in the archives, 256.35 thats in maverick doesn't work15:30
shadeslayer_ah ok.. lemme remove my xorg then, and boot with nouveau15:31
Sarvattshadeslayer_: just add the PPA and do a apt-get dist-upgrade15:31
shadeslayer_uh ok.. can you give me the ppa address? i have no X :P15:32
tseliotlinks FTW :-)15:32
Sarvattdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates/ubuntu maverick main15:32
shadeslayer_Sarvatt: no apt-add-repository link?15:33
Sarvattppa://ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates ?15:33
Sarvatterr ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates15:33
Sarvattguess I lost that patch to jockey I wrote up last time this happened that added IgnoreABI to xorg.conf for nvidia, bah15:35
Sarvattoh maybe because i'm looking for a jockey patch and it was another package, hmm15:37
Sarvattnope it was jockey, data/handlers/nvidia.py15:38
tseliotSarvatt: no, it should be in Jockey (in the nvidia handler). I can do that but I'll have to discuss this with pitti tomorrow15:38
Sarvattoh was it just this?15:40
Sarvatt        if self.version == 'current':15:40
Sarvatt            self.xorg_conf.addOption('ServerFlags', 'IgnoreABI', 'True', optiontype='Option', position=0)15:40
Sarvattaround line 8015:41
eagles0513875tseliot: i had another nvidia crash again like i was priro to trying the nvidia driver in the ppa15:42
tseliotSarvatt: yes, I think that would do it15:43
tselioteagles0513875: the plasma crash again?15:43
eagles0513875the other thing where nvidia driver crashes it complains about low graphics mode 15:44
eagles0513875i restart x15:44
eagles0513875#and i get gdm 15:44
eagles0513875when i reboot i get back to kdm but thats besides the point 15:44
eagles0513875in regards to that im not sure what else to try15:44
eagles0513875yofel: is kinda having the same issue in that respect as well cuz i was discussing it with him this morning tseliot15:44
tselioteagles0513875: I guess it depends on 1) how you restart X 2) whatever DM you set as a default15:45
eagles0513875for me kdm is default15:45
tseliota driver can't change your dm15:45
eagles0513875thing is then when the low graphics prompt pops up and it gives you a list of options yofel drops down to console it loads kdm15:46
eagles0513875tseliot: where should i redirect this issue then?15:46
tseliotok, how do you restart X?15:46
tseliotI'm not really sure about the status of failsafe X and kdm15:47
tseliottherefore you should file a bug report against kdm15:47
eagles0513875tseliot: when this happens it complains about low graphics then gives me a list of options and restart x is one of them15:47
tseliotwell, either you or yofel15:47
shadeslayer_uh.. apachelogger was working on this i think15:48
tseliotyes, failsafe X is gnome-centric15:48
shadeslayer_tseliot: more like gdm-centric15:48
eagles0513875tseliot: what doesnt make sense is when dropping into a root console it loads kdm15:48
eagles0513875hi shadeslayer_15:48
tseliotso I guess that it simply restarts gdm15:48
shadeslayer_eagles0513875: hey :D15:48
tselioteagles0513875: that's a bug in kdm15:49
eagles0513875thats not whats bothering me 15:49
eagles0513875whats bothering me is the driver crashing15:49
eagles0513875what has changed since the driver version in karmic, i never had this issue of random crashes on karmic15:49
tselioteagles0513875: have you filed a bug report about it?15:51
tseliotif not, please do15:51
tseliotand I'll make sure that Nvidia have a look at it15:51
eagles0513875i will if it crashes again cuz the driver in the ppa has been quite stable15:51
eagles0513875this so far happened only once compared to the one in the lucid repos15:51
shadeslayer_um sorry for asking again but what do i need to insert into xorg.conf? you see i lost the logs :(15:57
tseliotshadeslayer_: I'll give you an example on pastebin16:00
shadeslayer_tseliot: i dont have X :P16:00
shadeslayer_i cant navigate to the pastebin16:01
tseliotSection "ServerFlags"16:01
tseliotOption "IgnoreABI" "True"16:01
tseliotadd these 3 lines in your xorg.conf16:02
tseliotshadeslayer_: ^16:02
shadeslayer_thanks tseliot 16:02
yofeleagles0513875 tseliot: actually there is bug 585930 (just found it) will see if delaying kdm start helps16:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 585930 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "kdm starts before nvidia driver is fully loaded (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58593016:04
shadeslayer_tseliot: time to reboot and see :D16:04
tseliotah good16:04
eagles0513875yofel: for me its only happened once to me with the 256 nvidia driver16:04
eagles0513875yofel: will have to work on that once im done performing surgery on my mac lol16:05
=== asac_ is now known as asac
shadeslayertseliot: whee... it works \o/16:08
tjaaltonSarvatt: then that should be fixed16:23
tjaaltonor the dependency dropped completely16:24
=== cnd is now known as cndougla
Sarvattshoot, i wonder if we should add clickpad support to synaptics before feature freeze, the kernel side was added way back in lucid18:08
LucidFoxGreetings! I've had a problem for a few days now - not sure what package causes it, though.18:50
LucidFoxAfter GNOME fully boots, the Nautilus desktop background is replaced by flat white18:50
LucidFox(on maverick)18:50
LucidFoxI'd file a bug, but I don't even know what against18:51
eagles0513875LucidFox: ask in ubuntu+1 that is specific for maverick development questions18:56
LucidFoxheh, and I was sent here from #ubuntu-desktop :)18:56
* LucidFox goes18:56
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