
danyRhi folks. I've deleted my UbuntuOne entry from Startup apps, can anyone point me to a the right command to add it back?01:00
duanedesignhello danyR01:01
duanedesign/bin/sh -c '[ -d "$HOME/Ubuntu One" ] && ubuntuone-launch'01:02
duanedesigndanyR: ^^ that is Lucid01:02
duanedesignKarmic(ubuntuone-client1.0.3) is a bit different.01:02
danyRduanedesign: thanks ;-) I'm in Lucid01:02
danyRduanedesign: as I'm around, I've been wondering how UbuntuOne status is going to be handled in Maverick? Because right now I can't have a concrete idea of U1 status without u1sdtool01:04
duanedesigndanyR: i have not looked at it in a few weeks01:12
duanedesigndanyR: there is a tool called Magicicada01:12
duanedesignthat is a GUI for syncdaemon. You could call it a  a GUI for the u1sdtool commands.01:13
duanedesigndanyR: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chicharreros/ppa; sudo apt-get  install magicicada01:13
duanedesignthen you launch it under Applications > Accessories01:13
danyRlet me test it :) thanks for ppa duanedesign01:14
danyRit's nice, but I think I'm waiting for more official tools by the time Maverick comes out. thanks anyway01:15
mkarnickibeuno: CardinalFang: 0.4.3b of AndroidU1 is ready, details/download here http://goo.gl/n82e . enjoy. I'll be leaving in fea minutes, it's after 4AM ;d03:15
mkarnickiverterok: oh, you're here too. you might want to get more stable 0.4.3b ^03:15
mkarnickiI hope you guys will like it. Theres still so much to do, but at least it got quite stable. I hope you won't crash it ;)03:16
mkarnickigoodnight all :) /me is away03:19
beunomkarnicki, I've been using the previous release a lot04:13
beunouploading pictures from my phone04:13
duanedesignanyone into folding here?04:30
duanedesignoops, wrong channel :)04:30
Chipacaduanedesign: I'm very close to calling it a wrap. That's probably all the folding I've got for now.04:48
duanedesignChipaca: yeah getting late here....04:49
Chipacaworking on the nautilus extension some more04:49
Chipacahaving to fight a huge itch to rewrite the whole thing04:49
duanedesigni knkow that feeling04:52
duanedesignChipaca: i guess the nautilus extension kinda took a backseat in Lucid and is coming back in maverick04:53
Chipacagaaar! HAVE_INTROSPECTION does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL04:53
ajmitchwhat do you hate about the nautilus extension?04:53
Chipacaajmitch: well... where do I start?04:55
Chipacaajmitch: what is the nautiilus extension for you?04:55
ajmitcha pain :)04:55
duanedesignahh it is in C04:55
Chipacaajmitch: the code needs a lot of love, and I haven't been able to give it as much time as it deserves04:56
ajmitchthough I'm trying to use it on debian at the moment, where the emblems say that some folders aren't synced04:56
Chipacaajmitch: when you see me writing code, it's because everybody else on the team is buried up to their noses in other more urgent stuff04:56
ajmitchI see :)04:56
Chipacaajmitch: the emblems are rather broken04:56
* duanedesign nods04:56
ajmitchnew obstacle for getting U1 code into debian - discussion about trademarks04:57
ajmitchhttp://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2010/08/threads.html has the thread04:57
ajmitchI was going to ping trademarks@u.c about it04:57
duanedesignajmitch: would that be similar to the 'Ubuntu' Software center debate04:58
ajmitchduanedesign: yes, though that one was quite valid for renaming, since it was mostly branding04:58
ajmitchin this case it's the name of a remote service04:58
ajmitchChipaca: I spotted it because they CCed http://bugs.debian.org/55975204:59
ajmitcha response from upstream would be appreciated :)05:00
ChipacaI'll forward it up - I try to meddle as little as possible in things legal05:01
ajmitchit's generally a good idea to stay away from legal wranglings05:01
Chipacawhen I do, it's with a yob and an Arr!05:01
ajmitchok, I've said that I've passed the buck on that one :)05:04
* duanedesign is retiring. Going to try and get up at a decent hour and get some bugs triaged tommorrow.05:05
Chipacaajmitch: you mentioned subscribing to bugs from configglue a while back. How do I do that?05:05
ajmitchbottom-left, there's a subscribe box05:06
ajmitchit should notify you of all uploads & bugs05:06
Chipacaajmitch: we cut configglue 0.9 today05:07
Chipacaajmitch: the docs are still out of date, but that'll get fixed soon05:07
ajmitchhow incompatible is it? :)05:07
ajmitchI need to be subscribing to the appropriate branches on LP05:07
Chipacaajmitch: the import changes, but other than that, very much compatible05:07
Chipacaall the old tests carry on being run, with some minor cosmetic changes05:08
ajmitchOK, will 0.9 head into maverick?05:08
Chipacaas soon as some a package of ubuntuone-client that works with it and the older version is packaged, it'll head on in05:08
ajmitchI can update it there if needed, though I imagine one of your team will be doing it05:09
Chipacathat is, by 0z of thursday at the latest :)05:09
ajmitchI'm sure you can bribe someone for a freeze exception05:09
Chipacayes, rick is still on it05:09
ChipacaI ran out of bribes last cycle05:09
* ajmitch should dive into some of the U1 code for fun & profit05:10
mandelvds, ping08:34
vdsmandel pong08:40
mandelvds, morning, is you internet fixed?08:41
vdsmandel: yes08:43
mandelvds, great, so in theory skype works, right?08:44
vdsmandel: skype in 15 mins?08:44
mandelvds, sure, ping me whenever you want08:44
vdsmandel: skype?09:14
mandelvds, sure :D09:14
mandelvds, lets hope it works ;)09:15
mkarnickibeuno: I'm happy to hear you've been using it. I might make your life even easier implementing the 'Share button' soon :)10:01
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duanedesignmorning all11:35
balachmarHi, I have a remark on the Ubuntu One Music Store. I explained my girlfriend that downloading from the ubuntu one music store, but then she couldn't find what she was looking for. (We live in the Netherlands) So knowing that the music comes from 7digital, I went there. And she could find all the music she wanted. The problem now is, that the ubuntu one music store works great and is easy to use. The 7digital stuff isn't. (Download z12:08
balachmarip, extract to music folder, update library, compared to click and buy) Why is there an extra restriction on what I am able to buy from the U1MS compared to the 7digital store?12:08
duanedesignhello balachmar12:11
duanedesignbalachmar: the music selection is determined by region12:14
duanedesignthe ubuntu one music store and 7digital, while partners, are not the same thing12:15
balachmarduanedesign: Yeah, I know, but still I hope that I would soon be able to access their entire catalog through the Ubuntu One Music Store. (Because I like it a lot better) Think of this not as a complaint, but as a compliment. Just hope to see the catalog of the ubuntu one music store growing.12:17
sylarpowahi all12:18
balachmarYou guys just made it so easy, that the 7digital way seems really complicated :)12:18
sylarpowaI am having an issue using ubuntu-one, I cannot sync it in any way..12:19
duanedesignbalachmar: they are going to reevaluate the EU and world store after 10.04 to see  decide how to expand the  number of country-specific regional stores12:20
duanedesignsylarpowa: hello12:20
duanedesignsylarpowa: what version of Ubuntu are you on?12:21
sylarpowaduanedesign: 10.04, I cannot add my computer12:21
duanedesignsylarpowa: uh oh :\ Are you having trouble finding the 'Add thhis Computer' button?12:22
sylarpowaduanedesign: yes, and the workaround on the wiki raises an error...12:22
sylarpowaor nothing happends..12:23
duanedesignsylarpowa: system > Preferences > Preferred Applications can you check that Firefox is your default browser?12:24
sylarpowait isn't12:24
sylarpowaduanedesign: the default one is chrome12:24
duanedesignok i think it should still work with Chrome. Though I have not tried it. let me see12:24
sylarpowachanging it to firefox doesn't change the issue.. no web page is opened at all12:25
duanedesignsylarpowa: can you open Applications > Accesories > Password and Encryption  Check and see if there is an Ubuntu One token?12:29
sylarpowayes, there is one token here12:29
duanedesignok can you right-click and delete it12:30
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sylarpowaduanedesign: done12:30
sylarpowawow it works thx!12:30
sylarpowaI have just added my computer12:31
duanedesignsylarpowa: ya!12:31
sylarpowaduanedesign: it is really slow :|12:31
sylarpowaI am having an issues with the files now... the never get processed12:36
duanedesignsylarpowa: ok12:36
duanedesignsylarpowa: can you open a terminal and run the command: u1sdtool -s12:37
sylarpowasylar@sylar-laptop:~$ u1sdtool -s State: QUEUE_MANAGER     connection: With User With Network     description: processing queues     is_connected: True     is_error: False     is_online: True     queues: WORKING_ON_BOTH12:37
duanedesignsylarpowa: ok looks ok so far12:38
sylarpowaI have a "!" on the icon of the file12:39
duanedesignsylarpowa: can you run the command:  u1sdtool --waiting-metadata | wc -l12:39
duanedesignshould give you a number12:39
duanedesignok it has 2,552 metadata items to process. It processes the metadata items first then the Content Queue12:40
duanedesignsylarpowa: you can also check the content queue with: u1sdtool --waiting-content | wc -l12:41
sylarpowa:| and those 2552 metadata... where they come from?12:41
duanedesignsylarpowa: the files you are syncing12:41
sylarpowaI have only 1 file syncing12:41
duanedesigncan you run: u1sdtool --waiting-content | wc -l12:42
duanedesignthat will tell you how many items it is trying to sync12:42
sylarpowaso 2552 metadata and 1 file, isn't there anything strange?12:44
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duanedesignsylarpowa: you can run the command: u1sdtool --waiting-metadata12:45
duanedesignsylarpowa: without the '| wc -l' to get details12:45
duanedesignsylarpowa: if you want to pastebin that12:45
duanedesignat http://pastebin.ca/12:46
duanedesigni can look at it and maybe help figure out what it is doing12:46
sylarpowaduanedesign: http://pastebin.ca/191505812:49
duanedesignsylarpowa: it looks like it is doing a bunch of removing files. Did you add some files then remove them from your Ubuntu One folder, or other User Designated Folder?12:50
sylarpowaduanedesign: maybe it is something of longs time ago12:51
duanedesignsylarpowa: yeah could be. I think the unlinks go pretty fast12:52
duanedesignsylarpowa: what is the number now for: u1sdtool --waiting-metadata | wc -l12:52
sylarpowa__is there any way to empty the metadata changes list?13:10
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mkarnickiout of curiosity, how strict do developers hold onto python code formatting guidelines as far as number of columns (max row lenth) is concerned?14:01
mkarnickican you have a line longer by 4 signs, or is it tested and will complain that formatting is wrong?14:02
mkarnickiI'm talking about general Ubuntu development on launchpad, and deployment (tarmac, etc etc)14:02
beunomkarnicki, 80 columns is a strict rule14:10
beunoa single character over that will make pylint complain and nessita cry14:10
mkarnickibeuno: thanks :) (so it's a no-go if 1 line is 81 characters, right?)14:10
beunomkarnicki, right14:11
mkarnickihahaha roger14:11
mkarnickithanks! :)14:11
nessitabeuno: 79 characters plus the end of line14:11
nessitamkarnicki: ^14:11
mkarnickinessita: :D14:12
nessitareally :-)14:12
mkarnickinessita: I believe you :D thank you, very precise answer14:12
nessitamkarnicki: I recommend you run the pep8 tool over your sources14:12
mkarnickinessita: can I run it over Java source.. ? isn't it Python-excluse?14:13
nessitamkarnicki: ah, yes, I thought you were doing python code as well14:13
mkarnickinessita: I wish :) (I should finally learn python!), Android is Java exclusive (on high level)14:14
nessitamkarnicki: you'll get there eventually, Python is a only-way road14:17
mkarnickinessita: :D14:17
mkarnickinessita: I would now hold tightly to my algorithmic nature and scientific believes, and ripost with 'C++ is a only-way!' ;D (But seriously, I do want to learn python. It looks really, really good)14:19
mkarnickiverterok: if I have a method void foo(int bar); and I document that method with javadoc, how should I refer to 'bar' ? just bar or {@bar} or something else fancy?14:20
dobeypython really isn't that great :)14:29
verterokmkarnicki: I think it depends on how fancy you want your javadocs :)14:31
mkarnickiverterok: I just wanted to refer to method argument/parameter14:31
mkarnickiin the /** block */ just over the method14:31
verterokmkarnicki: @param ?14:32
mkarnickiverterok: umm... something like ".. and it will do this and that with _____ "14:32
mkarnickiwhere _____ is the name of the parameter. should I write ".. and it will do this and that with @param bar" ?14:33
mkarnickiI guess so, yes. Thanks verterok14:33
dakiraA question about contacts.. I've got all my contacts in Ubuntu One, but not in Evolution. Since contact-sync to Desktop is not going to be available for some time, how about this: Could I use syncevolution with the server and user/pass combination I use in the funambol iphone app, to sync my contacts to evolution?14:48
ryedakira, i believe the answer is yes, though my previous attempts to use syncevolution were not that successful. mobile sync uses syncml so it should work14:52
dakirarye: okay.. I think the only thing you shouldn't try is syncing to the couchdb because that is not supported by syncevolution.14:55
dakirarye: the problem I have is this.. since syncevolution calls the local contact groups "sources" (and since these are empty), I fear a sync would empty my contacts in Ubuntu One.14:57
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dakiraquestion: The syncml-server for ubuntuone is http://syncml.one.ubuntu.com. What is the URI for contacts?15:16
ryedakira, card15:18
* rye is installing syncevolution to test that too15:18
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dakirarye: ah.. thanks.. I'm trying to do this with sync-ui (a GUI for syncevolution).. but that always tells me my password might be wrong. Is it possible I have to wait a while after I reset my pw?15:30
ryedakira, hm, it tells me that too, let me check with mobile client15:31
ryedakira, no, login/pass is correct15:32
dakirarye: strange15:53
dakirarye: would have been a nice workaround15:56
ryedakira, it should be, syncing the logs to see whether i can find the reason15:57
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dakirarye: the only errors I can find in the log, state pretty much the same.. authorization failed..16:12
ryedakira, it looks like syncevolution is not sending the session info16:39
ryebut it is, according to tcpdump16:40
dakirarye: syncml.one.ubuntu.com is pretty much the standard funambol server, right?16:42
ryedakira, yes it is16:42
ryedakira, database backend is different though16:42
ryedakira, as the information is stored in couchdb16:43
dakirarye: that should make no difference, though, when talking to the server (and authenticating)16:44
ryedakira, yes, the server specifically says Requested sessionId: null; User not authenticated; uthentication failed for device syncevolution-468560d6-fa3b-4621-84a6-5847091d3d2d. Make sure that the client used correct username and password and that there is a principal associating the user  to the device.16:45
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dakirarye: looking through the log, the authentication problem only seems to appear when syncevolution asks for a status.. I mean there seem to be messages exchanged where the authentication works.17:35
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tsoilandhow exactly do I configure ubuntuone to use my account? There are barely any settings in the app22:38

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