
scott-worki was interviewed for Ubuntu User about ubuntu studio if anyone is interested:  http://www.ubuntu-user.com/Online/Blogs/Amber-Graner-You-in-Ubuntu/Talking-about-Ubuntu-Studio-with-Scott-Lavender-Project-Lead-for-Ubuntu-Studio13:10
scott-worksorry about the long link13:10
jussiscott-work: ahh, great that happened13:51
holsteinnice scott-work :)17:36
* holstein just checked with AK to make sure it gets in the news for the week17:36
holsteinthat'll be 2 weeks in a row we hit the news-letter17:37
scott-workjussi:  yes it did, but just barely...i ended up taking off last friday from work to get it done though...i have too many projects going on at the same time17:55
scott-workholstein: thanks17:55
falktxjust to make you jealous - http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/tmp/blur_awesomeness.png17:58
falktxehehehhihi gwahahawa17:58
scott-workfalktx: but how does that affect your performance when recording?  I would imagine it would18:15
scott-workalthough, yes, it does look cool...as did your patchage screen shot18:16
falktxscott-work: well, since i have an intel card...18:17
falktxthe whole system gets waaaay slowwww18:17
falktxso, i have transparency but no blur18:17
falktxon kde, alt+shift+f12 stop/starts compositioning18:17
falktx^handy thing18:17

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