
=== tuvok302Lappy is now known as tuvok302
=== tuvok302Lappy is now known as tuvok302
lokHi there, im actually using xubuntu 10.04, i've try to update xubuntu from 10.04 to 10.10 alpha 3 but it didn't work. Furthemore i ve seen on the qa tracker that the upgrade test havn 't been performed so maybe it s a known problem; does anybody have succesfully updated xubuntu from 10.04 to 10.10?09:06
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:16
lokoops sorry i will change of channel tx for the advice :)09:17
Sysitell there ho did you try to update09:18
lokok thanks09:20
kangarooohello. in 10.10 bluetooth dongle not working also installed bluez and bluez-utils and gnome-bluetooth nothing helps16:59
kangaroooin 09.10 it was auto opening bluetooth icon16:59
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:01
charlie-tcaquestions about development versions need to be in #ubuntu+117:01
crazygirhiya! I just updated xubuntu --> 10.4 and mpd is now unable to find my sound card, this is the error mpd has: Aug 10 09:33 : output: Failed to open "My ALSA Device" [alsa]: Failed to open ALSA device "hw:0,0": No such file or directory17:40
crazygirI'm not 100% sure what i'd find in dmesg, but I'm not seeing anything reference alsa or snd, sound, etc17:41
crazygirthis was all supported and working earlier though :)17:42
charlie-tcaDoes the audio work for other applications?17:42
crazygirSysi: oh yea.. wanted to let you know.. my display/high processing issue worked out well. It turned out that i had only gone from 9.04 --> 9.10, all was well once I finished the upgrade from 9.10 --> 10.417:43
crazygircharlie-tca: that's a good question.. let me double check17:43
crazygircharlie-tca: yep, so then mpd isn'17:44
crazygircharlie-tca: yep, so then mpd isn't finding the hardware device17:44
charlie-tcabug in mpd17:44
crazygirnot necessarily :)17:45
crazygirbut yea, I'll head over to #mpd first17:45
ToStItOsanyone know how to delete a file within Totem movie player18:00
ToStItOsusbmodeswitch does anyone know anything about it??? if not where can I get support18:20
Sysiwhat do you want to do18:21
ToStItOswell I have a Franklin u210 usb data card modem from my cell provider but I can't get it to initialize on my xubuntu pc18:22
ToStItOsI have usbmodeswitch installed but how do I get it to work with my data card?18:22
ToStItOsSo how do I get it to run??? Do i use the commands in the terminal?18:24
ToStItOsDo i type the code out in the terminal or where?18:26
charlie-tcaToStItOs: normally, if you need to type commands, yes, you type them in the terminal. I haven't looked, though18:28
ToStItOsI am having trouble trying to figure out how to use usbmodeswitch with my data card. What exactly do I need to do to get my data card modem to work18:29
=== kai_62656 is now known as BDC-kracker
ToStItOscharlie do you know how I can get it to work18:40
charlie-tcaI do not. I looked at the reference from Sysi, but it doesn't make sense to me either. I don't know what the name of the config file given should be.18:43
ToStItOsI am just lost on this right now. Its not a big problem but I just would like to run my usb modem on Xubuntu. Currently I have 2 computers networked one pc has Xubuntu the other is Win xp18:44
pteague_workthis compaq laptop is so awesome... i plug my headphones in & it continues to play audio out of the speakers >.<19:07
abhijithello old-laptop19:11
abhijitold-laptop, you in right place. :D19:11
old-laptopso my terminal says ubuntu 10.04 but i have xubuntu and the help says xubuntu 9.1019:12
charlie-tcaold-laptop: correct19:12
charlie-tcaxubuntu documentation is behind on versions19:12
old-laptopso can i update my help file or somethig?19:12
old-laptopok thx guys19:13
charlie-tcaMost of the help file is still valid19:13
old-laptopgtg now19:13
old-laptopthx again19:13

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