
=== kai_62656 is now known as BDC-kracker
mhall119highvoltage: ping20:42
highvoltagemhall119: pong20:44
mhall119so I played around with some gconf stuff while waiting for my wife to have her tonsils removed20:44
mhall119and I've got it keeping separate configs for default Gnome and Qimo sessions20:45
mhall119I'm currently getting a gconf sanity check warning about my config files being in use by another process, but it doesn't seem to break anything20:45
highvoltagewell, that20:46
highvoltagewell, that's progress, at least :)20:46
mhall119that is progress20:46
highvoltagealso, I remember when my tonsils were removed. I just had to hint that my throat was sore and my parents went out and bought me ice-cream20:47
mhall119yeah, that's on my grocery list20:47
highvoltagemy throught was only sore for like, 3 days but I exploited it for another 6 months :)20:47
mhall119they tell us it's worse doing it when you're an adult...20:47
highvoltage*nod* I've heard so to20:48
highvoltage(stupid keyboard)20:48
mhall119anyway, I'll keep plugging along on this, not sure when it'll be packaged though20:48
highvoltagemhall119: well, it would be nice if we could still make it in before all the final freezes. no particular pressure though :)20:48
mhall119the final freeze today?20:49
highvoltagenope, that's feature freeze20:49
mhall119I'll do my bestest20:49
highvoltageso it's really supposed to be in by today, but we can get a freeze exception still if it can be ready soon20:49
highvoltageand ubuntu is currently kind of inbetween release managers, which might make it harder to get exceptions later on20:50
mhall119when is the deadline today?20:50
highvoltageyep, feature freeze happened a few hours ago20:52
mhall119I'll still get a package made as quickly as possible20:52
highvoltageit will be great if you can, just don't stretch yourself too thin!20:53
mhall119too late, I've been stretched thin for years21:40
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mhall119woot! got rid of the gconf warning22:38
mhall119I think I'm beginning to understand how this crazy system works22:38

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