
glaucousI'm using KDE4.5, and I can't enable composition. It just says that it's not available on this system due to some technical issues, but it doesn't say what the issue(s) are. Using 10.7 (latest) ATI. x6400:03
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peteykin System Monitor, the System Load tab stopped displaying CPU History. Anyone have any ideas how this could have happened?00:11
BluesKajglaucous,  ask in #ubuntu+100:14
RoeyI tried upgrading with do-release-whatever and got this when it was installing packages: http://pastebin.com/3nrUwVM8.  I tried fixing it with apt-get -f install and apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade but it doesn't get past this error.00:15
BluesKajhi Roey00:15
Roeyhey Blues!00:15
Roeykinda-sorta need help here00:15
BluesKajok , Roey , looking00:16
glaucousBluesKaj: Actually I fixed it by removing ~.kde/share/config/kdmrc00:16
glaucousOr a smiliar path00:16
RoeyBluesKaj:  thanks :)00:16
BluesKajRoey,  did you try sudo apt-get -f dist-upgrade ?00:22
BluesKajRoey, btw are you running virtual box ?00:23
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=== megalinux is now known as Dodora
mjobin10.04 + 4.5 rocks !!! thank you guys00:56
BluesKajmjobin, another happy user :)00:56
mjobinglaucous: radeonfb ? fglrx ? you tried both ?00:56
glaucousmjobin: I fixed it by removing ~/.kde/share/config/kmdrc00:57
=== jtheuer is now known as jt|away
marararami cannot start kontact anymore01:04
marararamkontact: error while loading shared libraries: libkontactinterface.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:04
marararamany hints?01:04
mjobinmarararam: recently updated? i'd say some package is missing.01:09
marararamyeah, i updated about two hours ago to kde4.501:09
marararami have l /usr/lib/libkontactprivate.so.401:10
marararamlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 2010-07-05 17:07 /usr/lib/libkontactprivate.so.4 -> libkontactprivate.so.4.4.001:10
marararambut kontact won't start01:10
mjobinrun as root : ldconfig -v | grep kontactprivate01:11
marararamapt-get update && apt-get [dist-]upgrade do not list anything to install01:11
marararam/sbin/ldconfig.real: Can't stat /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu: No such file or directory01:12
marararam/sbin/ldconfig.real: Can't stat /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu: No such file or directory01:12
marararam        libkontactprivate.so.4 -> libkontactprivate.so.4.4.001:12
mjobinmarararam: actually I am getting same error01:14
BluesKajmarararam, sudo apt-get -f dist-upgrade01:14
mjobinno, I am missing /usr/lib/libkontactinterface.so.401:14
marararamReading package lists... Done01:15
marararamBuilding dependency tree01:15
marararamReading state information... Done01:15
marararamCalculating upgrade... Done01:15
marararam0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.01:15
FloodBotK1marararam: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:15
mjobinmarararam: dpkg -l | grep kde | grep -v 4.5 # shows you that kdepim is still on 4.4.2 ? no ?01:16
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mjobinmarararam: do you have this package installed ? libkontactinterface401:18
mjobintry ... apt-get install libkontactinterface401:18
mjobinand this one ... libakonadi-contact401:19
mjobinldd /usr/bin/kontact | grep not\ found  # will show you what is missing.01:21
BluesKajhmm, libkontactinterface.so.4  and  libakonadi-contact.so.4 are missing here too , fortunately I don;tmuse either one01:30
=== aperson is now known as APERSON
marcosrorizis there anyone here familiar with kopete?03:04
marcosrorizEvery time a contact change it's state I get a notify. How do I completely disable?? I already switched off on #kopete03:05
RoeyI tried upgrading with do-release-whatever and got this when it was installing packages: http://pastebin.com/3nrUwVM8.  I tried fixing it with apt-get -f install and apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade but it doesn't get past this error.03:06
Roeycan anyone help me out with it please?  Thanks03:06
well_laid_lawnRoey: never seen that before - only suggestion is to remove vbox then do the upgrade03:13
well_laid_lawnonly suggestion that I can make*03:13
RoeyI tried didn't work03:13
Roeywill try again.03:13
well_laid_lawntry with the purge option in konsole03:14
Roey20100811 22:13:54 roey@gear:~$ sudo dpkg -r virtualbox-3.103:14
Roeydpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 36371 package 'virtualbox-3.1':03:14
Roey error in Version string `3.1.4-57640_Ubuntu_karmic': invalid character in revision number03:14
RoeyI get that.03:14
FloodBotK1Roey: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:14
Scunizidoes gcal for akonadi actually work? I thought I had a connection to my google calendar account but not now..03:14
well_laid_lawnsudo apt-get remove --purge virtualbox03:14
ScuniziRoey: that link says to try sudo apt-get -f remove03:16
well_laid_lawnRoey: is the vbox you have the binary from vbox 'cause the ubuntu package is called virtualbox-ose ?03:18
well_laid_lawn!find virtualbox karmic03:18
ubottuFound: virtualbox-guest-additions, virtualbox-ose, virtualbox-ose-dbg, virtualbox-ose-guest-source, virtualbox-ose-guest-utils (and 3 others)03:18
ScuniziIf you've done the upgrade to your system and have the binary Vbox installed you'll need to reinstall it.  The binary had kernel mods it makes03:19
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well_laid_lawn!away > jt|away03:20
ubottujt|away, please see my private message03:20
Roeywell_laid_lawn:  it's from oracle themselves03:20
Roeyin other words it is not the opensource vbox-ose package03:21
well_laid_lawnso why is it in dkg then?03:21
RoeyI get the same with apt-get remove --purge.03:21
RoeyI will bbiab.03:21
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Roeywell_laid_lawn:  back04:00
=== redhat is now known as Konversing
=== Konversing is now known as r3dhat
=== r3dhat is now known as Konversing
Konversingso this is my first time using KDE or ubuntu in a very long time, and I'm just getting used to it. Could anyone suggest some must-have KDE apps or things to make it cooler? Also, last time I checked, Konversation was the IRC client of choice...when did it switch to Quassel?04:45
marcosrorizKonversing: some must have apps04:51
marcosrorizKonversing: Choqok for twitter, Amarok for music, Kmess for MSN, Akregator for RSS04:51
Konversinghmm well I have KDEmicroblog for twitter04:51
Konversingand kopete is handling my IM stuff04:51
marcosrorizKolourPaint for basic graphics, Kchmviewer for chm books , qcomicbook for comics/manga04:53
marcosrorizI use gtk/java apps too04:53
marcosrorizyou want only kde/qt apps?04:53
Konversingwhat about bittorrent? ktorrent ok?04:53
marcosrorizI'm using it right now, but it kinda sucks04:54
marcosrorizI like vuze/azureus, I know it's kinda heavy but it well *just* rocks04:54
Konversingthis setup is for my girlfriend who just switched from vista, and I usually use archlinux with xfce, so I have no idea about what kde apps to give her04:54
marcosrorizKonversing: put smooth tasks so you get a "taskbar" like win704:55
Konversingmarcosroriz: what extras does that offer?04:55
marcosrorizKonversing: I used to use arch but I stopped :304:55
Konversingthe only time I stop using arch is when I'm on my servers04:55
Konversingand they all run centos04:55
marcosrorizarch is too much vanilla for me04:56
marcosroriz+ the packagers don't know how to pkg04:57
Konversinghow is it too vanilla? I like having that much control over my system04:57
Konversingand bleeding edge is nice04:57
marcosrorizgo with freebsd04:57
marcosrorizor gentoo04:58
Konversingarch is gentoo without the waiting for everything to compile04:58
marcosrorizit's not04:58
marcosrorizgentoo has quality assurance04:58
marcosrorizArch well they just toss pkgs there :),04:58
marcosrorizfor instance I reported a bug in a pkg in extra that the pkger didnt even run and it was segfaulting04:58
Konversingtrust me, I've used gentoo....I've never seen a stability, performance, or control difference between the two04:59
marcosrorizI've used both04:59
marcosrorizand yes, gentoo is better04:59
marcosrorizit has a better pkg system04:59
marcosrorizbetter dvelopers04:59
marcosrorizarch is cool :)04:59
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!05:00
marcosrorizKonversing: http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/7969/imagem1ty.png05:00
marcosrorizhere the smooth tasks05:00
marcosrorizput this on her kubuntu and she will love it :)05:00
Konversingnext thing....web browser?05:01
KonversingKonqueror doesnt seem to have the ctrl+enter url completion shortcut05:01
marcosrorizI use mozilla firefox05:01
marcosrorizthe King :D05:01
marcosrorizit has a nice integration on kubuntu due to opensuse patches :)05:02
KonversingI was thinking on using iceweasel for her05:02
marcosrorizIt's the same thing :305:02
marcosrorizI like iceweasel because I like weasels05:02
marcosrorizweasles > fox :305:02
marcosrorizKmail in kubuntu is really great too05:03
Konversingdo you know of any good blogging clients or note-taking apps?05:04
Konversingshe used to use OneNote, and Windows Live Writer05:04
marcosrorizblogilo is really nice (for blogging)05:04
macoyeah firefox05:04
macoiceweasel is just debian's name for it05:04
macodear internet:  stop with the lagging!05:04
macobasket for notes05:04
FloodBotK1maco: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:04
Konversingmeh basket is kind of annoying05:05
Konversingbut ok05:05
marcosrorizmaco: I like to use the plasmoid for notes :D05:05
macoi actually use tomboy...which is gnome... and very basic05:05
Konversingwhat is this whole kde plasma thing by the way?05:05
macomarcosroriz: there's a difference between "todo list on the screen" (that plasmoid) and "virtual notebook full of things the teacher said in class / boss said in meeting" (basket, tomboy)05:06
macoKonversing: all the widgets (panel, things on the panel, things on the desktop, and even the wallpaper) are plasmoids05:06
macoplasma is the thing that draws all the stuff thats not inside a standalone application window05:06
macoKonversing: does she use a tablet? if so, Xournal for notes05:08
Konversingwell she has a wacom tablet05:09
Konversingwill that work in kubuntu?05:09
macooh kjots she might also like for notes05:09
marcosrorizmaco: hmm never thought about htis05:09
marcosrorizallways used the plasmoid :305:09
marcosrorizfor full noting there is? Xournal,tomboy and?05:10
macokjots is like tomboy-level and integrates into kontact05:10
Konversingalso, what's a good way to setup dropbox in kubuntu?05:13
Konversingshe uses a keepass database thats stored on dropbox05:13
marcosrorizKonversing: just install dropbox pkg ;)05:15
marcosrorizit wont pull gnome :),05:16
Konversingok as far as irc client is concerned....konversation or quassel?05:22
KonversingI don't know wither because I use irssi05:22
luishello everyone good night i like to ask for your help. you see i just changed from kubuntu 8.04 to kubuntu 9.04, but my computer wich is a desktop has becomes to slow, and also it has come to my attention that even not doing anything the fan start working so fast and slowing down everything, also if i want to watch youtube vids, fan also start working so fast and therefore vids runs like in slow motion can somebody help me to fix this if is possible please??05:22
macoKonversing: either is fine. they're both featureful enough that the reason quassel's in nowadays is a lack of compelling reason to switch (the original reason for the switch was lack of qt4 version of konversation)05:29
luisso any one can help me on this matter please? or point me in the right direction, since i have look around some pages in google but none of them offer any real solution to his, help please05:31
urgenhi luis06:01
urgenbuy RAM06:01
urgenit will help06:01
luisbut with kubuntu8.04 was just fine06:02
luisnever had that issues before06:02
urgenhehe, it only gets worse :-)06:02
urgentechnology never takes a break06:02
urgenso things always break eventually06:03
luiswell you are right after all i've been thinking on buying a new pc06:03
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condonJust updated to VM 3.2 and now cannot find it in my menus.  Can anyone tell me how to launch VM?06:11
condonor point me to a channel that might know something about this?06:13
CaptainKnotsdoes anyone know of a good ssh tunnel/proxy app?06:18
CaptainKnotssort of like tunnelier for windows or shimo for mac06:19
=== redhat is now known as CaptainKnots
noaXessgood morning..06:50
noaXesswhy are the new packages for kde 4.5 blocked from ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports? need i install dem with sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?06:51
jadiupgraded to KDE 4.5 from ppa. that is awesome :D but one problem: when I click on an item in Klipper, "nothing happens", window is still open and I have to click on the Klipper icon to close the window. Do you guys have a same problem?07:09
alvinjadi: Just tried it. Yes07:21
alvinnoaXess: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/61590207:21
alvinThe new KRDC is a surprise07:22
DarthFrogWhat is KRDC?07:26
alvinKDE Remote Desktop Client. Usually, a remote session (rdp or vnc) stays within the KRDC window. You can siwtch remote sessions by using tabs. Now it opens in new windows without borders.07:27
alvinkrdc is installed by default07:27
DarthFrogAh.  I've never used it.07:28
alvinIt's handy. You can put bookmarks in it (I have a lot) to every remote computer.07:29
DarthFrogI use ssh in konsole. :-)07:29
alvinWell, me too, but not for RDP/VNC sessions07:31
alvinNow, it looks like krdc is very broken and I can't find the beta label.07:32
noaXessalvin: so.. just wait, until the packages are all fixed and packaged?07:44
alvinnoaXess: I don't think the krdc problems are a package bug.07:45
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alvinMight as wel be the video driver07:46
noaXessalvin: i mean.. wait until the packages aren't blocked in kpackagekit..07:46
alvinnoaXess: Oh that. I will. I have a lot of machines to upgrade, and I only did 2 so far. For the rest, I'll wait. (Never tried packagekit actually. Always aptitude)07:47
noaXessalvin: so, wait and drink tee ;).. or coffee07:51
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alvinNo bot :-)07:52
ubottuHi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins07:52
alvinok, hi ubottu. Didn't see you there.07:53
alvinI'll just file some bugs while waiting07:53
well_laid_lawnit sends a pm if it can't find something07:53
tweakedehHey, I'm on kubuntu 10.4 and I'm trying to restart samba... /etc/init.d/samba restart  no longer works, any Ideas?08:21
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/08:26
well_laid_lawntweakedeh: try   sudo service samba restart08:27
tweakedehwell_laid_lawn: tweakedeh@BlackBox:~$ sudo service samba restart08:27
tweakedehsamba: unrecognized service08:27
well_laid_lawntweakedeh: try   sudo samba restart08:28
tweakedehwell_laid_lawn: sudo: samba: command not found08:29
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.08:29
alvinWhy is samba different to restart from other services?08:29
well_laid_lawnI don't use it so I don't know...08:29
alvinI don't run samba here, but I've also told other people to do 'sudo service samba restart' and they report the same.08:30
tweakedehI don't know either, I some what new to linux...08:30
alvinIf you use /etc/init.d/samba restart it'll tell you that it's deprecated...08:30
well_laid_lawnI'm gunna read the links above and see08:30
alvinand suggest service samba restart08:30
tweakedehbash: /etc/init.d/samba: No such file or directory08:31
tweakedehIt's weird becuase that command use to work =\08:31
tweakedehI have been looking and i was told to try /etc/init.d/smbd restart but I get errors for that too.08:33
well_laid_lawntweakedeh: sudo /etc/init.d/smbd restart08:33
tweakedehwell_laid_lawn: tweakedeh@BlackBox:~$ /etc/init.d/smbd restart08:33
tweakedehRather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)08:33
tweakedehutility, e.g. service smbd restart08:33
tweakedehSince the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an08:33
tweakedehUpstart job, you may also use the restart(8) utility, e.g. restart smbd08:33
FloodBotK1tweakedeh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:33
tweakedehrestart: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.52" (uid=1000 pid=2549 comm="restart) interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Restart" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init"))08:34
well_laid_lawntweakedeh: try   sudo restart smbd   then08:34
tweakedehthen I try restart smbd and I get the same error from the restart:08:35
tweakedehtweakedeh@BlackBox:~$ sudo restart smbd08:37
tweakedehsmbd start/running, process 257008:37
tweakedehso that worked... Thanks a lot =]08:38
tweakedehmuch appreciated =]08:39
well_laid_lawnso no service and restart the daemon not samba works08:39
tweakedehwell  I didn't think it worked becuase I usually seen it stop and start but I guess they changed that... I can get into samba now =]08:40
well_laid_lawnI would have expected a   stopping samba   sort of comment08:41
tweakedehYea, thats what I though I should of seen too.. but I couldn't get into samba on windows xp but now I can...08:41
well_laid_lawnhappy times :]08:42
tweakedehlol very much, thanks again!08:42
alvin Well, the documentation says: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart08:46
alvin...Changes every release. If you restart smbd instead, will nmbd also automatically restarted? 'samba' did both.08:48
alvinCan you somehow force 'ubuntu-bug' to continue? It's reporting 'not a genuine package' for the Kubuntu ppa-backports packages.09:17
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.09:29
AndreS_Is there some information to be found yet on why the KDE 4.5 update for AMD64 on Lucid (10.04) appears blocked? Is there a way I can find out what's blocking it? KPackageKit doesn't give me that information...09:29
well_laid_lawnsays there not supported09:30
well_laid_lawnalvin: ^^09:30
well_laid_lawnAndreS_: from what I've seen on here it is not ready yet09:31
AndreS_OK. Thanks. I am still curious what is blocking it though. Must be something simple to get to see that info?09:31
alvinAndreS_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/61590209:32
alvinIt's installable, but there are issues with klipper, printer management and krdc so far.09:33
alvinon the bright side: no more nepomuk segfaults!09:33
alvinI've also seen some akonadi crashes (what's new), but it doesn't look so bad. Resources do work.09:35
AndreS_alvin: thanks. I think I won't try to force the install.09:36
alvinMakes sense09:36
AndreS_The bugreport is informative; it seems I am not the only one. My current setup is working (including printers that work plug & play on my laptop), so I guess I'll leave it for now.09:37
AndreS_Perhaps next week...09:38
well_laid_lawnif you want the latest you have to accept at least some bugs09:38
well_laid_lawnjust do the right thing and help out by reporting them09:39
alvinubuntu-bug doesn't want to09:40
AndreS_I do accept some bugs, no problem, but I just don't have time to go fiddle with getting a broken system back to work at the moment. So, I'll just give it a little time.09:40
AndreS_Thanks for the info though.09:40
ruedigerkmail in kubuntu lucid backports is missing libakonadi-contact4 and libkontactinterface4 dependencies09:43
MagixCan someone help me with Firefox sound?09:44
MagixSometimes it workds.09:44
MagixSometime it doesnt works.09:44
MagixBut the sound on other applications works too09:44
alvinruediger: Not here, but I've seen a bug report about that, so you're not alone.09:45
ruedigeralvin: yeah launchpad seems to be not fully functional. I'm searching for it in the bug database09:45
ruedigermanually installing those libs solved the problem. But it should be fixed.09:46
Magix^ Can someone help me?09:46
MagixMy sound doesnt work with Opera Either.09:50
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl09:51
rethushave now done a dull-upgrade10:17
rethusi got the message 11 packages broken, 138 updated10:17
rethuswhats about this error?10:17
rethuscan i do a saftly rebot now, or have i to do something else to fix this 11 broken packages?10:18
well_laid_lawnrethus: did it say to run a command in the error output ?10:18
rethusif i look back the output while upgrading i have messages like:10:19
rethusFehler beim Bearbeiten von libqt4-qt3support (--configure):10:19
rethus Abhängigkeitsprobleme - lasse es unkonfiguriert10:19
well_laid_lawnrethus: in konsole what does   sudo apt-get -f install   return?10:19
well_laid_lawnthere is a german channel if that would help10:20
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.10:20
rethusmost of it are qt410:20
well_laid_lawnrethus: is this 64bit kde 4.5?10:20
rethusno 32 bit.10:20
rethusthe install command install the broken deps10:21
well_laid_lawnso all's good?10:21
rethusError occurs on:10:21
rethus /var/cache/apt/archives/libqt4-help_4%3a4.7.0~beta2-0ubuntu3~lucid1~ppa4_i386.deb10:21
rethusE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)10:21
well_laid_lawnthere was something about that earlier10:22
well_laid_lawnalvin: do you know about this ^^ ?10:23
rethusgot this if i type full-update agein: http://pastebin.com/Nc7iK8rE10:23
alvinwell_laid_lawn: Yes, I posted that in https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/615902. You can ignore it by using --force10:24
well_laid_lawnthnx alvin :]10:24
alvinwell_laid_lawn: I don't know the result! KDE 4.5 will install, but maybe some things will be missing from the help?10:24
gilles_hello here10:25
alvinThe help is incomplete anyway, so I wouldn't mind10:25
well_laid_lawnalvin: if it's known about it can be worked around :]10:25
alvinwell_laid_lawn: Not all bugs have workarounds :-)10:25
well_laid_lawnno they don't...10:26
gilles_i've upgraded to kde 4.5 and now when i log i got only a black screen10:26
well_laid_lawnalvin: but the help thing is managable10:26
alvinI'm looking at it now. It does look as if there's more in the help now.10:26
rethusso u write to do two times a dist-upgrade -f ?!10:26
well_laid_lawnit's   sudo apt-get --force dist-upgrade   it seems10:27
alvinThat's what I did.10:28
rethusbut have to run it two times?10:28
alvinYes. I'm not used to apt-get. There might be another method (usually I use aptitude)10:28
well_laid_lawnwhy two times?10:28
alvinBecause the upgrade will break twice10:28
well_laid_lawnk :]10:28
well_laid_lawnI trust you all ;]10:28
gilles_i'm running window maker10:29
gilles_iwhy kwin --replace don't change wm ?10:30
alvinWhen Launchpad is accessible again, tick 'This bug affects me'. Maybe it'll work now in Konqueror.10:30
rethushave upgraded now10:44
rethusbut after reboot, i got no kde at all... so i have to switch to commandline and do aptitude install kubuntu-desktop10:44
rethusafter reboot, all seems to work now10:44
well_laid_lawnthere's a reason 4.5 is in a ppa... :]10:46
rethusif i try to start kontact, i got an error now10:49
rethuslibakonadi-contact.so.4 cannot open shared object10:49
rethusno such file or directory10:49
well_laid_lawnthere was something about that earlier too10:51
well_laid_lawnbut since I don't use 4.5 I didn't take much notice...10:52
well_laid_lawnshould be something on launchpad10:52
phoenix_hello everyone10:53
phoenix_what is the current kde stable version10:53
rethussudo apt-get install libkontactinterface4 libakonadi-contact4 works for me10:53
phoenix_rethus: so it is very safe to install kde 4.5?10:55
rethusmy kde4-config --version:10:55
rethusQt: 4.7.010:55
rethusKDE: 4.5.00 (KDE 4.5.0)10:55
rethuskde4-config: 1.010:55
FloodBotK1rethus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:55
rethusphoenix_ i have done it before 30 seconds.10:56
rethusits a bit trickey10:56
rethussee here... last 3 postshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+bug/615902/10:56
phoenix_rethus: last time installed 10.10 and screwed up the system10:57
phoenix_rethus: reinstalled yesterday10:57
rethusi have still 10.0910:57
rethuswhen does kadress 4.5 released ? is there a roadmap?11:00
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well_laid_lawnsomeone in #kde might know11:06
txwsqkhow to modify the leave tab of kickoff start menu ? thanks11:06
phoenix_i enabled the kubuntu backports, kpackage shows blocked updates11:18
phoenix_my current kde version is 4.4.211:18
phoenix_got it11:19
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alvinHmm, we might point users to the '--force' option the whole week. Shouldn't that be on the announcement on the kubuntu.org website?11:37
rdalei've just upgraded to kde 4.5 but virtuoso won't start because it says a soprano plugin is missing - is that a known problem?11:37
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alvinrdale: Where do you see that message?11:40
rdalein a dialog at startup11:40
alvinI don't see it, but maybe it's missing for you.11:41
seraphim1i cant chante the kdm theme with systemsetting tool11:41
alvinHave you tried $ sudo aptitude install  to list the dependency problems?11:42
rdale'sudo aptitude install' doesn't show any dependency problems11:44
seraphim1yes.... 100 times11:46
seraphim1aptitude install -f11:46
seraphim1kdegraphics-libs-data conflicts with libkdcraw811:47
alvinBelow, aptitude will show you trouble with packages that are [not installed]. Simply uninstall those ($ sudo aptitude purge [not-installed-package$) and repear11:49
alvinrepeat until satisfied11:50
seraphim1why the hell that can happens. the package guys not test this things seriosly ?11:51
alvinI have no idea how packaging such a release works. All I've ever done is patch some small debs myself.11:53
=== ubuntu is now known as asdfkjdjfhhff
asdfkjdjfhhffthe not found label in the search bar of konqueror should be louder12:05
rdalethe virtuoso binary got installed in /usr/lib/virtuoso/virtuoso-t, but soprano doesn't look there for the binary, and so i needed to create a sym link in /usr/bin before nepomuk would start. it was fine before i upgraded to kde 4.512:09
Fortranhello all, say Riddell can you tell me how to stop bluetooth and printer from starting up automaticlly when Kubuntu starts12:15
Riddellrdale: we've always installed virtuoso-t to there, our security guys didn't want it in /usr/bin I'm afraid12:17
RiddellFortran: investigate autostart in System Settings12:17
FortranOk thanks Riddell12:17
Fortranyup got it thanks12:18
rdaleRiddell: oh, I'm not sure how soprano would find it in /usr/lib/virtuoso - from reading the code it is looking in SOPRANO_PREFIX"/bin" and $PATH, so do i need to put /usr/lib/virtuoso on my path?12:18
Riddellrdale: yes we have to patch soprano12:24
rdaleah ok12:24
Riddellrdale: so this should probably be noted in various developer docs12:24
Riddellor I could try convincing trueg to take the patch upstream again I suppose12:24
rdalei can't see it doing any harm to put /usr/lib/virtuoso on the search paths12:25
rdalebut i reinstalled the current libsoprano4 package, and it still didn't find virtuoso-t12:26
Riddellrdale: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/kubuntu_03_virtuoso_path.diff12:27
rdaleis it possible that patch got missed from the current kde 4.5 soprano package?12:27
Riddellrdale: yes that is the case :(12:28
rdaleah ok great - i know what's going on now12:28
Riddellone of our packagers dropped it, sigh12:28
Riddellrdale: fix uploaded to the PPA (I'm assuming you're using the PPA)12:31
rdaleyes, ok i am thanks12:32
asdfkjdjfhhffand by louder i mean bigger and more colorful12:36
phoenix_hello everyone13:04
phoenix_need some info13:05
phoenix_why is the drag and drog feature in kde is not instantaneous13:05
phoenix_phoenix_:  when i drag and drop a file quickly, the target program doesnt capture it13:06
James147phoenix_: drag and drop from and to what?13:14
phoenix_James147:  from a folder to vlc player13:15
phoenix_James147: generally, its slow. have you tried to drag and drop quickly13:16
James147phoenix_: dont ahve vlc... but with kaffine it seems to be working as expected...13:17
phoenix_James147: what is your process and its speed13:18
James147dont think that would matter much.. its an amd dual core at about 2ghz13:18
phoenix_James147: mine is p4 ht 3.013:19
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volodyaI would like to switch between internal (laptop's) and external monitor with "Fn-F8". Anybody know how to make this happen?13:31
volodyaI presently use the "configure display" thing, but it's annoying13:32
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phoenix_is there a way to disable "what is this" popups13:39
phoenix_James147: is there a way to disable "what is this" popups13:40
Kangarooobug 113:53
chemical-deathdoes kde 4.5 work or should i wait with upgrade13:57
James147chemical-death: as far as I know it should be safe to upgrade now13:58
chemical-deathJames147: do i get it via ppa backports?13:59
James147chemical-death: yes, see topic for more info about it :)13:59
chemical-deathJames147: ok thanks13:59
OutoLumoI upgraded last night and my plasmoids went kaboom.14:00
James147which plasmoids?14:00
OutoLumoComic disappeared entirely from the desktop and microblogging lost its account information.14:07
OutoLumoIn addition, I only just now got kmail back.14:08
vothow do you setup kubuntu to start up in text only mode14:11
alvinvot: I suppose you have to disable the kdm service. Anyone knows how to do that with upstart?14:17
alvinIf you choose text console in kdm, after a short while, kdm will restart itself. I think upstart is to blame for this.14:18
votalvin, yep i want it to boot to text14:22
votusing it in a vm and want to save memory14:22
alvinvot: The problem is that upstart automatically restarts kdm. I have yet to find out how to disable services. Can someone shed some light on the situation?14:26
James147alvin: you can try "sudo mv /etc/init/kdm.conf /etc/init/kdm.conf.noexec"  but I do not know if that will actually work :)14:29
James147alvin: or editing that file ^^14:29
alvinBut what if you want to start kdm afterwards?14:30
DarthFrogYou want to boot to the command line?  Choose "Recovery Mode" in GRUB.  Pick "Drop to the console with networking" when asked.14:34
DarthFrogYou might be logged in as root then.  "su - <username>" will switch users from root to your username.14:35
alvinDarthFrog: Erm, there might be worse methods to do that, but I can't think of one.14:39
James147vot: alvin: this seems to work, althoguh i cant test a rebot atm: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8476712&postcount=414:39
alvinCreative thinking though14:40
DarthFrogalvin: What's the problem with it?14:40
DarthFrogalvin: It gets you where you want to go. :-)14:40
BluesKaj'Morning folks14:41
alvinI think a solution like: [$ sudo service disable kdm] would be much cleaner. Ramming shift at boot to get into grub or modifying grub isn't the same as disabling a service or switching a runlevel (no longer exists in Ubuntu)14:41
chemical-deathJames147: i did that upgrade to kde 4.5 still everything is working good...14:42
DarthFrogalvin: Ah, you want elegant and permanent, rather than simply effective14:42
alvinchemical-death: Try klipper, krdc or modifying a printer if you want to see breakage ;-)14:43
alvinDarthFrog: Well, suppose I'm a sysadmin and I give a machine to a user. Do I want him to log in as root before he gets his login?14:43
James147alvin: see the last link i sent ^^ thats the best solution i have found so far14:44
alvinJames147: Looks like it is. :-(14:44
DarthFrogalvin: The fellow was asking how to boot to a console in a VM.  He wasn't asking for a universal solution.  You want a universal solution?  Edit /etc/init/kdm.conf and comment out the line that starts kdm.14:45
DarthFrogalvin: you can then start KDM from the command line, if  you wish, with "sudo kdm".14:46
alvinDarthFrog: I'm sure vot has his console login now, but yes. I would like to see a universal solution to disable services. Previous Ubuntu versions had that.14:46
votno i dont14:47
James147vot: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8476712&postcount=4 << thats the best way I have found to disable kdm14:49
votyea i think renaming it14:51
votis the best14:51
votand my streaming app can run console14:53
* alvin looks hopeful at systemd14:53
munnyhi all!14:54
munnyafter upgrade to kde 4.5 eclipse starts only in sudo... anyone can help me?14:55
James147munny: well, i DONT recomend starting eclipse as root, at all, ever :p14:57
munnyeheheh thx this is also what i thik...! ;)14:58
munnybut like normal user i get java exceptio... with a long list of gtk libraries...14:58
James147munny: hm, seems to start here fine.. do you have the one form the repos or from eclipses site?14:58
munnyyes... subversion and pydev...14:59
munnysorry james.. i've read bad your question15:01
munnyjames147 i use version from eclipse site and put in /opt15:01
James147munny: can you pastebin the error you get?15:02
Surunveriis there anyway to adjust teh Kubuntu mouse configuration15:03
Surunverimore than just from the Settings15:03
James147Surunveri: in system settings > keyboard & mouse > mouse15:03
James147(if i remember right)15:03
Surunveriyes but15:04
SurunveriI meant is there any other place than that15:04
Surunveriim trying to play this game where you have to draw and others need to guess what you're drawing15:04
Surunveriand the sensitivty is too fast15:04
munnyJames147: http://paste.ubuntu.com/476953/15:05
James147Surunveri: on the advanced tab turn down the pointer acceleration15:05
* James147 grumbles at eclipse15:06
adi_hi all. can anyone give me tips on how to get a faster and lighter kubuntu....15:06
adi_i have only 460mb ram and i am running kubuntu 9.1015:07
James147adi_: upgrading to lucid should help ^^ then to kde 4.515:07
adi_cpu celeron d 2.66ghz15:07
adi_do you think lucid is lighter?15:07
* James147 finds kde 4.5 much more responsive then 4.4 and eairler15:08
James147not nesserlly lighter, but more responsive at elast15:08
alvinadi_: I don't think it will make much difference. You're really low on ram and distributions are more ram hungry than 5 years back.15:08
James147adi_: ^^ you can also disable desktop effects, nepomuk/strigi15:08
adi_nepomuk and strigi never anabled15:09
adi_but what to blacklist?15:09
James147alvin: 9.10 has kde 4.3? by default, the advancements in kde have made things run allot smoother15:09
alvinYou don't have to disable nepomuk. It'll crash by itself anyway unless you have 4.515:09
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adi_i dont have bluetooth15:09
alvinJames147: I tried running with 512 MB. It's too low. Just start a default desktop, and check memory usage.15:10
adi_so you guys say its better in geerally to upgrade to lucid15:10
adi_and than to last kde?15:10
* James147 had 4.0 running on 4.0 once and was only slightly below useable :)15:11
alvinWell, it won't hurt you. You will not win performance, but you will also not lose performance.15:11
James147adi_: I think it might help alittle, kde 4.5 is allot more polished then previous versions15:11
adi_and how about getting a better resolution... im on 900X65015:11
alvinI agree with James. (aside from some fresh bugs)15:12
James147alvin: why not gain preformance? if kde has made improvmenst in preformance he could see them15:12
adi_crt monitor but with xp it can get really high15:12
adi_i have :01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter15:12
alvinJames147: He will probably not notice performance gain with a heavily swapping system.15:12
adi_is there any howto make a lighter kde?15:13
adi_or kubuntu?15:13
adi_what i need up and running is just a browser and skype15:14
adi_dont have a wifi bluetooth burning cd/dvd rom ect15:14
alvinadi_: In that case, I'd try Lubuntu, or how is it called? The one with LXDE15:14
alvinThere is a page on help.ubuntu.com to tweak the system a bit. Let's see if I can find it.15:15
adi_my problem is that i cant burn cd/dvd15:15
adi_i had this original cd from shipit and it was 9.10 kubuntu15:15
alvinadi_: Aha. Well, is it the alternate cd?15:16
Surunverijames147 yeah i went there but it was insufficient15:16
adi_and my bios dont have a boot from usb option15:16
alvinYou can use the text-installer to install Kubuntu without KDE15:16
adi_no just normal cd15:16
adi_graphic one15:16
alvinHere: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems But I can imagine it is insufficient.15:16
munnyJames have you understand something in my error?15:17
alvinHmm, well, you can install kubuntu complete, and then remove kubuntu-desktop and everything with it. Keep ubuntu-minimal and ubuntu-standard. Then put on xorg, a browser and skype.15:17
adi_alvin i read this page before15:17
adi_cant get much from there15:17
Surunveriso is there any other way to adjust mouse sensitivty than the system settings, keyboard&mouse15:18
adi_:) alvin thats too complicated for me15:18
Surunveriwith kubuntu 10.04?15:18
Surunveriright now i have all settings turned down to minimum15:19
alvinadi_: It's experimenting a bit, but it'll certainly work. As long as you keep ubuntu-minimal and dependencies, you'll have a working system. Even then, you could strip some things like described on the community page15:19
Surunveriand it takes about 2-3 inches on the mat to skip across the screen15:19
Surunveriwhich is perfectly fine for normal using15:19
Surunveribut im trying to play this game15:19
Surunveriwhere i draw a picture and other people guess what it is15:19
Surunveriand I imagine it would be a lot easier if the mouse sensitivity were a little less15:19
adi_ok guys. what about skype video in kubuntu?15:20
adi_how did you make it work?15:20
Surunverianyone? =/15:21
James147munny: sorry, not enritly sure whats wrong with it :S15:21
lelamalHi all. I upgraded to 4.5, and after login I always get from Semantic Data Storage: "Nepomuk Semantic Desktop needs the Virtuoso RDF server to store its data. Installing the Virtuoso Soprano plugin is mandatory for using Nepomuk."15:31
munnyJames147 ok.... now i try to delete /opt/eclipse and reinstall...15:31
lelamalI'm not sure what I need to install15:31
Surunverii found some tip from google15:31
Surunverisaying that maybe it's possible to change the sensitivity using Xset command15:32
Surunveribut i have no idea how to do that or what actually to change .D15:32
James147lelamal: try installing virtuoso-nepomuk15:33
lelamalJames147: it says it's installed15:34
James147lelamal: try creating a new user and see if it dose the same with them (will show if its a config problem)15:35
Surunverihmm looks like xset only allows changing the acceleration15:35
Surunveribut does not actually slow down the mouse15:35
Surunveriso it almost works but not quite15:35
Surunverior at least that's the impression i got15:35
lelamalJames147: ok15:35
Surunveriso nobody knows ?/15:36
XunZiI do not see kde 4.5 in the updates. I have backports enable15:39
James147XunZi: try running "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"15:40
XunZiand "unsupported updates" also checked (enabled) in the software sources utiltity15:40
James147XunZi: you also need the backports ppa (see the topic)15:40
votdoesnt kubuntu create devices for /dev/tty etc15:41
James147vot: mine dise ^^15:41
James147does ^^15:41
munnyJames147 now seems ok... i'm reinstalling plugin bat eclipse started...15:43
lelamalJames147: yes, I get the same warning for the other user as well15:44
James147lelamal: :S try installing kubuntu-desktop15:44
lelamalJames147: even if I try to enable Strigi from system settings15:44
lelamalJames147: nothing to install =)15:45
Surunveriso anyone know how to slow down the mouse sensitivity outside the settings keyboard/mouse panel15:45
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Kangarooohello why bug 1 doesnt work? bug responder for #kubuntu u know?15:47
omarhola alguiend e toluca mexico?15:47
Kangaroooabout getting bug responding back meeting in #ubuntu-meeting Saturday 14 August 20:00 UTC https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/MeetingAgenda description https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/IRCteamproposal15:51
Surunveriso anyone know how to slow down the mouse sensitivity outside the settings keyboard/mouse panel16:04
e01some news about konqueror`s bug when showing flash16:08
LightningI'm having EPIC problems. Anyone can help?16:16
|magic|to all16:16
LightningIt fails to mount my stuff, says try init= bootarg and when I do it tells me bootarg isn't found]16:16
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:17
XunZican't believe this16:17
XunZiI had problem playing full hd .mkv files with vlc and mplayer16:18
XunZinow these files play fine in Dragon PLayer16:18
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mweijtsI reinstalled Kubuntu with kde4.5 and it is using ALSA in phonon and working allright16:23
mweijtsafter i installed Ubuntu-desktop and Xubuntu-desktop ALSA is gone in KDE 4.516:24
mweijtshow to repair this ?16:24
mweijtsAlsa is replaced bij Pulse audio and all System notifications are not working anymore16:26
LightningI'm having EPIC problems. Anyone can help?16:34
LightningIt fails to mount my stuff, says try init= bootarg and when I do it tells me bootarg isn't found]16:34
LightningNo help?17:04
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vothmm how is boottime network config handled17:17
voti.e where are the scripts that configure the interfaces before someone logs on17:18
votnetwork manager i guess17:20
LightningIt fails to mount my stuff, says try init= bootarg and when I do it tells me bootarg isn't found]17:26
LightningI fond a solution17:26
LightningBut that involves getting a new hard drive, which is strictly not happening for me17:26
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=== petr is now known as test999
test999how to recower password17:37
test999"/msg NickServ SETPASS test999"17:37
vothow do you add the computer icon to the desktop17:41
test999SETPASS test99917:41
BluesKajtest999, system settings / password & user account17:41
test999"/msg NetServ SETPASS test999" ???17:42
BluesKajoh , wrong pw ..sry17:42
test999you all! assholls... do not you write me fucking wholl   full string that I should to write??17:42
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:43
muralican any1 help me plz, i am new to kubuntu17:45
AndroUseri can try, what's up?17:45
test999murali  blah blah blah ////   your english is shit17:45
IdleOne!attitude | test99917:45
ubottutest999: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:45
=== AndroUser is now known as ironbeard
BluesKajtest999, type nickserv help in the server text box17:46
muraliThanks AndroUser. i have installed mplayer, vlc player, kaffiene. but  there is no audio while playing video files except in Dragon player17:47
test999BluesKaj   fuck....  I went to #freenode.... there I can get help )))   What do you thing about my english?17:47
BluesKajmurali, install kubuntu-restricted-extras17:47
ironbeardhmm what file extention of audio17:47
IdleOne!ops | test999 swearing and bad attitude17:48
ubottutest999 swearing and bad attitude: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, apachelogger, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger17:48
ironbeardwhat blueskaj said sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras in konsole17:48
gnomefreakIdleOne: ?17:48
gnomefreaktest999: please stop17:48
muraliHow to do tht BluesKaj17:48
IdleOnegnomefreak: he got warned about his attitude and language17:48
IdleOnedid not realize there were so many active ops17:48
ironbeardmurali read my comment above, this is androuser, changed my nick17:49
BluesKajmurali, open a terminal , sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras17:49
BluesKaj!pm | murali17:50
ubottumurali: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:50
muraliyes BluesKaj17:50
muraliThank you ubottu17:51
BluesKajmurali, kmenu/system/konsole , type the command we gave you there17:51
muraliyes,  done still no use17:51
muraliBluesKaj, i have entered tht command and its installd. but still no audio on any of the players except Dragon player17:54
muraliWhat i have to do next, BluesKaj?17:56
ironbeardhey guys, a bit of a n00b on setting up networks. anyone see what im doing wrong? im trying to set up a server so i can access my home computer through my phone with either ssh or vnc. i logged into my router and selected static ip which gave me an ip address (i guess for the router, was not a 192.168....) subnet and gateway (again, not 192...). then went to network settings in kubuntu and manually set the ip addresses for my wir17:56
BluesKajmurali, , try areboot17:57
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muraliok, plz wait17:58
=== jtheuer is now known as jt|away
seraphimhy, is your scrolling on dolphin also not smooth ?17:59
seraphimits not like an android phone pixel per pixel its line per line jumps17:59
muraliStill no audio, BluesKaj. What to do next?18:02
muraliBluesKaj, permission to chat?18:02
ironbeardhmm..think my connection timed out.18:03
muraliok. what next?18:03
muraliany suggestions?18:03
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adi_hi all. can anyone tell me or send me via mail the graphic driver "sis_drv.so" that any k/ubuntu user have on its file system /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers18:03
adi_i did something bad and delete it18:04
ironbeardsorry, not on a kubuntu system currently18:04
adi_now i need that but i can find anywhere18:04
BluesKajmurali, dunno what to do next, if you have audio on one player you should have it on all of them ...check the vol ctrls on the players or check to see if pulseaudio is installed.18:04
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muraliBluesKaj, any suggestions?18:04
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adi_ ironbeard : go see here if you have it /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers18:05
adi_its called "sis_drv.so"18:05
ironbeardhmm.. is it possible the codecs didnt get installed in the other players?18:05
BluesKajironbeard, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html18:06
BluesKajmurali,  pulseaudio?18:07
Guest43540Does anyone know how to remove a USB video capture card from Kaffiene?  I just got a new one and the old one is still showing up in the configure menu but there is no option to remove it or add another card.18:07
muralido i need to install it, BluesKaj?18:08
BluesKajmurali, kmenu/system/system settings/multimedia ..check for pulseaudio18:08
BluesKajmurali, sometimes pulse audio creates problems on integrated audio cards18:09
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muralisudo aptitude install pulseaudio, is this the command???18:10
ironbeardadi: im on android now18:12
ironbeardblueskaj: thanks, looking it up!18:12
muraliBluesKaj, sudo aptitude install pulseaudio, is this the command?18:12
BluesKajmurali, no don't install it yet...did you follow my post above kmenu/system/system settings/multimedia ..check for pulseaudio ?18:13
seicherlbobhi there! I've just installed lucid server and would like to setup a virtual server. I'm trying ubutnu-vm-builder, but nothing happens. can someone help me? I only know howto use virtualbox on my desktop.18:16
ep__kubuntu 10.04 amd 64, while upgrading i got a notification about installing flash and other proprietary stuff with a simple button click.  I decided to finish upgrading first but now the notice has disapeared.  I don't get a second chance at flash?   :-)18:17
ep__i rebooted also (new kernel)18:17
muraliBluesKaj, thank you. but there is no option with the name Pulseaudio.18:18
BluesKajok murali , then install it and see if that helps18:19
ep__This is a fresh install. What's the easy method for the nvidia (proprietary) drivers?18:19
ironbeardep: you can install flash via command line, i forget the command but it's googleable. sorry for indirect help18:19
seraphimbut scrolling on the plasma-folder widget is smooth, why not on dolphin ??!!18:19
BluesKajbbaib...some chores to do18:19
BluesKajep__, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer18:22
muralii am sorry BluesKaj, but still no audio18:22
ep__BluesKaj: thanks, i will,  but that notification had several packages (besides flash) on it.  It would be nice to have the notification back.18:23
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do - back in 20 mins18:24
muraliPlease help me. I am new to Kubuntu. I have installed mpalyer, vlc player, smplayer, real player. But there is no audio while playing video files. getting audio only while playing files in dragon player. please help18:25
mweijtsBluesKaj:  I did a fresh install of Kubuntu and upgrade to KDE 4.5 every thing = oke ALSA is in Multimedia, after installing (X) Ubuntu-desktop, ALSA is gone, what is happening with ALSA ?18:26
ironbeardep perhaps what you saw was a reference to the kubuntu-restricted-extras package.. do you know how to install it?18:26
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ep__yeah, i do.  thanks.  it had about 5 packages.   Notifcations should keep a history IMO.    I need the nvida drivers too.  I forget the method.  I know it's easier than the old days :)18:29
mweijtsAll Alsa is installed but KDE did not recognised it after Xubuntu-desktop and Ubuntu-desktop, but after reinstalling Kubuntu desktop all notifications are working18:29
mweijtsbut still no alsa in multimedia18:30
ironbeardhaha yeah. sorry i dont have nvidia so i cant help you there. im not sure if there is a log for notifications..18:30
muraliPlease help me. I am new to Kubuntu. I have installed mpalyer, vlc player, smplayer, real player. But there is no audio while playing video files. getting audio only while playing files in dragon player. please help18:31
ironbeardmurali: what type of video files are you playing? flash? mp4? avi? etc..18:32
muraliironbeard, i am trying to play pm4, avi, flv..... while playing video files with dragin player everything is fine but there is no audio while playin with other players18:34
votshould my kubuntu startup be saying skilling profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox18:34
voter skipping18:35
muraliironbeard, permission to chat!!!!18:35
ironbearddoes amarok work? system beeps? what about  system sounds while playing a video on dragonplayer?18:36
muraliironbeard, audio is normal18:37
ep__I got another stupid question on 10.04 there's  a folder view "Desktop Folder"  widget on my desktop.  I'd like to  put application shortcuts in this folder widget instead of just on the desktop.  It looks neater.  Is this possible as I'm not discovering a technique to do it.  Seems hard.18:37
ironbeardmurali; type alsamixer in command line..is everything turned up?18:38
BluesKajep__, , whynot just right click on the app in the kmenu and "add to panel"18:39
ep__Its real easy to put application launcher icons on the desktop but putting inside that "Desktop Folder" instead seems tricky.  I guess it's not designed for this18:39
muralicomand line in the sense Konsole?18:39
ironbeardep if youre doing that, you need to put the files in your /home/username/ folder.. the widget just links to a folder in your filesystem18:40
ironbeardmurali yes18:40
ep__I dunno BluesKaj, I think I like a unclutered panel leaving space for minimized applications18:40
BluesKajep__,, well you just choose the most used apps :)18:41
muraliIronbeard, hey somthng came up .18:41
ironbeardmurali yep18:41
muraliIronbread, wats next?18:41
ironbeardmurali: you can adust the faders with your arrowkeys, are they all turned up?18:42
ep__yeah :)  actually i do.  I wanted to put a calculater and an occasionly used apps in on the desktop ---  If I get it into that folder, it won't look a windows desktop :P18:43
ep__anyway i'll try what ironbeard said18:43
muraliironbeard, i have to increase all the columns?18:43
BluesKajmurali, go back to multimedia / music , highlight the selections and click on the test button  , to check your audio output18:43
ironbeardep you can use dolphin to manipulate that folder, i forget how you choose which folder the widget accesses though..im sure it's customizable18:44
ironbeardmurali this is just something that worked for me, i turned up all the master settings, but im not sure if it'll address  your problem.. id listen to blueskaj18:45
muraliBlueskaj, there are two names in tht category. One is working and the other is not working18:45
muraliBlueskaj, What to do next?18:47
Unksianyone know how to make krunner show multiple entries in kde 4.5 like it did in previous releases? now it shows only a single entry at a time, which is quite annoying18:47
BluesKajironbeard, you were corrct to suggest alsamixer or kmix settings , murali , make sure alsamixer in the konsole has the audio ctrls turned up past 90% and no Ms in the boxes , use the M key to unmute any ctrls you wish to use , master , line , pcm etc.18:48
BluesKajmurali, type alsamixer in the konsole to bring it up18:49
ironbeardright on18:49
muraliBluesKaj, Iron Beard.  I have doen it. i have raised everything up. still no audio with other players18:51
BluesKajmurali, did you install pulseaudio ?18:51
BluesKajok murali remove it , sometimes it's needed and others not ...depends on your setup , sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio , in the konsole18:53
BluesKajmuesli, it doesn't hurt to experiment by adding or removing apps that may or may not work on your setup.18:54
muraliBluesKaj and Ironbeard, thank you very much. its working18:55
BluesKajok murali , good :)18:56
muraliBluesKaj, Ironbeard. You have been very helpful. thanks a lot.18:56
BluesKajyou're welcome murali , glad to have it working :)18:57
ironbeardthat's weird.. i dont think i caught what the problem was haha18:57
alvinUnksi: You can drag to bottom border of the krunner windo to enlarge it18:58
muraliIronbeard, But the problesolved. thts wat matters.18:58
BluesKajaudio on linux can be very hit and miss , hence somewwhat frustrating at times18:58
muraliBluesKaj, i started using it frm this morning itself18:59
muraliBlueskaj, could u please help on installing games in it please.18:59
ironbeardsure enough. alright, later guys18:59
ep__I want to do the proprietary nvidia drivers.   How do I go about that?19:00
BluesKajmurali,  sorry , I'm not a gamer19:00
BluesKaj!games | murali19:00
ubottumurali: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php19:00
BluesKajep__, which nvidia card19:01
muraliBluesKaj, Thank you.19:01
ep__hmm,  I've forgotten :(19:01
ep__might need to probe it19:02
BluesKajep__, lspci | grep VGA19:02
ep__01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G98 [GeForce 8400 GS] (rev a1)19:02
ep__it doesn't have a fan :-)   Quiet sucker19:03
muraliBluesKaj, please tell me how to install gnome.19:05
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BluesKajep__, open jockey in kmenu/system/hardware drivers19:05
BluesKajmurali, sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment19:06
ep__BluesKaj: done, looks Like theres two choices19:07
ep__one say recomended, might the logical choice :)19:08
ep__*might be19:08
BluesKajmurali, then when you login you can choose either gnome or kde (kubuntu) in the menu for your session19:08
muralibluesKaj, how much time will take to install n will it slow down the system?19:08
BluesKajep__, yes choose the recommended one , it has the right driver for your card19:09
BluesKajmurali, it won't slow your system, not noticable19:10
muraliBlueskaj, how much will it take to install? my internet speed is 500kbps19:12
BluesKajmurali, not more than 20 mins at your speed19:12
BluesKajit took me 15mins at 750kbs19:13
muraliBluesKaj, Thank you. Please suggest antivirus for kubuntu19:13
BluesKaj!virus | murali19:14
ubottumurali: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus19:14
ep__holy cow -- chromimum browser is snappy fast -- more so than firefox19:21
ep__i like the firefox icon better though ;)  It's cool19:22
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BluesKajep__, FF used to be my fav , but so far I'm sold mon chromium..it's more flexible and leaner19:27
ep__i tend to agree19:27
ep__gonna miss that fox icon ;)19:28
BluesKajunfortuntely success has bloated FF19:28
BluesKajI still have FF , but seldom use it19:28
ep__yeah i installed it too.  Right now chromium is the default19:29
BluesKajanyway , time to go do some work , BBL19:29
ep__cu, thanks for the tips19:32
blip99hi, I have a major usability problem with Kubuntu on my laptop.  My thinkpad brightness buttons work fine, but when the machine is idle is like 30 seconds then brightness resets to a very low value.  this doesn't happen if I login to a fluxbox or openbox session - only in KDE.    I disabled LCD power management with the KDE power tool - what could be causing this ?19:38
ToxinPoweits safe upgrade to kde 4.5 with backports ppa or better wait?19:48
ToxinPoweanyone plz?19:50
mkristaits running fine here on kbuntu 64bit19:57
psynauticblip99 i noticed the same thing with my thinkpad edge19:57
ToxinPoweMrDarkUser: ok19:57
psynauticit only happens when it's running off battery19:57
ToxinPowemkrista: ok19:57
blip99psynautic: with me it happens both on AC and off.  Doesn't in fluxbox, so must be KDE software that does it20:05
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MakuseruIm having some problems with audio over HDMI, (HP G60, Nvidia 8200M, Kubuntu 10.04) anyone know how I can get sound over hdmi working?20:16
RyRy-33would it be here where i would ask questions about kopete? i have an issue connecting with the yahoo chat using kopete 1.0.0 / kde 4.4.520:20
RyRy-33grr, never mind, i just fixed it... simple mistake, i just needed to take out @yahoo.com at the end of the user name... bye for now...20:24
psynauticMakuseru: are you using pulseaudio, or just stock kubuntu?20:27
Makuserupsynautic: just a regular install20:27
psynautichmm, i had issues getting it to work with hdmi out, vs. optical out, but i have a ati integrated situation20:28
psynauticultimately i had to make sure asound.conf had the right device20:29
Makuserupsynautic: asound.conf has 0,3 as my device20:33
Makuseruwhich is what aplay -l says is the hdmi out.20:33
Makuserubut when i go into alsamixer, i cant find the hdmi section20:33
psynauticthere may be a problem with your nvidia / xorg settings20:34
psynauticim not familiar with how they get setup, because i dont have nvidia20:34
psynautichdmi is setup through the ati video drivers for me20:34
psynauticoh yea, always make sure nothing is muted20:36
psynauticthat gets everyone20:36
UgaUgahello, I know the question is not directly here related but does anyone know how i would get the windows in wine to be changed using alt+tab20:36
Makuserupsynautic: Nothing is muter.20:37
psynauticyou can't get sound out of aplay or anything for that matter?20:37
MakuseruNot over hdmi.20:37
psynauticwhat version of alsa is on your machine?20:38
Makuseruhow can i check?20:38
psynauticcat /proc/asound/version20:40
psynauticthat's sufficiently new20:43
psynautichm not sure20:44
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seicherlbobcan someone help me out with kvm? its running and i get vnc control, but i get no network connection in or outbound. I have br0 configured to bridge eth0, but all i get on outbound ping from the guest is: martian source $hostIP from $guestIP, on dev tap0121:17
tawdi have kde 4.4.2 and i've accidently deleted my bottom menu, is there an easy way to recover it?21:22
omarclik add grafic and menu21:23
tawdwhere do i do that21:23
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omarIn the panel rigth click/panel options/add/MenuK :D21:26
omarActualizaciones KDE bloqueadas, alguien le pasa lo mismo, o si ya lo sluciono????21:27
tawdomar, i'm using kde 4.4.2, and when i right click the panel it has "add widget, add panel, lock wedgets, panel settings, and remove this panel"21:29
Torchtawd: add widget21:29
Torchtawd: then pick the application launcher21:29
omarTAWD: drag the aplicatiion launches(KDE icon) to the bar, in the preferred position21:32
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omarKDE 4.5 updates blocked, someone has got it all, or if you already solution??21:38
Torchomar: use dist-upgrade21:41
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omarTouch: thanks, is working :D22:00
FireCrotchHi everyone... I have a bug to file concerning setting up dual monitors in Kubuntu. Basically the "right of" or "left of" setting doesnt work properly in system settings.  What package should this bug be filed on? Is it an X problem?22:03
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blip99does powerdevil come with 10.4 ?  it doesn't show up in my services manager22:13
well_laid_lawn!find powerdevil22:16
ubottuFile powerdevil found in kde-l10n-de, kde-l10n-et, kde-l10n-fr, kde-l10n-it, kde-l10n-ptbr (and 73 others)22:16
blip99well_laid_lawn: It doesn't show up in my services manager though22:27
well_laid_lawnblip99: it looks like 10.04 has a file named powerdevil - I don't think that's a daemon22:28
well_laid_lawn!info powerdevil22:28
well_laid_lawnbots gone for a coffee...22:29
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well_laid_lawnblip99: in konsole you can try   apt-cache search powerdevil22:30
ubottuYou have lag, I don't have lag22:30
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blip99well_laid_lawn: hmm I don't have such a package... odd.  you're on kubuntu 10.4 too ?22:40
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well_laid_lawnblip99: not atm22:42
amichairwhat would be the best way to transfer a system partition onto a new hard disk (and be able to boot from it)?22:46
alvinamichair: dd22:55
blip99hi all, can anyone using kubuntu confirm that it came with Powerdevil installed ?22:58
James147blip99: powerdevil is part of kde now ^^22:59
James147(so to answer your question: yes)23:00
blip99James147: that's what I thought, but it's not on my system.  I installed KDE4.5 from PPA's.  I checked Service Manager, it doesn't show up23:00
blip99i'm thinking not having it may be causing my screen brightness to magically reset to lowest setting after 30 seconds idle23:01
James147blip99: "powermanagment" there>?23:01
blip99problem only happens under KDE, not within fluxbox on same OS23:01
blip99James147: yes, is that it ?23:02
James147blip99: yeah23:02
James147(or at least I have that and nothing named "powerdevil")23:02
blip99hmm ok.  I'm going to disable power management - really bad move on a laptop - but i can't use it when it resets while i'm reading something23:03
blip99James147: ye for someone else it showed powerdevil explicitly23:03
James147blip99: have you checked its settings yet? (system settings > power managment)23:03
James147blip99: might have been an older version...23:03
blip99James147: ye been playing with settings for a month :D   disabled "display power management" and "dim on idle" etc... tried a custom profile ...23:04
* James147 remembers having a similar problem... that went away by its self23:05
blip99James147: this "power managment" is a KDE specific tool, not cpufreq and powernow etc right ?23:05
James147blip99: could you try a enw uyser see if they suffer from the same problem?23:05
James147blip99: as far as I know "Power Managment" is what use to be "Power Devil"23:05
blip99maybe it's a bug relating to the kde power managment module and my laptop's very recent hardware /Nvidia FX880M card23:06
blip99James147: cool, i'll try disabling as well as new user now.  thanks.23:06
avihayany major showstoppers in kde4.5?23:11
James147avihay: not perticaully, although I dont really use kontact/kmail...23:12
nerdy_kidavihay everything is good here. i use kmail also.23:14
avihayany issues with dolphin taking absurd amounts of memory?23:15
amichairalvin: can you elaborate? what exactly do I need to do?23:16
avihayI'll take the silence as a now23:20
avihayI wonder if kwin has become fast enough to use on an Intel card23:20
* avihay goes to upgrade23:20
epavihay well the black screen I got on the upgrade was a showstopper :)23:21
avihaycritical? revert-able?23:21
James147avihay: I have been using kde on my netbook with a intel card without issue ^^23:22
blip99James147: yep new user solved the problem :)   really odd given I had the issue since I first installed Linux (kub 10.04) on the laptop.   any chance you'd know which file contains power management settings in my home dir so I can delete it ?23:22
James147blip99: looking now... (did you install it with a clean home drive though?)23:23
blip99ah found it i think23:23
avihayeffects on my laptop with an intel GMA965 are less then satisfactory (30 FPS ish)23:23
avihaycompiz gives me 56-60 FPS23:24
blip99~/.kde/share/config/powerdevilrc and powerdevilprofilerc23:24
James147blip99: ~/.kde/share/config/powerdevil* look about right :)23:24
James147blip99: dam beat me to it jsut :)23:25
avihayxcompmanager works great but it doesn't like VLC, and it doesn't have the extra value of the others23:25
blip99James147: yep on new hardware, It could be that something I upgraded recently fixed this bug but the old setting kept it occuring - must have been new nvidia driver or new KDE4.523:25
blip99James147: :D23:25
blip99James147: problem solved. thanks :)    one last thing, shall I remove the KDE PPA repos after I've installed 4.5 - or keep it for updates ?23:38
James147blip99: I would keep just incase there are fixes for things23:39
James147there wont really be anything major added to it now...23:39
frxstremis it possible to set the KDE clock to 24-hour instead of 12-hour?23:42
frxstremalso, I keep getting these messages: "Staring KTTSD failed", any ideas why?23:43
James147frxstrem: yes, need to change that in the reagon and launguage part of system settings thoug23:43
frxstremJames147: okay, thanks :)23:44
James147frxstrem: probally because kttsd failed to start :)23:44
frxstremI figured it out - KTTSD wasn't installed :P23:44
frxstreminstalling it fixed it :P23:44
James147frxstrem: kttsd is the text to speech engine, not working terriblly well atm though :)23:44
khemQApt batch installer does not accept my password and I can not install firefox on latest maverick23:45
khemanyone seeing it23:45
James147khem: ubuntu+1 for maverick support23:45
James147khem: #ubuntu+1 ^^23:45
frxstremis Opera Web Browser compatible with Kubuntu and KDE? 'cause I just keep getting a black window when I switch minimize it and then restore it23:57

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