
DanaGSay, is ltsp client on Maverick supposed to show plymouth?00:04
DanaGah, ltsp-localapps00:09
jdobriendoh...the current CD image has a bug :( stuck at Retrieving file 18 of 18 :(01:53
jameswi'm having trouble with latest nvidia binary on maverick, can someone suggest a solution, please?02:27
peepingtomIs the transition to xorg server 1.9 going to be very painful for users of proprietary drivers, or will the big changes live in the proposed repository until it's relatively stable?....or some other way02:58
coz_peepingtom,  mm good question actually... have you asked on #ubuntu+102:59
coz_peepingtom,  sorry  this is #ubuntu +102:59
coz_peepingtom,   must be tired here02:59
charlie-tcapeepingtom: don't really know. Something is causing pain for those using nvidia hardware drivers, though.03:12
OffoffoffWow. 187 users using Maverick.03:16
bjsniderwith nvidia you've got to have ignoreabi in the xorg.conf file03:18
OffoffoffDoes xorg.conf still exist in Maverick?04:04
charlie-tcaonly if you create it04:06
charlie-tcawell, actually, hardware drivers will also create it if needed.04:06
charlie-tcaNvidia usually does04:06
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Kai_Volkodav: I have sat out a day or two :P05:11
Kai_E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.   :(05:13
VolkodavKai_: as far as I know the xserver issue is not resolved with nvidia proprietary driver - but I was not quite following for the last 2 days but if you do not that driver you should be ok to upgrade I think05:14
Offoffoffhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMTDt1zyD6M&feature=related - Is this dangerous for Ubuntu?05:15
Kai_i use that driver :P05:15
Volkodavso do I so my uptime is 5 days so far05:16
Kai_should I uninstall the driver and reinstall after upgrading to maverick?05:17
VolkodavNo - while upgrading chances are you will be switched to either nv or nouveau05:20
Volkodavthat's all05:20
Kai_I can't upgrade because of that error :(05:20
Volkodavso the system should be operational but without proprietary drivers05:20
VolkodavOh - then you wait05:21
Kai_When will things work? >_>05:21
Volkodavwhen the new xorg will work with nvidia drivers - there is a minor glitch really and nothing major from what I heard05:22
Volkodavso it should be soon05:22
Kai_Is there a version that works in any vcs anywhere?05:23
Volkodavnot sure05:24
litropyhey, guys - I'm looking for the gnome theme manager and I can't find it, so I'm just looking for the command to run06:20
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Offoffofflitropy: gtk-window-decorator --replace07:34
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ccookeSo, maverick is really quite broken this morning09:47
ccookenvidia and network manager on here are unusable09:48
om26eruse indicator-network, dump nvidia ;)09:51
ccookeom26er: nouveau doesn't support compiz yet :-)09:54
ccookeand indicator-network isn't installed.09:55
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vishdid anyone get unity working on a Virtualbox?12:00
smallfoot-anyone have problem that when Ubuntu starts, it sound is muted?12:39
smallfoot-then i have to unmute it everytime?12:39
Ian_corneAlways have it too12:40
Ian_corneNo idea where it comes from12:40
Ian_corneon my 3rd box I even have to use pavucontrol because invisible channels are muted12:40
Ian_corneIt's been like that since lucid for me12:41
dholbachPackaging Training Session: Patch Review and Operation Cleansweep in #ubuntu-classroom in 5 minutes12:55
=== JMS is now known as JoeMaverickSett
gnomefreakanyone using nvidia-current and system is using the nouveau drivers?15:09
bjsnidergnomefreak, i have explained how to fix your issue15:30
bjsnidernvidia-graphics-drivers 256.44 supports xserver 1.9 but you need to manually add15:36
bjsniderOption "IgnoreABI" "true"15:36
bjsniderto the serverflags section of your xorg.conf15:36
Volkodavso nvidia-graphics-drivers 256.44  has to come from their site ? I do not see them in the repos16:43
yofelVolkodav: ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates16:45
Volkodavoh - it is in the ppa - thanks yofel16:46
sinurgehi i installed the latest nvidia drivers as post and upgrade X fails to load...however still x does not seem to load an xorg.o.log shows the driver as 173 still how do i get this changed16:59
gnomefreakbjsnider: what was it that you explained with nvidia (if it means removing the xorg.conf that does not fix the issue17:19
DrHalananyone have a working xß17:21
bjsnidergnomefreak, reinstall nvidia-current using joackey. when you have a xorg.conf, ping me17:22
gnomefreakbjsnider: ok17:22
bjsniderpastbein the xorg.conf17:23
bjsnideri can't spell today at all17:23
gnomefreaki understand it since i cant spell at all17:23
gnomefreakbjsnider: do i need to restart after disabling -current than after reinstalling it17:24
bjsnidernot yet17:24
gnomefreakbjsnider: what kernel should i do it with17:25
bjsniderthe one you want to use17:25
gnomefreakbjsnider: will upgrading from .11 to .14 be ok after the workaround? or do i need to do it over again17:26
bjsniderit will be fine. dkms will install the module int he new kernel17:27
gnomefreakbjsnider: ok cool.17:27
gnomefreakill be back in a few. its still removing17:28
vishhas anyone tried unity on a VM ?17:32
gnomefreakjockey wont run :(17:37
bjsniderwhat do you mean17:37
gnomefreakkeeps crashing17:37
gnomefreaknow it crashes before it draws the window17:38
bjsniderwell, just do an apt-get install nvidia-current17:38
DrHalanis nvidia-currrent working with 1.9?17:39
DrHalanfor me it doesnt...-17:39
gnomefreaki may have to :(17:39
gnomefreakDrHalan: not really that is what we are working on atm17:40
DrHalanis there a way to run at least novueau? my machine gets stuck at plymouth wheter or not nvidia-* is installed17:40
gnomefreakDrHalan: bjsnider is going through the steps with me17:41
gnomefreakyou have been here long enough to see the start of it17:41
DrHalanyeah but i did allt his17:42
DrHalani also use the x edgers packages to have a more recent nouveau17:42
DrHalanerm not noveau i mean nvidia-current ofc17:42
gnomefreakrunning x edgers may be your issue17:42
DrHalanlol maybe17:44
DrHalanyesterday i was told to try xedgers17:44
DrHalanbecause nvidia-current from maverick didn't work either17:44
gnomefreakor you are suffering the same as i was and it works around by removing xorg.conf kind of ironic since i am making one to get -current running17:44
gnomefreakDrHalan: nvidia-current + failed to work for me i filed a bug on it17:45
DrHalangnomefreak: so you stll use 256.32ß17:46
DrHalanbecause xedgers has 256.4417:46
gnomefreakits not working atm with .11 i have stayed away from .14 since it failed to give me a tty17:47
gnomefreaknoveau is working atm17:47
ccookegnomefreak: "working"17:47
gnomefreakhopfully once i get this done it will work17:47
ccooke(It won't do flash video full-screen, for instance)17:48
DrHalanwell flash is not useing the gpu at all afaik17:48
bjsnidernobody has fullscreen flash on linux17:48
DrHalangnomefreak so nouveau works for you under 1.917:48
DrHalanbjsnider: why not? if oyur cpu is fast enough17:49
gnomefreakDrHalan: well its a pre release atm i think17:49
gnomefreakDrHalan: X.Org X Server (1.9.0 RC 5)17:50
gnomefreakbjsnider: http://pastebin.com/VW348r7t17:52
DrHalanmh im gone till monday anyways. hope my xserver works again then...17:52
DrHalanthe new theem is awesome17:52
DrHalananyone knows when the font is publically avaible?17:52
gnomefreakthaqt looks like it should17:54
bjsnidergnomefreak, http://pastebin.com/gmWeATrX17:54
bjsnideruse that one instead17:54
bjsniderls -l /etc/alternatives/gl_conf17:55
bjsniderwhat does that command give you?17:55
gnomefreakbjsnider: do i restart now?17:56
bjsnidernot yet17:56
bjsniderrun the command above17:56
gnomefreakbjsnider: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 34 Aug 12 12:50 /etc/alternatives/gl_conf -> /usr/lib/nvidia-current/ld.so.conf17:57
bjsniderand dkms status?17:57
gnomefreakbjsnider: how do i find it17:57
bjsnideri mean run dkms status17:57
gnomefreakbjsnider: nvidia-current, 256.35, 2.6.35-11-generic, i686: installed17:58
tr2123Is there any way to enable 3D with Nouveau in Maverick?17:58
bjsnidergnomefreak, that is the kernel you're planning on booting?17:58
Daekdroom-11 is too old17:59
gnomefreaktr2123: nouveau is not 3d you needd to install nvidia-current or one of the other options in jockey17:59
gnomefreakbjsnider: i was going to upgrade the kernel once i get nvidia worked out17:59
gnomefreak.11 works though17:59
bjsnideralright then reboot17:59
tr2123gnomefreak: Yes, it has 3D capabilities that are working just fine in Fedora Rawhide, and my whole point is to test out the open-source drivers, not just install the proprietary ones17:59
gnomefreakbjsnider: upgrade first i take it18:00
bjsnideryou can install updates afterwards18:00
gnomefreakbjsnider: ok be back in a few18:00
gnomefreaki hope18:00
Daekdroomtr2123, those 3D capabilities are done through the gallium driver, and I don't think ubuntu ships it.18:00
gnomefreakwe dont18:00
tr2123Daekdroom: Oh well, thanks anyway18:01
funkyHatAgh. aptitude wants to remove 217 packages18:01
PiciI suggest not doing it.18:01
PiciOr... do it and blame someone here, that works too.18:01
funkyHatI pick... Pici!18:02
gnomefreakbjsnider: nope i got dropped into TTY18:04
gnomefreakno X18:04
* gnomefreak going for smoke, im sure removing xorg.conf will gring me back to X18:04
bjsnidergnomefreak, you may need to use the 256.44 driver for this18:06
DrHalanbjsnider: as i said with 256.44 i still don't have a working X18:07
bjsnideryes but the xorg.conf file has to be amended18:07
bjsniderthat one has to be used18:08
gnomefreakdid i use that one? sorry i have to type the full url in lynx or links18:09
gnomefreakbjsnider: that looks like the one i have18:11
bjsniderno, dkms says you have 256.3518:11
DrHalanbjsnider: i guess the "NoABI"-Option is the difference18:11
bjsniderthat's right18:12
gnomefreakbjsnider: that is the one i have18:12
bjsniderthe nvidia driver contains code that disabled it if it sees an unknown x server version18:12
bjsnidergnomefreak, nvidia-current, 256.35, 2.6.35-11-generic, i686: installed18:12
bjsnideryou need to get the 256.44 driver18:13
gnomefreakbjsnider: i know i give you the output18:13
gnomefreakbjsnider: thats in edgers repo18:13
gnomefreakrepo -> PPA18:13
gnomefreakbjsnider: im guessing you want me to uncomment that PPA18:14
bjsniderit's also in x-updates18:14
gnomefreakbjsnider: in teh ubuntu archives?18:14
bjsniderjust use the more conservative x-updates for now18:15
bjsniderno, that's a ppa18:15
gnomefreakbjsnider: i have not heard of that18:15
gnomefreakthanks ill add it but it will take a bit18:15
bjsnideryou must have a slow computer18:15
bjsniderthat'll learn you for using AMD hardware18:16
gnomefreakbjsnider: i have to type the URL i cant copy and paste between TTYs18:18
DrHalan1thanks bjsnider18:18
bjsniderthe nvidia driver works for you now?18:18
DrHalan1the new theme is so beautiful *.*18:18
DrHalan1but i use 256.4418:18
bjsniderwhat is the result of glxinfo?18:18
gnomefreakbkis there a - between +archive/xupdates or x-updates18:19
gnomefreakbjsnider: ^^18:19
DrHalan1display: :0  screen: 018:19
DrHalan1direct rendering: Yes18:19
DrHalan1server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation18:19
DrHalan1server glx version string: 1.418:19
DrHalan1looks fine18:20
bjsnideryep, it's working18:20
DrHalan1compiz works at 1900x1200 so im pretty sure it works18:20
DrHalan1thats awesome18:20
bjsniderhave you written forum posts on ubuntuforums.org before?18:20
DrHalan1me? i don't have an account there iirc18:20
bjsniderthat sucks18:20
bjsnidergnomefreak, not sure what you're asking18:21
gnomefreakbjsnider: my screen got cut off at xupdates. should it be x-updates or xupdates18:21
gnomefreakthe last part of the PPA link18:22
gnomefreakbjsnider: thanks18:22
gnomefreakbjsnider: the link you gave me has ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates18:23
gnomefreakit is malformed line18:24
bjsniderthat was just a link to the webpage18:24
gnomefreakcan you please post the full PPA line so i can add it18:24
bjsniderjust run the ppa command. that's the easiest way18:24
bjsnidersudo ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates18:24
gnomefreakok ill try it18:25
kim0hey folks ... I dist-upgraded and rebooted //18:25
kim0now I lost my X18:25
kim0nvidia with binary driver18:26
bjsnidergnomefreak, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates18:26
gnomefreakkim0: nvidia im guessssing18:26
kim0gnomefreak: yep18:26
bjsnidergnomefreak, i'm going to get you to write a forum post about this18:26
* kim0 is in :s mode18:26
gnomefreakno one has posted one? i would think someone already posted one since it is suck a big issue18:28
kim0is there a solution to the nvidia/x problem ?18:29
gnomefreakill be back in a bit18:29
gnomefreakkim0: yes working on my fix atm18:29
bjsniderthen why are people flooding this channel complaining about it?18:29
gnomefreakhell if i know. lazy maybe?18:29
kim0is everyone here talking about this nvidia problem ? :)18:29
bjsnideri'm tired of it18:30
bjsniderkim0, here is the fix: add the x-updates ppa, install the 256.44 driver, alter /etc/X11/xorg.conf to this: http://pastebin.com/gmWeATrX18:31
kim0bjsnider: the important one is IgnoreABI right18:31
bjsnideryuh huh18:32
gnomefreakbjsnider: there are a few bugs on it. if you can find one please add the workaround and i will add it to the bot18:33
gnomefreakbjsnider: should i update kernel while im at it?18:33
bjsnideryeah, the kernel is not currently an issue so that's fine18:33
gnomefreakbjsnider: ok be back when updates are done. im sure there are a bunch of them > 2518:34
kim0bjsnider: add-apt-repository ppa:x-updates18:34
gnomefreakill see18:34
kim0bjsnider: am I wrong on that ?18:34
bjsnidersudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates18:34
gnomefreakmore like 35 ill will start dinner during update18:35
bjsnideryour system is so slow18:35
bjsnideri wouldn't tolerate that18:35
kim0bjsnider: W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/x-updates/ppa/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found18:37
kim0something wrong ?18:38
bjsnideryou must have typed the add-apt line wrong18:39
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DrHalan1is the nautilus bug fixed?18:40
DrHalan1maverick seems so much faster to me18:40
DaekdroomDrHalan1, which maverick bug?18:41
DrHalan1nautilus had a memory leak for some time18:41
DaekdroomI think it still has.18:41
DrHalan1i occasionally did a "killall nautilus" so my machine worked fine again18:41
DrHalan1welll atles here its fast as hell18:41
DaekdroomI had to kill nautilus yesterday..18:42
DaekdroomIt's using 50MB as of now. I think it's still not fixed.18:43
DaekdroomHm.. Yeah. Definitely still leaking18:45
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DrHalan1the new theme rocks ^^19:18
Andre_GondimI agree19:19
DrHalan1there is just some spaceing missing at the top19:19
gnomefreakbjsnider: still dropped me into TTY19:24
* gnomefreak going to try upstream drivers19:25
bjsnidergnomefreak, what are the actual errors?19:25
gnomefreakbjsnider: none that it gives me19:26
gnomefreakit goes through the loading crap than gives me a prompt19:26
gnomefreaki still dont even get plymouth, that is a long time bug19:28
bjsniderwhat happens if you try startx?19:28
gnomefreaknope upstream drivers dont work19:31
* gnomefreak wont be writing the fourms19:31
bjsnidergnomefreak, from the tty, what happens if you manually give it the startx command?19:31
gnomefreakbjsnider: http://pastebin.com/mrxqtUhQ19:33
gnomefreakthat is the log19:33
bjsnidergnomefreak, you have somehow failed to use the proper xorg.conf19:34
gnomefreakbjsnider: i gave you what i had19:35
bjsnideri pasted the url for the new one19:36
bjsniderdid you replace it?19:36
gnomefreakbjsnider: yes than i posted it to show you19:36
bjsniderpaste it again19:36
gnomefreakgive me a minute i have to type the URL19:38
gnomefreakcompare them and let me know since i cant paste between TTYs19:39
* gnomefreak will figure out how to remove upstream drivers since they fail as well19:41
gnomefreakpreinstalled script failed  i get that when running the installer. not re sure how to remove them anymore19:42
gnomefreaklet me see if i can get back19:53
DsXackздравствуйте, после вчерашнего обновления перестал запускаться гдм. После удаления xorg.conf GDM работает нормально в low graphic mode20:37
DsXackHello, after yesterday's update does not start GDM. After removing the xorg.conf GDM works fine in low graphic mode20:37
ZykoticK9DsXack, i had to remove my nvidia-current to get Xorg straightened out again - running with Nouveau right now :(20:38
ZykoticK9DsXack, even without xorg.conf - "lspci -vnvn" was still show VGA driver in use as 'nvidia'20:38
wechatDsXack: hi20:41
DsXackZykoticK9: ohh.... I'd rather use low graphic mode20:42
DsXackwechat: hihi)20:42
wechatI can't add a directory with music in Rhythmbox from menu. File -> Add directory -- I choose it -- press "Open" -- and oops -- nothing is changing and adding to playlist. This is for some days (3 probably). Drag & Drop is working. Is this a known problem with sqllite3?20:49
wechatsmthng like this about Rhythmbox https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/3575320:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 35753 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "[Dapper] Rhythmbox sometimes refuses to load files in directories with non-ascii names" [Medium,Confirmed]20:50
coz_hey guys.. who would be the contact  for system sounds?20:53
wechatwhat's wrong coz_?20:58
coz_wechat,  nothing :)  I wanted to contact the right person(s)  for the new sounds21:00
wechatok :)21:00
coz_wechat,  I already found the link to post new sounds  and was just wondering if "all" of the sounds are necessary or just a few21:00
wechatcoz_ share with us21:02
coz_apparenlty shuttleworth forgot about the new sounds in lucid :)21:02
coz_so there is a call for new sounds in maverick21:03
wechatomg I wanna all the orange style back21:05
coz_wechat,  :)  I dont think the system graphical theme is going to change21:05
coz_just the sounds21:05
wechatif it will be in the way like new font and logo -- I will be glad to support this21:06
coz_any issues with upgrading with  update-manager -d  from lucid to maverick at this point?? nvidia maybe??21:06
coz_wechat,  I have been saying  "get rid of the damn drums login sound " for about 5 years now21:07
wechatcoz_: about nvidia read some posts higher --- and we all have ugly GDM now21:07
wechatcoz_: I think drums are *stylish*21:08
coz_wechat,  ooo ok ... I will have to go on the other machine for scrollback21:08
coz_wechat,  eeewww  lol21:09
wechatcoz_: :)21:10
coz_wechat,  the drums were fine for the first couple ubuntu versions... then I got rid of it or created my own21:11
wechatcoz_: anyway it will be very interesting21:12
coz_wechat,  I think so as well... would be nice to have soothing sounds...if any... as long as it isnt like mac's  or windows :)21:12
coz_I always disable sounds on both of those :)21:12
wechatcoz_: yes -- in ubuntu sounds are the best21:13
coz_wechat,  yes I definitly would take the "drums"  over any but  I hate the drums none the less... I even was going to post a bug  "" i have a major bug in ubuntu... i keep hearing drums when I log on :"21:13
kim0bjsnider: thanks man .. the nvidia fix thing worked21:45
kim0should I delete the x-swat repo now ?21:45
bjsniderit's up to you21:47
bjsnideri can't make those judgements21:47
ZykoticK9bjsnider, is there a solution to nvidia right now?  adding x-swat repo?  I assume this nvidia-issue will sort itself out soon... right?21:48
bjsniderthe solution is a minor addition tot he xorg.conf file21:48
bjsniderthat is what it has to be21:49
ZykoticK9bjsnider, the Option  "IgnoreABI"     "true" line21:49
bjsniderand you need the 256.44 blob, which is in the x-updates ppa21:49
ZykoticK9bjsnider, ok thanks - i'll just deal with Nouveau for a while - don't really feel like using 3rd party repos on devel release.  Thanks though.21:49
bjsniderx-updates is an official repo by the ubuntu-x group, and it's very conservative21:50
bjsniderbasically it's just driver updates21:52
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DaekdroomThere is something very weird going on22:49
Daekdroomsafe-upgrade wants to install half KDE >.>22:49
Daekdroomdist-upgrade, on the other hand, works alright. I think it should be the other way.22:50
Ian_corneI've got kile installed22:51
Ian_corneand it sometimes drags in ALOT of kde22:51
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khemQApt batch installer does not accept my password and I can not install firefox on latest maverick23:46
khemanyone seeing similar problem23:46
khemthats using kubuntu btw.23:48

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