
=== compiledkernel is now known as Guest6400
yvan300hey i just got a kernel panic,.......where are the system logs located?01:12
seidosyvan300, /var/log I think01:13
yvan300seidos, thanks, that was it01:17
=== compiledkernel is now known as Guest38060
holderI can't change directory. $ cd /home/user/Desktop doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?04:20
IAmNotThatGuyholder: "user= your login name"04:21
IAmNotThatGuyI will give as $ cd /home/devil/Desktop04:22
IAmNotThatGuyholder: you are here?04:22
holderIAmNotThatGuy: Yep, I know that, it's not working with my login name04:22
IAmNotThatGuydo one thing. Use tab key to auto fill04:23
IAmNotThatGuywhen you press cd /<tab>, It will list the folders. Check whether you gave the name correctly04:24
IAmNotThatGuyholder: is it working??04:26
IAmNotThatGuyholder: http://i38.tinypic.com/281ecms.png thats mine04:26
holderIAmNotThatGuy: the tab trick is04:26
holderIAmNotThatGuy: i'll screenshot04:27
holderIAmNotThatGuy: http://tinypic.com/r/2jb4k5s/404:30
IAmNotThatGuyholder: press F<tab key>04:31
holderIt finds the wrong file04:33
holderinstead of the iso it finds the original file04:34
IAmNotThatGuyhey It will just load the directory04:34
IAmNotThatGuyNot the .iso files04:34
holderActually it works04:34
holderLol, thanks, the file was locked or something04:35
IAmNotThatGuyokay good luck holder (:04:35
IAmNotThatGuyholder: the problem is solved?04:53
holderIAmNotThatGuy: Nope, but it's a problem within a problem04:53
IAmNotThatGuywhat happened holder?04:54
holderI want to play a windows game on linux, but the install keeps failing and I don't know if the problem is with the file or wine04:55
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holderIAmNotThatGuy: How's your knowledge on wine?05:08
IAmNotThatGuyI am not that much good with wine as we don't prefer using wine holder05:10
holderWhat do you prefer for windows applications?05:11
IAmNotThatGuyactually what game you are trying to run?05:13
IAmNotThatGuywe mostly find an alternate in linux environment05:13
holderFootball manager 201005:13
IAmNotThatGuygo inside the folder and try right clicking foot.exe and select run with wine05:14
IAmNotThatGuyI know that alone05:14
IAmNotThatGuyI ll brb05:16
Mohan_chmlholder, you got any solution?05:42
holderNope, but i'm in wine's irc channel working on it05:48
jaybirdHey folks.How do I change themes, once I've found something I like?05:49
Mohan_chmljaybird, download that theme, right click the desktop, click change desktop background, click the themes tab05:51
Mohan_chmlin that you canfind "install" button05:51
Mohan_chmljaybird, then you can select the theme and can Install them05:51
Mohan_chmljaybird, you there??05:52
jaybirdyep, firefox just decided to conk out.05:52
jaybirdchrome it is..05:53
jaybirdlol, guess it wasn't firefox then. My wireless says it's perfectly connected, but both of the browsers aren't working. just loading forever.05:57
jaybirdany idea what might be causing this?05:57
Mohan_chmlopen terminal and type ping www.google.com05:58
Mohan_chmlthe response time will tell your internet speed jaybird05:58
jaybirdPING google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.05:59
jaybird64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=29.1 ms05:59
Mohan_chmljaybird, hmmmm 29.1 ms06:00
jaybirdIt seems to be working again, but I noticed lately it'll just stop working for what appears to be no reason. Like even when the wireless is fine.06:00
shredder12what's the issue jaybird06:02
jaybirdMy internet keeps conking out [loading forever, until I restart], even though the wireless has full bars06:02
shredder12jaybird: you mean it takes a lot of time to connect? or websites load very slowly?06:03
jaybirdOh, when it gets like that, sites won't even load at all.06:04
shredder12jaybird: are you able to ping at least. I had a similar issue but it was some trouble with DNS queries. The browser just kept showing "looking up somewebsite.com"06:05
jaybirdyes, that exactly. I was able to ping06:06
jaybirdhow can I solve the problem, if that's the issue?06:06
shredder12jaybird: lets see if that  is the issue. run this command "dig lifehacker.com". In the output you will see a line "Query time". What time does it shows?06:07
jaybird66 msec06:08
shredder12jaybird: thats decent.  DNS doesn't seem to be a problem here. At the moment, it even seems that your network is working fine06:08
shredder12jaybird: are you able to load websites now?06:09
jaybirdYep, I'm able to load them right now. But the problem seems to happen randomly...06:09
shredder12jaybird: Does reconnecting the network helps then?06:10
jaybirdI just wish I could get to the root of the problem so I wouldn't be reconnecting all the time...06:13
shredder12jaybird: I am not sure what is the issue now, but when your network goes down again, use "tail -n 20 /var/log/syslog". this will show you the last 20 lines of system log. We might be able to find our some clue there06:13
shredder12jaybird: btw, how often does this happen?06:13
jaybirdIt's happened three times within the past...4 hours, maybe? But will do.06:13
Mohan_chmljaybird, when the problem comes again, try the ping command06:15
Mohan_chmlthat will tell you whether you are connected or not06:15
shredder12jaybird: you can even use "tail -f /var/log/syslog" to see the most recent log. So, as soon as you discover that the connection is lost, you can immediately look for some hint in the logs. I can't guarantee that it will help, but it usually does06:16
Mohan_chmlif it is working now, then we cant find the exact problem06:16
shredder12jaybird: yes, and try the "dig " command too, check the Query time.06:16
Mohan_chmlas you said both firefox and chrome has the same problem, it must be the problem of the network or the wireless06:16
jaybirdOhh, okay. That's understandable. Also, this laptop had wireless issues for a while now. Back when it was running windows the wireless didn't work at all. So it could be a hardware issue.06:17
shredder12jaybird: yes, that could be a h/w issue.06:18
jaybirdOh btw, now that my internet's working again, I installed the theme I wanted without a problem. :) thank you!06:22
jaybird[that was my initial issue]06:22
duanedesignmorning all11:51
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=== Mohan_chml is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
TallonWhat version of Ubuntu do I need to get to run on a 64-bit Atom processor, the front page download 64-bit option gives me 10.04-desktop-amd64.iso.   is that the right one even though I'm using an Intel processor?14:52
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohan_chml
robs1Good morning all14:59
robs1I have a newbie question am hoping someone can help me with.14:59
robs1I am trying to find the  .ssh   directory and cannot seem to find it.  I did an "ls -a" on both /  and  /root15:00
paultagrobs1, cd ~15:01
paultagrobs1, it's full unexpanded name is ~/.ssh15:01
Mohan_chmlTallon, its okay to download and Install..15:01
Mohan_chmlheya paultag15:01
paultagMohan_chml, heyya15:01
paultagOh great15:02
paultagyou're welcome robs115:02
Mohan_chmlpaultag, I am afraid robs1 didn't watch ya :P15:02
Mohan_chmlpaultag, your turn (:15:03
paultagrobs1, did you get my last message?15:03
robs1Nope...I got disconnected for some reason15:03
paultag<paultag> robs1, cd ~15:03
paultag<paultag> robs1, it's full unexpanded name is ~/.ssh15:03
Tallon@Mohan, ok thanks just wasn't sure with the amd in the title15:03
robs1I tried that15:03
robs1root@svlso-3-3:~# ls -a ~/.ssh15:04
robs1ls: cannot access /root/.ssh: No such file or directory15:04
Mohan_chmlTallon, (:15:04
paultagrobs1, first of all, working as root is really really dumb15:04
paultagrobs1, second of all, you need to ssh one time :)15:04
paultagrobs1, it imports conf directories as you need them15:04
robs1okay...I backed out of root and am operating as a regular user15:05
paultagrobs1, ssh one time15:06
paultagrobs1, and you will have this directory15:06
robs1doing so now15:06
robs1 Ah, ok.  I now see the .ssh directory15:07
robs1Thanks paultag...that got me going.15:09
paultagsure robs115:09
paultagrobs1, good luck!15:10
robs1btw...in this case, it is not dumb to be working as root because I am installing a backup solution that requires that this be done as root15:10
paultagrobs1, that's not true15:10
paultagrobs1, run the installer with sudo15:10
paultagrobs1, you should *never* have to use root15:10
robs1I'm installing an enterprise backup solution....it says that it must be installed as root...or the install will not complete15:11
robs1And I verified that to be true.15:11
paultagyes robs1, so use sudo15:11
paultagrobs1, never work as root, run *single* commands under root with su -c 'foo' or sudo foo15:12
robs1yes, very good point paultag...am newbie so it shows LOL15:12
paultagrobs1, if you don't have sudo on the machine, you have an issue15:12
paultagrobs1, :)15:12
robs1np...it is actually kinda cool that mirc has support channels such as this15:13
paultagrobs1, yeah, we love helping. There's a whole community of people to help15:13
robs1how do I verify that sudo is actually installed.  I know what sudo is, just haven't played with it15:13
paultagrobs1, also wiki pages, help pages, manuals15:13
paultagrobs1, what distro are you running ( I hope Ubuntu? )15:13
robs1yes ubuntu15:13
paultagrobs1, dpkg -l | grep sudo15:13
robs1I like it so much that I also have it insalled on my mahcine at home. I love ubuntu unix and I am one of its crusader15:14
paultagrobs1, there should be a line that says "ii    sudo"15:14
robs1checking it now15:14
paultagrobs1, it's Linux, not UNIX :)15:14
robs1hehe...okay...HP-UX is what I mostly support15:14
robs1yup its there15:15
robs1larger than life15:15
paultagrobs1, you can check the suoders by the /etc/sudoers file15:15
paultagrobs1, you need "root" ( but you can use sudo when you see root )15:15
paultagrobs1, on Ubuntu the root account is disabled15:15
robs1wow thanks for this great help...I'm doing exactly as you say15:15
paultagrobs1, and it should stay this way15:16
paultagrobs1, Oh sure, no problem15:16
paultagrobs1, esp if it's a server, if people know there is a "root" account with admin, they will try and hack this account15:16
robs1yeah no doubt15:16
paultagrobs1, so if you disable this account and do admin work via sudo + regular user, it's harder to break into15:16
paultagthey would need the /etc/passwd file to get a listing of people on the machine15:17
robs1one other thing...for some reason...I keep getting disconnected from mirch and I keep having to log back in15:17
Mohan_chmlrobs1, you kow what!! paultag is one of the hackers :P15:17
paultagMohan_chml, ssshhhh! :P15:17
paultagrobs1, Humm, does your internet drop often?15:17
robs1lol you guys are hilarious15:17
robs1nope....its a corporate network15:18
paultagrobs1, I'm reading here you're at HP15:18
paultagrobs1, awesome :)15:18
Mohan_chmlrobs1, then why you are often getting disconnected?15:18
paultagrobs1, Interesting. I wonder why you drop off a big line15:18
robs1that is a good question Mohan15:18
Mohan_chmlhe he... answer please:15:19
robs1this laptop has limited memory 1GB so maybe the limited memory address space just can't handle it15:19
paultagI can't imagine15:19
paultagirc is circa-199115:19
* Mohan_chml too15:19
robs1it kinda sucks but hey15:19
paultagrobs1, try using webchat.freenode.net15:20
Mohan_chmlpaultag, GOTO work15:20
paultagrobs1, if that drops something else is going on15:20
paultagrobs1, that is port 80 ( not 6667 ) and over HTTP not IRC it's self15:20
robs1that's a good idea about switching irc servers15:20
paultagrobs1, you're on Freenode now :)15:20
robs1yes isn't that where Im supposed to be15:21
paultagrobs1, so if that drops it's not filters or anything15:21
robs1oh ok15:21
robs1I noticed something that as long a I keep typing...I don't get disconnected.  But if I go like 30 secons without typing... then boom it drops me like a hot potato15:22
paultagOh humm!15:23
paultagrobs1, this server has a PING system15:23
paultagrobs1, if you client does not PONG you get the boot from timeout15:23
robs1ok, and....15:23
paultagrobs1, and when you type it resets the PING timeout15:23
robs1so what can I do to make my client ping15:23
philinuxNeed a pointer with a script and chroot15:23
paultagrobs1, use another client :(15:23
paultagphilinux, hola15:23
paultagrobs1, haha15:24
paultagrobs1, windows or GNU/Linux over there>15:24
Mohan_chmlheya philinux15:24
paultagphilinux, what can I help with15:24
robs1yeah I'm running windows as my client...ubuntu is not my client15:24
philinuxGot a script for maverick so I can chroot from lucid15:24
paultagrobs1, let's see, Try webchat.freenode for now15:24
paultagrobs1, I think you can run some other ones, perhaps someone will poke in the conversation15:25
robs1okay thanks15:25
paultagrobs1, sure thing15:25
paultagphilinux, debootstrap'ed ?15:25
philinuxLast line is this but there must be a better way. sudo chroot /mnt/lucid /bin/bash -c "cat /opt/apti && /bin/bash"15:25
philinuxin the file apti is aptitude update && aptitude safe-upgrade. I'm fed up with typing this. If I use that as the command the terminal quits after it15:26
philinuxAs it cats the file I can then copy and paste it into the terminal. I'd like it to be run and then keep the terminal open15:28
paultagphilinux, Sorry, what are you trying to do?15:28
philinuxEnter chroot display "aptitude update && aptitude safe-upgrade" run it but keep terminal window open15:29
robs1Did paultag leave?15:31
philinuxrobs1: Dont think so15:32
robs1he's a good dude15:32
robs1helped me and didn't even have to15:32
Mohan_chmlpaultag, ping15:33
paultagBack :)15:34
Mohan_chmlpaultag, wb :)15:34
paultagI was at work :)15:35
philinuxEnter chroot display "aptitude update && aptitude safe-upgrade" run it but keep terminal window open15:35
Mohan_chmlpaultag, but robs left :P15:35
paultagoh nooes15:35
paultagphilinux, why not have it do it automatically?15:35
philinuxpaultag: I can but the terminal quits. Wont stay open15:36
paultagheyya robs115:36
paultagphilinux, that's if you exec it15:36
robs1Hello Paul!!!15:36
paultagphilinux, you can fork it back off in the bg on entry15:36
philinuxpaultag: how15:36
paultagphilinux, if you are *only* using this chroot for "fun" add it to your bashrc, let me verify the command I'm thinking of15:36
paultagphilinux, yup it works15:37
paultagphilinux, $(apt-get update && apt-get upgrade) &15:37
philinuxI tried this sudo chroot /mnt/maverick /bin/bash -c "aptitude update && aptitude safe-upgrade"15:37
paultagphilinux, that should kick it off in the bg, and so long as the shell is open that'll run15:37
paultagphilinux, yeah, but bash will exit after the -c call cuz it will exec it15:37
paultagphilinux, same reason a shell exits after a ./foo.sh15:38
paultag./foo.sh is short for15:38
paultagbash foo.sh15:38
paultagor, with flags15:38
paultag/bin/bash -c "foo.sh"15:38
philinuxSo it needs to be sudo chroot /mnt/maverick /bin/bash $(aptitude update && aptitude safe-upgrade) &15:38
paultagphilinux, if you can stand to have it lock up primary thread, don't fork it15:39
paultagphilinux, but remember this will run *every* time you login15:39
philinuxThats the idea then keep term open15:39
paultagphilinux, might also want a > /dev/null &2>1 on there too15:39
philinuxIt not for fun mav testing15:39
paultagphilinux, yeah, so just remove the last & on it15:39
paultagphilinux, and add that to the bashrc15:39
philinuxE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13: Permission denied)15:43
philinuxE: Couldn't lock list directory..are you root?15:43
philinuxpaultag: does not get the chroot prompt15:43
paultagwhoh wtf15:44
paultagphilinux, not your host bashrc15:44
paultagphilinux, the chroot bashrc :)15:44
philinuxI've not touched the bachrc at all this is run from a script on lucid15:44
paultagphilinux, I'm lost15:45
philinuxpaultag: http://paste.ubuntu.com/476975/15:46
paultagphilinux, well shucks, that's not what I said :)15:47
philinuxpaultag: ignore the reference to lucid I should have changed it to maverick15:47
paultagphilinux, is dev/sdb1 device static or dynamic ( I take it you do not bootstrap this often ) ?15:47
philinuxsdb1 is second HD15:48
paultagphilinux, that's not the question ;)15:48
paultagphilinux, how did you install mav ?15:48
philinuxlive cd to second HD. I run lucid chroot to update mava and boot into it now and then.15:49
paultagphilinux, Ah, I see what you're doing.15:49
paultagphilinux, let me bootstrap and test right quickly15:50
philinuxpaultag: so script used to stop at prompt and then I have to type aptitude etc. Want to not have to type15:50
tommyguitfiddleCan someone walk me through updating my kernel with Linux audio drivers from Asus website?15:50
paultagphilinux, bootstrapping now. Give me a few minutes to work this out15:50
paultagI just got it phil15:58
paultagsudo chroot chroot/ bash -c 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && bash'15:58
paultagif phil gets back, someone paste that for me16:00
paultagI have to do some work ( at work )16:00
tommyguitfiddleCan someone walk me through updating my kernel with Linux audio drivers for my Asus motherboard?16:07
paultagtommyguitfiddle, sorry, I'm at work now16:08
paultagtommyguitfiddle, wait around16:08
tommyguitfiddlepaultag, will do.16:09
paultag* philinux has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)16:10
paultag<paultag> DAMNIT16:10
paultag<paultag> I just got it phil16:10
paultag<paultag> sudo chroot chroot/ bash -c 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && bash'16:10
paultag<paultag> if phil gets back, someone paste that for me16:10
paultag<paultag> I have to do some work ( at work )16:10
philinuxNot quit16:10
philinuxpaultag: nice try but terminal quits16:11
paultagphilinux, I'm calling BS on that16:11
paultagphilinux, I just ran it and it works here16:11
philinuxJust ran the script and the terminal vanishes16:12
philinuxhang on16:12
paultagphilinux, http://paste.ubuntu.com/476986/16:12
paultagphilinux, yeah I'm calling B.S.16:12
philinuxpaultag: It doesn't run the update just exits pronto16:14
paultagphilinux, it works here. Something is going wrong over there :)16:14
paultagphilinux, the only way it will fail is if the update or upgrade fails16:14
philinuxhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/476989/ Line 10 works as expected.16:16
paultagphilinux, I don't know what you're doing16:17
paultagphilinux, let me clarify16:18
philinuxIf I run it with line 10 active this is what happens16:18
paultagphilinux, http://paste.ubuntu.com/476990/16:19
paultagphilinux, it runs fine16:19
paultagphilinux, there's my log16:19
philinuxpaultag: http://paste.ubuntu.com/476991/16:22
philinuxThats the result from my script with line 10 active16:22
paultagphilinux, I don't really care about that part16:22
paultagphilinux, paste the apt-get update && apt-get  upgrade16:22
paultagphilinux, there is an error in that, there is no other reason bash would not start16:23
philinuxWheres' the error located?16:23
paultagphilinux, you tell me :)16:24
philinuxOk well I'll just stick with my original script it works apart from having to copy and paste update upgrade bit into the command line16:25
paultagphilinux, could you please run my commanad and paste the error so I can help you get apt working, so your shell works?16:25
paultagphilinux, we can talk about it all day, but I need to know what error it is16:25
philinuxIf I run the script with this: sudo chroot chroot/ bash -c 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && bash' I dont get any errors the terminal just quits16:26
philinuxIf I manually run it it gives this.16:27
philinuxsudo chroot chroot/ bash -c 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && bash'16:28
philinuxchroot: cannot change root directory to chroot/: No such file or directory16:28
paultagwell dur16:28
paultagphilinux, change chroot/ to /mnt/whatever16:28
paultagphilinux, chroot is what i'm using here16:28
philinuxAh change what?16:28
paultagphilinux, sudo chroot /mnt/lucid/ bash -c 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && bash'16:28
philinuxchroot: cannot change root directory to /mnt/lucid/: No such file or directory16:29
paultagphilinux, ...16:29
paultagphilinux, did you write that script?16:29
philinuxNo got it off forums I think16:30
paultagthat explains it16:30
paultagphilinux, put that in your script16:30
paultagphilinux, chroot/ refers to a dir where the sdb device is mounted16:30
paultagphilinux, change that path to match the mount command's16:30
philinuxThis is original script I cobbled together. http://paste.ubuntu.com/476995/16:32
philinuxRunning this get me the root prompt16:33
philinuxCommands entered after line 10 are just ignored16:34
paultagphilinux, http://paste.ubuntu.com/476997/16:34
paultagwell yeah16:34
philinuxYes Yes16:37
philinuxpaultag: Cheers16:38
paultagphilinux, no problems16:38
paultagproblem *16:38
philinuxwas it the /bin/bash causing the problem or what16:39
paultagno philinux16:40
paultagphilinux, you had the wrong path16:40
paultagphilinux, or if you had the chroot before it then it won't execute until that ends16:40
paultagphilinux, I don't know16:40
paultagit just makes sense if you write it from scratch16:40
philinuxSorted now anyway16:41
=== simar__mohaar is now known as simar
raymac007I have a headless linux server.  I want to do a fresh install in linux.  Can this be done via ssh?18:08
raymac007 . . . a fresh install of linux.18:08
drubinr<tab> no18:16
sicularshey gang, in ubuntu server , outside of top, how can i figure out which processes are using x memory? a fresh boot of ubuntu comes up using like 300+ mb ram18:28
paultagsiculars, give "ps -eo pmem,pcpu,rss,vsize,args | sort -k 1 -r | more" a try18:30
drubinholy cow. Hope you had that saved some where :)18:31
sicularswhoa. bash hackery ftw18:31
paultag( process memory, process cpu, res. set size, vm side, args )18:31
paultagsiculars, :)18:32
drubinbut still ;-p18:32
paultagdrubin, aye, I keep a ninja kit18:32
drubinpaultag: ^518:32
paultagsiculars, all set?18:32
sicularsso i should be looking at the vm size?18:32
sicularswhats res.set sieze18:33
paultagsiculars, the first column is the memory size18:33
paultagsiculars, resident set size18:33
paultagsiculars, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resident_set_size <-- this does it better then me18:33
paultagResident Set Size is the portion of a process's memory that is held in RAM. The rest of the memory exists in swap or the filesystem (never loaded or previously unloaded parts of the executable).18:33
paultagsiculars, might help debug ninja ram users18:34
sicularsis it possible that free -m is reporting such a high number of mem usage due to including the 256mb swap ?18:34
* Mohan_chml says paultag is a geek, but he twists the answers for the beginners :P18:34
sicularscause i find it hard to believe the system is using that much ram with nothing running on it18:34
paultagsiculars, there should be a swap column -- the Mem: column is your hardware only18:35
sicularsits a 512mb linode ubuntu vm18:35
paultagMohan_chml, siculars here is not a beginner :)18:35
paultagMohan_chml, he's using shell only on a vps, he can handle it18:35
sicularsnot a complete beginner ;)18:35
paultagsiculars, what services are you running?18:35
paultagsiculars, any chance this is a webhost?18:35
sicularsbut this is sort of a beginner question , no ?18:36
* Mohan_chml dk what paultag said with a whole command line keywords18:36
paultagsiculars, meh, but we can help, we're cool like that :)18:36
sicularsits just running nginx , which comes up in your bash-fu but is negligible (cause its nginx and not ... apache)18:36
paultagsiculars, have you tweeked mysql and apache2 to cut it's ram fat?18:36
paultagsiculars, try this. I worked with another guy in here to cut my vps down to almost zero usage. Sec18:37
paultagsiculars, I went from18:37
paultagRequests per second: 13.21 [#/sec] (mean)18:37
sicularshere is my output from the bash-fu18:37
paultagto Requests per second: 1942.31 [#/sec] (mean)18:37
sicularsim really not running anything on it yet ...18:38
paultagsiculars, what's free -m18:38
Mohan_chmlpaultag, you are mean!! @_@18:38
paultagMohan_chml, :)18:38
paultagsiculars, FY(future)I -- http://blog.bodhizazen.net/linux/optimize-wordpress-for-speed/18:38
sicularsand this is 32b ubuntu ... not 64b mem pig ubuntu18:38
paultagsiculars, hehe, +1, I'm with you 100%18:38
paultagsiculars, what's the free -m dump look like?18:39
paultagsiculars, thanks, that was going to be my next question. You're nothing close to a beginner, thanks for the tidy kickback :)18:40
paultagOh shoot, I think I know...18:41
sicularsi really don't get it ...18:41
paultagI read this obscure article once siculars18:41
paultagsiculars, let me try and find it, it explains whats going on18:41
paultag( better then I could do right now )18:41
sicularsthanks , much obliged paultag18:42
paultagsiculars, sure, give me a sec to find it, it was on a mailing list or some no-name blog18:43
sicularswhoa . i asked this question on the linode chan (irc.oftc.net) and like 10 ppl replied with http://www.linuxatemyram.com/18:45
paultagThats it!!18:46
paultagsiculars, hahaha, that's the one18:46
paultagsiculars, give them my thanks, I needed to get that link again18:46
paultagsiculars, :)18:49
sicularsya , that was pretty noobtastic . stupid disk buffers screwing with my free mem readouts makin me all crazy18:50
paultagsiculars, no no no, not at all18:50
sicularsaccording to my new understanding i have 467 mb free on a 512 node . that makes me happy18:50
paultagsiculars, you would not know unless you are a kernel guy who works on the disk optimizations18:51
paultagsiculars, I had to be told, and I've been using since 0118:51
sicularsya , im looking to run some stuff on this box .... nginx , nodejs , redis and riak for a demo at tonights nyc.js18:53
philinuxAnother minor problem. Cant seem to access a printer. It's shared it says. Here's the network. http://filebin.ca/vzvhs/Network.odg18:57
philinuxCant access it from laptop. Not bothered about access from xp machine18:57
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paultagsiculars, nice :)19:00
paultagsiculars, do you live in NY?19:00
paultagsiculars, yankees SUCK19:01
sicularspaultag: lol19:01
paultagsiculars, Boston guy here19:01
sicularspaultag: but they win ;)19:01
paultagsiculars, we have twice the wins you do this millennium19:01
sicularsbut what do you have to show for it19:01
paultagsiculars, the best damn team in the nation19:01
paultagsiculars, I was just down in long island not too long ago19:02
paultagpretty rad, NYC is nice for a few days ;)19:02
sicularsor ... forever !19:03
paultagover my cold hard sox-loving body19:03
sicularsnyc ftw . don't get me wrong , boston is nice for a visit . but its just so ... small19:03
philinuxCome on guys have a look at my network.19:03
paultagsiculars, nyc is just so... dirty19:03
paultagphilinux, Humm, oh right. sec19:03
philinuxCheers. I think I need to find it's IP address. I'm not a networking expert at all19:04
paultagphilinux, is ubuntu laptop on the router again?19:04
sicularsbest thing to come out of boston outside of your uni's are matt daemon ben aflack movies19:04
paultagerm, not again*19:04
philinuxpaultag: yes laptop see router wirelessly just fine19:04
paultagsiculars, bah :P19:04
sicularspaultag: hehe19:05
paultagsiculars, we have some awesome beans19:05
paultagsiculars, and a flood of molassis that killed some people19:05
philinuxpaultag: ubuntu machine is connected to router by two homeplug units so it's directly wired19:05
paultagphilinux, is cups running on the machine?19:05
paultagubuntu machine19:06
philinuxpaultag: yes ubuntu machine can print to printer just fine19:06
paultagphilinux, http://localhost:631/19:06
paultagphilinux, see if that helps any19:06
philinuxYep been there, although I've set the printer to shared cups says it not shared. How do I get it's IP address19:07
paultagphilinux, ifconfig19:07
philinuxright so I use that command on the machine connected to the printer19:07
paultagphilinux, ifconfig | grep inet\ addr | tr ":" " " | awk '{print $3}'19:07
paultagphilinux, on the printer host19:07
philinuxCheers. I'll give that a go tomoz when I'm at GF's.19:08
paultagphilinux, sure thing19:08
philinuxIt's beer oclock now so thanks for help19:08
paultagphilinux, cheers19:08
paultagsiculars, say, are you on IRC often?19:09
sicularsya , just not in this chan19:09
sicularspeople who hit an ubunut-beginner chan on irc cant be that beginner19:09
paultagsiculars, we're always looking for good talent to help around here, you've got the right kind of 'tude and know-how19:09
paultagsiculars, nah :)19:09
paultagsiculars, #ubuntu-beginners-team is where we "hang out", if you're interested19:10
sicularslets take a look19:10
paultagsiculars, we also have a dev team that needs some love, you mentioned you were a JS guy?19:10
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nika_hey, so I got a question to the tune of "should I install in the first place", is this the right place to ask?22:11
seidosnika_, whether or not you should install in the first place is a personal decision, even assuming ubuntu will work perfectly on your hardware22:14
pedro3005You can always go back if you don't like it22:18
nika_i understand :) it's more like, how much fidgeting with the config can I expect on a netbook install? has anyone here done it? my experience is, the more recent/common the hardware, the less fine-tuning, and vice-versa. But i'm thinking of buying a new netbook, which i know nothing about.22:18
seidosnika_, you should check out the hcl located here:  http://www.ubuntuhcl.org/22:19
seidosI'm not entirely sure "newer" necessarily means "more compatible"22:19
seidosI never installed on a netbook, just a laptop and desktop22:20
nika_yeah, ok, wow. thanks seidos, that website has more info than i can process in one stare :)22:21
seidosnika_, I would recommend against buying anything that has less than a 5 rating on the hcl, if possible.  But I have looked at netbooks on the hcl.22:24
nika_ok, will keep that in mind22:24
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raubvogelHow do I specify which repository to use during a fresh ubuntu install?22:51
phillwraubvogel: have a read through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu22:59
phillwthat gives all the details of altering things22:59
raubvogelphillw: I am running a sed script to change the repositories post-install to my internal one. I was just wondering if I could change it *during* the initial install.23:08
phillwraubvogel: you'd have to ask one of those on here; I do not know the answer to that23:09
phillwpaultag: ping ^^23:10
paultagphillw: second, quad tasking23:11
paultagwait around, I'll get back to this task in less then an hour23:11
phillwraubvogel: he will get back, so please do wait23:12
=== Laggg is now known as Laggg|newb

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