
zusis any one avaliabe for a few questions? my bug squad membership is about to expire, i've gotten busy with my music and trying to get some work (need to pay bills yeah.)  if i let it expire  will i be able to re-join when my schedule frees up more time?02:14
macojust email the list and say "hey i expired a bit ago, can i get back in?"02:15
hggdhand we will get it done02:23
zussorry my wifi  here is unreliable,...did any one get my last question?02:25
charlie-tcaoops, maybe you should repeat it so we can tell.02:26
zushi charlie-tca  how ya doing?02:26
charlie-tcadoing fine. Yourself?02:27
zusmy membership is going to expire, but  can i re-join when i have more time in my schedule?02:27
charlie-tcaIf you need to, you can just request to be allowed back in. That is not a problem02:27
charlie-tcaJust ask here, "I expired a bit ago, can I get back in now?"02:28
zuscharlie-tca,  good, been jamming on music, as well as trying to get my own stuff recorded.02:28
charlie-tcaGreat! I wish a lot of luck with that.02:28
zussweet thanks,02:28
zusthanks. its fun most times\02:30
charlie-tcaThat's good. It is worth it to do something you enjoy.02:31
zusit is,  and to see people dacing at gigs is  very satisfying02:33
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dholbachHAPPY HUG DAY!08:01
vishdholbach: hmm , :(08:02
* vish wishes dholbach says that every hug day ;p08:02
* dholbach hugs you all08:02
bullgardhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-utils/+bug/352732 #38 refers to a line 372 in /etc/init.d/alsa-utils. This does not exist in Ubuntu 10.04.1. #108 states that the file is in /sbin. This is true. But I cannot find a line "mute_and_zero_levels "$TARGET_CARD" || EXITSTATUS=1'. How to proceed?08:49
ubot2Ubuntu bug 352732 in alsa-utils (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Sound muted after boot (affects: 75) (dups: 7) (heat: 380)" [Undecided,Fix released]08:49
nigelbGnome bug 62659309:55
ubot2Gnome bug 626593 in User Guide "Gnome ate my boyfriend! Help!" [Critical,Resolved: invalid] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=62659309:55
nisshhnigelb: hehe, what a sense of humor :)09:56
nisshhnigelb: the GNOME devs should put a disclaimer, "WARNING: using this software could distance you from your boyfriend/girlfriend"09:58
vishnigelb: cheater!09:58
nigelbnisshh: heh, somone has sugested a workaround/patch for it too :D09:58
bilalakhtarAre such things allowed in Gnome Bugzilla?09:59
vishnigelb: i posted the bug yesterday itself ;p09:59
nigelbvish: gah09:59
nigelbbilalakhtar: a little bit of sense of humor is okay09:59
nigelbif you want to get murdered, try it on the kernel tracker :D09:59
vishnigelb: guess you noticed it from -motu today ;)09:59
vishbilalakhtar: gnome bug 5000010:00
nigelbvish: nope #k-d10:00
ubot2Gnome bug 50000 in Bugzilla "We're now in the 50000er number space" [Normal,Resolved: notabug] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5000010:00
yofelbug 10000010:00
vishbilalakhtar: they have fun there ;)  also , bug 1000010:00
vishyofel: snap!10:00
ubot2yofel: Bug 100000 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/100000 is private10:00
ubot2vish: Bug 10000 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/10000 is private10:00
yofelargh, LP down10:00
vishsilly ubot2 !10:00
nigelbno, gnome bug right?10:00
nigelbthere was this mozilla bug about couch10:01
vishnigelb: nah , the lp one is also the same10:01
yofelkde bug 10000010:01
ubot2KDE bug 100000 in general "KChart should be able to save and load from OASIS file format" [Wishlist,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10000010:01
yofelmeh ^^10:01
vishyofel: kde folks take life too seriously! ;)10:01
bilalakhtarso we buggers are having fun here?10:01
yofelseems so :D10:01
bilalakhtarbug 210:02
bilalakhtarbug #210:02
vishnigelb: the last comment on the mozilla bug was nice ;)10:02
ubot2bilalakhtar: Bug 2 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/2 is private10:02
ubot2bilalakhtar: Bug 2 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/2 is private10:02
bilalakhtarbug #210:02
yofelhttps://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=579522 ?10:02
ubot2bilalakhtar: Bug 2 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/2 is private10:02
bilalakhtarbug #110:02
ubot2Mozilla bug 579522 in JavaScript Engine "Buy cots for the JS interns" [Normal,Verified: fixed]10:02
ubot2bilalakhtar: Bug 1 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/1 is private10:02
bilalakhtarHAHA! BUG 1 IS PRIVATE ^^10:02
yofelbilalakhtar: LP is down for maintenance10:02
nigelbwhoa don't spam with bug numbers.  LP is down.10:02
vishbilalakhtar: sems to not work! lp is down10:02
vishyofel:  "one bug per issue" ;)10:03
bilalakhtarlp is down for maintainance.. I have a few sync/merge requests awaiting report10:03
vishbilalakhtar: lp hates you ;p10:04
nigelbbilalakhtar: at most 2 hours10:04
bilalakhtarnigelb: It should be back at 3:00 IST vish10:04
devildantehi all :)10:04
devildanteI hate maintenance now :p10:05
yofelwell, should be up in 25min again10:06
bilalakhtarLP is down, and all of us over here are suffering :)10:07
yofelat least the apt-get build-dep bug seems fixed10:18
yofelwell, not yet10:19
devildanteyofel: yeah, saw that10:19
bilalakhtarLP IS UP!10:30
yofelgood :)10:33
devildantenot totally up, still getting connection refused messages10:33
jfiLaunchpad is undergoing maintenance and is in read-only mode.10:35
jfi(message displayed by the website)10:36
devildante*now* it's fully working :)10:36
jfithe beta theme is very (very) nice and clean but the the black on darkgray color in the date panel is not readable:)10:38
walilohi, i'm transefered from #ubuntu, i've problem with yofrankie11:05
walilohow could I report?11:05
yofelwalilo: do you have a .crash file in /var/crash ?11:13
trond-Hi room. I have a computer that for the last two days has frozen up 5 times. output of dmesg: http://pastebin.org/47502611:16
waliloyofel, i'll see11:21
waliloyofel, yes there is many .crash file in /var/crash11:23
yofelwalilo: choose the one with yofrankie in it's name and report it with 'ubuntu-bug -c /var/crash/<crashfile>'11:23
yofelor just double click on it in nautilus11:24
waliloyofel, no one named yofrankie11:33
trond-Hi room. I have a computer that for the last two days has frozen up 5 times. I can connect to it through ssh. Output of dmesg: http://pastebin.org/47502611:48
njinHy all, ir right mark as invalid because Ubuntu don't ship by default libaudit ( but what we use instead ?) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/39070012:31
ubot2Ubuntu bug 390700 in ubuntu "it's impossible to audit login events (affects: 1) (heat: 15)" [Undecided,New]12:31
dholbachPackaging Training Session: Patch Review and Operation Cleansweep in #ubuntu-classroom in 5 minutes12:55
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=== devildante-busy- is now known as devildante
dholbachpedro_: hola! shall we all hang out here? or in #ubuntu-reviews?13:23
pedro_dholbach, #ubuntu-reviewers makes more sense we can just redirect people to there ;-)13:24
pedro_reviews i mean ;-)13:24
dholbachpedro_: you're not there!13:24
pedro_dholbach, yes i'm there!13:24
dholbachok ok :-)13:24
devildanteshall I go to #ubuntu-reviewers?13:24
pedro_devildante, that'd be great ;-)13:25
pedro_devildante, #ubuntu-reviews13:25
devildantedone :)13:25
njinpedro_: hello13:32
pedro_hello njin!13:32
njinpedro_: can i have an help '13:33
pedro_njin, sure :-P13:33
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ashamshey simar,15:39
ashamssimar: are you there?15:48
simarashams: Hi there :)15:57
simarashams: I was around ...15:57
ashamshey simar,15:57
ashamsit's ok :)15:57
simarashams: np15:57
ashamsyou are my mentor?15:58
simarashams: are you familiar with irc completely ..15:58
ashamsyes I think!15:58
simarashams: what you had been doing for ubuntu till now ..15:58
simarashams: any bugs experisnce15:58
ashamsnot successful ones15:59
simarashams: k, its enough that you tried atleast.. go go!!15:59
ashamsI tried to fix some bug then I found some troubles wit uploading15:59
ashamsI think that the Ubuntu Packaging Guide needs to be updated16:00
simar__mohaarashams: we will be dealing with triaging bugs rather than fixing..16:08
simar__mohaarashams: i internet is weak . plz excuse16:08
ashamsit's ok16:08
simar__mohaarashams: have you read my email16:09
ashamsyes I did16:09
simar__mohaarashams: k, so have you gone through the wiki pages for bug squad..16:10
ashamsyes, but not all of them16:10
simar__mohaarashams:  i want you to read them all, and be very clear with them.16:11
ashamsYes sure16:12
simar__mohaarashams: In case any doubt you can ask on irc or just drop an email anytime16:12
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simar__mohaarashams: to triage bugs, first you should focus one package only, that way you can focus on the process more and learn better triaging.16:13
simar__mohaarashams: do you have any specific interest ..16:14
simar__mohaarashams: or any specific package you like to triage.16:14
ashamssimar: yes I love Nautilus packages.16:15
simar__mohaarashams: great, then go ahead..16:15
ashamssimar: where to start?16:16
simar__mohaarashams: nautilus is indeed a large package.16:17
simar__mohaarashams: still no problem ..16:17
simar__mohaarashams: just a sec16:17
ashamssimar: if you prefer another one it will be ok ;)16:17
simar__mohaarashams: you can have a look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/nautilus for nautilus related bugs..16:18
simar__mohaarashams: but wait16:19
ashamssimar: I'm already there. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=nautilus&orderby=status&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package=16:19
simar__mohaarashams: gr816:19
simar__mohaarashams: I have little experiance with desktop related stuff, I would prefer if you could start with touchpad related stuff..16:20
simar__mohaarashams: Its drivers related ,16:20
simar__mohaarashams: Seems to be tough at begining but i have written some documentation which you can follow and i will be able to guide you better here. :)16:21
ashamssimar: GR816:21
ashamssimar: where is that docs16:22
simar__mohaarbut wait a bit, first you should get yourself familiar with bug squad procedures, so that you can fit in better..16:23
simar__mohaarashams: I hope you should read the documents at least once first..16:23
devildanteguys, bug 600989 is for a package that doesn't have an upstream bug tracker. should I seek Ubuntu sponsorship? (posted this on #ubuntu-reviews but didn't get response)16:24
ashamssimar__mohaar: frankly I'm still working on the How To traige doc, sorry :(16:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 600989 in multimon (Ubuntu) "Wrong sox syntax in gen.c (output) (affects: 1) (heat: 90)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60098916:24
simar__mohaarashams: np :)16:24
ashamssimar__mohaar: I promise to finish it today.16:25
simar__mohaarashams: k, good16:25
simar__mohaarashams: but be sure to get very comfortable with it :)16:26
simar__mohaarashams: have you done some commenting in bug reports before, or some triaging..  anything16:26
ashamssimar__mohaar: im totally new to that, i was affraid to do it wrong!16:27
simar__mohaarashams: i see you are quite a bit active in translations.16:27
simar__mohaarashams: go going, you will learn fast i think :)16:27
ashamssimar__mohaar: I hope to!16:28
simar__mohaardevildante: have you written that patch?16:28
devildantesimar: no, but seems reasonable and simple16:29
simar__mohaarashams: hope is enough :))16:29
ashamssimar__mohaar: when will we meet again?16:30
simar__mohaardevildante: i see Ubuntu Review Team is already subscribed. can Ubuntu sponsers team can be subscribed still?16:30
yofeldevildante: that should go to debian, and considering that oday is feature freeze make a debdiff for maverick16:31
devildantesimar: yes, but if you do a merge request, you shouldn't subscribe ubuntu-sponsors16:31
devildanteyofel: thanks :)16:31
simar__mohaarashams: Mail me anytime, or find me here around the same time to 2 hours more ..16:31
yofelwell, or do a merge request for the maverick package, I haven't done that myself yet though16:31
ashamssimar__mohaar: ok, Thanks for your patiance. :) :) :)16:32
yofeland -reviews would be better to ask at ;)16:32
simar__mohaarashams: np16:32
yofeloh, nobody there -.-16:32
devildanteyofel: yeah, that's why I've gone here ;)16:33
simar__mohaardevildante: k i'm new to packaging myself16:33
devildantesimar: we're in the same boat :)16:33
yofelsimar__mohaar: today is patch review hug day ;) [the discussion is spread here and in #ubuntu-reviews]16:33
MichealHAs anyone avalible to triage some bugs16:34
simar__mohaaryofel: I will join #ubuntu-reviews as well16:34
charlie-tcaMichealH: numbers as bug number16:35
simar__mohaardevildante: :)16:35
MichealHYes charlie-tca16:35
MichealHI will PM you them16:35
charlie-tcaMichealH: and the importance you want it set to?16:35
MichealHYes I will PM it16:35
simar__mohaarvish: hi16:39
simar__mohaarvish: there?16:42
vishsimar: hey16:52
simarvish: I have contacted my student and explained given him some intro about the process ..16:55
simarvish: Like all he's also thinks that traiging is fixing ..16:56
vishsimar: neat!16:56
vishsimar: well , if someone wants to fix , no need to stop them :D16:56
simar__mohaarvish: ya sure, only if fixing could have been so easy :))17:00
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=== simar__mohaar is now known as simar
simarvish: I feel like I can get him to touchpad as well. It will be easy for me and he has welcomed it..17:01
vishsimar: so we can expect better touchpad support in the near future? ;)17:03
devildantevish: we could get multitouch support :p17:04
simarvish: ya, you could hope so .. ;-)17:04
drizzlehi all17:22
vishdevildante: did you make it? addons is in?17:31
devildantevish: not yet17:31
devildantevish: mvo said he'll think about a possible solution to a little problem17:32
devildantevish: if you want to see how it has progressed, just pull my branch ;)17:32
vishdevildante: ah , will do.. but not right now :)17:33
devildantevish: np :)17:35
elopiohello squad17:37
elopiowhen I try to load my mozilla cookie with hugtools, I get:17:38
elopioTypeError: Error while trying to read cookie in sql format, cannot handle format of '.mozilla/firefox/iwjaon95.default/cookies.sqlite'17:38
devildantevish, can I modify https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReviewersTeam/ReviewGuide? I want to add an example17:38
elopiodo you know what's the problem?17:38
vishdevildante: example for which?17:39
vishwhich tag..17:39
devildantevish: Ubuntu-specific change17:39
devildantevish: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ldapscripts/+bug/58279717:40
ubot2Ubuntu bug 582797 in ldapscripts (Ubuntu) "/usr/share/ldapscripts/runtime.debian in Ubuntu should use /etc/ldap.conf (affects: 1) (dups: 1) (heat: 14)" [Low,Fix released]17:40
vishdevildante: go ahead.. but if nigelb starts crying , you dont know me ;p17:40
devildantevish: okay :)17:40
devildantevish: and thanks :)17:41
devildanteabhijit: hi :)17:55
abhijitdevildante, :)17:55
abhijitvish, ping18:08
abhijitdevildante, you there?18:08
devildanteabhijit: yep :)18:08
vishabhijit: pong! hmm ... i had something for you18:08
abhijitvish, what?18:08
devildantea bomb :p18:08
* abhijit wishing for some good gift!18:09
abhijiti forget to write the word 'expensive'!!!18:09
abhijitvish, tell naa?18:10
vishabhijit: http://live.gnome.org/DanielGalleguillos/GNOME_Bugsquad_Render?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Render_21.jpg18:10
vishabhijit: and http://live.gnome.org/DanielGalleguillos/GNOME_Bugsquad_Render?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Render_13.jpg18:10
abhijitvish, O M G ! ! !18:11
vishabhijit: thats a better wallpaper, than what you have ;p18:11
abhijitvish, oh yah!!!!18:12
abhijitvish, i will add it too !!!18:12
abhijitvish, devildante i need to ask one doubt. now i have one whishlist for ubuntu. but when i go to brainstrom page it tell me to submit solution too? but i dont have solution. its just an wishlist idea. so whould i submit it as bug and mark as wishlist?18:13
devildanteabhijit: I would think so18:14
vishabhijit: whats your suggestion?18:14
devildantesince brainstorm requires a solution18:14
abhijitdevildante, ammmm means y/n?18:14
devildantelike vish said, what's your bug/suggestion?18:14
abhijitdevildante, vish this is my idea: http://paste.ubuntu.com/477038/18:14
devildanteabhijit: the "my idea" line is the solution18:16
vishabhijit: i stopped here : Now what happens is i am reading one article on one web site.18:16
vishNow they told me to exuce one command which requires sudo.18:16
vish  >>>>> kick the website author! ;p18:16
devildanteabhijit: but I think it's unfeasible without changing lots of things18:16
devildantevish: :p18:16
abhijitdevildante, means? should i write the word 'my idea'? in brainstorm solution section?18:16
abhijitvish, lol :D :D :D18:16
abhijitdevildante, thats another part. I want to submit my Idea.18:17
vishdont advocate use of sudo , instead use gksudo or pkexec18:17
abhijitvish, thats not the concern. concern is copyying from here to clt alt f1 sessin.18:18
devildanteabhijit: the line that describes the solution should be the solution18:18
vishabhijit: that needs to go to brainstorm , not a bug ;)18:18
abhijitvish, but brain storm ask me for solution? I dont have it?18:19
vishabhijit: ln13 is your solution18:19
abhijitvish, you mean should i copy that line to solution secti of brain storm?18:19
vishabhijit: but i doubt  that the solution would get an approval ;)18:20
vishrather that idea getting approved18:20
abhijitvish, ohhhh. I just want my idea to get approved.18:20
vishabhijit: why do you have such a weird setup? why are you not an admin?18:20
devildantea better solution would be to gksudo as admin from normal account18:21
abhijitvish, just..... to be extra secure.18:21
abhijitdevildante, ok18:21
devildanteabhijit: just saying, I'm not an expert :p18:21
vishabhijit: yeah , right!  your system holds the worlds secrets ;)18:21
abhijitdevildante, yah18:21
abhijitvish, :D18:22
elopiohello, I need a hand here.18:23
elopioI forwarded the patch of bug 610616 to debian18:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 610616 in avalon-framework (Ubuntu) "avalon-framework copyright invalid format (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61061618:23
elopionow I don't really understand how to add the watch to the debian ts18:24
elopioI click also affects project, and what project should I select?18:24
devildanteelopio: click on "also affects distribution"18:24
elopiogreat :) thanks devildante.18:25
devildanteelopio: np :)18:25
devildantevish: should he also attach a debdiff?18:25
abhijitvisha devildante here it is http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/25591/18:25
devildantewe have someone called visha? :p18:26
abhijitvish, devildante just refresh page i have commented on it18:27
elopioone bug reviewed, 1399 to go \o/18:27
devildanteelopio: :)18:28
Piciabhijit: Brainstorm has their own channel at #ubuntu-brainstorm, this conversation might be more appropriate for there.18:28
vishdevildante: if you want to get it uploaded by a sponsor the bug needs a debdiff18:28
devildantevish: okay, thanks :)18:28
abhijitPici, i am already there. and talking to andrew. i just wanted to know vish and devildante what happen to my issue. and yes i stop that discussion here now. thanks :)18:29
MichealHIs there a Triager in here?18:30
elopioMichealH: it is full of triagers in here :)18:30
vishMichealH: wanna shoot them? ;)18:30
MichealHI will PM vish18:30
abhijitvish, you in funny mood today ??? Lol :D :D :D18:30
elopioMichealH: I'm just learning, you should shoot somebody more experienced.18:31
MichealHYah Okay18:31
devildanteMichealH: post your problem here, we won't bite you :p18:31
vish Bug 61658118:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 616581 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "oem-config fails to run (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61658118:32
MichealHI confirmed it18:32
MichealHAwaiting Traige18:32
devildanteseems okay18:33
vishMichealH: do you face the same issue as mentioned on the bug report?18:33
devildantevish, take care of it :p18:33
MichealHI just want to help Triage :D18:33
devildantevish: I think we can mark as confirmed if "There are enough debug informations"18:34
vishMichealH: right , marking a bug confirmed means that the person who makes the bug confirmed is able to reproduce the problem18:34
MichealHI agree with devildante though vish18:35
MichealHIt has enough info18:35
MichealHAnd It affects annother person18:35
devildantevish: as in the HowToTriage howto: "Are there sufficient log files and crash dumps, as outlined in DebuggingProcedures?"18:35
vishMichealH: who is the other person?18:35
MichealHI dont know18:35
MichealHIt says at the top18:35
devildantevish: and "If the bug adheres to ANY of the following criteria it can be considered confirmed"18:35
MichealHand then Triaged18:36
vishdevildante: just because the bug has logs does not make the bug reproducible or really an issue18:36
devildantevish: so we should fix the wiki :p18:37
vishMichealH: the bug mentions as affects one person , which means the reporter18:37
MichealHAhhh, Ooops18:38
MichealHIt has enough logs at the Wiki Outlined18:39
MichealHI am only following the Guide18:39
MichealHvish, ^^18:40
vishwhere are you quoting this from ? <devildante> vish: as in the HowToTriage howto: "Are there sufficient log files and crash dumps, as outlined in DebuggingProcedures?"18:40
devildantevish: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage#Confirming18:40
njinpedro_: around ?18:40
vishMichealH: devildante: read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status18:41
devildantevish: thanks for the info :)18:41
devildantevish: but I think we should fix the page I told you about18:41
vishdevildante: yup18:41
devildantevish: maybe talk with other guys?18:42
vishcharlie-tca: i'm not fixing it :)18:42
charlie-tcavish: many packages do not require a second reporter to confirm now. Example: audio bugs. If your hardware is not an exact match, please file a new report.18:42
charlie-tcaLinux is the same way18:42
vishcharlie-tca: thats audio , kernel bugs18:43
MichealHSo It will be triaged?18:43
njinhello there's problems uninstalling and reinstalling gnome-control-center ?18:43
MichealHnjin, File a report18:43
vishcharlie-tca: kernel bugs are confirmed when they are reproducible only with upstream kernel18:44
* devildante predicts a war between vish and charlie-tca :p18:44
vishdevildante: nah ,charlie-tca is great :)18:45
njini'm asking if you think that will be problem uninstalling and reinstalling gnome-control-center, is safe to do it ?18:45
charlie-tcadevildante: no war! vish knows too much for that18:45
devildantevish: :)18:45
* devildante hugs charlie-tca and vish18:45
timcnjin: For general support, please join #ubuntu18:45
charlie-tcavish: true point. better to say bugs "can only be confirmed when all items required for that package are included" ??18:46
vishcharlie-tca: yeah..18:46
MichealHSo is it going to be triaged?18:46
charlie-tcaI am sorry. I did not mean to jump on you18:46
MichealHOr not?18:46
vishcharlie-tca: np.. :)18:47
vishMichealH: as a rule of thumb first check the bug has steps to reproduce , then try to reproduce it18:48
MichealHIs it going to be triaged?18:48
vishMichealH: nope , i'm not setting it as triaged , maybe other here might..18:49
timcso we do need confirmation from another person/reproduce it ourselves, before changing status to confirmed?18:49
vishtimc: atleast from one person other than the reporter18:50
charlie-tcacorrect, as a general rule, it must be reproducable18:51
timcthanks for clearing it up :)18:51
MichealHI will see if it replicates18:52
vishtimc: nice to see a fedora person triaging Ubuntu Bugs :)18:54
timcNew to bugs, fedora project is infrastructure related18:56
timcbtw.. anyone have any idea how long it takes to get assigned a mentor?  I've only just applied, but curious on the turnaround time.18:56
MichealHFor trying oem-config should I use OEM install at the boot menu?18:56
vishtimc: it depends, if a mentor is available during your timeslot you get assigned immediately .. if no one is free , we need to wait for a mentor's slot to open up18:57
timcmakes sense... cheers18:58
charlie-tcabut, we will help you anyway. we all try to answer any questions asked here.18:59
MichealHThe bug does replicate19:00
MichealHBug 61658119:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 616581 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "oem-config fails to run (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61658119:00
MichealHvish, charlie-tca, devildante ^^19:01
MichealHmicahg, Can you triage Bug 616581?19:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 616581 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "oem-config fails to run (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61658119:07
micahgMichealH: I'm not familiar with ubuquity, so I defer to someone else in the channel19:08
micahgmaybe hggdh or charlie-tca that do ISO testing19:08
vishMichealH: me neither, but you need not worry about that bug , since the reporter is part of the mobile team and is a BugControl member himself..19:09
micahgvish: just because one is a member of bug control doesn't mean one necessarily knows if a bug is good enough to be triaged19:10
vishmicahg: true :)19:10
MichealHcharlie-tca is looking into it19:11
trond-Hi room. I have a computer that for the last two days has frozen up 5 times. I can connect to it through ssh, so I can get a few outputs. Output of dmesg: http://pastebin.org/47502619:11
micahgtrond-: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Debugging19:12
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charlie-tcaTaken care of bug 61658119:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 616581 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "oem-config fails to run (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61658119:13
trond-micahg, well, since I have killed X and nothing happens, that might not be X? or?19:13
micahgtrond-: idk, maybe take a look at the kernel debugging pages then19:16
MichealHWoah! Im inpressed by Bug 61694719:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 616947 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 10.04 freezes on heavy Wifi network load using (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61694719:22
MichealHI think I should get it ready for Triaging19:23
abhijitcan someone please set the importance of thsi bug for Lucid? its only set for Maverick?19:23
ubot2Ubuntu bug 610975 in pgadmin3 (Debian) (and 4 other projects) "Can not start pgadmin3 (affects: 24) (dups: 2) (heat: 124)" [Unknown,Unknown]19:23
trond-micahg, I'll do that to. I'll anyway file a bug report with the ubuntu-bug xorg command. Thanks for that tip.19:23
micahgMichealH: did you read the kernel bug triaging wiki page?19:23
MichealHmicahg, Link please19:24
micahgMichealH: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BugTriage/Process19:24
abhijitmicahg, can you set it?19:24
micahgabhijit: yeah19:25
abhijitmicahg, ok. please set lucid importance to high also19:26
* micahg wonders why ttx didn't set it19:27
abhijitwho is he?19:28
abhijitmicahg, also i have one question19:28
MichealHmicahg, Soit should be tagged kernel-net19:28
abhijitmicahg, as you can see i had reported duplicate of this bug. but actually in my bug only pgadmin thing was duplicate but codelite is not. so should i again open new bug for codelite?19:29
micahgMichealH: idk about kernel triage, that's a scary area for me, which is ironic since most people are scared of the Mozilla stack which I do :-/19:29
nigelbmicahg: kernel is always scary.19:30
micahgabhijit: 1 issue per bug, so I'd say file another bug19:30
abhijitmicahg, okk19:30
nigelbIsn' Debian in freeze now?19:31
nigelb(so, something being in unstable for long isn't abnormal right?)19:31
macoright. little is moving from unstable to testing til after release19:32
nigelbthank you :)19:32
macomicahg: im scared of the mozilla stack because i once had to peek under firefox's hood in a class. *shudder*19:32
abhijitmicahg, can you tell me what is 'freez'?19:32
micahgnigelb: look at packages.qa.debian.org/packagename and it'll tell you why it didn't migrate19:32
micahgabhijit: ?19:33
ubot2Factoid 'freeze' not found19:33
abhijitmicahg, i dont know what is freez19:33
ubot2Feature Freeze Exception. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess for the freeze exception process.19:33
nigelbwe should have something for that.19:34
ubot2firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.519:34
abhijiti dont know anything about freez.19:35
abhijitmicahg, so i just submitted new bug for codelite https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/codelite/+bug/616960 so depending on the pgadmin experience can you set it conformed triaged etc?19:35
ubot2Ubuntu bug 616960 in codelite (Ubuntu) "Codelite relocation error (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]19:35
micahgabhijit: are you talking about feature freeze?19:35
abhijitmicahg, no. talking about the operating system freez. in user days also i encouter that word but i dotn know whta it is19:36
micahgabhijit: ah, when the system locks up and is unresponsive19:36
abhijitmicahg, ok19:36
abhijitmicahg, so back to bug issue. what to do?19:36
micahgso, ok, do you know if a rebuild will fix it?19:37
abhijitmicahg, i think so. actualy i got solution for that pgadmin issue. but i did not got any solution for codelite with same problem.19:38
micahgabhijit: k, can you remind me in about 10 hrs and I'll throw a rebuild up in my PPA for you to test?19:38
abhijitmicahg, I can remind. but not in 10 hours. i can come tomorow night.19:39
micahgabhijit: I'll do it now, give me a minute19:39
abhijitmicahg, ok19:39
micahgabhijit: should be ready in an hour ppa:micahg/sru-test19:47
abhijitmicahg, ok you just upload it. i wll try it and will tell you if that solves the problem or not.19:47
abhijitmicahg, thanks for your time.19:47
micahgabhijit: any reason why you made it private?19:48
abhijitmicahg, its automatically generate file. so may contain any private data?19:49
micahgabhijit: no file, just dependency list19:49
abhijitmicahg, oh. dependancy dont have private data?19:49
micahgabhijit: no, just a list of versions of packages that the app depends on19:50
abhijitmicahg, ok then i set it to public.19:50
abhijitmicahg, done.19:50
drizzlehi all21:07
drizzlecan someone mark https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/617002 as wishlist please21:22
ubot2Ubuntu bug 617002 in light-themes (Ubuntu) "Sound adjustment (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]21:22
njinpedro_:sorry, tempest here, disconnected.21:25
pedro_njin, no worries ;-)21:25
njinpedro_: here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/390769 xserver-xorg-input-keyboard apport-collect, stock responses without pack assigned21:27
ubot2Ubuntu bug 390769 in ubuntu "move window Shift-Ctrl-Alt-XXX keybord shortcut not working (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Incomplete]21:27
JFodrizzle, done21:29
devildantevish: got time?21:32
devildanteCan someone confirm and triage bug 617044?22:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 617044 in gdm (Ubuntu) "gdmsetup unlock screen doesn't show what is done (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61704422:03
javpraIs Bug Day still going on?22:12
FireCrotchHello, everyone.  I figured this would be the best place to ask this....22:13
FireCrotchI have a bug to file concerning setting up dual monitors in Kubuntu. Basically the "right of" or "left of" setting doesnt work properly in system settings.  What package should this bug be filed on? Is it an X problem? (Note this is for Maverick)22:14
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devildantehmm, lots of people just joined now :p22:43
chilicuilgood afternoon, I'm sorry if this is not the place to ask, but #ubuntu-motu doesn't seem very active right now, I'm trying to upload a new debdiff to the bug #462193 , however my diff ( http://pastebin.com/dHLELxfE ) looks differente to one uploaded by the last person ( http://launchpadlibrarian.net/52823113/lp462193.debdiff ) , since it's a dump change I'd not like to upload the wrong diff, I've make it with $ bzr diff --old ../previous_c22:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 462193 in djvulibre (Debian) (and 3 other projects) "djvulibre-bin produces garbage in the root (/man1/*) (affects: 18) (dups: 2) (heat: 100)" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46219322:45
micahgchilicuil: definitely OT here22:46
micahgchilicuil: come to -motu and I"ll take a look22:46
chilicuilmicahg: ok, micahg =)22:46
devildanteCan someone confirm and triage bug 617044?22:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 617044 in gdm (Ubuntu) "gdmsetup unlock screen doesn't show what is done (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61704422:49
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