
doctormonhandler: *high-five*01:24
nhandlerdoctormo: What is that for?01:24
doctormonhandler: I saw bugs for the loco directory.01:59
nhandlerdoctormo: Oh yeah, I filed quite a few recently ;) I just wish I could provide patches for them as well01:59
doctormonhandler: It's python, just hit the keyboard randomly and one patch is bound to work.02:00
doctormono wait that's perl I'm thinking of isn't it,.02:00
nhandlerdoctormo: Don't forget about the javascript and css mixed into it02:00
doctormopleia2: ping02:00
pleia2doctormo: pong02:00
doctormopleia2: Got a second to chat?02:00
akgraneranyone here going to Ohio Linux Fest?02:06
nhandlerakgraner: There was a group of people driving down from Chicago for that. j1mc was helping to organize that on our ML02:09
akgranernhandler, awesome  - looks like there will be an UbuCon02:09
nhandlerakgraner: Cool. Too bad I won't be able to attend :(02:09
akgranerif anyone is interested in helping with it on Friday can you ask people to contact me or paultag02:10
paultaghey akgraner02:10
akgranerpaultag, yes OLF02:10
paultagnhandler: come!02:10
nhandlerakgraner: What time Friday? iirc, that was when they were going to drive down02:10
akgranerpaultag, I am finding us some more help :-)  well trying to02:10
akgranernhandler, 10am - 5:20 pm02:11
paultagakgraner: I got us a bite, just firming up now02:11
paultagakgraner: we should have a strong team02:11
nhandlerakgraner: Alright, I'll pass that along02:11
paultagOh crap akgraner, that early?02:11
paultagakgraner: I'll be a bit late, I think. I have classes friday afternoon02:11
akgranerpaultag, did you look at the googledoc.:-P02:12
paultagakgraner: yeah I did, just never clicked :P02:12
paultagakgraner: I'll do my bestest02:13
paultagi'll be there fri night for sur02:13
paultagI already have the hotel booked02:13
akgranernhandler, just shared the planning doc with you02:13
pleia2nhandler: I got to see the Cubs pummel the SF Giants last night! Go Chicago!02:13
paultaghey pleia2!02:13
pleia2(actually, it was just the first inning that was bad, 4 runs by the Cubs, ack)02:14
pleia2hey paultag02:14
paultagpleia2: did you take my advice?02:14
pleia2paultag: I started to (hamsters woo) but then I had to go out02:14
nhandlerakgraner: Thanks. I won't be doing much with it myself, but will pass it along to people who are interested02:14
paultagpleia2: ahaha, oh noes! You second half is better02:14
paultagGrr, you?02:15
paultagsed s/you/the/g02:15
paultagthat was a bad typoo02:15
akgranernhandler, thanks for passing the word along02:15
nigelbmorning ara :)06:56
aramorning nigelb, all06:56
* nigelb waves to dpm.07:18
nigelbwait.... I scared him away.07:18
dpmgood morning everyone!07:21
nigelbbuenos días a usted07:25
nigelbgah. utf8 foo!07:25
dpmgood morning nigelb07:35
dpmhmm, I think I'll need to reboot. After the last upgrade every single program I start is crashing, and xchat-gnome does no longer do highights07:36
aranigelb, what's the IRC channel for the reviewers team?07:41
dholbachgood morning08:00
dholbachara: you've been up early today! :)08:00
aradholbach, morning!08:01
vishara: #ubuntu-reviews08:01
dholbachkim0: sabah il kheer!08:01
dholbachah, it's the hug day!08:01
* dholbach hugs you all08:01
aravish, thanks08:01
kim0dholbach: morning man08:12
kim0morning everyone08:12
nigelbara: sorry about that.  was afk.  thanks vish :)08:25
dpmgood morning again08:41
dholbachhola dpm08:41
dpmhi dholbach :)08:42
dpmtrying to sort out X here, after the last update gdm wouldn't even start. At least I can run in low res mode now08:43
dholbachoh wow08:44
dholbachthat gdm upload finally fixed a bug for me08:44
* kim0 eww .. I upgraded and haven't rebooted yet .. hope it doesnt break on boot08:47
dpmkim0, well, that's what I did :)08:48
dpmbah, and now apport keeps spamming me with dialogs that can't be closed08:48
dpmdefinitely not my day08:48
dpmsudo killall appport-gtk08:50
dpmtake that apport!08:50
kim0yes .. go get em08:57
dpmoh, and now LP will go offline for today's rollout and I won't be able to file bugs09:00
dholbachdpm: and it's HUG DAY too09:02
dpmfor me it's beat the crap out of X - day :/09:03
=== cypher_ is now known as czajkowski
dholbachhola randa_09:14
czajkowskiGood morning lovely people how are we all this fine and sunny morning09:15
dpm_heya czajkowski :)09:16
dholbachheya czajkowski!09:16
=== randa_ is now known as randa
czajkowskihighvoltage: when you are about later, will you ping me please.09:29
dholbachara: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/265/detail/09:39
aradholbach, Wed 29th sep??09:40
aradholbach, that's what it shows for me (in Spanish)09:41
aradholbach, great :)09:42
aradholbach, how do I register my attendance?09:43
dholbachara: "Acera de" → cambiar su estado de registro09:44
nigelbwhat in the $foo.  Lp read-only on FF day.  Great .09:51
nigelbhahhahaha, Gnome bug 62659309:52
ubot2Gnome bug 626593 in User Guide "Gnome ate my boyfriend! Help!" [Critical,Resolved: invalid] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=62659309:52
nigelbThe best part is the second reply. Truely rocking.09:53
kim0good one :)10:05
dholbachpopey: great podcast, always lots of fun - give the team a hug!10:14
czajkowskidoes anyone know in a wiki how to make two words joined together not link to a park of the Ubuntu wiki10:22
czajkowskikeeps happening me I want to add SEcureLinx but when I do the wiki links to a page that does not exist10:23
dholbachczajkowski: !SomeThing10:24
czajkowskifecking hell would not have thought of that!10:24
czajkowskiThank you10:24
dholbachde nada10:25
czajkowskihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/SysAdminSupport  :)10:25
czajkowskiwe lacked any list of people who provided support :D10:25
popeythanks dholbach !11:15
popeydholbach: it never ceases to amaze me that people actually listen to the podcast!11:15
* nigelb pokes popey in the eye.11:17
nigelbWe all listen to it!11:17
czajkowskinigelb: and you call me violent!11:17
nigelbczajkowski: hahaha11:17
nigelbI'm in a particular bad mood after 2 close foosball matches at work11:18
nigelbczajkowski: ^11:18
* popey hugs nigelb 11:27
* nigelb hugs popey too :)11:27
czajkowskiright off to watch a mate use my mini 9 and learn how to use Ubutnu11:44
czajkowskithis will be entertaining11:44
highvoltageczajkowski: I am aboot12:23
highvoltage(well going do dissapear again in 5 minuts for about 10 minutes when I leave for the office)12:26
nigelbhighvoltage: she's disappeared.12:35
nhandlerWell, idle for almost an hour12:36
highvoltagewell I'm at the office now so I'll be idling here for the rest of the day :)12:46
dholbachPackaging Training Session: Patch Review and Operation Cleansweep in #ubuntu-classroom in 5 minutes12:55
paultagnigelb, who is parthsarathitrivedi ?13:53
paultagnigelb, he's in the Indian loco and sent me a very rude email13:54
nigelbpaultag: I have no clue :/14:00
nigelbwhat did he mail you about?14:00
paultagnigelb, it was RE a mail asking for help with classbot. It's OK, I'm just going to set /ignore on it14:01
nigelbpaultag: classbot? you? isn't that nathan?14:01
paultagnigelb, yes, but I want to see it translated for locos to use. nhandler got it started and asked some of us to translate, so I asked locoteams :)14:01
nigelbpaultag: on a grade of 1 to 10 which 10 being worst, how bad?14:02
paultagnigelb, his email?14:02
paultagit was to the ML, I can just get it14:02
paultagnigelb, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2010-August/004807.html14:03
paultagnigelb, his LP says he is Indian LoCo, made two posts I could see before it WRT is your loco using drupel14:03
nigelbpaultag: I'm confused.  Was he trying to be funny? o.O14:04
* nigelb has a sinking feeling14:04
dholbachbest ignore that post14:05
paultagnigelb, me too. I was trying to figure out if "that's just him" or actually trying to be aggressive. I thought since he was active on the contacts ml he would be active in the team14:05
paultagdholbach, I'm going to14:05
* bencrisford doesn't understand what he is trying to say14:06
bencrisfordhe doesnt need who's help?14:06
paultagI would not worry about it :)14:06
dpm_right, restarting to see if I can get X to behave14:11
nigelbpaultag: I have never seen his mails on the list14:17
nigelb(i.e. the India list)14:18
nigelbo.O sponsorship for UDS is open?14:23
* kim0 is afraid to reboot :) how's it going dpm14:28
dpmpretty badly14:29
dpmI'm running on low res mode and apport keeps popping up14:29
dpmapart from that, fine :)14:29
dpmthen again, I've got an nvidia card, so you might have more luck14:30
kim0but ur nvidia card had problems even before the upgrade14:30
kim0well I have an nvidia too .. but it's one works most of the time14:30
dpmkim0, yeah, but not so severe, and RAOF helped me sorting them out at the sprint in Prague14:30
paultagnigelb, it is?14:35
paultagnigelb, where can I apply? :)14:35
nigelbpaultag: I dunno. I'd wait for official announcement.14:37
nigelbsummit.ubuntu.com seems to be ready though.14:37
Pendulumnigelb: so it does14:39
* Pendulum waits for official announcement14:39
PendulumI suspect it won't come until next week, though14:40
* nigelb waits for official announcement too14:54
nigelbwho knows. it might come at the recording of severed fifth.14:55
PendulumI doubt it14:55
PendulumI suspect it won't be before jono's back on Monday14:56
dholbachjcastro: who can take care of upstream gwibber patches?15:29
dholbach(like in bug 577486)15:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 577486 in gwibber (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Icons revealed when hovering over an update do not have an explanatory tooltip (affects: 2) (dups: 2) (heat: 53)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57748615:29
popeyKen Van Dine doesnt he?15:31
greg-gdholbach: ken is your best bet. I've been removed from the code for so long I wouldn't be able to judge. And segphault always tends to be busy.15:34
dpmdholbach, from the experience on submitting bugs last cycle, it was Ken who took the patches15:42
dpmor merge proposals15:42
dholbachit's patch reviewers hug day15:43
nigelbnhandler: translations list has a mail you might want to poke15:58
dholbachnigelb: I'm looking forward to this week's result16:11
dholbachnigelb: I feel we're making quite a bit of progress already16:11
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day - see you tomorrow!16:12
czajkowskidholbach: toodles16:13
highvoltagedholbach: bye!16:13
highvoltagedholbach: I wish I had the bandwidth (as in mental) to follow that!16:13
highvoltage(sounds awesome)16:13
dholbachhighvoltage: what are you talking about? :)16:13
highvoltageI had this idea that this was a patch week!? I guess that shows how disconnected I am :/16:14
dholbachpatch reviewers day today16:15
dholbachI'm not reading all the bug mail16:15
dholbachit's pedro_ who does that :)16:15
dholbachanyway - see you all tomorrow! :)16:15
nhandlernigelb: I just saw that. I said I still had a few translation-related issues to sort out. I need to figure out how to add comments for the translators in Perl.16:17
randadoes anyone know les pounder's nickname16:43
czajkowskiranda: is it on his wiki page/lp page?16:43
randaI know czajkowski I just thought that someone would know and would let me know, i am lazy as you can see :)16:48
czajkowskiranda: I've no idea who the person is, perhaps if I knew his irc nick I would :p16:48
randaheheeh dont worry czajkowski i will check the wiki! thanks16:49
AlanBellranda: I have his email16:55
randathanks Alan, dont worry I also have his email.16:58
randaczajkowski: ping16:58
akgranerJFo, is tomorrow am cool with you?  or do you want to record something tonight?17:18
JFotonight may be better17:19
JFothink I am gonna have to go get my glasses tomorrow17:19
JFoplus I have to schedule a meeting tomorrow17:19
akgranerahhh ok17:20
akgranerI'll call you a little later then and we can go from there17:20
JFojust got the call from TRasure's17:21
JForather Treasure's17:21
akgranerahh ok17:23
scott-workakgraner: thank you again for the interview, it looks fantastic - my kids were amazed that i was on the internet :P23:02
nhandlerMy brother got a kick out of the results that show up for me. He started reading by behind motu interview at the dinner table ;)23:04
paultagnhandler: older or younger?23:05
nhandlerpaultag: 2 years younger23:06
paultagnhandler: nice :)23:06
paultagnhandler: my dad came accross a podcast I did a while back23:07
paultagnhandler: he was loving that23:07
AlanBellPendulum_: can you change back to being Pendulum please23:14
=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum
PendulumAlanBell: sorry! I wasn't here and must have had a connection issue23:43

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