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chrisccoulsonwow, it's so nice to work on a desktop package that takes less than 5 minutes to build :)02:12
desrtchrisccoulson: good evening :)02:14
chrisccoulsonhi desrt, how are you?02:14
desrtpretty good02:14
desrtwhat package is that?02:14
TheMusochrisccoulson: I can imagine. :)02:14
chrisccoulsondesrt, gnome-terminal. i started building it and went off to get a drink, and it finished building before i even got out of the chair ;)02:14
desrtthank chpe, i guess :)02:15
chrisccoulsonwhich is a lot quicker than building firefox ;)02:15
desrtis it using GSettings yet?02:15
chrisccoulsondesrt, not the version we have ;)02:15
desrtoh you :p02:15
chrisccoulsonrobert_ancell, do you still have issues with your hard drive?02:44
LucidFoxCould a core developer please retry https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/2.21.5-1ubuntu6/+build/1912973 ?02:53
LucidFoxLooks like a temporary problem, and it blocks the webkit rebuild02:53
LucidFoxor actually wait...02:54
LucidFoxseems more complicated than that02:54
LucidFoxwhole chain of unmet build-dependencies on sparc02:55
LucidFoxstarting with glib02:55
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chrisccoulsonwell, sparc is in a very bad state anyway02:56
LucidFoxhttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glib2.0/2.25.13-1ubuntu1 <-- apparently this wasn't even considered for building on sparc, any idea why?02:56
LucidFoxit causes a whole chain of build failures: gdk-pixbuf, gtk+2.0, webkit and epiphany-browser02:57
TheMusoLucidFox: Forget sparc, its going to die.02:57
TheMusoI think glib is not built on sparc any more because there were just too many problems.02:58
TheMusoWHich breaks most other things, but meh.02:58
TheMusoAgain, 99% sure the port is about to be removed/die.02:58
chrisccoulsonyeah, i've not even bothered trying to get firefox to build on it anymore02:58
TheMusochrisccoulson: Right, whenever I see a sparc FTBFs, I forget about it.02:58
chrisccoulsonme too :)02:59
ajmitchtechboard should be ruling on whether to kill it properly soon03:00
* ajmitch will be glad to see it die :)03:00
TheMusoAt UDS Maverick, a discussion was held about dropping sparc and ia64. If nobody was going to step up and maintain sparc, particularly toolchain, it would be dropped. Ia64 is not quite so badly off, but its not far from the same position, i.e for Maverick+1, if ia64 maintenance is not picked up, it dies too.03:01
ajmitchboth are listed on the TB agenda for the next meeting03:01
TheMusoajmitch: Oh really? Wow interesting.03:02
ajmitchyeah, it's one of the few wiki pages I'm still subscribed to :)03:02
chrisccoulsonnice - https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/Touch_events03:03
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micahgRAOF: around?03:52
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RAOFmicahg: Yes.04:57
micahgRAOF: hi, I'm merging gjs, should mozjs still be requires.private?04:57
RAOFI believe this to be the case, yes.04:57
RAOFHasn't that got accepted upstream yet?04:58
micahgwell, not that I can tell04:58
RAOFIt's not *necessary* if we're setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH all over the place, but it's still *correct*04:59
robert_ancellmicahg, sweet, one step closer to being able to build gnome-shell :)04:59
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micahgRAOF: do you remember the upstream bug for the JS private issue...i doubt they'll take it, but I can note it in the changelog05:10
RAOFI didn't add it as a dep-3 tag to the patch?  Bad RAOF.05:11
* micahg checks05:12
ubot2Gnome bug 607627 in general "gjs-1.0.pc adds unnecessary libmozjs linkage to client apps" [Normal,Unconfirmed]05:12
RAOFThank you, ubot205:12
micahgRAOF: I didn't see a patch at all, but I'm making one now, thanks05:15
RAOFDid I make the changes in the diff?  Again, bad RAOF05:15
micahgI think so05:16
* micahg thinks this is the most complicated merge yet05:21
micahgnow if there's a debian version before the newest ubuntu version do I do -v from the older ubuntu version or latest ubuntu version05:22
RAOFmicahg: The most recent version in our archive.05:25
micahgRAOF: k, test building now, if it's good, I'm uploading and moving on :)05:25
micahgrobert_ancell: BTW, I took Debian's mini soname bump05:25
pittigood morning05:29
micahgmorning pitti, are you in a NEW mood this morning?05:30
pittimicahg: something particularly urgent? (we have archive admins every day)05:33
micahgno, not unless Feature freeze will hurt it05:34
pittino, everything which is in NEW by today will be considered05:34
* ajmitch likes hearing that05:34
micahgk, no rush then :)05:34
micahgRAOF: if I'm getting a warning, but it doesn't look valid because I examined the debs can I ignore it05:49
RAOFWhat warning?05:49
micahgRAOF: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/476759/05:50
micahgoh, nm, it's normal since those vars aren't used in those pacakges05:51
RAOFAre you sure the undefined ${gir:Depends} warning is benign?  The unused variable warning is just fine, though.05:51
* micahg will double check for that05:51
micahgRAOF: I see libgirepository1.0-1 as depends in the package, I don't know where that substitution is done05:56
micahgRAOF: debian has the same warning05:57
RAOFmicahg: Does gjs ship gobject introspeciton data (as opposed to consume it)?  Does it have a call to dh_girepository?  That's the debhelper tool which is supposed to generate gir:Depends06:03
micahgno call to that06:03
micahgand Debian doesn't have that either06:05
TheMusoHey pitti.06:05
RAOFmicahg: Well, my call would be that one of the following is true: (1) gjs shouldn't have any ${gir:Depends} field, or (2) dh_girepository should be called during build.06:08
micahgRAOF: dh7 doesn't auto do that I"m guessing06:09
RAOFYou'd probably have to pass --with gir or somesuch, I'd bet.06:09
* micahg could try and see what happens :)06:10
micahgwon't let me prepare since it can''t call dh --with gir clean in LUcid06:13
RAOFI'm not sure that “dh --with gir” is the right call, or even if there *is* a --with you could be using.06:14
* micahg checks how long we've had it06:15
micahgRAOF: we've had it since 0.4, I don't think I should worry about it ATM06:18
RAOFmicahg: It's probably not too important.  It's a packaging bug, though.06:19
RAOFDoes gjs actually ship any gobject-introspection data?06:19
micahgRAOF: I can file for debain06:20
* micahg is uploading unless there are objections06:24
micahggoing..going..gone :)06:31
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gambsIs anyone about?06:58
micahg!ask | gambs06:59
pitti!ask | gambs06:59
ubot2gambs: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:59
pittimicahg: "Aw, snap!" :)06:59
micahgpitti: heh, 1 second apart06:59
gambsSorry-- Is it on purpose that the new Update Manager *disables* updates if it is unsure of your connection? (I'm not using network manager and it won't let me check for or run the updates I know I am able to get)07:01
pittigambs: ah, that's a q for mvo, he's not online yet, though07:02
pittiI'd say it should check "ip route" for a default route instead of just NM07:02
pittibut anyway, we pretty much assume NM in Ubuntu07:03
pittiso without NM this is not really supported07:03
gambsYes, understandable, but it warns me that it may not be able to get the updates AND takes the option away of even trying.07:03
pittithat's certainly a bit overzealous07:04
micahgRAOF: debian 592694 (gjs packaging bug)07:05
ubot2Debian bug 592694 in gjs "libgjs0a has ${gir:Depends} but it's not substituted" [Minor,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/59269407:05
gambspitti: Is mvo likely to show up soon? It is 2 AM in my timezone.07:05
* robert_ancell hates projects that don't have a proper website, tarball location, or any real information as to where the source is and how to find the latest changes07:10
ajmitchpitti: unfortunately that raises a whole class of new bugs there07:11
micahgrobert_ancell: should I grab the new gnome-shell from experimental and upload?07:11
robert_ancellmicahg, if it compiles, go for it!07:12
TheMusorobert_ancell: What project are you referring to in particular?07:14
robert_ancellTheMuso, libv4l07:14
robert_ancellbut there are a lot of other projects that do it too..07:14
TheMusorobert_ancell: I happen to agree re projects not having easy to find tarballs/site/info/changes.07:19
didrocksgood morning07:37
pittigambs: yes, he should07:38
pittiajmitch: "that" is?07:39
micahgrobert_ancell: didn't work OOTB, .la issues07:39
robert_ancellmicahg, gnome-shell?07:40
micahgrobert_ancell: yeah, does gnome-shell have a freeze exception like the rest of gnome or is that main only?07:41
robert_ancellmicahg, I would assume so, pitti?  Either way, it's mostly experimental still07:43
pittiI'm inclined to say that seb128 will approve it07:44
micahgk, so maybe I"ll leave this for next week07:44
pittiso I think we should go on with updates to it for some time still07:44
micahgpitti: I'm happy to keep it updated as long as the release team will let me :)07:45
pittino objections from my side07:46
micahgalrighty then :)07:47
micahgrobert_ancell: /usr/share/gir-1.0/PangoCairo-1.0.gir: Incompatible version 1.0 (supported: 1.1)07:54
robert_ancellmicahg, you need to update, mine is 1.107:55
micahgupdate gir-repository-dev?07:55
* micahg checks07:55
robert_ancellI have 1.28.1-1ubuntu307:55
micahgah, I guess I need an apt-get update :)07:56
vishpitti: hi , fix committed for Bug 616569 conflicts with bug 40933807:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 616569 in jockey (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "hardware drivers shows window called untitle windows at scaning/download drivers (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61656907:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 409338 in jockey (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Change the name of "Hardware drivers" (affects: 2) (heat: 33)" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40933807:56
slomorobert_ancell: hi, any progress with gtk3 already? :)08:12
robert_ancellslomo, hey, i'm just fixing a bug where it doesn't compile if builddir != srcdir08:12
robert_ancellslomo, did debian use 011_immodule-cache-dir.patch before?08:13
slomorobert_ancell: yes, i dropped this for gtk3 though08:14
slomoyou can take the gtk3 patches from svn, i've updated them all already08:14
slomono need to do the same work twice ;)08:14
slomothe immodule-cache-dir patch can be dropped because upstream has a similar solution now08:14
robert_ancellslomo, heh, I did them before you showed me svn yesterday!  I've merged the debian changes over to the bzr branch I'm working on.  There isn't anything worth sending back to you from this side yet though08:15
robert_ancellslomo, have you had it building yet?  I can build from git but haven't got dpkg happy yet08:16
slomoyes, it builds but the install step of debian/rules fails currently (the .install files have some errors)08:17
slomois the cheese performance problem gone btw?08:17
slomoas said, the remaining issues with gtk3 are the install files, copyright and a diversion for the update-icon-cache file ;)08:18
robert_ancellslomo, still the same problem with cheese/gstreamer.  I've been looking around but I don't know enough about gstreamer.  Seems widely reported in Fedora and GNOME bugzillas though08:21
robert_ancellthe build problem I'm working on only affects introspection08:21
slomocan you give me the gnome/fedora bug urls?08:23
kiwinotemorning mvo08:24
kiwinotemvo: thanks for the merge ;)08:24
mvokiwinote: cheers, my pleasure. I'm very happy with the outcome now, I think there one or two fixmes left, but I think it now integrates very well into the code and the ui08:25
vishmvo: hi , is the SC add-ons branch gonna make if for Maverick? [seeing that today is feature freeze :) ]08:26
robert_ancellslomo, I've linked them off bug #61060008:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 610600 in cheese (Fedora) (and 5 other projects) "Serious video performance regression in cheese (2.28.1->2.30.1) (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61060008:26
robert_ancellslomo, also, do you know where the official source of libv4l is?  Fedora is running a 0.7 version which doesn't seem to have a tarball (the only major change I can see is ignoring the first frame if it is corrupt)08:27
mvovish: its very tight, its >< this close08:28
vishhehe! :D08:28
mvobeside the code one concern is that we need a clenaup action in the archive08:29
mvoto find out about the bogus suggests08:29
mvowhen we did that with recommends it took quite a while to find and fix them08:29
vishmvo: yeah , exactly! mpt mentioned that we can expect a lot of bugs due to wrong suggests.. so trying to be ready ;)08:31
slomorobert_ancell: no idea, sorry08:31
mvovish: :)08:31
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slomorobert_ancell: no idea about the cheese bug, the bug reports are full of noise08:37
robert_ancellslomo, yeah, I couldn't find anything concrete.  Did the pipeline I put in the Ubuntu bug make sense?  It looks like a v4l/gst issue to me08:38
slomorobert_ancell: well, you should add a queue between the v4l2src and the next element... should improve everything a bit08:41
slomorobert_ancell: and are you running with gst-plugins-good or .3?08:42
slomorobert_ancell: you should report a bug with your pipeline (+ queue) against gst-plugins-good in gnome bugzilla08:44
robert_ancellslomo, ok, will do08:45
slomorobert_ancell: and the debug output you get if you set GST_DEBUG=v4l*:5,theora*:5,GST_QOS:5 before running that pipeline08:45
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seb128lut huats09:02
pittihey seb12809:02
seb128hey pitti09:02
huatshello seb128 and pitti09:02
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* vish twiddles fingers.. lp locked down!09:10
mvohrm, I can see that LP is down, but why does code.launchpad.net has to be down as well :/09:13
* mvo wants to merge branches09:13
seb128great timing they picked again for that...09:14
mvoit just feature freeze day09:14
vishwe should get /extra time/ when they do that! :D09:15
ajmitchpitti: sorry, was responding to your statement about assuming NM is available, I'd been bitten by an annoying bug with U1 related to that :)09:17
ajmitchcode should not silently fail just because the interface is up but isn't being controlled by NM09:20
pittijames_w: is there a trick to convince bzr mu to do the first-ever import of an orig.tar.bz2?09:27
pittijames_w: it keeps telling me "bzr: ERROR: The target file system-config-date_1.9.60.orig.tar.bz2 already exists,..."09:27
seb128huats, lut09:44
seb128slomo, hi, the update from yesterday didn't fix the video recording issue...09:45
seb128the performance issue09:45
devildantemvo: I fixed the issues you mentionned in the review of my addons branch. Please re-check :)10:04
mvodevildante: many thanks, I will do as soon as launchpad is back10:06
devildantemvo: please re-check the tests, it's the first time I've written one and I don't know if I've done it well10:06
devildantemvo: should I ask mpt about the issue with the install button?10:07
mptGood morning mvo, how's things10:07
mvompt: good morning. good10:08
devildantempt: hi mpt :)10:09
mvompt: we are looking at the addons branch currently and there are two issues with the design I would like to get input on10:09
mvosee https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ilidrissi.amine/software-center/addons/+merge/3094610:09
mptok, I'll re-pull10:09
mptbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ilidrissi.amine/software-center/addons/".10:11
mptthat's odd10:11
mvolaunchpad is down10:11
mvoI think its a trick to ensure we don't work too hard on feature freeze day10:11
devildantemvo: but it's a read-only operation10:11
devildantemvo: :p10:11
mvoDOWN ;)10:12
mvobut yeah10:12
kiwinotemvo: does "software-center search:app that does something" seem good syntax for opening s-c with a searchterm preloaded?10:12
mvoI don't quite understand why checkouts are no longer possible10:12
mvokiwinote: yes, I wonder if it would make sense to try to be compatible why the aptitude search synatax (at least a little bit) its pretty powerful10:13
mvokiwinote: hm, maybe --search instead?10:14
kiwinotemvo: could do, although I thought that "software-center --search:apt apt:abiword" wouldn't make much sense..10:14
mvokiwinote: yeah, that is true10:15
mvokiwinote: search:pattern is fine10:16
tjaaltonis there a way to stop desktopcouch from filling my $HOME on nfs with useless logfiles?10:16
mvokiwinote: I will check your other branches (especially the speed one) today too10:18
kiwinotemvo: just a few notes about the speed branch:10:19
kiwinotemvo: the sc-and-the-need-for-speed was very fast, but I have spent quite some time trying to get it up to date with trunk. I constantly seemed to get some quite random regressions.10:20
devildantekiwinote: I think you'll have some problems when my addons branch gets merged, since it's not snappy10:21
kiwinotemvo: so I started work on the startup-speed branch which is not at all as fast yet, but I'm basically applying the same sorts of changes on a fresh copy of trunk10:21
kiwinotedevildante: I'll diagnose it once it lands ;)10:22
mvokiwinote: yeah, I noticed that. I like the startup-speed one. the other one is super-fast, but a bit hard to follow10:22
mvokiwinote: so this way I can merge it bit by bit10:22
kiwinotemvo: yeah, I'm doing nice neat commits now ;)10:22
devildantemvo: forgot to tell you that icons for add-ons are finally working :)10:22
mvokiwinote: :)10:22
mvodevildante: sweet10:23
mvodevildante: how do you feel about navigation ?10:23
mvodevildante: to be able to get from the addon description to the page?10:23
slomoseb128: i talked with robert ancell about it already, he's going to file a useful bug without noise against gstreamer later ;)10:23
devildantemvo: that's a little slow10:24
seb128slomo, ok thanks10:24
devildantemvo: I think some tweaks will do the trick10:24
mptmvo, you mean navigating to the screen for each individual add-on?10:24
devildantempt: I thought he were talking about getting to the appdetailsview10:26
devildantempt: maybe I didn't understand?10:26
mvompt: being able to get more info about the addon10:26
mptI haven't figured out a nice way to do that yet10:26
mptI thought maybe an arrow button at the trailing end of each checkbox, but that would be zig-zaggy because the checkbox labels are different lengths10:27
devildantempt: for now, I've added the pkgname near each add-on10:27
devildantempt: maybe converting these to links that leads to their description will do the trick?10:28
mptI'll have a look when Launchpad gets back, but I doubt it'll look good to show add-on package names10:29
devildantempt: should I remove the pkgnames then?10:30
mptI'll have a look when Launchpad gets back10:30
devildantempt: well, bilalakhtar on ubuntu-bugs is screaming that LP IS UP!! :p10:31
mptah, so it is10:31
seb128which is wrong10:31
seb128still getting connection refused errors there10:32
devildanteseb128: but they have removed the message10:32
mptme too10:33
mvompt: I like something that gives me a indication of the name (appname or pkgname) in the addon line but I can see that its a problem because the space is small10:33
mptSo, Launchpad isn't up enough for me to check out a branch, but it is up enough for me to have reported the bug about not being able to check out the branch10:34
seb128now lp is up enough to do checkouts10:35
seb128you can resume work ;-)10:36
devildanteoh yeah, IT'S WORKING!! :p10:36
mvoits back10:38
* pitti was desperately waiting, too10:38
mvompt: my other point is the install button moving down, with gimp and the default window size the button is entirely off the screen10:39
devildantemvo: I did that according to the software-center spec10:40
mptYes, that's my fault10:41
mptI left that ambiguous10:41
mvodevildante: I know, this is why I wanted to talk to mpt about it10:43
mvoagain, its a little bit tricky to find a good place as the addon list can be long(ish)10:44
seb128pitti, is there any reason bug #595096 is incomplete?10:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 595096 in ubuntu-sso-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[MIR] ubuntu-sso-client (affects: 1) (heat: 71)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59509610:44
pittiseb128: I don't think so; I set it back to new10:46
seb128pitti, thanks10:46
mptdevildante, your calculation of download + installed size is great, but it should be shown even for items that don't have any add-ons. Could you fix that while you're waiting for me to sort out the button placement? Show it in a row like the Version, License, and Updates are. <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=software-item-screens.jpg>10:47
devildantempt: you mean, calculate download + install size for the application?10:48
mptdevildante, yes10:49
devildantempt: okay, will do it now10:49
mptdevildante, search for the string "Text describing" in the spec10:49
devildantempt: thank you ! :)10:52
devildantempt: about the amount of space free, how will we do that? maybe the user has a /usr partition, and we're installing to both /etc and /usr (for example)10:54
mptergh, really?10:54
mptDo we still know, ahead of time, whether there's enough free disk space? I.e. do we know how much more space will be taken up on /etc and on /usr?10:55
devildantempt: I think we could know the total size10:56
mvompt: we just know how much we need on "/"10:56
mvonot how its distributed inside the deb10:56
mvoi.e. the kernel will need a lot in /boot10:56
mvoX a lot in /usr10:56
mvosomething else only /sbin10:56
mvoso for a system with multiple mounts its complicated10:57
mptSo knowing the installed size doesn't protect you from running out of disk space10:57
mvocorrect, a common problem is /boot being too small10:57
mvothe upgrader tries very hard to guess based on estimates and patterns etc, but it does not always get it right too (but its pretty good at it)10:58
mvoyep :/11:01
rodrigo_seb128, please merge this -> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/maverick/tomboy/fix-u1-note/+merge/3242911:01
mvothe inperfect reality11:01
mptdevildante, I found a bug: 1. Navigate to Gimp, check/uncheck one of the add-ons. Now back up and navigate to any other software item. The item screen still contains "Cancel" and "Apply Changes" when you haven't made any changes, and even if that item has no add-ons at all.11:01
seb128rodrigo_, ok11:01
seb128rodrigo_, hey btw, how are you11:01
rodrigo_seb128, fine, thanks11:01
rodrigo_and you?11:01
devildantempt: will check11:01
seb128rodrigo_, lot to do this week but I'm alright otherwise ;-)11:02
rodrigo_seb128, yeah, very busy week, indeed :)11:02
devildantempt: true11:03
tjaaltonrodrigo_: are you a desktopcouch upstream dev?11:03
rodrigo_tjaalton, not really, but I'm close, what's up?11:04
tjaaltonrodrigo_: I'd like to be able to disable logging altogether11:04
tjaaltonit's not nice on NFS etc11:04
rodrigo_tjaalton, right11:04
tjaaltonand we have 20000 users ;)11:04
tjaaltongranted only some will use gwibber11:05
tjaaltonbut for instance my logfiles take 400MB11:05
tjaaltondespite it rotating the logs11:05
devildantempt: fixed in 2 lines of code :p11:06
tjaaltonrodrigo_: I'd be happy to disable it locally by patching the current version in lucid, but a long-term solution would be nice11:07
rodrigo_tjaalton, yes, if you have a patch, propose it for merging11:07
rodrigo_tjaalton, a good way would be to have a command line argument, or a setting in the config file11:08
mptdevildante, ok, I think I've worked out a solution, but it will take me a wee while to sketch it out11:08
devildantempt: okay11:09
tjaaltonrodrigo_: I'll have a look, thanks11:10
mptdevildante, basically, instead of the "installed state bar" and the "availability state bar" that the spec talks about, there'll be an installed state bar that's always at the top (just below the icon + title + summary), and a separate add-ons state bar that appears only when you're changing add-ons for something that's already installed.11:11
rodrigo_tjaalton, if you want to discuss further details, CardinalFang on #ubuntuone is an upstream developer11:12
tjaaltonrodrigo_: ok, I might11:13
tjaaltonwell, should really11:13
mptdevildante, so, move the current bar back to the top. Then have a new bar that appears only when both (1) the main item is installed and (2) you've twiddled the checkboxes11:14
mptDoes that make sense?11:15
devildantempt: yes11:16
kiwinotedevildante: do you mind pushing the latest version of your branch?11:20
devildantekiwinote: lemme fix some little things and I'll push it :)11:21
devildantempt, like this: http://i.imgur.com/XaRtS.png ?11:21
kiwinotedevildante: sure, thanks11:21
devildantekiwinote: np :)11:21
mptdevildante, that's a start. :-) Now reverse the order of the buttons ( Cancel ) ( Apply Changes ) , capitalize "Changes", and add a background color the same as the installed state bar11:22
devildantempt: okay11:23
mptdevildante, for the package names, what do you think about making them light grey and clickable?11:25
didrocksvish: did you try removing the saved session? re: panel issue on unity11:32
vishdidrocks: i dint have any saved sessions to begin with11:32
didrocksvish: ok, so this is a different issue11:32
didrocksvish: not conflicting systray11:32
devildantempt: I'll see11:33
vishdidrocks: we should probably split the bug?11:33
didrocksvish: right11:33
devildantempt: is this close to what you want: http://i.imgur.com/WXp0i.png11:33
vishcool ,11:33
* vish files another bug11:33
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vishmpt: Remove + Apply Changes , Cancel are all in the same page. but they are not all related.. info overloading.. :s   why apply changes *and* cancel , could we just use it as as single button?  "Install Addons" <-> "Remove Addons" depending on the changes , now it would probably we weird if we are installing some and removing at the same time.. hmm..11:36
vish*be weird11:37
devildantevish: cancel means reverting the changes before even applying them11:37
vishdevildante: got that , but the buttons in the same page are all not the same function , "Remove" is a separate entity from the changes below , in other prefs dialogues , Apply Changes , will mean applying changes to whatever we have done in the whole page11:38
devildantevish: what about "apply changes to add-ons" or "apply add-ons changes"?11:39
mptvish, they'll be in different parts of the screen, immediately below the things they apply to. "Remove" will be immediately below the title and summary of the main item. "Cancel" and "Apply Changes" will be immediately below the add-ons section.11:40
devildantempt: is the above image what you want?11:40
mptah, sorry, didn't see that one11:40
mvoseb128: eh, did something in gtk treeview change? gtk_tree_view_remove_column seems to take endless time (within the seconds range)11:41
mptdevildante, getting closer. :-) Now make "Total size:" a separate row, like "Version:" and "License:" are (but above the bar, not below it). Remember, size should be shown even when you haven't made any add-ons changes, and even when there are no add-ons at all.11:41
vishmpt: right , but still they are in a single page which means the "Apply changes" doesnt control the "Remove" , from the current screenshot , it seems we have to Select "remove" and then "Apply Changes"11:42
mptvish, nothing controls the "Remove". It's a button.11:42
devildantempt: does total size also include add-ons size or only the main pkg?11:42
mptdevildante, both.11:43
mpthence "total"11:43
devildantempt: okay11:43
devildantempt: but then, the "apply changes" bar shouldn't have a Total size label. What should we put there?11:44
vishmpt: exactly! , it is not controlled by the "Apply changes" , which is what i'm trying to get at , we probably need to name the button below better.  Now imagine what happens when someone is trying to add.   "Install" will be separate from the addons , we need to make it a single action11:44
mptdevildante, the total price of any new add-ons you've selected. Usually that will be "Free".11:45
devildantempt: okay11:45
vishanyways.. /me goes on with filing a bug about unity ;)11:46
mptvish, just hang tight for a few minutes until I've finished this sketch of the different situations. I think it'll be fine.11:46
devildanteoh god, that means more work for me :p11:47
seb128mvo, not that I know, did that start recently?11:51
mvoseb128: not sure, I have a workaround11:52
mvoseb128: off to lunch11:52
seb128mvo, enjoy11:52
seb128I'm just back from lunch11:52
devildantemvo: what is app_details.price equal to when the app is purchasable?11:53
vishcheckbox it! :D11:55
vishoops! late comment!11:56
devildantevish: ???11:56
mvodevildante: a string other than "" basicly11:57
* mvo is really off for lunch now11:57
devildantemvo: okay, take your time :)11:57
vishdevildante: nah.. was about to say , instead of the "install/remove" button we can make it a checkbox , but mp-t  is already working on it :)   hit enter in the wrong window only now!11:58
devildantevish: a checkbox in this case sounds weird to me11:59
devildantevish: then again, I'm not a designer :p11:59
vishdevildante: mp-t in on it... no worry for us ;p11:59
devildantevish: okay :)11:59
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ograseb128, since the 9th our armel omap4 images cant run oem-config anymore and it looks like thats caused by debus not being able to start, did you get any similar bugreports since your upload on monday ?12:20
seb128ogra, no12:20
ograhmm, k12:21
mptdevildante: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=software-item-screens.jpg12:43
devildantempt: what did you add? (I don't see any change, sorry)12:44
mptdevildante, it moves the "Install" button up to the top in "Get Software" (as it is in trunk), and shows the position of "Total size" relative to "Cancel / Apply Changes"12:45
devildantempt: okay12:45
mptvish, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=software-item-screens.jpg12:48
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devildantempt, is this better: http://imgur.com/x0pC5.png12:55
vishmpt: now , we can select the checkboxes and install at the top will install even the addons?  and once the main package is installed , the addons have the "cancel" "apply changes" hidden and once the addon i selected those buttons are revealed?12:56
mptvish, exactly.12:56
devildantevish: yes12:56
mptdevildante, progress!12:56
mptgood work12:56
mptdevildante, next, tweak the "Cancel"/"Apply Changes" bar so that it always has exactly the same padding, colors etc as the "Remove" bar does, even if we change the "Remove" bar later12:57
devildantempt: what do you mean? (still pretty new to the gtk world)12:58
mptdevildante, currently there's zero spacing between the left edge of the box and the left edge of the "Free". There should be the same spacing as there is between the left edge of the box and the left edge of the "Installed on 2010-07-26". Using the same constant.13:00
vishmpt: what do you think about disabling the "Remove", when the "cancel" and "apply changes" buttons are displayed?  and "remove" is enabled only when addons selection is cancelled?13:00
devildantempt: Okay13:00
mptdevildante, and the same for the spacing between the top and bottom of the bar and the top and bottom of the buttons.13:00
devildantempt: that should teach me to use gtk.Alignment :p13:01
mptvish, why? What would we be preventing?13:01
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vishmpt: we are exposing two actions, which are almost contrary in function.. why do both need to be active at the same time?13:02
=== devildante-busy- is now known as devildante
mptvish, because you might change your mind. :-) "Cancel" isn't logically necessary here, it's just a convenience button to reset all the checkboxes.13:03
mptvish, but if we found that people were accidentally removing something when they meant to change its add-ons, your suggestion would make a lot of sense.13:04
vishsomehow that screen still makes me a bit queasy :)13:06
devildantempt: about your "add-on clickable" suggestion, do you have a piece of code to do that?13:06
devildante(if anyone else does, then tell me)13:07
mptdevildante, the "Website" link is clickable, you could copy that13:07
didrocksmvo: hey, do you know if there is a ppa with compiz 0.9 hanging on launchpad?13:07
mvodidrocks: there is a brnach13:07
devildantempt: I meant, click on the add-on, and open another appdetailsview13:07
didrocksmvo: cool! I'm looking for it13:08
mvodidrocks: if its good than we can upload it into the ~compiz ppa (maybe creating a experimental one first for 0.9)13:08
mvodidrocks: ~compiz is the team I can add you13:08
didrocksmvo: found it: lp:~amaranth/compiz/0.9 :)13:09
didrocksmvo: if you can add me, I will be deligthed ;)13:09
mvodidrocks: welcome to ~compiz, you are the official maintainer now thxbye13:09
ronocbl8: ping13:09
mvodevildante: I can help with that13:09
didrocksmvo: ahah! that was the trap :-)13:09
didrocksmvo: thanks *you* ;)13:09
mvodidrocks: :)13:10
devildantemvo: is it simple, or does it require work?13:10
devildante(we programmers are lazy :p)13:10
mvodevildante: it *should* be simple, but reality sometimes thinks differently. let me poke it a little bit13:11
devildantemvo: okay13:11
devildantekiwinote: I just pushed my addons branch, you can check it out now :)13:12
kiwinotedevildante: thanks, I'll take a look13:13
mptdevildante, sorry if this is going to be really hard to fix, but: When I click any of the checkbox labels, nothing happens13:22
devildantempt: you mean that clicking on a checkbox works, but clicking on the label doesn't?13:23
mptdevildante, yes13:23
devildantempt: I *think* it should be easy to fix13:24
devildantempt: but I'll see13:24
mvodevildante: I work on the navigation now13:25
devildantemvo: thanks :)13:25
mvodevildante: chech the mvo branch please13:33
mvodevildante: its not prefect as the history seems to get confused by it currently13:33
mvodevildante: but that seems to be "just" a bug13:33
vishmpt: remember your nautilus file operations specs?   someone is working on making it a reality ! > http://home.cs.tum.edu/~sickert/screen2.png :)13:36
devildantemvo: thanks13:38
james_wpitti: please file a bug with more details, I'm not sure why you would get that error.13:39
pittijames_w: asked the other way round: if I do a package from scratch, how do I properly import the first-ever upstream tarball?13:40
devildantemvo: did you push it? seems that r941 is not there13:40
james_wpitti: bzr dh-make13:40
pittijames_w: bzr mu works fine for already existing lp:ubunut/ branches, but not for initial import aparently13:40
pittijames_w: ooh13:41
james_wpitti: use --bzr-only if you want to do something other that dh-make to create the debian skeleton13:41
pittijames_w: that was the missing link. Thank you!13:41
james_wpitti: run it in a branch of upstream and pass it a tarball URI13:41
pittijames_w: oh, it's a completely fresh "bzr init" -- upstream is in git13:41
pitti(or, rather, it was  -- I just packaged it using merge mode now)13:42
james_wpitti: ok, just do it in a non-bzr-directory then13:42
james_w(you could do it in a bzr-git branch of upstream :-)13:42
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devildantemvo: can we attach a gtk.widget to a gtk.checkbutton?13:46
mvodevildante: not sure about checkbuttons, for normal buttons you can do that. what do you have in mind?13:48
devildantemvo: mpt said that when you click on a checkbutton label, nothing works (as excepted, because the label is not attached to the checkbutton in my code)13:49
devildantenot attached because I have to show the add-on icon13:49
devildanteso I'd like to attach a gtk.label and gtk.image to a gtk.checkbutton13:50
mvodevildante: aha, hm. but what is the clicked in order to navigate to the addon itself?13:50
james_wpitti: did it work?13:51
mvodevildante: r942 contains another small fix, instead of creating a new cache it will just reuse the exisitng one13:51
devildantemvo: thanks13:51
pittijames_w: oh, I didn't try yet -- I already uploaded the package (in NEW now), and will just use the auto-import, I guess13:51
james_wah, ok13:52
pittijames_w: but there will certainly be another package soon :)13:52
* pitti tries it in /tmp anyway13:52
devildantemvo: you didn't push it to your addons branch13:52
mvor942, no?13:52
devildantemvo: https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/software-center/addons is still stuck at r93713:53
pittijames_w: I tried "bzr dh-make --bzr-only system-config-date 1.9.60 system-config-date_1.9.60.orig.tar.bz2"13:53
pittijames_w: that seems to work, but it autogenerated a system-config-date_1.9.60.orig.tar.gz13:54
pittijames_w: it doesn't work for .tar.bz2 yet?13:54
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mvodevildante: uhhh, push now, sorry13:54
devildantemvo: np :)13:54
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james_wpitti: --v3 if you want a v3 package13:55
pittijames_w: ah, right; that exposes the exact same problem as merge-upstream13:56
pitti$ bzr dh-make --bzr-only --v3 system-config-date 1.9.60 system-config-date_1.9.60.orig.tar.bz213:56
pittiFetching tarball13:56
pittibzr: ERROR: File exists: 'system-config-date_1.9.60.orig.tar.bz2'13:56
mvodevildante: its there now13:56
devildantemvo: merged it :)13:56
pittijames_w: so I guess I should file a bug after all13:56
james_wpitti: please run again with -Derror and file a bug13:57
devildantemvo: can't we just put the addon arrow next to the app arrow?13:57
mvodevildante: sure13:57
mvodevildante: fine with me as well13:58
mvodevildante: eh, silly quest. does gtk.CheckButton.set_label(description) not work?13:58
devildantemvo: yes, but doesn't work if I want a gtk.Image *and* a gtk.label (like our addons example)13:59
pittijames_w: done, bug 616786 ; thanks!14:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 616786 in bzr-builddeb (Ubuntu) "dh-make and merge-upstream choke on orig.tar.bz2 imports (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61678614:02
devildantemvo: so we *can* put the addon arrow next to the app arrow? how can we do that?14:03
mvodevildante: hold on a sec, I can add the code for it I think, let me look at it14:04
mptdevildante, what arrows are these?14:05
james_wpitti: thanks14:08
devildantempt: when clicking on the checkbutton label, software-center should navigate to the addon appdetailsview (if you're okay with that :) )14:14
mptdevildante, what I suggested was that clicking on the add-on package name should navigate to its screen. Clicking on the rest of the label should check/uncheck the checkbox.14:15
mvodevildante: http://paste.ubuntu.com/476932/ to make it a full button, but that overshadows unfortunately the clickable other bits14:17
mpt[/] [] Print plugin for the gimp (gimp-gutenprint)14:17
mpt    ^-----checks/unchecks------^  ^--navigates--^14:17
mvodevildante: so I guess its not a winner :/14:17
mvodevildante: but it should illustrate the principle that the button is just a container (well, a bin14:17
devildantemvo: thanks :)14:17
mvodevildante: cheers :)14:18
mvodevildante: I think for mpt suggestion we need to keep the hbox, and then just make the first part the checkbox and the rest the hlinkbutton, that should work for left-to-right languages as well I think14:19
mvo(that was the only thing that I was wondering about)14:19
mvompt: I like this idea14:19
devildantemvo: I agree14:19
devildantemvo: so who shall implement this? you or me? :)14:20
mptdevildante, once that's fixed, I think it's ready to merge design-wise14:20
devildantempt: :)14:20
* mpt wonders why he can't find Firefox in USC at all14:20
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devildantempt: well, I found it :p14:21
mvofirst hit for me14:21
pittimpt: hm, I just type "fire" in the search bar, and it's the first result..14:21
mvompt: local checkout? try rm data/xapian/* -- maybe the db is really old14:21
pittityping "fox" is more funny14:21
pittibut again first hit for "browser"14:22
mvo"hot" give me jdk6 as first hit - i wonder if that is a bug or a feature14:22
mptWhat about "cool"? :-)14:22
pittimvo: you can install sofware-center from software-center??14:23
devildantemvo: "using hotspot"14:23
* pitti chuckles -- try "michael"14:23
pittimichael -> Lgeneral14:23
mptmvo, doing the rm and searching for "firefox" from trunk r1014 on trunk gives me (1) Gnome Do, (2) Prism, (3) Gnash, (4) Mozilla Firefox installer for Kubuntu, (5) BleachBit14:23
mvopitti: I think you can, its a bit complicated, you need to have it open, uninstall, wait, then it should be possible to install it :P14:23
mvopitti: lol@michael14:24
mvopitti: guess what martin finds?14:24
devildantepitti: or you can uninstall the system one from the trunk14:24
mvopitti: a calculator!14:24
mvopitti: but one with cool alpha-blending :P14:24
devildantepitti: but that's not funny :p14:24
pittimvo: there seems to be some randomness here14:24
pittimvo: at my first try it was a latex package, now I get gdeskcal indeed :)14:24
mvososo, latex14:25
pittimvo: it's a calendar, not a calculator, BTW14:25
devildantemvo: so you want me to implement the above bits?14:25
pittimvo: yummy :)14:25
mvopitti: meh, a calculator would have been more fun :/14:25
devildantemvo: or you implement them yourself?14:25
mvodevildante: that would be cool (if you don't mind)14:25
devildantemvo: np :)14:25
mvompt: matthew has "Concise Commentary for SWORD"14:26
mvoso much fun14:26
mvompt: hm, odd, let me try trunk again14:26
pittimvo: and I really had expected a nice easter egg for typing sabdfl!14:27
mptmartin similarly has "SWORD module of Martin Luther's 1545 German bible"14:27
mptwhich reveals a text wrapping bug in the software item screen!14:27
pittihahaha -- try "fedora"14:27
mptSo, this exercise wasn't completely useless14:27
pittimpt: I'm so sorry for totally abusing your serious discussion here14:28
nessitahello people!14:28
pittihey nessita, how are you?14:28
mvompt: no luck, trunk seems to be doing fine, I just removed the db, still get good results14:28
mptmvo, sorry, by "trunk r1014 on trunk" I meant "trunk r1014 on 10.04". It might be something in xapian that's fixed in Maverick.14:28
mvohey nessita14:29
nessitapitti: hey there! I'm great :-)14:29
mvompt: oh, ok. I don't have a 10.04 machine here14:29
nessitamvo: hello! good news: last night we packaged latest USSOC code, which has everything you used so far plus password reset working from the UI14:30
mptohhhhhh, that's interesting14:31
devildantemvo: patch you gave me doesn't apply correctly14:32
mvonessita: cool, the s-c in maverick is using it already :P I uploaded it last night14:32
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mvodevildante: I can make a proper commit, give me 5 minutes or so14:33
nessitaseb128: hi! thanks for merging the ussoc package14:33
nessitamvo: wooohoooo!14:33
seb128hey nessita, thanks for the great work on that14:34
devildantemvo: okay, take your time14:35
mvonessita: it was pretty trivial as you have the same signals as I have in my code. I guess that is a good sign :) so it was really simple to port14:35
mptmvo, devildante: That first match for "martin", sword-text-gerlut1545, is correctly marked as "Enhances: sword-frontend". So it should show up in the USC add-ons branch as an add-on for BibleTime and for Xiphos Bible Guide, but it doesn't.14:35
nessitamvo: that's awesome, really. I'm very, very happy that we've been able to put this together. Congrats!14:36
mptmvo, devildante: Because the add-ons definition doesn't take Provides: into account.14:36
mvonessita: congrats to you, you had to firefight on the last day (well, more firefighting to do at least)14:36
mptThank you for your hard work, nessita14:37
nessitait was sooo much fun, I enjoyed it a lot14:37
nessitampt: np. Alecu worked on this a lot, too14:38
devildantempt: so what should we add to the spec?14:38
mptdevildante, I guess changing "A Enhances X" to "A Enhances X, or a virtual package that X provides"14:39
mptmvo, is that the correct terminology?14:39
mvompt: right, I guess it goes both ways. "or a virtual package that X provides"  and "or a virtual packages that provides X"14:41
devildantemvo: how do we know if a package is virtual or not?14:43
mptmvo, I'm not sure what you mean by "a virtual package that provides X". When A Provides B, B is always virtual, right?14:43
devildantemvo: nvm, found how14:46
devildantehi ara :)14:46
arahey devildante14:47
mvompt: right, but there are cases where there is also a real package of that name. packages like mail-transport-agent have no real pkgs, but other packages may exist as real and virtual ones (usual with conflicts/provides/replaces)14:47
mptmvo, ah, so for example we could have software-center "Provides: gdebi" without necessarily "Conflicts: gdebi"14:48
mvompt: yes14:49
mvompt: that would mean that a package that depends on gdebi will also be happy if s-c is installed14:49
seb128pitti, how busy are you right now?14:52
nessitahey guys, installing today's updates I've got: dpkg: version '/etc/ufw/applications.d' has bad syntax: invalid character in version number14:53
mptdevildante, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter?action=diff&rev2=420&rev1=41914:55
devildantempt: thanks :)14:56
nessitamvo: I'me getting zillion of these, is it ok? https://pastebin.canonical.com/35794/14:56
pittiseb128: fairly, I'm afraid; talking to some people, working on an urgent bug, and I need to run out for about 2 hours in 5 mins14:56
mvonessita: no, I will debug14:57
pittiseb128: what's up?14:57
pittiseb128: I'll return to work for another 45 min or so after that, but this week I'm on an early shift again (starting at 6)14:57
seb128pitti, no worry, that was for some new review but I switched to that now and I'm doing it14:58
seb128pitti, busy day there as well with other team trying to get all their changes uploaded and reviewed14:58
seb128or the other way around, reviewed and uploaded ;-)14:58
nessitamvo: let me know if I can help14:59
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
mvodevildante: I pushed r943 that should roughly work and include the UI stuff we talked about15:01
devildantemvo: thanks :) does it include the "virtual package" bit we just talked about?15:01
mvodevildante: no, sorry. I need to think aobut it a little bit15:03
devildantemvo: okay :)15:03
mvodevildante: pushed another minor update15:04
devildantemvo: thank you :)15:06
mvomy pleasure to work with!15:07
devildantemvo: :)15:07
devildantemvo: just pushed r942 which should include your changes :)15:08
nessitaseb128: have a few minutes for a couple of naive questions?15:08
* mvo pulls15:08
devildantemvo: nothing has changed, it's a pristine copy of yours :)15:08
mvook :)15:09
seb128nessita, sort of, busy but I can do async replies, just ask ;-)15:09
seb128rickspencer3, hey15:09
devildantemeh, I'd really like to learn how to do great design like you :)15:09
devildanteall of you :)15:09
nessitaseb128: how can I confirm if the latest ussoc is apt-installable?15:10
seb128nessita, use a pbuilder and pbuilder login15:10
seb128then sudo apt-get update15:10
seb128sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sso-client15:10
seb128nessita, I can do that for you if you want, I've a pbuilder there15:10
seb128nessita, or just start a liveCD and try15:11
nessitaseb128: sorry, I think I wrote it wrong. How can I know if the package I submit is available in the repos for the rest of the world? :-)15:11
seb128or try on a maverick machine15:11
seb128nessita, oh15:11
rickspencer3afternoon seb12815:11
seb128nessita, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-sso-client15:11
seb128nessita, click on the version15:11
seb128then on the build you want15:11
seb128ie here i38615:11
seb128nessita, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-sso-client/0.99-0ubuntu1/+build/191567315:12
seb128nessita, it's usually available 2 hours after build15:12
nessitaseb128: grrrreat, thanks! I'll bookmark those urls15:12
seb128so that one is available for your users for 2 hours15:12
nessitaseb128: why does it say "Uploaded by: pycassos 4 hours ago"15:13
nessitaseb128: pycassos is a team I belong to but has nothing to do with ubuntu-sso15:13
seb128nessita, that's an excellent question and I don't know, ask #launchpad I guess15:15
seb128could be a launchpad bug15:15
nessitaseb128: I will, thanks!15:15
seb128nessita, it matches your email to that team15:15
seb128nessita, do you have your gmail email registered for your lp account?15:15
nessitaseb128: yeah, also canonical's15:15
seb128nessita, seems not15:16
seb128nessita, no, https://edge.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart15:16
seb128nessita, you don't have the gmail with the "."15:16
seb128nessita, you have a version without "."15:16
nessitabut is the same! :-D15:16
seb128well it can't know ;-)15:16
seb128it does exact matching I guess15:16
seb128and it doesn't find the one you used in the changelog for your lp account15:16
nessitaseb128: I'll fix that (somehow)15:17
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rodrigo_hmm, trying to apply a patch on a package using 'bzr bd ...', it fails, with no error messages, and no .rej files, so is there any place where I can see where the patch failed?16:14
didrocksrodrigo_: normally, you still have the build-area/packagename-version if the build failed16:19
didrocksrodrigo_: it's in the parent dir16:19
rodrigo_didrocks, I don't see any .rej file there16:19
* rodrigo_ looks again16:19
didrocksrodrigo_: is it cdbs?16:19
rodrigo_no, quilt16:20
didrocksrodrigo_: ok, you need to try to apply the patch explicitely so that you get the .rej16:20
didrocksrodrigo_: like quilt push -f 10_…16:20
james_wis there anyone here that sees the "policykit dialog hangs after entering password bug"?16:28
james_wthe one where the password entry disappears, but everything else remains, and then it just times out16:28
seb128mvo, should bug #613743 be closed?17:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 613743 in update-manager (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "update-manager cpu-bound for a long time opening (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61374317:16
seb128mvo, there is a patch on the bug, not sure if it's similar to what you did17:17
devildanteseb128: I think this bug has been fixed (I was affected but not affected anymore now)17:17
seb128devildante, right, see current bug comment17:18
devildanteseb128: okay, let's wait mvo verdict/judgment/whatever :p17:19
devildanteseb128: but I'm pretty sure python-apt has nothing to do with that17:19
mptdevildante, so, what's up? Still waiting for review?17:35
devildantempt: yep17:35
devildantempt: and still haven't fixed virtual package issue, because mvo said he'll think about it17:36
mptThe virtual package issue isn't a blocker, it's a false negative17:36
mptIf it was a false positive, that would be a problem17:36
devildantefalse negative? false positive? I'm confused :p17:37
seb128rodrigo_, hey, will you get an update upload for bug #591873 in?17:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 591873 in couchdb-glib (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "couchdb-glib sets its own, custom log handler for the g_debug (affects: 1) (heat: 62)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59187317:37
mptdevildante, false negative = item not showing up as an add-on when it should17:37
rodrigo_seb128, it's already fixed in maverick package, I think17:37
mptdevildante, false positive = item showing up as an add-on when it shouldn't (e.g. the language packs before)17:38
rodrigo_seb128, it was rejected for lucid17:38
devildantempt: okay, thanks :)17:38
seb128rodrigo_, right because the diff uploaded to lucid has vcs noise17:38
rodrigo_ah, will look at it later17:38
seb128rodrigo_, could you get a version without that noise uploaded for lucid?17:38
seb128rodrigo_, thanks, no hurry17:38
mptmvo, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=buy-connecting.jpg17:39
devildantempt: great :)17:39
devildantempt: and would love to buy world of goo via software-center :p17:40
bl8ronoc: pong17:45
ronochey bl817:45
ronocdid you see the spec has finally been finalized17:45
seb128james_w, could you close https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bluetooth/ubuntu/lucid/obexd/main/+merge/24151 as merged, the version there is in lucid17:46
bl8ronoc: hey, yes I saw that. Now I know what I'll be doing during my week-end ;)17:46
ronocbl8: indeed, I'll have a late one tonight, back at it from Sunday night. plans from tmrw afternoon17:47
mvompt: thanks, I saw this17:48
mptmvo, how far did you get with reinstalling previous purchases?17:48
mvompt, devildante: we missed the feature freeze deadline, mail went out some minutes ago17:49
bl8ronoc: I'll ping you when I have something17:49
devildantemvo: argh :(17:49
mvompt: its in17:49
ronocbl8: excellent thx Bertrand17:49
devildantemvo: what is in?17:49
mvodevildante: its not the end of the world, but we now need a feature freeze exception17:49
mvodevildante: the "reinstall previously purchased" feature17:50
devildantemvo: don't worry ;)17:50
* mpt hugs devildante 17:50
* devildante hugs mpt back17:50
devildantemvo: so should I ask for a feature freeze exception?17:50
mptmvo, anything I can do to help get one? (t.b.h. I don't see how we would)17:51
mvono I can talk to the release team tomorrow, unfortunately after that I will be one week on vacation17:52
mptoh, fun17:53
mptmvo, will Gary be back next week?17:53
devildantempt: can I count on you to merge it if they accept? (only if you want :) )17:53
mvowe need to push for it tomorrow17:53
mvompt: gary is also away the next week17:54
mptdevildante, I don't even know if I'm allowed to merge into trunk :-)17:54
mvoI think technically you are17:54
mvobut … ;)17:54
devildantempt: no worries, I won't cry :p17:54
mptI'll get and471 to review all my changes17:55
mvoI will look at the merge for addons tomorrow morning and see what can be done about the FFe17:59
mptok, thanks mvo17:59
mvobut unless it simple/straightforward I think we can pile up stuff in a "to-merge" branch and merge into trunk then17:59
mptmvo, or branch for 3.0 like a normal project does :-)18:00
mvothere has to be someone sponsoring any uploads anyway18:00
devildantemvo: thanks a lot :)18:01
mvompt: right, that is a option as well (also the variantions in "normal" are pretty big sometimes)18:01
marine1installed 4500 officejet all in one everything works correctly except scanner. X-sane does not see any devices18:02
mptThanks for all your work today devildante18:02
mvoI think we are in good shape, this is the only big branch left18:02
* mpt -> home18:02
devildantempt: np :)18:03
devildantemvo:  do you want me to work on something about addons?18:04
mvodevildante: I think so, if you have time, let me quickly look over the diff again18:05
devildantemvo: okay, just order me and I shall code :p18:07
mvoheh :)18:07
mvokiwinote: thanks for your updates, I just merged them18:13
mvokiwinote: it would be cool if we could use the cat_of_apps code to figure out the category for searches too, there is a open bug about that somewhere18:14
mvokiwinote: i.e. search for fire should find firefox and when you click it it opens applications>network>firefox in the pathbar18:14
mvokiwinote: your code seems to solve this problem nicely :)18:14
kiwinotemvo: yep, good idea for the search navigation18:20
kiwinotemvo: just spent the afternoon trying to work out how the accessibility stuff works18:20
mvokiwinote: nice, that is another good one!18:22
mvodevildante: the cache get_changes() method should not call self._cache.clear() as there is a aptcache method that does get_changes as well. could you call it "get_changes_and_clear_afterwards() or somesuch? to not confuse people knowing the apt cache?18:28
devildantemvo: okay :) so it's just a method name change you want?18:29
james_wseb128: done18:30
mvodevildante: yes18:31
devildantemvo: okay, np :)18:32
devildantemvo: done :)18:40
mvothanks devildante18:44
devildantemvo: np :)18:44
seb128james_w, thanks19:00
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pittigood night everyone19:33
rickspencer3'night pitti19:35
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kenvandinejames_w, ping21:50
james_whi kenvandine21:50
kenvandinehey... question about bzr and project names...21:51
kenvandinelibgwibber is a source package21:51
kenvandineand it is a series in the gwibber project21:51
kenvandineshould i be able to push it to ~ubuntu-desktop/libgwibber/ubuntu?21:51
james_wonly project names are valid there21:52
james_wsource packages are ~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/maverick/libgwibber/ubuntu21:52
kenvandineshould i be able to push there?21:52
kenvandineok, that worked21:54
kenvandineseb128, i pushed it there21:54
kenvandinejames_w, thx21:55
seb128kenvandine, ok21:56
kenvandineholy crashing mutter batman!22:09
kenvandineunplugging my power cable sent mutter into a crash/restart loop until i killed gnome-power-manager from a console22:10
kenvandinebut not i can't reproduce it22:10
rickspencer3kenvandine, when will the time indicator start letting me display the date?22:27
seb128rickspencer3, it does22:32
rickspencer3seb128, oh?22:32
seb128rickspencer3, you need to use dconf-editor to set the gsettings though22:32
rickspencer3I just can;t find the option22:32
rickspencer3seb128, fair enough22:32
seb128tedg, ^ any UI planned for maverick?22:32
seb128james_w, can you delete https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jshholland/ubuntu/karmic/pidgin/fix-259793/+merge/12703?22:32
rickspencer3ubuntu tweak ftw22:32
seb128james_w, it's outdated, there is a new one for the current version22:33
tedgseb128, No probably not for Maverick.  You know me, I'm a real stickler for the feature freeze deadlines :)22:33
seb128tedg, what I though ;-)22:33
seb128tedg, would displaying the date by default make sense?22:34
seb128we do that on the desktop...22:34
tedgseb128, Not for netbooks as they're pretty small and it might get in the way of the app menu stuff.  But, on the desktop that'd be fine with me.22:34
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TheMusoGood morning.23:31
rickspencer3hi TheMuso23:34
chrisccoulsonmicahg - one of the things i've noticed with FF4.0 since the changes yesterday, is if you install the alternative branding package with an existing profile, you end up with a mixture of branding :/23:45
chrisccoulsonit seems the original branding is retained in the XUL cache23:45
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure why that used to work though23:45
micahgchrisccoulson: well, I thought the branding was just a set of icons, they might have stuff cached now for speed, idk23:46
chrisccoulsonmicahg - it's the icons and some strings too23:46
chrisccoulsonyou have to delete XUL.mfasl from your profile to get it to apply fully23:47
chrisccoulsonthat used to be deleted on component re-registration, but that's all gone now23:47
chrisccoulsonso i don't know how we get around that one :/23:48
RAOFGood morning fabuous people.23:55
chrisccoulsonhi RAOF!23:56
rickspencer3hey RAOF23:56
* rickspencer3 google "fabous"23:56
RAOFHm.  Perhaps you should google “somewhat tired” :)23:57
chrisccoulsonheh :)23:57
RAOFWow.  Update-manager is kinda neat.  It even tells me that installing these packages will take ~50 minutes in a clean, friendly way.23:59

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